#color pallette is AMAZING
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generalsdiary · 5 months ago
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saltysunflowersugar · 9 months ago
ragatha with a cute lil' cowboy hat
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kyri45 · 24 hours ago
hey Kyri! I was wondering if some day you will drop the color pallettes of each character (I need Reason 😌) as I am doing a drawing but cannot decide colors 😭 also
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This part is so amazing omg???!!!
you are free to use Red Son dress concept as a palette. I don't know if I have the time to make a palette guide for everyone
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Hello wonderful person from the internet!
I really LOVE your Town Kook Ford au! It’s literally my favorite au at the moment and I absolutely love your art too!!
But I want to ask how old Kook Ford in your au? Because in the show the Stan twins are both 61, are they both the that age? Younger? Older? Just curious.
(Extra question) What’s Ford’s color palette?
~ Question asked from the Tiny Cyclops ~
Hello, amazing asker in my inbox! I'm glad you like my AU, thank you :) since the story takes place a little bit earlier, both Ford and Stan are around like their very late 50s.
Ford's colors pallette is supposed to be primarily white, grays and browns, with dull, washed out colours to get a sort of, unhealthy (?) look and vibe to him. I'll make a more concrete colored drawing soon enough. His pallette supposed to contrast with Stan's deep blues and purples (opposite colours of yellow (Bill) = source of comfort!) and Fiddleford's greens and golds.
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asherbakugou · 10 months ago
Your First Kiss
Jiang Kai | Kai Kalama (She/They)
Reader was sat on the floor of her apartment, leaning back against Kai's legs as he flipped through channels on the tv. They had a new sketch due in two days, so they were hoping for inspiration.
The parameters for the project were pretty simple; primary color (red, yellow, blue), one accent color (gold or silver), and female model.
Above her, Kai suddenly leaned over them to look in their eyes, "What if you did something based of Azula? You know, from Avatar. She's got red and gold in her design doesn't she?"
Blinking, Reader turned it over in her mind before nodding. Focusing back on him, she was unsurprised to find his gaze on their lips. Doing their best to not let him know that they saw his gaze, they spoke, "That's good. She does have red, though its more maroon but I can tweak the colors a bit to fit the parameters. Thank you, Kai."
He flushed, leaning back as Reader fought to hide a wider smile. For nearly three months, since they'd begun hanging out, she'd noticed how his eyes constantly strayed to their lips or how focused he'd get whenever they spoke. It was sweet, and was defintely not helping their crush. So today, they decided to do something about it.
Later, after dinner, Kai was at the door preparing to leave. "Well, I guess I should leave a pretty person all alone in their apartment to work on their project." He winked making Reader laugh.
"Kai . . ." Reader trailed off, summoning all of their confidence. "Tell me if you don't want this."
Cupping his face, Reader pulled him down a little as they reached up a bit to press a kiss against his lips. Their lips slotted together perfectly, fitting like puzzle pieces. The kiss only lasted for a few seconds, as Kai had frozen in shock.
"Sorry. I thought–"
Kai interrupted her this time, slamming their lips back together as he pushed her against the wall beside the door, hands falling to their hips as Reader wrapped their arms around his neck to keep him close.
Reader couldn't help but notice that he tasted like cinnamon, likely from the gum he loved to chew on all the time. Kai noticed how Reader tasted like the fruity wine they'd had with dinner and nearly moaned at the taste.
Pulling away, but not pulling apart completely, he pressed their heads together. "So, can I take you on a date?"
"Time, date, and place?"
"Next Saturaday, 7, and you'll see."
"I'll see you then, Kalama," Reader teased, seperating. Kai obediantly stepped outside, reverantly touching his lips when the doors closed.
Zane Julien (She/Her)
Zane mediatated peacefully to the quiet sounds of Reader painting, her playlist, and the soft humming. He felt at peace in the whirlwind that was her studio, eventually opening his eyes to see what she was painting.
It was the Aurora Borealis, with a wolf pack tilting their heads back to howl in unison. He was amazed by the motion you'd managed to capture in the painting.
