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nando161mando · 5 months ago
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Sink or swim is what they basically tell us.
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sublimeobservationarcade · 1 month ago
The Commonwealth Bank Fleecing Australians
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The Commonwealth Bank (CBA) regularly makes billions of dollars profit every year. The share price of CBA is one of the highest for any bank in the world. $157.06 as of the 6th of December 2024. Despite this someone at the bank felt that it was a good move to charge many poorer Australians $3 every time that they withdrew cash from their own CBA bank accounts. This is the world we live in. The Commonwealth Bank fleecing Australians to extract even more profit out them during a cost of living crisis. “The Commonwealth Bank has posted a net profit of $9.5 billion, down 6 per cent from its record result last financial year, while noting that younger Australians are bearing the brunt of the impact of the rising cost of living.” (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-08-14/commonwealth-bank-earnings-drop-to-9-5-billion/104195736)
Charging Aussies $3 to Withdraw Their Own Cash At CBA?
More recently, a decision to delay the introduction of this new revenue raising measure has been made by the bank. You do wonder what planet the executives at CBA actually live on? For the younger members of the audience the Commonwealth Bank used to be our state owned national bank. I am pretty sure that we were all assured at the time of the privatisation that CBA would maintain the goodwill of the nation by not screwing its customers for profits over all else. Surprise, surprise we find ourselves in that exact position, bent over a barrel with our daks down.
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Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com
Commonwealth Bank Knows No Shame
The big four banks in Australia are among the most profitable in the world and the Commonwealth Bank stands at the top of this quartet of billion dollar profit generating giants. A lack of market choice in the financial sector does not serve ordinary Australians well. Oligopolies look after shareholders in the company and their executives to the detriment of customers. The ACCC has been the toothless tiger in the room for decades. Its failure to protect competition in any sector in Australia has been a huge running joke in the boardrooms across the nation. Indeed, those working at the ACCC are merely waiting to be employed by those corporations they are supposed to be monitoring. Australia has become a deeply inequitable and unaffordable home for many of its citizens. The rapacious greed of banks, supermarkets, accountants, corporate minions, and the political class that represents them has turned the ‘so-called’ lucky country into a waking nightmare. Imagine not being able to put enough food on the family table, not being able to afford to pay the rent, meet your mortgage payments, and all the while banks like CBA are raking in billions in profit. Where is the justice in this? The governing of Australia has not looked after all the people but only those who have money.
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You have to have a bank account in Australia to receive welfare – it is not a choice. If you pay digitally for things you are charged a fee for every transaction. Now, the CBA wants to charge $3 for every cash withdrawal from these accounts. This is the rentier economy, where fees and charges are imposed upon every aspect of living. There is no freedom left in Australia, as cash money was the last bastion. It is a land of bankers, corporate bastards and complicit politicians. Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Bite & Smile – his brand new book which has just been published. https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0DPM9WS6K ©WordsForWeb https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0DPM9WS6K Read the full article
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tgnnewsaustralia · 1 year ago
Commonwealth Bank Home Loan Review: The Best Choice for Your Dream Home
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Are you dreaming of owning your dream home in Australia? One of the most important factors in achieving that dream is finding the right home loan. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose which one to go for. Fortunately, the Commonwealth Bank offers a home loan package that may be just what you need. Read the full article
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promoterhost · 6 years ago
Commonwealth Bank Blocks Cryptocurrencies from Coinbase and I am not impressed at all.
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stivconnected · 2 years ago
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I think I know what’s going on in here… interior decorating @commbank ? внатрешно уредување #InteriorDecorating #ВнатрешноУредување #CommonwealthBank #stivCONNECTED #НиеСмеМакедонци #StMarksRoadCo #AnotherBranchBitesTheDust #CommBank #ATM #CBA #Welcome #ДоброДојдовте Вторник 15ти Ноември 2022 (at Annandale, New South Wales, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck-BbtlrHaB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mediabooth29 · 6 years ago
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Thanks to everybody who attended Commonwealth Bank AgQuip 2018. We are still hearing stories from happy exhibitors who did much better than anticipated given the dry conditions. Thanks again to all exhibitors who showed great faith in the event and in Australian agriculture in general. Lets hope the gathering clouds tonight bring good rainfall to the region. Here's a few photos to show how well the event was attended and just how dry it is - see if you can see yourself (Wednesday) or your vehicle! Photos: Barry Smith #AgQuip #AgQuip2018 #drought #droughtseason #gunnedah #liverpoolplains #fieldday #fielddays2018 #fielddays #farm #farmer #farmers #farmersmarket #commbank #commonwealthbank #commonwealthbankofaustralia @commbank @agquip @gunnedah_shire @ausagriculture @thankafarmerforyournextmeal @nofarmers__nofood #thankafarmer #nofarmersnofood @jim.booth @this_is_drought_australia_2018 (at Gunnedah, New South Wales)
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agquip · 7 years ago
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The yards are down, tents are empty, pallets are stacked and trucks on their way home after a big Commonwealth Bank AgQuip 2017. Set your dates for next year - 21, 22 & 23 August 2018!
