#con talk for ts
kmze · 4 months
Omg there’s a June wedding pin with a just married text on it? That’s soooo cute!! Also apparently there’s a “Caroline’s wedding cake flavor” and Candice herself choose the flavor of the cupcakes 🥹 even when Candice is not attending she is still contributing something to the con. She’s so awesome for that
Yes I took a screenshot isn’t it adorable! Candice would never let us down I knew it, she knew she owed it to Caroline to make sure the cupcakes were the appropriate flavor.
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wri0thesley · 12 days
yandere who watches you line up the plushes they bought you perfectly neatly, rearranging them and talking to them by name, and then rails you with their hand knit roughly into your hair and promises that if you take it like a good little captive and only cry a little bit they’ll buy you a new one next time they go out
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Long post incoming, but I'm super happy right now!
Sooo I've been at Comic Con London this weekend and it was amazing!! 😄
I got to meet Michael Sheen; got both a photo and autograph with him! He made me laugh during the photo op and was such a nice guy to chat to!
I got to meet people that I never thought I would be able to meet, and it was so amazing to see people dressed up in their outfits! 😊 Spent so much money on buying stuff but never mind 😂
I also cosplayed; mainly as Chloe Price from Life is Strange and Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service... And people liked it! I definitely loved it... This whole weekend just made me realise something, I've definitely changed as a person 💙
The me of last year wouldn't have dreamt of going to such a huge convention full of that many people, the me of last year certainly wouldn't have signed up to meet a celebrity and chat with them.
The me of last year would have hated how she looked so much that she wouldn't have dared to try cosplay because she would immediately assume that people would judge her... For the first time in forever, I actually liked how I looked and I enjoyed cosplaying... Maybe a new hobby? 😉 People even asked for pictures with me which was so unexpected...
Who knew that three days would show me just how far I've come 😊💛
For those of you who made it this far... Here's a sneak peak of what I looked like today in my cosplay 😄
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goodnessgraves · 16 days
Hi lovie!! 🎀
Just remembered something deep in my head and thought you'd like it :D So either Graves or Price coughcoughbothcoughcough with this one, but imagining telling the Shadows or the rest of the 141 that their dick is small and you can't even feel it as a joke. Everybody's laughing and it becomes an ongoing joke for a while.
Until they drag you aside and leave you with a limp, and a zipped lip about their small dick. Sorry if this is an awkward little ask, I haven't sent asks like this in a while, please forgive me :')
Love your work bb and make sure you eat food you like, drink plenty of fluids and take/apply any medication you take!!
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F!Reader x John Price and Phillip Graves
Slight dub-con, MMF!Threesome, DomDomSub, degradation
Oh god, they hated that attitude of yours. Acting all big and bad, running your mouth and poking your pretty little head into places where it shouldn’t be.
“Limp dick ass bitch,” you chide.
“Maybe you should take some viagra, hopefully it’ll give you some stamina, can’t even keep up with me in training.”
Your captain and temporary commander come in at the wrong time, mid discussion. Your words go straight to their brains.
Graves, (ever a dog with a bone) calls you into his office with Price to have a meeting about your ‘language’ and ‘behavior’.
“Sweetheart, we’ve talked about this.” Graves is glaring at you, a faux look of anger and disappointment on his face.
“Your behavior is just…”
His lips quirk up.
“It’s shocking, doll.”
Price, your captain, quickly chimes in, taking steps closer to your chair before he’s leaning over it, his face inches from yours.
“We are very disappointed in you.”
He sighs, giving you a look of patronizing sympathy as he reaches up to grab your face, forcing you to lock eyes with him.
“Y’know, we need to discipline you somehow, don’t we, Commander Graves?”
He looks over his shoulder and over at Graves, a wicked smile on the commander’s face.
“Naughty thing you are. You just need us to put you in your place, hm?”
There’s nothing to do but nod.
“Smart girl.” Graves chuckles, slowly walking up behind the chair you’re sitting in, him and price caging you in.
It’s not long before you’re laying back on the desk, fully nude. A cock in your pussy and one in your mouth, not making a peep as they punish you for your behavior.
“Who’s got a small cock, lovie? Hmmm??” He grunts, balls deep in your cunt, there’s nothing you can say, your mouth stuffed with Graves heavy and fat cock.
“Yeah, ‘ts what I thought, dumb slag.”
“Go easy on ‘er, cap. She ain’t got the brains to understand you ain’t bein’ nice. She’s a stupid mutt.”
The room is full of their groans and pants, the slapping of skin, and your muffled moans.
In no time you’re set out of the office, your belt half undone and your hair a mess, limping and coughing.
Guess it pays off to be a mouthy asshole.
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graveeyards · 1 year
Boys night out.
Bakusquad (minus Mina) x ftm reader!!
Warnings: drug usage, non con
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Summary (っ^▿^)
You get a invite from an old friend group for a boys night out…? But you haven’t talk to them for years, it ends up with you spread open in front of 4 men?..
M/n wakes up to a random message at 1:00 am while struggling to sleep he decides to read it knowing he doesn’t keep in contact with many people but when he sees the name “Kiri!🎸🎧” he gets slightly confused *it’s been 5 years?..* M/n thinks to himself but continues to read it
Hey! It’s been a while. me and the boys are Going out tn wanna come?