"It looks incredible," Zane complimented, startling Reader into nearly dropping her palette.
"Oh shit!" He was quick to catch it, much to her relief. "Oh thank the dragons. Thank you for the compliment, and the catch."
"Do not thank me, it was my fault for startling you."
"You still caught it for me. So I'm going to thank you. Thank you Zane," Reader stated, smiling as she took the palette back.
Zane smiled softly, starstruck as she turned back to the painting. Standing just behind her, he remembered something Nya had said he should do, based on his feelings and how Reader acted around him.
'Ask permission to kiss her, then take her on a date. But don't push her.'
"Reader," Zane said, quickly catching her attention. She turned to him, setting her pallette down to give him her full attention. "I have a question, but I do not wish for you to feel pressured."
"I wouldn't let myself he forced into anything," Reader agreed, tilting her head.
"Of course." Zane hesitated, stepping closer, flustering her. "May I . . . May I kiss you, Reader?"
Reader seemed to freeze, soft lips parting in surprise. After waiting for nearly thirty seconds, Zane was disappointed by the lack of answer but took it in stride. "I apologize, I did not—"
"Was my asking an issue?"
"No, no!" Reader interrupted, waving her hands around. "You don't need to apologize! I was just surprised! Promise! You're not normally so outspoken, so . . ."
"Just a surprise."
"You still have not answered the question," Zane noted, tilting his head slightly. Blushing, Reader ducked her head down in emberresment.
"I-yes. Yes, you can . . . you can kiss me," Reader whispered, standing a little taller as Zane stepped into their space.
Slowly he pressed their lips together, not wanting to rush and accidentally hurt her. The kiss was soft, chaste and made Reader pleasantly cold as Zane felt his core warm in pleasure. Pulling away, he found his own smile widening when he saw Reader looking at him with a wide smile of their own.
"May I take you out? On a date?"
"Y-yes! Yes!"
"Then tomorrow? At 7?"
"I shall pick you up then," Zane decided, still smiling. Giggling Reader stepped into his space to sink into a hug.
"I can't wait."
Cole Brookstone (They/Them)
The stars were bright as Reader and Cole laid in a grassy meadow Cole had taken them too. Head resting on Cole's stomach, Reader had a surprisingly good view of Cole's reaction every time he spoke lowly, in order to keep the peace of course.
Tonight was Ninjagos Festival of Stars, recently adopted from the Serpentine but neither of them were fans of large crowds and wanted to see the stars and fireworks alone. So Reader had packed a nighttime picnic, with Cole hovering over their shoulder in anticipation.
Mooncakes, Star shaped iced cookies, and multiple blackberry flavored treats. They'd also brought along their starry night themed drink, with blueberries, bananas, and kiwi syrups to make it a stunning array of colors.
Cole had, of course, nearly devoured his portion in a half hour as Reader talked about their day, and some issues they'd noticed recently, eating far slower.
"So, what made you invite me out to watch the stars? Is it just 'cause ya knew I'd bring ya food?" Reader asked, without opening their eyes.
"What, no! All of the others wanted to go to the festival and celebrate, but I wasn't in the mood to celebrate. I'd rather hang out with you," Cole admitted.
"Really? Me? Mr. Ninja wants to hang out with an uninteresting civilian?"
"Your not uninteresting, which I'm not sure is a word by the way. Your just . . . You're normal, and I need that in my life. And you're fun in a different way."
"Well, thank you for the compliment. Any specific reason you don't like festivals? Or is it private?"
Cole knew that all he had to say was that it was private and he would drop it, but he wanted to share. "My mom used to take me out to festivals all the time when I was younger. She had a piggy bank specifically for those days that I could add change too. It was my money to use to do whatever I wanted with during the festival. When she died, I stopped going. It doesn't feel the same anymore."
Reader was silent, thinking. "When I lost my parents, I no longer thought it was worth it. To live. It took me three years to truly start enjoying the world and some days its still hard." Glancing up, they met eyes. "If you ever decided you want to try, I'd be happy to take you. We could make it a date."
