#coffee no work on me adhd too strong
juniper-clan · 4 months
"Assume Bisexuality" is one of the funniest but also the most relatable character rules I have ever heard
I actually have to go out of my way to make a character cishet, bisexuality just comes naturally to me............
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vigilxnte-shit · 1 day
no one asked but here are some thoughts on matt murdock and things that smell good
my credentials are i have worked at bath and body works for 3.5 years (these are all bath and body works products. this is not sponsored i just have adhd and was raised by a bath and body works mom iykyk)
for himself:
1. coffee and whiskey cologne
i think he would really like this one because it’s two things he’s already used to the smell of with just a tiny bit of vanilla, it’s very masculine and sexy but still light enough that even i, a cis woman, use it sometimes for layering
2. flannel candle
@millennial-birkin and i discussed this, i think he’d like this one because it’s cozy and clean without being too heavy or woodsy
on his partner:
3. any type of skin scent (think glossier you, pinrose pillowtalk princess, etc)
the server has heard me go off about this multiple times, these are the kind of fragrances that are designed to mingle with your natural scent and therefore smell different on everyone. he’d love these because for one, they enhance your skin’s natural scent, and for another they’re not too strong, typically just light with either a powdery or musky note (or both)
4. vanilla romance
little bit of a bias here bc this is my personal favorite but i genuinely think he would love it on his partner because it’s vanilla (i am a certified vanilla girl it’s my favorite) but it’s a vanilla backed by a soft spicy and light woodsy note. almost like a skin scent with a bit of vanilla in it
random things:
5. vanilla suede laundry detergent
i think he’d love all laundry detergent smells just because they’re clean and fresh (me personally, i want to eat fragrance boosters because of how good they smell) but this one especially has a little tiny touch of warmth that i think he’d love
6. sun drenched linen wallflowers
makes the whole apartment smell good
anyway this isn’t important but i thought i would put it into the open anyway
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schemmentisjacket · 4 months
Chapter 3 - Prep Day pt 3
Authors Note: Little something something about non binary queer new teacher coming in, leading to Melissa finding the one.
Seated between Jacob and Melissa, Charlie found themselves looking up to Ava on the stage, that second coffee was starting to hit and they found their leg bouncing as Ava worked through introductions.
C pov:
‘And finally our new fourth grade teacher. Look at that fine head of hair, damn you balancing out Ed Sheeran bringing down the ginger rating. This hottie is Dr Charlie Flinn.’ Ava announced down the microphone, as Melissas hand lands on your leg, making you jump slightly.
‘Dr ay?’ Melissa leant over into their ear ‘Looking like that coffee is hitting, you okay?’
You could feel Melissa’s hand burning through your jeans, as she rests her hand on your bouncing leg. ‘Mmhm, got a phd, not a medical one though, but you think I would have learnt too much coffee affects my adhd meds,’ you chuckled quietly, ‘and being under the spotlight like this gets my anxiety going.’
The hand on your leg squeezed gently but doesn’t move, as you hear Ava move onto talking about a man a few seats down called Gregory.
The rest of the afternoon was spent moving more things into your classroom and sneaking glances across the corridor into Melissa’s room.
So far you’d realised she was a strong woman with a killer sense of humour who drove a stunning sports car, and had so far shown a softness towards you.
You couldn’t wait to learn more about Melissa Schemmenti.
M Pov:
It hit the Friday. You had been enjoying prep week. Watching the new teacher move in across the way. Everyday watching the different outfits and sneaker combo. One day cargos, another tight skinny jeans. Big hoodies, leather jackets, jean jackets. Assorted accessories. Always a pair of gloves.
Today they’d pulled up in a dark pair of oversized jeans, a flyers hoodie and a black jean jacket. Today they had a beanie perched on top of their head, their usual unruly quiff was flopped over their forehead poking out the hat.
‘Didn’t pitch you as a hockey fan,’ you called popping the trunk on her car to take out the last of the supplies she needed.
‘Yeah been watching since being a little kid. Lemme give you a hand with that,’ Charlie reached over, taking a couple of boxes out and into their arms.
‘I’ve never been. You’ll have to take me to a game sometime and come with me to the football. Ya’ know if you’d like?’ You threw out there, glancing at them as you shut the trunk and began heading towards the school.
Charlie smiled, hitching the boxes in their arm, you saw the muscles flexing in their upper arms, ‘Yeah that’d be real nice, we could maybe grab some food or something, before.’
‘Or I could cook? I’m Italian remember, I mean if you wanted to come over, though it might mean seeing Jacob. He’s staying with me at the moment cos him and his boyfriend broke up.’
‘Yeah that sounds nice, I’ll check the next few games season out and let you know, here pop your number in and I’ll drop you a message, work something out.’ They slid their phone from their jacket pocket awkwardly and passed it over to you.
You held the door open for them as you stepped through the main doors and into the school corridor, one hand tapping away into the device before slipping it back into to their pocket for them.
‘You feeling ready for next week when the kiddos get here?’
‘Absolutely cannot wait!’ Charlie grinned excitedly turning to look at you, up close you noticed a little scar on their lip, on the side that never quite curled up as much. Though you noticed when they spoke sometimes you caught a glimpse of something shiny. All week you’d slowly been noticing new things about them. Day two you had noticed they’d come in wearing a nose ring, they hadn’t the day before because they’d taken it out at the weekend. Just a small silver hoop in one nostril, matching the small silver hoop in one ear. A simple silver chain nothing thick or with any kind of charm.
‘I gotta ask what that is shining in your mouth,’ interest peaking, ‘I keep feeling like I’m going crazy seeing something.’
‘Oh this?,’ Charlie asked, raising their lip higher, the scarred lip twisting and their nose crinkling as they activated their facial muscles, to reveal a silver canine tooth. ‘Cracked tooth. One year at hockey camp in College. Someone was throwing slurs during the game and big hits at me and my team mates, so we dropped gloves. I got a cracked tooth and he got a free nose job. It’s the only time I’ve ever thrown a punch. Called my best mate the F word.’
‘On second thoughts maybe you should keep the mug I leant you Rocky.’ You could feel the heat rising across my chest and neck. The idea of them as a sweaty hockey player fighting. ‘You’re full of suprises.’
Charlie laughed softly, ‘Nah, not much going on with me really.’
You raised an eyebrow, I’m not so sure.’
The day passed quickly, with everyone focusing on finishing touches for the kids arrival on Monday and before you knew it Charlie was tapping on the doorway.
