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spinningbuster98 · 1 year ago
Castlevania Symphony of the Night Part 3: Regional Differences
So...to go back for a second to the fact that I’m playing a translated Japanese version, let’s talk about cut content!
There are a couple of things that were cut from this game when it was released overseas, mostly minor objects that would have required some further localization which the team probably didn’t wanna be bothered with
For starters: there are 2 hidden familiars in the original version that are not present in western releases (PSP port notwithstanding)
In the hidden room where you’d otherwise find the Holy Sword you instead find the Nose Demon! He’s essentially a reskin of the normal Demon familiar you get later on, except he’s got a funny face and voice lines. Supposedly he’s based on a popular japanese comedian of the time, so I assume that the reason he was cut was because the joke would have flown over us westerners’ heads
In the room where you’d find the Sword familiar you instead find the Half-Fairy. She works exactly like the normal Fairy except she has different voice lines....and a very cool easter egg attatched to her: if you sit on a chair and don’t move for a couple of minutes she will sit on Alucard’s shoulder and there’s a chance (it’s random and she would not cooperate with me at first here) that she will then start singing this beautiful little melody which I’m going to show off next time :)
I’m going to assume that the reason this one was cut is because not only would they have to translate the song but also have someone sing it and given the quality of the english voice cast yeah forget it
There are other, minor differences, such as the ghostly priest in the Cathedral actually having a voice line where he does a little prayer while he’s totally mute in the international release
Speaking of the english voice cast I guess I’m sort of obligated to talk about them eh? Well let’s go over them!
Rober Belgrade as Alucard should not work for all intents and purposes, mainly because the actual tone of his voice is the literal opposite of his japanese va (same guy who voices Zero in Megaman X btw): Alucard is supposed to be an elegant, refined yet coldly stoic prince, so a soft voice that can still command respect fits him, while Belgrade is far too baritone. Yet despite this he still ends up sounding iconic because he’s pretty much the only person in this cast who genuinely tried to do his best. It’s a case where the voice itself shouldn’t fit but the delivery of the lines saves it
Dracula’s va (same guys who voiced the protagonist of Silent Hill 1 btw) sounds like he was convinced he was supposed to perform a parody of a Shakesperean play, he sounds so over the top he ends up sounding funny. The voice itself does not match the artwork nor the general idea of Dracula as this dark and intimidating figure
I don’t wanna harp on too much on Richter’s va (same va as Chris Redfield from RE1 btw) since the man died a bunch of years ago, but....yeah he was clearly reading his lines in the opening. He gets a little better in the rest of the game but that’s the extent of it
I’ve heard folks say that they can’t stand Maria’s younger sounding voice in the PSP port because she “doesn’t sound mature enough”, to which I ask: You do know she’s 17 here right? Granted I used to know girls in High School that had relatively deep voices, but Maria here straight up sounds like your average sultry sexy lady, much older than what she’s supposed to be, while she’s actually supposed to be a more mature version of her Rondo self: still pretty upbeat and cheerful but with more maturity on her
Lastly let’s talked about flimsy localization!
One of my biggest gripes against SOTN for the longest times was the number of secret moves and features the game does not tell you about
Some of these I’ve never minded because they’re minor and I can understand why they’d be secret, for example the secret moves that some weapons can perform? Just a cool little thing that you can accidentaly find out on your own while fumbling with the controls (which happened to me). The ability to use any spell without buying them at the shop by just knowing their commands? Well late game spells destroy the early game so of course it’d be a secret, plus again you can discover this accidentally on your own. The Shield Rod spells? Well those HAD to be secrets. The Wing Smash? That...I’m more salty about because Alucard’s flight is slow as sin without it but whatever
My real issue was always with the High Jump and the Skill of Wolf power ups, mainly because you had to find the correct relics for them...but then the game wouldn’t tell you how to actually use them (technically speaking you can still boost with the wolf after acquiring thePower of Wolf Relic, but no version of the game, not even the Japanese one, tells you how to do it with this Relic alone. Tbf it’s a very simple command, just double tap either left or right, but the Skill of Wolf Relic actually allows you to immediately run on a whim with no build up, thus allowing you to use the ability much more frequently)! Not only is this dumb because, while not strictly vital, these moves speed up exploration big time (especially in the Inverted Castle) but also because it made the feeling of discovering these relics pretty moot.
That is until I played the japanese version! Turns out that in this original version the in-game relic descriptions for these two actually DO contain the button inputs for how to use them. Just to be sure I even briefly played through an untranslated japanese rom and lo and behold!
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I may not be able to read kanji, but I can recognize arrows meant to represent button inputs!
So thank you english localization for making me think for over 10 years that Sotn was more cryptic than it actually is :)
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srvgers · 3 years ago
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matching what if… episode 7 icons (maria & carol/phil)
please like or reblog if you’re using/going to use !!
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The One Strange, Real Thing You Can't Replace
I couldn't find this iconic story's animatic for Ace Combat fandom, so I decided to make one myself. Then I realized, in wise words of another Tumblr user I forgot: "I make Art.txt, not Art.png" But that didn't stop me. Anyway here goes:
Rush hour in the Sky Kid Bar in Expo City. A group of nuggets from New Arrows Air Base gather around their mentor to hear another war story. He was a veteran of many conflicts and a former member of a few ace squadrons, regular and special taskforces. His TAC name was Count.
"Another story I heard about myself, this one happened during another Free Erusea uprising. There was this ace in the enemy air force, whose protégé flew in the enemy air force. His name was Mihaly Dumitru Margareta Corneliu Leopold Blanca Karol Aeon Ignatius Raphael Maria Niketas A. Shilage and his apprentice Yellow 13 was in the enemy squadron. He started flying in the Continental War while I started in the Lighthouse War, so he was 1 war ahead. And Mihaly… was an asshole.
"And one weekend he and his granddaughters decided to leave the air base. Which you should never do if you're an asshole. And Yellow 13 decided to patrol the airspace above their base. Hurray! And everyone in the Joint Assault Peacekeeping Squadron heard about it, and we all got up individually and thought: Okay, let's go over there and destroy the place.
"I entered the AO, everyone I had ever met was there, and everyone was flying like it was a superweapon fight. People were flying like it was the Belkan War and Pixy was coming to cut our wings off with that laser.
"It was totally unsupervised. Long Caster was baking a birthday cake for Eagle Eye and Oka Nieba with Bandog were making Thunderhead loosen up by force. We were like Spare Squadron, we were running wild.
"I descend- I descended to a lower altitude, they had a castle on a hill. Talisman took a Strike Eagle and dropped an SFFS on the castle and leveled it. Trigger packed Avril into his WSO seat, and found out which hangar was Mihaly's and landed and disassembled his Flanker.
"So the operation was going great.
"I'm flying low and I'm doing a cobra, you've seen Top Gun: Maverick, and I'm flying low, and I'm doing a cobra, and I'm starting to black out. And I guess someone said like <<something, something, Gründer>> and in a brilliant moment of word association, I yelled <<Fuck Belkan witchcraft!>>.
"<<Fuck Belkan witchcraft!>>.
"And everyone else joined in. A dozen of G-LOCed pilots, some of them of Belkan descent yelling <<Fuck. Belkan. Witchcraft.>>. With the confidence of guys who have, like, already been to solitary and aren’t afraid of it anymore. You know that like ‘I’ll take whatever the hell action I see fit’ confidence.
“The reason someone had said <<something, something, Gründer>> was because the Z.O.E. drones were there. So Doctor Schroeder went into the enemy command center and looked at the cluster of radar signatures and heard a bunch of pilots yelling <<Fuck Belkan witchcraft!>> on the open comms. And he was almost impressed. He was like <<Enthralling>>.
“And then he switched to their radio frequency and went <<Deploy Nemo>>. And my friend Jaeger, who is a father- This man has a son, he did a PSM, released a cloud of flares and yelled <<Scatter!>>.
