#melissa x other
schemmentisjacket · 4 months
Chapter 2 - Prep Day pt 2
Authors Note: Little something something about non binary queer new teacher coming in, leading to Melissa finding the one.
After moving the couple of boxes from her car, Melissa spent the first hour of her morning unpacking and organising before Ava’s scheduled meet up in the gym.
She found herself distracted somewhat as her door was open and the new teacher had been passing with boxes for Barbara’s classroom down the hall, before taking home in the room directly opposite Melissa’s. They’d also left the door open, so she’d been able to sneak glances over every time she’d needed to go past the doorway.
Glancing over at the clock she could see that it was ten minutes till the meeting so she grabbed her travel mug and wandered across the hall. She lent against the doorway and surveyed the scene for a minute or two.
Charlie was unpacking boxes over by the window, back towards her. They were lifting stacks of books from the boxes, hands that were still gloved carefully lining them up on top of the dresser. Glancing around the room Melissa could see the care and attention of which every new item has been added to the room, ready for the new class.
Melissa rapped her knuckles against the door frame, Charlie jumped slightly as they turned, before grinning, in the same easy crooked way they had this morning.
‘Do we need to get you a bell Miss Schemmenti? Sneaking up on people like that. Though those leather pants seem more cat woman than cat burglar.’
Melissa chuckled throatily, ‘Melissa is just fine, Just wondered if you wanted to grab a drink before the meeting? Ava’s known to go off on a bit of a tangent, might be worth staying caffeinated,’ she waved her cup.
Charlie wandered over, lifting a large travel cup off the desk nearest to Melissa, ‘I’ve had my coffee intake for the day, but I could do with filling this with some fresh water, so I’ll head with you if thats okay. I’ve not been to the teachers lounge since the interview in summer so if you wouldn’t mind giving me the tour.’
‘Sure thing. You might want to re think the coffee though, I’m serious about Ava.’ Melissa commented as they headed down corridor towards the staff room.
‘If I have any more coffee my leg will probably bounce off or annoy you before the meetings over.’
Melissa snorted, ‘I’m sure you won’t be as bad as Janine.’
‘Who’s Janine?’ Charlie asked as they opened the door for Melissa to step into the room.
A blur of colour moved quickly towards them both, ‘Oh my goodness you must be the new fourth grade teacher, I’m Janine Teagues second grade!’
‘You look pretty tall for a second grader,’ Charlie said seriously.
Then cracked ‘Ah, I’m just messing with you. Charlie Flinn, pleased to meet you.’
Janine laughed loudly turning towards a table in front of the window, ‘Jacob come meet Charlie she’s the new teacher this year!’
‘They, Janine,’ Melissa interrupted. ‘Charlies pronouns are they/them,’ she turned towards Charlie to confirm and they nodded, though she clocked their eyebrows were raised in surprise.
They seemed to open their mouth to comment, but were interrupted by the immediate flow of apologies from Janine and the arrival of Jacob.
‘Don’t sweat it,’ Charlie shrugged, ‘Jacob?’ They turned towards the curly haired man before them hand outstretched.
Melissa clocked that the leather gloves they’d had on this morning were still on. She’d assumed they were driving gloves but now she wasn’t so sure.
‘Yes that’s me. That is I. Jacob Hill, he him pronouns. Proud member of the LGBTQI plus community and history buff. Excellent sneakers by the way, Jordan 4s?’
‘3s actually. Lovely to have a fellow out and prouder around here too.’
‘Ah I was close, my ex boyfriend was actually the real sneaker guy, I’m not quite as good. Ah! Finally I might get some traction with doing a pride history month focus,’
Melissa stepped in, ‘Jacob, Janine we just came in for coffee before the meeting, don’t be scaring the new one off. So far their my favourite,’
Barbara glanced up from her crossword at table, she smiled catching what was said and the way Melissa lead Charlie over to the coffee station, Charlie had removed their leather jacket and Melissas hand was resting on their bicep through the forest green hoodie as she guided them away from Janine and Jacob.
Melissa and the new teacher, hmm I gotta keep an eye on this.
