coline7373 · 10 months
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"They were pressed so close, he could feel the warmth of him through the clothes, under his fingers. Then Obi-Wan bended slowly, like honey, and pressed his lips, gently, against Cody's neck. He could feel the hair of his beard."
Hello! My first entry to the @codywanfirstkissbingo !!!!
I suck at drawing people kissing so, of course, I decide to try to go for the full bingo 😆
A full bingo is 25 fanarts. Yes. Lol. We will see...
It's going to be a marathon as well as a challenge of olympic level for me. Wish me luck 🧡🍀🧡
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dontbelasagnax · 10 months
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@codywanfirstkissbingo: hopeful kiss
Is there any other way to start off the event than with a tatooine reunion?
bingo card under the cut
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starwarjotta · 9 months
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“Not that I’m complaining (quite on the contrary, actually), but you couldn’t have waited for two more minutes until the end of the battle to do that, sir.”
“How could I, with you giving me a smile like that, my dear?”
“...fine. I’ll allow it, this once. Sir.”
my second @codywanfirstkissbingo work, for “battleground kiss”
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meebles · 10 months
A Codywan WIP for a @codywanfirstkissbingo fill, in which Cody suddenly realizes he's both gay and demisexual, and decides to ask Obi-Wan a very blunt question:
“Obi-Wan. Are we in love?”
Obi-Wan blinks before his eyes bulge, mouth slightly agape. As the seconds tick by in stiff silence, Cody realizes that this is the first time in his almost ten years of knowing Obi-Wan where he’s seen the other man at a loss for words.
“ …I think I’m going to make myself some tea. Would you like some?” Obi-Wan asks suddenly, his tone neutral as he composes his expression to match. Without waiting for an answer, he rises from the armchair and walks to the kitchen.
Cody stares at him dumbly for a long moment, before getting up and following Obi-Wan. He must’ve heard Cody approach, but he doesn’t acknowledge him, just continues filling the kettle.
Part of him wants to bolt from the apartment, but Cody refuses to let his resolve waiver, knowing he has to see this through now that he’s broken the damn. So instead he goes about helping, pulling out Obi-Wan’s favored mug and his overpriced honey.
Only once they’re both sat back in the living room, two steaming cups between them, does Obi-Wan speak.
“You said we, before. So the answer to your question rather depends. Are you in love with me?”
Something hot and burning and bright twists itself in Cody’s gut. “That’s all it depends on? Just that?”
“Yes,” Obi-Wan replies, soft yet firm as anything.
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Codywan First Kiss Bingo
Can't get enough of Cody and Obi-Wan's first kiss in any universe and situation? Well then we'd love to have you play our bingo!
How to Play
Fill out this form and we'll email you your shiny bingo card. Every card is a shuffled assortment of prompts that will look something like this:
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Below are all the rules you should know about before you join.
General Rules
We're sure you are familiar with the rules of bingo, but just to be certain everyone is on the same page, to get a bingo you must fill five prompts in a row. That row can be vertical, horizontal, or diagonal. Fill all the prompts on your card and that's a blackout!
Get as creative with your kisses as you want but they MUST BE A FIRST KISS between Obi-Wan and Cody in some capacity. 
Prompt fills should be new works, meaning that they should not be part of an ongoing work-in-progress. Sequels and prequels to already-finished works are welcome! 
Posting Dates
Participants have the entire month of December to post bingo fills! Sign up around the time of this announcement and you will have a two month creation window before December 1st rolls around.
You can either post to our collection on ao3 and/or on tumblr but we do ask that you please tag us @codywanfirstkissbingo AND tag your post with #CWFKB2023 as we don’t want to miss anyone if tumblr drops the ball. 
If you’re posting on AO3 but want us to reblog your fill, please make a Tumblr post with the link and make sure to @ us and tag your post with #CWFKB2023. We’ll be checking the collection when tracking fills and making round-up posts with bingos and blackouts, but we will not be cross-posting every individual fill on AO3 ourselves if the creator has not made a tumblr post.   