“And everyone flew in a different directions, we all flew in different directions. It was like that moment when Eruseans deployed MQ-99s in Scofields Plateau and they all went different ways, we all flew in different directions.
“I followed Trigger along the river, and we entered a valley, and I’m flying through the valley and there’s this narrow highway tunnel, and I thought <<I’ve never flew through a tunnel that small before>> and then I woke up in the hangar.
“On Monday, I went on a mission because that’s what we did back then. And I’m entering the AO and who do I fight, but Yellow 13 and he says to me <<Hey, were you in Shilage on Saturday?>>.
“And I said <<Negative>>, you know, like a con man.
“And he said <<Things got really out of hand. Someone destroyed the castle. Someone took apart Mihaly’s Su-30.>>.
“<<But the worst thing>> he says, <<The worst thing is that someone stole these old Voslage Air Force patches and the Sol Squadron are freaking out about it.>>.
“And I had that thought that only pilots shooting at tents and Full Band can have. Did- Did I do that?
"I figured no, I wouldn't have done that, but I was never sure until, 2 years later- Relax" He said to nuggets going wild.
"I'm doing a BFM exercise with this ace, TAC name Cipher that we also fought along with. 2 years later, 3 new Free Erusea uprisings were over by now. We're practicing basic fighter maneuvers for a while and then Cipher says to me <<Hey, come here. I want to show you something>>.
"We land and he takes me to his hangar, and then he takes me into the back section of his hangar that's closed behind a curtain. Never a good thing to have. He shows me a tiny cork board that is covered in different patches of disbanded squadrons, pillaged from different air bases over the years.
"And I said 'Why?'. 'Why do you do this?'
"And Cipher said 'Because it's the one thing you can't replace".
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sylvanas-girlkisser · 4 years ago
Here’s all the blackhill interactions I’ve found so far in the new Avengers game. It’s not a lot no, but it’s more than the MCU ever gave us :^)
Maria: I never know if you’re going in quiet or loud
Nat: Sometimes, neither do I
Maria: You did this for a payout?
Nat: Relax commander, take a deep breath director, I’ll explain later
Maria: You’ll explain when you’re back at base
Nat: Allow me to take the scenic route then
(Nat is so sleeping couch after that one)
Nat: Does this mean I’m back on your Christmas list?
Maria: You’re getting there, I’d at least send you a card
Nat: Hill, you and I both know I’m the only one who can do this
I have excluded any lines that didn’t really showcase their personalities, such as Maria briefing Nat at the start of her iconic missions. Due to the nature of the game there might also be more interactions out there I haven’t found, in which case I’ll edit this post.
So far I have completed the main story, Nat’s iconic missions, all the shield missions, and a couple of random missions
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omniversalobservations · 4 years ago
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D-vengers: Infini-D War (2018)
Due to popular demand on reddit, here is Infini-D War. From Darkwing Duck to Gravity Falls - your childhood cartoons as Avengers in the Infinity War poster. This is the third tv cartoon mashup of the poster after Infinitoon War and Infinick War. The list of the characters and shows the mashups were inspired are below, a better visual guide can be found on my Facebook page:
1. Phineas in The Beak suit (Phineas and Ferb) as Iron Man 2. Aladdin (animated TV series) as Captain America 3. Hercules (The Animated Series) as Thor 4. Goliath (Gargoyles) as Hulk 5. Kim Possible as Black Widow 6. Ron Stoppable (Kim Possible) as Hawkeye/ Ronin 7. TJ Detweiler (Recess) as Spider-Man 8. Icarus (Hercules: The Animated Series) as Falcon 9. Darkwing Duck as Winter Soldier 10. Gizmoduck (DuckTales) as War Machine 11. Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls) as Scarlet Witch 12. XR (Buzz Lightyear of Star Command) as Vision 13. Kuzco (The Emperor's New School) as Black Panther 14. Candy (Dave the Barbarian) as Okoye 15. Penny Proud (The Proud Family) as Shuri 16. Genie (Aladdine animated TV series) as Doctor Strange 17. Magic Carpet (Aladdin TV) as Cape of Levitation 18. Jake Long (American Dragon) as Wong 19. Baloo (TaleSpin) as Star Lord 20. Sylvia (Wander Over Yonder) as Gamora 21. Stitch (Lilo and Stitch: The Series) as Rocket Raccoon 22. Max Goof (Goof Troop) as Groot 23. Pumbaa (Timon and Pumbaa) as Drax 24. Sunni Gummi (Adventures of the Gummi Bears) as Mantis 25. Brandy (Brandy and Mr. Whiskers) as Nebula 26. Dale (Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers) as Ant-Man 27. Maggie (The Buzz on Maggie) as Wasp 28. Fillmore as Nick Fury 29. Ingrid Third (Fillmore!) as Maria Hill 30. Star Butterfly (Star vs the Forces of Evil) as Captain Marvel 31. Shego (Kim Possible) as Proxima Midnight 32. Negaduck (Darkwing Duck) as Corvus Glaive 33. Bankjob Beagle (Ducktales) as Cull Obsidian 34. Mozenrath (Aladdin TV) as Ebony Maw 35. Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) as Thanos 36. Mickey and Friends Icons (House of Mouse) as Infinity Stones
Source: DeviantArt
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years ago
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Strong willed yet naive, Orlaith MacMillan is the brash brush of paint scrawling across a canvas, girlish giggles echoing down a chandelier lit marble corridor and the crackle of a sparkler in the dim of the night; beautiful yet longing for attention. With a name meaning ‘golden princess’, Orla fittingly lives up to the title. Born to PATRICK MACMILLAN and FIONA O’HARE on the coast of Ireland in County Wicklow, Orla grew with primroses adorning her hair chasing fire flies that whispered tales of romance. Longing to be a princess of her own happily ever after, creativity exuding from her fingers. Primping dolls with her mother’s beauty potions, to scrawling hearts of fuchsia lipstick across walls and tying ribbons into the stray cats tail, everyday she decorated the world to make it just as beautiful as she dreamed. While members of the Sacred Twenty Eight, the MacMillans were deemed blood traitors by many in Wizarding society due to Fiona’s liberal views. A reputation salvaged only by the lingering respect gained from the union of MELANIA MACMILLAN to ARCTURUS BLACK. Today, the MacMillan name lingers in fields rather than the grand manors Orla’s grandmother KATHLEEN spoke of that their ancestors once frolloced. Money dwindling in comparison to many other Pure-Blood families with their father abroad studying magical creatures, the family secluded themselves to a quaint cottage with crawling vines. Living a charmed life, there was never a moment that the home wasn’t filled with laughter, warmth and starlight found not from magic but in the love that they all shared. 
Adored as the baby of the family, Orla grew spoiled. Attention seeking, she graved affection like oxygen; leaving sunken features and wails of tears for those that didn’t comply. Batting eyelashes and pouting lips gained sympathy from her mother and siblings MARIANNE and FIONN who were quick to smother the girl in adoration. Equally as stubborn as her sister SAOIRSE, while her family dotted around her, Sersh was left exasperated at how easily people fell to Orla’s feet. Similar in more ways than one, the sisters were equally passionate and hardheaded. While Sersh dreamed in ink swirls, Orla longed for a spotlight; pleading to play fairies dressed in shimmering golds in Sersh’s tales that they performed. While the two girls fought, Fionn and Marianne grew exasperated from pulling their siblings aside to make amends. Despite their differences, the four loved each other dearly. From rolling down hills to whispering secrets under blanket forts, they shared a golden childhood. While content in their little group, none knew they were waiting for the last missing piece. Handsome with a boyish charm, the day she caught the boy next door AUGUSTUS ABBOTT’S eyes Oralith swore her heart skipped a beat. Falling deeply, she’d spend nights scribbling their names in locked hearts with her pink feathered quill and hiding scarlet blushes of embarrassment behind soft giggles. Eventually it became difficult to remember life before Gus’ laughter and music filled their lives. An honorary MacMillan, the five dreamed in childhood nostalgia of ghost stories around campfires, ice skating on frozen lakes and whispering dreams to fireflies.
