#agent coulson icons
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dairexx · 15 days ago
Daisy Johnson, aka Quake. Probably the most bisexual character besides Tony Stark in the (she's not actually in, shit!) MCU.
And yes, that's a headcanon, I know. But that's why I'm writting this.
Welcome everyone to:
How I imagine Daisy Johnson as a Bi icon Pt 1
(Plus some Skimmons because I couldn't keep my hand).
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Ok, so. I think anyone who has seen Aos and is gay has noticed the heavy queerbating in this series, and although I enjoyed these scenes mostly imprinted in comedy without any problem and accept the straight couples, you can't tell me that the bus kids aren't all, at least!, bisexuals (no hate to the canon couples, by the way. I really, really love Fitzsimmons, Philinda and I'm serius when I say that Daisy and Lincoln will haunt me forever).
So yes. They're bi. That's canon to me, and if you have any doubts, you will not get answers here. This is just my personal opinion and thoughts. Besides, most of these headcanons will be about Daisy with women, because we've already had a lot of her with guys on the show. We need Daisy kissing girls, thank you!
That being said, today we'll be focusing on the one and only Quake. But first, just a quick disclaimer: These are purely headcanons based on the Agents of Shield series. I have absolutely no knowledge of Daisy in the comics, and while I plan to change that soon, today is not that day. 🤷‍♂️ Also, this is dedicated to a very specific group of people, so if you don't like it or disagree, that's totally fine (yay!) as long as you don't attack me or anyone else for it (boo).
Now yes, here it is:
1. First encounter with it.
Look, Daisy (or as she was called at the time, Skye), had a very hard life. With SHIELD watching over her from the shadows and her totally unaware of this, believing that no one really wanted her, I can totally see her running off to fool around with boys. She is young, probably too young to experience all those things at the same time (cause, you know, teenagers like to rush and grow up fast), and she does all this stuff, dating guys, sleeping in their cars for a few days, having sex and maybe falling in love with one of them every now and then. But she knows what she's doing, ¿Right? At least she thinks she does.
But then something odd happens to her. I bet it's probably at some kind of bonfire at one of her friends' houses, because yeah they're still teenagers, but Skye always was a bit alternative and that was a clear no for a club. So it's just getting drunk at some house party, breaking or setting something on fire just because, and Skye kissing some guy at some point during the night.
Only no boys really catch her eye, so she just hangs out with her friends. And then this girl comes along, a little older than her but not too much, who's a friend of a friend of a friend, and... you know, she's just there. And she has this cute lip piercing, and her hair, wow, her hair. Skye just wants to run her fingers through it. But at the same time, this girl is nothing special really, like, she's not dressed too flashy, just a tank top under a worn, old shirt. But Skye can't stop looking at her and thinking: Fuck, she's so pretty.
The girl notices, of course. And she realizes that this kid who keeps staring at her might actually be interesting, so at some point she sits down next to her and starts chatting with Skye. It turns out they don't have much in common besides music and clothes, but Skye laughs at all of her jokes and feels an incessant fluttering in the middle of her stomach. She's kind of drunk, so she chalks it up to that. But then the girl drags her into the bathroom and they make out for what seems like hours, and the girl keeps calling Skye adorable and cute, and normally she doesn't really care when guys say things like that about her, but now she's blushing like a 13 year old girl and It doesn't make any sense.
2. How she found she's 🏳️‍🌈
It happens, actually, the next day.
After that it's a blur, but she knows she didn't sleep with her. But when she wakes up she can only question the interaction. I mean, sure, they kissed and she enjoyed it, but that doesn't automatically make her gay or anything. Like, come on now, every girl Skye's ever met has kissed another girl at least once. It doesn't mean anything. Plus, she still likes guys.
She likes the way it feels to kiss them, she likes the thick skin under her fingers and the smell of men's perfume. But now she can't stop thinking about pretty hair, small hands on her waist and soft lips without a poorly trimmed beard, and the damn piercing against her mouth. And remember, Skye was raised in a Catholic environment. How could this be happening to her? It's not possible to her, and now she's freaking out a little.
But then Skye is a kid again, not only that, but suddenly she is Mary Sue Poots and she's at Saint Agnes' again, and the nuns are scaring the little ones with that speech she's always hated. "The wrath of God", they used to say. As if the nuns did not contradict themselves by saying that also God was love.
So yeah, she's a little bit a mess about it. And it probably will be for a few months.
It makes her feel vulnerable, to be honest, and she doesn't like feeling that way. But then!, then something funny happens, because Skye gets really angry. How does Saint Agnes continue to torment her after all this time? Come on!, She is no longer a kid, she is not weak or afriad and she's not Mary anymore. So she does what she does best: She uses her laptop and investigates.
It turns out that God is love. Or at least Skye wants to keep that phrase from her childhood to herself. She also finds a curious word: Bisexual.
She doesn't know if that will even help her, but it's a step somewhere. Besides, the flag is pretty (point for the gays).
3. Jemma Simmons.
Boom, she's 25 now! She's quite an adult, and she's very confident and has already fully accepted her sexuality by this time. Skye is now proud and likes to have a good time regardless of who she is with. She has dated a lot of girls and guys at this point, and has this cute heart-shaped bi flag taped to her laptop and even has a strap now. There's nothing she can be afraid of, she already had her sexual crisis at seventeen, thank you very much.