Uhm sure?
Great! Be ready at 3!
M/n thinks everything is going well until he starts getting woozy and feeling tired ofc he finds the first person he sees Kirishima’s a good friend right…right.? That’s what M/n thought until he soon realized he was the reason for his laced drink
Red - kiri
Orange - Bakugou
“Bakugou u think he’s gonna notice?”
“He won’t notice.. stupid and don’t spill any of the powder..”
“Your so pretty baby.. Hn..ngh The way you tighten around me is so cute M/n Shh… Your okay M/n we gotcha hun..” Kiri groans while stroking your hair and leaving purple n pinkish hickeys on your neck
“Cmonnn.. don’t hog him kiri that’s not nice speaking of the fact I helped u catch him..” Denki moans and pants between your legs lapping at your boy cunt and stroking himself, Before m/n could say anything Kirishima quickly pulled out and Bakugou’s cock was shoved in his mouth making him gag slightly
After katsuki cums down his throat Sero repositions M/n on his lap and begins fucking the knowledge out of m/n
Srry ts is mad rushed
Made my grave yards 😦
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joesalw · 9 months
All of Taylor's albums were tailored to the most popular aesthetic at the time. She didn't make shit popular, she just adapted. Especially when she made the transition into pop music.
True. She's currently jumping fences with rep as well. Making it out to be a goth punk moment and using trendy words like 'female rage'. The album has the most romantic songs she's ever written. C'mon now. The whole record is electropop with some R&B elements thrown into the mix.
She portrays 'Lover' as her social justice warrior era. 'If I was a man, then I'd be the man'. Yeah, we've seen it Taylor. Miss 'me becoming a billionaire is good for the world because I'm a woman'. She makes herself out to be this 'feminist girl's girl' when in reality it couldn't be further from the truth. She's not a feminist and she doesn't want to be the woman that's advocating for women's rights and leads the path for the future generation of women. She wants to be the man at the top. Her motto is literally 'gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss, greenhouse gases'.
Another thing is her queer allyship. She's mentioned it when and only when it was profitable to her. During her tour she hadn't said a thing when the number of states signed anti-trans bills and the state of Tennessee where she says she lives *according to her own documentary* banned drag. I don't think she said anything about the anti-abortion legislation either. Her activist era started and ended in 2019.
Don't get me started on her position regarding the BLM movement. She only posted something because her own fans started calling her out and then declared that she's 'ferociously anti-racist'. She positioned herself as an advocate *by herself* and then immediately dipped when it stopped being as profitable. If you don't want to be dragged for your silence about social and political crises, don't proclaim yourself as an activist. Simple as that.
I've also seen the video on Youtube about TS being a narcissist (someone posted it on your blog earlier I think). And the guy in the video brought up her guitar teacher. So I looked him up and found an article where he talks about his experience with the Swifts which he got sued for later. According to the man, Taylor's mother was interested in him teaching her daughter how to play country music and was just a stage mom in general. And TS says that she'd been begging her parents to allow her learn how to play guitar and that she's self-taught. She wants her success story to be a rags to riches so bad I can't even.
She's a woman with an extremely fragile ego where millions of people could be praising her and a single negative comment would set her off. She can't handle any form of criticism, break ups or inconveniences like a grown woman simply because she doesn't have enough emotional intelligence to do so. Her being surrounded by yes men also doesn't help the situation. If i were her, I'd rather invest in a good therapist rather than 2 PJs. She drowns herself in work and relationships so she doesn't have time to go inwards and sit with her thoughts.
I kinda feel bad for her, honestly. She's been in the industry since she was 15 and her success was almost immediate. She doesn't know what the world's like because she's been sheltered her whole life and then had other people do things for her. I don't think she has many real friends as well. By real I mean people who aren't afraid to tell you the truth and are able to call you out in your face. Instead she has a bunch of people who appease her afraid of pissing her off and ending up on her bad side and as a result her vanity grows and she completely loses any sort of perspective whether in her friendships, romantic relationships or maybe even her own family.
I also wonder what she thinks about her fandom pirating her concert film instead of paying to rent it. I sort of hope that her fans are starting to wake up to her conning schemes. I mean, you've already made a shit ton of money from the theatre release, why charging 20$ more to RENT IT?Not even buy it. Or is it another narrative about how 'no one can own my work but me'?
This woman sells well but her cultural impact is almost nonexistent. She hadn't done any good for the world causes or inspired several generations of performers like Michael Jackson has with his philanthropic endeavors and incredible performing skills. The artists like Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, Justin Timberlake (bleh) and The Weeknd were hugely influenced by MJ. These artist create their own unique legacy and impact on their communities. Especially the ladies. Gaga's been an avid LGBT+ advocate since the beginning of her career and created a foundation that focuses on issues like self-confidence, well-being, anti-bullying, mentoring and career development. She also participated in anti HIV and AIDS campaigns, spoke against immigration laws in the US, contributed to 2011's earthquake and tsunami relief campaign in Japan. Beyoncé's a huge advocate for the black community and black women especially which always finds its way in her work and visual art in particular. She's been platforming black culture and history for her whole career (2016 Superbowl and Coachella performance are the brightest examples of black american culture and releasing her Lion King album to showcase African artists' excellence). She also has a foundation where she provides black youth scholarships, clean water for communities abroad and housing to families in need in her home state.
