#comorbid adhd
chronicsymptomsyndrome · 10 months
Gentle reminder that your disability and/or chronic illness struggles are valid, even if others have it worse. It’s not like there’s one definitive Most Disabled Person In The World and they’re the only one entitled to accommodations or reactive emotions. That’s not how it works <3
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helyeahmangocheese · 9 months
tbh it is such an adhd experience to have to respond to such rapidly changing environments and to be expected NOT to throw a massive tantrum and to go along with other people's plans, and walker actually did an amazing job of showing what toll that put on percy in the first two episodes and how heightened his emotions must be because of it. he must be so, so especially close to snapping rn and it shows with his big reactions to finding his father, being determined to be noticed, straight up refusing his quest, and (likely, later on) diving straight into saving-his-mom-mode
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takemetodragonstone · 19 days
grabbing a Symptom by the throat and screaming WHO SENT YOU!?? WHICH DISORDER DO YOU BELONG TO
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featherybitch · 2 years
guys i beg you don't dismiss any possible symptoms you experience!!
a few years ago tiktok began flooding me with adhd and autism symptoms and of course people there quickly mixed them all up BUT it kind of made me realize i might have/be one of these. so i started to research (because it would not be too wise to take all my info from tiktok) adhd symptoms and diagnosis criteria and i thought for a good while it's adhd. once i asked my previous psychiatrist (who was absolute SHIT) about it and she behave like she doesn't even comprehend my words. i knew she was being purposefully obtuse but it stayed with me y'know.
then i started to research autism symptoms and diagnosis criteria and decided that "lmao no way it was autism all along, omg tiktok played me so dirty for making me thing i have adhd". after changing psychiatrists i asked the new one about it and he said that yeah i'm autistic and so 1. i was glad that i figured it out on my own 2. didn't talk about things that led me to believe i might have adhd nor that i even thought that.
well guess what. it was both. the psychiatrist said it's fucking both. it was both all along and i would have meds by know if i didn't start to think that it was silly of me to even consider adhd. i had this brief moment while going from thinking it's adhd to thinking it's autism when i thought it might actually be both but i decided than "eh no way pick a struggle". turns out the struggle was real and it was those two bad boys being comorbid.
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thatadhdfeel · 2 years
love how ppl with adhd have become even more of an acceptable target lately even from so called progressive people. literally saw a post today saying “people with adhd act like they were in the vietnam war”. like. so we’re just accepting straight up ableist jokes now? the fact that this crossed my dash is incredibly disappointing. people really think just because some tiktok kids misunderstand the disorder on occasion that this shit is acceptable? people with adhd have been stereotyped, ignored, treated like shit, bullied, taken advantage of; of course we’re upset and tired and want to share what we go through.
ableism isn’t funny or acceptable.
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
what do you think about the charters (Nico, Percy and others) using mobility aids? (Especially after all the wars, fights, and other general injures they've probably got over the years)
I may be biased as someone who uses mobility aids, but I definitely think more demigods should have mobility aids in general. Nico in particular definitely could use it with how often he collapses and with how he generally exhibits some symptoms of low blood pressure at the very least if not POTS or EDS. I'm particularly biased to drawing him with my own crutches, lol (they have knee rests!!!!).
Also I always love seeing Grover with crutches. He was introduced as having a muscular disease - i know that's implied to be just cause he's actually a satyr, but also he's the only satyr to be described as "walking like every step hurt." So give him crutches!!!! He needs them!!!
I dont have any particularly strong opinions for other characters, except maybe usually giving Leo a prosthetic leg so he can thematically match his dad and sometimes crutches alongside that, and my friends and I have talked about Jason using a rollator before, particularly in Jason Lives!AUs. But regardless I always love discussing comorbidity between various other conditions and disabilities with ADHD and dyslexia and a not insignificant number of those comorbidities may require mobility aids. Functionally demigods are kind of more like intensive athletes with magic healthcare, and very few are on the level of like Nico where they've been through the wringer so much that it has lasting effects on them - actually very few in general seem to get a lot of physical damage that doesn't get healed quickly (i think in part cause most campers don't actually go on quests). mostly just psychological damage - so i don't think every demigod would need mobility aids, but like statistically there should probably be more just given the comorbidity stuff to begin with. Everybody who's come back from the dead should probably have more going on with them though imo.
