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crisicsgames · 3 months
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cybeout · 2 years
Instagram permetterà presto di commentare un post con una GIF
Instagram darà presto ai suoi utenti la possibilità di rispondere o commentare un post con una GIF . Possiamo, ovviamente, già rispondere alle Storie con elementi grafici, ma l’assenza di GIF si fa sentire molto nei commenti dei post. Questa nuova funzionalità metterà il social network allo stesso livello dei suoi concorrenti , TikTok, Pinterest e altri Snapchat che già consentono di rispondere…
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viiridiangreen · 10 months
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geoffreymccullum · 5 months
while messing around out of bounds with NVIDIA Ansel, I noticed this cluster of cubes just hanging out under the Southwark bridge
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Myrddin killing Jonathan
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Jonathan serving on the front lines
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and the undertakers throwing him into the mass grave
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buscandoelparaiso · 2 months
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siamo carichi
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batw1nggg · 10 days
ughhhh my biggesttt pet peeve is when a postgame komahina fic uses izuru as like. a convenient excuse for angst instead of putting genuine thought into his existence and what it means. the amount of “i want hajime to be an unrealistically massive dick to komaeda unprompted… oh i know ill just make him go izuru mode”s and “komaedas only with izuru because he misses hajime and thats the only purpose izuru functions”s ive seen otherwise really good kmkmhn authors pull is genuinely devastating
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useless-rambling · 9 months
si nota proprio quanto, nonostante gli ascolti, questa stagione sia stata poco apprezzata dal pubblico social lol sia durante che dopo la messa in onda della prima, anche tumblr era inondato da post con teorie, headcanon e meme che sono andati progressivamente scemando solamente a distanza di tempo dall'ultimo episodio. ora invece il silenzio radio qua sopra è quasi totale nonostante la stagione si sia conclusa giusto un paio di giorni fa - praticamente l'effetto game of thrones: ha fatto cacare, rimuoviamolo collettivamente dalla nostra memoria
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cosmos-dot-semicolon · 5 months
I've seen you mention on some posts that Ninjago had an affect on your relationship with being Asian, and I was wondering if you had any thoughts you wanted to share on the subject of Asian representation in Ninjago.
Feel free to disregard if the subject is too personal.
This is absolutely fine! In fact I’ve been itching for an excuse to talk about it for a while, because this show deeply influenced my writing growing up, and honestly I'm sick of most of the people getting noticed for discussing it being white.
So, I think Ninjago’s Asian representation is garbage. It’s not unique: there was a common trend in 2010’s kids’ media to make everything cooler by including Ninjas or, more generally, Asians Doing Martial Arts. I remember it being in media as distant as Club Penguin and many Flash games back in the day, as well as worse cartoons I don’t bother to remember the name of. I’m fairly sure adult-geared Kung Fu movies also had a hand in this, but I didn’t watch those as a kid.
But Ninjago’s particularly bad in that they’ve kept doing this for over 10 years, and it’s baked into their story.
Everything from them not checking up how ‘ninjutsu’ was spelled, to them not actually making the characters have Asian skintones in that one anime segment, to that one time they based Nya’s outfit off a clearly named Cheongsam from Pinterest and called it a Kimono? It all just reeks of people who wanted to make a quick buck of an entire continent’s ‘aesthetic’ and the mysticism around it, rather than portray them as actual people.
There’s a really great website by someone (who I can’t remember the username of) detailing all the Orientalism of the show up until about season 10. It dives very deeply into how the design language of Ninjago always seems to be based in making the actually ‘Asian’ parts of the show evoke more of a feeling of East Asia than actually being accurate to any one culture, and a lot of inaccuracies and why they arose.
A poignant point it raises is that any time we get a cool character or place, they’re always portrayed as more western-coded and ‘civilised.’ Jamanakai Village is poor and the villagers are rude. Ninjago City is civilised and clearly closer to what white people are used to living in. Lloyd is this world’s destined saviour, and he is blonde. There was *one* Asian voice actor on the VA team. And 2/3 of the Ninja team is white-coded by name.
Some my own observations over the years also include:
Jay’s ‘yin to my yang saying’ being completely made up.
That intro to… season 7, I think? Where the Ninja fight off some slave-drivers whipping people working a rice farm. Which never gets brought up again.
Nadakhan’s entire design is the only bit of South-Asian rep we get for the first few years, and his mythology is inaccurate to how actual Djinn work, and he’s acknowledged by the creators to have a sexy voice and be an absolute creep.
Having enjoyed Monkie Kid, I think Ninjago’s Asian rep is fundamentally unfixable. It was built to appeal to a western audience that simply thought the concept of ninja were cool, and thought of Asia only as a conglomerate where people had powers and did cool fight sequences or were otherwise savages. And also where the entirety of South Asia doesn't exist.
Like, I've tried to make an AU where I overhauled things completely to be better rep, and you just can't do it without breaking the show in half. Half of a character's name comes from Japan, and the other half from China. You're going to be losing something whatever you choose (shout out to Koko from the movie), and it gets uncomfortable to think about real quick, especially when the show's strongest suit is its characters.
As a kid who was part of a diaspora, Ninjago definitely didn't help my fucked up viewpoint of being cool only if I passed as white enough and viewed my parents' country as a magical but ancient land rather than part of reality.
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apettaa · 7 months
Mi chiama mia nonna per sapere com'è andato il weekend con i miei e subito dopo "mi hanno detto che sei ingrassata", con un tono che pareva fosse sull'orlo delle lacrime, come se fosse qualcosa di estremamente grave e terribile
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deathshallbenomore · 8 months
riemergo solo per dire che sono in uno starbucks che sa di morte solo per non morire ibernata e c’è un tizio che sta parlando di business al telefono come se fosse kendall roy proprio uguale sputato paro paro identico sicuramente ha dei problemi
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aculofan · 11 months
Specchio dei tempi, trapianto di cuore Caen Molinette - La Stampa
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oncloudatlas · 4 months
how did it end? being la track #5 dell'antologia is so telling to me non per gli ovvi motivi e sensi della canzone, ovviamente, ma perché TUTTE sarebbero corse (come hanno fatto) alla traccia #5 per la leggenda fantomatica del significato che lei dà a quelle tracce e fa? accartocciare lo stomaco?? she knows che erano tutti pronti a capire cosa fosse successo, non per il suo bene, forse per quello di joe, ma sicuramente solo per avere il gossip scottante; e con questa traccia #5 she's saying "see? i knew you'd be here, wanna know how he broke my heart? wanna know what happened between us? wanna know the gossip? too bad i don't know what to tell you, i simply died inside"
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ontargetmadders · 8 months
AFCON commentary is truly unmatched 😂
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middayfiddler · 1 year
I am on a conference in Romania and I am making my colleague/friend watch Eurovision for the first time. Wish me luck and also self-control when it comes to extensive speeches on the history and cultural impact of the contest.
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