When it came Oralith’s time to join Hogwarts, it was of surprise to none that as the sorting hat graced her blonde locks, she’d too find a home amongst intellectuals joining her sister Marianne. Akin souls and the sibling she was closest to, Orla was overwhelmed with relief to share the experience with Maria who was more a secondary mother figure in many ways. Though it wasn’t long before she found chosen family. A charismatic girl, HEATHER BROWN was a fellow Ravenclaw with starry eyes, an affection for rabbits and natural gift for divination. Dorm mates since their first year, the pair joined arms and quickly became best friends. Whispering over boys, adorning their nails in glitter and gossiping about the latest Hogwarts love stories, Orlaith confided in Heather as she pined after Augustus who only grew more captivated by her sister daily. Left with fleeting jealousy, as she watched forlorn as Gus’ grew captivated by Saoirse, Orla grew green with envy at being second yet again; particularly when Sersh showed such little interest in the notion of love. Left aching in the knowledge she was begging for attention from someone who could not return it, instead of growing sour in her misplaced affection Orla turned her hand to playing popular politics longing to bask in the same glory as the elder witches she admired. Aspirational and powerful, GENEVIEVE AVERY, ANASTASIA DUPONT, ANDRESSA PARKINSON and CAMILLE ROWLE were renowned fashion icons all who easily commanded a room with a poised beauty and grace. Watching with astonishment, Orla dreamed of shining in the same light as the magnetic women; knowing even then that she was destined to befall the same glory.
Attentive when it suited her, while Orla held great intellect, she instead spent her time swooning over the handsome features behind THE WEIRD SISTERS with MARY MACDONALD. Paying little mind to PROFESSOR MCGONAGAL who scorned them both, warnings that boys would hold little value if they held no convictions. While most professors deemed her gossiping a bother, one teacher who took a shine to Orla was PROFESSOR SLUGHORN who eagerly welcomed her into Slug Club for her renowned excellence in potions. While a sought after talent; it was her skills outside of the classroom that set her apart. Brewing beauty potions that outshined those on the commercial market, Orla became known for her craftsmanship of colour, shimmer and pigment. Once the protesgue of FLORENCE JONES, the older witch had acted as a mentor, showing with a gentle hand how to achieve the perfect potion that shined like star light. Highlight that sparkled like the sun, lipsticks that never faded unless willed and eye shadow changing according to mood, sorcerers begged Orla for her secrets and paid in sums for even a glimmer of the beauty she bottled. While her business had started small, it wasn’t long before her name was praised around the school for her creative hand not seen since the likes of SACHARISSA TUGWOOD. Decorating features with a golden shine, Orlaith basked in the praise she received as lines of witches pleaded with her to decorate their features to attend infamous parties hosted by the Marauders; JAMES, SIRIUS, REMUS and PETER. Twirling hand in hand with Heather, Mary and MAREN LINWOOD, Orla danced into the night decorated in tulle and shining like a rare gem with the rest of those adored in her makeup. 
A rare beauty, Orla’s delicate features and warmth wasn’t lost by the likes of best friend DEMETRIUS MCLAGGEN who looked upon with a longing wishful eye unbeknownst to her. A ravenclaw who held a similar need for attention as she, GILDEROY LOCKHEART was a handsome charismatic boy who had an affinity for the ladies. Free with his compliments of others and himself, while at first his flirtatious advances were met with dismissal, over time his propositions began to get her attention. Catching Orlaith’s eyes following Gus, he teased that getting under someone was the best medicine to get over a broken heart. While she sneered at first, a drunken night led to interlocked lips. While popularity hindered their love affair a secret, they quickly became the aspirational couple; leaving them both basking in the attention they acquired. Though nothing was ever so simple for the MacMillan women. A wealthy ambitious widow, Orla’s grandmother, while once wished Marianne would become the adored actress she’d once dreamed, she knew the likelihood of that was slim and with Sersh a lost cause entirely, she turned to Orla; looking upon her to raise the family name high. Explaining how she’d seen the MacMillan name turn to disarray at her mother’s hand, Kathleen praised Orla as the last hope for the MacMillan name; a responsibility she took onto delicate shoulders driven by need to protect her family like they had her for so many years. Growing to believe she holds power over who she loves, marriage is more of an economic proposition than ever before in Orla’s eyes. With Kathleen insisting there would be little the family could do if Orlaith is unable to secure herself highly within society and establish strong connections.
With a growing obstinate desire to be great or nothing, Orlaith is evolving out of her once foolish ways to become a valued member amongst the elite. A sought after witch, her talents were quickly scouted by founding editor of Witch Weekly TOBIAS MISSLETHORPE who’d seen her artist hand adored the features of none other than famed actress RUBY GOLDSTEIN. An esteemed makeup artist, Orla takes deep pride in her work and excels across the covers of her favourite magazine. Approached by the famed Tugwood family to launch her very own line of beauty products to run alongside her once idol Sacharissa, Orla is working tirelessly to secure her name in shining lights. Booked solidly by sorcerers as they prepare for the parties of the season, though her name isn’t the only thing people are whispering about as her relationships reigns public gossip thanks to RITA SKEETER’S column. While Orlaith and Gilderoy play the adoring couple to the masses, behind closed doors tell a different tale. With her widely adored boyfriend’s fleeting attention, their ‘relationship’ has come under large public speculation; claiming they are simply using their love as a means to fame. Aware that the rumor could tarnish what she’s so diligently built, Orlaith is trying earnestly to tame a free willed male with little success. Openly scorned with boiled anger by Demetrius for her frivolous love, he pronounced claims that she deserved better than someone who holds such fleeting disinterest. Followed by - to her shock - frustrated harboured words of love. Caught between Demetrius and Gilderoy, Orla is left desperately trying to find an answer to what matters most; a legacy, family security and her dream or the possibility of happily ever after if only she let it in.
Blood Status → Pure-Blood
Pronouns → She/Her
Identification → Cis Female
Sexuality  → Sexually Fluid (closeted/yet to understand in self)
Relationship Status → In a relationship with Gilderoy Lockheart
Previous Education →  Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Ravenclaw)
Family → Fiona MacMillan (mother), Patrick MacMillan (father), Marianne MacMillan (sister), Fionn MacMillan (brother) Saoirse MacMillan (sister), Kathleen MacMillan (grandmother)
Connections  → Heather Brown (best friend/room-mate/potential love interest),  Demetrius McLaggen (best friend/potential love interest), Augustus Abbott (close friend/past object of affection), Mary MacDonald (close friend), Kirley Duke (object of affection), Camille Rowle (idol/work colleague), Florence Jones (close friend/past mentor), Felicitania Tugwood (friend/work colleague), Maren Linwood (friend), Gilderoy Lockheart (close friend/romantic liaison/potential love interest), Sacharissa Tugwood (idol), Cassiopeia Kim (friend), Emilia Grey (friend), Cressida Abercrombie (friend) 
Future Information → Aunt of Ernest MacMillan, adopted mother of Lavender Brown (subject to change), Wife of Heather Brown (subject to change)
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wtfjd95 · 5 years ago
General Information (Updated to include newer stuff)
Everything posted here may become series or just random imagines that I may post.
I DON’T DO SMUT! I have tried writing in my spare time but it never turns out the way I want it to.
Please make me aware if any of the links do not work.