But then she screws up and somehow ends up at SHIELD. All the shit happens with her ex-boyfriend and rising tide and, wow, now she's actually working here? And for these people? Sick.
And look, maybe it's the fact that she's stuck 24/7 on a plane with a reduced number of people, but she still doesn't mind working for SHIELD, not when there's the pure, lovely Jemma Simmons. Oh, Skye is going to have a great time corrupting her. Hear, Skye's all grown up now. She's become quite the tease and flirt over the last few years, especially once she stopped getting tongue-tied over pretty girls. So of course she didn't waste the chance to flirt with the nerdy, British girl of her age. Never seriously of course. Just to have fun and pass the time.
But the thing is, they've become friends over the past few months, and Skye really enjoys her company despite everything. Plus, Jemma seems to have caught on quickly to Skye's flirtatious nature, so she rebuffed any attempts at anything in the most hilarious and awkward ways. Man, Jemma was hilarious and adorable. Skye loves it
So yeah, they quickly fell into a routine. Skye would sneak into the lab, flirt, and then just bug Simmon to explain whatever he was working on. Or maybe she'd just use her laptop, or phone on silent, and that would be all. And that would be great. Really.
Which was weird. Skye doesn't normally constantly seek out people's attention, she hasn't done it in years and it feels weird. She feels like a child who constantly needs attention and to be seen.
Then she freaks out. Like, really freaks out. And she does what she does best (not computers, the other thing): Bingo!, she starts avoiding Jemma. I mean, who needs friends, right? This is just work. So Skye is suddenly everywhere on the bus except the lab. And Jemma... To be honest, she doesn't notice at first. There's always noise on the bus, there are always missions and things to do, and there's always Fitz finishing her sentences (and sometimes even her thoughts) at her side.
But then, probably several days later, one night (very late at night) Jemma can't help but notice the annoying silence around her. Fitz had just gone to sleep and she feels restless, uncomfortable. Why is it so quiet and she can't concentrate? What is missing? What-?
"Oh", she realizes. Skye.
Jemma suddenly feels very embarrassed. She has done something wrong and she didn't even have the decency to notice that Skye was avoiding her for it. Now conscious, Jemma (being the little ball of anxiety that she is) begins to chase Skye around like a kicked puppy. And what the fuck. Skye has no idea what to do. Is Jemma really hurt by this? I mean, sure, Skye is nice and sociable, but people don't want her like that. That's just how things work. So why? Why does Jemma seem desperate to talk to her and hang out?
"I thought you didn't care," Skye finally confesses, looking at Jemma with more curiosity than pain (although it is there too).
And Jemma can't believe she just said that so easily, so she gets piss off. "Of course I care about you, you daft woman! Do you have any idea how difficult it’s been to work without the sound of you typing away on your laptop? Or laughing at something on Twitter? Or—"
And Skye kind of blushes. Just like that, out of nowhere. And she feels her breath hitch before she bursts out laughing, which makes Jemma piss off even more now, and starts ranting about how if Skye had a problem with her, she had to tell her so they could talk about it and fix it, so Jemma could finally go back to work normally.
"You know what my problem is?" Skye, still laughing, asked. Jemma, her cheeks red with annoyance, shook her head. "That you're adorable, Jemma Simmons."
4. When she falls in love.
Okay, so. Skye has been here before, she recognizes the feeling ... And did you see how she was bragging about her game and her strap a few paragraphs ago? Well, Skye, who used to be a mess around pretty girls, turns into one again when she had a crush, or worse, when she falls in love.
So now I hope you can imagine Skye's despair when she realizes she has a crush on Jemma. Because, come on, Skye!, you can't fall for your coworker who happens to be the only other girl your age on a fucking plane. Sure, I mean, Jemma is stunning, not only that, she's super smart and endearing, plus she smiles at everything (literally everything) and she's also kind of super hot when she gets angry, and when she wears her lab coat and doesn't leave the lab for days until she has that messy ponytail and... Oh god, who is she kidding. She's fucked.
But the thing is, she's doing okay for a while, getting back into her routine with Jemma, finding out more things about her (like that she's a terrible liar, that she loves bugs, and that she had scoliosis as a kid). But then she starts to stumble, literally and figuratively. It's like her damn feet can't coordinate every time she hears Jemma's voice, or every time she smiles (have I mentioned that Simmons does that a lot?), or only exists three meters from her. It's pathetic.
And she also completely loses her game. Whereas before she flirted with Jemma as easily as she could breathe, now Skye is a mess of meaningless words, with most of her stuttering ending with "pretty". Because Jemma is pretty, but damn Skye, you can do better than that.
It gets worse when, one night, the younger members of the bus settle down on the couch with some beer cans and start talking about exes. Skye isn't quite sure how they get to this point, but everyone ends up getting a little tipsy and sharing details, even Ward.
Ward has so far admitted that he only had two serious girlfriends who ended up pretty badly due to his job, and that he had several casual encounters before he was sent to this team. Jemma chuckles, still mysterious about which type of guys she's dated despite her bringing up the subject. It's just as Fitz is about to speak and Skye almost leans forward (curious to know what kind of girls he's dated), which Jemma chuckles again and nudges her friend.
"Oh, do you remember Tom? He was so sweet with you."
"Jemma!" Fitz groans, sinking into his seat. "Don't make me remember him. I can't look at robotics the same way I have since then."
Skye blinks owlishly, staring at the man with her mouth open. "You're into dudes?" She hears Ward snort from beside her, as if it's obvious and she ignores him.
