#colonialist fucks
ruokasooda · 1 year
Eurovision and Melodifestivalen specialized journalists Tobbe Ek and Markus Larsson weren’t too happy about Finns not granting any televotes for Loreeen. Few quotes from Aftonbladet’s (one of the largest daily newspapers in Sweden) Eurovision podcast:
Ek: ”The reason is that Finns are jealous. They are collectively jealous at us Swedes and that led them not voting for us.”
Ek: ”How is it even possible that Finns think there were ten better songs than Loreen? That’s shameful.”
Larsson: ”The Finns gave points even for Germany over Loreen. That’s sick. Says lot about Finnish understanding about music and about their taste.”
Ek: ”I’m fucking furious.”
Larsson: ”Dumbass people.”
Ek: ”Finland was only country where Sweden didn’t get any points from the people. Shame on you Finland, it serves you right you didn’t win!”
Larsson: ”I agree! F*ck them!”
This is nothing new to us finns, swedes have always treated us like this. And it just culminates to eurovision which fucking sucks. I hope this gets spread out bit more so people can see under the polished picture sweden has put out.
I personally voted for germany and other 9 countries that in my own opinion had better songs than sweden, this type of articles just give so icky and bad feeling over everything. There are bad loosers in the world, but swedes seem to be really sore winners. Nothing seems to be enough they need it all. We already gave 12p by jury, but then again our jurys team leader was born in sweden so theres big conflict of interest in that. I think they know it was not pure win and are trying to pin the bad feeling into us.
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stil-lindigo · 8 months
The UNRWA is concerned that if they do not receive more funding they will run out by the end of February please spread this message
in case any of you missed it, despite the ICJ's ruling for Israel to facilitate MORE aid into Gaza, the global west has responded by cutting funding to UNWRA, which is responsible for delivering significant amounts of aid into Gaza, as well as surrounding areas such as Lebanon. The countries cutting funding consist of the US, Australia, the UK, the Netherlands, Swritzerland, Italy, Germany, Finland, Canada and Japan. This was all due to a claim by Israel that members of UNWRA were Hamas-members or sympathisers which, at the end of the day, is a claim that concerns only 12 members in a total of 30,000.
Without proper funding, UNWRA is likely to run out of resources by February of this year (only another month) and urges the countries that have suspended donations to reconsider. This is a blatant move from the colonialist countries of this world to starve Palestinians even further when they are already facing unforeseen levels of famine.
Please take some time out of your day to call your reps, your political leaders and urge them to restart their funding. In the meantime, here is a link to donate to the UNWRA.
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balasha7sanbardo · 11 months
I need people to understand that no one has a right to dictate what should and shouldn't happen in Palestine right now or in the future, except Palestinians. Literally. No one has the right to tell them if a 2-state solution is the best option, if a diplomatic resolution is, or if it's a complete dismantling and deconstruction of the entire israeli govt, and assimilating israelis under a Palestinian govt.
So, if you have an opinion about the solution, take a second and try to remember: the land isn't yours, and the bloodshed isn't yours. Remember that you did not just watch your home get carpet bombed, your loved ones massacred or imprisoned for no reason. You did not watch your land get annexed. You did not witness the trauma in your children’s eyes and that feeling of dread because you know that they might be dead in the next few hours. You did not hear the screams and cries of people under the rubble begging for help. You did not watch your school being bombed to pieces and people’s limbs on the street. You didn’t have to live through the reality that absolutely not a single person in authority did ANYTHING to help except watch you be murdered live on their pretty little screens while they tweeted about it. Remember that, and then proceed to shut the fuck up and listen to Palestinian’s voices.
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chaiaurchaandni · 11 months
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it is imp to remember that this is not about religion and the ethnic cleansing of artsakh proves this. all oppressive regimes are connected regardless of religion and that is why azerbaijan and israel have good relations. another example is saudi arabia having good relations with america and israel while also killing other muslims in yemen.
interestingly, like israel, saudi also uses religion to gain credibility (recently got holy mosque imam to give statement condemning boycotts and encouraging muslims to not be involved in the situation in palestine) and recruit muslim supporters from all over the world, while simultaneously killing/imprisoning muslim critics of the kingdom.
similarly, israel sells itself as a safe haven for jews and convinces jews around the world to migrate to israel while also simultaneously criminalizing antizionist jews all over the world, even suggesting that theyre not 'real jews' (reminiscent of takfirism which is a core part of saudi wahabi ideology) [ fun fact: the house of saud came into power in arabia with help from the british, just like the zionists in palestine! ]
oppressive regimes are directly connected and mirror each other in several ways. this is why liberation and resistance movements need to unite and work together across the world
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elbiotipo · 1 year
Argentine Leftists are not immune to Argentine nationalist propaganda... how are islands 300 miles from your coast rightfully yours, just because you want them ? just because you've nurtured a grievance over the fact you didn't get hold of them during your colonialist state formation? how can you miss something that was never yours? why do you think it's more important than the people who live there for nearly 200 years ? ???????????
get over it.
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bixels · 9 months
I just found out about Braeburn x Soarin and I think I'm gonna adapt it into the AU.
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cdroloisms · 9 months
l'manburg is colonialism is out lmanburg is stantwt is in
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disast3rtransp0rt · 2 years
rip to the people who grew up enjoying Harry Potter and then decided the safety-blanket of nostalgia is worth more than actual human lives but I’m different.