"A date?" Cole sat up, worrying Reader who sat up as well.
"It doesn't . . . have to be a date. Not if you don't want it to be."
"Well, what if I want it to be a date?"
Reader smiled, leaning closer as their eyes flicked towards Cole's lips. "I'd like that."
Smiling softly, Cole and Reader leaned closer together until their lips were barely a centimeter apart. "Would you be upset if I kissed you?" Cole asked, trying to hide his nerves.
"Not at all."
Grinning, Cole eagerly pressed their lips together, twisting until he was hovering over Reader. Fingers wove into his black hair, tugging him closer to them as they made out beneath the stars.
Cole eventually forced himself to pull out of their hold, lips glistening and red as he panted. Reader was not much better, shirt having ridden up at some point. "Well . . . that was not what how I thought tonight would turn out," Cole admitted with a goofy grin.
Reader laughed, eyes bright. "So, we still on for that date?"
Jay Walker (She/her)
Lightning flashed across the sky, followed closely by the crack of thunder, making Reader groan. She and Jay were both caught in the rain, having been taking a short break from working on one of his older Mechs.
"Well, this sucks," Reader grumbled, huddling beneath the glass cover of a bus station as Jay watched the lightning sparking in the sky with a strange sort of awe and reverance. Nudging him, she broke the spell cast by the bright flashes. "Everything ok, sparky?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah. Just, ehehe, get a little excited during thunderstorms," Jay explained, allowing a spark to flit through his fingers in demonstration.
"That's . . ." Reader trailed off as lightning struck again, highlighting the sharp angular, boyish features Jay had, bringing out his freckles and auburn hair. "That's pretty cool. Don't think I'll ever get used to people fighting with elements though."
"Seriously? You've hung out with Nya for years, how is it still so weird!"
"I don't know! It just is!"
"Maybe you're the weirdo."
"Huh," Reader gasped, as if truly offended. Grabbing their imaginary pearls, she draped herself across the bench. "To slay me with such cruel words, oh how I die. Must this be the way death comes for me."
Jay laughed, plopping down behind her so she could rest her head on his thighs. He smiled down at her, trying hard to keep his blush down, and failing miserably.
"You're turning pink," Reader mused, poking his cheek as her eyes sparkled with mischief. "Is it because you've fallen for my beauty?"
Jay felt his lips twitch downwards when he heard the sarcasm. He was far less oblivious than people thought and he'd realized a while back that Reader did not think themselves pretty. Just . . . Average.
"Would that . . . be bad?"
Readers smile fell as she stared up at him in shock, "Jay . . ."
"I really want to kiss you."
"Then do it."
Leaning down, she reached up, meeting him in the middle. Neither noticed how the lightning seemed to cover the sky, with barely a secons between the flashes. They were too focused on the press of their lips, on memorizing how the others face felt beneath their fingertips.
Pulling away, Reader giggled, quickly joined by Jay. Their was no real reason to laugh but she was happy and so was he.
"So when can I take you on a date, Mr. Blue Ninja?" Reader asked, laughing at the look he gave her.
"Hey! I'm supposed to ask you out!"
"Too late." He tried to sulk but another kiss had him relaxing into a giddy smile. "Fine. I'll go out on a date with you."
"I'll plan a good date, scouts honor."
"You've never been a scout!"
Lloyd Garmadon (She/her)
Reader was happily pressed against Lloyd's side as they walked, liking the comfort of his arm draped over her shoulder. They'd gone windowshopping in the nearby mall for her hour break and were finishing up to walk back, not that Rufus would mind all that much if she was a few minutes late.
"Ooh, look at that," Reader said, pointing to a shoe store. In the display window were Ninja-themed shoes, with Lloyd's being the most prominent.
Lloyd saw what she was looking at and groaned, cheeks flushing, "Please tell me you're not going to buy those. They're like 100$."
