#com tam
fattributes · 9 days
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Cơm Tấm
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vegehana-food · 11 months
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✿ コムタム | Cơm Tấm ・ご飯に骨付き肉や目玉焼きが載せられた、ベトナム南部で親しまれている料理。ご飯には「砕き米」が使用されており、これはかつてベトナムの労働者階級の間で商品として販売できない砕き米が食されていたことに由来します。付け合わせとしてニンジンや大根の細切り、きゅうりやトマトのスライスなどが添えられていることがあります。
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chetdithoi · 2 years
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paulpingminho · 2 months
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kalitelialcom · 2 months
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Makermatik Tam Otomatik Sigara Sarma Makinesi
Makermatik Tam Otomatik Sigara Sarma Makinesi, sigara sarma işlemini en basit ve en hızlı şekilde yapmanızı sağlayan ileri teknoloji bir üründür. Gelişmiş motoru ve otomatik işleyişi ile tütün doldurma ve sarma işlemlerini zahmetsizce gerçekleştiren bu makine, her seferinde mükemmel sigaralar üretir. Kullanıcı dostu ve ergonomik tasarımı sayesinde, hem yeni başlayanlar hem de deneyimli kullanıcılar için idealdir. Makermatik, sağlam ve dayanıklı malzemelerle üretilmiş olup, uzun ömürlü bir kullanım sunarak sigara sarma deneyiminizi kesintisiz ve keyifli hale getirir.
Kalitelial.com'da satışa sunulan Makermatik Tam Otomatik Sigara Sarma Makinesi, üstün performansı ve kullanım kolaylığı ile dikkat çeker. Kompakt ve taşınabilir yapısı sayesinde dilediğiniz her yerde kullanabileceğiniz bu makine, tütün israfını minimuma indirerek ekonomik bir çözüm sunar. Sigara sarma sürecinizi hızlandırarak zaman kazandıran bu cihaz, her defasında tutarlı ve kaliteli sigaralar elde etmenizi sağlar. Makermatik Tam Otomatik Sigara Sarma Makinesi ile sigara sarma işlemini zahmetsiz bir hale getirin ve Kalitelial.com'dan uygun fiyatlarla bu inovatif ürüne sahip olun.
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gentlyweeps-world · 6 months
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american day
summary: you surprise logan with a day for him
pairing: logan sargeant x fem! not american!reader
warnings: none
genre: fluff | rom-com | cheesy
notes: I’m so sorry if this is too cheesy or stupid, but I loved the idea 🫶
words: 1.1k
You knew Logan had been feeling down, not himself and certainly not in a good mental place.
Spending thanksgiving and the Fourth of July racing.
You weren’t from America, but you certainly knew those were staples for him.
So of course being the amazing girlfriend you are, decided to throw him an “American Day” when there was a break in between race weekends.
You picked a day when Logan was busy with training, so you could prepare all of the food you wanted and decorate your apartment with the most American things you could find..
Sure, maybe it was a bit cheesy! But you loved him and he deserved it.
“Babe..what is this?” Logan asks, walking into the kitchen and spotting pumpkin pie, hamburgers and hotdogs. Honestly it was just all of the most American food you could find and make.
“It’s your American Day!” You say with a smile, turning to face him. “I thought I would surprise you with it!”
“You did all of this for me Y/n?” Logan’s eyes widen with surprise as he sees all the American themed food on the table.
“You really did all of this?”
Logan begins to walk around the food, taking it all in as the smell of various grilled and toasted food fills the air.
“You didn’t have to do this sweetie…” He says, his voice laced with both gratitude and slight guilt.
“Of course I did Log..” You say with a warm smile, “You’ve been stressed, and I know you haven’t been yourself lately, don’t lie..”
“I wanted to do something special for you” You add on.
“Thank you…” Logan says, giving you a sincere smile as his guilt starts to dissipate.
“You really did all of this for me,” he says again, this time in more disbelief than before.
“You’re the best…” Logan says, giving you a hug as his body calms down.
It hasn’t been the best for him in regards to F1, and being away from home definitely didn’t help things either.
So the fact that you did all of this to help him out definitely means the world to him.
“Okay, okay. How about we eat?” You say with a grin, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips.
So that’s what you two did, you questioned some of the odd choices, but let Logan enjoy it nonetheless.
“Okay no- that’s not good! How- how do you even enjoy that?” You ask, giving Logan a weird look as he sprays cheese whiz onto some crackers.
“That’s the beauty of it!” Logan responds with a smile, chewing on the crackers and cheese whiz combo.
“You haven’t really tried American food unless you’ve had cheese whiz on crackers.” He chuckles a little as he continues to eat his strange combination of a snack.
“From the few times I've been to America, that doesn’t seem like a common snack..” You say with a grin, taking a cracker and eating it.
“It’s not something that we eat every day, but it’s definitely something common that you can find at any gas station.” Logan chuckles as he continues to eat the cheese whiz crackers, his expression seemingly one of nostalgia.
“We’re a simple country, so simple foods like this are pretty common.”
You let out a chuckle at that, “Yeah you guys are definitely simple..” You say with a small snicker, reaching for an Oreo cookie.
“Don’t act like American-style snacks aren’t the best, because they totally are.” Logan responds with a smirk as he grabs an Oreo as well, taking a bite out of it.
“Okay I will say they are better than Australian snacks..” You say with a giggle. Remembering the time Oscar forced you and Logan to try tim tams and fairy bread.
“Australians have nothing on our snacks.” Logan says with a smirk, taking another bite out of a cookie.
“I’m so glad you didn’t make me any of that stuff, I can’t believe Oscar made us try those weird foods…who the hell puts sprinkles on a slice of white bread?” Logan adds on with a grimace.
“And who the hell eats cheese whiz” You say with a grin, smiling at Logan as you take a moment to look at him.
He looked happy, less tired than how he usually looks. You were glad he was feeling better.
“Fine, you got me there…” Logan says with a smile, rolling his eyes a bit as he takes another bite out of a cookie.
“But you can’t deny that it tastes good!” He chuckles but still has a slight look of embarrassment on his face.
Despite how simple the snack is, there’s something about it that takes him back to his childhood and that feeling of nostalgia is something that’s both comforting and heartwarming.
“Wait okay- so what’s like the most American thing you can think of..” You say with a giggle, fiddling with Logan’s fingers as you two cuddle in bed.
Logan and you had made good work of the food you made, he had loved it.
“Hmm…” He considers your question for a few seconds before answering.
“The most American thing I can think of…” He thinks about the various options and thinks of the first thing that comes to mind.
“Definitely a Fourth of July block party or something like that,” He says, his answer seeming pretty reasonable.
“You know, the ones where you get together with all your friends and have a bbq, play games, and just have a good time…”
“Yeah, kinda like that now that you mention it…” He says, thinking of the similarities between the two.
You nod your head at his words, getting a visual, “That sounds like fun..it’s kind of like a street party, then?” You ask, trying to make a connection.
Logan seems to be remembering a time in his youth, when he was at one of these parties and just having a good time.
“Why don’t you tell me about it?” You ask softly with a smile, cuddling closer into him, resting your head on his chest.
“Well, I was about eight or nine…”
Logan starts to tell you the story as he holds you close and rubs your back.