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wokewilder · 7 years ago
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3 6 - C O A L // I met this woman yesterday protesting a mining company #ADANI who wants to build the one of the biggest coal mines in the world in Queensland and @commbank is helping fund it rather than renewables. So I asked to take her picture - #switchingbank - #StopAdani #protest #woman #commbank #commonwealthbank #brisbane #city #queensland #photography #photograph #photographer #filmisnotdead #flag #stop
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hisgracekeepsmefloating · 8 years ago
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Want to make an easy $100? Been thinking about changing banks? I just moved to #INGDirect for a bunch of reasons (mainly to escape the horrendous fees while with #commonwealthbank) and just got this email! How good is that!? #everyonewins #easymoney . . . . #money #makemoney #bank #bankaccount
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wsl-chelsea · 3 years ago
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sublimeobservationarcade · 1 year ago
Do Banks Love Scammers?
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Banks make lots of money because they have utilised digitisation to streamline their operations. Which in plain speak means they have sacked all their workers and machines do all the work. That automation, however, makes their services vulnerable to scammers who get hold of the pass codes. Do banks love scammers? There are no human gatekeepers to stop the flow of money from one account to another. The banks make their money from countless small fees charged on transactions and accounts. They make their money just as easily from the scammer’s account as they do from yours or mine. “The latest Targeting Scams report has revealed Australians lost a record $3.1 billion to scams in 2022, as government, law enforcement and the private sector look to improve collaborative efforts to support the community in the fight against scams. This is an 80 per cent increase on total losses recorded in 2021.” - (https://www.accc.gov.au/media-release/accc-calls-for-united-front-as-scammers-steal-over-3bn-from-australians#:~:text=ThelatestTargetingScamsreport,totallossesrecordedin2021.)
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Does Your Banker Profit From Scams?
A bank used to be a safe place where you could keep your money locked up under the watchful eyes of security chaps with guns. No more! Today, banks are virtual places and your money numbers on a screen. Keeping your money safe is no longer high on a banker’s list of priorities, it seems. These professionals have better things to do in the 21C. Banking is about making money by selling customers financial products. It is about rent seeking via the extraction of fees and charges on the movement of our money. Banks don’t even bother paying interest on the use of our money these days. They only focus on charging interest on bank loans and mortgages. The Commonwealth Bank of Australia made record profits of $10.2 billion in the last financial year. The fact that Australians lost more than half a billion to scammers out of their banks did not overly trouble them, it seems. Not my problem – is the bank mantra in Australia. Personal responsibility is where the buck stops, according to bank spokespeople. “Of more than half-a-billion dollars lost through scams at Australia's big four banks in 2021-22, only $21 million was paid back in reimbursements or compensation.” - (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-09-11/anz-reimburses-460k-to-customer-targeted-by-scammers/102816204)
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Scamming & Australian Banks
Banks do not like to employ actual human beings in this day and age. Their scam departments are light on for employees to answer the phone in a timely manner. By the time you get through to report a scam or one of their own bank tellers reaches them the scammers have often syphoned all your money out of the country. Sorry does not seem to be the hardest word for Australian banks to say, as they wash their hands of any responsibility in quick order. Customers of ANZ, Westpac, Bendigo Bank, CBA, and NAB all share similar stories when artful scammers steal their identity and their banked funds from out under the very nose of these banking establishments. “Not our problem, sorry.”
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Bank Security Measures Not Stopping Scams If the security measures put in place by banks are not working, surely the bank must bear some responsibility for a client’s loss of money by theft. If these pass codes and protocols are not stringent enough, then, things must be tightened up – right? Actually banks want unimpeded flows of money so that they can take their cut on every transaction. Banks want minimal interference from human hands upon these flows of money for several reasons. - They do not want to pay the wages of human beings. - The quicker the flow of money the more often they make their cut. - The larger the volume of transactions the more money the banks make. Convenience has been the replacement for security in the 21C in the business of banking. Automation has delivered the banks mega-profits for decades and they will not reverse this motza willingly. Bank managers and human oversight are a thing of the past in the banking world. It is all numbers on a screen and the extraction of fees and transaction charges on a massive scale. The demise of cash has seen the banks take control of monetary liquidity around the globe and we are all paying for it each and every time we use their products and services.
