#combine and bake until sea ready.
most of gen z would die if they hate hard tack
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angelkin-food-cake · 1 year
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Sweet Potato Rounds with Herbed Ricotta and Walnuts  
1 large sweet potato sliced into ¼ inch rounds
1 Tbsp. avocado oil
1 pinch ground cinnamon
1 cup whole milk ricotta cheese
1½ tsp. Italian seasoning
1 Tbsp. + 1 tsp. honey
¼ tsp. sea salt to taste
1 cup raw walnuts roasted and chopped
¾ cup dried cranberries
honey for topping
For the herbed ricotta, add ricotta cheese, italian seasoning, honey, and salt to a small bowl and stir well to combine. Refrigerate until ready to use.
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Use a sharp knife to slice the sweet potatoes into 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch thick rounds.
Add the sweet potato slices to a large mixing bowl and drizzle with avocado oil. Sprinkle sea salt and ground cinnamon over rounds. Use your hands to rub the oil and seasoning on both sides of the sweet potato rounds. Arrange rounds on a large baking sheet (or two if necessary). Bake for 20 minutes. Flip the rounds, then bake for another 17 to 20 minutes, or until rounds are cooked through and crispy on the edges
Spread walnuts on a baking sheet. 8 to 10 minutes before the potato rounds are finished cooking, place the walnuts in the oven to roast.
Remove sweet potato rounds and walnuts from the oven. Place walnuts on a cutting board and chop.
Place oven on high broil setting and move the oven wrack second to the top shelf. Place a dollop of herbed ricotta on each sweet potato round and place in the oven for 2 minutes, just until ricotta is melty and warm.
Add chopped walnuts and dried cranberries to the rounds. Drizzle with honey and serve!
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galeorderbride · 3 months
Through Blaze of Fire, I'll Find my Way (co-written chapter)
I contributed a piece for @hyperfixationstation128's fic titled above. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to co-write a chapter with you :)
This is Gale's perspective on the events of this chapter. Whereupon he witnesses Arcane enduring a violent attack and shipwreck, doing what he can to aid her. (Events set pre-game).
Once again, thank you @hyperfixationstation128 for asking me to do this with you, it was great fun!
WC: 1328
Rating: T
Chapter under the cut!
Living in the dock district meant there was never a dull moment out the window. Gale sipping coffee, tea or a glass of wine as he people-watched out from the tallest height of his tower. Late mornings perfect for a breath of fresh air after spending hours pouring over magical tomes, losing sleep where he shouldn’t. Easing the dark circles around his eyes so his mother wouldn’t catch on to his bad habits. 
Today, the tide was high, storm clouds blocking the rays of the sun trying to peek through. Rumbling thunder boomed in the distance, the scent of petrichor combining with the green tea Gale had prepared for himself that day. There would be no outside activities, not with the weather. Gale enjoyed those days, an excuse to lounge about in his tower, read with Tara and perhaps bake if he had the ingredients. His mother had been talking about how much she craved his honey cake. 
Until a shatter of lightning beamed from the midline of the sea, illuminating the horizon in a silver blade. From where he sat, the strike seemed to produce a large, wailing object floating in the crashing waves. An illusion, as he realised the giant form was a ship, wrecking shockingly close to the shore. Horrid whips of wind and salt water banging against the sides, cracking the wood and slicing the sails. His eyes widened in horror, unaware that he swore under his breath and Tara heard him. 
“Mr. Dekarios, what has you so startled to use such unbecoming language?” She asked, climbing up to the window seat and gazing out at the sea herself. Her hair raised against her spine and tail. “Good heavens! What kind of disaster is this?!” 
“Tara, I’m quite certain whoever is on that ship is in grave danger. Would it also be unbecoming to take a…closer look?” Gale asked, mischief laden in his erudite voice. 
Tara cocked her head to the side in contemplation, “Perhaps I encourage your nosiness too much, Mr. Dekarios. But I’d be a fool to stop you from seeing danger that you could help prevent.” 
An enchanted spyglass sat on his desk, a golden shine across the room via candlelight. Enhanced with magic that allowed one to view miles longer than any regular lens would allow. Gale grabbed the tool, pulling each layer out until fully extended, holding the scope to his eye. 
The storm was a disguise for the real fight, the spyglass showing a skirmish akin to a violent mutiny. Sailors thrashing everywhere against the rain, mixed with a desperate attempt to attack a certain individual being chased and dragged across the ship. Gale first assumed an abusive captain was getting his just desserts, but upon closer examination, he realised what was transpiring was much, much worse. A young woman, assaulted by a gang of reckless pirates for some reason or another. Chestnut hair blowing and sticking to her face in the wind, defending herself with something he never expected a pirate to wield: 
With the wave of her hands, droplets conjuring around her palms, Gale discovered that there was nothing natural about the thrashing storm. She caused the waves, pulling the water against the ship to knock down her attackers. The woman was a wizard, or perhaps a sorcerer. Either way, to see something so powerful was nearly a punch to his own ego. Nearly. 
He’d read about such spells before, modifying weather patterns and elements through the weave. They weren’t necessarily difficult to cast, but they were volatile. Chaotic, ready to betray the caster at a moment’s notice. Such was the nature of this incredible woman’s efforts. The waves smacked against the ship, knocking it back and forth enough to buy herself some time. He could see her through the spyglass, concentration breaking and rekindling, causing the waves to betray her, nearly drowning her in places. She retrieved command back quickly, even in the violence, but there was a lack of discipline. One that might lead to dire consequences. If not today, another, if she survived to see. 