Fitz looks at her, almost regaining sobriety when, as an impulse of protection (or maybe his usual sarcasm), asks Skye. "You're not?"
Skye feels her jaw slacken even further, and then she feels Grant's amused gaze on her, but also Jemma's, who is studying her like a mission report sheet and god, she feels stupid. She's already accepted her sexuality, although if she's honest she doesn't remember coming out to anyone but herself.
At the silence, Jemma frowns a little. Protectively, she asks with a slightly pointed look. "Do you have a problem with that?"
"What-!? No, no, of course not!" Skye practically yells, completely panicked. "Me too! I mean... Shit, yeah I like guys too, but girls... girls too. I'm bi?"
Jemma's shoulders relax, clearly relieved. Then she asks amused. "Are you asking me?"
Skye groans, sinking into her seat. "No, I'm... I'm bi."
Fitz leans forward, laughing, but still sympathetic as he gives Skye a small pat on the thigh to comfort her. "Thank you for telling us."
Skye just sighs, closing her eyes. "Sure, Fitz."
Aaand this is where we end up. I'll write the second part soon, probably about what Skye would be like dating Jemma, and also what Skye would be like if she's in love with Bobbi. For now I offer you this honest work, and I say goodbye with the promise of continuing to write things like this with other MCU characters. If you have any character you want, please tell me. Although I have already prepared do something like this with Natasha.
I think this will be like some kind of a section, which I decided to call Marvel Gay Icons.
Anyway, if you've made it this far, wow! Thanks. I hope you enjoyed whatever this is, and also hope to hear from you soon.
Bye until the next time.
With love, Dai.
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tvandfilmarvel · 7 months ago
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MARVEL'S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. (2015) Pilot - 1.01 dir. Joss Whedon.
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marvelsgirl616 · 9 months ago
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Melinda May Icons | The Cavalry Icons | Agents Of SHIELD Season 4 Ep. 15
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jackiequick · 1 year ago
Agents of SHIELD Incorrect Quotes 🔏
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-> In other words, Nikolai, Melissa, Marlene and Amelia being idiots ;)
Maria Hill: Report of your mission with Melissa Wallace.
Marlene: Target was taken out.
Maria Hill: Very go-
Marlene: Then I took her to a lovely restaurant. Candle lit dinner. I proposed by the end of it. She has my last name now.
Maria Hill: I—
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Nikolai: I can’t believe you live nearby, and you won’t let anyone crash at your place.
Marlene: You people already know too much about me.
Melissa: I know exactly three facts about you, and one of them is that you won’t let any of us crash at your place.
Amelia: Leave the poor girl alone!
Cop: You’re receiving a ticket for having three people on one motorcycle.
Marlene: Shit.
Nikolai: Wait, three?
Cop: Yeah?
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Amelia: Am I in trouble?
Nikolai: Take a guess.
Amelia: No?
Nikolai: Take another guess.
Marlene, tending to Nikolai’s wounds: How would you rate your pain?
Nikolai: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
Melissa: Is something burning?
Marlene: Just my love for you.
Melissa: Honey, the toaster is on fire.
Nikolai: I can explain.
Amelia: Can you?
Nikolai: If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.
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Amelia: Someone will die.
Melissa: Of fun!
Melissa: I turned out perfectly fine!
Marlene: Babe, this morning you thought a ghost made your toast.
Marlene: I prevented a murder today.
Amelia: Really? How’d you do that?
Marlene: Easy. Self control.
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Nikolai: *Kicks the door down looking panicked*
Melissa: What did you do?
Nikolai: Nobody died.
Nick Fury: I know you snuck out last night, Marlene.
Melissa: Play dumb!
Marlene: Who's Marlene?
Melissa: NOT THAT DUMB!!!
Nikolai: Are you sure this is the right direction?
Marlene: Certainly, I'm as sure as I am honest!
Amelia: In that case, we're definitely lost.
Melissa: Well shit!
Nikolai: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you.
Amelia: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.
Nikolai: Absolutely not.
Melissa: Man, I only ever see you awake, do you ever shut down or stop running?
Marlene: Oh, I’m always running!
Melissa: The question is from what.
Maria Hill: You know those things will kill you, right?
Nikolai, pouring another glass of whiskey: That’s the point.
Marlene, smoking a cigarette: We’re trying to speed up the process.
Melissa: *Nods while eating raw cookie dough*
Nick Fury: I think we're missing something.
Amelia: Teamwork?
Melissa: Cohesion?
Marlene: Research?
Nikolai: A general sense of what we’re doing?
Amelia: I’ve done a lot of dumb stuff.
Marlene: I witnessed the dumb stuff.
Nikolai: I recorded the dumb stuff.
Melissa: I joined in on the dumb stuff.
Coulson: Anyone d-
Melissa: Depressed?
Nikolai: Drained?
Amelia: Dumb?
Marlene: Disliked?
Coulson: -done with their work... what is wrong with you people ...
Marlene: Good morning.
Nikolai: Good morning.
Melissa: Good morning.
Amelia: You all sound like robots, try spicing it up a bit.
Amelia: Just like that!
Thanks for reading! Keep it going y’all haha
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florida3exclamationpoints · 5 months ago
Well DEKE. We just wanted PIE.