Please include a screenshot of your bingo tag with the prompt fill indicated so we know which square you’ve filled!
Specific Rules
Fic: 100 words minimum per prompt fill. To be clear, the kiss itself does not have to last 100 words, though we'd be delighted to see that.
Art: One drawing per fill (digital or traditional). Different drawings can be on the same canvas/page if you so wish. Go wild with your compositions.
Podfic: Same requirements as fic. You can collaborate with someone writing a fic specifically for the event or find an existing fic that fills your prompt.
Fanmix: One song per fill- we'd love to see what songs give you codywan first kiss vibes. Try to match lyrics to your prompt but instrumental songs are cool too.
Other: Send an ask with your inquiry! We're more than happy to discuss expanding the fanwork pool to maximize creativity.
You can post any work with any rating, but please abide by the appropriate rating/archive warning/tags on AO3 when posting there. When posting on tumblr, please warn for potentially triggering content in the tags and the header to the post, so readers can filter as needed. Anything spicy or explicit should go under a read-more tag, and please use a read-more tag if you’re posting a fic that is longer than a drabble (100 words) to be considerate of people’s dashboard feeds.
To help make this event a safe one for Codywan fans with any kind of photosensitivity, we do specifically request that you tag any and all flashing imagery with #flashing. If you're unsure what constitutes flashing, please see this article, or err on the side of caution for any image with: moving stripes or checkered patterns; strobe light, lightning, or explosion effects in any image or video; images of flickering light/sunlight on leaves/water; very fast cuts between images in a gif or video; rapidly moving images in an animation or gif set that stop and start or “stutter;” sparkle text or similar moving text effects; and images in an animation, gifset, or video that are in high color contrast to each other (for example, a gif set that cuts pink Barbie gifs with black & white Oppenheimer gifs to create a fast-moving contrast between the two styles.) 
The CWFKB mods' decision is final on whether your post/entry requires a flashing warning; they will contact you to ask you to update your tags if you haven’t already noted in your tumblr or AO3 post that your fill contains #flashing content. If you are not willing to use the flashing tag, even after being contacted by the mods, the mods have the right to decide that under-tagged flashing fills will be disqualified from the event.
Finally– with exceptions for the NSFW or #spicy and #flashing tags on tumblr– you have the right to choose not to warn readers in accordance with AO3’s “choose not to warn” option, but posters whose tags or ratings are deceptive or misleading versus the actual content may have their fills disqualified.
When in doubt, please contact the mods! The mods will contact you about any fill where the tags and ratings raise this concern, with a request that you revise and update your tags and warnings.
Combining Prompts
This is a low stakes event and we just want people to have fun! If you want to combine prompts that's totally fine, but we ask that you give each fill its own scene within the larger work. This means there should be a separate kiss for each prompt, even if the 'scene' is a series of types of kisses all in a row.
Swapping Prompts
Nearly have a bingo but there's that one pesky prompt in your way you don't vibe with? Go ahead and swap it with another prompt on your card. As all the prompts are randomly selected and not handpicked for participants; we understand there's a chance some of the prompts may not inspire you so we allow ONE and only ONE SWAP PER CARD. Use it carefully if you need it!
Behind the Scenes
This bingo is modded by tumblr users @dontbelasagnax @lttrsfrmlnrrgby and @notthestarwar. Since we're big fans of the previous codywan bingos, we felt the drive to bring the fun back for anyone else that has missed the event as much as us!
Our adorable profile picture was drawn by @anaclastic-azurite! 
You can actually find the public inception of this bingo event right here!
If you have any further questions after reading our rules, our askbox is open!
(NB: edited Oct. 9 to add "vertical.")
(NB: edited Nov. 10 to add "This means there should be a separate kiss for each prompt, even if the 'scene' is a series of types of kisses all in a row.")
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inkformyblood · 9 months
stay the night (and the morning after) CWFKB #5
Morning Breath Kiss fill for @codywanfirstkissbingo Canon Era, Morning after but mild.