What exactly makes Taylor Swift's cultural impact? Thousands of tons CO2 emissions? Music labels putting a clause in the contract so the artists can't re-record their material for 10 years now instead of 5? Making several versions of the same CD or vinyl so the sales are bigger? Mind you, that's all excessive plastic and paper. Some countries and US states are banning gas stoves. Her position regarding artists being paid during the early days of streaming (when the platforms were launching with a free period tial) was right but no one really benefited from it but her. She was shitting on Apple Music, then they offered her money, filmed an ad and released her 1989 Tour DVD exclusively on their platform. She shat on Spotify, then when LWYMMD came out, she was all over their biggest playlists all of a sudden and recorded Spotify Singles later on. Spotify's always promoted her every release like a motherfucker shoving her in every corner of the platform. Especially for the past 3 years. She doesn't have any memorable outfits or unique style to be called a fashion icon either. She's not a trailblazer she thinks she is. She is only popular because a lot of people *mostly ww* who peaked in high school see themselves in her. She's average in everything she does, her writing topes are also the same (only now she started using compound or uncommonly used words to mask it) but she's extremely commercially successful so that those people can see themselves in her. She doesn't have unique music style or chameleon-like discography like Gaga, Bey, MJ, Madonna, Shakira, Kelly Clarkson, Miley Cyrus or Nelly Furtado. She doesn't have a unique singing voice like Bjork, David Bowie, Freddie Mercury, Janis Joplin, MJ or Bob Dylan. She's no instrument prodigy either. And swifties say that 'Michael couldn't play any instruments'. Well, he was an exceptional beatboxer. She can strum 4 guitar chords and play basic piano, that's it. She doesn't have an outstanding dancing and/or vocal skill.
What is she gonna be remembered for? Her numerous relationships with famous men? While that might be misogynistic or sexist to some degree, she's the one who makes her relationships the centre of her music and public persona and brings them up even 10 years after they ended. Her public feuds with men and women that she can't get over years after? This woman is certainly can hold a grudge and is extremely vindictive. The leader of a parasocial cult that blindly defends her bigotry? I believe so. I don't think I've ever seen a fandom as toxic and as hive-minded as swifties. And again, it's Taylor's own creation. She's the one that constantly says 'look closely for the easter eggs' in her content making her fans theorize on every aspect of her life, or 'if you're very loyal I might invite you to MY HOUSE and you can listen to the new album early, we'll take pics and I'll bake you some cookies'. Of course they'll follow your any order. I'm glad I escaped.
Oof, I'll stop here. That's a very long one already
sorry hehe
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starwilliams · 2 months
intro :)
hello!! my name is char and this is an intro to my blog and me ig!
i honestly have NO idea how tumblr works so if anyone wants to teach me hmu 😛
i'm a fem lesbian! (fem4masc)
i love love love video games, life is strange series!, tlou 182, DBH, rdr2, the quarry ect!
i also watch a shit ton of movies and tv shows sooo
i support palestine.
my boundaries ᥫ᭡
• i will NOT write smut about anyone under the age of 18.
• i am not writing anything age gap, incestual, or non-con. also no like full on bdsm cause i’m not into that sorry and it makes me uncomfy, also im pretty sure im gonna only be writing WLW/NMLNM fics so sorry to all the heteros out there i swear i love you i just refuse to talk about a “throbbing member”..
•homophobes dni cause why would u even wanna read ts😭
• and lastly PLSSS be nice cause im just starting to write! but ive been reading all of yours for a long time!
love you all! kiss kiss
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riotcat103 · 6 months
hello! just wanted to ask,what are your thoughts on TS guys? from your fav to least fav, or the first character you'll choose to con. to the last character you choose <3 anyways have a good day!
halloo :D
if you'd scroll down my blog you'll already get the hint how much I love Mhin <3 , so obviously they're my top choice
second one is bit of a stretch, I think Kuras? since I really want to break thru the sexy doctors walls, both kinky and literaly since we all know he's hiding something that he doesn't like talking about.
but then again theres Leander, a more suspicious character
and Ais,...idk i wanna met Ocudius
and Vere,like dont get me wrong i love him but i have priorities and he's not one of them/hj , but if you ask me to choose between leander or vere, i'd gladly pick vere and set leander on fire in a lovey dovey way..or not cause i know he'll like that
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kmze · 4 months
I’m really glad epiccons stop taking ship questions during conventions. I think they stop taking ship questions after what happened with Candice last year with the rude question of “do you think Stefan loved Caroline” or something like that and making Candice uncomfortable. I even remember how Carina was defending steroline on IG because fans can’t stop fighting about how Stefan doesn’t love Caroline xD
Yes! I didn't even know there was no ship questions until you said this but I assumed since no one said anything in my inbox nothing bad happened lol, Candice told them to behave and they did. That question she got last year was so unbelievably rude, I was like "who raised you?" I feel like it comes from this generations desire to be edgelords and go viral. Epic seems like an extremely well organized and run event and more places should be done that way, I bet that's why they get so many actors/actresses to sign-up especially the amount of actresses from the three shows because I noticed with the smaller cons its usually just men. From what I've heard in my inbox and seen of videos the Paris con for whatever reason seems to cause the most drama. I wonder if there's like a small group of European fans who travel to those cons just to ask spicy questions and it seems like it puts some of the actors in foul moods.