The magic was a half measure, doing enough to distract the violent crew but not to take one man’s attention away. A haggard, older man he presumed to be the captain, as every other person did exactly what he said. Other than the unbridled sorceress sliding up and down the slippery deck, trying and failing to find her balance. The captain shouted at his men, Gale unable to hear what the words were. All he had was sight. Not that he had much time to speak, as a giant wave plummeted under the ship, jerking everyone up. The woman flew, her body slamming back against the wood. A blow so strong, Gale caught himself twitching in surprise. 
“Weave, save me! There’s a woman being assaulted on that ship, Tara!” Gale exclaimed. 
“Mr. Dekarios, I hate to make a terrible situation worse, but I have a feeling that’s a slave ship. If you are inclined to help the girl, you may want to act fast with those captors in mind,” Tara said, pawing at the window, her tail batting back and forth with anticipation. 
“That concentration of magic…by the gods!” Gale exclaimed, “Though I must admit, I’m a little afraid she might accidentally send those waves our way.” 
Gale thought for a moment, wondering how he could ever think to intervene from so far away. But as he watched the young woman struggling to survive her attackers, he knew he had to do something. Before her luck ran dry. 
“A slave ship, meaning most might be on the lower decks, locked up. I can’t see them but—perhaps an upcasted knock spell…” 
Flicking his hand forward, a light blue glow emanating from his fingers and winding all the way to the ship, the spell managed to sink through the circular windows of the lower deck. Even if he couldn’t get every lock, the ones he did free could do the rest. With the distance, Gale had no idea if the spell worked. Just because the weave within him touched the decks, didn’t mean they reached the destination. 
Tara and him waited with baited breath, breath shaking as he watched every angle of the ship he could. From the lower decks, up to the unoccupied wheel, up to the skirmish of crewmen being fought off with ever weakening magic. The woman was getting tired, flustered. She wouldn’t last for much longer. 
“Please,” Gale whispered. “Come on.” 
A few seconds went by, painful ones that tempted Gale to give up hope on him helping the poor woman and the slaves aboard. He wanted so badly to help. The thought of a woman’s violent death on his shoulders because his talents finally reached a limit…he couldn’t live with that. 
All of the sudden, a mob of slaves ran up from the lower decks. Far more than he expected, people of all shapes and sizes running at the crew with whatever makeshift weapons they could find. Pure elation ran through Gale’s heart, an excited laugh bubbling from him as he nearly jumped for joy. 
“Tara! Look at them all! Ha!” Gale exclaimed. 
“Goodness! Perhaps there’s a chance for the poor souls after all,” she said. 
In Gale’s excitement, he didn’t notice that the pandemonium led to the death of the captain, and much of the crew. Rain still showered over them, the ship crashing against the waves, threatening to throw everyone into the depths. That, he didn’t have much option to assist with. He hoped, with his distraction, she’d be able to do something with that powerful magic. 
Oh, did she ever. Summoning a picture perfect portal, enveloping the entirety of them off the ship. Just in the nick of time, as the ship cracked through the middle, breaking in a battering explosion of wood before sinking into the sea for good. The woman, the slaves, all of them were gone. 
But where?
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adorpheus · 1 month
Recipe: Supernatural Devil's Trap Demon Proof Cherry Pie
Hello, tumblr family. Below is a repost of an article originally posted on adorpheus.com, and is being shared here for archival purposes. Original post date: Circa 2012.
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You know what's pretty cool? Fandom food things. I came up with this Supernatural themed cherry pie a few years ago. Here's the recipe I came up with.
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(sugar free, gluten free option, vegan) I make it up as I go along for this pie, so the measurements are approximate. Use your own discretion, you culinary genius, you!
For the crust we used Namaste Foods Biscuits Pie Crust and More Mix. We followed the directions for pie crust, except we substituted the butter with Earth Balance (the stick kind) and the egg with a flax "egg". You can use a pre-made pie crust if that behooves you.
For the filling
2 ten ounce bags of frozen pitted cherries, preferably organic (about 4-5 cups). Obviously you can use fresh cherries too, but do YOU wanna remove the seeds from 4 cups of cherries?
1 cup of water
1/2 tsp of sea salt
3 TBSP (or more to taste) of Stevia Baking Blend Powder, Coconut Sugar, or other dry sweetener
1 TBSP of organic cornstarch
For the Devil's Trap Again, I was winging it here. This also made way more chocolate than we needed (we ate the rest like fondue and dipped banana slices in it).
1/4 cup cocoa powder
2-3 TBSP coconut oil, melted
Stevia or other sweetener to taste
(You can also melt some vegan chocolate chips if you don't want to make your own chocolate sauce from scratch).
Preheat the oven to 350f/176c. Make the pie crust according to the package directions if you're not using a pre-made crust. Put the bottom crust into a greased 8-inch pie pan.
To make the filling, combine the first 4 filling ingredients in a saucepan over medium heat. Cook until the stevia or other sweetener is dissolved and the cherries are defrosted, and the water is boiling a little. Add more water if necessary. Once its boiling, add in the cornstarch and whisk until thickened. Pour the cooked filling into the bottom crust and prepare the top crust while the mixture cools. Add the top crust when ready.
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For the devil's trap, I etched it into the top crust with a knife prior to baking (above). We used this image from Super-Wiki as a reference.
Anyways, after that we put it in the oven until it looked done. Probably about a half hour, but I wasn't really paying attention. You bake it until the crust is browned a little and if you can see any of the filling, it should be bubbling. Before decorating with chocolate, set the pie aside to cool for at least 45 minutes. Especially if you're using coconut oil, you don't want the pie to be warm at all because it'll melt the chocolate. After the pie is cooled off, assemble all the chocolate ingredients in a saucepan and heat over low until the coconut oil is melted. Whisk them together to form a chocolate sauce. I used a knife to carefully (painfully) draw the design by dipping the tip of the knife in chocolate and drawing along the lines I had etched in the crust prior to baking. This was tricky and not that fun. If you have a better method for doing this, go ahead and try that. Let the chocolate cool. Eat.
