#obi has always had game lol
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beskarfrog · 15 days ago
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so that's a kiss
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galactic-rhea · 9 months ago
in regards to your padme post, what if padme WAS put into the space monk order and groomed by the literal devil alongside anakin? How do you think she would've turned out?
#you can't put tags in asks #but I'm doing it anyways #padme and anakin are some of my favorite star wars characters
The galaxy is fucked. That's it, thanks for your ask. /hj
The thing is that Palpatine is so...insidious (lol) that I fully believe he could groom anyone to be a Darth Vader if he has the opportunity.
Look at Luke, with Luke it didn't work because he didn't have years of manipulation and Luke did have more stable relationships and less all-consumming insecurities compared to Anakin, and a much less dogmatic understanding of bieng A Good Jedi (tm),,,AND LUKE STILL ALMOST FALLS.
Even if you want to take the sequels as canon...He also didn't have the time to groom Rey for years, and still almost succeds.
Padmé saw Palpatine as a sort of political mentor but could realize she was being played, but Palpatine didn't warp her into world-changing views.
But regarding your question, I think it would depend a lot and there's a lot of factors playing, like: Do she and Anakin bond? Why did Palpatine pick her? Or is this a reverse situation? Was she also brough as an older kid or was taken as a baby?
If we simplify it to "She was the one super strong in the force so Palpatine picked her for apprentice", yeah, I think we would have had Darth Amidala, perhaps less ruthless and murderous than Vader, more subtle and way more cold, but...idk, look at the other people Sidious got his hand into (Maul, Dooku).
If Padmé and Anakin had bonded, and Sheev had wanted Padmé as his apprentice, then I bet he would've find some way to get rip off of Anakin and anyone close to her, isolating and cutting away any ties to love or comforts is first and foremost.
Even if Anakin had been another apprentice to Sheev, then Palpatine was in for just some fun games and see how to get one of his apprentices kill, betray or in some way get out of the picture so only the best one remains.
Sheev is an incredible villain because he's always playing 4D Chess and he adapts his plan on the go.
When it comes to AUs like this, I think we're talking about the very human and sad nature that is being vulnerable to manipulation, no matter how smart.
Sometimes we want to think "oh if it hadn't been Anakin, if it had been -insert goodie good character-, things would've changed", but the fact is that no one is infalible. Groomers change their game and attack the weakness they see and adapt to their victim needs, and Palpatine is terrifying in that regard. And is a supporting system what helps people to get out.
Padmé is brave, smart and competent, but guess what, so was Anakin. And I think Palpatine would have exploited her weakness if he had chosen her as a victim instead of Anakin. But so would have anyone else. If Palpatine had chosen Obi-Wan, or Ahsoka, or Quilan, or Ayla, whatever, then we would have ended with a sith apprentice anyways; with their own particular personality and quirks, of course, and less unhinged perhaps because one of the biggest things in Anakin/Vader's views is that he was a slave and he sees the world in a very particular way, but yeaaaah.
If I must think of how could an evil Padmé would be...I think she would be very methodical and unlike Vader, she wouldn't be submissive to her "master" at all, she would plot against Sheev and harbour lots of hate and very little loyalty to him. She has the mindset of a queen, not a slave. In a way, that would make her more dangerous.
And I think she would ha v e some sort of…possesive views? Like, idk how to explain, kinda like how a queen sees a bestiary? Awesome, scary and cool beast to keep in a nice sanctuary, but they belong to her. I get this idea because of that bit from one of the novels, where she thinks that Anakin is like a vine tiger, dangerous and capable of murdering anyone else "but that runs to put his cheek against her and pur.r"
But like Anakin, then anyone can turn back as well and get away from the manipulation, and a sith Padmé could as well!
aLSO, before anyone says something because I'm starting to know how this fandom works... no, I'm not absolving Anakin of guilt, because victims can become abusers and should be held accountable. However, I am praising how terrifying Palpatine actually is when you think about it, literally any other character could've become what Anakin became had Sheev (or any other groomer, tbh) decided to play the cards that way.
Sorry for the long rambling I thing i sidetracked a lot, I hope at least it's a good answer nkljgndfjkgdfg
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shywhitemoose · 17 days ago
Fic Stats game!
Thanks for coaxing me out from under my rock @temple-mistress, if only temporarily❤️
I may not be a prolific enough writer for this game, but I’ll give it a go.
rules: give us the links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the fewest words.
most hits: Adrift & Entangled (85,483 hits). My first ever stab at writing fanfic, first chapters published in 2019. This story is so very, very dear to me, as it has literally been my refuge through the hardest years of my life. Chapter 27 was posted last March, and I am still chipping away at the epilogue. I will never abandon this story, but I am slower and more scattered than I have ever been. If you’ve enjoyed this story so far, please don’t give up on me. You don’t see me around, but my heart hasn’t left the fandom.
After the Hardeen operation, emotions are raw. But before anything can be fully sorted out, the boys are sent to Christophsis for their next mission. Things don’t go as planned, and they find themselves alone in an unknown system with no hyperspace capabilities and no effective means of communication.
2nd most kudos: A Plea from the Lost to the Found (561 kudos). Started prior to OBK series, completed nearly a year later. Brought to you by the world’s slowest fanfic writer. Wanted to explore how Ben would have handled a regretful Anakin showing up at his Tatooine abode (before we learned he lived in a goddamn CAVE for 10 years, good lord).
Two knocks.
Both inexplicably timid, but sharp against the silence. Enough to make Ben feel dislodged from his own being. Disoriented in his own home.
Darth Vader had come for him, and yet…
The Force said Do not fear.
3rd most comments: Lullaby (77 comment threads). Very short piece that apparently made everyone cry lol.
