#cody is confusion
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theultimawolfwalker · 3 months ago
bonus points if, somehow, Miko catches wind of this and makes that word something she makes a point to say in nearly every sentence.
Wheeljack approves, Ultra Magnus does not.
Imagine Cody says some word casually that’s innocent in English but is a Cybertronian swear word and the rescue bots are appalled
and they chastise him and send him to his room because apparently that’s what you do when children misbehave and Cody just doe s it because he’s so confused
and when he’s gone the bots all sit around like WHERE DID WE GO SO WRONG Heatwave this is your fault
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beskarfrog · 26 days ago
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so that's a kiss
1, 2, 3
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captain-mozzarella · 6 months ago
AU where a few years after Obi-Wan gives Luke to the Lars', Quinlan finds him and says "join the hidden path Obi, please see" and Obi-Wan tells him "bro I can't leave, Luke is here, but I'll still help however I can" so Quinlan leaves and comes back a few weeks later with a force sensitive baby. And Obi-Wan just stands there holding the baby thinking 'what the fuck do I do with this thing????' and he does what any rational person would do and gives it to the Lars' cuz that way Luke can have some siblings. This happens a few more times.
And that's the story of how Luke thinks babies come from Obi-Wan
I'm calling this the Storki-Wan au
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padawansuggest · 5 months ago
Rex: ‘Cody came home drunk from the club last night with like six tookas… where did he get all that pussy game?’
Cody: *sleeping in a bunk with 5 cats and General Kenobi all trying to smother him to death*
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immeya · 5 months ago
I love Theo Raeken but I also hate him and I wanna punch him in the face but he’s also babygirl and I love him but he’s also a little bitch and I need to kick him but he’s also my little special boy
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thenookspace · 1 year ago
God fucking damnit I misread sith Obi-wan as siren Obi-wan ONCE and now I have THOUGHTS about small town siren Obi-wan disguising himself as an eccentric music tutor/boardwalk busker to explore the ~human world~
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sixtysixproblems · 1 year ago
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i have no fucking clue what I'm doing but here's some shebse batch/cc batch as posts
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deserthusbands · 10 months ago
anakin: master, is that a hickey?
obi-wan: it’s just a mosquito bite, don't be ridiculous, anakin.
cody, walking into the room: :)
anakin, snickering: how’s it going, mosquito.
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archivewriter1ont · 3 months ago
Cadet Batch Quotes
Cody: *just now finding out the Batch was cadetified* You SHRUNK the 99s!?
Rex: Technically, they’re de-aged. Also, Echo did it.
Echo: I did not! *grabs* Give him back, for kriff’s sake!
Cody: *snarling, clutching 7-yr-old Hunter closer* No! You had them for two hours and you did this! What if next time you vaporize them?!
Cadet Tech: Theoretically, the bright side to being vaporized would be that we would not survive to be embarrassed by the result, a situation we are currently enduring.
Cody: There is NO BRIGHT SIDE to being vaporized!
Cadet Crosshair: We wouldn’t have to listen to you argue.
Cadet Wrecker: Yeah. Everyone’s friends when they’re dead.
Cody: I swear to the Maker, I have no idea how you four are still alive.
Echo: Now that we’ve established that, can I have Hunter back now?
Cody: *hiss* Absolutely not!
Cadet Hunter: *being squished* Please, Cody? Cuz I can’t breathe.
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moomielee · 7 months ago
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I haven’t watched the show yet….but I’m obsessed with this man so I will start soon, expect a lot of American horror story posts 💗💗💗🎀🎥🍿
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varpusvaras · 1 year ago
Han: So hold on, if you were created for the Clone Wars, how long before was that? How old were you?.....How old are you now?
Cody, already tired of Han: Not as young as we could've been, but not as old as you might think
Han: Okay that was frustratingly vague...how old are you?
Fox: I'm 32
Han: See, that's an answer! That's how we answer people!
Fox: Well 32 how you'd measure in years-
Han: Alright I'm just gonna drop it
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nocofriday · 3 months ago
Gnarp Cody
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sorry I literally had no idea what a gnarp was until I googled it like 10 seconds ago
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fraxi0m · 7 months ago
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he's tired of people always whispering in his ear
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padawansuggest · 2 years ago
Obi-Wan: *having the oddest craving rn* I would kill for a jawbreaker right now…
Cody: …I don’t think I’m big enough to break a jaw?
Obi-Wan: …um… good, because I like giving oral too much for it to not be an option.
Cody: …is that… is that what a jawbreaker is?
Obi-Wan: Not even a little.
Cody: Oh thank god.
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thetrexartist · 1 month ago
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Doodle page of absolutely random transformers shit lmao.
We got two of my ocs being all gushy about their expecting bitlets.
Old man ratchet sitting in a comfy chair and slippers.
Dad!heatwave and cody hand cuddles (ik the size is off, but shhhhh, I love huge bots compared to humans hc. I absolutely hated drawing heatwave- I need SO much more practice rip.
Speaking of headcannons, I srsly hc that cody will snuggle up to the rescue bots when he's feeling tired and lonely. Sometimes, his dad will check on him and get a warm chest seeing his now extended family grow bigger. That and the bots totally call cody their sparkling. (Imagine the power if cody could replicate sparkling noises?? My fraggin heart man 😭)
Also, the top right is feminist optimus prime, ik this is a sketch, but I imagine him decked out in pink paint and glitter! With Barbie sitting on his shoulder like the queen, she is.
tfa!charlie is so YES. love tfa bee and to see Charlie in that universe? HELL YEA. Au was made by @snudibranchs
Anyways rant over thank you for coming to my Ted talk :]
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circus20204 · 2 months ago
captured an eclipse
Obi-wan Kenobi: "time to see exactly what got caught in the trap today."
*he walked outside his hut in the middle of the desert of the scorching sand box known as tatooine. the trap was not to far and namely he had it set up to catch maybe small animals or intruders who wanted to raid his hut for stuff, Ben wasn't exactly sure what hed expect but- catching a purge trooper was definitely not on the list.*
Obi-wan: "well..this is unexpected..'' *he gazed at the growling half conscious purge trooper. who was currently immobilized from the trap.* "wandered a little far haven't you trooper."
purge trooper cody: *currently tired and sick with a annoying chip in his head and a annoying Jedi trapped him..soo angry if not then he'd be feral*
obi-wan:" now what shall I do with you...Cody." *he spoke more to himself thinking maybe wipe his mind and send em elsewhere?...or the more disaster liniage thing to do aka bring Cody inside and get answers.*
purge trooper cody: who the kark is Cody. I am CC-2224 and you are a Jedi, a traitor and must b..handles.!.. *replied the bound up clone, which for that obi wan just removed his helmet and sighed*
obi wan:'' that's alright Cody I'm sure once you rest and have tea and we disuss you'll come to your senses." *he finds a discarded blaster pistol and set it to stun* "though I'll have to use more- uncivilized methods. sleep well Cody" *was the last thing he said before stopping Cody from speaking with a good stun blast and dragged him to his hut.*
*the adventure begins I suppose lol"
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