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upthewitchypunx · 10 months
The game of "Whamageddon" makes me mad on several levels. One, it's a good song. You should listen to it . Not, like, lose the game if you hear it.
But also because it would have been a bigger hit if it weren't for the pile of trash "Do they know it's Christmas?" That came out the same year. They colonialist song was so fucked up and ignorant raising money for a famine in Ethiopia.
Wtf? Ethiopia was one of the first Christian nations, even before the Roman empire. Of course they fucking know it's Christmas!
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souldagger · 9 months
currently reading The Splinter in the Sky by Kemi Ashing-Giwa and yallll i think it might be coming in clutch as one of my fav books of the year
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royalberryriku · 5 months
Thinking about how "self defence" is considered okay until a country the west is not allied with does it.
#yes this is about iran#israel attacked first and then they responded and now everyone is like “wait wait they can't do that!”#and I'm just sitting here looking at Palestine like ???#And look I'm not saying I condone any violence esp against civilians#but I am saying it's bery ironic and telling#when Israel fucks around and finds out#I am kind of here like damn finally tasting the taste of your own spit that you spat at another#must feel like throwing stones in a glass house eh Israel is kinda the feel I'm feeling rn#but anyway#also a note while I say I'm generally against violence I do think resistence is expected and deserved when colonial powers oppress people#I'm specifically talking about how I'm not condoning any attacks on civilians#BUT resistance is justified while Palestine is occupied#and long live the Antifada#both are two things that coexist for me here#and things I think are being honoured in the resistence the more I hear of personal accounts of said civilians#*civilians#When one military side says “oh this happened!” only to be proven as liars over and over again#then the hostages themselves say “no we were attacked with friendly fire from israel”#and for that to be proved??#Then hearing how said hostages say “Hamas put their bodies on the line to cover us from said friendly fire” like??#maybe Hamas aren't the aggressors when they treat their hostages like this and israel has killed their own just to get at Hamas and civ-#-illians alike#tag comments are a mess and probably don't accurately portray feelings fully but long live the antifada and down with colonialist lies
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screamingfromuz · 11 months
so I can trace my family's presence in the region, with dates, names and documentation to before the united state was a fucking country, and that is only the things we have papers for! and then this pesky stupid Americans, colonialism masters, are telling me to get out? motherfucker, even the most radical "from the river to the sea Palestine will be free- kick all the Jews to the sea" Palestinians told me that if they win, my family gets to stay. Ismail Haniyeh, that motherfucker, said that Jewish families that were here from before 1917 will get to stay.
So you come here and tell me to pack my bags? from my ancestral land? My family has been here from before the french revolution! you are calling me a colonialist? go choke on your hypocrisy.
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ludinusdaleth · 1 year
theres something funny to me about a lot of fandom demanding this cr campaign be fully pro-exandrian gods, and using full blooded paladins as examples of how to enact it, ignoring deanna's humble take on faith. meanwhile. matt is smacking yall with how issylra’s rich religious institution they want to see take a righteous lawful good spotlight is a deeply fucked genuinely imperialist system
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widevibratobitch · 8 months
Since we're both as unwell about him as we are I consider you to be someone who knows a fair amount and what do you genuinely think the real James Fitzjames would feel if he saw the Terror's depiction of him? (As in watching the whole show)
HUH good question. first of all i think he'd be a little discombobulated by the very experience of watching a tv show but personally i choose to believe he'd at least be happy he was made into one of the main characters?? and that so many cool and sexy insane people are obsessed with him now <3
having said that. as much as i love show!fitzjames they did nerf him down A LOT. they robbed him of the joyous whimsy that was such a characteristic trait of the real jokester supreme fitzjames (show!fitzjames also has little to no relationship with his irl lieutenant buddies which. sad.)
we also know now that. most probably. he was actually fully english so i can only imagine he'd be Not Pleased about the cairn scene to say it lightly lmao imagine you and your adoptive family making significant efforts throughout your whole life to disguise the fact of your illegitimate birth and then 150 years later some people make a high rating show where they babygirlify you not only spill your secret to the millions of people watching (or secrets, plural, and make you call yourself a fake as a cherry on top lol) but they also get it wrong and make it Even Worse (from a victorian englishman's perspective) like stop guys he's already dead lmfao
having said that. he would have loved the britannia costume and the your nails are a terror line. i know he would.
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aperfectphantom · 1 year
I know this is just Eurovision but I guess it’s important to mention it’s not really a shock how much europe sucks up to israel. Like it was surprising to me in the moment (I felt that their song was average) but when you think about it… Europe did everything for israel. Like it wasn’t israel on their own taking palestine and fucking up those existing communities and stealing their land. And it’s still not just israel committing horrible crimes against Palestinians now. Europe has always had involvement in the Middle East and especially palestine. Israel would not be a thing without them. And they continue to give israel support so they can continue all this violence against Palestinians. Europe does not see palestine like they see Ukraine. They are so far removed from the horrors that Middle Eastern people experience. They speak about peace and then fund and supply israel with anything they need. Not to mention a lot of Israelis are originally European. And this doesn’t just apply to Eurovision, but also any competition or event israel is invited to. Everyone was so quick to boycott Russia from everything… surely israel should get the same treatment.
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silverhandj · 4 months
johnny being a failed solo artist is so real to me
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