“Do you have a favorite memory?” Even softly spoken, Anakin’s words seem jarring in this dark, cramped air pocket.
[In which the Force takes our heroes as they always thought (hoped) they would go: together. Also, Anakin sings.]
4th most bookmarks: Out of Place (19 bookmarks). I starting writing this because I needed to laugh. Only one chapter written here, but I’m SO NOT DONE WITH THIS IDEA. I really wanted to explore the comedic potential of an in-universe Obi-Wan Kenobi meeting up with an out-of-universe Anakin Skywalker. I had so much fun writing that first chapter, and I loved stretching my creative muscles to develop this setting.
A crack au in which Jedi-Master Obi-Wan Kenobi has managed to get himself pulled from hyperspace and yeeted into an entirely different galaxy. He crash-lands on planet Earth and is taken in by Anakin Skywalker, an airplane mechanic who’s made his home in the hangar of an old airstrip in southern Nevada.   
5th most words: Not applicable, only 4 fics to choose from ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
fic with the fewest words:  Lullaby (1,412 words) See above.
I’m sorry, I don’t know who’s already done this... Tagging... anyone who stumbles upon this and wants to have a go 😊
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just-prime · 8 months ago
I'm not sure if you've been watching The Acolyte, but my critically high levels of sodium over the Ahsoka series have returned with the revelation that Rosario must have fought Lucasfilm over fight/lightsaber training stipulating in her contract.
Manny Jacinto, who came to the role with a black belt in Tae Kwon Do trained for four months for his fight scenes before filming. Rosario repeatedly said in interviews that she trained for two hours a day while filming, and it was clear that she thought this was a lot.
I tried to write it off last year. Budget and time constraints, George Lucas overspent and Disney is doing things differently, the prequel era is dead-
No, this is not the case.
Prequel era love and care in the arena of bringing characters who are expert sword wielders and martial artists to life is alive and well at Lucasfilm.
Daphne Keen fights like Ahsoka plucked from the middle of the Clone Wars and brought to life. Dean Charles Chapman's saberwork is a beautiful hybrid of Obi-wan and Anakin with lightning fast, graceful Soresu and saber spins, lightsabers are deadly once more and used in ways we haven't seen outside of animation and video games, and characters far, far older than 11 ABY Ahsoka have kinetic, energetic choreography because a 42 year old Jedi is nowhere near over the hill, and I'm done with being gaslit about her age.
There are many issues with this show, yes, but there are no cameos (save for one blink and you miss it), no name dropping to make the audience tear up and feel something based on the hard work of previous content. Nuggets are plucked from the EU and made fresh, like the delightful and creative use of cortosis. New force worshipping sects with their own beliefs are brought to life without being the Nightsisters. The galaxy feels large again.
It's everything Ahsoka wasn't and shows just how soulless an effort that show was. Ironically this is the show that's getting raked over the coals while nearly all criticism of Ahsoka was met with dismissal despite the show being desperately mediocre.
If you had asked me to go in without behind the scenes knowledge and tell you if Filoni or Headland was the one new to Star Wars and who was approaching this effort with genuine love of the material and passion for world building and adventure, it wouldn't be the guy who was recently made Creative Director.
I'm sorry for once again paragliding into your inbox (yes, this is the salty anon from last summer lol), especially if you aren't interested in The Acolyte, but it just sheds so much light on everything wrong with Ahsoka and how valid our criticisms were. Salt doesn't have an expiration date, so I hope this is a little bit of vindication!
Hello, hello! Hang up your paraglider, you're always welcome in my ask box.
I have been watching the Acolyte! I'll admit, I saved off answering this until the final ep had come out so that if there were any more cool fight scenes, they were not missed in my response.
Thoughts I had Pre Finale
All in all I agree completely.
While flawed (personally I feel like the acting on Osha and Mea is the weakest part of the show as a whole, as well as the fact that this very much felt like a movie idea stretched into a tv show) the Acolyte has been legions better than the previous slop that Disney Star Wars has put out recently. You know why? Because I had fucking fun watching it. Sure, afterwards I'd usually say something along the lines of 'wow the pacing is a bit weird' but all in all? Actively enjoyable. It never made me angrily close the D+ tab mid episode.
It's also been a facinating litmus test for what people are able to be chill about Star Wars and which ones are not able to handle it. The amount of reviewers and reactors whom I previously had massive respect for who just are acting like utter tools is really getting on my nerves.
Because in sooooo many ways this has been exactly what people have been asking for. A new perspective, with new ideas that isn't just focused on the Skywalker saga. And on top of that, holy fuck the fights are glorious. You are absolutely right, both Dafne Keen's and Tommon's fights prove just how well you can have lightsaber skills look from a single person, as well as the Wookie fight showing off some truly impressive choreo between the three.
And then you have Manny Jacinto...hello ARMS
The man is by far the standout joy of the series (followed closely by Sol) as the man just oozes charisma. His big fight against everyone was brutal and I'm glad to see that lightsabers are once again deadly in the Star Wars universe. Watching him mow through a legion of Jedi was so incredibly satisfying to watch, and again he is just knocking it out of the park with the choreo. LOVE the way that they've introduced cortosis into live action, especially in a fighting style. Headbutting a lightsaber was fucking amazing to witness. Though it's actually not the first time that it's appeared in Canon star wars, as it appears in the second canon Thrawn book, Thrawn : Alliances!
The exploration of the Dark Side is being done in such an interesting way, because none of the practitioners we've seen would self identify as 'dark side users' at all. Because sure, you have Manny Jacinto who is out being evil because the Jedi were going to label him as dark side either way so he might as well defend himself, for him it's just the way he connects with the Force. But you also have the witches, who's mind infiltration is certainly Dark Side, but are just out here living their best witchy lives. They live by their Thread, regardless of what the Jedi would call it.