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sweethoneyrose83 · 9 months
Foxy's Buccaneer Bounty Tropical Berry Candies:
- 1 cup dried tropical berries (mango, pineapple, papaya, etc.)
- 2-3 tablespoons honey or agave syrup
- Pinch of sea salt or chili powder (optional)
- Shredded coconut (for coating, optional)
1. Prepare the Berries: Finely chop or pulse the dried tropical berries in a food processor until they reach a coarse texture.
2. Mix Ingredients: In a bowl, combine the chopped berries with honey or agave syrup. Add a pinch of sea salt or chili powder if desired for added flavor.
3. Form Candies: Take small portions of the mixture and roll them into bite-sized balls or shape them as desired. Optionally, roll the candies in shredded coconut for an extra tropical touch.
4. Set and Serve: Place the formed candies on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Refrigerate them for about 30-60 minutes or until they are firm.
5. Enjoy: Once set, your Buccaneer Bounty tropical berry candies are ready to be enjoyed! Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge.
Feel free to adjust the sweetness or add other ingredients like chopped nuts or a hint of lime zest to personalize the recipe!
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bakingneoriche · 7 months
Kaz I gotta go, snacks are ready // Onigiri
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While on a phone call in episode 2 Kaz is cutoff by Mr. Saint Tessoro due to 'snacks being ready', which immediately cuts to a clear frame of what is obviously onigiri. Wonderfully for me, I already know how to make these. The fillings are not shown or said so I have to guess. These rice balls can be filled with anything anything, but with this being a townhouse in the sea beneath 14th St., they're probably posh, but not indubitably elegant. I'm thinking roe, not caviar. But I think fish roe with nothing else is gonna be pretty boring to make, so I've chosen three fillings (for the three onigiri shown in the shot) that I really like. These were Sardine mayo, peanut sesame, and marinated eggs with bonito.
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The base of any rice ball is the rice. For this use a short grain rice. I rinsed it once in the pot giving it a good massage, then drained it and added water according to my rice cooker. Once it was done I left it in the cooker until I was done making my fillings. you need the rice to be warm to form these, so I only take it out and season it when I'm about to start making them. When it was time, I spread it on a baking sheet. Then to half of it I added rice seasoning according the the recipe above. I only did this on half because I'll only be using the seasoned rice for the peanut ones. For the other two fillings I want the rice to be plain. The rice does not have to be seasoned to make rice balls, it just has to be warm.
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Here's my recipe for the sardine mayo filling
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To take the spine out of canned sardines I split the fish in half on the bottom by gently pressing on it. It breaks in half very easily. Then I lift the spine out. I don't worry about any other bones. none of them are big enough to matter. You could also leave the spine in if its soft enough.
The mayo is heavy on the egg yolk and light on the oil. A normal mayo would have 1-2 cups of oil per egg yolk. I wanted my sardines to have a richer feel and taste, so I used barely any oil. Since it's so little oil, it isn't necessary to use a typical mayo method, you can just combine all ingredients and whisk the shit out of it until its homogenized.
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The peanut filling doesn't have much to it. The only tricky part is not over-mixing the peanuts or sesame. If you do, it turns into peanut butter and sesame paste. Stick to 2 or 3 seconds of blending. It also really helps if you shake your spice grinder while mixing to get a much more even blend.
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This recipe is really just a ratio. The marinade is half soy sauce and half black tea. You can make your eggs however you want. As for the size of egg, you can do any, but if you use large eggs then your rice ball might be massive. Small chicken eggs are the ideal size, but if you can't get them then quail eggs are a good enough substitute. If you can't find raw quail eggs, you can use canned, they just won't be soft boiled. The benefit to them though is that you don't have to peel them.
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Since my marinate it so plain I also roll the finished eggs in bonito flakes,
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I think anyone else could do a better job explaining how to form onigiri than me, so I highly recommend looking for a different video or blog post. but here is my rudimentary explanation.
get hands wet with salt water
make rice with hollow
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put the fillings . i used plain rice for fish and egg. seasoned for peanut
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put more rice over filling
do claw hands and squish until shape is shape
put some nori
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Here's me eating the egg one.
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Gingerbread Amaretto Chocolate Tart
GINGERBREAD BASE (or shortcust pastry + all the spices)
65 g / scant 1/3 cup coconut oil (I use this one)
220 g / 1 + 2/3 cup all purpose flour*
2 level tsp ground ginger
2 level tsp ground cinnamon
½ tsp ground all spice
tsp ground cloves
½ tsp ground nutmeg
¼ tsp baking soda
a good pinch of fine sea salt
65 g / 1/3 cup dark muscovado sugar
30 ml / 2 tbsp aquafaba*
75 ml / ¼ cup + 1 tbsp maple syrup or molasses
300 g / 10.5 oz 70% dark vegan chocolate (I used Green & Blacks cooking chocolate)
120 ml / ½ cup coconut cream (solid part of full fat coconut milk* only)
150 ml / ½ cup + 2 tbsp almond milk
80 ml / 1/3 cup amaretto (I used Disaronno)*
80 ml / 1/3 cup maple syrup
GINGERBREAD BASE (or shortcust pastry + all the spices)
Place the coconut oil in a small pot and melt it on the lowest setting. Let it cool down.
Sift the flour, all the spices, baking soda and salt into a medium size bowl. Mix really well.