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cometsandstardust · 6 months ago
I’m rewatching Agents of Shield and here is a (final) list of things I genuinely forgot happened:
(and also little things i enjoy)
season seven:
- deke printed out sheriff stars
- “i just can’t seem to hold down a husband as they all just turn up with broken ribs when they give me lip” - daisy
- coulson learned about the speakeasy in a first year history course at the academy
- the first thing may says after finding out she’s in 1931, was “i’m hungry”
- “i’m a doctor, not a dame” “i’m a biochemist not a bird” fucking icon jemma simmons
- deke tells freddy that he invented the walkie-talkie
- “agent may, if i may?” enoch is so funny
- …may says she doesn’t feel anything when she wakes up, even though her empathy-ability is already present (though no one knows it yet). she wakes up and feels nothing because the only other person there is enoch, who isn’t human, and therefore doesn’t feel anything, at least not the way we do
- she also talks in a very-enoch like connotation during these scenes (same sort of lilt in her voice)
- they brought koenig onboard the zephyr and he said “excuse me if i’m not impressed” and then immediately lost his shit. he also called enoch a robot, and enoch made a very “bitch, please” face
- freddy shot koenig in the shoulder
- enoch is shown to be working as a bartender at the end of s7ep2 for koenig
- the zephyr scared two teenagers half to death when they got to the fifties
- younger daisy (aka skye ig) believed that area 51 was controlled by shield and was proven right
- the first time may showed signs of her empathy besides the monotone killer mood was when trying to single out the chronicom starting up helius and she basically had a panic attack
- also the chronicom they’re chasing has a very dottie underwood like aesthetic (ofc i’m referencing agent carter when my boy sousa is back)
- overriding the system knocked out the two chronicoms and coulson.
- the camera zoomed in on coulson’s eye and showed a circuit flickering
- the reason s7ep4 is in black and white is because of a malfunction in the wires
- sousa was considered the first fallen soldier of shield
- sousa called howard a pompous ass (he’s right and he should say it)
- mack compared the effect of sousa’s death on shield to the effect of coulson’s to the avengers
- sousa stole a motorcycle from the zephyr
- deke said he wrote the song “don’t you (forget about me)”
- he also name drops daisy in his own lyrics
- coulson’s in a tv
- sybil’s “dumb bot” acts just like a dalek for a sec
- may and yoyo sparred to try and trigger yoyo’s powers into working again
- yo-yo got stuck on the quinjet at the beginning of each loop
- in several loops, mack gets blinded by a radiation flare
- deke gives the distance from the center of the time storm in kilometers, which i initially thought was strange cause y’know american, but then i realized that deke literally grew up in space and that fitz-simmons basically created all the tech/software on board so yeah metric system
- daisy proved to simmons that she was in a loop with the fake word: “phlebotinum”
- when trying to remove the implant, on the first two tries, a lethal gas filled the room killing simmons (and the second time, daisy)
- in one loop, sousa grabbed the machine to remove the implant from the drawer instead of daisy or simmons and started coughing up blood
- also he literally grabbed it so that if something went wrong daisy wouldn’t die and lose her memories of the time loop
- may initially didn’t want to tell kora about jiaying but then brought her to see her body
- kora tried to help her mother heal by giving her energy
- simmons started forgetting fitz after malick put her in the memory machine
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lieutenant-teach · 1 year ago
Who is more villainous – Anakin Skywalker\Darth Vader or MCU!Loki?
There’re two trends in Marvel and Star Wars media – ‘Loki is such a bad person, worst of all’ and ‘Anakin never did anything wrong, he was the best Jedi ever’. Both have sad and tragic backstories, both turn bad, both iconic villains. So I decided to have my own small investigation – is Disney justified in their attitude?
What are Loki’s crimes?
1.Setting up his brother (coronation situation) – ‘to delay his idiotic rule for a while longer’, as Thor obviously wasn’t ready. Evidence from the movie show that he didn’t even want them to go down to Jotunheim – he expected to be stopped by Heimdall and even sent for a guard to tell Odin about their departure [1 - 4.12]. For the sake of ‘Loki making bad decisions’ – count.
2. Usurped the throne – no! Frigga gave it to him [2]. Don’t count.  
3. Almost killing Thor – frankly, when he gives Thor a slap with the Destroyer, it looked as if he wasn’t trying to actively kill him, more like lashed out. Still, count.
4. Killing Laufey, his biological father – count.
5. Attempted genocide of the Jotuns – * sarcasm* nevermind that he was doing exactly the same thing as Odin (slow murder is still murder. I’d say Loki even shows more mercy – at least he’d kill quickly, not slowly making the planet decay for a thousand years.). Not trying to say the idea was good, just pointing out the hypocrisy in- and out-universe. Count.
6. New York – in ‘Captain America: Civil War’ we learn that 74 people were lost during the invasion. ‘80 people in two days’ per Natasha are mostly on Fury – Loki had no way of knowing the place would be destroyed. It’s clear from the movie that the facility was already unstable due to tinkering with the Tesseract. Why didn’t Fury stop the experiments and start evacuating people? And the most important factor – mind influence [3, also], though it’s unclear to what extent, and coercion. For the sake of ‘Loki killed innocent people’ – count 154 ( + Coulson, but looking at 7 seasons of ‘Agents of SHIELD’, I find it hard to count him in.).
7. ‘Loki killed his mother’ bullshit – all he did was lead the Kurse out of the prison a little bit faster. Anyway Malekith already knew where the Aether was, it was him who killed her. Why not blame Thor or Odin with the same vigor as Loki? So, don’t count.