“It was a pretty traditional party where one of my dad’s friends was grilling burgers and hotdogs.”
“We had some games set up in the backyard, and there was music playing off of someone’s phone.”
“It was just a very nice day with a bunch of my childhood friends, just enjoying the time together…”
He lets out a chuckle before continuing, “And of course we had massive fireworks”
You let out a giggle at that, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips. “Very American Log..” You say with a smile.
“Maybe we can go visit your family in time for a block party?” You suggest.
“Sure baby, that would be lovely.”
youruser posted to their page
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Liked by logansargeant and others
youruser 📸
View all 194 comments
logansargeant hi baby
logansargeant I love you 🫶
youruser I love you too 🤍
user027 why is there cheese whiz
user2483 what’s up with the cheese whiz??😭
williamsracing Why is there cheese whiz? 🤔
youruser american day!
logansargeant 🦅🦅
user8462 this is suspiciously american
alex_albon did you show him that tiktok sound
youruser oh I already made a tiktok of him 🤭
logansargeant I hate you both
oscarpiastri What is that abomination??
logansargeant Osc you can’t talk
youruser he’s right, fairy bread is atrocious
lilymhe I love this and I love you
youruser I love you too 🤍🤍
radio 🪩: you guys still aren’t safe from my angst idea (it will have two endings that you guys get to pick from), send in any requests 🫶🫶
permanent taglist: @cixrosie @amajixi @i-wish-this-was-me @nelly187 @hannahwsworld @sltwins @itsprashimusic
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Place where I belong - Rhaenyra Targaryen x reader
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disclaimer these gifs are not mine, they belong to @femalescharacters
divider @dingusfreakhxrrington
resumo: Rhaenyra Targaryen x reader; ANGST; a vida não é fácil quando se é apaixonada pela rainha casada!; não revisado ainda; taylor swift
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"I couldn't turn things around (you never turned things around) 'Cause you never gave a warning sign (I gave so many signs) So many signs, so many signs"
A Rainha Rhaenyra Targaryen se encontrava sentada em uma negra cadeira de couro voltada para as janelas em uma das enumeras salas de Dragonstone, mexendo incessantemente em seus anéis da mão esquerda. Suas crianças haviam partido há pouco tempo para o vale acompanhadas de princesa Rhaena, guardas, servas e sua senhora de armas mais leal, amiga, confidente e amante, porém pensava se ainda podia atribuir a última posição, pois ainda revolvia a conversa que precedeu a partida.
Teria ela por todos esses anos menosprezado, mesmo que não intencionalmente, os sentimentos e necessidades daquela que partira levando sua alegria? Sua amante nunca lhe pediu muito, pelo contrário era por natureza uma doadora. Sabia que amava aquela mulher com todo o coração, mas talvez.....talvez não soubera demostrar esse amor.
“eu não entendo, simplesmente não entendo” dizia Rhaenyra exasperada, não havia sido comunicada sobre a partida até que a hora havia chegado, se sentia furiosa, quase traída. Assim que soube, gentilmente convidou a dama para uma sala ao lado para modo de acertar as ultimas questões, sempre tão bem contida era ela.
Com um sorriso conciliador no rosto a moça parada a alguns passos de distância respondeu calmamente “não possuo utilidade aqui, minha rainha, não monto um dragão e nem poderia, ademais possui homens bem melhores do que eu ao seu lado, no vale com as crianças terei maior serventia” respirou profundamente “e já é hora de voltar para o lugar ao qual pertenço” agora parecia que uma sombra de tristeza sobrevoava seu rosto.
Sua fala de nada acalmou os ânimos da Targaryen, apenas influiu a sua raiva, mas se conteve, não desejava que os demais ouvissem a discussão. Ficou ereta o máximo possível, a fitando
“o que você quer dizer com voltar ao lugar que pertence e não meça as palavras é uma ordem não um pedido”
sua reação foi dar um passo para trás, não estava acostuma a ouvir esse tom direcionada a si, mas compreendia de onde vinha. “não seja assim Nyra”
mas a resposta veio na forma da pronuncia grave de seu nome, ah como isso seria doloroso
A lady de armas se aproximou dela e pegou seu rosto etéreo nas mãos, buscando em seus olhos algum tipo de compreensão dos motivos da partida, aqueles que não queria dizer em voz alta, porém Rhaenyra se endureceu ainda mais, pegando um dos pulsos próximos ao rosto com firmeza. Não havia como fugir
“Vossa alteza trava uma guerra honesta, é pelo seu direito legitimo ao trono existem muitas coisas em risco, parto com as crianças para que seus olhos se voltem para a vitória e tam-“ sua divagação foi cortada por um áspero apelo de “pare” e uma expressão seria no rosto alvo de vossa graça, apenas um coração aflito buscando por respostas, e fazer sua dama de armas se debulhar em lagrimas com essa ação de forma alguma era o que pretendia, uma mulher que tampouco chorava, mas ainda tocava-lhe o rosto com gentileza.
Soluçando tentou novamente, com mais franqueza dessa vez “há muito tempo sei que o que me mantém ao seu lado é apenas sua consideração por minha pessoa, não fira a minha dignidade me mantendo como uma velha amante na qual não se interessa mais, já estou ferida o suficiente, alteza, então só peço que reúna o que sobrou do carinho que um dia teve por mim e me permita voltar a carregar com honra o meu título, me faria deveras feliz”
A rainha negra sentia ao mesmo tempo a dor e a clareza da catarse, afastou-se do toque como se lhe queimasse a face, seus olhos grandes e marejados buscavam por toda a figura da mulher compreensão que aquilo era real. Uma onda de ansiedade caiu sobre seu corpo, a caravana estava de partida e se a ordenasse que permanecesse sabia que nunca mais teria noticias dela, mas.......mas ainda havia tanto que precisava compreender, queria gritar que a amava verdadeiramente, todavia nesse estado do que valeriam suas palavras? Então chutou algo, a primeira coisa que lhe veio à mente.
“o rei consorte à incomoda?” rapidamente percebeu o erro na escolha de palavras quando seu rosto tristonho se enfureceu
“não me ofenda” cuspiu “não é hora para isso”
“me abandona por ciúmes, é isso?” aos que estivessem mais próximos da porta ao lado de fora já era possível ouvir a exaltação de espíritos
Aproximando como se fosse para cima da rainha, a mulher se pôs ao lado dela e sussurrou entre os dentes “não ouse me acusar de abandono quando foi você que me deixou primeiro” sem esperar por uma replica cruzou a sala pisando forte e saiu pela grande porta, convocando a caravana para partir, seu tom era frio e grave.
Se controlando para não parecer desesperada a rainha surgiu logo atrás, mantendo a pose e se despedindo mais uma vez, pode observar sua amada de costas carregando o pequeno Joffrey no colo, era engraçado pois já era grande demais para isso mas era apegado. As vezes o pequeno chamava as duas de mãe devido o tempo que passavam juntos, Foi neste momento que percebeu que também havia reduzido uma guerreira a uma babá.
Agora na grande sala temia ficar só com seus pensamentos pois com toda a certeza eles revelariam as demais vezes que fez pouco de alguém que amava tanto, entretanto uma coisa era verdade, era hora de governar e ganhar uma guerra, não importava a sede do peito, não agora.....era o que ela diria.