Edited to add: Okay so I just found a post on Twitter of someone asking a H*sie question at the event and the person who asked it said the con folks had her reword the question so it wasn't hinting too much towards ships. So yes the epic con folks definitely took precautions this time.
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All Things Linguistic - 2022 Highlights
2022 was a year of opening up again and laying foundations for future projects. I spent the final 3 months of it on an extended trip to Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand, which is a delightful reason to have a delay in writing this year in review post. 
Interesting new projects this year included my first piece in The Atlantic, why we have so much confusion on writing the short form of "usual" and 103 languages reading project: inspired by a paper by Evan Kidd and Rowena Garcia. 
Continuations of existing projects: 
Return of LingComm Grants
A survey for those using Because Internet for teaching
10 year Blogiversary of All Things Linguistic: highlights from the past year and highlights from the past decade
6 years of Lingthusiasm
LSA 2022 and judging Five Minute Linguist
I was on panels about swearing in SFF and the Steerswoman books at a local literary speculative fiction con, Scintillation
I was on panels at WorldCon (ChiCon 8) in Chicago: Ask A Scientist, That's Not How That Works!, and Using SFF for Science Communication
I was a contestant for the second time in Webster's War of the Words, a virtual game show fundraiser for the Noah Webster House.
I attended the Australian Linguistics Society annual meeting in Melbourne and the New Zealand Linguistics Society annual meeting in Dunedin, where I gave a talk co-authored with Lauren Gawne called Using lingcomm to design meaningful stories about linguistics
In our sixth year of Lingthusiasm, a podcast that’s enthusiastic about linguistics which I make with Lauren Gawne and our production team, we did a redesign of how the International Phonetic Alphabet symbols are layed out in a chart, in order to correspond more closely with the principle that the location of a symbol is a key to how it's articulated. This involved much digging into the history of IPA layouts and back-and-forths with our artist, Lucy Maddox, and we were very pleased to make our aesthetic IPA design available on a special one-time edition of lens cloths for patrons as well as our general range of posters, tote bags, notebooks, and other all-time merch. 
We also did our first Lingthusiasm audience survey and Spotify for some reason gave us end-of-year stats only in French, which I guess is on brand, but we were pleased to see notebooks, and Lingthusiasm is one of Spotify's top 50 Science podcastsF/href.li/?https:/www.redbubble.com%2Fi%2Fmouse-pad%2FAesthetic-IPA-Chart-Square-by-Lingthusiasm%2F129215087.G1FH6&t=OTkxYjYxYjNmMzA1M2VhNGViOGIxZWIxOGI0NDRjYjE2YTIzYTE2NCw2YTgzNDQyZTM3MzY0YjRkNjc3NGJkNzhhYzJhMzk3ZjA2Y2NkYzIz&ts=1684794278">other all-time merch!
Main episodes from this year
Making speech visible with spectrograms
Knowledge is power, copulas are fun.
Word order, we love 
What it means for a language to be official
Tea and skyscrapers - When words get borrowed across languages
What we can, must, and should say about modals
Language in the brain - Interview with Ev Fedorenko
Various vocal fold vibes
What If Linguistics
The linguistic map is not the linguistic territory
Who questions the questions?
Love and fury at the linguistics of emotions
Bonus Episodes
We interview each other! Seasons, word games, Unicode, and more
Emoji, Mongolian, and Multiocular O ꙮ - Dispatches from the Unicode Conference
Behind the scenes on how linguists come up with research topics
Approaching word games like a linguist - Interview with Nicole Holliday and Ben Zimmer of Spectacular Vernacular
What makes a swear word feel sweary? A &⩐#⦫&
There’s like, so much to like about “like”
Language inside an MRI machine - Interview with Saima Malik-Moraleda
Using a rabbit to get kids chatting for science
Behind the scenes on making an aesthetic IPA chart - Interview with Lucy Maddox
Linguistics and science communication - Interview with Liz McCullough
103 ways for kids to learn languages
Speakest Thou Ye Olde English?
Selected Tweets
Linguistics Fun
aunt and niece languages
Swedish chef captions
IPA wordle
wordle vs kiki
creative use of emoji and space
resume glottal stop
dialects in a trenchcoat
which of these starter Pokemon is bouba and which is kiki
(for no author would use, because of the known rendolence of onions, onions)
acoustic bike
An extremely charming study by Bill Labov featuring a rabbit named Vincent
Rabbit Meme
Cheering on linguistics effects (Stroup and Kiki/Bouba) in a vote on the cutest scientific effect name
Old English Hrickroll
The word you get assigned with your linguistics degree
Sanskrit two-dimensional alphabet
Cognate Objects
Linguist Meetup in Linguaglossa?
baɪ ði eɪdʒ ʌv θɚti
j- prefixing
"But clerk, I am Bill Labov" (pagliacci meme)
Usual winner
Because Internet Tumblr vernacular
Linguist "Human" Costume
Cursed kiki/bouba
dot ellipsis vs comma ellipsis
intersection of signed languages and synesthesia?