Reader pouted, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes, "But I thought you liked seeing me in your merch?" She'd noticed it a few weeks ago when she'd worn a green ninja shirt, seen how wide his eyes had gotten and how stuttery and blushy he'd gotten.
Just like right now.
"Wh‐well, of course, but still . . ." Lloyd trailed off, looking away to hide his face.
Giggling, Reader patted his bicep, pleased at the feel of muscle beneath the long sleeved shirt he wore. "I'm kidding, sweets. They're cute, but too expensive for my taste. Besides, I'd look better in one of the Green Ninja sweaters that one store was selling."
Somehow, Lloyd's blush darkened as he whined, "Reader."
"Lloyd," Reader cooed, delighting even further in his blush.
Suddenly, looking past him she spotted Ryker, very obviously looking around for someone. In a heartbeat their eyes met and he started towards her, making her freak out slightly.
He immediatley caught the change in her voice and followed her eyes to see where she was looking. Seeing Ryker, he cussed and pulled her towards a hallway between stores to try and hide.
"He already saw me," Reader admitted nervously. Lloyd watched the entrance, tense, as Reader tried to think up a plan.
Grabbing his shirt, she tugged him close until he was pressing her against the wall. Gaping down at her, he seemed frozen in place.
"Trust me?" Reader asked softly, eyes wide. Lloyd nodded, softening marginally.
"Of course."
Leaning up, she pressed their lips together making Lloyd freeze for only a second before he leaned into it. He gently cupped her cheek, keeping the kiss soft and slow as her own hands found their way into soft golden-blond hair.
Neither noticed when Ryker found them, nor when he realized just who was kissing Reader. Furious the man turned away and fled, stomping away as they stayed pressed together.
"So, sweets, when do you plan on taking me out?" Reader asked, breathless. Lloyd stared down at her, emerald eyes alight with awe.
"Friday, at 6. We're going somewhere fancy," Lloyd decided, smiling widely.
Reader giggled, using her grip on his head to tug him back down into a kiss, "Sounds good to me."
Morro (She/Her)
Morro was passed out on Readers couch, sleeping off the inherent exhaustion that came from his longer missions. She was curled against the side pressed against the couch, watching a movie on low so she wouldn't wake him.
Head resting on his shoulder, with his arm loosely wrapped around her side she couldn't help but blush, thinking about what people would say if they saw their position. It was intimate, even for friends. Her face had been warm the entire time they'd been cuddling, though she hoped he hadn't noticed.
Sudden movement from the hand on her hip startled her, making her glance down. Morro was rubbing at the exposed skin of her hip bone with his thumb.
"This alright?" He asked, voice a low rasp from just waking.
"Yeah," Reader mumbled, pressing her face into his chest. "Just fine. Perfect."
He chuckled, embarresing her further. They fell back into silence, though Reader's mind was running a thousand miles an hour.
"Hey, Morro?"
"Do you–" She cut herself off to sit up a bit to look him in the face. Morro's eyes were half-lidded but attentive. "Can I take you out? On-on a date?"
Morro's eyes sprang open as he gaped in shock. Fearfully, Reader began stuttering, "B-but not, not if you don't want too! Of course you don't have to agree! Just asking!" She tried to push the tears in her eyes back as Morro sat up, without saying anything.
With a gentleness few thought he was capable of, Morro rested a large hand on her cheek, forcing her to meet his dark grey-green eyes. "Can I kiss you?"
At her shocked expression, he laughed.
Still grinning smugly, he pressed their lips together, wrapping an arm around her waist to keep her close. He barely let her come up for air before diving back in, like she was his air.
Finally he let them seperate, panting slightly, "I'm taking you out. Friday night, wear something you can walk in."
"O-okay." Eagerly she leaned back in for another kiss making his grin as he met her in the middle.