"You're not my homeland anymore So what am I defending now? You were my town Now I'm in exile, seein' you out"
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billielolly · 3 months
Sims 3 Build - Colonial Suburban
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A colonial-inspired suburban home perfect for a large family. With a conservatory, study, large kitchen and dedicated dining space, and room for hobbies - this house truly has it all. 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms on a 20x30 lot.
Watch the speed build: https://youtu.be/40XE8ke44K0
Download here:
Patreon (free): https://www.patreon.com/posts/104155906/
Exchange: https://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=9592239
Expansion packs:
Late Night
University Life
Stuff packs:
Outdoor Living Stuff
Master Suite Stuff
Store content:
Stones Throw Greenhouse (Greenhouse Window)
Business as Usual Bistro (Professional Series Commercial Sink)
Custom content:
Qahne - Garage Door on Five
Gosik - Cottage Half Landing Stairs
Cakenoodles - 13Pumpkin Rustic Wood Floor
PralineSims - Natural Bricks 2
PralineSims - Fine Wicker
PralineSims - Classic Carpet
Lulu265 - Eclectic Living Room Coffee Table
ATS3 - Tam-Tam Bedroom Desk
Onyxium - Fultondale Wide Cabinet With Two Drawer and Two Door
ArtVitalex - Kiester Mirror
Lulu265 - Lily Dining Mirror
Lulu265 - Lily Dining Painting Set
Lulu265 - Kitchen Expressions Wall Paintings
Lulu265 - Bedford Bedroom Wall Art
kardofe - Dining Room HAY Pictures
ArtVitalex - Richie Painting
deeiutza - Cottage Reading Corner Books
Martassimsbook - Ars-botanica Cup of Pansies
Martassimsbook - Cowbuild Dahlia and Delpinium Vases
NynaeveDesign - Harmony Lounge Philodendron
Mutske - Plant Palm Large
sim_man123 - Emerson Ficus Tree
Martassimsbook - novvvas Planties pt3 (Ficus Lyrata V1, Ficus Elastica, Monstera Deliciosa)
jomsims - n1 Plant Sonics Living
Mutske - Kitchen Aria Cookerhood
Lulu265 - Country Kitchen Letter Holder
ATS3 - Canister
Gosik - Kobe Bathroom Towels 1
Gosik - Kobe Bathroom Towels 2
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massivets · 8 months
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İhtiyaçlarınıza Uygun Ücretsiz Script ve Daha Fazlası!
Gelişen dijital dünyada çeşitli projeler ve işletmeler, başarılı bir çevrimiçi varlık için güçlü bir teknik altyapıya ihtiyaç duyar. İşte tam bu noktada Dxir1.com devreye giriyor! Dxir1.com, ücretsiz scriptlerden SMM Panel Scripti'ne, E-ticaret scriptinden script indirmeye kadar geniş bir yelpazede hizmet sunan bir platformdur.
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Ücretsiz Script İmkanı: Dxir1.com, çeşitli ihtiyaçlara yönelik ücretsiz script sunarak projelerinizi kolayca hayata geçirmenize yardımcı olur. Bu, maliyetleri minimize etmenize ve hızlı bir başlangıç yapmanıza olanak tanır.
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E-ticaret Scripti: Dxir1.com, çeşitli sektörlere hitap eden, özelleştirilebilir ve güvenilir e-ticaret scripti sunar. Çevrimiçi satış platformunuzu kurmak veya mevcut işinizi daha da güçlendirmek istiyorsanız, Dxir1.com size uygun çözümler sunabilir.
Script İndirme Kolaylığı: Dxir1.com, ihtiyaçlarınıza uygun olan script indir seçeneğine olanak tanır. Hızlı ve güvenilir indirme süreçleri ile projelerinizi hızlı bir şekilde hayata geçirebilirsiniz.
Güvenilir ve Güncel İçerik: Dxir1.com, kullanıcılarına güvenilir ve güncel içerikler sunar. Sık güncellenen script koleksiyonu ile her zaman en son teknolojiye uygun çözümlerle tanışabilirsiniz.
Dxir1.com, çeşitli dijital ihtiyaçlarınıza uygun çözümler sunan bir platform olmanın yanı sıra, kullanıcı dostu arayüzü ve güvenilir içerikleriyle de öne çıkıyor. Ücretsiz script arayışınızdan SMM Panel Scripti ihtiyacınıza, E-ticaret scriptine kadar Dxir1.com, projelerinizi destekleyen bir partnerdir.
Unutmayın, Dxir1.com sizin dijital başarı hikayenizin bir parçası olmaya hazır!
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achaotichuman · 7 months
Hello!!! I was wondering if you have recs for pro-Tamlin fics, fics where he gets a happy ending in general? Or where the Night Court get called out on their bullshit with a side of pro Tamlin bc I’d devour them but have a hard time finding them (I love your fics btw)
Sure do!
Pro Tam fics can be difficult to find. I found all of these scrolling through either the Tamlin redemption tag, or the different relationship tags on AO3.
I'll link all the fics here. I'll put all the summaries and the relationship that goes with them, if there is a relationship. This is a list of all my personal favorite Tamlin fics, but these creators make other amazing Tamlin fics, and scrolling the pro Tamlin tag can take you to some really cool fanfiction.
A Court of Threads and Daises by @shi-daisy. Tamlin/Lucien.
Tragedy almost struck the Spring Court when Tamlin Evergreen tried to take his own life. Lucien Vanserra manages to save his former Lord, but not his power.
Now that the Spring Court has a new High Lord and the horrors of war are behind them, both Tamlin and Lucien agree to help the new heir navigate court life and attempt to rebuild the broken Spring Court, along with healing themselves.
They weren't expecting to fall back in love in the process.
A Second Chance by @goforth-ladymidnight. Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra. Modern ACOTAR AU – There is a reason that Tamlin disappeared from Lucien's life seven years ago. Lucien just doesn't know what it is. They were more than college roommates; they were best friends. Now, a chance encounter in a bookstore leaves both of them wondering if they can pick up where they left off. A new year is right around the corner, but there is no wiping Tamlin's slate clean. Featuring Jurian and Vassa in supporting roles, this is not a story of redemption, but of finding love—and forgiveness—in the most unlikely of places.
Lovely and Lonely by @praetorqueenreyna. Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra.
"In hindsight, Lucien thinks he fell in love with Tamlin the moment he first laid eyes on him."
Lucien Vanserra must come to terms with his sexuality, and his complicated feelings for High Lord Tamlin.
Wildflower by @mathiwrites. Tamlin/Rhysand.
Five hundred years before Feyre’s arrival in Prythian, the humans fought against Faeries, led by the King of Hybern, for their Freedom. Tamlin is only seven years old when the war begins, but his family’s involvement and a fated friendship with a handsome young Lord from the Night Court will change his life forever. This is the story of how he becomes the High Lord you know and love, and the redemption story nobody asked for.
TL;DR - before they were enemies, they touched butts.
A Court of Beasts and Chances by M4r0u_Mar. Tamlin/Tarquin.
About a Beast who must be prince and a Prince who wants to be beast. About a Prince who learns of second chances and a Beast who learns of redemption. About looking for love and finding it in the journey rather than the destination.