Seanonal Fics
Alex Danvers (Supergirl) 
Merry Christmas
Cheryl Blossom (Riverdale)
Memorable Moments
Reader Fics
American Horror Story
Cordelia Goode
Love Drunk
The 100
Clarke Griffin
Reunited (Clarke x Reader 1)
Commander Lexa
Lexa x Reader 1
Lexa x Reader 2
Caught Out
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Maria Hill
Remembering the Good Days
Lady Sif
Worried | 1 | 2
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff 1
Wanda Maximoff
Together as one
The Scarlet Temptation
Marvel Comics
Kitty Pryde
Kitten and the Coyote | 1 | 2
Once Upon a Time
Evil Queen
Evil Queen x Reader 1
Regina Mills
Regina X Reader 1
Cheryl Blossom
I walked for miles ‘til I found you
Alex Danvers
Fallen Angel 
Serendipitous (AU) | 1 | 2
Kara Danvers/Supergirl
The Detective | 1
Saved | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Lena Luthor
Lena x Reader 1
Shifter | 1 | 2 |
Jade West
It’ll Always Be You | 1 | 2 |
Home Visit (Bayley x Reader 1)
Charlotte Flair
Charlotte x Reader 1
Memories (Charlotte x Reader 2)
Iconic Duo (Billie Kay & Peyton Royce)
Iconic AU | 1 | 2
Paige x Reader 1
Paige x Reader 2
Original Character Fics
Clarke Griffin
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orthodoxydaily · 4 years ago
Icon, Saint&Reading: Wed., Oct. 7, 2020
Commemorated on September 24_according to the Julian calendar
The Holy First-Martyress and Equal-to-the-Apostles Thekla of  Iconium (1st.c.)
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     The Holy First-Martyress and Equal-to-the-Apostles Thekla was born in the city of Iconium. She was the daughter of rich and illustrious parents, and moreover she was distinguished by extraordinary beauty. At 18 years of age they betrothed her to an eminent youth. But having heard the preaching of the holy Apostle Paul about the Saviour, Saint Thekla with all her heart came to love the Lord Jesus Christ, and she steadfastly resolved not to enter into marriage, but rather to devote all her life to preaching the Gospel. The mother of Saint Thekla was opposed to her daughter's plans and demanded that she enter into marriage with the bridegroom betrothed to her. Saint Thekla's fiancee likewise made a complaint to the governor of the city against the Apostle Paul, accusing him of turning his bride against him. The governor locked up Saint Paul in prison. During the night Saint Thekla secretly ran away from her house, and she bribed the prison guards, giving them all her gold ornaments, and so made her way into the prison to the prisoner. For three days she sat at the feet of the Apostle Paul, hearkening to his fatherly precepts. The disappearance of Thekla was discovered, and servants were sent out everywhere in search of her. Finally they found her in the prison and brought her home by force.
At his trial the Apostle Paul was sentenced to banishment from the city. And with Saint Thekla they again began urging her to consent to the marriage, but she would not change her mind. Neither the tears of her mother, nor her wrath, nor the threats of the governor were able to separate Saint Thekla from her love for the Heavenly Bridegroom, the Lord Jesus Christ. Her mother in a insane rage demanded from the judges a death sentence against her unyielding daughter, and Saint Thekla was sentenced to burning. Without flinching, the holy martyress went into the bon-fire and made the sign of the cross over herself. At this moment the Saviour appeared to her, blessing her present deed, and inexpressible joy filled her holy soul. The flames of the bon-fire shot up high, but the martyress was surrounded by an halo and the flames did not touch her. Thunder boomed, and a strong downpour of rain with hail extinguished the bon-fire. The torturers scattered in fear. Saint Thekla, kept safe by the Lord, quit the city and with the help of a certain Christian youth searched out the Apostle Paul. The holy apostle and his companions, among which was also the Disciple Barnabas, were hidden away in a cave not far from the city, praying fervently, that the Lord would give strength to Saint Thekla in her sufferings.      After this, Saint Thekla went together with them preaching the Gospel in Antioch. In this city she was pursued by a certain dignitary named Alexander, who was captivated by her beauty. Saint Thekla refused his offer to enter into marriage, and so for being a Christian she was condemned to death. Twice they set loose upon her hungry wild animals, but they would not touch the holy virgin, but instead lay down meekly and licking at her feet. The Providence of God preserved the holy martyress unharmed through all her torments. Finally, they tied her to two oxen and began to chase after her with red-hot rods, but the strong cords broke asunder like cob-webs, and the oxen ran off, leaving Saint Thekla unharmed. And the people began shouting: "Great is the God of the Christians!" The governor himself became terrified, reasoning it out finally, that the holy martyress was being kept safe by the Almighty God, Whom she served. He then gave orders to set free the servant of God Thekla.      With the blessing of the Apostle Paul, Saint Thekla then settled in the desolate surroundings of Isaurian Seleucia and dwelt there for many years, constantly preaching the Word of God and healing the sick through her prayer. Saint Thekla converted many pagans to Christ, and the Church names her worthily as "Equal-to-the-Apostles" ("Ravnoapostol'na"). Even a pagan priest, seeking to assault her purity and punished for his impudence, was brought by her to holy Baptism. More than once the enemy of the race of man tried to destroy Saint Thekla through people blinded by sin, but the power of God always preserved this faithful servant of Christ.      When Saint Thekla was already a 90 year old woman, pagan sorcerers became incensed at her for treating the sick for free. They were unable to comprehend that the saint was healing the sick by the power of the grace of Christ, and they presumed that the virgin-goddess Artemis (Diana) was her especial patroness. Out of envy against Saint Thekla, they sent their followers to defile her. When they had already approached quite close to her, Saint Thekla cried out for help to Christ the Savior, and the hill split open and hid the holy virgin, the bride of Christ. And thus did Saint Thekla offer up her holy soul to the Lord.      Holy Church glorifies the "First-Suffering" Thekla as "of women the glory and guide for suffering, opening up the way through every torment". From of old many a temple was dedicated to her, one of which was built at Tsargrad (Constantinople) by the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine (Comm. 21 May). And then too, the name of the First-Martyress Equal-to-the-Apostles Thekla, a prayer intercessor for the ascetic, is remembered during the tonsure of women into monasticism.
ICON: “Mirozh"  of the Mother of God
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     The Mirozh Icon appeared at the Mirozh monastery in the year 1198. But later, during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, at a time when a plague raged at Pskov, an ancient report tells how tears flowed from both eyes of the icon. Many benefits and healings for man occured from the icon of the Mother of God."      The Mirozh Icon is an "Orans" ("Praying") type. On either side of the Most Holy Theotokos stand the Pskov Saints: on the right, the holy Prince Dovmont-Timothy (May 20); on the left, his wife, the holy nun Martha, in the world named Maria Dimitrievna (November 8, 1300). Tsar Ivan Vasilievich took away the wonderworking icon from Pskov, but at the monastery an exact copy remained: the so-called "Great Panagia" from the Savior-Mirozh monastery.      On September 24, 1567, on the Feast of St Abraham at the Mirozh monastery there occurred a miraculous sign from an ancient icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. The celebration of the Mirozh Icon of the Sign was established in that same year, with the blessing of Archbishop Pimen of Novgorod and Pskov. A special service to this icon was composed, and was published in the 1666 MENAION.
All texts: © 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.
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uke 4:1-15
1Then Jesus, being filled with the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, 2 being tempted for forty days by the devil. And in those days He ate nothing, and afterward, when they had ended, He was hungry. 3 And the devil said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread." 4 But Jesus answered him, saying, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.' " 5 Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. 6 And the devil said to Him, "All this authority I will give You, and their glory; forthis has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours. 8 And Jesus answered and said to him, "Get behind Me, Satan! For it is written, 'You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve.' " 9 Then he brought Him to Jerusalem, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down from here. 10 For it is written:'He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you,' 11 and, 'In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone.' " 12 And Jesus answered and said to him, "It has been said, 'You shall not tempt the LORD your God.' " 13 Now when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from Him until an opportune time. 14 Then Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee, and news of Him went out through all the surrounding region. 15 And He taught in their synagogues, being glorified by all.