‘Hey I’m heading out. Just wanted to say have a great weekend. I’ll see you Monday.’ Charlie said slouching against the door way casually.
‘You coming in all swagged out like that for the students?’ You asked, giving their sleek casual look a once over. Looking back up you caught them watching you expectantly.
‘Ah Melissa, you have no idea.’ They throw a wink in your direction as they back out the room, ‘Something for you to look forward to.’
You let out a sigh. They had no idea.
Your phone buzzed.
From: unknown number
Took me a while to find you in my phone ‘Red Hot Italian 🤌🏻 🇮🇹’ thought I’d drop mine over incase you needed anything.
Don’t miss me too much, it’s only two days.
Your Favourite Newbie 🤓
Save New Contact:
Handsome Hockey Rocky 🏒💪🏻
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soullust · 5 months
meeksy headcanonsss
hopeless romantic but hides it well (most of the time) 
he loves horror movies to a worrying degree. and splatterpunk but not as much
in my mind he’s like . so insane and deranged 
honest to god believes in ghosts
pyromaniac . he loves setting shit on fire. deffo made a molotov coctail b4
his love languages are acts of service n words of affirmation
n possibly physical touch ...
really likes body mods but doesn't get too many bc he overthinks about them too much
learning comes naturally to him, so he doesn't have a strong work ethic when it comes to academics. gifted kid syndrome, basically :)
he’s in for a fucking surprise veeery soon (the burnoutttt...)
computer engineering major linguistics minor but he barely graduates college bc. well… :)
has a significantly older sister and was a rainbow baby
also him and his sister share a birthday
was raised extremely religious (catholic)
children love him. hes mildly scared of children
transmasc gay demisexual and you cant convince me otherwise 
n yes, i do have a hc deadname for him . lmk if youre curious
can drive but doesn't like it
also generally dislikes cars and cannot be be bothered to buy one so he just borrows one from his friends or sister when he needs one.
whenever his sister gets a new ar she just gives him her old one bc he really shouldn't be 27 and carless, especially in usamerica
talks with his hands alot
bruises so very fucking easily. like holy shit he looks like a VICTIM
prefers tea
drinks coffee but takes it super sweet with a lot of milk / creamer that it might as well me a milkshake 
polyglot . he’s fluent in like four languages and knows other four at a somewhat conversable level 
like charlie he prob has adhd and gets hyperfixated on random things
can do tattoos and has a very basic tattoo kit. does stick-n-pokes too
practiced on pitts todd and himself at some point 
the results aren’t bad but its kinda obvious they weren’t done by a professional
can play piano and cello but doesn’t do it often. mostly when his parents want him to impress their friends 
i take headcanon and one-shot requests btw
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paracosmicparadox · 1 year
So, I'm falling back into the FFXV kick, and I have decided that I disapprove of how little complex character development Square Enix has given the guys?? Like where is the emotional depth beyond surface-level cutscene angst?? So I took matters into my own hands and have compiled a handy little list of headcanons / expanded canons that I think make sense.
Noctis: Has clinical insomnia and frequent lucid dreams (sorta a given, but bear w me bear w me)
Feels the weight of having to take so much on from such a young age much, much more than he lets on
Loves to argue
Would've been happier if he and Luna stayed as childhood best-buds rather than betrothed fiancés (controversial, ik, but it just didn't seem like he cared that much for her romantically to me?? Like he obviously cared about her, but it seemed like a really strong penpal vibe rather than a "We're-gonna-get-married-and-be-the-next-hotshot-couple" vibe. If you disagree, coolio, I'm not gonna debate w you on this one)
Has a natural sadness to his eyes regardless of what he's feeling
Went through an anime phase (possibly still in his anime phase, idk)
Social anxiety for the win
Severe RBF
Prefers tea over coffee (black tea is best---particularly lavender earl grey)
Can play the cello (practicing tho?? Don't know her)
Writes the most beautiful poetry when The Motivation™ strikes him (usually when he's home sick and half-delirious)
Prompto: Has ADHD and clinical anxiety, but is undiagnosed and doesn't take any meds for either of them.
Is legit like SO SMART, but can never focus, so not many people take any notice
Wears contact lenses (he had glasses as a child and I refuse to believe he had some high-tech corrective surgery to eliminate the need for them when lenses are cheaper and less risky)
Doesn't drink caffeine because it makes him jittery
Doesn't drive the Regalia when the guys are around because having other people in the car distracts him from the road. Also he tends to drive like a speed demon, which worries Ignis to no end.
Sunburns insanely easily
Could legit become a hitman if he wanted to with the amount of gun-knowledge he has. It doesn't matter what firearm you put in this boy's hand---pistol, SMG, sniper, rocket launcher, you name it. He can and will hit the target every single time.
Addicted to adrenaline
Has a lot of self-loathing (we see a bit of this in Ep. Prompto) and talks with an online therapist about it via text whenever his lows hit him. He's making great progress in learning how to heal and how to accept himself for who he is beyond the mask he wears for others
Ignis: More than a little bit of a control freak, and works very hard not to be too overbearing or critical about his friends' misgivings
Wants to protect everyone all the time and mentally kicks himself when he doesn't get there fast enough
Is SO PROUD of Noctis's journey and felt a stronger hatred towards Ardyn than anyone else in the group for what he forced Noct to go through (he stayed up at night sick to his stomach with hollow rage and baked nonstop to take his mind off of it)
Can verbally obliterate a man, but only rarely chooses to do so bc he's classy like that
After losing his eyes, he notices so much more beauty in the world than he used to (the sound of rain on the Regalia's roof, the specific gait of each of his friends, the smell of salt on the wind in Galdin Quay, the flawless feel of one specific silk tie he has in his repertoire, etc)
His internal compass is never wrong
Regularly takes antacids for his stomach
Has the straightest teeth you've ever seen
Gladio: Hates being wrong: it's his way or the highway
Actually so much smarter than the musclehead jock front he puts up
A little vain and easily jealous (this man has a Jealous Face like no other)
Thunderstorms are his favorite; his ideal place to be is at a campsite, during a storm, with a well-worn book and a mug of Irish coffee in hand
Would throw himself in front of a bus for any one of his friends
Would beat up kids for the folks he cared about in middle school and spent the time he wasn't training to be a Crownsguard sitting in detention with the most unrepentant, smug, and-I'd-do-it-again look scrawled across his face
Can make a better smoothie than anyone (except maybe Iggy)
Spotify junkie
Had a dinosaur phase as a kid and can still name random facts about them whenever the opportunity presents itself
Avid technology-hater and only has a phone to make calls and join the others in playing King's Knight since they begged him so profoundly (he's sure the thing's going to be his downfall)
Gets most of Prompto's pop culture references
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peachdoxie · 6 months
I don't think I ever really processed the trauma I went through in OCD treatment and reblogging that comic about OCD the other day really triggered me and arghhhhhhh I don't know what to do about it. Thoughts I guess.