Or the one where I rewrite ACOTAR to make Tamlin and Tarquin mates.
A Court of Choices Made by Anonymous. Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra. Lucien decides to go after Tamlin to pick a fight after his first Winter Solstice with the Night Court.
I see red, I see nothing by AngryRamen. Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra. Lucien travels to Amarantha’s domain to try and bid for peace between her and the courts of Prythian. It doesn’t go well.
Still Beautiful, Still Mine by @goforth-ladymidnight. Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra. ACOTAR AU - In the weeks following his visit to Amarantha’s Court Under the Mountain, Lucien is still recovering from the loss of his eye. Nuan has made him a replacement out of gold, but the scars on his face are there to stay. When Tamlin comes to see him, Lucien cannot help but relive the events that brought them to this point, if only he could focus on what's standing right in front of him...
A Sunbeam Shining Bright Into the Night by @nocasdatsgay. Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra.
After the Great Rite ritual is completed, Tamlin always goes back to the Manor to see if Lucien is waiting for him. This year he is.
Forbidden by @nocasdatsgay. Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra. Calanmai has come once again, but Tamlin isn’t focused on the females waiting for him.
Breezing on by Sprighnt (SliPuP_Slit). Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra.
His focus was shattered when Feyre dropped onto the bench next to him with a dramatic sigh, “You won’t even say hi after you ditched us last week?”
Lucien rolled his eyes at her antics, “I didn’t ditch you, I was studying for math. The exam of a subject that I need days to prepare for, remember? I didn’t think you’d even notice me gone, what with all the ogling that takes up your time in our practices.”
“Shut up!” She shushed him, glancing around wildly for any eavesdroppers, “what if he heard you?”
——— Lucien has settled into a routine now. He’s finally able to go back to competing after an accident that had him wondering if he’d ever be able to skate competitively again, he’s out of his hellish childhood home, and has friends that make him happy.
By the Fountain by Sprighnt_(SliPuP_Slit). Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra.
Tamlin is tired of stuffy dinner parties, luckily, he has his best friend, Lucien, to make things more interesting.
Tamlin took the time to look at Lucien, who was staring at an elegant fountain nearby. He examined the dip of his nose, the scrunch of his brows, the slight part of his lips that indicated he was contemplating something. Then Lucien’s mouth set in a firm line, meaning he’d made up his mind on whatever the issue was.
Lucien glanced back at him and Tamlin startled at being caught watching. He placed his hand gently on Tamlin’s arm, “I don’t think my father will plan one for me either.”
New Springs by Sprighnt_(SliPuP_Slit). Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra.
“I can’t be here for as long as you,” she clarifies, gesturing to the forest around them.
“You’re leaving?”
She shrugs, “It’s nice here, but my sisters, my father, they’re my only family. Even if they’re, a little difficult at times, and I don’t want to hurt Tam. I was really in love with him, but, to put it plainly, I’m not like you.”
“Like me,” Lucien repeats, confused, “what do you mean?”
In another universe, an alternate timeline, Feyre says “I love you”, before she’s sent off and therefore breaks the curse the way it was supposed to be broken. Things are different.
absolution by @praetorqueenreyna. Feyre/Mercenary Lady, Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra.
Things didn't work out between Feyre and Tamlin. Years later, they both find love in unexpected places
Beauteous Evening, Calm and Free by franklinarchive. Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra.
Tamlin heals and then he moves on.
Or, what if Sarah J. Maas hadn’t committed ‘character assassination’ against Tamlin?
When The Sun Came Up (I Was Looking At You) by pansexual_intellectual . Jesminda/Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra.
There was a slight choking sound from the Night Court side of the room, but when you looked, Lucien was expressionless, adjusting his doublet.
It was the worst idea you had ever had. In the shreds of your manor you dropped to your knees. He was gone in the morning, as you knew he would be.
Burning Batter by Sprighnt_(SliPuP_Slit). Tamlin/Rhysand. Rhysand comes over to make cupcakes with Tamlin for Feyre’s upcoming New Year’s party.
A strange thing happened the night of the High Lord meeting by @umthisistheonlyusernamenottaken. Tamlin/Rhysand.
Tamlin shook his head, a small smile on his full lips. “You forget that we were closer than friends once. I know your face. Even when you think you’re being so clever, hiding behind that mask of impassivity, I see you.”
He snarled, even as his heart began to beat faster as the other male approached him.
“You think I didn’t see you? You couldn’t stop looking at me during that meeting.” He took another step closer, and his next words were tinged with playfulness, a hint of the Tamlin he’d used to know.
“Were you thinking of that night too?”
He froze. “What?”
In the Eyes of My Beloved by Alynaw66. Tamlin/Rhysand.
I promise, Rhysand sighs into his mouth; Then down onto the slight curve between his neck and shoulder. Tamlin shivers, feeling dazed. Overwhelmed.
“Another offer,” he begins, one hand sliding down to grip Tamlin’s narrow waist.
(Also fun fact about this fic, I was brought to Tumblr because of a link in the notes, so without this fiction I wouldn't be here)
Stay or Go? by SoulOfStars. Tamlin/Rhysand. Both of their families are dead. Rhysand decides to stay. They fuck in the second chapter.
heaven sent a hurricane by @praetorqueenreyna. Tamlin/Eris Vanserra. After his family is killed and he is crowned High Lord, Tamlin struggles to keep his Court under his control. (Un)Luckily for him, Eris Vanserra steps in to help.
A House of Flame and Flower by Mellowenglishgal. Nesta Archeron/Tamlin, Nesta Archeron/Azriel.
“Spare me the self-righteous lecturing, Feyre. You and your new family believe yourselves superior: that anyone who is not deemed worthy by you must bow or be eliminated. I refuse to bow to those I do not respect: and I owe none of you any such obligation. Nor am I obligated to remain where my autonomy is threatened,” Nesta sighed, gentle yet commanding, her voice low and steady and unyielding. “I renounce all ties to the Night Court. From now on, you are no longer my sister.”
“Where will you go?” Feyre snapped, but Nesta saw it: the sudden realisation that Nesta meant every word.
“That is no longer your business. Goodbye, Feyre,” Nesta said softly. She rose to her feet, elegant as an empress despite her unkempt clothing. As she stared down her youngest sister, Nesta caressed the delicious power shimmering like slumbering embers deep in her heart, until her veins sang with silver fire, pure light, blistering heat, deadly yet silent.
Flame was silent: everything it met shattered and snapped, disintegrating, unable to withstand it.
She was flame. She was undiluted, unrefined, unapologetic power.
She told Feyre, “You will not hear from me again.”
(Side note, I just started reading this fic and it looks FREAKIN amazing) Edit- Anyone who saw that I changed the name of the author to a tag, ignore it, I was wrong.
A Court of Lies and Resurrection by @ashintheairlikesnow. Tamlin/Rhysand. AU: Feyre is dead, torn apart by Amarantha when Tamlin did not send her away in time. Tamlin, forced to submit to Amarantha's terms, finds himself looking for help (and finding affection) in places he never expected, while Lucien allies with an ancient enemy (and one of Rhys's closest friends) to save him. WARNING Extensive explicit adult content, sexual situations, violence, MA
In This Peace Series by @trshtffc, the first fiction in the series is completed The Sorceress . Tamlin/Original Female Character.