8. Loki usurped the throne – he offered Thor the throne, Thor refused [4]. Of course, he lied to Thor pretending to be Odin. I’ll give it half a count.
From the moment Taika Waititi came, it becomes hard to count, as he never cared about canonical portrayal of characters and actively hated Asgard [5]. Both Loki and Thor are absolutely different from as they were shown in pervious installments. I cannot value the movie where a) the director never watched any of previous films and b) improvised 80% of the movie [6]. But to see the full picture of Original Loki (however askew it becomes from this moment), I’ll be brief.
9. Loki being a bad king – paying attention to arts and giving freedom of self-governing to other planets is bad? Don’t count. And yes, Ragnarok is on Odin – Loki had no way of knowing about it, just as anyone else except Odin himself.
10. Loki betraying Thor all the time – this was improvised, such as ‘the snake story’ and ‘obedience disk’ moment [7], thus can’t be seen as direct continuation of character consistency. Don’t count.
I’m absolutely going to ignore whatever crap Michael Waldron did in the Loki series. I refuse to take into consideration the writing of a person who a) never watched an ounce of Loki-related media and b) just rehashed his own original script [8]. And anyway, he’s a Variant!Loki, not OG!Loki, they’re different people.
Sum up: kind of set up his brother, almost killed abovementioned brother, killed his biological father, attempted genocide, killed 154 people, kind of took the throne.
What are Darth Vader’s crimes? (I count everything that he’d done while he was still Anakin. No matter how Disney tries to pretend, Anakin IS Vader, not two separate entities [1].)
1.Slaughter of the whole Tusken camp, including women and children. Yes, they killed his mother. No, still murder. Count.
2. Torture of a prisoner in ‘The Clone Wars’ s2 ep.8. Good guys don’t torture anyone (yes, looking at you, TR!Thor). [Frankly, if we speak about TCW, the situation is a little bit difficult, because war. I pointed out the torture moment, because you can’t claim the character is perfectly good if he knowingly tortured someone with the Empire’s melody in the background.] Count.
3. Beating up his wife’s ex to the pulp in s.2 ep.4, knowing that she’s flirting with him not because she wants so, but because of the job. Count.
4. Slaughter of younglings in the Jedi Temple. Count.
5. Betrayal of the clones. Leading a brainwashed army (who presumably were his friends) to kill his family (Jedi). Count.
6. Choking his wife. Even better, pregnant wife (doesn’t make it acceptable if she weren’t, though.). Count.
7. Trying to kill his best friend / master / father figure, twenty years later succeeding. Count.
8. Slaughter of all the remaining Jedi across the galaxy, destruction of their culture. Yes, Palpatine manipulated him, but he could have helped Mace Windu [2], and none of that would’ve happened. He didn’t, thus making his choice clear. Count.
9. Maintaining the fascist regime across the galaxy for more than twenty years. Count.
10. Choking his subordinates. Count.
11. Trying to kill his Padawan (‘Rebels’, s.3 ep.22), almost succeeding. Count.
12. Maiming his own child and trying to kill him when he refused to join him. Count.
In case of Vader, lots of his kills remain off-screen, and here go speculations. Different sources (Reddit, ScreenRant, Youtube bloggers) name different numbers from 55 to 69 direct kills throughout all the movies\TV series (not counting tie-in comics). Everyone killed directly and indirectly off-screen hard to estimate – from what we know, numbers can go up to millions.
Sum up: killed at least hundreds of innocents throughout the galaxy, killed or tried to kill members of his family (at least 10 Jedi + Luke), children murders, tortures, completed genocide, maintained a fascistic government.
Interestingly, everything Vader is accused of – true. I couldn’t find any instance where he was blamed, but in fact was innocent. Yes, originally he was trying to save Padme. But a) at what cost? b) save her for her or for his own feelings for her? [3] He was choosing being as he was for many years, he wasn’t mind-controlled or anything.
Also it’s interesting to count the time span of their villainy. Loki committed his crimes in short period of time, after that going into ‘antihero’ mode, helping Thor more than harming. Anakin, on the other hand, took the chance of stopping his villainous acts only once – in ROTJ. Loki – roughly 2 years of his 1053-years-long life. Anakin – 23 years of his 45 years long life.
So, after this investigation, I believe the winner is obvious.
Before anyone says anything about my personal preferences and biases: I like both of them, but also try to be objective – both of them have done bad things, although they’re both sympathetic. Of course, we can delve into Loki’s and Anakin’s mental traumas – but I deliberately didn’t dive into this, because I went into ‘crimes are still crimes’ mode, and giving full psychological portraits wasn’t the goal anyway.
But for me it’s weird that a ‘family-friendly’ company tries to ‘forgive and forget’ Darth freaking Vader and simultaneously blames Loki of all the things possible, even those he’s never done. In terms of crimes committed Anakin wins without questions, so – why?
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head-post · 10 months ago
Actor Bernard Hill died at 79
Famous English actor Bernard Hill, best known for his roles in Titanic and Lord of the Rings, has died at the age of 79, the BBC reports.
He was known for his parts as Captain Edward Smith in Titanic and King Théoden in Lord of the Rings. The part which made him popular was the 1982 BBC TV drama Boys from the Blackstuff, where he played Yosser Hughes, a Liverpool unemployed man who often suffered failure.
Hill died in the early hours of Sunday morning, his agent Lou Coulson confirmed. His fiancee Alison and son Gabriel were with him at the time.
Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Dominic Monaghan and Billy Boyd, the actors who played the hobbits Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, paid tribute to the deceased King Théoden at Comic Con in Liverpool.
We love him. He was intrepid, he was funny, he was gruff, he was irascible, he was beautiful.
“I don’t think anyone spoke Tolkien’s words as great as Bernard did. He would break my heart. He will be solely missed.”
Hill, who was born in Manchester and lived in Suffolk, was due to return to TV screens in series two of The Responder, a BBC drama starring Martin Freeman, due to start on Sunday. Lindsay Salt, director of BBC Drama also paid tribute to him.
Bernard Hill blazed a trail across the screen, and his long-lasting career filled with iconic and remarkable roles is a testament to his incredible talent. From Boys from the Blackstuff, to Wolf Hall, The Responder, and many more, we feel truly honoured to have worked with Bernard at the BBC. Our thoughts are with his loved ones at this sad time.
Read more HERE
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springmagpies · 2 years ago
agents of SHIELD for the TV asks?! hope you feel better darling ❤️
Thank you so much lovely and I hope so too!
1. Favorite episode and why
Self Control! That episode is just an amazing bit of television. The acting and writing are amazing and it’s a culmination of a lot of storylines and it is just so well done. And it has incredible twists and turns and I just adore it!
2. Funniest/crackiest/it's-terrible-but-I-still-love-it episode/scene
Fear and Loathing on the Planet Kitson! That episode is chaotic in the best ways and it makes me giggle every time!
3. It's-terrible-and-I-hate it episode/scene
The scene in Deke’s video game makes me cringe a bit. Don’t love it.
4. Best episode/scene for my favorite character
Rewind is a phenomenal Fitz episode and it has Hunter and I just love it!
5. Best episode/scene for my favorite ship
Gotta be Inescapable! An iconic Fitzsimmons episode.
6. Best episode/scene for a particular supporting character
The Parting Shot is amazing and highlights how important and incredible Hunter and Bobbi are! They’re main characters but the episode deserves a shout out.
7. Best episode/scene for a character I don't usually like
All the Framework episodes have some interesting Ward moments. Still hate him, but they’re good episodes!
8. Most visually beautiful or interesting episode/scene
The 1920s episode is really cool with the imagery and costumes!
9. Most emotionally affecting episode/scene
Omg, all of The Real Deal. The Daisy and Coulson scene really gets to me and the Fitzsimmons wedding is perfection.
10. Most powerful use of music in an episode/scene
Fitz’s death! Omg the music just gets to me. That and Hunter and Bobbi’s goodbye. The music had no right being that moving.
11. Episode/scene that changed my perspective on the show
I loved the show from the start, but Turn Turn Turn changed the whole direction of the show.
12. Episode/scene where the acting stands out
Again, all of Self Control. The acting in that episode from every single actor is just unreal.
13. Overall best-written episode
What If, Self Control, Rewind, Aftershocks, Parting Shot, Inescapable, Maveth, Deal With our Devils, and The End are the ones that stand out the most to me!
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snootero · 7 months ago
Iron Man 2 (2010)
7/10- 14.08.2024
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I liked this one more than the first one ngl
Maybe I’m stupid but how do you just create a new element??
Natasha is an icon and we love her
Laser hands!!
My question is how a they so flexible whilst wearing bulky metal suits?? Like I’d barely be able to walk
I like the sound effects that the suits make when they move tho- it’s fun
Coulson is just an all round legend and I think more people should watch Agents of Shield to appreciate him fully
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marvelgeeklikestowrite · 7 months ago
Fave each iron man movies scenes??
Hey, firstly thank you so much for asking this question. Tony Stark is my absolute favorite and I love him so damn much. These are some of my favorite Iron Man scenes from each movie he appeared in (in no particular order): 1. Iron Man (2008)
The press conference after returning from Afghanistan. This will always remain such a pivotal moment for me because this is where his newly found character development shines. Tony Stark is known for his masks and witty remarks, but in this scene, you see the man changed from his time with Yinsen and in the cave. Yes, his escape from the cave is a truly iconic moment but this scene showed the human side of him.
"I saw young Americans killed by the very weapons I created to defend them and protect them. And I saw that I had become part of a system that is comfortable with zero-accountability. I had my eyes opened. I came to realize that I had more to offer this world than just making things that blow up. And that is why, effective immediately, I am shutting down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark Industries."
" I shouldn't be alive... unless it was for a reason. I'm not crazy, Pepper. I just finally know what I have to do. And I know in my heart that it's right." Again, I love when characters have their world turned on their axis because the development that comes from it. This moment is important for Tony and the dynamic of Tony and Pepper.
And of course, the "I am Iron Man" will always remain iconic.
2. Iron Man 2 (2010)
The senate scene?! We didn't know it at that time but that was Tony Stark standing up to Hydra. And at times we forget that Tony isn't just a superhero. He was a businessman for so long before that and watching him argue in front of that senate was amazing.
"Well, you can forget it. I am Iron Man. The suit and I are one. To turn over the Iron Man suit would be to turn over myself, which is tantamount to indentured servitude or prostitution, depending on what state you're in. You can't have it." "I've successfully privatized world peace. What more do you want? For now! I tried to play ball with these ass-clowns."