The main thing is like, any time I would express doubts that I actually have OCD, my therapist (who specialized in OCD) would tell me that doubting that I have OCD is actually a very common symptom of OCD, and it felt like he refused to actually listen to my doubts when I was like "my avoidance happens because there's some block in my brain that I can't get past and it's not rooted in anxiety."
Like, because he thought I had OCD that meant that any thought or behavior I expressed automatically was because of OCD and not like, adhd, autism, fibromyalgia, sensory processing disorder, etc. It felt like my only options were to agree with him (which I didn't want to do because I don't!) or continue arguing and therefore just confirm what he already thought.
And like honestly it made me almost question my sense of reality when I was like "I'm avoiding this thing because I'm worried the physical exertion will trigger an asthma attack or tachycardia event or fibromyalgia flare up or migraine" and he'd be like "but what if it doesn't and you're fine?" and I was like "I can't take that risk because of how long it takes me to recover from these health issues" then he'd say "OCD treatment is about learning that you can and have to work through discomfort and, yes, even pain" and honestly if not for the fact that I have a strong sense of self and years of experience to back this up, I might have started to doubt that my health issues were really as bad (even though they are!) as I was perceiving them.
Like one exercise I had to do was increase my anxiety (to show myself that I can handle anxiety) by hyperventilating through a coffee stirrer for a set number of seconds, and I was supposed to do it even if I was going to black out but when I said I felt like that was too risky for me because of the aforementioned health issues (the tachycardia especially) he just kept trying to convince me to do it even though I kept saying I don't think I should!
And he kept suggesting things to convince me to do tasks, like if I don't do xyz by our next appointment I have to donate ALL of my savings to a political cause I disagree with, and I was like "that just creates more anxiety for me because I genuinely do not think I can do this thing because my brain won't let me!" That was the last session I saw him because I cancelled after that.
Honestly I think the main reasons OCD therapy was so traumatic for me were 1) I constantly felt invalidated when I expressed concerns and 2) I was being misinterpreted by someone who refused to listen to me. That second one is something that actually really bothers me a lot and some of the biggest falling outs I've had with friends in high school were when they misinterpreted something I said as malicious and used it against me. But the invalidation of my concerns goes right along with it.
The thing is too the part of me that does have perseverance and anxiety—not the logical side of me, that is—still worries that maybe he was right all along and I do have OCD and all of my problems are just because I don't think I can do something so I don't, even though my logical brain can point to all of the evidence contrary to that worry.
Like yeah, I do have intrusive thoughts that cause my anxiety, but I'm pretty good at handling them. And my avoidance is based in past experience of "if I trigger one of my health issues by doing one of these specific things that have triggered them in the past, it will make the rest of my week very difficult as I struggle to recover and play catch-up." It's like, what anxiety I have is most often based in very real, very tangible worries—and even now, I'm struggling not to start spiraling about it, so I'll stop before I get there.
Tbh the only good thing to come out of those six months of hell was the conclusion that the vast majority of my problems aren't caused by anxiety and that there is something else going on, whether it's autism, adhd, fibromyalgia, or whatever. I'm not sure it outweighs the trauma, but hey I learned something I guess.
Tbh I try not to be too pissed at myself for seeking OCD treatment in the first place and basically wasting my leave of absence by making minimal progress. I decided to listen to the therapist who diagnosed me (different from the OCD treatment therapist) instead of going with my idea of seeking help from an autism/adhd therapist, because I tend to defer to authorities on things like that—though I will say, the negativity and fearmongering on Tumblr around getting autism/adhd diagnoses certainly didn't help.
I think overall it's frustrating because I will never get closure with the OCD therapist. He will always have misinterpreted me and refused to listen to me, and I'll just have to live with that.
It's also frustrating because I don't think either therapist necessarily did anything wrong, per se, since they were looking at what evidence they had from their experience in their fields, which certainly biased them—and they both admitted to me that they don't know much about autism or adhd, and I should have taken that as a yellow flag and bailed sooner—and I'm going to shut up because the spiral is starting again.
Anyway if you read all this, thanks I guess. I'm mostly just train of thought writing to get the thoughts out of my head (perseveration is a symptom of OCD but also of adhd/autism and I need to keep reminding myself that). Please don't give me advice or suggest I reach out to either therapist please. Compassion only.
Please also don't try to convince me that I do have OCD because I don't need someone encouraging my anxiety spiral.
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8-bit-fanfic · 5 months
Too tired to do my usual bit, but wanted to give a lil idea for Sanders Sides fanfic :3
Idea: Logan is overworking again, and Roman is the one who finds him in the middle of the night. Logan's still typing away. Roman, as a part of Creativity, has the same habit and knows all too well how exhausted Logan will be in the morning. Roman helps Logan stop working and do some self-care of Sleeping And Taking A Goddamn Break. Hurt/comfort style, platonic Logince.
Sorry for it being kinda long. No pressure to write this (/gen). Just wanted to share an idea to help inspire you :D
See ya around! (/lh)
thank u so much for the prompt. this was written by me, logan. the logan fictive. i projected onto it pretty hard lol
IT’S PAST THREE A.M. A wave of hunger so strong it nearly knocked him out of his chair hit Logan full-body. He took in a deep breath to calm the nausea, and after a moment of sitting with his head in his hands, a hand rested on his back. He stiffened. 
“Logan,” Roman said softly. 
He held up a finger. Roman rubbed his back gently. After the nausea passed, Logan looked up, and he could tell he looked tired, he looked broken, upset… he wished he could hide it. He couldn’t. 
“Come here,” he said and opened his arms. 
Logan stood and fell into the prince’s embrace. He nuzzled into his neck, and Roman held him. 
Roman was Logan’s best friend, through and through. There was nothing in this world they couldn’t get through, not if it were an outside conflict or one between the two of them. They would figure it out. Always. 
