#communication failure
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Over the years Tim had lead, taught and helped countless other teens come into thier powers and said teens looked at him like he hung the stars. They admired him greatly and wanted to do something to make thier mentor/big brother figure proud.
So when they found Tims soulmate they were absolutely ecstatic.
Yeah sure, the guy was the child of evil mad scientists and apparently the heir of a creepy fake vampire supervillian but they'd seen weirder couples in the hero community. They just needed to convince him to join the heros side!
Naturally they try to kidnap Danny and he has no idea whats going on other than a bunch of kids in superhero costumes are trying to abduct him. Between his powers as Phantom, that they seem to not know about (thank the ancients that ghosts don't show up well of pictures and that he started wearing a mask) and his own parents paranoid housebuilding techniques Danny escapes them easily.
Danny figured they would leave him alone eventually, right? If not he would have to call the cops for stalking and harassment.
If that didn't work he would just set all the house lazers to stun. Worst case scenario he might have to call the Justice League emergency line and yell at them to come get thier kids.
It would also be funny if he just kicked them out as Phantom
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thesilvergryphon-blog · 2 months ago
The world needs you as She-ra right now, not Adora. Continue reading Failsafe
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thankstothe · 2 months ago
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folk hero really
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bathask · 11 months ago
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iPhoneのApp Store鯖落ち通信障害?Appleのシステム状況で機能停止進行中の表示。自閉スペクトラム症での就労継続支援A型事業所通所前アプデチェックで。大人の発達障害やアスペルガーとか無い昔から自閉症スペクトラムASD関連症状で精神科病院通院も処方薬大量の誤診30年間。今も病気のフリと言われる
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modalities-of-care · 1 year ago
“people who stammer take their time”
Although I strongly disagree with the definition of ptsd outlined in this article, it does discuss some interesting correlations between trauma and language (speech) formation.
“When someone is experiencing traumatic stress, and their body goes into fight/flight (or freeze) mode, blood is diverted away from the parts of the brain responsible for language and speech production, and consequently, their capacity to formulate language and to initiate speech is significantly reduced (Porges, 2011). At such times, initiation of speech is more difficult, and any speech that is produced is likely to be more error-prone and more clumsy than normal. Also, the tone of the speaker’s voice is likely to be adversely affected, due to stress-related changes in muscle tension in the vocal folds (Perkins, Kent, & Curlee, 1991).”
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crookedmime · 3 months ago
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The nurses try to set them up, too.
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love2much · 2 months ago
i’m so scared for the new year, i’m so scared for next month, im so scared for next week, im so scared for tomorrow i just want everything to stop for a while
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thirtysmoke · 11 months ago
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luunamoona · 6 months ago
britta as a character was so cool like everyone kept telling her she was dumb and wrong literally every episode and yet she perservered and continued to be dumb and wrong. like pop off queen. i aspire to be as much of a girl failure as britta, she's such an icon.
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thesilvergryphon-blog · 2 months ago
Return to the Fright Zone
There’s power, real power, in love, joy, and friendship. Continue reading Return to the Fright Zone
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thankstothe · 10 months ago
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cryingprincess13 · 1 year ago
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Me when man:
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artkett1412 · 1 year ago
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Girl failure Isabelle
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apoptoses · 2 months ago
I’ve been thinking about vampires and cultural norms, and how culture shapes people and their expectations. And it got me thinking about the scene in queen of the damned when Daniel struggles with the burial of his first corpse -
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And I've seen divided opinions on whether Armand is being an unkind maker here, or if this was the first warning that maybe Daniel wasn't cut out to handle vampirism well and that his madness was inevitable.
But I've never seen the facts concerning the treatment of the dead throughout history, and that Daniel, up until this point had probably never really seen a corpse.
For every other vampire we'd met in the VC up until this chapter, corpses were part of daily life. And not just in the fact that coming across a body in a medieval city or in a filthy backstreet of 18th century Paris was entirely possible, if not downright unavoidable in times of plague or during the Terror. But also because people of all cultures used to care for and sit with our own dead.