‘Melissa never likes the new teachers,’ said Jacob quietly turning to Janine.
Janine turned to Jacob, ‘Did you see the way she stepped in to correct me about their pronouns,’
‘You should really not assume things Janine, you know a few years ago I attended a lgbtqi plus meeting, and..’
Janine tuned out, used to Jacobs long convoluted storytelling.
Charlie filled their large travel bottle with cold water from the tap. ‘Even if I did want a coffee, I didn’t bring a coffee cup in yet,’ they explained to Melissa who was filling their cup from the pot. It had the philly eagles logo on the side.
‘Here I gotta spare, lemme just get it you,’ she opened the cupboard, pulling out a black mug the phrase I’m the Boss Capiche? And a woman with big italian flag coloured sunglasses and hair wrap.
‘I will want it back,’ Melissa threatened lightly hand going to a slightly cocked hip.
‘Yes Ma’am.’
‘Teachers to the gym! I’ma bout to get my introduction on!’ Ava summoned over the PA.
‘Thats our call handsome. Hope you’re ready. Ava is gonna have a field day with you.’ Melissa grinned clinking her mug against the borrowed one.
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damienns · 4 months
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5x16 | 6x10
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bellamysgriffin · 4 months
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get to know me meme >> Favorite Friendships [29/?] Barbara Howard & Melissa Schemmenti (Abbott Elementary)
Honey, family you kill for. I ain't killing for any of you. Except Barbara.
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samanthamulder · 1 year
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THE X-FILES (1993-2018)
SEASON THREE — Don’t you see, Mulder? You’re doing their work for them. You’re chasing aliens that aren’t there, helping them to create a story to cover the shameful truth. And what they can’t cover, they apologize for. Apology has become policy.
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whumpypepsigal · 5 months
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“[On where Tim was coming from] I think Bradford probably perceives it as the most loving action he can take in that moment because he's also self-flagellating and thinking that he is a not very desirable human being — given his history that has resurfaced that he was trying to bury, but is irrepressible and has reappeared and put so much at risk, including the person that he loves.” — source
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bisexualfbiagents · 1 year
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There is no right or wrong. Life is just a path. You follow your heart and it'll take you where you're supposed to go. God, you sound like a greeting card.
CELEBRATING 30 YEARS OF THE X FILES Day 3: Favorite Character ➤ Melissa Scully
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mellow-plum · 7 months
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CHENFORD + "I love you" 💜
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melschenford · 9 months
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we see you checking tim out, lucy don’t be shy😌
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schemmentisjacket · 4 months
Chapter 1 - Prep Day pt 1
Authors Note: Little something something about non binary queer new teacher coming in, leading to Melissa finding the one.
Prep days. All the teachers were familiar with this by now, Barbara and Melissa especially having done many over the years. So rolling round to the first day of the year, well for teachers anyway, Melissa found herself pulling into the carpark and swinging into her usual bay next to Barbara’s more sensible family car, whilst her green dodge challenger glistened in the morning sun.
‘Morning Barb,’ her first call from the window before sliding them up and slipping out of the leather seat, door closing behind her.
‘Morning dear, ready for the first day?’ Barb asked, her boot open, surveying the boxes stacked up with supplies for the coming year and for classroom decorating.
Just as Melissa opened her mouth to reply, a sleek blacked out Jeep pulled into the car park. Compact. Tinted windows. Glossy. ‘Fuck that’s a nice car,’ Slid from her mouth instead of the usual, ‘Another year, same shit, but anything for my little eagles’
‘What Barb? It’s a thing of beauty, never seen that round here before. Reckon it’s the new fourth grade teacher? I wonder who got it.’
‘I’m not sure who Ava chose in the end. There were definitely some serious candidates from the interview process. Hopefully it’s a good one or at least my choice!’ Barbara said, looking over to the Jeep. She had been part of the recruitment process over the summer, meeting several of the candidates and feeding back to Ava. However they hadn’t been told who had been successful.