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whycantwegivellove · 5 years ago
im okay, procrastinating homework too. maria hill. thoughts? :)
fucking iconic. lesbian extraordinaire? check. smoking hot commander? check. badass motherfucker? check. she deserves SO much better honestly, and if marvel doesn’t include her in phase 4, i might actually riot (fellow maria hill fanatics better riot with me bc i don;t wanna do it alone). ffh had AMAZING maria content but fucked it all up with that post credits scene (i was so mad about that--i still am, actually). cobie’s protrayal is golden but butchy mcfabulous maria from the comics will always have a specuail place in my heart (oh! i changde myi con thanks to that anon asking about blackhill comics
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heroeslogic-moved · 3 years ago
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these are the agents that helped facilitate or train the delinquent task force.
some are my own original characters (do not steal those) and some are canon marvel characters (which i do not take credit for)
icon border credit goes to somresources
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the agent in charge of putting the team together, agent hill serves as the team’s supervising agent and as a maternal figure for most of the team. she is dedicated to helping the young agents be the best they can be.
although agent coulson has no active role in the delinquent task force, he serves to advise agent hill and welcomes any members of the task force to help his team out if they may need it.
the director of s.h.i.e.l.d. who okayed the delinquent project and the formation of the delinquent task force.
the notorious agent ward helped to train many of the delinquents who would go on to become field agents. he served as a mentor and older brother figure to the team’s young leader, agent gallagher.
AGENT AARON BERGMAN ... as played by josh radnor
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a field agent and mentor to the team. he’s a master of linguistics and strategy. he’s in no way a cold or stoic agent. he relies on making jokes and has ‘dad vibes’ according to the team.
AGENT DANIELLE SCHAEFER ... as played by lizzie caplan
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a field agent, known for training the delinquents in different methods of combat and use of various weaponry.
DR. SAMUEL MCLEOD … as played by ewan mcgregor
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the agent in charge of training the scientists, medics and engineers of the team.
DR. CAMILLA ORTIZ … as played by justina machado
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the team’s resident psychologist, she’s got such a bubbly personality that it’s hard for the team to picture her as having traded in field work for office work with the team of teenagers.
AGENT CAMERON ‘JONESY’ JONES … as played by pete davidson
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s.h.i.e.l.d.’s recruiter for the task force and a field agent. he spends much of his time undercover. he was the first ‘delinquent’ recruit before the delinquent project was put into effect. the team affectionately calls him ‘jonesy’. he’s jessa mcconnell’s half brother.
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viperbranium · 7 years ago
This is one of the extra ficlets I wrote as backer rewards for the NWY fanbook. I think we’re good to post them now, sooo... Here, have some Shrunkyclunks~
Out of all the weird shit Bucky’s had to put up with in his life, getting knocked to the ground in the middle of the night inside his own apartment might be the winner.
One second he’s stumbling in the dark to get some water, and the next one he’s lying on his back and there’s a huge man towering over him, combat boots bracketing his hips and some sort of weapon, big and blunt and heavy, digging uncomfortably into Bucky’s sternum.
Bucky grunts and balls his hand into a fist, bracing himself for the fight. One-armed or not he’s spent the last two years working his ass off to beat some sort of normalcy back into his life, and if this fucker thinks he can fuck up his sleeping pattern again he’s in for a surprise. Then the man speaks.
“Stand down, soldier,” his attacker says, voice deep and full of command, and oh.
Bucky knows that voice. He knows what the round, heavy object the man’s using to pin him down is. He cracks up.
“Captain America,” Bucky greets him, and maybe he should be a bit surprised himself that a national icon just broke into his house, but right now he’s mostly relieved, and, if he’s being honest with himself, this is far from the strangest thing that has happened to him. Besides, he can just picture the confusion on the man’s face, and that makes everything even more hilarious. “Welcome to my humble abode. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
After a few instants, Captain Rogers says, “This is a SHIELD safe house.”
He says it matter-of-factly, and sounds exactly like someone who’s starting to realize they’ve made a mistake, and who’s hoping that if they state their words dryly enough, like they believe them, that’ll make them true. Bucky’s abs hurt from holding back the laughter.
“Sorry to disappoint you, pal, but this is my apartment,” Bucky tells him, patting his calf. Captain America doesn’t move. “I’d fire whoever gave you that intel if I were you.”
That seems to remind the man of something, and Bucky, still lying atop his ugly, old carpet, watches as he reaches up to his earpiece. A moment later a woman’s voice comes through.
“You there yet, Rogers?” she says. Bucky knows that voice too.
Natasha Romanoff had walked into his coffee shop a few years ago, talking to someone on her phone in Russian as she waited in the line. When it was her turn, Bucky’d also greeted her and taken her order in Russian. She had smiled, and she’d kept coming.
A couple hours after the Avengers had saved the city she’d paid him another visit, gorgeous even while sporting a few cuts and bruises, and still wearing her suit. “Long day, huh?” Bucky’d teased. Natasha had only smirked.
Bucky likes to think they’re sort of friends.
Right now, Bucky could swear Natasha sounds mighty well pleased with herself. Captain America must think so as well, because he groans and finally takes a step back, offering Bucky his right hand to help him stand.
“Where the hell did you send me?”
“Hey!” Bucky protests jokingly, moving to turn on the light.
“Chill, Rogers. Barnes’ place is probably as safe as any SHIELD facility right now. It’s not like anyone would look for you there…”
“I could’ve hurt him!” Cap counters, scandalized. Natasha chuckles.
“It’s okay, James is a strong guy.” Bucky can practically hear her smirk through the coms. “He could probably bench-press you, if that’s your thing. You do look like the kinky type.”
“I’ll leave you boys to it. Extraction is at 0900, Steve.”
Bucky hears the line disconnect, somewhere between disbelieving and thoroughly amused. He’s pretty sure he’s never told Natasha about his gargantuan crush on Steve Rogers, but he’s willing to bet that she knows anyway, and he’s not about to look this gift horse in the mouth.
The man is currently standing in full uniform in the middle of his living room pinching the bridge of his nose, a hint of delicious red coloring his cheeks after Natasha’s implication, and honestly, no matter what comes out of this, that woman’s getting free coffee for a lifetime.
“I’ve got some clothes you can borrow, if you wanna change out of that suit.” Or no clothes. No clothes is good. They wouldn’t fit you anyway.
“Yeah, that’d—” Captain America starts, and then cuts himself off when he finally looks up at Bucky.
And maybe this isn’t how Bucky would’ve liked to meet him, barefoot and shirtless and wearing a pair of pajama pants so old they’re see-through… but Natasha must’ve really known what she was doing, because the man takes a moment to very pointedly check Bucky out.
He drags his eyes slowly down Bucky’s body, and all the way back up, undeterred by the missing arm or Bucky’s messy hair or his two days’ worth of stubble—a stark contrast to the Captain’s perfect, clean-shaven look.
Cap clears his throat. “That’d be great, thank you,” he says, and fucking bats his eyelashes at him. Bucky thinks he might be having a stroke. “And sorry about Nat, she’s… dedicated to her cause.”
“It’s okay, you’re not her first attempt” Bucky smiles. “She tried to hook me up with Maria Hill before learning that I was as gay as sparkles on a unicorn.”
“I should’ve known this was a set-up.” Rogers smirks, eyes full of mischief. “I was thinking you went down too easily for a HYDRA agent…” And oh, he’s a cheeky little fucker. Bucky’s gone for.
“I’m half-asleep!” he protests. Captain Rogers laughs.
“Pleasure to meet you, Half-asleep, I’m Steve,” he says, a fond, slightly awkward smile on his lips as he holds out a hand.
Bucky groans and makes a show of rolling his eyes at him, but shakes it anyway. “Bucky,” he replies, smiling right back, and makes a mental note to check whether he can afford to get Natasha a car for Christmas.
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srvgers · 3 years ago
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matching what if… episode 7 icons (maria & jane)
please like or reblog if you’re using/going to use !!
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comicsforever · 8 years ago
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So I Read Today… Secret Empire #1 to #10 // by Marvel Comics (2017)
Brace yourself i really want you to read this.
Another year is about to finish and Marvel Comics just wrapped up the big event of this year. Secret Empire as an idea might have sound really good on paper, but its execution was one of the biggest clusterfucks ever done in the history of comic books. Bear with me as we go down the memory lane to understand why this event was doomed to fail from the start.