Place the cooled coconut oil, sugar and aquafaba in a large bowl. Cream them together with an electric whisk until well combined and slightly thickened. Add the maple syrup and whisk some more until you get a thick, homogeneous mixture.
Fold ½ of the flour mix into the wet ingredients and, once combined, add the remaining half. Make sure there are no flour pockets and everything is well combined, but do not knead. The dough will be quite loose and sticky, that’s fine, it’s the way it should be. Wrap the dough in a piece of cling film (glad wrap) and place it in the fridge for at least 1 hour. You can safely keep it in the fridge overnight too.
Allow the dough to come to room temperature and then roll it slowly and gently between two sheets of baking paper or on a lightly floured surface.
Roll the dough into a 3 mm thin circle that is large enough to cover the base of the tart tin and the sides.
Roll the rolled out dough onto a rolling pin, place the rolling pin over the tart case and gently unroll the dough on the top of the tart tin.
Mould the dough into the tart case (making sure it fits really snugly everywhere) and trim the excess with a sharp knife. Patch up any holes or thin edges with the off-cuts and pierce the bottom of the pastry with a fork in a few places.
Place the lined tart case back in the fridge while you heat up the oven to to 175° C / 350° F.
Once the oven is ready, line the inside of the pastry case with a large piece of baking paper (I crumple it first so that it’s more flexible) and then arrange baking beads (or whatever you use instead) on top of the pastry. Blind bake for 15 minutes.
After 15 minutes, take the beads and the baking paper off and return to the tart to the oven for another 10-15 minutes. Allow it to cool completely.
Place the broken up chocolate pieces and coconut cream in a clean glass or metal bowl over a bain marie (water bath). Warm them both up on the lowest setting (the water underneath should barely simmer and not boil) until the chocolate has been melted. Make sure the water does not touch the bowl the chocolate is in.
Once the chocolate has melted, whisk it into the cream with a wire whisk, then add almond milk, amaretto and maple syrup. You can adjust the amount of syrup to taste, but make sure you compensate by adding more almond milk (if you end up using less maple syrup than I did).
Allow the mixture to cool down and fill the tart case.
Transfer the filled tart case into the fridge. Allow it to set for at least 8 hours (overnight is best).
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curvycarbivore · 11 months
Super Dark Chocolate Almond Avocado Brownies (Vegan)
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Yield: 16 servings | Prep time: 5 minutes | Cook time: 25 minutes | Total time: 1 hour
Who knew that brownies could be creamy, fudgy, and sorta healthy?! These vegan brownies have a secret ingredient in them that nobody would guess... avocado! Yes it sounds weird, but trust me you cannot tell that there is avocado in here. These vegan brownies turn out super dark, rich, and fudgy. This is perfect for when you have avocados that are a little too ripe to enjoy in tacos or on toast.
1 large avocado
2 flax eggs (2 tbsp ground flaxseed + 6 tbsp water)
3 tbsp refined coconut oil (liquefied)
1 tsp pure vanilla
1/2 cup coconut sugar
1/2 cup almond flour
1/2 cup dark chocolate cocoa powder
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips
Preheat your oven to 350º F.
In a small mixing bowl, make your flax eggs by mixing 2 tbsp of ground flaxseed powder with 6 tbsp of water. Set aside for about 5 minutes to thicken.
In a large mixing bowl, add your ripe avocado. Mash it up with a fork.
Add in the wet ingredients: coconut oil, vanilla, and flax eggs (when ready).
Add in the sugar and stir to combine.
Add in the dry ingredients: flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, and salt.
Mix well to combine. Then, gently fold in the chocolate chips.
In a greased 9x9 baking dish, pour in the batter and spread out evenly.
Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean.
Let cool for 30 minutes before slicing and serving.
Slice into 16 squares and enjoy!
Tips and Tricks:
These DO NOT taste like regular box-mix brownies, so put that expectation to the side before making these. These brownies taste rich, dark, chocolatey, and real.
These are really good frozen! It sounds weird, but trust me. Cut them into small cubes, then stick them in the freezer for a few hours. You can enjoy these chocolatey treats right out of the freezer (they'll be chewy and a little hard) or let them sit out for a few minutes to thaw.
Refined vs. Unrefined coconut oil = refined does not taste like coconut, unrefined does. By using refined coconut oil, these brownies should not have a coconut flavor. If you do want a coconut flavor, use unrefined oil.
Coconut sugar should not give these brownies a coconut flavor. If you are worried about that, you can use palm or regular granulated sugar.
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cunninghamchrissie · 2 years
Grace can’t act. Chrissy was just a lucky one time thing. People only cast her because of her dad and that she’s a pretty white girl
Chocolate Chipless Cookies
3/4 cup unsalted butter
1 cup brown sugar, packed
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 egg + 1 egg yolk, room temperature
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 3/4 cup all purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon sea salt + more for sprinkling
Brown the butter over medium heat, stirring constantly until the butter begins to foam and turns a golden brown, emitting a nutty aroma. Make sure you only brown the butter lightly. When butter browns the liquid evaporates off which can dry out your dough. As soon as the butter starts to turn brown and smell nutty, take it off the heat to prevent any more liquid from escaping. Take butter off the heat and allow to cool.
In a large mixing bowl combine the cooled brown butter, brown sugar, and white sugar. Beat until mixed together. Add in the egg, egg yolk, and vanilla extract. Mix well.
In separate bowl mix together the flour, salt and baking soda. Mix half the dry ingredients into the wet until everything comes together. Slowly add in the remaining flour a little bit at a time, stopping if the dough starts to get too dry.
Refrigerate the cookie dough for at least a half hour, or overnight.