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lowkeyrobin · 1 year ago
MCYT with artist reader and like R makes them art all the time weather it's using them as an art reference and having a bunch of doodles of them, or painting full portraits of them, or like painting pictures of their pets🪩🩷🥹🛸
ooooo I'm an artsy weirdo so here you go!!! thanks for the request ; also this is the day I figure out the ufo emoji existed
MCYT ; artsy reader
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu, quackity, & foolish gamers
warnings ; language
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bro u got a whole sketchbook dedicated to doodles of him and his character versions in mc smps (dsmp, osmp, etc)
you love painting him in watercolors 🫶🫶
you made him a watercolor portrait thing with the HTBAB logo behind him, freddie & jack
he treasures the art you give him
literally frames it and hangs it on the wall or puts it on the shelves in his office
sometimes he'll take a picture of them and posts them w ur consent to show off your talent
"look what y/n made me 🫶" or "now wtf why can't I have this kind of talent?"
will chill out with you while you're drawing/painting etc
you go over to his parents house ONCE and make a family portrait + the dogs for them
that painting hangs above their fireplace, his parents look at it everyday
he does little drawing competitions with you on stream just to bond with you a bit and make you laugh
like the "we go back to school" video, the paint gets everywhere because of him LMAO
will straight up show off your sketchbooks on stream too
absolutely loves showing off your art and praising you for it
you've made them so much genloss fanart
you even made them a few channel banners, especially after the rebrand (and they will never change them ever again omg)
gives you a bunch of ideas for drawing
you love drawing the lanky d!ranboo and gl!ran especially w the mask and wide arrangement of wires and stuff
you made a textured painting of genloss!ranboo and it sits on one of the shelves in his office
he's obsessed with touching it and feeling the paint
its like feeling the hours of work you put into it, something just for them
also loves posing for you
they will get so extravagant and unique with it LMAO
anything you make for him is a treasure
you made a little portrait of him and his closest friends, and it hangs on his bedroom wall where he can see it constantly
shows off your art and totally praises you for it
does silly poses for you to reference
you've made him a couple screensavers and stream starting soon pages
he absolutely loves your color pallettes good god
Freddie in acrylic paint>>>>>
"guys look at what my amazing partner made me today 🫶❤️"
sends you links to Instagram shorts or whatever to little crafts/ideas if you're having artist block
he finds a notebook full of sketches and random blurbs of/about him when you get bored and shit and have nothing better to do
absolutely head over heels because the fact you spend so much time making art of/for him, omg
if you bleach-paint shirts yk damn well he's wearing whatever you made him 24/7
absolutely loves your character designs for her characters, they're all so unique and different and she loves it
your designs of osmp!niki are her favorite, considering she's literally a mermaid
the art you make with all her tattoos and piercings>>> omg
either totally adorable or totally badass
"more biker! niki bc she needs to learn how to bike rn... @/nikinihachu"
"amazing as always y/n/n 🫶 maybe I will..."
loves just quietly watching you do your thing
her and watercolor paints will never not be perfect
you make a whole mural for her because you got bored...