"Please, it's not about me. It's not about you. It's not even about us. It's about legacy. It's about what we choose to leave behind for future generations." So much of Tony's character is about him creating his own legacy, accepting the mistakes of his past, and moving forward to create a legacy of peace.
The whole montage of him discovering the replacement for Palladium. Really puts the focus on the 'Genius' part of him. And Tony Stark The Mechanic is always a treat to watch.
The Iron Man yes, Tony Stark no scene with him saying "You can't afford me" after Fury says that he is a consultant. I don't know I just love that scene.
The chaos of the Iron Fam was at peak in this movie! The Monaco Race, with Tony yelling "I was attacked" and then the Stark Expo showdown of him yelling "I was gonna make you an omelette." Pepperony is chaos and I love them.
3. The Avengers (2012)
I can't talk about this movie without mentioning the "Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist." This line changed lives (mine).
There are so many interpersonal relationships at play in this one. I love the "His name is Agent" and then Tony offering to fly Phil to Portland. You can see how much he was clearly affected by Coulson's death. The way he makes Bruce relax and we see the beginning of the Science Bros. The establishment of his and Steve's arc.
When he discovers Loki's plan (I just love the way he says "Son of a bitch)
His whole conversation with Loki in the Tower. "When they come, and they will, they'll come for you." "There's no throne, there is no version of this, where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damned well sure we'll avenge it." He was one of the first ones to refer to the team as the Avengers and that just shows how much he wanted that.
The flying of the nuke into the space scene. Because this bitch has really been ready to die since day fucking one.
4. Iron Man 3 (2013)
Iron Man 3 did such a good job of portraying the human side of the superhero gig. The mental toll and exhaustion it takes on a person. Tony famously has skeletons in his closet and for them to be brought out in such a manner was so important for his character. "A famous man once said, ‘we create our own demons'. Who said that? What does it even mean? It doesn't matter; I said it because he said it, so now he was famous and then basically getting said by two well-known guys. I don't, uh... argh. I'm gonna start again. Let's track this from the beginning."
You hurt Tony's people, and he comes after you. "My name is Tony Stark and I'm not afraid of you. I know you're a coward so I've decided that you just died, pal. I'm going to come and get the body. There's no politics here it's just good old fashioned revenge."
Him having fun with his bots and Jarvis. I love his workshop scenes so much.
" Nothing's been the same since New York." "You experience things and then they're over, and you still can't explain them. Gods, aliens, other dimensions. I'm just a man in a can. The only reason I haven't cracked up is probably because you moved in. Which is great. I love you. I'm lucky. But honey, I can't sleep. You go to bed, I come down here. I do what I know. I tinker. I... Threat is imminent. And I have to protect the one thing that I can't live without. That's you. And my suits, they're, uh... Machines. They're part of me." This was his most vulnerable moment till now. And just how much he loved Pepper and was scared of losing her.
Scenes with Harley just stole my heart and you could see that Tony would turn out to be a good dad.
His escape from Killian the first time. His break-in the house. Him without the suit is still Iron Man.
"I guess I'd say my armor was never a distraction or a hobby. It was a cocoon. And now, I'm a changed man. You can take away my house, all my tricks and toys. One thing you can't take away... I am Iron Man." The internal monologue of Tony in this movie is the chef's kiss.
5. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
The 'language' scene (I am a sucker for Steve-Tony banter), the "please me a secret door", the "guys, lets talk" and then "good talk" I love the in-fight humor.
"And I am the man who killed the Avengers" "I wasn't ready. I didn't do all I could…” “It wasn't a nightmare. It was my legacy. The end of the path I started us on.” The visions Wanda showed Tony, the guiding force behind his motivation to build Ultron, the guilt and responsibility he lives with and the fact that no one on the Team ever finds out about it.
"Aww junior, you are gonna break your old man's heart." Ultron was his child in the way all his creations are and their interactions were always so layered.
"We're standing three hundred feet below it. We're the Avengers. We can bust arms dealers all the live long day, but, that up there? That's... that's the end game. How were you guys planning on beating that?" The together conversation, the Endgame conversation, his fears laid out and exposed in front of his team.
"That would end the team. Isn't that the mission? Isn't that the "why" we fight, so we can end the fight, so we get to go home?" This conversation is so pivotal for both Steve and Tony because it showcases their ideals clashing. Tony pushing to end a fight before it begins because he doesn't want any more blood on his hands and Steve striving to fight the fight because he knows the cost of loss.
" I see a suit of armor around the world." " I've seen colder." Such a badass line!
6. Captain America: Civil War (2016)
"There is no decision-making process here. We need to be put in check! In whatever form that takes I'm game. If we can't accept limitations, if we are boundary less, we are no better than the bad guys." "That's good! That's why I'm here. When I realized what my weapons were capable of in the wrong hands, I shut it down and stopped manufacturing." Tony changed his life, turned it around so that innocent lives could be saved and for him to turn back and see that his legacy still ended up with innocent blood on his hands, it was important for him to ensure that accountability was maintained.
"Gimme a break! I'm doing what has to be done, to save us from something worse." The conference room scene of him pleading with Steve to try to hold the team together.
"I'm trying to keep... I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart."
Him fighting Bucky without the suit!!!
Him and Natasha after Bucky escapes.
His first meeting with Peter!
The pain on his face and in his eyes when he finds out about his parents and the "I don't care. He killed my mom." "He is my friend." "So was I."
The Rhodey and Tony scenes.