When you are ready to bake the cookies, preheat the oven to 350°F and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Use a 1 ounce cookie scoop to scoop the cookie dough out into balls, placing them 2 inches apart on the prepared sheet. Bake for 11 minutes*, or until the edges are just golden brown and the centers have puffed up but are still gooey.
Allow to cool before eating!
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morethansalad · 2 years
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Carrot and Habanero Tamales (Vegan)
Makes 8
1 cup masa harina (about 5 oz.; preferably Bob’s Red Mill or Masienda)
1 tsp. Diamond Crystal or ½ tsp. Morton kosher salt
¼ tsp. baking powder
2½ cups vegetable stock or low-sodium vegetable broth
2 Tbsp. grapeseed or vegetable oil
4 medium carrots (about 1 lb.), preferably rainbow, scrubbed, sliced ¼" thick on a diagonal
1 habanero chile, halved
3 garlic cloves
1 Tbsp. grapeseed or vegetable oil
Kosher salt
8 dried corn husks, soaked in hot water 5 minutes, or eight 10x5" pieces parchment paper
1 carrot, preferably rainbow, peeled
½ cup Pumpkin Hot Sauce
4 cups mizuna or arugula
Flaky sea salt
Step 1: Whisk masa harina, salt, and baking powder in a large bowl to combine. Whisk stock and oil in a medium bowl to combine, then gradually add to dry ingredients, mixing with your hands until thick and oozy (dough should be about the consistency of fresh ricotta)—you may not need all of the stock mixture. Cover dough tightly and let sit at room temperature until ready to use.
Step 2: Place a rack in middle of oven; preheat to 450°. Spread out carrots, chile, and garlic in a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet. Drizzle vegetables with oil; season with salt. Turn to coat, then roast until carrots are tender and starting to brown, about 10 minutes.
Step 3: Let vegetables sit until cool enough to handle, then transfer to a food processor and pulse to a coarse purée. Taste and season filling with more salt if needed. Transfer to a medium bowl.
Step 4: Place a steamer basket inside a large pot and pour in water just until it reaches basket. Bring to a simmer.
Step 5: Working one at a time, lay a corn husk vertically on your work surface. Place a golf-ball-size amount of dough just above the center of the husk. Spoon about 1 Tbsp. filling on top and enclose in dough. Fold sides of corn husk up and over dough, then fold the flap closest to you upward to meet the top edge of the upper flap. Turn over so tamal stays closed. Repeat with remaining husks, dough, and filling.
Step 6: Arrange tamales in steamer, flap side down (it’s okay if you need to layer them). Reduce heat to medium, cover pot, and steam tamales 30 minutes.
Step 7: Meanwhile, fill a medium bowl with ice water. Using a vegetable peeler, shave carrot in long ribbons into bowl and let sit until ready to use.
Step 8: To serve, place 2 tamales on each plate and unwrap. Drizzle some Pumpkin Hot Sauce over and top with a big mound of mizuna and some carrot ribbons; sprinkle with sea salt.
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angelkin-food-cake · 1 year
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Fig Almond Tea Cake with Coconut Honey Glaze
8 oz. dried figs, stems removed, coarsely chopped
2 Tbsp. granulated sugar
¼ cup brandy or water
½ cup water
3 Tbsp. slivered almonds, chopped
½ cup almond paste
2 cups (8 oz.) cake flour
½ tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. fine sea salt
⅔ cup canned coconut milk, room temperature
1 tsp. vanilla extract
¼ tsp. almond extract
14 Tbsp. (7 oz.) unsalted butter, softened
1½ cups, plus 2 Tbsp. granulated sugar
4 large eggs, room temperature
3 Tbsp. canned coconut milk
2 Tbsp. honey
1 Tbsp. coconut rum
⅛ tsp. fine sea salt
2 oz. white chocolate, finely chopped
3 Tbsp. cream cheese, room temperature
6-8 fresh mission figs for garnish (optional)
For the filling, roll almond paste into a ½  inch diameter rope, cut rope into ½ -1 inch size pieces.
Bring figs, sugar, brandy, and water to simmer in medium saucepan over medium heat. Simmer, stirring occasionally, until liquid evaporates and figs are very soft, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and cool for 5 minutes. Stir in chopped almonds and almond paste pieces and cool until ready to use.
For the cake, adjust oven rack to lower-middle position. Grease and flour 9×5 loaf pan. Combine flour, baking powder, and salt in bowl. Whisk coconut milk and both extracts in measuring cup.
In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, beat butter and sugar on medium speed until fluffy, about 2 minutes. Beat in eggs, one at a time, until combined. Reduce speed to low and add flour mixture in 3 additions, alternating with 2 additions of coconut milk mixture. Mix on low until smooth, about 30 seconds.
Remove mixing bowl, add fig-almond mixture in chunks of various sizes. Using rubber spatula, fold until mixture is evenly distribute throughout the batter.
Pour batter into prepared pan and smooth top. Place cake in cold oven. Adjust oven temperature to 325℉ and bake, without opening oven door, until cake is golden brown and toothpick inserted in center comes out clean, 65- 80 minutes.
Cool cake in pan for 15 minutes, then turn out onto rack, right side up, and cool completely.
For the glaze, bring coconut milk, honey, rum and salt to a simmer over in a small saucepan over medium heat. Turn off heat and whisk in white chocolate until fully combined. Add cream cheese, one tablespoon at a time, whisk until glaze is smooth and creamy. Cool for 20-30 minutes until thickens.
Drizzle glaze over top of cake and let it drip over the sides. Decorate with fresh figs (if use) and serve.