Roman cooked Logan a meal and made a pot of coffee—with Logan having ADHD, it would calm him enough to get him to sleep. It worked like a charm, and he slept in late the next morning. Though he was frustrated, and went to Roman to complain, Roman had a smug smile on his face. 
“You gotta stop overworking yourself,” Roman said. 
“Coming from you?” Logan rolled his eyes. 
But Roman just smiled. Because he knew Logan was trying. 
And Logan would get better. 
this was more on the comfort end of hurt/comfort, but don't worry i know it'll be evened out :)
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hughiecampbelle · 27 days
hello hello!! hope you're doing well <3 so i saw ships were open again... and i did get one as an anon a while ago, but the format has changed for the 10k so back i am for your amazing writing <3
i'd love to be shipped with someone from the boys!! (i do feel bad requesting for specific characters even though it's incredibly easy to see who i want to smooch in this show. i love them all though and above all love to see authors get creative. go crazy go bonkers. ok with any character but the deep, homelander, stormfront, and firecracker.)
i'm a bi & ace jewish brazilian girl, 1.72m tall, with long, straight, brown hair (that i've always thought about dying but always chickened out of). no tattoos, even though i have a list of which ones i'd get and what do they mean. i'm from brazil but currently go to college in new york, majoring in theatre and minoring in translation. i'm fluent in portuguese and english, learning french, and have the life objective of becoming a polyglot.
i'm in love with theatre, literary analysis, linguistics, music, writing, and art in general — will absolutely ramble about anything i am interested in, and also might have strong opinions on stuff that maybe i didn't need to have a strong opinion on 💀 i can get a bit combative about that at times... i definitely take as my biggest skill, besides singing and acting which are quite literally my intended job (i want to be a musical theatre actress), eloquence and just my way with words (toxic trait is believing i'd talk my way out of a murder fr fr). friends that know me more recently would even say i'm an extrovert because of that, but honestly i am a pile of nerves of an introvert with social anxiety that simply loves yapping and putting on a show. most notable quirk/habit might be how precise i always am with finding the right words because i simply cannot leave an opening for misinterpretation (and that's on anxiety and a suspicion of undiagnosed adhd oops); that might lead me to be a bit picky (for the lack of a better word), specific, and/or literal with the words other people use as well.
other tidbits: i can't cook for shit, i love cats (i have a rescue named lily) but also like dogs a lot, i love kids and have been told i'm good with them. i'm crazy lucky for some reason and i love crime comedy movies. i'm almost always writing or thinking about writing but i can't ever finish a project (and you may have realized by now i write too much). i love arts & crafts & other manual activities, i do knot friendship bracelets to de-stress. my default hangout with anyone ever is grabbing coffee. i'm also pretty proud of my music taste — from alt rock to 40s-50s music, love curating the vibes and i'm a bit of a playlist freak. also i would 100% show brazilian music (mostly rock and mpb, brazilian popular music) to whoever i'm paired with 💥🇧🇷
when it comes to love life oh boy i am a disaster — the two situations i have ever gotten myself into were the objective hottest girl i know and the weirdest guy i've ever come across (and both are my good friends atm). for me doing something creative, like a project together, is the quickest way to bond; and being in cahoots with someone is the deepest form of connection. let's ramble about our interests, be weird together, cause a diplomatic crisis, watch a movie, write something, idk.
this was LOOONG but i hope it's not too much and it gives you plenty of material to write with!! thank you so much for carrying the the boys fandom on your back enna <3
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Annie is actually blown away by both your love of and intelligence with languages. She's always trying to learn both Portuguese and French sayings (mostly nicknames/"I love you") to surprise you. She loves the look of joy on your face when you realize what she's trying to say. Her pronunciation could use some work, but it's still very adorable
It melts Annie's heart when she sees you around children. She knows it can be a lot, with kids and their parents running up to her, asking her for pictures, showing off their Starlight costumes. She would understand it got a little exhausting. But you have never minded, instead you ask them questions and make them laugh, telling them they're little superheroes, too
Annie feels like she can truly be herself around you. After all those years with the religious conventions and the time she spent with Vought, she was never allowed to be herself. She couldn't show off her real laugh that's squeaky and high-pitched. She couldn't swear as a teenager or say all the crude jokes she thought of. With you, though, she can let loose. She doesn't have to uphold this image like she's had to her whole life
You and Annie are as equally terrible at cooking. You make a plan to cook together, learning recipes and measurements. Sometimes the food gets burned, or worse, under cooked, and a few times you've had to split it out, wondering where you went wrong? But, overall, it builds your skills together and it makes you feel better about your lack of skills
Annie comes to every show you're in at least three times. She'll bring Hughie and Kimiko first, then M.M. and Frenchie, and the third time she goes along, wanting to see you in your glory, feeling like this moment belongs to her. She shows up with flowers every time and tells you parts and songs she's loved as if you hadn't spent weeks practicing lines and songs with her. She's so proud of you, she can't contain herself. She definitely happy cries at the end when you take your bows!
Want to request a ship?
My love!!!! I hope you like it!!!! :D Xoxoxo💜💜💜💜
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brynnterpretations · 2 months
hello!! saw ships were open for the boys so wanted to ask for one, please :)
i'm a bi & ace jewish brazilian girl, currently in college majoring in theatre & minoring in translation (i want to be a musical theatre actress). fluent in portuguese & english, currently learning french, and i have a life objective to become a polyglot (4+ languages!!). in love with theatre, literary analysis, linguistics, music, writing, and art in general — will absolutely ramble about anything i am interested in, and also might have strong opinions on stuff that maybe i didn't need to have a strong opinion on 💀 i can get a bit combative about that at times... i definitely take as my biggest skill, besides singing and acting which are quite literally my intended job, eloquence and just my way with words (toxic trait is believing i'd talk my way out of a murder fr fr). friends that know me more recently would even say i'm an extrovert because of that, but honestly i am a pile of nerves of an introvert with social anxiety that simply loves yapping and putting on a show. most notable quirk/habit might be how precise i always am with finding the right words because i simply cannot leave an opening for misinterpretation (and that's on anxiety and a suspicion of undiagnosed adhd oops); that might lead me to be a bit picky (for the lack of a better word), specific, and/or literal with the words other people use as well. i'm also pretty proud of my music taste — from alt rock to 20s-40s music, love curating the vibes and i'm a bit of a playlist freak. also i would 100% show brazilian music to whoever i'm paired with 💥🇧🇷
hope this is good, thank you so much :)
Thank you so much for the request, you sound so cool and this was super fun to write! I hope you like it. ☻
I ship you with...