There is no slow awakening for Cody; only a sudden and immediate wakefulness that descends on him, seemingly out of nowhere. He stares up at the blank bunk above him, tracing the sharp lines of rapid assembly that no amount of filler or sanding seemed to be able to hide, and feels the rumble of the ship’s engines somewhere in the soles of his feet and a patch just beneath his ribs. This is a better mattress than he’s used to, the engines generally shake enough to rattle his teeth loose this early in the morning and he had become accustomed to simply rolling over and ignoring them. Next to him, someone shifts, a warm hand splayed over the bare expanse of Cody’s belly, a puff of warm air impacting his shoulder before they settle once more.
Without moving, Cody drags his gaze sideways, straining against the confines of his peripheral vision as he makes out a mess of red hair — his heart picking up in tempo, a rush that near enough sends his head spinning in protest — and a sweep of dark lashes that cast shadows over Obi-Wan’s cheeks even in the dim light. Okay. So, that wasn’t entirely a dream. 
The headache should have clued him in sooner, an oversight he wouldn’t be making again in a hurry regardless of how much the Engineering Department swore up and down that they’d worked out all of the kinks in their most recent attempt at a still. It had been an impressive feat of mechanics and sheer audacity, all gleaming chrome pipes stolen from a passing merchant ship that had been mostly gold plate and wouldn’t miss them and a better maintained cleaning cycle than the rest of the ship that kept them that way. Cody prods his lower lip with his tongue, trying to remember anything past the second drink that had tasted vaguely sweet and had a kick like a bantha to go with it. 
There’d been a proposition, eagerly given and accepted, that much he’s sure of, but he couldn’t remember if he had asked or if Obi-Wan had. The little details slip through his fingers, additional ammo for the pounding headache brewing just behind his eyes. His mouth tastes stale and it’s that that drives him up from the bed, wriggling out from Obi-Wan’s hold and staggering into the fresher. Obi-Wan’s quarters are distinctly nicer than his own, a benefit Cody is going to luxuriate in for as long as it takes for the Jedi to wake up and the subsequent awkward conversation. Cody borrows Obi-Wan’s toothbrush, spitting into the sink and keeping one hand on the faucet as he brushes. In the mirror, his eyes are bloodshot, his pupils blown wide and dark, and, rises onto his toes, tipping his head to one side, there’s a bite on his neck, sore only now that he’s noticed it. It throbs in dull counterpoint to his headache, and Cody leans forwards, dragging his lip to one side, the toothbrush held between his teeth.
He can’t remember kissing Obi-Wan. 
He’ll have to rectify that before he leaves. Cody scrubs a hand over his curls and spits once more into the sink, rinsing and dropping the brush back into the small holder. It’s still early, early enough that he could climb back into bed and try and grab a couple more hours of sleep before the inevitable happens. 
Obi-Wan had rolled over while Cody had been in the fresher, the blanket tangled around his thighs, a section pulled up against his chest. As Cody steps closer, Obi-Wan shifts, reaching his free arm over his head to tap against the pillow, indenting the surface. Cody pauses, chewing on his lip, before he continues, crawling back into bed behind Obi-Wan. He presses his head against the pillow and Obi-Wan’s fingers brush against his nose once, twice. Another sigh floods through him, the muscles in his thighs pressed against the side of Cody’s leg flexing and then relaxing completely. “Where did you go?”
Oh. Oh? Cody blinks up at the underside of the bunk. “Fresher,” he answers, keeping his voice low. It’s still early after all, there’s no reason to disrupt everything and throw out this moment of peace for the sake of a conversation woven with a confession. It can wait. “Go back to sleep.”
“Are you going to stay?” Obi-Wan wriggles around so he’s facing Cody, the blanket a lost cause around his legs. He grunts, reaching down to tug at the fabric but abandons the task after a moment, pressing himself closer to Cody’s side. He rests his head on Cody’s chest, his breathing deep and slow. 