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recoiloperated · 2 years
My (unoriginal) three day cookie recipe
   6 tablespoons unsalted butter
   ¾ cup dark brown sugar, lightly packed
   1 teaspoon kosher salt
   water, as needed
Cookie Dough
   1 cup unsalted butter
   ¾ cup granulated sugar
   1 ½ cups dark brown sugar, packed
   2 teaspoons espresso powder/fine ground coffee
   2 teaspoons kosher salt
   ½ teaspoon baking soda
   2 large eggs
   2 teaspoons real vanilla extract (home made ideally) DO NOT USE IMITATION
   2 ½ cups cake flour (all purpose is fine too)
   6 oz cacao chocolate, 60-80% cacao, chopped roughly (fingernail sized)
   flaky sea salt, for sprinkling (optional)
Make the toffee:
1. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
2. In a medium nonstick saucepan over medium heat, melt the butter, brown sugar, and salt, stirring until evenly incorporated. If there are grainy lumps or if the fat starts to separate, add a couple splashes of water and stir vigorously to emulsify. Continue to cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture reaches 290°F (143°C), about 10-15 minutes.
3. Pour the toffee onto the prepared baking sheet and spread out slightly with a spatula. Freeze until ready to use, about 30 minutes. the toffee should crack in a glass like fashion.
ALTERNATE: heath toffee bits can be used.
make the cookie dough:
1. Add the butter to a medium nonstick saucepan over medium-high heat. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the butter turns dark brown and smells nutty. Watch carefully so the butter does not burn. Remove the pot from the heat and place butter in fridge or freezer to cool slightly. (warm enough to be liquid, cold enough to not burn you)
2. In a large bowl, combine the granulated and brown sugar, espresso powder, salt, and baking soda.
3. Pour the brown butter into the sugar mixture and mix until combined. Don’t worry if it looks separated.
4. In a small bowl, whisk together the eggs and vanilla. Pour into the sugar and butter mixture and whisk until glossy and smooth.
5. Add the flour and fold with a rubber spatula to incorporate until the dough has no visible flour streaks
6. Remove the toffee from the freezer (it should be a frozen disc) and break it into chunks that will fit inside a gallon zip-top bag. Double bag the toffee and seal both bags. With a rolling pin, break the toffee into small pieces. (thumb nail sized or smaller)
7. Fold the crushed toffee and chopped chocolate into the dough until evenly distributed.
8. form into balls about the size of a good scoop of icecream.
9. place on a baking sheet, covering lightly with wax paper or saran wrap (do not seal the edges. you want airflow) and let age in the fridge for three days.
10. bake at 325f for 15-22 minutes, or until cookies are flat and golden brown. they'll expand to be 5-6" in diameter. let cool for 10 minutes before eating.
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I've got 4 recipes hereeeee
Are you telling me a mixed vegetables fried this rice
Get your vegetables. I used frozen vegetables like a loser but any vegetables oughtta work. Steamed broccoli would be good. Green beans, carrots, and corn was what I used and it slapped.
Make some rice (boil water, add about half as much rice with the understanding that rice grows, simmer for for 10-15 minutes or until it's about as soft as you want it LOOK AT ME: POKE IT WITH A SPOON DO NOT TOUCH THE BOILING RICE WITH YOUR FINGER, fluff and serve)
Butter a frying pan and heat it
Put the rice and veg in the frying pan and let them heat up for a short while. They'll sound pretty when it's ready.
Then crack in an egg.
And scramble it.
I always make my fried rice pretty soft cooked but you can get it crispy if so desired
Easy on the soy sauce. Use sesame seed oil too.
In total, including clean up and buffer time it takes about an hour, but it could take longer or shorter depending on how fast you cook.
Boujee botato burrito
This one's stupid
But it tastes GOOD
Prepare some steak fries however you like to prepare stake fries. I deep fry and my mama bakes them. Air fryer, pan fried, cooked over an open flame idc.
Get a tortilla. Not a tiny one either, we're working with steak fries here.
Here me out. I know this is stupid but AMERICAN CHEESE is actually best in this case. It's got a good texture. And juuuust enough flavor to compliment and give the burrito a little grounding without becoming a main aspect of the dish.
So put your tortilla on your Large Heating Surface Of Choice, I use a grill but whatevers big enough, a frying pan would work, and toast it and melt the cheese a little.
Then put on your fries.
Then, and I need a citation for this because I do not know the exact combination of herbs but use Cajun seasoning. Look up badia cajun seasoning and use that. Or season to taste, you want a slightly sweet and spicy blend, kinda like the seasoning on a barbecue chip but more Green and Yellow
Then top it with romaine lettuce and wrap it.
Or other lettuce or maybe spinach, but you don't want to overload the flavor.
This one takes much less time, the longest part is cooking the fries, I'd say about 20 minutes total, even with clean up.
It tastes.. in the same ballpark as a gyro. Not the same at all, but like if a gyro had a cousin from Weeki Wochi Springs (and... that's pretty accurate actually. As someone who is intimately familiar with the Really Sweaty parts of florida and is reasonably familiar with our next door flood buddy (louisianna) and the food from both places. Look if you've ever been to Natchitoches, LA and try food from there you'll know what I mean)
Thor's comfort food
That's a fucking stupid name sorry
It's soup. So we're clear.
This is borderline stew, and is something to make to feed you for several days, it's very hearty.
And this is a leftover soup! But it doesn't have to be you can make it fresh if you want to.