As always, also the "the jedi need to be the coolest and the morally purest people in the whole wide world" people are having hissy fits, which is just like...no? Stop being allergic to nuance? We've seen time and time again how the Jedi were in fact a child taking cult (yes, yes they are, if you disagree i'd recommend going and rewatching TPM which spells it out pretty clearly) usually we've just been on the Jedi's POV so it seems justified. The Sol flashback episode I think shows off this mentality very well. He had good intentions, sure, but all in all, he wants to take and even Trinity calls him on it. It's a fascinating examination of what decades later would lead Anakin down a path of desperation.
Speaking of Anakin...People getting suuuuuper protective over Anakin's super special status as 'the chosen one' was also rather surreal to witness. Personally, I don't see how this invalidates his 'the chosen one' in the first place? But people were definitely scraping the bottom of the barrel for things to complain about, as opposed to offering actually constructive criticism, of which there are plenty of options.
Thoughts I had Post Finale
All in all, nothing really changed for me, as usual, the pacing was absolutely fucked and the action was absolutely incredible, and in the end, I enjoyed the experience of watching it.
I certainly appreciate seeing more of the Jedi actively covering shit up, both in little ways as well in big ways.
Also *waves* Hi Plagueis!
My main little gripe
I really don't get why they needed to actively tie Mr. Darth Hotpants over here to Venesta specifically? I get the want to connect him to an established character, it just rang a little hollow for me. I think I'd have preferred it if he was just a rando youngling who never even got to being a Padawan cuz the Jedi kept trying to basically de-dark side him ala grade schools punishing for being left handed. Donno, I just think that would have been a bit more compelling.
My main BIG gripe
Why...THE FUCK...did they split up??? They burned waaaay more time having their little heart to heart then had it been all three of them fucking booking it to the ship. I just don't get it. I don't get why Mae or Osha would want to leave each other again, and I don't get why Manny Jacinto would willingly give up an additional fighter. I get the whole "There can only be two" bit, but A) Plagueis is already there on the island, so Osha makes it three and B) Osha's probably going to be more motivated with a little living reminder of the Jedi's lies being right there and present and C) Osha and Mae are both so fucking powerful why would anyone just let one half of the pair walk away????
It just didn't fit with any of the character's previous actions so it annoys me.
Kinda ended as I began, relatively neutral on it all. Think if pressed would give it a 7/10 just because the action was SO FUCKING GOOD, otherwise it would probably be lower due to the rather painful pacing issues and the meh acting on display from Amandla Stenberg which was just such a huge shame cuz I know she's got more range than this.
Mainly, I just really really hope future shows take from this just how good lightsaber combat can be when you have properly trained performers. THIS should be the standards, and it's painful that its not.
As always thank you for dropping into my ask box! You always give me so much to work with it's a joy to respond :D
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tennessoui · 1 year ago
kit's fics year in review (2023)
it turns out i wrote a LOT this year (last year now, i guess) according to my ao3 stats, and i saw one of those recap games for another fandom floating around my dash so im absolutely gonna pilfer some of those questions for my own little review + add a few!!
how many fics did you write in 2023? it was definitely the year of the silly short fic for me -- i published a total of 6 new oneshots on ao3 along with 5 fics only on my kofi! i also added at least one chapter to 9 other fics that were already posted. and i started and completed 1 long stand alone fic this year (if you love me let it remain unnamed, clocking in at 37k)
what are you most proud of fic-writing wise in 2023? i finished foolproof, foolhardy! it took more than a year to write, from first published to last updated, but i think the lion's share of the work happened during 2023; it's sort of rare for a fic of mine to get that long (72k), so it was fun to write through all the developments. truly a cracky premise that grew legs and ran away from me, but i'm really proud of how it turned out. the last 4 chapters contain some of my best writing in my opinion and the whole story is a love letter to padawan obi-wan, who will always be my beloved lol
what is the fic you had the most fun writing? this is a tough question because i'm torn between two fics; sun, sun, sun here it comes is probably my favorite oneshot that i've ever written. it sorta incorporates everything that makes a silly little au in my mind, from miscommunication to banter to bonus babies. but then there's i pray the same, but my gods have changed, aka the democratic fic- now that's such a fun fic to write, and i'm going to get more into it this year again. it's the one where tumblr votes on what should happen next, which i absolutely enjoy - especially when people send me propaganda about which option should win....thought the amount of ties that have happened is mind-boggling lol
what is a fic you didn't expect to write? hahaha well this is easily 'a more perfect union' which has been sooo fun to write so far but also definitely has had a very short gestation period from nascent tumblr au post to 25k on ao3 lol and still one more chapter to go!!!
what fic surprised you when you were writing it? oh hands down this is 'hand me down dreams got me high in the rafters', aka the pool boy au from tumblr. the adaptation of it from tumblr au to a fic on ao3 has a crazy tone shift where the obi-wan in that fic is much, much darker than the one in the tumblr au - i really ended up leaning into the unequal power dynamics of a boss/employee relationship and exploring how unhealthy it could be while keeping it consensual -- but only because anakin would allow obi-wan to do whatever he wanted to him
what's a fic you wanted to write but didn't? my poor neglected hunger games au!! i really want to get the first chapter of that posted because i am so excited about this fic and writing it as a new big, long project -- i'm excited about the dark anakin, the differently dark obi-wan, the hunger games set in the gffa, etc etc etc
what is something you learned this year that you'll take into 2024? set is the only acceptable name for anakin to use undercover <3 we will be taking the set cinematic universe into 2024 <3
what's a project you're excited to carry into the new year? um all of my wips lol but especially time & tide and the couples counseling au - i have about half of the next chapter of t&t written, and before i got sidetracked by a more perfect union, i was on track to get that posted by christmas....obviously that did not happen lol but i'm expecting to get back to working on a few more chapter updates at the beginning of this year!