For centuries the loss of a loved one meant the family washing their body, laying it out in the home for relatives and friends to come visit. Death was a fact of life, caring for the corpse was part of the grieving process. Louis would have experienced it with his brother Paul, had the house not fallen into chaos Louis might have pushed Lestat to do the same with his father. Had mortal Armand lost a sibling, or a grandparent, he would have seen their body before burial.
And though embalming has existed for ages, it didn't involve the modern heavy wax makeup applied to the body to help it maintain the semblance of life. It was more about preventing decay during the wake period than distancing viewers from the fact that they're seeing a corpse. In fact when one 18th century mortician made a body look too life-like with his new techniques and displayed it to advertise his practice he received a great deal of criticism.
Plus we've all seen the photos of the victorians with their dead- to have the whole family pose with a body for one last photo was the norm, not the exception. There was nothing disgusting or morbid about it.
At the turn of the 20th century a couple things happened to change all of this in the United States specifically: one was the sudden leap in advances in medicine and germ theory, the other was WWI and WWII.
There was a great book that I read (and that I wish I could remember the name of, if this sounds familiar to anyone please tell me) which went into detail about how the mass casualties of the world wars combined with the new and previously unimaginable injuries wrought to the bodies by new weapons and bombs caused such great psychological trauma that death practices in the US were forever changed.
People no longer wanted to wash, display, and sit with their dead. And changing standards for hygiene and the medicalization of the body meant that the dying no longer remained in the home, that the body was swept up and taken from deathbed to morgue to funeral parlor at much greater speeds than in the past.
So by Daniel's time the American 'wake' had gone from a multi-day at home affair to something carried out in a funeral parlor, with a body embalmed and covered in wax makeup to the point it looks less like a corpse than a wax figure, and where viewers step up to the casket, have a quick glance, and then leave.
And outside of unusual and traumatic circumstances, people just no longer saw bodies. If he had a grandparent pass in the home the body could be collected by the coroner in a matter of a handful of hours. If they passed in a hospital then in all likelihood Daniel would have never seen the body at all up until the moment it was dressed up and put in makeup for the viewing.
(If they had a viewing, and not simply skipped the whole process and went straight to closed casket funeral and cremation)
And this doesn't even begin to go into what happens to the body after death that people of the past would have been aware of, but which is no longer common knowledge now, like the way the bowels go slack and empty themselves. And god knows what a body fully drained of its blood would look like.
So for Daniel to experience shock at handling the body of his first kill is hardly a surprise, given the cultural context he grew up in, or that he seemed to have avoided burying the remains later as we know it had to be impressed upon him to be careful with covering up his kills. And for Armand to assume seeing and handling a dead body should be a normal event that one could handle with some detachment isn't a surprise either- even as a mortal he would have had contact with the dead.
(Plus you add what's going on with Akasha and the burnings and you have a really high pressure situation for everyone involved)
It's a cultural issue in some ways. And one I wish Anne had gotten into with modern, newly made vampires more: the ways we handle guilt, grief, and death are deeply connected to whether we treat death as a part of life or sanitize death and distance ourselves from it.
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study-core-101 · 10 months ago
How to not feel bad about bad grades!
1. Remember you are not your notes or grades, It doesn't define you.
2. You can always do better the next time, learn from your mistakes and get better from your failure
3.You are allowed to feel bad but don't let get into your head and ruin your day. Do things to clear your head (watch a movie, write, hang out with friends, anything that makes you feel good)
4. Rest!! take time for yourself
5. Implement a new method for studying, Spent more time practicing or reading about the subjects.
6.Learn how to deal with frustration,( and Im sorry to tell you this but to have a resistance to failure you have to fail ,and learn from that.)
7. Don't compare yourself to other people.
And remember its not a big deal, a note or grade its not who you are, It doesnt matter if you fail because you can always try again and if someone makes you feel bad about failing, don't listen to them! I spent too much time feeling bad about failing a test so, I wanted to give advice that has helped me overcome that feeling!
Love ya!
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