“If you’d like me to.”
Obi-Wan nods, pressing himself impossibly closer. He drapes his arm across Cody’s chest, dragging his fingertips over the curve of his collarbone, back and forth, back and forth. It tickles, the touch delicate enough to barely register and Cody twitches his way through a laugh, forcing his breathing to even back out. They are both quiet and every blink grows longer, sleep descending over Cody as quickly as waking had. Obi-Wan shifts next to him, bracing his hand against the pillow beneath Cody’s head to push himself up.
“Can I kiss you?”
Cody opens his eyes. Obi-Wan smiles gently up at him, his eyes still half-lidded in the gloom. “It’s fine if you say no. I think I still smell like last night and—”
“Yes?” Obi-Wan blinks, rising up slightly on his hand. The curve of his shoulder reminds Cody of a hunter, something prowling through the undergrowth and utterly focused on its target, even as he prods his lower lip with his tongue. Something utterly starving. 
Obi-Wan surges forward and Cody catches him, kissing him with equal intensity and it isn’t perfect, their teeth knocking together, the leftover taste of sour alcohol mixing with the sharp toothpaste, but it’s right. 
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Blue crosses for posted, orange dots for completed fills. I'm currently posting in written order but feel free to send me a message/request in the tags for a specific fill to be posted sooner <3
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lothcatthree · 9 months
“Are you quite finished?” Obi-Wan crosses his arms and looks like that unimpressed tooka in a dress again. Force, Cody doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to look at the feared General the same way again. Not that he wants to, of course. “Am I quite finished?” Cody mocks Obi-Wan’s accent and swallows whatever insult the Jedi is about to throw his way when he pushes off the wall and grabs Obi-Wan’s face, kissing him filthily and directing him to the bed.
They're tasked with retrieving some intel in a Casino, which they acquire fairly quickly. The next question is what to do with the rest of the night. Or, Obi-Wan is a bastard, Cody is so done, and they're hopelessly in love.
(Rough kiss)
ahhhh almost done!! one more fill to go :) @codywanfirstkissbingo
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biscuityskies · 10 months
last line challenge!
i was tagged by @eloquent-apollo for the last line challenge some time ago and i'm not sure if i'll ever write smth this good again 🧍 so . i'm cashing it in with this!!! (which i just wrote for @codywanfirstkissbingo btw. if u even care.)
“Obi-Wan, listen to me,” Cody whispers into his comms. “You take those troopers and you get the hell out of here. Do you understand me? I am a lost cause. Do not - under any circumstances - come back for me!”  “Cody?”  Cody bites down on his tongue, tasting iron before speaking again. What’s one more act of fraternization?  “I love you.”  And in one swift motion, he removes his comms and smashes them with a piece of debris so that Obi-Wan can’t get himself into any more Forcedamned situations. 
i have this thing where i don't want to be a burden so i'm not going to tag anyone but i WILL leave it open ended - if you have smth you want to share, i encourage you to do so! consider this as me tagging you!
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Obi-Wan breaks the ice – literally. With so many things left unsaid and undone between them, Cody has no choice but to dive in after his general and try to bring him back to life.
My fill for the @codywanfirstkissbingo square "kiss of life" :3
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itsgoldleaf · 10 months
Codywan First Kiss Bingo 2023!!!
I am so excited for @codywanfirstkissbingo, I’m such a ‘getting together’ nerd so this is right up my street :)
I’ve had a lot going on recently irl so I don’t know if I’ll be able to write any more for this event in time or even get a bingo, but that’s okay! I’ve still lots of wips that will see the light of day when they’re ready, whenever that will be. No pressure is the best pressure!
Big thanks to @dontbelasagnax @lttrsfrmlnrrgby and @notthestarwar for organising this lovely event!
This is for the prompt: hand kiss, and you can read it on ao3 at the link below!
the stuff of fairy tales (mostly)
Cody doesn’t get it.