Annie January ♡
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GIF Source: @vcugifs ★ (link)
You and Annie meet at a small coffee shop while you're both grabbing coffee. The university you go to in The Boys' universe is twenty minutes away from Vought Tower (it's notorious for feeding non-supes to Vought for corporate work, NGL) and though the coffee shop itself is a bit out of the way, Annie enjoys not having the big swarms at Vought's Jitter Bean.
It's a very, very sappy meet-cute: you drop a textbook for one of your gen eds, Annie picks it up, and as you stutter out an apology — you just dropped your textbook in front of Annie "Starlight" January! — she's enamored.
What can I say? She lives for anxious energy.
It starts out slow. You meet right when she becomes part of the Seven, and as we know, things are rough starting out. Still, she finds herself going to that same coffee shop not just to avoid the crowd, but in hopes of seeing you, Cute Textbook Girl, again.
She starts bringing in some of her more secretarial/paperwork-y tasks in to the café, and, eventually, politely asking for a seat next to you turns into genuine conversations, which then turns into her walking you home when you both ended up staying there too late (thank God for 24/7 coffee shops in NYC). After a good month of pining after you, Starlight finally gets the courage to ask you out, probably a few days or so before the Believe Expo. She'd been terrified to due to Vought essentially marketing her as an All-American Christian Girl-Next-Door!!! Barbie doll, but as she continues to uncover the corruption of Vought, the most important thing to her is being true to herself and to the rest of the world.
And to you, the cute girl.
This... kind of... works out in both of your favor? While Vought is pissed at first — Ashley would definitely rant about how "we already have a lesbian!" in reference to our bisexual queen Maeve — they use y'all as the Token Gays™ (as well as showing that Supe and Non-Supe relationships are great, never question the power!) and parade you around pride festivals. When June comes, pictures of you two are on every billboard in NYC.
Enough about Vought, though: Annie adores you. She is endlessly impressed by your linguistic abilities and especially your work in college. Due to her Supe upbringing, college had been pretty out of the question for her, but even if it wasn't, she'd have a hard time figuring out what she wanted to do besides something in public-service. You being so passionate about theatre is admirable to her, especially since it's artistic. In the world of "The Boys", there's not a lot of genuine creativity, and you're a very rare gem to her because of that.
Because of that, expect tons, tons, tons of kisses and back rubs while you're stressing over assignments.
Also, any and all performances you have always are attended by Annie, complete with a bouquet of your favorite flowers and dessert afterward. She gets deep into whatever you are performing, even if she knows the plot of it.
She also loves how well-spoken you are. While well-spoken, Annie is one of those people who forgets words that she wants to use constantly, particularly when she's stressed or ill, and you are a beacon of light for her during those times.
For example, while Annie's trying to work on a case report on thirty minutes of sleep: "Honey, what's the word for that thing that hospitals roll people in on?" ... "A stretcher?" ... "Oh my God, thank you!"
And on that note, some pet names she has for you: honey, baby, and sweetie. She's a born-and-raised Midwesterner.
Annie's the kind of person who has a good music taste, but gets stuck on listening to the same music constantly — she's a creature of habit — so she loves the music you listen to. It's not something she's heard a lot, especially the Brazilian music, so she listens to your music religiously and loves creating Spotify Blends for the two of you.
Expect to share your wardrobe with each other.
Outside of knowing very basic sign language, Annie is monolingual, so she loves hearing you speak other languages. After stressful days, all she wants is to lay in bed with you while you read out something in Portuguese or French. She loves your voice.
Annie is pretty busy a great chunk of the time, but she always finds ways to incorporate you in her life, whether it's just having you by her side while she rifles through paperwork or she's secretly talking to you through an earpiece about Love Island (mark my words, Annie loves trashy reality TV) on patrols.
Because of that, too, she tries her best to surprise you whenever she finds some time off, some of these including reservations at your favorite restaurant, impromptu road trips, or even tickets to one of your favorite artists' concerts.
While Annie prefers that you don't get extremely involved in the work she does due to how dangerous it is (while Hughie was one thing since he was already involved by the time of their canonical relationship, you started as an outsider) she knows you are extremely smart and capable, so she always tells the truth to you. If you wanted to get involved, she'd take a bit of convincing, but would ultimately trust your judgment and competency (which you have a lot of!) and introduce you to The Boys.
And that brings us to...
The Boys ☻
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GIF Source: @5ummit ★ (link)
Hands down, Frenchie and Kimiko are your best friends in The Boys. They're friendly to you from the get-go, but once they figure out that you can A) fluently speak Portuguese and English, B) are learning French), and C) have the goal of learning four languages, they are set. They greatly value people who find ways to communicate with others, even with language barriers, so they saddle up to you very quickly.
You catch onto sign language pretty quickly, meaning you all talk massive shit, particularly when Butcher is going onto one of his tirades towards Hughie.
Whenever you all have free time, you, Kimiko, and Frenchie all have movie nights that end in super deep conversations half of the time.
Also... they insist on you performing monologues for them in French/Sign Language, particularly extremely crude ones. Believe it or not, the two have an immature sense of humor sometimes. I mean, how else do you get through the days in The Boys universe?
Butcher likes you — don't get me wrong — but because of your rambling and readiness to defend the member of the team he disagrees with the most (Annie), he can be pretty harsh on you. He also teases you and Annie constantly, which isn't the best, either.
For example, when you and Annie were having a very personal, sweet conversation: "oi, you two done scissoring yet?" (queue Annie's sunbeam eyes).
He also caught on to how firmly you stand by your passions quickly, and when he's bored or trying to prove a point, will rile you up. He's a bit of a dick. Sorry.
M.M. really, really likes you. Though he doesn't get to talk to you too much due to being the backbone of the coup, he thinks you're a sweetheart, and always makes a point to greet you and make some small talk when you stop by, even if he's pretty visibly and audible stressed.
However, while your interactions with him aren't as plentiful as they could be, you two end up in the office together quite a lot, and you get our boy hooked on Brazilian music. Mark my words, that man wordlessly shows up in merch of an artist you showed him every other week.
Hughie is a very good friend to you. While you two don't have a lot of overlapping interests, what you do have is an ability to explain your passions and get others invested in them, so you two are forces to be reckoned with (particularly for Butcher, the cranky geezer). It is Yap Central™ when you two are in a room together, and your similar energies pair really well together, making you two quite the comedic duo.