It all begins in 2016. Marvel just launched a Steve Rogers solo book after making him young again in the “Avengers: Stand-Off” storyline. In #1 we get the first major revelation of the aftermath of that story: Steve Rogers is revealed to be a Hydra Agent and he has been one since WWII. Not only that he’s #2 to the Red Skull who’s Hydra Supreme and wields Professor X brain as a psychic weapon.
After the Unity Squad (The Uncanny Avengers) “helped” him to get rid of that little inconvenience he makes his move to take command as Hydra Supreme in the company of most of his Rogue Gallery as henchmen or seconds in command, from Baron Zemo to Prof. Faustus and Arnim Zola. His “true” past is revealed to us and we learn how he was dragged to Hydra in the first place.
When everything is into place and the heroes are in disarray after the Second Civil War he reveals himself by defeating every single of his former friends in seconds and picking up Mjolnir proving himself “worthy” of leading the USA. If Marvel knows how to do something is the set-up of any of their events as it was done with Secret Invasion, World War Hulk or Secret Wars 2015 just to offer a couple of the most relevant examples I can come up with right now. The delivery of the punchline is where most issues arise with these events.
Let’s take in consideration for a minute that this story was published in a time when the USA is more divided than ever in the real world and factions of the American society are literally tearing each other apart for what they believe it’s right (recent events in Charlottesvile were worldwide trending topics, showing much of the actual issues of North America right now and most of them are racial).
From a marketing point of view, turning Captain America into an icon for a fictional group of Nazis was the worst move they could have ever done or at least one done with a terrible timing. Even for the fans that actually use their common sense and knows that this story won’t end with Cap as a Nazi this was cringe worthy to put it mildly. A series of missteps along the way didn’t help either, mainly Marvel wanting comic stores to decorate with an Hydra theme to sell the event. The final offense was of course Marvel’s editorial damage control.
Statements asking for the patience of fans and to just follow the story didn’t stick or appease anybody. Continuous claims by leading writer Nick Spencer claiming that this was “not a doppelganger, not a clone, this IS Captain America” or that “the event wouldn’t be solved by fixing everything back with the Cosmic Cube” feel of deaf ears. What we got in the end was a fairly generic event with a deux-ex-machina ending that is even worse than the now infamous “No More Mutans” of House of M. Here I’ll tell you everything you need in a couple of paragraph:
With Cap having declared himself Hydra Supreme and sealing the world into a shield he duped Maria Hill and the Ultimates into making, he begins asserting his power over the USA with the acceptance of society. He manages to engulf and trap New York (and most of the urban super heroes) into a black vortex and turns another group of them to his side. The cosmic cube is broken into various pieces and Hydra wants them all back. A ragtag team of heroes lead by an A.I of Tony Stark makes every single effort they can to get them first. The race is won by Steve 8 out of 9 times. In the process he obliterates las Vegas, invades Wakanda, kills the Black Widow, Rick Jones and almost kills Bucky Barnes he also tells the world to play by his rules or else.
Meanwhile a memory of what Cap used to be is lurking inside the cosmic cube finding people he deems familiar (from Hawkeye to Sharon Carter and The Red Skull) when he finally finds Kobik (the “soul” of the cube who is sentient) he’s wished back to reality by Sam Wilson and Bucky and proceeds to beat the living shit out of Hydra-Cap using Thor’s hammer. Kobik then proceeds to put everything right again but leave the destruction made by Hydra stick so people can rebuild. That’s it. That’s the meat of the story. Of course there is more to it. But that’s what makes this story what it is.
The dialog on the 10 issues is very good and according to what we have seen from Steve and the heroes in the last 10 months or so, but the plot degrades into fairly generic superhero fare and it feels rushed. Maybe affected by editorial after taking such a beating from unfriendly comic media outlets like Bleeding Cool or The Outhouse. The art is what suffered the most: It was not so long ago that Marvel was consistent in their events and had one artist for the whole run of it. Out of Original Sin and Secret Wars every event since Avengers Vs X-Men features multiple artists and this hurts the flow of the story.
 In Secret Empire we had Steve Mcniven opening  the event in #1 and closing with a good chunk of #10. The other issues feature art by Andrea Sorrentino, Rod Reids, Daniel Acuña, Paco Medina and Leinil Francis Yu. In my opinion this hurts the flow of the story and it’s a huge distraction, especially since some of the art styles used don’t mesh well with each other. I may be the minority but I would gladly take a delayed book well penciled by one artist that brings the best he has to the script of the writer.
All in all this could have been so much better. The idea might have been wild in 2015 when it was conceived, but the time of his execution was poor to say the least. This is not a defining event and I can only hope that after being beaten so bad for the past few months because of it, Marvel pulls their shit together and make good on the word of killing events for at least 18 months (or more).
Secret Empire is the thing that should not be.
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wclkcr-blog · 7 years ago
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[ icarly theme playing in bg ] in five, four, three, two.. it’s ya local trashbag also known as rach. i’m twenty years old n from lil old ireland meaning this bitch is in the gmt+1 timezone. can we take a sec to ?? w0w @@ the fact that all you wonderful humans joined our lil group i’m still ?? heart eyes @ you all tbh. anywhoot, below the cut you can find some info about my smol angsty child — so if you REALLY want to, feel free to read that !! i also made up a little possible plots/connections page that can be found right HERE.  so if you would like to be spammed with endless headcanons, playlists and probably my trash ass tagging you in posts  — slide into those goddamn dms n lets get our plot on. 
( CARLSON YOUNG, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER ) SPOTTED — QUINN WALKER just pulled up in their ferrari 430 scuderia. though they’re only TWENTY-ONE their net worth is 255M, which causes the trust fund baby to be +BEGUILING but also quite -TEMPESTUOUS. the tabloids always refer to them as the MANNEQUIN but watch out because behind each person there’s a dirty little secret: HIDDEN.
quinn, impersonating halsey, at some point, probably: do u call urself a fken hurricane lyk me
one time someone compared quinn to ( the iconic ) blair waldorf and i actually shed a tear --- there’s a snapchat with proof if u don’t belieb me.
the walkers ?? they probably sleep on hundred dollar bills at night, they are extra™.
quinny here was born && raised in the hills, her parents have been living in the same, lavish mansion hidden away in the gated community since long before her birth. 
her father ?? a top notch lawyer. before the birth of his children and into the early days of his marriage, he worked one of the biggest cases in beverly hills and with his success with the client involved came many, many more desperate, high-paying clients. eventually, alexander walker was able to open his own law firm without hesitation or concern. 
he’s also been known to invest money in several estates across the expanse of the hills --- simply because he can, because money ?? he has no shortage of it and tbh, the cocky bastard is convinced it’ll remain that way.
on the other hand, her mother, maria  was an ex-pageant queen. her perfect figure, bright blonde hair, sculpted face && overall beauty was what first drew alexander in. merely months after dating, he proposed. it’s safe to say that both maria and alexander are aware there isn’t a lot of love between them both, but what matters most is he has money she can spend and she makes him look good. 
with that, it’s rather obvious that the walkers know a thing or two about image and perception, the pressure to remain poised and perfect at all costs.
quinn, as spoiled as she may come across, as much as it SEEMS she has everything — could be seen as almost the black sheep of the family; almost entirely irrelevant. 
her elder brother was always the more adored of the siblings, after all he would be the one to carry on his fathers legacy, to continue the walker name with pride. 
saying this, quinn wasn’t entirely ‘ignored’ so to speak — daddy dearest would buy her anything at the snap of a fingers, which of course is always fun.. at least for a little while until you come to the conclusion that your love is being bought. 
however, her father wasn’t the one quinn wanted to impress; honestly all she wanted was a bond with her mother, to have a close mother-daughter connection. she was desperate for her mothers approval, attention, but that was always hard to get when at times her mom wouldn’t give her the time of day. 