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Do banks love scammers? If we dig a little deeper, will we discover a clandestine relationship between the two? Are there agents at large who have taken the secret knowledge of bank security measures over into the dark territories of the scammers? Somebody knows the ins and outs of banking security protocols and has spilled the beans for something in return. Have banks been remiss in how they have treated their cyber security staff in the past? There are a whole lot of questions to be answered around the scamming of banking clients in Australia and globally. There is a push gaining some momentum to make Australian banks more financially liable for the losses incurred by their customers following identity theft and scams. Banks in the UK do refund their clients far more than here in OZ. “A voluntary reimbursement model was introduced in 2019. Last year, it��resulted in banks paying back about 66 per cent of losses to scam victims. The United Kingdom will force banks to compensate scam victims under a world-first scheme that kicks off next year — and Australia could follow suit. New laws in the UK represent a bold experiment to see if making the banking industry liable will drive down enormous losses, by incentivising banks to invest in detection and prevention. In Australia, there has been strong resistance from the banking sector to compensate scam victims despite losses reaching a record of more than $3 billion last year.” - (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-07-11/uk-laws-force-to-banks-reimburse-scam-victims-unless-negligent/102563000)
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Banks, I think, have to recognise that the digital world is full of holes and that their digitisation has meant they and their customer’s money is vulnerable on this basis. Scammers and cybercriminals are far more organised now and are running operations like corporations. It is no longer good enough to place the onus and all responsibility on the client for the security of his or her money. Banks have a much bigger role to play and the money to fund reimbursement from the mega-profits they continually make. Australians need to demand better from their banks in this regard. Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom. ©WordsForWeb Read the full article
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edwardmoorthy · 6 years ago
Australia's largest bank, The Commonwealth Bank of Australia finally announces support for Apple Pay
Australia’s largest bank, The Commonwealth Bank of Australia finally announces support for Apple Pay
This Thursday, The Commonwealth Bank of Australia has announced that it will finally begin supporting Apple Pay starting in January 2019. The announcement is a sweet news for all Apple fans living in Australia as it is one of the “big four” banks in Australia.
CommBank made the announcement in a tweet this evening, saying that Apple Pay will launch for its personal customers in January of 2019.…
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omggadgets · 6 years ago
Australia's largest bank, The Commonwealth Bank of Australia finally announces support for Apple Pay
Australia’s largest bank, The Commonwealth Bank of Australia finally announces support for Apple Pay
This Thursday, The Commonwealth Bank of Australia has announced that it will finally begin supporting Apple Pay starting in January 2019. The announcement is a sweet news for all Apple fans living in Australia as it is one of the “big four” banks in Australia.
CommBank made the announcement in a tweet this evening, saying that Apple Pay will launch for its personal customers in January of 2019.…
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crypscrow · 6 years ago
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#dailycryptoupdate #cryptonews #australiascienceagency #commonwealthbank #trial #blockchain #smartmoney #michigan #bans #cryptodonations #ripple #ceo #swift #bitcoin #scammer #hack #twitter #giant #target #ethereum #cofounder #profound #decentralization https://www.instagram.com/p/BqKDj_qAWrE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lnwiburmp7r3
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sogner · 7 years ago
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Am I looking up or down? Fascinating HQ offices at #commonwealthbank #sydney (at Commonwealth Bank Of Australia Darling Park)
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mediabooth29 · 6 years ago
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Farmers are looking to the skies this weekend in the hope that predicted rain arrives in large amounts. Among them is Rob Williams of Coona Valley Contractors (left), who was the top bidder for a 7000 litre water cartage tank auctioned at Commonwealth Bank AgQuip today to benefit the CWA Drought Relief Campaign. Donated by Singleton-based Rapid Spray, the tank was sold for $3,100 at the site this morning (Thursday), the final day of AgQuip. Rob Williams says charities like the CWA are doing a great job as the whole community is effected by the drought, and the tank will have a lot work but their other contracting work has dried up. Rob was congratulated on his purchase by Rapid Spray sales manager, Russell Firth (right). #agquip #agquip2018 #rapidspray #coonabarabran #gunnedah #cwa #drought #droughtrelief #droughtreliefappeal #farmer #farmers #watertank #agriculture #commbank #commonwealthbank #charity #charityevent #charitywater #charityauction (at Gunnedah Ag-Quip)
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