#cody musings.
ofwrxth · 15 days
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Lisa Frankenstein Filming Locations
“It is true, we shall be monsters, cut off from all the world; but on that account we shall be more attached to one another.” ― Mary Shelley, Frankenstein
As promised, here are some of the filming locations for Lisa Frankenstein. As I just saw Kathryn Newton at Spooky Empire in Orlando this past weekend, I decided to stalk filming locations for some of her cooler movies. Or you can just watch the video I made, which covers all the locations but it goes into much less detail:
I found most of the locations on my own, but then received a location list from a person on the film's production team which confirmed the ones I'd already found and gave me the ones I was missing. Big thank you to that person!
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***Spoilers below***
We'll start with Lisa's home which is located at 2552 Cypress Lawn Dr, Marrero, LA 70072. The shed in the back yard for the tanning booth is really part of the property, & can just be seen from the street (circled in red in second image).
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Now, if you go there, remember, THIS IS PRIVATE PROPERTY. Perfectly fine to admire it from the street, but do not trespass, do not knock on the door, do not ask for a tour, & do not ask if Lisa is home. Please. Now, if the folks living there say 'Hey' & invite you in when they see you in the street taking selfies with the house, that's another thing entirely - but otherwise, low profile it.
Although they filmed a little bit inside the real house, at least for the scenes where Creature first arrives, most of the house interiors were filmed on a sound stage which I know thanks to Zelda Williams posting this photo:
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And that sound stage is The University of New Orleans Nims Center Studio located at 800 - 824 Distributors Row in New Orleans. I know this because of this picture from a behind the scenes video showing the entire cast & crew taking a group photo with two distinct architectural features circled. The next image is a Google street view of the same location with those features also circled.
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Per the locations list, the party house Lisa & Taffy go to early in the film is located at 12565 Patterson Rd, New Orleans, LA 70131, which I've confirmed via location detail on Google maps:
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And the high school is Belle Chase high school at 8346 LA-23, Belle Chase, LA 70037, which I've also confirmed via architectural detail:
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The exteriors for Bachelor's Grove Cemetery & the woods around it, the wooded paths, & the bench scenes all take place in Brechtel Park, which is located in the Algiers neighborhood of New Orleans.
The park offers roads for driving scenes as well as thick woodland with vines & dense ground cover for the cemetery set - which, sadly, was entirely fake. Below is the exact location of Bachelor's Grove.
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Bachelor's Grove is located at GPS coordinates 29.9100534 -90.0124431. The easiest way to get there is to take an asphalt sidewalk that you'll find about 100 feet to the right of the entrance. That sidewalk will take you around the north edge of the park and then turn left (south) where you will look for the 2nd marked trail. Follow that trailfor about 50 feet and you'll find a second marked tree, which I call the Twisted Tree, and you're in Bachelor's Grove.
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Moving along, the scene at 1:17:37 in the film where Creature goes to retrieve Janet's (Lisa's step-mom's) car and kills the mean old man who is harassing the kid who can't start a lawn mower, was filmed at the south dead end of Dede Street in Marrero, LA at GPS 29.855776, -90.093451.
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Rather pleased with myself for finding that one - not easy.
Creature then returns to just outside Bachelor's Grove, which again was filmed in Brechtel Park, with precise location circled in the third image.
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Lisa & Taffy arrive there & Lisa psychs herself up to go into the cemetery to kill Creature at GPS 29.906104, -90.009096
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This is still in Brechtel Park, they just moved the cars about 30 feet to the west & spun the camera around - the dead giveaways are those posts along the road & the two small hills in the background.
Lisa then runs down a wide, woodland path.
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This photo of one of Brechtel Park's wide, wooded paths is the same path, located at GPS 29.908912, -90.011958.
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And here's that spot circled below:
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When Dale, Lisa's dad (played by Joe Chrest, who also plays the Wheeler's dad on Stranger Things), & Taffy visit Lisa's grave at the end, they are standing in the southern section of Carrollton Cemetery in New Orleans, at GPS 29.947097, -90.121813.
The reason they used this location is because Carrollton is one of the few New Orleans cemeteries that has a large section where all the graves are below ground, as this movie is supposed to be taking place near Chicago.
As for how I know they used this specific location, I have a wine bottle shaped tombstone to thank for that. In the below image, we see that odd tombstone from the front.
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And here we see it from the back, as I wasn't able to get a clear image of it from the same perspective of the above image:
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Also rather proud of that find.
And the final scene on the bench is also in Brechtel Park at the location circled on the map, GPS 29.909290, -90.010784.
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So the only significant filming location I can't find is Michael's red brick colonial, but whatever. Found Michael's house, too!