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legionofpotatoes · 1 year ago
All other criticisms of modern Star Wars aside, the thing that gets me the most is how every single story is being written to fit into some Avengers-level grand finale that just isn't laying a solid enough foundation to make it worth the wait. Regardless of whether the individual stories are good or bad, what makes them fall so short, imo, is that there's usually no real payoff within their own runtimes (unless you count cheap callbacks or loose promises of More, which you shouldn't)
Like, I already knew halfway through Ahsoka that we were in for a cliffhanger and it's just like...alright, guess we'll see how this ends in about 5 years? Even Mando, which had a great first season and was poised to stand on its own two feet and ride off on a rootin' tootin' bounty huntin' adventure, has ultimately become yet another dusty path on the road to the current Big Plot with an indeterminate due date. That's not deliciously addictive media, it's a dry-ass carrot on a spindly little stick, lol
Of course, this is a problem that many franchises are happily getting cozy with lately because everybody wants to have their own Infinity War / Endgame moment, but I guess it seems a bit more egregious with Star Wars because, ironically, it used to work best because it had less overall focus. Like, sure, we had concurrent movies, animated series, and games, but they were always happy to do their own things and tell their own stories with definitive conclusions. Now it all has to funnel into the Big New Plot and, man, I honestly just can't bring myself to care when it feels like an endless waiting game
I definitely need to get around to watching Visions at some point because, every time it pops up, it sounds like the lifeblood that Star Wars sorely needs atm
Yeah the setup-and-payoff a-to-b type dramatic clarity that seemed so entrenched into the very bones of cinematic grammar - up to around the emergence of streaming, wink wink nudge nudge - is sorely missed in star wars atm. sure maybe downsized writers rooms fidgeting with limited series formats instead of doing actual seasonal TV has something to do with it, but even that is probably such a small piece of the larger issue that spins all this longform storytelling bullshit ferry wheel around.
Another part is certainly chasing the MCU business model of it all like you said. Carrot on a stick is verbatim how I've often described these things myself, the endless promise of another promise of another promise instead of forming a complete thought with a beginning and an end. servicing the plot before story at all costs. another part still is reverence towards the aesthetic trappings of the source material instead of its themes, trying to nail the exact texture of tatooine's huts and dial in the perfect balance of lightsaber choreography and pay homage to a thousand iconic shots before articulating something true in the text.
And like it's an endless laundry list, this confluence of capital-I Issues both industry-scale and creatively-driven that seem to be flaying the skin off the bones of whatever star wars even "is" nowadays. no one can answer that in the context of billions of dollars made off toys and storylines centering around this one moment in fictional history about sons and fathers and empires and rebellions. so they just keep twisting in the wind filling in any gaps within that period. I don't know nonnie, it's all so bleak. ahsoka and obi wan and even mando tbh. as charming as season 1 was, it truly felt like it coasted on its incredible restraint to avoid muddying its aesthetic with cameos, and lucked into effective storytelling as a result of that utterly unintentional alchemy. that's obviously well and truly gone now as its true optics have reared head.
what star wars is by itself is such a pointless discussion, right? andor argues it's a perfectly functional heightened universe that can support incredibly nuanced and dramatically charged stories of grassroots rebellion and the bureaucratic strain of fascist regimes. visions argues it's a world beholden to the force, an endlessly mutable and elegant metaphor that can support infinite monomyths and fairy tales. both are equally fantastic at executing on their takes, despite being in diametrically opposite extremes of interpreting the source. so it's not really about that at all, why the other stuff sucks this bad.
they're just bad at the craft of it, that's really it. whether it's auteur worship or business decisions rotting that fish down, it still rots all the same. maybe the new writers' guild contracts can shift the winds a little, because I was so securely done with star wars and then the aforementioned 2 shows came and affected me. so, so profoundly that I'm back on the hook again. like a lil sucker!