Antipodean linguistic milestone
Selected Blog Posts:
Linguistic Jobs
Online Linguistics Teacher
Impact Lead
Customer Success Manager
Hawaiian and Tahitian language Instructor, Translator & Radio Host
Language Engineer
Data Manager & Digital Archivist
Linguistics fun
xkcd: neoteny recapitulated phylogeny
Eeyore Linguistic Facts
Lingthusiasm HQ: Frown Thing!
xkcd is making a vowel hypertrapezoid
Title: Ships and Ice Picks: An Ethnographic Excavation of alt.goncharov
Missed out on previous years? Here are the summary posts from 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021. If you’d like to get a much shorter monthly highlights newsletter via email, with all sorts of interesting internet linguistics news, you can sign up for that at gretchenmcc.substack.com.
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spilltheteawithme · 3 months
I sometimes wonder what is in some peoples head? Some extreame shippers really go down the delulu road hard. Imagine not being able to live knowing someone have different opinion than you and don't like the same people you like that you feel that you have to print all this anons and blogs to present to your favorite celeb in order to what? I guess end whole tumblr, what you think is going to happened? Some even think aw was pap without her consent and try to help her by trying to take the photos down and fight with paps. Writing this it don't sound real but it is. They really don't see that for them all talk is good talk because they are on front pages and have people interested again. Until there will not be a serious accusation that could affect the career i dont think anyone is interested that people think someone is pr, is ugly or have no style or sad acting career. There are celeb big like ts, JL or even Kim K and im sure they get more hate and this type of talk than aw but i dont think they fight with whole tumblr over this. Saying you think someone is a bad or only benefit from rs is not police case. Plus it is rich coming from people who were first one to say ale was pr, laught at her every move and post, and call the same things that aw do baiting but now aw is just supporting gf. Get a grip. I hope noone will give this 'evidence' to seb on comic con because this is just embarrassing. They really can't accept tgat in thus world are people with different opinions and when argument : you whant to sleep with seb but he will never do it is not enaught they turn into some tumblr police. Really if sev or aw team would respomd to that it is in my eyes just bad for them, they would look like someone who creep into tumblr and try to police people opinions it only would give 'haters' good laught and im sure ther would be new blogs just to make fun, more and more becouse people would fall into this drama
I think it is ridiculous and hilarious that in all his years, with the amount of fans he has, they think he doesnt know people talk both good and bad. They'll no doubt leave out the horrible things they say about his exes (women he still respects) they'll leave out their creepy detailed AWxSebastian fan fic arguments and hypocritical views thinking they're better than everyone. Seb wont even give it a second look. All the PR is paid for by both their teams, trying to get it taken down or getting upset somebody doesnt agree about the situation is not "helping" them. 🤣🤣🤣 I mean, it sort of is, as it draws attention 😅 but printing random things from blogs, drama he and most celebrities actively avoid, what do you think will happen? Hes not a school teacher or your parent, hes not going to read through squabbles and gossip, and reprimand people on all social platforms. Hes mentioned it before, to learn how to ignore because you cant control what people say on the internet. A lot of you tumblr warriors here think you're standing up for him, youre typing shit without actually thinking or caring how itll affect someone on the other end while youre off going about your day all because they have different opinions.
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the-sky-is-my-home · 1 year
Endless list of things I love about post-ts haikyuu (various teams ver.)
iwaizumi's godzilla phone case
the whole seijoh team not giving a shit about their home country's national team or iwaizumi hajime (27) athletic trainer. oikawa is playing for argentina so they're cheering for argentina and that's that
funeral home employee mattsun
oikawa getting his banner at the olympics, the last one shown in the regular manga chapters, really makes it feel like this is HIS success story even if he lost during high school and was out of the story for so long because of it
I watched the original "petty pride" exchange when s2 came out. the amount of satisfaction I got from reading "What do you think of my petty pride now?" "I think it's fantastic." is unrivalled. it's one piece levels of delayed gratification good. I may love and be obsessed with other characters, but my heart will always be with oikawa tooru and rather than a win or a spot at nationals or whatever, this is what he deserves.
the last page of haikyuu canon we ever got featured oikawa being stupid and petty and cute and iwa bickering with him and it's like. what more could I ever ask for
ushiwaka's relationship with kids. all of it
ushiwaka wanting his dad to watch his games being the reason he works so hard to get good, only to hear his dad being all excited and always watching any games he can it's just so sweet
shirabu still being so intense about ushiwaka all the time always
the shiratorizawa team still going to goshiki's to watch stuff together, just like they used his tablet and his dorm room back in the day. boy will never know peace
the documentary about chocolatier tendou with ushiwaka in it. look at them!!! they're best friends!!! I love them so much! and it's just perfect when tendou was the one assuming he'd be in ushiwaka's documentary
tendou's lil volleyball chocolate <3
bokuto's stupid chest receives. my boy hasn't changed at all lmao
that lil montage of hs age bokuto causing problems for his team
bokuto still doing a feint, the "special attack" he taught hinata ages ago
fukuroudani still supporting him so so much and calling him "our ace" just makes me emotional
akaashi interviewing bokuto and udai tenma just sitting there like "what in the fresh hell are these two talking about???"