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Anyway, here's to hoping we all find that special someone who was reanimated just for us. 🦇🖤🦇
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creaturesfromelsewhere 5-23-2024
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nocofriday · 5 months
happy 4/20 to everypony that celebrates
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They r sbmoking a weed brunt together
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stars-n-spice · 5 months
Questions TBB Better Fucking Answer Soon:
Where the FUCK is Tech??? Stop fucking giving us hope that he might be C2-X or whatever the fuck. Fucking show us his dead body or give him back to us!
Where the FUCK is Cody?? Huh??? Where did he go??? Only acceptable answer? He's on his way to Tatooine to be with Obi-Wan. You reveal that and all will be forgiven. I promise. Maybe.
What the fuck is up with Omega. Straight up. What. How. and Why? Same with Emerie. How the fuck did they come to be? Are they trans? yes. next question.
Also why does Emerie get a last name and nobody else does, hm? Why is she Emerie Karr, is that like,, did she choose that or like?? Ok dumb question sure but like,, EXPLAIN HOW AND WHY OR JUST CONFIRM SHE'S TRANS OR SOMETHING C'MON NOW.
I'm sorry, I'm yelling but I've spent most of this season fucking confused and frustrated.
Where the fuck did the zillo beast go? And when is it going to eat Hemlock and Palpatine?
So...Senator Chuchi and Clone Revolution when?
And like...Cid is just...she's just going to be able to get away with what she did? We're just gonna forget about her? I mean sure, but I really thought they'd bring her back or something.
What the fuck happened to Crosshair on Tatniss? Wait, nevermind, don't tell me, I don't want to know, it'll only make me sad-
Explain again Hunter's enhanced senses and why the fuck he seems to have lost them in this season.
Also answer why Wrecker is the most perfect man ever? Why did they craft the most wonderful man to exist and then make him not real? You trying to kill me or what?
Feel free to add on because there are only the ones on the top of my head.
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comediakaidanovsky · 1 year
but her boyfriend’s like a dad (just like a dad)
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vancruejovi · 1 month
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So I watched this interview of Cody explaining the original idea for Stardust so I kinda tried to recreate him! I dont think this was the idea they were going for exactly, but I think he turned out pretty cool. Also I think he was supposed to have a silver bodysuit (I think? If anyone has the original concept art for Stardust PLEASE share cause I’m so curious) but I wanted to keep the red from the other Stardust designs, and blue/purple simce it’s the opposite to yellow/gold, that way I could keep it away from Goldust and keep him more superheroey like Cody wanted, Plus I gave him his little moon boots ✨
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
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to be fair, this is also how i feel whenever miles opens his mouth.
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ladyanidala · 1 year
1) Nice ambush you got there, it'd be a shame if someone snitched on ya...
2) it's WEIRD not seeing a lot of personalized armor. Everyone's shiny, and I don't like it.
3) Chopper has different colored eyes!! Whaaaaaaat?!
4) Cody's scar is fresh, it's got stitches in it. Anyone know how Cody got his scar? Or is that something fanon makes up an answer for?
5) Ventress, whoever taught you to seduce your enemies 1) needs proper lessons, and 2) should be shot. Girl, stop sleezing it up, you're on a battlefield 😭
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6) Slick's onto something, but went about it the complete wrong way. Points for trying tho!
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ofwrxth · 16 days
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the-kipsabian · 5 months
cody saying in 2019 that jericho needs this new generation more than it needs him is fucking wild cause its still actually true
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clonewar · 3 months
i'll not leave you here. i've got to save you. / for Cody or ahsoka ….
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Tears pinprick at the corners of his eyes as Rex stand before him. He feels like he's seeing a ghost although... He supposes he's more of the ghost between the two of them. Gone is his beloved golden sunburst armor and in its place is boring and emotionless gray armor. The chip in his head screams at him the longer he freezes. Good soldiers don't freeze -- gold soldiers follow orders. Right now he's not following orders. He's trying to save his foolish, stubborn brother. His time is running out... His muscles burn in his efforts to keep his blasters lowered and his head throbs like he's being repeatedly pelted with rocks on his temple. "Please," he manages to beg through gritted teeth, "go before the chip makes me kill you."
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b1uedcollar · 4 months
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#     FRYCOOK    ARC     !     ( in a perfect world, cody would be content cookin   /   busboy’n at his grandmother’s homestyle cajun restaurant. )    ..    in this one, however, he’s just on the hooters payroll.
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karmasainted · 12 days
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❛ you know codester , if you really tried , you could be a nice guy ... ❜ drinks cast lose across the bar, patrons beginning to call it a night. a mostly empty bottle of good ol' jack lined up next to them with shot glasses towering high and beginning to wobble. her earthen eyes reflect back to him with something a little like pity - not that he'd ever accept it and she'd ever give him more than he was due. the jukebox hiccups though the dying atmosphere. lights ain't up but she can see him more clearly now than ever.