it's an abstract kind of goth-ish mermaid kinda thing on one of her office walls, and 'nihachu' spread across it in white, kinda cursive lettering, it's amazing
always making silly little doodles of her too
cant even comprehend how talented you are
he always sees you drawing him and painting him and he's like "bro go touch grass u spend too much time thinking about me"
you also made a textured painting for Tiger
it's his prized possession, he loves it to much
almost broke down and cried when you gave it to him
loves looking at all the little doodles, drawings and character designs
his favorites are the ones of him with dynamic arm poses, even if you think they're bad
he thinks it adds a lot more personality and makes him look better LMAO
he loves and appreciates that you spend so much time on something about/for him, and so often as well
he looks so good in gouche paints that's all I'm saying
and in a kinda graffiti style as well omg
absolutely adores all the art you make of him
he'll even pose so you can get references and shit LMAO
him and watercolor paints... lord
any painting you've made for him is hung up on the wall
loves seeing your character designs for his dsmp/qsmp etc characters
he also shows them off online and points out all the cool things you've added and shit
even if it's just simple doodles of him, you'll add a splash of color w a marker or highlighter and he thinks it looks so awesome
you have post it notes all over your wall thatre just doodles of him and shit
you painted his shark logo on a giant canvas for him for a YouTube video
like 59 hours later you completed it and gave it to him as a birthday gift
he doesn't shut up about it after that
literally brags about it like he's a 15yo who just got a girlfriend for the first time before all his other friends
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agentcalypso · 4 months ago
my (mostly) coherent thoughts on the vengeance saga
spoilers obviously (and once again written during the livestream because i once again have shit to do tmrw)
lol so remember how in my wisdom saga post i said there were over 100k ppl in the livestream by the time the wisdom saga started and i thought that was a record? yea theres 167k ppl in the stream rn
already i am in love with the color pallette
love the steel pan also its a very nice touch
lowkey the percussion kinda sounds like the percussion in monster but idk if that means anything
i can already tell this is going in my audition binder
ok shes a horrible person but i kinda feel bad for her tbh (and you can tell ody does at least a little)
this animation is EATING holy shit
troy never ceases to amaze me with his vocals omg
bro is fighting for his life and hermes is just groovin
bringing back the wind bag is just *chefs kiss*
also confirmation that it was rigged is nice
well he uh. certainly needs luck for THAT
not much to say but holy SHIT HES BACK BABEYYYYYY
god fucking dammit poseidon
THE ORGAN????? HELLO???????
this song was already great in the snippet but its EVEN FUCKING BETTER MY FUCKING GOD
oh i. forgot he threatened to do that to telemachus
god odys part is so. idk. soft? either way i love it
welp hes certainly afraid of the water now
poseidon what the fuck do you mean
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ch3rrybabyd0ll · 3 months ago
living porcelain doll guide
a doll’s skin is flawless, use a gentle cleanser twice daily and drink LOTS of water to keep your skin hydrated. dont use a lot of skincare products.
stick to a color pallette. dont buy any clothes that arent that colour, its going to ruin your style.
always wear accesories, no matter what. outfit without accesories is so plain and boring. it can be necklaces, earrings, leg warmers etc..
master the doll blink. you can search up tutorials on tiktok on how to doll blink. if theres any creep staring at you and you feel uncomfortable just blink at him with a straight face.
use white eyeliner for bigger eyes. dolls features are also big eyes, you can make them look bigger by adding white eyeliner to your makeup routine.
dont do any sudden movements. what i mean is that be gentle with your moves, dont just suddenly start moving around aggressively (when youre in public)
perfect hair. sleep in braids to avoid split ends, use hair masks and dont use heat on your hair. not even when blow drying them. if you HAVE to, use a veru strong heat protection.
wear feminine clothing. whether youre dark coquette or dollette or whatever, dont dress in baggy clothes. thats like for a teenage boy.
always use perfume or body mists. and shower also please. you will look amazing but smell like shit? i dont think so.
when you compliment someone, do it uniquely. not just „you look nice”. think of something deeper, or that just sounds better.
be dreamy. dw, you dont always have to be here on the earth when you can just live in your mind. go to a forest and think your little scenarios.
be rememberable. be someone that other people just cant forget no matter how much they try.
stay quiet in chaos. in busy or noisy environments remain serene and quiet.
speak through your eyes. you dont always have to use your mouth, you can speak through eyes.
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roselyn-artist · 2 months ago
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Commission for @sweetestpersonever on Instagram 🤩 This is her beautiful OC, Azura Oakley, now in YuGiOh GX! 🙊 Didnt she lool amazing with that uniform? I loved the color pallette 💖
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pointss · 1 year ago
Just wanted to pop in and say you are absolutely amazing!
Your color pallettes and smooth animation is so mind boggling, you're doing great things with your talent!! <3
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Sorry for the late reply💦
Thank you for such warm words💗💗💗
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fivepointpalettes · 10 months ago
hello! if you're doing requests at the moment, can I request color pallettes based off the name Adaline/Ada? if one could have dark blue, that would be amazing, but I'll leave the rest to your creativity!