But chop up some fries and chicken (I used leftover steak fries and chicken tenders, which have a story behind them but not for here, I'm not that southern)
Put them in a deep pot with some butter to start getting them warm. The chicken needs to be all the way cooked beforehand, this is where the leftover part comes in handy. The steak fries less so but yk
When they're warm and popping a little, add a can of cream of chicken soup, milk, cheddar and mozzarella cheese, SALT, chili seasoning, a shake of Tony chachere's, (that's pronounced SaShaRay's if you wanna ask for it at a grocery store), and a dash of honey mustard.
Let it warm and mingle on high heat until it tastes super good.
Put aside and make some rice (sea above). Yellow or brown rice would be SO GOOD with this, especially yellow rice. I only had white on hand tho loll
Mix the rice into the soup, and heat it up again to serving temp.
I'd serve it with some nutty bread. Not pumpernickel or white bread. Rye would be good. Or even just some standard wheat bread. Maybe some cheddar biscuits or cornbread lol.
This one takes much longer just by nature, I'd give it an hour to an hour and a half, clean up included.
This one doesn't have a name right now lol
Goat cheese
Rosemary if you're a homestuck (or have good taste in herbs)
Put it in a (oven safe) bowl or even straight on some thick bread (foccacia would work well. That's fecasha if you've never seen the word written out. Horse divorce).
Put it in the oven, or better, a toaster oven (not a microwave)
Heat it until the berries and goat cheese get soft
Blend it all together
It takes maybe 15mins
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nbula-rising · 2 years
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Tamales Dulces (Sweet Tamales)
Prep: 50 mins Cook: 90 mins Total: 2 hrs 20 mins Yield: 20 tamales
 For the Hibiscus Jam Filling
   1 cup dried hibiscus flowers
   2 whole cardamom pods, lightly cracked open
   2 whole cloves
   1 cinnamon stick
   1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
   1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
   1 cup granulated sugar
   2 cups water
 For the Masa Dough
   2 1/2 cups (240 grams) masa harina
   3/4 cup granulated sugar
   1/2 teaspoon baking powder
   1/2 teaspoon sea salt
   1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom
   1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
   1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
   1 cup coconut oil
   1 vanilla bean pod, or 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
   1 cup rice milk, or other plant-based milk
   25 to 30 corn husks
 Steps to Make It
 Make the Filling
   Gather the ingredients.
   In a medium saucepan, combine dried hibiscus petals, 2 cardamom pods, 2 cloves, 1 cinnamon stick, 1/2 teaspoon each of ginger and nutmeg, and 1 cup of sugar. Pour in water and bring to a boil over medium heat.
   Lower to a simmer and cook, uncovered, until the liquid reduces by a little more than half into a light syrup, about 35 minutes.
   Remove from heat. Allow to cool, about 15 minutes, then remove the cinnamon stick and cardamom pods.
   Add the syrup and hibiscus petals to a blender and blend into a smooth, thick consistency. Scrape into a smaller bowl and set aside.
 Make the Dough
   Gather masa dough ingredients.
��  Meanwhile, in a large bowl, mix together masa harina, sugar, baking powder, salt, ground cardamom, ground cinnamon, and ground cloves.
   In another large bowl, whip the coconut oil with an electric hand mixer or in a stand mixer until smooth, about 3 minutes.
   Fold the masa and spices mixture into the coconut oil. Scrape the seeds of the vanilla bean into the mixture (or add vanilla extract).
   Gradually pour in the rice milk while whipping with the mixer until the dough is airy and creamy, about 2 to 3 minutes.
 Assemble and Cook the Tamales
   Submerge corn husks in a deep bowl of hot water. Soak until soft and pliable, about 5 minutes.
   Working with 2 to 4 husks at a time, or 1 at a time, if you are a beginner, shake off excess water before laying the husk out onto a clean work surface area. If your husks are very narrow, use two overlapping husks.
   Take 2 or 3 of the husks, and tear them lengthwise, following the grain, into quarter-inch-thick strips. Set aside on a small plate.
   Set out your ingredients in an assembly line: your corn husks, your masa, and your filling.
   Spoon 1/4 cup of dough closer to the wider end of each husk and spread out into a 3 x 3 square. Top with 1 tablespoon of the hibiscus jam in the center of the dough.
   Now you are ready to fold the tamales. Carefully bring the sides together to meet at the center, enclosing the filling.
   Then fold the bottom tip of the husk over the filled section. If your jam is a little loose, some of it might leak out of the top or bottom, but that's ok, as long as it's held inside the corn husk.
   Take one of the husk strips and use it to tie the tamale together, crosswise. Set aside.
   Set a steamer basket inside a large pot and pour water just until it reaches the basket. Bring the water to a simmer. Begin layering in the tamales, folded-end down. Cover with a lid and cook over medium heat. Steam for 50 minutes, checking water occasionally to replace if it evaporates.
   Once tamales are cooked, remove from the pot and cool until they can be handled. Best when eaten immediately.
   After steaming the tamales, open the lid slowly and carefully. The steam released can be hot enough to burn skin.
   Take time to invest in high-quality ingredients for the best-tasting and most nutrient-rich results.
   We recommend Bob’s Red Mill masa harina, available at most grocery stores, or Masienda masa harina, available online.
   Masa harina, and corn husks may be found in the International section of your grocery store, or at a Latin American market.
   We recommend buying spices from Diaspora Co. for the freshest flavors.
   It's traditional, especially in central Mexico, to tint sweet tamales pink using food coloring or other natural food coloring. This is especially helpful if your household is making different kinds of tamales on the same day. Add a few drops of coloring to the masa after you've achieved the consistency you want. Whip just long enough to evenly distribute the coloring.
   Hibiscus flowers are sold in most Latin American markets (as flor de jamaica) and in many tea shops. You can also find them online. If you have trouble finding dried hibiscus petals, you can substitute with fresh or frozen cherries, cranberries, and even chopped roasted beets.