❛ shame huh, but at least you get to sit in here and tip like a rockefeller. speaking of which... ❜ tap, tap, tap. nails tap around a glass jar with an acid pink note stuck to the side. gratefully received. with prejudice.
starter for @b1uedcollar
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loyaltyandchaos · 2 months
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@therapardalis liked for starter
"What do you think of the new armor? I think it looks good. And I have some ideas on how to use the old one."
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
Whiskey and Peg both function as parallels to the fam and their relationship to Miles.
Peg is at the same general crux the fam is in - her entire life has been this one thing, this one passion, and if it goes (if BIRDIE goes), she goes down, too. This is them doubled (more than doubled, I realized more as I wrote):
The fam have spent their lives pursuing their passions (Claire with politics, Lionel with scientific endeavors, Birdie with fashion (from various angles), Duke with - honestly, Duke was in gaming, Duke went to Twitch, Duke got his head spun a bit; I honestly think Duke should have been significantly younger, but that's another conversation); when Miles blackmails them (as he is definitely doing with Birdie), putting them in a situation where they either choose him (take the fall, get paid out) or not (the news leaks anyway, no money)-- if they lose those passions (through not going along with him), they've got nothing. (Except that brief stint in retail.)
Peg has also tied herself entirely to Birdie, just like the fam have tied themselves to Miles. Peg even says literally to Birdie that her therapist says they are in a toxic relationship, just like the fam is with Miles. If Birdie goes down, she goes down with her; if Miles goes down, they go down with him.
...you can also make commentary about Birdie's very clear lack of brain cells to Miles's stupidity. Miles is just better at covering it up.
...you can also make parallels about Birdie not understanding what sweatshops are (and that they are bad) to Miles not understanding that the concept behind hydrogen fuel that he was funding was bad. They both see a thing, think it is something other than what it is, and jump. Poorly. (And just like Birdie would take Peg down with her, Miles would specifically take Lionel and Claire (and Andi, if she'd been there) down with him. ...I guess, in this sense, Andi functions for Miles the same way Peg functions for Birdie. And just like Birdie has the secret phone, Miles has his secret lawyers.)
Whiskey is roughly with Duke where the fam was at the beginning of everything with Miles, just after the initial he's a creep phase. We see this primarily through her conversation(s) with Helen:
He is incorporating her more on his show, which lets her build her brand more.
She's not sure about this mandom stuff he's been leaning into because if she wants to go into politics (hi, Claire!), she's not sure voters will like who she's associated with.
This directly parallels Miles sponsoring the fam, getting them started, giving them what they need to finally go places - but in secret, he's asking small things of them that they're mostly okay with but kind of tentative about. He's leaning into some sketchy stuff that may impact their future, but right now, they're still staying with him.
Even more - Duke is literally trying to use Whiskey to get something he wants, making her do something (multiple times) that she clearly doesn't want to do - fuck Miles. We can tell from their phone conversation that Whiskey doesn't want to have sex with Miles again, but Duke pushes her to do it so "they" can get what "they" want - a slot on Alpha news. He tells her one last time, but there's no assurance it will BE one last time. This directly parallels specifically Lionel and Claire's relationship with Miles: he is pushing them to make compromises they don't want to make to get what "they" want - Lionel would have his name on a scientific breakthrough, Claire would be responsible for funding clean energy (when taking a strong stance on climate change - and renewable energy - is part of her campaign) - except that they both don't want to sign off on Klear because it is dangerous and get pushed into doing it anyway.
And, again, we see Helen very clearly telling Whiskey what the shitheads needed to be told from the beginning - Break up with him. He doesn't deserve you. You are worth more than this. - and supports her when she thinks she's done it (the same way she is thrilled with Andi when Andi finally steps away from Miles).
But they can't break away the same way Peg won't leave Birdie (even though she has clearly tried - brief stint in retail and then Birdie Jay), they require Miles to metaphorically die (his revelation as the murderer, the explosion that nearly killed all of them - comparable to Duke ACTUALLY DYING) before they can leave him.
And it's also clear that not only do Peg and Whiskey care for Birdie and Duke but the opposite is also true - there are enough Birdie/Peg gifsets that I feel that one is clear, and Duke has a sleepy Whiskey as his phone background; there are small things to support this.
I don't think there's any support for Miles actually caring about the shitheads.
But yeah. Whiskey and Peg's relationships to Duke and Birdie, respectively, throw the toxic aspect of the shitheads' relationship to Miles into sharp relief - it was always there, even from the beginning, even when they believed he loved them - and the fact that this is being shown through additional romantic or co-dependent relationships just. throws things into sharp relief.
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ghoulymadge · 2 months
i was a huge wrestling fan in my teens. i even met some wrestlers back in 2010. unfortunately i lost all the original pictures a long time ago, so all i have left is this crappy collage 15yo me put together lmao.
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