Seven years after ACOWAR, Spring Court is struggling to keep from falling apart completely. A mother tries to move on and keep her daughter safe in this chaotic world, but when the young female most needs a friend, she'll give the disgraced High Lord a chance to attone for the pain he has caused, and, perhaps, to finally heal.
TW for - mentions of suicidal thoughts - mentions of loss of a pregnancy - mentions of sexual abuse - mentions of emotional abuse (toxic relationships and toxic family dinamics) - colourism - LGBT+phobia
(This one was recommended to me in the replies of this post, and it looks so good)
A Ballad of Thorns & Roses: How the High Lord of Spring told his tale by @positivelyruined. Tamlin/Feyre Archeron
When Tamlin, the High Lord of the Spring Court of Prythian, finds the clock counting down to his final battle with Amarantha — two things push him into action: the sudden death and bloody sacrifice of his friend Andras and the fierce vexation of his close friend Lucien. With no more time to waste, he offers shelter to the one person that he should despise the most — the girl who murdered Andras. His heart has been bleeding for a decade. Will their connection be enough to break the bond that holds the Spring Court captive, or will this burning love only spurn Tamlin’s heart? In this tale as old as time, only time will tell.
And finally, (shameless self-ad) A Court of Song and Desolation by me. Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra.
She had eyes like starlight and a grin that could outshine the moon, "We'll rule the world."
"What if we fail?"
"Then we'll burn it all down."
In hindsight maybe it could only have ever ended like this. Making a man who was never made to rule, High lord. This was all inevitable.
With his Court in ruins and everyone gone, Tamlin lives amongst the broken pieces of his Court and has no intentions of changing that. Lucien, however, will not stand to leave his oldest friend alone.
When Lucien takes Tamlin back to the human lands, they discover a darkness coming for Prythian. If something does not stop it, it will completely rewrite the way Faeries and humans alike live as they know it
I hope you like these amazing fics as much as I do, anon!
Edit- If anyone has any recommendations for pro Tamlin fics, or anti IC fics, please let me know and I will add them to the list!
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doluicerik · 2 years
Betnanogiris2 - Mega+
Betnano bahis siteleri arasından bahis çeşitliliği ve pratik kullanımıyla kendini ayırır. Yetkili lisans kurumlarından sertifikalı olduğundan oldukça da güvenilirdir. Betnano giriş için betnanogiris2.com adresindeki link ile geçiş yapılabilir. Üye olmak oldukça kolaydır. Para yatırmak son derece güvenlidir. Acaba paramı çekebilecek miyim stresi olmadan bahis yapabilirsiniz. Ödemeniz tercih ettiğiniz seçenek üzerinden kesintisiz iletilir. Her gün artan üye sayısı ile popüler bir sitedir. Sürekli olarak kendini geliştiren bir yapıya sahiptir. Yazılımsal güvenlik duvarı sürekli güncellenir.
Betnano giriş adresi zaman zaman değişmekle beraber asla kapalı kalmaz. Yedek adresler sayesinde otomatik tanımlama yapılır. Amaç bahisçilerin konsantrasyonunu bir an bile bozmamaktır. Güvenilir bahis siteleri içerisinde en yukarıdadır. Bonus ve benzeri promosyonlar uygulayan bahis siteleri içinde yer alır. Hızlı bir şekilde üye olup, hemen bahis oynamaya başlayabilirsiniz. Herhangi bir sorunda destek uzmanları aktif olarak yardım etmektedir. Site yabancı veya kötü niyetli giriş ve siber saldırılara karşı hazırlıklıdır. Güçlü ve uzman ekip kontrolü tam anlamı ile sağlamaktadır.
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gmwsuperfan5467890 · 10 days
911 Season 8 Wishlist
-Eddie has to come out immediately. It’s gone on long enough, let this man out of the closet. I think he’s gay and demi but I’m not too fussed on what label he is given in the show, we know that he definitely isn’t straight.
-Since Tim Tam is unfortunately still confirmed to be dating Buck, I want them to have a messy breakup. Trolley is acting like an ass constantly. For example, when Buck vents to him about Gerrard, Temu says, “You’ll just have to deal with it” or “Get used to it like I did” which enrages Buck. Everything Tablecloth does enrages Buck, from the way he chews his food, to him constantly calling him Evan. Eventually Buck has had enough and just goes off on Tic Tac and when Tetris says, “But Evan..” Buck will scream, “Stop calling me Evan! My name is Buck.” Then Buck dumps him.
-Contrast all of temu’s sins with Eddie being just who Buck needs for the full rom-com effect and boom we have buddie canon. Let me just say, if they’re making buddie canon, this has to be the season to do it because they’re not on Fox anymore and this not a shortened transitional season like season 7.
-Hen, Karen,Maddie,Chimney, Eddie,Bobby,Athena and Josh all hate Tommy.
-Chris and Eddie reconcile (of course) but I don’t necessarily want it to be a long process of Eddie having to earn Chris’ trust. I think that Chris will eventually understand why Eddie did what he did and realize that parents aren’t infallible and can make really stupid mistakes that unintentionally hurt others especially since he is at the age where kids have that realization about their parents. This and Chris and Eddie having a heart-to-heart about their grief over Shannon will lead to Chris forgiving Eddie. I think that it’ll take time for their relationship to heal but they’ll be stronger than ever eventually.
-Hen and Athena go undercover and find out that Councilwoman Ortiz is responsible for a lot of corrupt cases in the government and that she was the one who got Gerrard reinstated as Captain of the 118. Hen and Athena expose her and she and Gerrard both get fired. This allows Bobby to get reinstated as Captain of the 118 at the end of the 3 part premiere.
-Continuing off of the last point, Mara goes back to Hen and Karen at the end of the three part premiere and their adoption gets approved. After Mara adjusts, I’m hoping we’ll get to see her be more comfortable in the Wilson household and not get uprooted again.
-According to the preview, Madney are apparently considering having adding to their family. I think it’ll be interesting if they choose to adopt because I don’t think Maddie would want to go through another pregnancy or maybe they decide that they are happy as a family of three.
-More May, more Ravi and have more May and Ravi interactions. It’s a crime that they are not friends.
-Buck getting flustered over Eddie’s mustache and jealous Buck. I could see a scenario where Eddie starts going to queer events and making more queer friends. Eddie is chatting with one of his male friends and Buck mistakenly thinks they’re dating and gets really jealous.
-Bobby and Athena’s plots seem the most interesting to me, so I will be seated. I’m curious on who the person from Athena’s past will be, I’m going to throw my hat in the ring and say it’ll be her late fiancé’s mother?
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jasminestoleyoman · 1 month
head cannons for everyone and anything 😝
JESS MARIANO (MODERN AU) : spent his birthday money on a Bluetooth headphones because his old wired ones only worked when you twisted the wire a certain way and he wasn’t messing with that.
DAIKI AOMINE : got his ears pierced after he slept with a girl who said that guys with piercings were super hot but aomine would never admit that getting his ears pierced hurt like a mother fucker.