(Also, because of you, whenever Hughie's freaking out on a mission, he recites musical theatre facts he'd heard from you to call himself down).
So, even with Butcher's assholery, trust me: you've got a very good group of people by your side, and they love you.
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This is your very firm reminder that things only become a disorder when they start to affect your day to day life. They can be very real symptoms of a disorder before that and they can combine to form a disorder but on its own,
hypermobility is not hEDS or HSD
trauma and stress is not PTSD
strong emotions are not bipolar disorder or BPD
vasovagal syncope is not POTS
heart palpitations are not POTS
fatigue is not ME
auditory processing difficulties are not central hearing loss or (C)APD
tactile sensory difficluties are not central sensitisation syndrome
distractability is not ADHD
anxiety is not GAD
sadness is not MDD
The current medical system is ableist, classist, and otherwise discriminatory so it is important to investigate on your own but self-diagnosing when you don't fully meet the criteria and then inserting yourself into conversations that are about much more severe symptoms invalidates others. Hell, even if you're professionally diagnosed, inserting yourself into conversations about more severe symptoms invalidates others.
There is a really fine line to walk here but I've had so many people recently invalidate my symptoms recently. I have so so many examples but these are just some more recent ones I need to get off my chest:
'I basically have hEDS. I just have normal collagen' Then you have no idea how it feels to struggle in the way I struggle to do basic things like sitting up, or eating, or seeing, or walking, or working from home at a desk job.
'I'm autistic and find it hard to hear in crowds, I know how you feel.' You don't know what it's like to have a central hearing disability and not be able to get jobs I really want for safety reasons because I'm hard of hearing even with HAs. Or lose the ability to speak properly because I have zero auditory feedback sometimes. Or not be able to take phone calls on my own sometimes.
'I have PTSD from [insert not actually traumatic event].' Do you really have to avoid entire parts of your life, lose friends because they found it too stressful to keep you alive when parts of you were trying to escape the hell that is the inside of your mind, and watch your life fall apart no matter how good things are going because of something that happened (or kept happening) years ago?
'I feel woozy when I stand up sometimes too. Have you tried sitting on the edge of your bed for a minute?' How about having to beg for a bed and to keep your own clothes on when you're in the ER because you can't get your blood volume up on your own and being denied that dignity and having to lie on the floor in a populated corridor wearing a gown that doesn't gover you because you can't tied it because of the reason you're there in the first place?
'That's how I feel before I have my coffee in the morning lol!' No. You'll never be able to imagine what it's like to be pulling a never-ending all-nighter because you'll wake up even more exhausted every. single. day.
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vmures · 11 months
Hmm, author's choice on director's cut...I think I'll talk some more about Hanging On (You're All That's Left to Hold On To). So here are some random behind the scene's bits from my brain!
You can all credit the fabulous @mia6363 for opening my eyes to the potential and joy of utilizing Bobby Finstock as a character. Her stories that focus on him are amazing and were very inspiring.
When I set down to figure out how Bobby might know about the Supernatural and some of his backstory for this universe I landed on him having a bit of the Sight and that led to him being a Medium.
I'm pagan myself and will admit that a lot of my beliefs and studies did influence the worldbuilding of this fic a lot. As did my absolute love of Ursula K. Le Guin's Earthsea books, which gets heavily into the power of naming.
Shufflemancy (using music as a divination tool) is actually a thing that I've used when stuck on things in the past. Like most divination tools, I find that it's more helpful in understanding your present and working through thoughts than predicting the future. But it can be a fun way to try to sort out chaotic thoughts and figure out what nagging worry in your brain is going on about.
Other aspects of my own experiences and learning that got women into the fic were the scenes on moving meditation. While I've never been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder or ADHD, I do have C-PTSD and there is a strong possibility that I have inattentive type ADHD and/or am somewhere on the ASD spectrum. Because of the way my brain is wired, I've always struggled with traditional meditation techniques. But noticed that the times when my brain would truly quiet in the way people talk about meditation were moments when I was focused on my body and movement. Dance, martial arts, walking, and hell, even coloring all help me get into that zone.
Additionally, hot chocolate mix in a cup of coffee is a great way to make shitty coffee palatable and create a very cheap mocha. And since I know most support groups are held in places where the coffee is mediocre at best, I wanted to throw in that bit of knowledge. It felt like something Bobby would know and be happy to share with Noah.
The other random fact was that I did not intend to write a stealth crossover with the Owl House when I started this fic. But I'd been watching it and loving it and realized that the character I was designing for Bobby's grandmother and mentor figure was a whole lot like Eda Clawthorne. And when I realized I needed some additional characters to help unfuck Beacon Hills, the idea to include Luz and Amity was just too much to resist. So in this universe, the Clawthorne family is the Hawthorne family and is a long line of witches and emissaries, and Luz and Amity met at summer camp/school rather than through a dimensional portal incident.
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dausy · 1 year
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I'm having an anxiety day. I'm pretty sure I've just hit my coffee tolerance level and its making me feel like a full body case of restless legs. There are things I want to do and should do but I feel too shaky to move about but also too antsy to sit still.
This is not at all a depressed or sad post. I don't mean it that way, I just physically feel anxious for no reason and its making me physically feel bad. I'd rather have a headache. To be fair, recently my diet has consisted of primarily coffee and cereal and thats probably the reason I feel this way. I did go to the grocery store earlier but nothing sounded good. I'm hungry, and I don't know what to eat. Working a 7-7 job essentially as well is killing my appetite as well. Because I don't feel like cooking when I get home. The past 2 jobs over the past however many years, usually I've been home by about 4pm. This schedule is just not jiving with my stomach.
I'm also struggling a bit with keeping up with all the twitter replica websites. I just can't find it in me to upload. I feel like its annoying to copy and paste my thoughts on each website.
My inner obsessive-self has redirected its obsession to reading so I'm finding it hard to stay focused on art internet because I'd rather be reading. Although today, I'd really like to read but its like a strong case of ADHD is just not letting me focus.
Ive been enjoying uploading to youtube but again, it doesn't look like I'm going to be successful this weekend. I did manage to draw half an image I actually kind of like and I was going to paint but thats why I'm here on tumblr. I cant get my body to chill. Calm down girl, you got stuff you want to do. Music is annoying me, the tv is annoying me, I'm overstimulated in this moment. Thats the sad thing too, I have tv shows/movies I want to watch. I went to the gym already and I've sat in the bathtub and took a bubble bath.