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 10 omg and 10 days until s3 👀
Lets go batchers 🤟
The Bad Batch 1x06
I love reading the aurebesh signs hehe
Omega nearly takes out a stranger and literally goes "teehee oopsie" I love her sm
Echo teaching her how to shoot 🥺
Wrecker: "not exactly a natural is she" Hunter: *vague nod/shrug thing* 💀
I'd love to shoo cid out of the bar "scram" @ cid
Tech is playing arcade games !!!! 👀
"I assume you know what a tactical droid is" *3 voted yes, Omega voted no, Tech panicked*
I used to think cid telling the batch they work for her was a kinda funny scene but rewatching it now knowing what I know it just infuriates me 😡
"weak noodle arms" SHES JUST A BABY
"this old trick?" hehe like the one Han did in ESB 👀
"that's your plan? fly there, land, hope they don't spot us and walk in the door?" ~ Obi-Wan about Anakin's plan - me pretending Echo learned this from Anakin 🥺
poor Wrecker with heights, he's so brave fr I'm very proud 💕
"nighty night" 🤣
everyone is probably gonna hate me for saying this buuuuttt... I kinda wanna see more Martez sisters after this episode lol
Rafa: "grab a weapon" Omega: "I had one 😑"
y'all the banter between Hunter and Rafa 👀 the way he walks behind her with both blasters out
"thanks" hehehe she's so cheeky
sibling banter
Wrecker hits his head count: 7 👀
and he just got shot in the same place on his shoulder for the third time 🙃
"Good soldiers-" screaming sobbing exploding into another dimension
Omega screaming for Hunter 😭
plus Hunter's "hang on Omega!" *checking myself into therapy*
Hunter literally swinging in to save Omega like he's tarzan 👑
that "thank you" was SO sincere I'm going to go cry my eyes out forever
Trace grabbed Omega to pull her behind her 🥺
Rafa: "I still don't like you" Hunter: "I'm used to it" 🥲😂
okay but Wrecker fighting the chip, hearing Tech calling for him sounding so concerned, then Crosshair desperately saying "good soldiers follow orders" is incredibly painful to hear... but it's like he's hearing his brothers both desperately calling him to them, Crosshair's voice is like the chip trying to activate, he's frustrated and confused which is probably exactly how Wrecker feels right now, and Tech's voice is trying to bring Wrecker back away from the chip 🥲 like they're both tugging at his brain to go different directions or smth idk I'm emotional about them always
"is there an echo in here?" "Yes, I'm Echo" *salutes* he's just so silly and goofy and I know the domino squad is absolutely cackling rn 😂
Tech's little swirly flip of the datastick like Hunter does with his knife makes me think Tech can also use Hunter's knife and that is something I would love to see pls
Trace has her arm around Omega again! 🤲
Tech is so sneaky hehe
Omega: "it's all about tuning out distractions" SEE CID SHE TOOK ECHOS ADVICE AND NOW SHE'S FINE pfft "weak noodle arms" NO MA'AM
R7 💕💕💕
Omega is so excited about being in a seedy area lmaooo
Omega and Rafa waving at each other as they leave 🥺
Hunter talking about the right reasons I am feeling emotions again
hmm I wonder who this mysterious person on the holo could possibly be 🤔🤔🤔
yayyyy episide 6 done y'alls 💕 thanks for joining again ilysm
I'm going to be doing a lot more hehe because I was super busy for a few days and now my timing is off 🙃
see y'all next time for when the fit hits the shan 🤟
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joelletwo · 11 months ago
gintama time loop reading that i had while watching
(laid out for my own reference. this doesnt have to interest u guys.)
okay so like. watching gintama and getting to kintoki arc. what i knew was 1. i was getting into the anime art style changes i had varying feelings about which signaled 2. i was getting into the back half of gintama 3. what i knew about the back half of gintama is that utsuro exists, gintoki did something fucked up on that cliff that ppl cant stop talking about and drawing parallels to with every arc of gintama, and ppl (i sensed) think the writing of the ending is stupid
kintoki arc has yorozuya and tae promise:
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before breaking Gintama The Series into a distorted au where the chars are WILDLY different but still play out their roles to their arc-concluding purposes. birthing in me the image of a gintama that can fill any shaped-hole you put it in and still have the same basic inherent form it moves towards (whatever happened on that cliff, which i sensed was being gestured at in kintoki arc w the beheadment seppuku but had no idea the fucking. extent of lol)
gintama making formal changes (ugly or lovely art style shifts, at some point a radical change in thrust of story with the introduction of utsuro as a final and plot-twisty villain) but (hoping that it's) remaining the same at heart... or being railroaded into being the same. somehow the yorozuya promise became about. being cognizant of being in the narrative timeloop** and being subjected to Circumstances. being cognizant that something was being taken from u (catharsis of ending--) and also inflicted on u (--replaced with episodic and genre-typical* endless storylines)
(*not a slam. just that gintama's storylines are all about like. accepting the horrors. which is a journey of experiencing the horrors in order to come to terms with them that is harrowing to be subjected to over and over and over again. [cest la vie]
**and timeloop was also being flavored by me understanding yoo joonghyuk orv's regressions as about the endless iterative failures of making progress on a journey of recovery from trauma. all timeloops are about that to me now.)
thought shelved until obi-one's arc where, although i understood him as an oboro figure, he was performing a shouyoutsuro role of being a dearly missed mentor figure who comes back for happy family times yayyyyy but oh no he came back Wrong (a disabled cyborg programmed to betray against his own will). and Evil (needs to be taken down, and the shimuras-through-gintoki have to be the ones to dismantle their own happiness that it turns out was always retroactively tinted by this grief).
the presentation of nostalgia as longing for a return to the past that cant actually be achieved. or rather, you can achieve it, but Time changes things, and the past you get back won't actually be the same.
this helps me shift what i know about utsuro (shouyou but Wrong) into being about. what actually isnt that textually present in the series? but has to be assumed, i think? bc like? of course? the desire to have shouyou back (tho now i ask: whose? gintoki's? again, not really... in the text?). you can have shouyou (idealized gintama timeperiod where everyone is happy and innocent) back! you can have all the shouyou (early days swagful gintama anime that i am constantly missing as i move into the future material) back that you want! and its gonna fucking suck (for the chars and for the audience)!
and that basically ends up being the framing thought i take with me into utsuro's introduction................... it gets lost the more i actually see him and late-game gintama for myself and gain the context i never had for everyones blogging i was seeing. but. still. the theme i understood to be what gintama was telling me. you cant get back what you lost. and if (when) you try, you only come face to face with what was damaged in the losing.
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the further i got into silver soul and through to the ending the more it was............ interesting but confusing that, as i put it, the chars were "fighting the representation of the dangers of Nostalgia with More Nostalgia"?
and still i dont know what to do with the ultimate last-pages ending of gintama being a return to the status quo (with cosmetic changes). yay we defeated the evil specter of our past that haunted us and kept us in the desire timeloop. now we can get back to the episodic timeloop that we spent the fight with the specter... desiring to get back. hm. well!