They both heard the pop of the door handle. A green leather gloved hand appeared around the door. White sneakers gave way to mid blue denim, not too tight but not overly baggy. Green hoodie layered with a black leather jacket. Chiselled jaw, short auburn hair, cut scalp close at the sides and back, flopped unruly on top. Eyes hidden behind dark lenses.
The clunk of door shutting behind them and a double click of the locks securing travelled across the car park as the person looked up towards them both.
A gloved hand raised in their direction.
‘Mrs Howard!’ The voice called.
Melissa shivered, that voice, low and husky but a hint of femininity.
A crooked grin and the person headed in their direction. A gloved hand raised and the front of the glasses clicked away from the frames. Clear lenses revealed green eyes.
Barbara started forward, arms outstretched ‘Charlie! I told you, Barbara is just fine. Melissa, meet Charlie Flinn. They were my favourite person from the interviews. I had hoped you’d get the position.’
Melissa picked up on the way Barb had used ‘they’. The androgynous styling and meeting of masculine and feminine features, she guessed they might be non binary.
Charlie hugged Barbara. ‘You’re too kind. I’m really glad I got it too! I’m excited to work with you. With both of you,’ They turned to look at Melissa and reached out a leather clad hand, ‘You must be Miss Schemmenti, Mrs How, I mean Barbara, spoke so highly of you during my interview, I was hoping to get the chance to meet the amazing teacher she’d described, though she never mentioned how stunning you are.’
Melissa felt her chest flush beneath her own leather jacket as she took the offered hand in her own.
‘Nice to meet ya too, Charlie was it? Nice set of wheels you got there.’
‘Thanks, Can I help you ladies move some of those boxes?’
Barbara smiled widely ‘That would be lovely dear.’
Melissa turned to her own car popping the trunk, she didn’t have as many boxes as Barb, as she was waiting on a delivery from one of her guys. She took a peak over her shoulder to see Barb load a second box into the newbies arms. The arms of their jacket bulging slightly as they supported the load.
She shook her head. Newbies took time to get used to if they even stuck around, but this one was easy on the eyes and polite without being over eager.
Maybe they’d be worth the time.
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afterschoolcrewz · 4 months
i got curious so here’s an abbott fics bar chart i made for funsies! i didn’t exclude fics that have multiple pairings, so keep in mind that the totals may not actually equate to the amount of fics within the tag. i also combined all the melissa/reader tags into one for convenience.
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extra numbers below!
Exact Totals
Barbara/Melissa - 454
Melissa/Reader - 236
Gregory/Janine - 153
Barbara/Gerald - 58
Ava/Janine - 52
Jacob/Zach - 37
Ava/Barbara - 30
Ava/Melissa - 26
Joe/Melissa - 15
Other - 31
Individual Totals
Melissa - 731
Barbara - 543
Janine - 207
Gregory - 167
Ava - 119
Jacob - 44
Other Pairings
Ava/Reader - 9
Gregory/Taylor - 7
Gregory/Jacob - 4
Amber/Gregory - 3
Jacob/Mr. Morton - 3
Ava/Taylor - 2
Janine/Tariq - 2
Barbara/Ms. Inez - 1
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Chenford + Firsts
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royalarmyofoz · 2 years
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celebratinglucychen · 4 months
Been seeing some gifs from this IG story but they didn’t capture Mel exclaiming very loudly and clearly to Eric, ‘WHERE ARE MY CHOPSTICKS?!’ I thought her comment was cute, chopsticks are a huge part of her culture, and this was one of the main parts of Meleric's exchange, so I thought it important that this doesn't get left out of the caption. Culture is cool and it's cool to see them both engaging with it and talking about it. 🥢
Soooo I made my own gif. With chopsticks. It's the first gif I ever made and I made two versions. Feel free to use :)
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ladyorlandodream · 2 years
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I couldn't help but notice how Barbara, to hurt Melissa, hits on her childhood problems with words and grammar… but at the same time, she is the first to apologize, indeed, before doing so she continues to look at Melissa knowing that she has hurt the latter and, of course, the first thing Melissa does is sit back next to Barb
they can't be too long away from each other
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summerongrand · 6 months
Lucy Chen is Lucy Chen-ing with the
✨ bangs✨
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