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audhdnight · 1 year
Quick little PSA because I keep seeing confusion on this topic:
“Allistic” simply means “NOT autistic”.
It DOES NOT mean you are neurotypical. It is not a bad thing. It’s not some kind of accusation that you need to be defensive about (literally saw someone throw a huge hissy fit about being “lumped in” with neurotypicals by an autistic creator).
You can be neurodivergent AND allistic, if your neurodivergence is ANYTHING OTHER than autism. You can have OCD, schizophrenia, adhd, anxiety, DID, or literally anything else. As long as you are not autistic, you are still allistic.
Please stop using allistic as a synonym for neurotypical. Please stop acting like it is an attack if someone refers to you as allistic if you know you do not have autism.
That is all.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 11 months
ADHD Comorbidties
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The Mini ADHD Coach
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jjmej · 1 year
i am rewatching phineas and ferb. not a single neurotypical in the entire show. ESPECIALLY not doofenshmirtz. hes SO AUTISM its genuinely so cool
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ashs-nerd-den · 2 months
For low energy/Chronic fatigue
Study in the mornings before classes before you crash from executive dysfunction or exhaustion (spoonies know what I mean)
Study in bed if you've no energy.
Keep your laptop/note book with a mug of pens on your bedside locker so you don't have to get up to get them,
if you don't have the energy to sit up, or it's too painful but you still want/need to work, work lying down, like you would reading a book before bed. Nobody is going to judge you and nobody is going to see you, you're getting the work done how you can and that is something to be proud of, not embarrassed of.
Work on your phone if you can, it's less effort and typing is easier than writing and your phone weighs less than your textbook
Online flashcards or online quizzes. You justuse your brain, and click to see if you got itright, or you click answer a, b, or c. Or just anything online.
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I got them comorbs (self diagnosed)
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Wishing that I could be softer and sweeter and more loving and affectionate but simultaneously being absolutely disgusted and repulsed and enraged by the very notion is kind of exhausting actually
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ineedfairypee · 11 months
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Two’s a comorbidity, three’s a crowd
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thepajamamen · 7 months
Ray and Maya have autism and ADHD respectively and their kids each have both . Goodnight
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crunchsomebones · 5 months
I think I'm slowly realizing how much OCPD traits have affected my ability to enjoy things, especially hobbies. I can't draw because I'm too worried I won't do it right. Can't watch TV shows I've wanted to watch for years because I won't enjoy them properly. Can't apply to drag shows unless I have a meticulously planned number that I've rehearsed to death already and also unless I buy that new wig and new foundation, because the stuff I have currently isn't good enough so I shouldn't even bother. Can't jam with friends and create music because it won't sound like a fully finished product, and I know my controlling impulses will make me into a total bitch and I'll micromanage them, which will inevitably cause resentment. Can't hang out with people because I won't perform the correct persona and they will grow to resent me. Can't learn new skills because I'm not good at them yet. Can't use old skills because I won't do it right. Can't enjoy anything without it being so mentally exhausting it's barely worth it. I need to do it RIGHT.
And that's how I end up numbing my brain with mindless content I don't actually care about, because if I don't care about it, I can't really do it "wrong". But then I am failing at being productive, which triggers the OCPD in a different way, and I feel like my skin no longer fits me and I need to crawl in a hole and die.
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sistersofsilver · 3 months
Chaos Boons UI Art
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creation has no right to fuck as hard as it does. eyes and flowers and oughghghghgh chaos can i watch you create something what are your favorite flowers i can bring some to you maybe if you like
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