someone (yaku) finally understanding and translating when bokuto makes some insane statement about what "normal" is wasn't necessary but I love it so so much you don't even know. my boy bokuto is understood and among his kind. he belongs. this is all I need in life
hoshiumi asking hinata's height even tho he already knows
sakusa being on the same team as hinata AND atsumu AND bokuto. you know this man is getting roped into so many shenanigans against his will
sakusa meeting ushiwaka for the first time and being impressed not because of volleyball but because of his pocket handkerchief that he folds with the damp side in
also sakusa (presumably) choosing his (and komori's) high school based on a guy with a lint roller
hoshiumi seeing hinata as a rival but also more as an ally. short kings unite!!!
kanoka being the ace of japan's women's volleyball team and tanaka being so so supportive of her. like yeah that crush didn't work out for her but she's thriving and there's no resentment between them, she's not defined by romance. queen.
nekoma's "connect" flag being taken from the context of connecting in volleyball to connecting through volleyball is just. chef's kiss
kuroo's con man vibe even though he just genuinely loves volleyball and wants to spread that love to as many people as possible
yaku being the one who plays in russia when you could assume lev would, but no. yaku returns from russia and the first thing he does is make fun of model lev. it's perfect
kuroo in the special baiting everyone exactly with what they want like this man knows what kinda idiots he has at his disposal
yaku next to yoffe
also ending on nekoma's flag is perfect
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aita-alternia · 1 year
:(a!ta for assum!ng a s!ng from another bloodcaste?):
:(so ! (8so, purpleblood) grew up wear!ng the s!gn of r!ft. as ! grew up, !ve educated myself on the h!story of my ass!gned l!neage. wh!le ! resemble my born ancestor !n many ways, mostly v!sually, ! do not agree w!th the acts !t has comm!ted, includ!ng blatant hemophob!a and l!ve cann!bal!sm): :(s!nce then, !ve abandonded my born ancestors legacy. however, as ! was look!ng for alternat!ve s!gns that m!ght f!t me !n my bloodcaste, ! found none that made me truly feel represented): :(through my research, ! d!scovered many s!gns of different bloodcastes ! had not yet known of before. one of wh!ch, the s!gn of the pat!ent, a jade s!gn, has part!cularly caught my !nterest. ! deeply sympath!se with !ts assoc!ated ancestor, and have cons!dered adopt!ng !t as m!ne): :(! do fear though that th!s m!ght be seen hemolog!cal appropr!at!on? ! do not see myself as a jadeblood, so !t m!ght come off !n the wrong way. most people !ve talked to about th!s seem to be f!ne w!th !t, some arent. though most people who judged me for th!s have been of higher castes?? so !m really unsure): :(! hope !m not be!ng !nsens!t!ve !f ! were to comm!t to th!s):
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obmessed · 10 months
Hi hi 👋😁👋 can you do an au where Piri is with the Latino family/Spanish family, and with Spain as a big happily family well kinda little bit of chaos.
(I mean this doesn't have to be an AU, this could just be scenario where they're visiting each other)
Warning: google translate was used
Not many know this, but Piri has his own version of Spanish. It's called Chavacano, slightly different from actual Spanish but it's so alike that people from Zamboanga can have a Spanish conversation with anyone from Spanish speaking countries.
That being said, Piri actually does know Spanish. As being the personification of the country requires him to be fluent of all the languages and dialects found in his home.
He just pretends not to, to f*ck with people. Especially the Spanish speakers who have trouble with english! Like he'd visit their house, speaks in english which forces the host to also speak in english, and then just reveal in the end that he could've just spoken in Chavacano for them.
Piri: Hey kuya! I have a secret to tell you
Mexico: (struggling) Ah, a secret! W-what is it?
Piri: Tengo mi propia versión de español que hablo con fluidez (I have my own version of Spanish that I speak fluently)
Mexico: ...entonces tienes chistes ¿eh? (So you have jokes, huh?)
The puto over reaction never goes away, but Piri is getting tired of it. 'Oh no, you named your food after swear words!' okay he gets it! That's been long established, so get over it already!
Piri: And for snacks we're having, puto!
Spain: *Gasps*
Piri: Oh shut up, Spain! You know exactly what puto is in my place!
Spain: Could you atleast change it's name? It's still jarring that...that's what you call that thing.
Piri: For your information, it's named after India's puttu. Not everything I have came from you, seriously get over yourself. And even if I want to, I can't, it has already made quite a name for itself that it would be impossible to re-brand it now.
Since America's birthday is also his friendship day with Piri, he ofcourse gets the right to go to his place and celebrate. But there was this time, when Piri asked if he could invite extra guests and Alfred allowed it. And the extra guests happened to be his neighbors from down south. And you know how Spanish birthdays go down.
Cuba: What are you waiting for amigo?...blow the candles
Mexico: Yeah hermano, blow them...