Hi! Of course, here you go! I hope these work for you, and do let me know if you'd like something else!
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#223d65 | #142131 | #140f46 | #3b2353 | #c38638
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#323e4f | #b87110 | #0e2040 | #090a22 | #0e162f
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#cf7b07 | #3a1405 | #0b1030 | #0c1c2b | #d5bba0
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#0c1455 | #2c1f51 | #0e111b | #17252c | #6d450e
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#a8680f | #20292d | #11172d | #334054 | #080e43
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#1d1f34 | #dbb280 | #c29e7a | #394e6a | #3d2664
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orphiclovers · 2 months ago
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check out how beautiful this is!!!
the color pallette is two orange and light blue, orange at the bottom and blue at the top. classic complimentary colors. warm/cool contrast. warm shows the safety close by and cold blue the encroaching danger. pops of glowing white on the doorway and the soldiers for highlights
the yin yang accent method of placing a tiny bit of orange with the door in blue's territory
the layout and posing is amazing. sung jinwoo is center foreground hiding behind a distinct shape.
then there's the difference between the huge intimidating blue stone warriors blocking the path with gigantic weapons and the tiny in comparison warm human man standing with his back turned and looking at them.
of course, the tiny black sihlouette dissappearing into the doorway casting a long black shadow
it's like I'm seeing everything they teach in art class put into practice
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judith-industries · 10 months ago
Happy Pride Gotham!
In this amazing occasion, the Judith-industries would like to give away some FREE products!
You will be getting :-
One moisturizer bottle.
Large powder brush, angle powder brush, foundation brush, flat shadow blush and mascara. (One of each)
Bisexual Nightwing and Red Robin themed Bronzer. (One of each)
Aroace themed blush pack.
Rainbow themed eyeshadow pallette in a Signal case.
Three brow pencil that are themed after Harley Quinn.
All colour lip gloss collection. (One of each color is free)
And one pepper spray for the homophobes!
You can head towards your nearest make-up store, asking for Judith owned products to get your free products for pride!
- M.
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creationsekai · 3 months ago
Warning ena5 WILL kill you and your family. It happened to me.
This is not a drill
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die-rosastrasse · 3 months ago
Have you worked with other media besides gouache? What do you like about using gouache?
Yes, I used to paint a lot more with watercolors, my beginnings were with colored pencils, and currently I'm learning to paint with oil on canvas during my art classes!
Gouache is great for many reasons, I think I just love how the colors flow from the brush, the amazing layering properties, the shades of my pallette, plus how perfect they are for painting flowers! I believe that they're great for beginners and advanced artists and they are very forgiving.
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cjskribblez · 2 years ago
So we've got why you don't ship FH, but now can we get why you ship ranchers? :33 I'm a huge ranchers enthusiast, and it has always been my favourite ship/duo, but I love to hear how other people see it!
Sure omg! I always love to gush about them hehe
I want to preface this by saying I don't hate flower husbands at all! I just like ranchers more :) I like empires fh/or fh from Scott's perspective. Especially if Scott a bit regretful, but anyways, Rancher talk time
So first off I adore their whole aesthetic. Their complimenting color schemes and similar pallette make them so satisfying to draw. Just slap all the warm colors and it's them!! Minimum effort required. It's amazing. Also the entire ranching aspect 🥺 taking care of animals and farming is just so. Ugh,,, the wanting and reaching for a simple life, even if they know it won't last very long.
Secondly I love how silly they are! Their personalities mash so well :,)
Jimmy with his sweet regretful stance on things and Tango with his silly strange sounds and fiery nature.. 🤌👌 it is peak.
I like how they both think they're the problem, the curse. Obviously we have the canary, but Tango was the one that got them killed first. That couldn't have felt good. Yet despite knowing Tango has never been good at pvp and Jimmy always went out first, they never gave up hope. It was an alliance doomed from the start, and they both knew it deep down, I think. But they were never cruel to each other.
They lived like they had a chance. They burned bright and quick, and then they burned out. I think there's something really beautiful about that :,)
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