KOSHI SUGAWARA : when teacher suga is talking to his class about why it’s important to keep trying no matter how hard it gets he always uses tanaka and kiyoko as an example. “one of my friends kept getting turned down by the woman of his dreams and now they’re married! do you know why boys and girls? because he never gave up and he always tried his best to impress her and be the best version of him he could be!”
JASON TODD : loves when his friends cancel plans. like he’s ready to go and his friend calls saying that they can’t make it and he’s all “really? what a shame..guess we’ll have to reschedule!” as he’s putting his pajamas back on and putting on a face mask and like lighting his little scented candles.
ARAN OJIRO + MIYA TWINS : before aran’s first day as a second year he found out the weird twins from volleyball camp were also going to his school as first years and had a mental breakdown like he was crying so bad “mom please! they’re so weird!” but when the twins found out aran went to their school too they were so excited because he was the only upperclassmen they liked and knew at the time.
TETSURO KUROO + KENMA KOZUME : after the first tokyo training camp with like fukurodani and the other schools kuroo was soo pissed off with kenma because outside of club time kenma would never ever talk about volleyball or other players but after the training camp all he could talk about was “oh-shoyo just text they beat seijoh and they’re going on to play shiratorizawa..” or “shoyo just sent over karasunos training regimen..” or like “shoyo hasn’t text me in a week I wonder if he’s okay?” LIKE KUROO WAS SO PISSED! He was all “so how’s your new best friend shoyo?” and he’d be so snarky and petty about it too 😭😭
BRUCE WAYNE + BAT FAM : bruce has a different playlist for each of his kids. like there’s one for everyone even alfred. but he would never let anyone know that he secretly likes a few of the songs and makes his own playlist. like his music taste is a combination of all of kids music tastes. i just know that he lowkey vibes with chapell roan.
ATSUSHI MURASAKIBARA : his mother fucker is so fucking picky when it comes to like proper meals. when he’s snacking on random stuff he doesn’t care at all he’ll eat whatever. but when it’s a sit down proper meal? he’s a whiny picky bitch. “ew his broccolis gross and limp..can’t I have a bag of chips instead?”
KEN SATO : he’s such like a baseball nerd. he collects those little card things with baseball players on and when he meets them he asks them to sign it and he gets like so excited when there’s one he doesn’t have. “mina could you please put this one with the signed cards-and make sure you put it in the protective plastic okay?” “yes ken i’ll be very careful”
RIN MATSUOKA : rin could care less about sweets and candies so he never understood why gou or his friends would beg him to get bring them back some sweets from australia. until he had a tim tam milkshake.he was hooked. every day after school rin would go swim and go straight to his nearest cafe or diner and grab a tim tam milkshake (a/n as someone who has enjoyed many a tim tam milkshake this is so real)
TADASHI YAMAGUCHI + TSUKISHIMA KEI : yamaguchi’s VA once said that the only reason yamaguchi ‘s favorite food is soft fries is because tsukki eats all the crispy fries and gives his left overs o yamaguchi 😭😭
LOGAN HUNTZBERGER : got drunk and almost got a Jacobs ladder piercing but then got told what it was and broke down crying because he said he didn’t want to “damage the goods”
the end lol
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realtornumderone · 2 months
Good evening, Monsieur Talo. Glad to hear that you are doing well. I, too, finally found a free minute to remember you. I hope you remember me and your dinner proposal. I brought white wine. –*The girl said, taking a bottle of good white wine from her backpack.*– I have no intention of getting you drunk. It seems to me that you, as a cook, understand that marinating meat in wine or at least slightly seasoning meat with wine will have an exquisite taste.
the man smiled faintly, inviting the girl into the house
– Oh, wonderful wine selection. put it on the table for now and go wash your hands. The table is already ready. I think you will like vietnamese com tam and Tekkadon. And most important, may I ask your name little lady?
The man put two glasses on the table. There was also a vegetable plate on the table to maintain a balance between meat and vegetables and light snacks like canapes and slicing. He took off his red jacket, under which he had a turtleneck, and looked into the bathroom, waiting for his guest
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ladykagewaki · 2 months
WIP: I Am Mrs Hemlock
I dabble in writing now and then, and the Bad Batch finale inspired me to think about the other people in Hemlock's life. I can't seem to finish this fic, but here's a little bit of it below the cut.
@zaya-mo @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @ladykatakuri @marierg @thecoffeelorian @salubriousbean
Ereene stood on the stoop of the Hemlocks house and knocked on the door. She couldn't quite reach the doorbell. She waited patiently until the inner door opened, and Mrs Hemlock looked down and smiled at her.
The young girl with white ribbons tied around her light brown pigtails said "Hello Mrs Hemlock. I have the homework for this week. I hope Royce is feeling better!"
Royce's mother smiled and said "Thank you, Ereene. He gets stronger every day." Royce's mother took the school datapad and said "I hope you and your family are well?"
"Oh yes. Both mother and father are back from the Core and Tam is back from his school. We're going to have a family dinner today!"
A sick little boy with dark hair, ghostly blue eyes, and an anemic complexion lay in an oversized bed upstairs in his home. He wanted to read, but could hardly keep his eyes open. Then he heard a knock on the door downstairs and perked right up! He flung his blankets aside and slide out of the high bed. Once his two bare feet hit the ground his head began to spin. He took a few wobbly steps in his bedroom toward the door then fell on the wooden floor. Royce got to his knees and crawled through the door.
The noise of the boy falling on the floor caught his mother's attention "Oh!" She looked behind her and saw her sons head poke around the corner at the head of the grand staircase.
Royce saw Ereene and disappointed it wasn't one of his friends sighed. He saw her smile and wave, and found he couldn't help but return the gesture.
His mother, the loving and caring woman she was, saw the waving and instead of chastising her son smiled sadly. He was lonely and this was the only interaction with kids outside his brothers she could think of in weeks. Mrs Hemlock thanked Ereene and sent the girl on her way.
Royce watched his mother, hair and makeup done, and dressed in one of her favorite printed house tunics start up the stairs. She held up the datapad and said "Maybe this will entertain you?"
He took the datapad, leaned back on the Bannister in his pajamas and skimmed the assignments while she took a seat on the steps next to him "Hardly" he answered sullenly.
With a mix of pride and heartache she said "Well, maybe it's better that these assignments aren't too challenging. The doctor did say getting over such a poisoning will just take time." She stroked his thick black hair cherishing her eldest son. She had suffered through the loss of her first infant and had trouble conceiving for years until Royce arrived. He was later joined by two younger brothers, but Royce was the family's golden child. All the children were well cared for and doted upon.
"Thanks mother. Will father be home for dinner today?"
"Unfortunately no. His work at the factory will keep him late. The business is expanding and he is negotiating with some Republic officials. He told me this could really help expand the business!"
The boy sighed but did not make a fuss. His mother helped him back to his room and into bed. She sat with him and chatted until the nanny droids commed her about the baby and toddler they were minding elsewhere.
Ereene joined her governess droid on the sidewalk and it escorted her to the transport waiting for her. Ereene liked this neighborhood and noted the big tree lined street and decorative wrought iron gated homes. Her mother had said this neighborhood was *af-flu-ent* but very *new credit.* The little girl didn't understand what that meant, but she knew her diplomat parents thought it was bad. She thought the neighborhood was very nice. The gardens in front of the large red stone houses were tended by droids and Ereene happily skipped along in her frilly dress into the transport.