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nickeverdeen · 2 months ago
Hi, may I have a matchup (romantic) with we arcane, Star Wars, outer banks, & hunger games? (sorry if that’s too many, I couldn’t decide lol) I go by she/her and am bi with no preference so any gender is fine.
I get pretty anxious when thrown in certain situations rather that be talking to a group of people or just one person. But when I get to know someone I never stop talking. I am a ranter and rambler which means I could be ranting about something that happened and then start talking about something else that may or may not be related to the original subject. Though I do enjoy listening to other people talk. I am considered the mom friend because I tend to be the most logical. I'm also a very determined, stubborn person who usually is kinda pessimistic but still has a huge imagination. And despite all the anxiety I am usually a relatively confident person and am not afraid to take up for anyone I care about. Also I am pretty good in school despite having a kinda bad memory. Also an INTJ, Sagittarius, and ravenclaw.
I absolutely love writing, art, music, reading, and watching various shows/movies. I also really like walking around and enjoying nature. There's a few nature trails I love going on and would go to the zoo every weekend if I had the chance. Which also goes along to my love for animals. Also I do like going to random places with my friends.
And that's about all I can think of to say, hope it wasn't too much lol. But anyways, thanks in advance :)
Your Arcane match is…
Caitlyn Kiramman
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Caitlyn would be your anchor during anxious moments, holding your hand and helping you feel grounded
She’d love listening to your passionate rants, often teasing you affectionately about how far off-topic you get
Caitlyn would plan surprise outings to nature trails or zoos, knowing how much joy it brings you
She’d often join you on walks, discussing everything
When you’re feeling pessimistic, Caitlyn would remind you of the positive aspects with her reassuring tone
She’d quietly admire your artistic and writing talents, frequently sneaking peeks at your work
Caitlyn would be deeply protective of you, ensuring no one takes advantage of your kindness or anxious moments
She’d encourage your confidence
Her love of order would align perfectly with your logical mom-friend tendencies, making you a power duo
She’d memorize every detail about your favorite books, animals, and songs to surprise you with thoughtful gifts.
Your Star Wars match is…
Obi-Wan Kenobi
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Obi-Wan would be endlessly patient when you start to ramble, often encouraging you to continue with a gentle smile
He’d love spending quiet moments walking nature trails with you, both appreciating the serenity
Obi-Wan would frequently challenge your pessimistic views, offering his perspective in a kind and understanding way
He’d subtly encourage your creativity, occasionally quoting your own writing back to you as inspiration
Obi-Wan would protect you fiercely, especially when you stand up for others or take on too much
He’d enjoy listening to your favorite music, often asking about the stories behind the lyrics
Obi-Wan would always notice when you feel anxious, offering his calm presence to help you through it
He’d value your logical mindset and often seek your opinion on strategies or decisions
You’d inspire him with your imagination, and he’d often muse about how your ideas could bring hope to others
Obi-Wan would find joy in your love for animals, occasionally bringing back small trinkets or tales from his travels to share with you
Your Outer Banks match is…
Pope Hayward
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Pope would be fascinated by your ability to rant and ramble, often chiming in with his own thoughts
He’d accompany you to nature trails or the zoo, jokingly giving animal trivia to impress you
Pope would love your artistic and creative side, encouraging you to share your projects with him
He’d always have your back in social situations, offering quiet reassurances when you feel anxious
Pope would tease you about being the mom friend but secretly appreciate how much care you put into everything
He’d admire your confidence and ability to stand up for what’s right, often calling you his “moral compass.”
Pope would turn your pessimistic moments into a game, challenging you to find one positive thing in every situation
He’d love discussing books and movies with you, often recommending things he thinks you’d enjoy
Pope would plan small surprises like trips to your favorite spots or cooking dinner together to show he cares
He’d appreciate your logical mind and determination, often calling you the “brains of the operation.”
Your Hunger Games match is…
Peeta Mellark
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Peeta would love hearing your rants, often bringing you tea or snacks to make you feel comfortable as you talk
Peeta would encourage you to share your creative works, always giving genuine and thoughtful feedback
He’d take you on peaceful walks, holding your hand and matching your pace to enjoy the moment
Peeta would be your quiet biggest cheerleader, reminding you of your strength during moments of doubt
He’d plan quiet dates, like painting or reading together, to create a calm environment for you
Peeta would adore your love for animals, often sketching or crafting small tokens to celebrate them
He’d help you through anxious moments by grounding you with his steady presence and kind words
Peeta would listen intently to your opinions, valuing your logical perspective and determination
He’d create a scrapbook of your adventures together, knowing how much you love memories and crafting
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dreaminghour · 2 months ago
Fic Tag Game
Snapshot of what I wrote on: Nov 2nd, 2023 in reply to this tag by @mischievouschan4 and @spicedrobot - I've decided not to update it and just post it as is, even though it's now out of date
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
Over 200. Technically 221 but that includes 13 podfic and other collabs.