This is actually kind of one of those days I wish I was at work because it lets me blow off steam but at the same time I really just want to read and paint and my brain wont let me.
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kiatheinsomniac · 7 months
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐍𝐄'𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇-𝐔𝐏!*˚ .♡⋆ˊˎ -
❝For the valentines matchup! Aralez, non-binary bisexual, they/them, Taurus, INFJ. assassin’s creed or HOTD! I’m a semi professional actor, with my wheelhouse being mostly Shakespeare and stage combat, fave is sword fighting. I do ballet and have a black belt in tae kwon do; hobbies also include crochet, reading/writing, and music I’m very energetic, sharing/giving, strong willed, ADHD Galaxy brain, also narcoleptic (professional sleepyhead) xD lot of magpie kike tendencies, I like to try/collect/do a little bit of everything, also love shiny things especially crystals and jewelry. Thank you for doing this!❞ @aralezinspace
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♡ I can absolutely see your acting being what initially catches Arno'a attention. The man might be an Assassin capable of immense violence but he's still a lover of the arts at his heart.
♡ he really admires your balance between elegance and grace as opposed to strength and chaos; the ballet and tae kwon do, the quiet hobbies like crochet and reading vs your high energy levels. You have an element of both balance and unpredictability to you that he likes a lot.
♡ in order to get a little closer to you so that you'd feel comfortable enough to accept his proposal of a date, he offered to coach you some more in stage combat techniques, using his knowledge of actual combat and inviting you to the training room above the café-theatre
♡ Arno takes you to a market! He knows you like to collect little trinkets and such so he thought it would be perfect! He'll insist on buying everything for you and if you start to worry about him spending such money on you then he'll just buy them once you're distracted at another stall~
♡ he really likes seeing you fill your hands with shiny bits of jewellery and crystals until they're spilling through your fingers as you hand them over to the vendor. He also makes sure to point out pieces that he thinks will be to your taste and the two of you grab some snacks from some food stalls too.
♡ should you start to feel sleepy, you'll return to his home where he has afternoon tea set up for you and you can have a more slow-paced date cuddled up and reading Shakespeare.
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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: acting and stage combat sounds so cool omg!! hope you enjoyed taking part in my valentine's event!
missed the match-up event? try ships instead! ☾ ⋆ ゚like my work? why not: ∘ buy me a coffee? ∘ comms. ∘ taglist ∘ follow/reblog
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headcanons: Tanaka Kenzo
content warning for sexual assault/rape (of a minor) and cage fights/fight club
Quick headcanons -
Name: Tanaka Kenzo
Age: 22
Gender: Male
DOB/Place: December 19th, 2038 in Kobe*, Japan
Rank/Type: S Rank Tank
Guild/Occupation: - Draw Sword Guild
Past Occupation(s): Cashier
Weapons: Lefty and Righty (his fists)
Family: Hamasaki Rin (mom) (unknown)
Tanaka Masao (dad) (unknown)
Tanaka Nozomi (younger sister) (unknown)
Tanaka Shigeru (younger brother) (unknown)
^ biological ^
Kutsuki Manabu (adoptive dad) (deceased)
^ fun fact: kutsuki means decayed/rotting tree and manabu means learn ^
Aikawa Makoto (adopted brother) (alive)
^ white skinny nerdy brunette with the glasses ^
Ebina Susumu (adopted brother) (alive)
^ large pacific islander gamer with adhd ^
Chiba Nanami (adopted brother) (alive)
^ tall black artist missing 3 fingers on his right hand ^
Fueki Takuya (adopted brother) (alive)
^ quiet hoodie kid paralyzed from the waist down ^
sorry he has so much family - i promise it makes more sense when you read the short story about his past, but i admit it looks like a mess seeing all the names together :') i hope the characterizations help a little
Core headcanons -
Hidden talent: Good with fixing watches (and other small appliances) 
Favorite food: Fried octopus 
What motivates them: The desire to prove himself wrong, that he was strong back then in his fighting days and he is strong now too, and that becoming an S ranker didn’t just make him strong, he earned his spot 
Treasured possession: His dad’s red scarf 
Deepest secret: His scars are from when he dealt with underground fights, thus he makes up a story each time 
Best/Worst thing to happen to them: Moving out with his brothers and his friends/
Random memories: Getting a crush on his manager at the corner store he worked at after he moved out, during fight season him and his friends would crowd into one bed despite there being so many of them, playing Minecraft for the first time and being so terrified of the creepers that his brothers have to help him play, everyone crowding into the bathroom to take care of the kids that came back from fighting, him and his friends getting drunk for the first time and absolutely trashing their apartment, going on a road trip to the beach with Atsushi and having the best time of his life digging a hole in the sand,
Best friend/Worst enemy: Atsushi Kumamoto/His adoptive father
Good/Bad traits: Strong, reliable, caring, observant /Insecure, avoids conflict, 
Things they’ve done/like to do: Start the day with a coffee and gossip with Atsushi, chose a lucky pocket watch for each day, wrestle Akari whenever she gets too bossy during a raid, suddenly pick up his friends to scare the shit out of them, mixing energy drinks and coffee in the morning because he likes the “tingling feeling behind his eyes for the rest of the day,” 
Personality type: “Entertainer” ESFP-A (86% extraverted, 14% introverted; 13% intuitive, 87% observant; 32% thinking, 68% feeling; 28% judging, 72% prospecting; 56% assertive, 44% turbulent)
Nervous habit: Rubbing the back of his neck/his face, resorting to a boxer stance 
Things they’re afraid of: Bugs especially flying ones, underground areas, thunder and lightning, 
Things they want to accomplish: Figure out how to restore antiques, find his biological dads old antique shop and see if its still open, try and find his biological siblings just to check up on them, 
Additional headcanons -
Unlike the others, he doesn't mind that he never gets to see Goto Ryuji around the guild because he's very intimidated by the man
He looks tough as shit but the moment you get hurt he's like "Are you ok? You want me to carry you? Here's some water, lemme go get dad," aka Sugimoto Reiji
Him and Akari banter so fucking much it gives everyone a headache. He banters with no one else, usually because he only gets snarky once provoked
Not really an outdoorsy person, hates the heat and the bugs and the dirt. Somehow the team found themselves camping after being convinced by Akari, and Kenzo is unsurprisingly the one who whined the most
He really likes restoring antiques, especially old clocks. Has a small collection of pocket watches he’s restored but unwilling to sell
Spends a lot of time with Atsushi because he feels like Atsushi will never judge him for anything, which leads to him being rather soft around him, something he would sooner die than do around Akari or Tatsumi
Their Timeline -
Age 10: gets adopted
3 years pass
Age 13: first fight
Age 14: the sexual assault first happens
4 years pass
Age 18: Runs away from foster home (Tokyo's Red Gate Incident happens) 
Age 19: realizes he's an S rank + joins the Draw Sword Guild 
3 years pass
Age 22: now 
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ravenousnightwind · 2 years
You know, before I got medicated, I couldn't even cuddle with my partner or feel any kind of things about him. I couldn't even feel things when I was supposed to. Depression literally took away my ability to feel. People might say: huh that doesn't make any sense. Yeah it actually does. You know why? Because depression as an illness doesn't just sometimes make you upset emotionally. It can also deaden your emotions and literally isolate you mentally from other people. It shuts off your ability to understand others and interpret things the way you would normally if you weren't having an episode.