however, maria finally noticed what her daughter was doing one day, the lengths she was going to in order to gain her attention and since then it’s almost been a test --- maria constantly pushes quinn to see just how far she’s willing to go, using her own daughter as a tool in little battles. her father is having a hard time swooning a certain possible investor ?? all maria has to do is drop a comment of ‘i wish we had some way of persuading him’ and quinn is running to her command, doing her dirty work. 
i can’t rly get into how bad this whole thing between her and her mom is, and the extremest level it’s been pushed too bc that would reveal her secret so 0:) 
but, lets just say that quinn is very, very, v e r y insecure --- underneath her facade of ‘i’m the hottest shit’ she’s actually extremely insecure of her physical appearance. like, she can very easily flick her hair n be like .... ya i the hottest bitch, but when it comes down to it she genuinely doesn’t think she’s all that attractive at all. 
it seems that neither of her remaining family members seem to care, or have the time to even notice the damage that mrs. walker is doing to her; too busy working on their own image and desires to realise that as they live and breath, quinn is crumbling to pieces and tearing herself apart to fit into the ridiculous standards her mother sets upon her, running around doing her dirty work without hesitation.
whats more of a mess, me ?? this intro ?? or quinn herself ?? who knows. to sum quinn up she’s 5′1 of fiery angst — she will fight you or at least attempt to if you get on her nerves. her label is the mannequin although she could easily fall under the facade either as from the outside she appears to be this bitchy, picture-perfect, pulled from a fucking teen drama movie rich girl, but she’s actually really fucked up inside ?? she’s never experienced genuine love from anyone her family included and therefore believes she’s not worthy of it nor would she know what to do with it if she got it. basically, all her outward actions are an act. ‘cause i feel like i'm the worst, so i always act like i'm the best’ if that doesn’t sum quinn up in a damn quote ?? idk what does. 
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ramajmedia · 6 years ago
10 Possibilities For (The Real) Nick Fury's Future In The MCU
The post-credits scenes of MCU movies usually bring shocking plot twists, but Spider-Man: Far From Home’s after-credits stinger might take the crown of the most jaw-dropping reveal. It showed us that Nick Fury wasn’t really present for any of the movie – rather, the Skrull character Talos from Captain Marvel had been disguised as him the whole time – and he’s been hanging out on a Skrull command ship instead.
RELATED: Everything We Know (So Far) About Marvel's Black Widow Prequel
We have no idea how long Fury has really been Talos (maybe Fury wasn’t really there at Tony Stark’s funeral, or in any MCU movie besides Captain Marvel), but either way, his future on this spacecraft in the distant cosmos is exciting. Here are 10 Possibilities For (The Real) Nick Fury’s Future In The MCU.
10 He’s working with S.W.O.R.D.
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Many Marvel fans’ first guess at Nick Fury’s space-bound venture was S.W.O.R.D., the intergalactic arm of S.H.I.E.L.D. (although S.H.I.E.L.D. is dead, so it probably won’t be that in the MCU). There’s a hint that Fury is the real Fury in Age of Ultron, because he cuts his bread the same way he says he does in Captain Marvel.
After that, we didn’t see him for years and he was assumed to be off the grid, but maybe he was in space, building S.W.O.R.D. with the Skrulls. He had just had a conversation with Tony Stark about the inevitable threat of alien life and the idea of a shield of armor around the world, which is essentially what S.W.O.R.D. is, so maybe that’s what he’s been up to all these years.
9 He took a vacation to catch up with Carol Danvers
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Since Nick Fury and Tony Stark had one of the most solid relationships in the MCU, going way back to the franchise’s inception when Fury first recruited Stark to join the Avengers, it’s very unlikely that he would miss Tony’s funeral. (A lot of fan theories about Fury are simply down to determining how long he’s been a Skrull.)
So, perhaps he was the real Fury up until then, saw Carol Danvers at the funeral, and decided to take a vacation to travel into space with Carol and the Skrulls to catch up with her and get some much-needed rest and relaxation.
8 He could be on and off Earth every now and then
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What a lot of MCU fans seem to be thinking with the Nick Fury twist is that he went to space and replaced himself with Talos at one specific moment and he hasn’t been on Earth since then, with Captain Marvel, Age of Ultron, and even The Winter Soldier all suggested as this turning point. But maybe he’s been on and off Earth sporadically.
It might not be as often as every weekend, but he could’ve left Earth in Age of Ultron, come back to deal with Thanos’ threat with Maria Hill in Infinity War (which we saw in the post-credits scene), stuck around for Tony’s funeral following his own un-dusting, and then jetted off back to space afterwards.
7 He’ll appear in Captain Marvel 2
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Nick Fury was a huge part of the first Captain Marvel movie. This wasn’t just a cameo appearance or a supporting role – he joined Carol Danvers on her journey early on and stuck with her until the end.
The next Captain Marvel movie (which doesn’t have a release date, but has been confirmed) won’t be the same if Fury doesn’t return to the iconic double act he developed with Carol in the original, so perhaps the cosmic twist at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home was just there to set him up for a co-starring role in Captain Marvel’s next standalone outing.
6 He’s been helping to fight the Kree/Skrull War
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A lot of fans thought that Marvel released Captain Marvel before Avengers: Endgame to introduce the character before she swooped in to lead Earth’s mightiest heroes to victory against Thanos. However, those fans were confused when she was hardly in Endgame. So, maybe the plan with Captain Marvel was much more long-term.
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It introduced the Kree/Skrull War from one side and then turned us onto the other side by humanizing the Skrulls and vilifying the Kree. Now that we’ve seen how closely Nick Fury has been working with the Skrulls since then, perhaps he’s been helping them to fight against the Kree Starforce.
5 He’ll help Peter Parker lay low while he clears his name
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Following the end credits of Spider-Man: Far From Home’s other big plot twist, Peter Parker will have a tough time trying to clear his name. Not only has the InfoWars-style digital Daily Bugle leaked his secret identity; he’s also been framed for Mysterio’s evil plan, and also been accused of murdering him in cold blood.
Some fans have suggested that Matt Murdock will step in as Spidey’s lawyer, but in the immediate fallout, Peter will need a place to hide, and that’s where Fury’s ship might come in handy. It would be a great way to pay off the line: “Bitch, please, you’ve been to space!” Of course, with Marvel losing their Spidey rights, this seems less likely now.
4 He started a new spy agency with Skrull agents
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Nick Fury’s whole character is built around his abilities as a spy. He’s revered in the intelligence community, he has eyes and ears everywhere, and he knows everything about everyone and only lets them know what he wants them to know about himself. After the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D., he was a spy agency director without a spy agency.
Maybe he contacted the Skrulls while he was off the grid and they started up a new agency with Skrull agents. Aliens that can shapeshift into literally anyone, like a military leader or a politician or a shady business mogul, would make excellent spies.
3 He’ll be involved in a “Secret Invasion” storyline
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Marvel fans were disappointed when Captain Marvel didn’t set up the “Secret Invasion” storyline from the comics. The premise of a Skrull army coming to Earth in the ‘90s suggested to some fans that those Skrulls would assimilate themselves into human culture and slowly take over, Body Snatchers-style, so that Avengers: Endgame would revolve around Earth’s mightiest heroes figuring out who was human and who was a shapeshifting alien.
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Of course, none of that happened and Captain Marvel’s Skrulls turned out to be misunderstood refugees fleeing a terrifying military force. The producers of Captain Marvel teased that just because their Skrull characters were good, not all of the MCU’s Skrulls would be good. Maybe the ship that Nick Fury is on is filled with the good Skrulls trying to prevent the bad Skrulls from getting to Earth and “Secret Invasion” will happen after all.
2 He’ll appear in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
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The crux of the big twist at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home is that Nick Fury has been taken from the Earth-dwelling side of the MCU to the cosmic side. And who introduced us to the cosmic side of the MCU? The Guardians of the Galaxy.