2. What's your ao3 word count?
543,006 exactly, includes a few things I didn't exactly write but collaborated on (podfic, round robins) but most of that is my writing.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Star Wars, but also Game of Thrones, Grishaverse, DC, Wheel of Time, Star Trek. No longer actively writing for Harry Potter but I have some WIPs unposted I'm dithering over.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. Doubt (Star Wars) (18,695 words) Kudos: 411 - Keeper challenged me to write Dominant Obi-Wan and it seems I struck a chord with the Jangobi/Kenfetti fans! 2. Fool For a King (Star Wars) (2,443 words) Kudos: 407 - 3. "He seemed into sacrifice." (Killjoys (TV)) (3,598 words) Kudos: 300 - For the longest time my two Killjoys fics (the other a longfic!) were still my top kudos and top hits fic. I wrote them both in 2016 and still am really proud of them. 4. His Blasphemous Tongue (Star Wars) (4,423 words) Kudos: 228 - Didn't realize this one had snuck into my top 5! Meant to kick off a silly serious of obikin PWP inspired by tennessoui's Handy Himbo fic (which I loved). In this one, Anakin is an organ repair man and Obi-Wan is a horny priest. 5. Unmoored (Star Wars Prequel Trilogy) (2,055 words) Kudos: 222 -
If you'll indulge me a moment, I actually think top hits are much more interesting:
7,592 hits: Doubt (Star Wars) 3,754 hits: "He seemed into sacrifice." (Killjoys (TV)) 3,753 hits: Unmoored (Star Wars) 3,569 hits: An Uncommon Gift (Star Wars) 3,388 hits: Wreckside (Killjoys (TV)) Really I just want to repeat how proud I am that my two old, small fandom fics from 2016 still among my top fics... Star Wars is much bigger and active, so of course it's eked out the older fic, but still! That took a while to do!
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to always but I am also super inconsistent.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably To Come Together, To Come Apart (1,596 words) where Anakin and Obi-Wan fix the galaxy, get together, and the ending is still very unhappy.
7. What's the fic your write with the happiest ending?
Most of my fic has happy endings! So maybe I'll go with Three Kisses (686 words) or it all led back to this (Star Wars) (2,730 words) both obikin which have some angst (and whump) and therefore (in my opinion) have a sweeter ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? What kind?
Yes. I'm not sure what 'kinds' there are, so... all kinds lol.
10. Do you write cross-overs?
I do! My main cross-over interest at the moment is Hannibal Smith (The A-Team) and Catcher Block (Down With Love) who are played by Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor. You can probably see where this is going. The tag is so small there are currently only 5 fic posted on AO3.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I've had my Winter Solstice QuiObi fic translated into Russian: Darling, the sun will wait. (6,422 words)
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I've done several Round Robins now and am looking forward to a secret project I'm working on with Keeper. It's so good!!!
14. What's your all time favourite ship?
At the moment I'm testing everyone's patience by being super into QuiAni (Qui-Gon/Anakin) which is sort of funny because I got into Star Wars because I liked Obi-Wan but didn't like Anakin! And then I fell in love with Anakin! But didn't like Qui-Gon! And... well.. now here we are.
15. What's your WIP you like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I was initially going to say I'm still hoping to finish Sing Me Safely Home, but I've realized that it's probably one I haven't even really posted yet which features Tonks, Remus and Sirius coming back from the dead... Harry Potter is such a spoiled fandom for me now, I don't know what's happening with those WIPs.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I really love inserting brief flashbacks and think my dialogue is pretty realistic.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Clarity probably lol. And I've also fallen out of love with editing and still need to find my way back...
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Only if it's actually adding something to the story, otherwise, translate it to the main language of the fic and indicate they're speaking another language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Probably Harry Potter.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Oh my god...
For easier copy-pasting:
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 2. What's your ao3 word count? 3. What fandoms do you write for? 4. What are your top five fics by kudos? 5. Do you respond to comments? 6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 7. What's the fic your write with the happiest ending? 8. Do you get hate on fics? 9. Do you write smut? What kind? 10. Do you write cross-overs? 11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before? 14. What's your all time favourite ship? 15. What's your WIP you like to finish, but doubt you ever will? 16. What are your writing strengths? 17. What are your writing weaknesses? 18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? 19. First fandom you wrote for? 20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
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spicedrobot · 1 year ago
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @bluedaddysgirl! Sorry this took so long. ;;
I'll tag: @withercrown @a-aristippus @lacertae-dreamscape @aevallare @loveoaths @kevystel @frogunderarock @wolveria @dreaminghour @bright-thorn @kitewithfish
And anyone else who wants an excuse to do this please tag me I'd love to read your answers!! 🥺💖💖💖
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total A03 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I started my writing days in Overwatch and most of my fics are from that era, but most recently, I've written for Star Wars, Baldur's Gate 3 and Arcane.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
A New Era - First Jayvik fic I wrote, and somehow it's at the top of the jayvik ao3 tag by kudos even though it's mindrot I wrote between episode breaks. Sorry long form jayvik writers ;;
Lost Time - life-affirming jayvik sex after the s1 finale. I'm just now realizing that all my top kudos fics are jayvik LMAO
Opposites - jayvik fic where someone talks up Viktor at a party and Jayce gets jealous.
Arcane Ficlets - my randomly assorted Arcane stuff I wrote via tumblr asks. All jayvik too 😂
Warm Heart - Viktor has cold hands but Jayce knows just how to warm him up.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! But sometimes it takes me months to get back to people. Once the inbox number ticks up I get a little nervous ;; which only makes the problem worse!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I tend not to write anything that ends too angsty. I have one or two that have a sort of bad-end vibe. Usually I'll write an angsty ending then delete and rewrite. LOL
Maybe this silco/viktor fic: Back Down? Since Viktor knows he shouldn't be messing around with Silco but he's so drawn to him.