America: Aha, uhh-yeah sure dudes
*Proceeds to get his head be pushed down by the two, but managed to keep it up*
America: P-Phil! Help! Heelp!
Piri: Help? Okay
*Proceeds to push his own hand, on Alfred's head*
America: I meant me! Help me!
Piri: Oooh, I'm already helping them tho, so-
(yeah they definitely act like little sh*ts together)
As the only Asian in the family, the Latinos/Spanish definitely threw some Asian jokes at his way. Not the overly racist ones, just the generally funny ones that makes everyone laugh. Like pretending to be the strict Asian parent that wants their kid to be a doctor.
Most of the time, Piri does find them funny. But other times, he really doesn't have the time for that.
Piri: Spain! I'm here to-!
Spain: (in exaggerated accent) Don't talk to me, till you are doctor
Piri: Wha-? But this is importa-!
Spain: Well are you doctor?
Piri: No, but you're currently under my care as your-
Spain: Then don't talk to me not-doctor-son of mine!
Mexico: Ooooh! Emotional Damage!
Piri: Fine! Deal with your own useless sick ass self then!
Spain: No, wait! I'm sorry-
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mareastrorum · 11 months
TF&TS Meta: Otis Brunkel's Character Sheet
Since I am posting another chapter later this week, no WIP Wednesday excerpt today! However, I usually throw out a meta post before each chapter to tide people over.
I might post a little late this week! However, the next chapter should be up no later than Saturday evening.
This post discusses how I developed the character sheet for Otis.
See the directory for other meta posts.
Time to go over the worst gremlin in the story: Otis Brunkel. I won’t go into spoiler territory, but this should give an idea of what I decided to do with the Tombtakers. Let’s talk mechanics.
Otis is a profaned soul, so a blood hunter that “traded” a part of themself to a patron in exchange for power. (I’ll do a longer meta post on my worldbuilding with the various Orders eventually.) However, we don’t know very much about their pact, spells chosen, background, or feats.
Matt mentioned that Otis was able to hide behind Fjord in episode 123 because they were a Lightfoot halfling, which have the Naturally Stealthy ability. In episode 122, Otis spoke in Deep Speech to say grace for the meal in the tower: “Oh, great distant voice, come upon this meal and let us destroy and devour of its sustenance.” Deep Speech is generally spoken by aberrations and mindflayers, which are denizens of the Far Realm. Narratively, there wasn’t much reason to expect that a lightfoot halfling from Trostenwald (also mentioned in 122) would learn Deep Speech, so I suspect they learned it at the Claret Orders or perhaps as part of the pact with their patron. Since it would tie things together nicely, I opted to go with the Great Old One for Otis’s patron, which decides which spells and bonus effects Otis would get from their subclass.
Remember how Otis mentioned in chapter 1 that they’d sell a bit of their soul for a haste spell? Hmmm…
In episode 123, Otis counterspelled Fjord, so that accounts for at least one of their level three spells. Otis also cast Eldritch Blast repeatedly, so that’s one warlock cantrip. In episode 121, they also created a camp fire with just a bundle of grass—which doesn’t match any spell I could find. (I’m also not sure how Otis found any grass in a frozen tundra anyway.) Create Bonfire is a warlock cantrip, it doesn’t require any material components, and causes things to catch fire, but it only lasts up to one minute. So I guess Otis was just repeatedly casting it since Matt didn’t describe any fuel that stayed alight. If anyone figures that out, let me know! However, those are the only spells we saw Otis cast overtly.
It’s possible that Otis took Spider Climb as a level 2 spell, but we didn’t see them actually cast it in episode 117 when they walked up the wall to the threshold crest. It could also be Otis also had an item for that, either enchanted boots or a potion. However, the Nein didn’t loot such a thing from their corpse in episode 133. The only items we knew Otis had were a magical light crossbow that the Nein took in 133 and some kind of leather armor (which the Nein didn’t loot) when Matt described their appearance in 117.
Matt never mentioned enough detail to be certain of Otis’s skill proficiencies, background, or feats. So that’s what we knew from canon and a few of the decisions I made. With that in mind, here’s the character sheet I came up with.
I rolled for stats just to see what I’d get, so I did 4d6 for each and dropped the lowest. I rolled 8, 11, 12, 15, 17, 17, which is a little above average, so I decided to stick with it. Since Otis was a sneaky little shit, I used one of the 17s for Dex, which then got a +2 for being a halfling, then a +1 from an ASI, bringing them to the cap. I felt that was appropriate given that Matt mentioned that Otis “didn’t roll well” to attack Yasha in 123, but still got a 27 to hit, so I figured crazy Dex would help that make sense. Int was the spellcasting ability, so it got the other 17 and a +1 from an ASI. Con got the 15, of course, for better survivability. I almost gave Cha the 8, but I figured Otis probably got a tiny boost for intimidation reasons by being so creepy, and they probably weren’t strong. Thus, Wis got the 12, Cha got 11 bumped to 12 by being a halfling, and Str got the 8.