Teen Years
"Oh my stars, he's graduating with us?" whispered Ereene to the young lady next to her. "I figured with all his illness he would've been behind a year at least!" Rows upon rows of human students sat in alphabetical order costumed in the ceremonial graduation garb on the manicured lawn of their esteemed academy. Their guests and family members sat beyond them to observe and celebrate the day.
The young woman whispered "Royce Hemlock? Are you kidding? I think he was faking because school was boring. School was no challenge for him, even missing all that time."
A girl behind them overheard and leaned forward contributing "I don't think he was faking. I heard his father is grooming his younger brother to take over the family business because he was so sickly!"
"What's he doing up on the stage?" Asked Ereene. Hemlock's face was neutral, revealing none of his thoughts about this momentous day. He wore the distinctive tasselled cap and a billowy robe of black with a green and gold sash indicating his status and role. He was gazing at the crowd with his hands resting on his knees. His father had an unfortunate accident at the factory forcing his mother to step in as head. Despite the loss of his father his mother was there with his two brothers. Once he spotted them in the crowd he gave them a subtle nod.
The girl behind Ereene scoffed and said "He's our valedictorian. I hear he has full scholarship to some science university..."
As the two other girls gossiped with each other Ereene accidentally made eye contact with Royce. They both recognized each other and a small smile curved his lips. With a slight cock of his head he subtly lifted his hand from his knee to give her a tiny wave. It caused a broad smile to break out on her face and she gave a small wave back.
After the graduation ceremony the students wandered the lawn searching for their family members. Ereene heard her name as she searched the crowd for her parents and brother. "Ereene, is it?" The voice was soft spoken, but held a charismatic power. She turned towards the voice and saw Royce approaching her, hands folded behind his back.
She suddenly felt a bit dizzy. "Um, yes! Hi, eh, Royce! Congratulations! I, uh, I had no idea you..." She gestured to the stage upon which he had given an eloquent adress speech.
He said "I credit it all to your help"
They both chuckled and she replied "Well, dropping off your homework once may have tipped the scales, but I can't take ALL the credit.
They both allowed themselves to laugh unabashedly but did not break their eye contact. They were connected. His gaze on her was deep, but not unpleasantly intense. They gazed in each other's eyes silently for a few long moments. The din of cheers and the giddy cries of happiness around them faded away. Hemlock's soft voice carried over all of it into her ears "Perhaps later this week we could meet for caf?"
And they did.
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week in BL - All the endings
March 2023 Wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Bed Friend (Sat YT, GaGa & iQIYI uncut) ep 3 of 8 - Only one of them is in a fuck buddy relationship, and it’s not King Moon-eyes Husband-material. This show is so damn good. I love it when high heat is used to serve the characters and the narrative, as well as us fans. (In other words, take away the sexualized part of this relationship and the whole story would fall apart.) I suppose we should pay attention to Uea’s rules since they will all be broken. Uea has a bit of a demanding spoiled prince thing going and I’m not mad about it. This may be the most neck-kissy couple ever, I’m so happy for them! Yet another  installment in “Thailand, please get that boy to a therapist.” This ep likely has lots of extras so I might watch IQ as well. Child abuse trigger btw. 
Moonlight Chicken (Weds YT) eps 7-8fin - It was a good last 2 eps, and I ended up actually liking the complexity of the messiness more than I thought I would - disaster queer authenticity isn’t usually my thing. (Japan taught me that lesson the hard way). All in all, a stellar a little offering from GMMTV, in the Not Me or ITSAY vein of “I question whether it’s actually BL but like it anyway.” Full review and rating below.
Never Let Me Go (Tues YT) ep 12fin - The climax was rather predictably climatic (as it were). I love that Chopper shot his dad. Better aim next time, sweetheart? The cousins making up was sappy. Chopper & Ben were fine. Frankly, I’m not sure about PerthChimon’s chemistry, a bit nervous for their series now. And then Kdrama separation nation strikes again. Yawn. Question: Did the cute girl at Palm’s bar ever get her coconut juice? Full review and rating below. 
A Boss and a Babe (Fri YouTube) ep 1 of 10 - ForceBook in an office set boss/employee highly camp rom-com. Babe is a bit too slapstick for me, boss is a bit too creepy, and Book is def over egging the pudding. Well meaning chatterbox idiot is not my fav archetype. Bathroom meet cute? Huh. I don’t know. I don’t hate it, I guess?  
The Promise (Thai WeTV & YT) ep 1 of 10 - Popped into my YT feed so I gave it a try. Unexpectedly good! Phu & Nan are childhood bffs from middle school through college (almost lovers). Phu disappears just after graduation. After looking/waiting for him for ages, Nan gives up and self isolates, and the actual story takes place 10 years later. The arbitrary slapstick elements are unnecessary, disjoined, and rough. The show should have had the strength of its convictions just to be a serious drama. But it’s way better than expected (it’s about coffee, I love coffee) and no need to have watched the prequel miniseries Phupha | Nanfah. Phu’s granny and cohorts are THE BEST. Also elder queer rep. There better be a GREAT reason why Phu didn’t reach out to Nan or I will be seriously displeased. 
Chains of Heart (Sat iQIYI) 3 of 10 - I kind of love Ken’s slightly idiot gay couple friends. (I do love all of the queer family we are getting these days.) They better not betray him! Still, this is one of those shows where, despite his competency, we haven’t really been given a reason to like Ken all that much. I’m not super invested in his grief or his new romance. The captions are BONKERS but the sex scenes are good. I hope LueKen deliver as well as DinKen. Gotta say, despite my grumbling, I did enjoy it more this week. 
Tin Tam Jai (Tues Gaga & iQIYI) ep 1 of 10 - I am not a huge fan of the tsundere seme, especially if they are the older character. But this is a really good cast and for a pulp it’s actually okay acted and captioned. It’s cute. Campy. Old school Thai. I do like a flirty uke who knows what he wants. Lots of very prototypical tropes. Is it good? Well, no, but I’m still gonna watch it. 
Love Syndrome (Thai Sat WeTV) ep 1 of 10 - Terrible subs again. They a hot couple but Itt is a revolting character, asshole rather than brat. Day is VERY sexy tho. This one is messy and rough and will likely involve cheating AND the amnesia trope. I might put it onto the binge pile. 
Our Winter (Thai & Korea YT & TikTok under ThaiMiniSeries) eps 8-9 of 14 - TutorYim are cute. And nice to have decent music with Thai actors for a change. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
All the Liquors (Korea Thurs Gaga & Viki) ep 1-2 of 8 - Oh my God, breaking up with a man because he picked the wrong restaurant for a holiday meal is v relatable, but the reaction ”how can you break up with me before we’ve eaten?” is the best thing ever. I may identify with our baby party boy hedonist more than any other BL lead ever presented. I adore how Korea is leaning into “out gay boys” these days. Love love love the gay bestie. This is on the New Employee end of the KBL spectrum, no bad thing. Not sure about the alcoholism angle tho. Still, this is a fun show! I don’t even mind the crash into me trope when combined with baby is a floppy drunk trope. 