   Experiment with other fillings, such as pineapple preserves and raisins, strawberry jam and cream cheese, shredded coconut, and dulce de leche or cajeta with pecans and cream cheese.
   If you have access to fresh masa, use the same measurements of masa dough ingredients, except for the rice milk. You will most likely need less liquid, so be careful to add it gradually.
   Serve tamales drizzled with caramel sauce.
   Make the tamales with banana leaves instead of corn husks. Trim the leaves to 8-inch squares. Use the same method to fold and then tie shut with kitchen string.
 How to Store and Freeze
   Store cooked and cooled tamales in an airtight container, a zip lock or vacuum-sealed bag, in the refrigerator.
   Keep tamales in the refrigerator for up to one week.
   To reheat refrigerated tamales, steam in husks for 5 to 8 minutes, or reheat in the microwave for 1 to 2 minutes.
   To freeze tamales, wrap individually in foil, then place in a freezer-safe bag.
   Thaw frozen tamales overnight in the refrigerator and re-steam for 5 to 8 minutes. Or, skip thawing in the fridge and re-steam for 15 minutes.
 Make Ahead
You can make the hibiscus jam one to three days in advance. The masa dough is best made right before making the tamales.
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"Schedule 1" Salted Peanut Butter Cookies
Because they're highly addictive and have no medical purpose
These bad boys are dairy free and gluten free, completely by accident. They're incredibly cheap to make AND only use four ingredients that you probably already have, they're super adaptable for dietary restrictions, and you can be eating cookies inside 90 minutes. What more could you want?
I use a 2-teaspoon scoop for these, which makes them just the right size to eat about seven cookies before you even realize what you've done. I recommend a larger scoop for bigger cookies, which will slow you down later. You'll thank me, I promise.
Definitely do not sink four or five chocolate chips into the middle of every dough ball, because then these cookies become legitimately weapons grade.
Recipe by Smitten Kitchen & Ovenly
1 3/4 cups (335 grams) packed light brown sugar
2 large eggs, at room temperature (this is important, because you'll be dissolving the sugar into the eggs - if your eggs are cold, sink them in a glassful of comfortably-hot water for a couple minutes.)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 3/4 cups (450 grams, or one 16.3 oz jar) smooth, cheap peanut butter (just get the cheapest stuff you can find for this, the stabilizers and emulsifiers help prevent the cookies from being greasy. You can use natural nut butter if you want, i guess, but it won't be as good and it'll cost you more, which is unnecessary. If you need to accommodate a peanut allergy, use the closest available equivalent to a Jif-style spread.)
Coarse-grained sea salt, to finish. (I used kosher salt, which works fine. If you have fancy salt, feel free to use it but know it's not strictly necessary.)
In the bowl of a stand mixer, combine the brown sugar and eggs and beat the living daylights out of it until light-colored, smooth, and ribbony.
Mix in the vanilla extract, then add the peanut butter and mix thoroughly. You'll notice a change in texture pretty quickly, it will magically transform from a batter to a soft dough reminiscent of play-doh.
Pop the entire bowl of cookie dough into the fridge, and preheat your oven to 350*. By the time your oven is hot, your dough will be ready.
Line a cookie sheet with parchment, but tinfoil is fine too if that's what you have. Drop little balls of cookie dough in whatever size you prefer. If you don't have a doser/scooper, flatten the bottoms a bit so they bake more evenly. Then, garnish each one with a sprinkling of salt.
These cookies will not spread in the oven so whatever size you start with is what you'll have at the end; I aim for roughly the size of a golf ball or a bit smaller. For cookies this size, 9 minutes was sufficient for my oven - larger cookies may take anywhere from 12-15 minutes, but your timing may vary. Your cookies are done when beginning to color golden brown and fragrance your kitchen with toasty aromas.
They will be a tiny bit soft, this is fine. Cool on the cookie sheets until you can comfortably handle them, which will finish baking them through if needed, then transfer to a wire rack to cool all the way. If you can wait that long.
Store airtight at room temp. Don't worry about how long they stay fresh, they'll be gone long before they spoil.
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notjordie-gvf · 2 years
white chocolate maple pecan cookies
3/4 cup butter
1 cup brown sugar, packed
1 egg + 1 yolk, room temp
1/2 tsp maple extract, note after ingredients
2 tsp vanilla extract
1-3/4 cup all purpose flour
3/4 tsp baking soda
1 tsp sea salt, use whatever you have
1 cup white chocolate chunks, note after ingredients
1 cup toasted pecans, chopped
okay, for the maple extract, be VERY careful. maple extract has a higher alcohol content than vanilla extract. i put a heavy splash of it in my coffee once, and i was sweating and stumbling the whole day.
for the chocolate, for some reason south carolina grocery stores hate me and dont sell white chocolate chunks, so i use chips. if you can manage to find chunks, use them! i think they would be so much better with chunks
back to our regularly scheduled program!
brown the butter over medium heat, stirring constantly until the butter begins to foam and turns a golden brown color, emitting a nutty aroma
in a large mixing bowl, combine the cooled brown butter and brown sugar. beat until mixed together. add in the egg, egg yolk, maple and vanilla extract and mix well.
in a separate bowl, mix together the flour, salt, and baking soda. mix half the dry into the wet until it comes together. slowly add in remaining flour. mix a little in at a time. fold in white chocolate and pecans
refrigerate cookie dough for thirty minutes
when ready to bake the cookies, preheat the oven to 350F and line a cookie sheet with parchment. use a cookie scoop and place them two inches apart the prepared sheet for 11 minutes
cool on a rack before eating
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