Now, here’s the thing. In 123, when Otis fired a set of Eldritch Blasts at Caduceus, 2 missed at 12 and 13, and Matt mentioned that he rolled a 2 and a 3. So we know Otis has a +10 to spell attack rolls, but this sheet only provides +9. The only way Otis could get to +10 is either getting to level 17 for another +1 from the proficiency bonus or taking another ASI at level 16 for +2 Int. So it depends on which level Otis had been at, and as I explained in a prior post, all we know is that Otis was at least level 13 while the others were at least level 16 (which means Otis was likely at least level 16). We just don’t know which it would have been. So you get a bit of a sneak peak that one of those things would have to happen by that point in the story.
Of course, that’s assuming that Matt had even used super detailed character sheets instead of simplified stat blocks, and that the story even heads in that direction.
I figured Otis would probably make the most sense as a sneaky one, even though Tyffial’s gone the rogue/blood hunter route. While CritRoleStats noted that Otis seemed rogue-like, Matt never mentioned that they got sneak attack damage. However, that doesn’t mean Otis couldn’t be optimized to fight like a blood hunter version of Nott/Veth. Thus, the weapons, feats, and background all lean into that.
Mystic frenzy allows a weapon attack as a bonus action after casting a cantrip like Eldritch Blast, so that allowed for Otis to use a two-handed crossbow for one shot as a bonus action. Their fighting style also gives them a +2 with the crossbow. I gave them a +1 crossbow for the magic enchantment, though that wasn’t confirmed in stream. However, Otis dealt 11 piercing damage in one shot to Yasha, and that would be in range with +5 dex and +1 from the weapon that uses a 1d8. I could have taken the Crossbow Expert feat just so Otis could fire twice with the crossbow, but Matt didn’t do that in episode 123 when the Otis attacked Yasha/owl, so I opted to pass on it for consistency.
I also gave Otis +1 armor because all of the Tombtakers’ armor lit up for Caleb’s Detect Magic in 117. We don’t actually know Otis’s AC because every attack the Nein did on Otis was either when they were Halted (via Command), a 25 to hit, a save roll, or an area of effect. So it’s somewhere below 25. 18 is pretty nice, but it couldn’t be too over the top or the Nein would have no chance.
I gave Otis the Tough feat (bonus HP) because they’re a blood hunter and it’d be reasonable that they would be pretty tough as a Tombtaker, even if their strength sucks. The Eldritch Adept feat was a requirement since they didn’t multiclass into warlock; Otis used the Grasp of Hadar pretty much every round they cast an Eldritch Blast. It’s a very useful ability, as showcased in chapter 1.
Otis should probably have some magic items at this point in their career, and I wanted them to make sense for how sneaky they are. Before I started browsing, I decided one would be an attunement item and the other would be either a consumable or a recharging item. After all, it would have to be something that Otis either looted somewhere and decided to keep, or they bought it and price wasn’t really a hassle. With that in mind, I chose the Gloves of Thievery for +5 to sleight of hand and lockpicking, then a Wand of Magic Detection. This fits well with their sticky fingers, and it would help explain how Otis swiped the bag of holding from Fjord. (I could have also taken a background with proficiency in Sleight of Hand, but I preferred this option.)
Also, no biggie, but Otis is fucking loaded. Man, I wonder where all that coin came from. Maybe from 5+ years of working as a mercenary and a few months bodyguarding a member of the Cerberus Assembly who offered the Nein tens upon tens of thousands of gold for the same job. I mean, that’d make sense for them to keep a fuckton of that pay if they were decently attentive with their coin, especially living in a cheap place like Shadycreek Run. It sure would be weird if they were dirt poor after so many years of such lucrative work, reaching a high level, living a relatively modest lifestyle, and being experienced enough to realize they should demand at least some pay in advance when they go on long-term jobs.
/stares into the camera
Some people enjoy incompetent villains, but I sure don’t.
Lastly, Otis’s spells. With the way profane soul spells progress, Otis would have had 3 cantrips, 3 level one spells, 3 level two spells, and 1 level three spell. As mentioned above, Eldritch Blast and Create Bonfire made sense, and I chose Mage Hand for the third because that is gonna piss Nott off. I had nothing to go off for level 1 spells, but I figured Expeditious Retreat would be necessary due to their low walking speed (25ft before level 10). Charm Person and Illusory Script also matched the background I chose and would have been useful for sneaking around solo on the Tombtakers’ behalf. (What’s that you say? Monsters don’t read and Charm Person only works on humanoids? Don’t worry about it.) Detect Thoughts was from Revealed Arcana at level 7. Then Hold Person (That doesn’t work o— Don’t worry about it.), Spider Climb, and Invisibility for level two spells, all sensible for sneaking. Lastly, it had to be Counterspell for level three.
That’s about it. Wait, I didn’t discuss why Otis’s background is Criminal/Blackmailer.
Don’t worry about it.
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erin-bo-berin · 1 year
This fandom has managed to give Joe four differenty gfs in the span of a few weeks (two girls in italy, one at the NY concert and now ts), like, just calm down. They weren't even seen together, they were just two musicians at a studio, maybe they didn't even talk to each other, maybe they were collabing, who the hell knows? This stupid ass over the top behavior is what drove him to drop social media and cons in the first place, so srsly, let's calm down.
Are we even surprised though that most of these originated from Twitter by the way?
But seriously, like man he’s “gone through” four different girls in a matter of a month lol some people are wild.
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