HIStory 5: Love in the Future (Taiwan Weds Viki) ep 10fin (or 19&20) - Not at all surprised that Vincent (Sam? How many names does this man need?) was pulling a double cross, because from the credits we knew the pairs get along. Couple’s necklaces and a sweet make up sequence for the sides. Nice sex scene and manufactured drama for the mains. Ultra cheese fest ending for all including random H4 couple. Full review and rating below. 
Jack o’Frost (Japan GaGa) ep 3 of 6 - The first time sex scene from the past was sweet and well done. That said, a traditional BL romance is not what this story is doing. It’s about 2 people at different points in a romantic journey, one of whom has memories of a failed relationship (and associated baggage) and the other who does not (so is starting at fresh). It’s using high concept to explore this, but that means (this beaning Japan) HEA is on shakey ground. Also, still running a bit low energy for me. 
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It’s Airing But ...
Blue Sky Complex (Japan ???) 5 eps for VR - Kei Ichikawa's manga is getting a JBL adaptation. Weird distribution though, it started Feb 27 sequentially on 360 Channel (SHOCHIKUch) a VR video distribution service. Will inter-fans ever get to see this, and if it’s filmed for VR will it adapt without being overly dark and fuzzy? I have questions. But as usual, you do you Japan and we will wait (im)patiently to see if you remember the rest of the world exists. This is my preferred kind of live action yaoi, so fingers crossed: 
Boyband (Thai) ep 2 of 10 - Stopped airing on YouTube, and only available in Thailand & Japan. Not sure if they’re working a distribution deal or just fucking with us.
Cafe In Love (Thai ???) 10 eps on Ch3+ - Thai pulp, about trying to save a coffee shop. FairyGodBLer came through for me, but I’m collecting to binge just in case. It’s my new policy with the grey stuff.
Destiny Seeker (Tues WeTV Thailand) 10 eps - it’s not on any WeTV I can get ahold of. Bad Buddy the pulp rebirth meets Japanese handsome host club action. Same as above.
Heesu In Class 2 (Korea Thurs unknown, I check Viki Gaga iQIYI) - A gay(er) version of Sex Education. I’m still not sure this one is actually happening.
Finished This Week 
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My Beautiful Man 2 AKA Utsukushii Kare Season 2 
These two have such a great DS dynamic. Only Hira would apologize for fucking and wanting to fuck his own boyfriend, but doing it anyway. Talk about a service top with a humiliation fetish. Sheesh. The masochism is strong with this one. (Since I do not deal with humiliation fetishists well, the cringe factor got to me a little.) Still, pouty jealous Kiyoi is the cutest. [One flaw: The photographer dude should have been played by Kenta. Just a little joke.] 
All in all, this 2nd season didn’t blow me away the way the 1st did. It was quieter and more uniform in its narrative and messaging - thus more predictable. The basic relationship misunderstanding remained the same - all about value and self worth and how that’s assessed. The result is a dialogue between imposter syndrome and a parasocial relationship. If these 2 only had the language and framework of BDSM to understand each other, than they would, but they don’t so the story is us watching them suffer for it. But that’s part of the fun. Part of their fun too, I think, as if the fighting and misunderstanding is just another one of their many kinks. An engaging and solid second installment that was so consistent, I’m going to keep the rating consistent too. 9/10 
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HIStory 5: Love in the Future 
High concept of a man from the past traveling to Covid times and getting involved with a spoiled rich kid soon to be CEO that ultimately made for a dull story. Sides were stellar but intentional miscommunication as a narrative driver never works for me. Good chemistry, nice sex scenes, and a cheesy ending (90% of the time) is Taiwan’s BL brand. I expected nothing less. But there is a little part of me that hoped for something more. 7/10 
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Never Let Me Go 
Bodyguard romance where poor boy must watch over rich boy for family obligation reasons. Simple premise well executed with a few bumps that made it feel like it was trying to tackle too much (when it wasn’t). Still, an enjoyable show that benefited from being handed to PondPhuwin who did a stellar job with their roles and chemistry. Is it going into permanent rewatch rotation? No, but a solid GMMTV offering. 8/10 
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Moonlight Chicken 
I enjoyed this complicated little show, even though it’s spectacularly messy gay with lots of shrapnel and authentic pain. I thought EarthMix turned in their most compelling performance to date. But it was GeminiFourth who stole my heart.  That said, the most interesting central relationship was that of Jim & Li Ming, their father-son angst mixed with evident affection made me tear up. This was more slice of life than it was BL, but it ended happily so I’m not mad at it. 8/10 
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Apparently Pavel (my love) has been added to the cast of Pit Babe, a Thai BL series I thought was defunked (it was supposed to be out in Jan). So I’m happy. I also put it back on the 2023 tracking sheet. 
Tia51 announced upcoming sampler pack Thai BL My Universe. Normally I don’t report on Thai announcements, as they are pure speculation, but this one is reported to feature 22 actors, 11 couples, 12 stories, and 24 episodes in August 2023. STOP OR YOU’LL GO BLIND. (FB page BLUpdate2020 has a full rundown of the 12 stories.) No MDL listing that I can find. Giving the War or Y peeps a run for their money? Or just epic Thai BL lever pulp-tastic insanity?
New Pinoy BL Stay announced, 6 eps featuring boys who unexpectedly meet in Los Angeles. More here.
In case you missed it 
Jeff Satur is leaving BeOnCloud. Honestly, who tf didn’t see this coming? He just dropped a MV with SHAUN (Steal The Show). Jeff is one of the biggest Thai indies and Shaun is legacy Kpop indie. Jeff was and is always more focused on singing and that’s busted a pair before. Frankly speaking, he's ambitious and doesn’t need BeOnCloud. I’m a big believer in breaking from an agency if you have the platform to go it alone. And just because he’d not repped by them doesn’t me he can’t still work with them, sheesh calm down KP fandom. (Honestly this seems to be my mantra since that damn show aired.) 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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03/08 - Pastsenger (Thai Gaga) 12 eps- Stars Marc (My Gear & Your Gown) and Cooper (My Engineer) both formerly paired with others, in a time travel paranormal that smacks of HIStory 5. Sunshine 90s kid travels to 2022, goes to university, encounters grumpy nerd.
03/09 - Our Dating Sim (Korea unknown) - What happens when two men, friends since schoo, meet again at work to create a dating simulation game together.
03/12 Future (Thai YouTube & Gaga?) 5 eps - Based on a y-novel by Faddest (En of Love - yeah I didn’t know that was based on a novel, either). About, you guessed it, an engineering student and a dentist. Maybe this will be the FOTS we were all hoping for? Fuse (the engineering student) is played by Boom from the En of Love and is kinda the same character (Field). I think we can expect this one to be soft, it’s from the 21 Day Theory people. (maybe March 19 international)
Full list of upcoming in March 2023 is here.
2023 forthcoming BL master post. (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
This Week in Subs of Qua?
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I liked this scene in Moonlight Chicken so much I did a whole post about it. 
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Chains of Heart the past relationship. can’t wait to see if they do as well with the present one. 
(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? Peacemaker by P1Harmony (I’m considering stanning this group because their rap line is insane, everyone can dance, Theo is beautiful, and Keeho is an adorable nut job with a great voice. Talk about a boy who should do BL, and probably would without a care in the world. Stop him though, these boys are gonna be the next Monsta X.) 
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