Their third solo movie has been delayed by James Gunn’s firing/rehiring, so there’s a good chance that Thor won’t be appearing like some fans were hoping (his fourth solo movie will now be set before Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 following the Phase 4 re-shuffle). Perhaps as a replacement, Nick Fury will join the Guardians on their next adventure – it would certainly be a lot of fun!
1 He’s working with the Fantastic Four
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Following the Fox/Disney merger, the X-Men and the Fantastic Four are free to join the MCU, but only the Fantastic Four were confirmed to be jumping aboard the franchise at Marvel Studios’ Comic-Con panel this year. This is probably because Kevin Feige has figured out how to introduce them and he hasn’t figured out how to work in the X-Men yet.
Maybe this plan involves Nick Fury. To explain the Fantastic Four’s absence, they’ll have to have been off-world this whole time, so perhaps Fury has been working with them on that ship. The Skrulls have always been heavily involved in Fantastic Four comics...
NEXT: 10 Possibilities For Smart Hulk's MCU Future
source https://screenrant.com/possibilities-real-nick-fury-future-mcu/
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rangercommand · 5 years ago
NEWS - MMPR/TMNT Issue 1 Gets Third Printing
BOOM! Studios Announces Third Printing of Pop Culture Sensation’s Premiere Issue in February 2020
LOS ANGELES, CA (January 16, 2020) – BOOM! Studios, under license by Hasbro, Inc. and in partnership with IDW and Nickelodeon, announced today that the MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS/TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES #1 SECOND PRINTING main cover by Dan Mora has sold out at the distributor level! The all-new five-issue limited series event is written by Ryan Parrott (Power Rangers: Necessary Evil), illustrated by Simone di Meo (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Venom Annual), colored by Walter Baiamonte (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers), and lettered by Ed Dukeshire (The Red Mother).
In response to the overwhelming support from retailers and fans, BOOM! Studios is proud to announce the MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS/TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES #1 THIRD PRINTING to arrive in comic shops on February 12, 2020, with brand new cover art by acclaimed illustrator and concept artist Ibrahem Swaid.
The Power Rangers arrive in New York City to find Tommy Oliver – AKA The Mighty Morphin Green Ranger – but soon discover he’s joined forces with the villainous Shredder and the Foot Clan! As the Rangers are sent reeling by this betrayal, they’re confronted by another (fr)enemy – the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Can these heroes find a way to work together to defeat the bad guys and save the world from total destruction?!
“What do you get when you throw the Power Rangers and the Ninja Turtles together? An absolute joyride of a series full of banter, action, intrigue, and all your favorite characters from the worlds of both teams,” said Filip Sablik, President, Sales and Marketing, BOOM! Studios. “With a third printing in stores, fans who may have missed out on earlier printings will have the chance to start from the very beginning and discover the excitement of their childhood dreams come true!”
MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS/TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES is the newest release from BOOM! Studios’ eponymous imprint, home to critically acclaimed original series, including Once & Future by Kieron Gillen and Dan Mora; Something is Killing the Children by James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera; Faithless by Brian Azzarello and Maria Llovet; Abbott by Saladin Ahmed and Sami Kivelä; Bury the Lede by Gaby Dunn and Claire Roe; Klaus by Grant Morrison and Dan Mora; and Folklords by Matt Kindt and Matt Smith. The imprint also publishes popular licensed properties including Joss Whedon’s Firefly from Greg Pak and Dan McDaid; Buffy the Vampire Slayer from Jordie Bellaire and David López; Angel from Bryan Edward Hill and Gleb Melnikov; and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers from Ryan Parrott and Daniele Di Nicuolo.
Print copies of MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS/TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES #1 BLACK AND WHITE LIMITED EDITION will be available at local comic book shops on January 29, 2020. Also, MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS/TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES #1 SECOND PRINTING and MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS/TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES #2 SECOND PRINTING will be available for sale exclusively at local comic book shops (use comicshoplocator.com to find the one nearest you) on February 5, 2020 or at the BOOM! Studios webstore. Digital copies can be purchased from content providers, including comiXology, iBooks, Google Play, and Madefire.
Softcover collections of MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS, SABAN’S GO GO POWER RANGERS, and other Power Rangers releases from BOOM! Studios, including original graphic novels such as the upcoming Saban’s Power Rangers: The Psycho Path, are available everywhere books are sold.
IDW’s extensive library of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles graphic novels – new stories tied into the Rise of the TMNT cartoon, remastered Eastman & Laird classics, IDW’s critically-acclaimed ongoing saga (now approaching its landmark 100th issue and available as the TMNT: The IDW Collection), and more – are available now at comic book shops and booksellers everywhere.
For continuing news on the MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS series and more from BOOM! Studios, stay tuned to www.boom-studios.com and follow @boomstudios on Twitter.
For more on Saban’s Power Rangers, please visit www.powerrangers.com and follow Power Rangers on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
For more on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, please follow the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Also, for the latest TMNT comic book news, visit IDWpublishing.com and follow @IDWpublishing on Twitter.
TM & (c) 2020 SCG Power Rangers and Hasbro.
About Hasbro Hasbro (NASDAQ: HAS) is a global play and entertainment company committed to Creating the World’s Best Play Experiences. From toys and games to television, movies, digital gaming and consumer products, Hasbro offers a variety of ways for audiences to experience its iconic brands, including NERF, MY LITTLE PONY, TRANSFORMERS, PLAY-DOH, MONOPOLY, BABY ALIVE and MAGIC: THE GATHERING, as well as premier partner brands. Through its entertainment labels, Allspark Pictures and Allspark Animation, the Company is building its brands globally through great storytelling and content on all screens. Hasbro is committed to making the world a better place for children and their families through corporate social responsibility and philanthropy. Hasbro ranked No. 13 on the 2019 100 Best Corporate Citizens list by CR Magazine, and has been named one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies® by Ethisphere Institute for the past eight years. Learn more at www.hasbro.com, and follow us on Twitter (@Hasbro) and Instagram (@Hasbro).
ABOUT IDW IDW Publishing stands proudly at the forefront of printed visual entertainment, cultivating a formidable library of world-renowned licensed brands and creator-owned original IP. Its diverse array of comic books, graphic novels, and art books deliver reading enjoyment to fans of all ages. Its award-winning imprints The Library of American Comics, Yoe! Books, and Artist Editions preserve the valuable cultural history of the sequential art medium, while titles under the critically acclaimed Top Shelf and Black Crown banners celebrate fiercely independent voices. IDW Publishing is a division of IDW Media Holdings, Inc. (OTCQX: IDWM), a fully integrated media company with robust offerings in publishing, tabletop gaming, multimedia entertainment, and art exhibition via the San Diego Comic Art Gallery.
ABOUT NICKELODEON Nickelodeon, now in its 40th year, is the number-one entertainment brand for kids. It has built a diverse, global business by putting kids first in everything it does. The brand includes television programming and production in the United States and around the world, plus consumer products, digital, location based experiences, publishing and feature films. For more information or artwork, visit http://www.nickpress.com . Nickelodeon and all related titles, characters and logos are trademarks of ViacomCBS Inc. (Nasdaq: VIACA, VIAC).
About BOOM! Studios BOOM! Studios was founded by Ross Richie in 2005 with the singular focus of creating world-class comic book and graphic novel storytelling for all audiences. Through the development of four distinct imprints—BOOM! Studios, BOOM! Box, KaBOOM!, and Archaia—BOOM! has produced award-winning original work, including Lumberjanes, The Woods, Giant Days, Klaus, and Mouse Guard, while also breaking new ground with established licenses such as WWE, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Cartoon Network, and The Jim Henson Company properties. BOOM! will also bring their original series to life through unique first-look relationships with 20th Century Fox for film and with 20th Television for the small screen. Please visit www.boom-studios.com for more information.
Web: www.boom-studios.com Twitter: @boomstudios Facebook: @BOOMStudiosComics Instagram: @boom_studios Tumblr: boomstudios.tumblr.com
NEWS – MMPR/TMNT Issue 1 Gets Third Printing was originally published on Ranger Command Power Hour
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