7. Spider-man: Homecoming (2017)
" No, this is where you ZIP IT, alright? The adult is talking! What if somebody had died tonight? Different story, right? 'Cause that's on *you*. And if you died, I feel like that's on me. I don't need that on my conscience."
Honestly, all of the scenes of Tony and Peter in Homecoming are comfort scenes. But the panic in Tony's voice in this scene, the way he felt responsible for Peter, showed just how much Peter meant to him.
"If you're nothing without the suit, then you shouldn't have it." Who better to know about this than the man who was once told that "You are nothing without the suit"
8. Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Tony finally finding out after years of sleepless nights that his worst nightmare has come true when Bruce tells him about Thanos.
"you throw another moon at me and I'm gonna lose it"
Peter and Tony dynamic!
Thanos and Tony showdown
9. Avengers: Endgame (2019)
"Part of the journey is the end" "When I drift off, I will dream about you. It's always you."
"God, it feels like a thousand years ago. I fought my way out of the that cave, became Iron Man. Realized I loved you. I know I said no more surprises, but I was really hoping to pull off one last one."
The starting monologue of Tony in this movie breaks me. Him thinking that he is going to die in the same place he had nightmares for years.
"I lost the kid"
"I said we'd lose. You said, "we'll do that together too." Guess what, Cap? We *lost,* and you weren't there." "And I needed you" "No trust, liar" I had been waiting for this moment since the Civil War, for Tony to tear Steve apart.
Him looking at Peter's photo and deciding to do this all for him.
Him and Morgan were absolutely adorable.
"Resentment is corrosive and I hate it" Of course he would show up to fix everything again.
"Do you trust me?" "I do"
"No amount of money ever bought a second of time."
I think a lot of Endgame was Tony finding closure, not just for his present but for his past as well.
"You know its a trap right?" "Yeah, don't really much care" The Big Three fighting Thanos.
"Everybody wants a happy ending. Right? But it doesn't always roll that way. Maybe this time. I'm hoping if you play this back, it's in celebration. I hope families are reunited, I hope we get it back and something like a normal version of the planet has been restored, if there ever was such a thing. God, what a world. Universe, now. If you told me ten years ago that we weren't alone, let alone, you know, to this extent, I mean, I wouldn't have been surprised, but come on. The epic forces of dark and light that have come in to play. And for better or worse, that's the reality Morgan's gonna have to find a way to grow up in. So I thought I better record a little greeting, in the case of an untimely death, on my part. I mean, not that death at any time isn't untimely. This time travel thing we're gonna try and pull off tomorrow, it's got me scratching my head about the survivability of it all. Then again that's the hero gig. Part of the journey is the end. What am I even tripping for? Everything's gonna workout exactly the way it's supposed to. I love you 3000." SCREAMING, CRYING, THROWING UP.
"And I..am .. Iron Man."
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deadheaddaisy · 11 months ago
Thanks for the tag, @shehungthemoon - I like this kind of thing!
Let's see what Deezer throws up...
Victoria's Secret (Jax) - and it's the one with the metal screamer kid Harper, so that rules!
...Ready For It? (Taylor Swift) - I like the beat and shouting (points if you get that reference).
SMS (Bangerz) (Miley Cyrus & Britney Spears) - I'd hoped for a different Miley song but this one's pretty fun too.
A Place For My Head (Linkin Park) - I listened to this album on repeat for several months when it came out. One of the first songs to make me consider headology.
Super To Me (Agent Coulson) (The Doubleclicks) - Let's go full-on geek, shall we?
The Trick Is To Keep Breathing (Garbage) - God I love Shirley Manson's voice. This is the remastered version, but talk about taking me back decades.
Festival Song (Good Charlotte) - One of those on-repeat songs that made my drive to work tolerable.
Fight (Icon For Hire) - Angry Me bows down to this playlist.
Monster (Skillet) - Oh look, it's my personal anthem!
Fuck You (Lily Allen) - Some people just need this said to them on a daily basis.
Tagging (only if you're interested) @glitter-and-metal @queenspock @mirabilefuturum @sgtwhiskers26 @ozzie-starfur @papercranesong @weerd1 @oopsiwhumpeditagain @emilie786 @illarian-rambling
shuffled playlist meme
I was tagged by: @findmeinthealps
Rules: you can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to. Put your mp3 player, iTunes, Spotify, etc. on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and then tag 10 people. Rules: No Skipping!
1. Reckless by You Me At Six. 
2. Star Crossed by Scary Kids Scaring Kids. 
3. Cutting Room Floor by I the Mighty.
4. Dark In My Imagination by of Verona.
5. Tear Garden by IAMX.
6. You and Me Both by The Classic Crime.
7. Lovesong by The Cure.
8. Smoke and Mirrors by Poets of the Fall.
9. Partners in Crime by Set It Off.
10. Falling by HAIM.
Don’t know what these song say about me XD.
Tagging (only do it if you want to): @mercules-hulligan @jokerteeth @quantumtaboo @zephra85 @baratomaya @shymagical @aleja09isthebest @the-discordia @blazingscarlettigrelily @tonosins
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srvgers · 3 years ago
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matching what if… episode 7 icons (maria & carol/phil)
please like or reblog if you’re using/going to use !!
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peachy-ash · 3 years ago
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𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐟 - agent coulson
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daisybeewrites · 3 years ago
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new icon🥰✨
pls like/rb if you save, it took me two hours to get the photoshop right :)
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odorareicons · 2 years ago
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