“Oh, it’s the stuff of fairy tales mostly, not so much practiced these days, and certainly not on Coruscant.” Kenobi is very sure about that last, his syllables crisp and passively scathing.
“Fairy tales?” The rain hangs like sheets and their small landing party slips through them like a soggy band of ghosts. Cody is soaked through, his boots squelching in the muddy grass and his blacks blacker with the wet, and the conversation is a welcome distraction from the weather. Their pick-up point is near enough now that he can’t possibly get lost, so he forgoes the repeated wiping of drizzle from his visor and keeps Kenobi’s hems in the corner of his eye as a waypoint as he trudges instead.
“He means stories for babies,” Skywalker supplies from Cody’s left, punctuated by further sucking sounds of booted feet in sodden earth and the occasional sniff of the troopers dogging the heels of their commanding officers.
Kenobi’s glare is almost audible.
Bingo card below the cut.
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coline7373 · 9 months
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"For Life and Light."
Pffffiuuuuu... I didn't thought I would finish it in time but I did! *fist pump*
Just in time to thank the @codywanfirstkissbingo 's mods for such lovely prompts and to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and/or Winter's Holidays!!!!!!!!!
Big love sent to everyone!!!
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dontbelasagnax · 10 months
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@codywanfirstkissbingo: celebratory kiss
The war is over. Officially.
It takes the esteemed High Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi approximately six seconds to process this, locate his commander, and jump him.
bingo card under the cut
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starwarjotta · 9 months
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first work for @codywanfirstkissbingo, "tender kiss" bingo card under keep reading
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meebles · 9 months
a song to bring me clarity
Codywan / Rated T / One-shot / No warnings
“You don’t get it because you’re gay,” Fox drawls from over his whiskey. Cody blinks slowly at him, mind stuttering as he tries to process what the fuck Fox just said. Beside him, Rex huffs. “Fox, don’t start this— ” “No. I am going to start this, actually. I’m somehow more sick of this,” Fox punctuates, splaying a hand towards Cody, “than I am hearing about how soft Aayla’s lips are.” “I’m not gay,” Cody says, frowning. He looks around the crowded booth, and finds that most of his brothers are avoiding his eyes— all except Fox of course, who’s glare is as piercing as it is unyielding. It makes Cody hot with irritation… and something more tumultuous he can’t quite place.
Or: Fox is an ass, and Cody has a bit of a revelation about his sexuality— as well as his feelings toward Obi-Wan
Read on Ao3
My second fill for @codywanfirstkissbingo 2023! For the prompt "nervous kiss"
Bingo card under cut
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Click here to read the rules and sign up! Sign-ups close in late November, and posting begins on December 1st. If you haven't received an email containing your bingo card within two days of signing up, reach out to us at [email protected] and one of the mods will follow up with you.
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inkformyblood · 10 months
a missed connection (CWFKB2023) #1
Canon Divergence, Order 66 Happens Differently. Rough Kiss @codywanfirstkissbingo
The war is over. Mostly over. 
A droid staggers sideways out of the gloom and Cody swings his fist at it’s head, barely pausing in his deliberate trudge forwards. The impact is muted, not just by the layers of plastoid around his hand or the heavy leather gloves that cut off his connection to everything, but by the sensation that Cody isn’t the one urging his body forward. There had been a comm message, a huddled figure in blue fragmented wireframe telling him to do… something.
No. Not him.
The order had been for CC-2224 and Cody hadn’t been CC-2224 for a very long time. CC-2224 died in the same instance that Cody had turned on the squeaking floor of a new battleship, his helmet clipped to his belt for all the good that the scrubbers in his filters did to remove the tang of fresh solder, and he had seen Obi-Wan for the first time. He can’t remember the moment in any great detail; his thoughts skitter away as if he’s trying to remember a lifetime brewed into a minute, but he hadn’t noticed the loss of CC-2224 until weeks later. That he could remember well, the scrap of flimsiwork trying to coax him back to Kamino for a routine procedure now that he was Republic property and not theirs. He’d lost the recall notice, immediately, into the fresher sink and ran the water until the pipes ran clear and the notice would have been nothing more than a distant memory if Cody hadn’t been completely and utterly himself. 