So how come I couldn't cuddle with my partner? Well, when you have autism and adhd, apparently these effects when paired with extreme major depressive disorder, can make a person feel uncomfortable or like something is to heavy or disturbing when it shouldn't be. So I'd always feel this sense of being uncomfortable with him because maybe his leg was on me. Plus my having other issues too that were exasperated by it.
I started to develop IBS symptoms and it got to the point any time I had coffee, potatoes, etc, if it wasn't unrefined foods or foods that weren't related to poisonous plants, I couldn't eat it. Now the interesting part with this is that there is literal scientific evidence now to show the gut bacteria communicate with the brain to help you digest stuff. So if the brain isn't working in a way it should what's gonna happen? Emotions, functionality, relationships, and even your diet will all be affected.
I went unmedicated for years thinking I didn't need that shit. Well, it has affected me so badly now that it has progressed to the point I can't be a normal human without them. So when you have had depression since childhood like I have, then..it's likely by being unmedicated that the disease will cause more damage to your brain over a period of time as it cannot function. If you pair that with adhd and autism, there's also things about that which affect it negatively too. With autism the "wiring" is there but signals aren't strong enough or don't get sent out. That part whatever it happens to be, just doesn't function even though all the things for it to are there.
Interestingly enough, the brain has the ability to adapt and even repair itself. It's an organ that is very complex, but also mysterious. When we train ourselves by doing puzzles, yes, even playing games where we have to figure out what we're doing on our own, it allows out brain to make new neural connections. So matching games, memory games, etc. All that and more can help your brain heal itself over time. But it's also possible that without meds you might lack the ability to even do that. As that's where it was going for me.
Mental illness is a serious thing, you can't just beat your kids or discipline people to be better or not be a way. Sometimes it's because you can't see what's really going on. That they're actually sick or suffering from an incurable disease. And especially if you were or your child is like me? I didn't know why I couldn't do those things, like go to school and do homework etc. I just knew I couldn't it made me so tired and exhausted but people equated that to laziness or whatever.
My point is, just because you don't know. Doesn't mean it isn't real. Just because they can't find anything wrong doesn't mean there isn't something wrong. It needs to be taken as a real debilitating disease as it is instead of seen as this "you just don't want to"
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kideusindigofirefox · 26 days
Passive Forcing Brassbergs family style
Eyuup, Kideus here and I want to talk about Passive forcing.  Each morning, when I wake up or try to start my day, I do some passive forcing, while walking with my dog, Morgan, or watching videos while sipping my GG coffee (GamerSupps, not coffee). I visualize the tulpa I am working on.  Right now I am forcing Ace and Axl, while listening to a video and writing this post, while chatting in two chats and yeah, multitasking is sometimes our strong suit. I have visualized a lot in the evenings, so mornings are like personality forcing. However, I am not focusing too much on the personality traits I chose and letting them pick it more than forcing it on them like I did with Nox and Teo. I was more focused on the textbook version of forcing and tulpa creating because well, Nox was my first and Teo was my second. I did some Fucking around and Finding out with Teo, but now I am in full-on FAAFO mode with the older twins.  I have created the outlooks for them, I landed on a frog-bat-human hybrid, which I think I mentioned earlier. The twins can both fly, swim, and walk. They have fins between their fingers and toes, being more frog-like in that aspect, and they have bat-like leather wings sprouting from their backs. Ace is more in the black and red scale colorwise, and Axl is more white and green. They are allowed to change the colors, but that's just their ''Starting template''.  They won't be just babysitters for their younger brothers though, but They both have protective instincts implanted in them in case something threatens Nox and Teo or makes them feel afraid. This will be interesting because I am sure Nox and Teo will hide behind Ace and Axl in many situations.  Ace and Axl have gotten more and more ready lately, because of the sheer amount of time I use on them. Teo is also fully conscious now, which is partly because of our lovely friend and sister, M. She has been a big help in creating Teo fully conscious, because with someone who I can talk to about my processes in real life helps, and someone who allows them to talk with them helps a lot too.  For us, Passive forcing looks something like this: I sit on my computer and visualize the tulpa(s) I am working on sitting on the couch or doing something while sitting or standing behind me. Right now I am puppeting a tiny bit, making Ace and Axl play a clap game together while I am writing this. So part of my brain is focusing on this, while others are thinking about Ace and Axl playing the clap game. It's multitasking, and not everyone can do it, but it works better for us because of my ADHD. I just can't sit down and focus on one thing most of the time.  I think I will soon hear either of the twins talk for the first time too. I think it will be in our Tulpish, where they talk in pictures, but it's still good nonetheless. It's our language of communication. Nox and Teo are learning actual words, which I will teach to Ace and Axl too, and I am sure Nox and Teo will help with that.  How I teach kids to speak is quite simple. I have my old ABC book from I think first grade or even Preschool, which has simple phrasing and teaches how to read, so I use it to teach them how to talk. I have preinstalled the ability to read for them, so they understand written words, but can't talk them out. If they ever want to message someone, it's kinda fun also trying to decipher what they mean. Like if Teo shows me a picture of a beach, it's easy to tell that he wants to go swimming or to the beach, but if Nox gets excited and shows a comic with no speech bubbles, that's a different story. So yea. It's interesting, but fun. After Ace and Axl gain the ability to communicate, I will start creating Max, Sky, and Lux. That's gonna be fun. I won't be creating them fully sentient, but not like Servitors either. They will be something in between a Servitor and a Tulpa. But that's a post for another time.
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