What had the comm been? 
It must have been important although he didn’t fully recognise the voice on the other end. Throughout the course of the war, and it had been a long course, doubling back to planets they had already been to because some bastards couldn’t realise when they’d been beaten, Cody had spoken to what felt like every single politician from here to the Outer Rim who had managed to squeeze themselves into sickly sweet politeness as they had shaken Cody’s hand and then congratulated him on ‘doing such a fine job for a clone’. Cody had smiled and nodded and imagined shooting them between the eyes. Fox had confessed over slightly too many drinks balanced out with some very strong coffees, that he imagined stabbing them, his eyes a little too wild for Cody to think he was being anything other than completely serious. 
Cody turns in an instant, thumbing the catch on his blaster and raising it in the same motion. Obi-Wan doesn’t pause like he should at the raised weapon, continuing on his intercept trajectory, and Cody has a moment to sigh out an exasperated “General,” before Obi-Wan crashes into him. He’s warm, solid beneath his layers of fabric, and it’s a wonder that he’s still got his robes on this late into a battle, but Cody leans into his embrace regardless, savouring the moment for as long as he can.
It never lasts long. They’ve still got a job to do. Or do they?
“General, did you get a comm?” Cody speaks into Obi-Wan’s shoulder, his words muffled by the soft weave of the other man’s robes. They taste of smoke, the sharp nebulous tang of ozone, and, beneath it all, the gentle florals of the Temple’s laundry. He’s still holding his blaster, now crushed between them, and Cody can feel Obi-Wan’s heart beat alongside his own
Obi-Wan draws back just enough to cup Cody’s face between his palms, his thumb smoothing over the raised edge of his scar. The whites of Obi-Wan’s eyes are bissected with broken red veins, but the blue is as vibrant as ever, the same shade as the holographs on their communicators. 
“Did you get a comm, Cody?”
Cody, unwilling to do anything that would disrupt Obi-Wan’s hands, his own somehow wound through Obi-Wan’s belt to hold him impossibly closer, says, “Yes.” 
They had been close before, an undercurrent of helpless yearning for something they couldn’t name, but this felt different. The war had ended. They were standing in the ‘after’.
“I wanted to do this properly but… forgive me?”
Obi-Wan leans forward and kisses him, roughly, their noses bumping together before Obi-Wan tips his head to get a better angle and Cody moves with him. He hasn’t closed his eyes and his vision blurs, the deep hue of Obi-Wan’s hair blending with the sunset behind him. The other man’s beard scratches against Cody’s cheeks as his mouth moves, and Cody huffs out a quiet noise in question. Obi-Wan’s thumb brushes over Cody’s cheek, and he could pull away but he doesn’t want to. He wants nothing less than this. 
Something snaps in the back of his mind and Cody gasps against Obi-Wan’s mouth, sagging in his hold, and Obi-Wan draws back, pressing their foreheads together. “I’m sorry, my love, I wanted to kiss you for the first time properly, after a true date, but I… there’s a chip in your head.”
“Ow,” Cody groans, solidly knocking his forehead against Obi-Wan’s and feeling the reverberation in his teeth. “A slave chip?”
“Control. There’s already been a few fights but for the most part, it seems like the activation was a failure. I wanted to kiss you, truly, I did, but it also helped me break the chip.”
Cody breathes out slowly, prodding his tongue against the swell of his lower lip. “Are you going to have to kiss the entire army for this?”
“No.” Obi-Wan’s cheeks flushed a brilliant shade of pink. This close, Cody could almost feel the heat radiating from his skin. “It was faster for you this way. And I did want to.”
“Would you like to again?” Cody waits for Obi-Wan to nod before he leans forward to kiss him for the second time, gentler this time. He’s always been a quick study, after all. 
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