Runner up: one of my ramyatta fics Stargazing because it shows the difference between their past relationship and the present at the end, where they are no longer together. t _ t
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Encore, since I wrote it because Outer Wilds canon endings beat me up so badly. LOL
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Very rarely!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Almost always. Any kind, basically. LOL I love pining and unestablished relationship like crazy, and both characters just falling into sex with each other. Blow jobs, possessiveness, breeding kinks, ritualistic sex, size difference, voyeurism, smell stuff, sex pollen, outfits... a VERY wide range. 😂
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I almost never write them. I think I have written a few fics that just takes characters and puts them into another game's setting, but that's about it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Most I had one of my ramyatta fics translated into chinese. I've also had my only symbrock fic made into a podfic.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really. I've done a fic with bluedaddysgirl that was Thrawn/Cad Bane, but mostly I collaborate with artists to do illustrations of my work. I did some RPing back in the day, but none of that's going to see the light of day LOL
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Probably genyatta? But honestly, I have so so many. Obimaul also has a special place in my heart.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My last year's nanofic. It was an AU where Bo-Katan never saved Obi-Wan from Mandalore, so he remained Maul's prisoner. It was going to be a what if where Maul realizes he doesn't know what to do with Obi-Wan now that he's finally exacted his revenge, and they would slowly fall in love while doing powerplays the whole time. LOL It was a bit weird because I had to write it so fast, so a lot of the fic was just Savage and Obi-Wan interacting, so it almost made it seem as if they would be the better pairing TBH. It just needs so much reworking and IDK if I have the power. It probably just needs an entire re-write.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I feel I'm very good at condensing ideas into short word counts. I also think my sex scene writing, specifically my dirty talk, is pretty good! That's one of those things that I can't stand to read if it's bad in fanfic, so I try to make what they say as in character as I can. 😳
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing anything longer holy shit. I'm really terrible at it because as soon as I have to deal with pacing it's a death sentence for my motivation. 💀💀💀
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
It can be done well? But only if you are a fluent speaker. I personally don't do it because I'm an idiot who only knows one language, and I don't want to mess up the mood of writing by accidentally making an embarrassing gaff in another language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
In my life? Probably Kingdom Hearts. On my ao3 account: Dragon Age: Inquisition.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Definitely Polite Company, my Obimaul reverse AU fic. It's the longest thing I've ever written and posted. SUCH a comfort fic to me, and it was a blast to work on. There's just something so fun about writing Jedi Maul that I still can't get over it. The ideas kept coming for that fic which almost never happens for me, and somehow it was fairly well received, which I'm just so ridiculously grateful for. I'm always surprised at how much Obimaul isn't a main pairing for Obi-Wan when they have such ridiculous chemistry. Not even 600 fics on all of ao3 for them💀💀💀 A crime!!
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virahaus · 1 year ago
Fic tag game!
Thank you for the tag @to-proudly-go!!
How many works do you have on ao3?
I currently have 15 works in my account! But some of them are moodboards and edits mixed with a side of my writing.
What's your ao3 word count?
I'm currently at 36,153 wc! I'm actually surprised, I didn't think I had posted so much lol On my pc I probably have that wordcount and more of wips XD
What fandoms do you write for?
Well, currently I'm in the Star Wars fandom, but I have fics for Haikyuu, Harry Potter, Maze Runner, DC universe and Naruto in my account. In my pc I have some works also for Merlin.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
y'all will excuse me if i copy past it here lol
Family dinner (Justice League (2017), Batman - All Media Types) (2,866 words) with Kudos: 1,536
2. Never let me go (Haikyuu!!) (6,719 words) with Kudos: 1,391
3. What happens at a Batman party... (Justice League - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types, Superman - All Media Types, Superman/Batman (Comics), DCU (Comics)) (3,527 words) with  Kudos: 1,355
4. Obi-Two (Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi (TV)) (3,900 words) with Kudos: 973
5. Re-Life (Naruto) (7,472 words) with Kudos: 821
Do you respond to comments?
As much as I can! But usually if it's a multichaptered fic I'll leave them unresponded until i'm close to post an update lol
What's the fic you write with the happiest ending?
Probably Never let me go, a fluffy tsukkiyama fic all around i'd say, with maybe just a sprinkle of angst in the middle
Do you get hate on fics?
In some of my oldest fics, yeah but it was just an anon looking for trouble so i just deleted the comment and moved on XD
Do you write smut? What kind?
I'm just starting to and still haven't published anything more explicit so far. But it will come!
Do you write cross-overs?
Nope. I like to write AUs, but full on cross-overs are not really my jam.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Thankfully no.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Re-Life has a russian translation liked in the fic, by the lovely moonlight_bae
Some of the older fics on my ao3 are also translations, but mine from the original italian fic, with some changes.
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I tried but unfortunately the project fell through.
What's your all time favourite ship?
I change my mind constantly, but for now my ride and die is Obikin for about two years so. I'd say that
What's your WIP you like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Probably one I have in my pc, a Naruto fic I started in high school and will never get back to it lol
What are your writing strengths?
I'm not sure, but usually I get compliments over my descriptions and my emotional scenes, so i'd say those. Also got many posivite comments in my ability of writing tension filled scenes.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing long fics for sure! I'm very, very hard on my writing so longer projects take me much time because I want everything to be as perfect as possible (even if i do know that this will never be possibile, I stride to be as satisfied as I can with it.)
I'm a sucker for good plotted fics so I always have to make plans beforehead and sometimes i modify them as i go, prolonging thus the speed with which I write.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
English is not my first language, and before i got to ao3 I actually wrote and posted multiple fics in my navite language. But it's also fun to put in tibits of my language in my english fics too, which I did... and are still in my pc LMAO
First fandom you wrote for?
Naruto for sure!
Favourite fic you've ever written?
Currently writing it,,, and it's my beloved Obi-Two, I had so much fun writing the first chapter that the second is coming along slowly because I have so much I want to write about so it's a bit of a mess. Working on it guys, I promise. Another thing of mine is that I always finish a project I post, no matter how long it takes. It's the ones unposted in my pc y'all should fear them to see the light of the internet lmao.
Thank you again for the tag, it was really fun!!
Not sure who to tag, but anyway don't feel obligated to do it if you'd rather not!
@jiminthestreets-bonesinthesheets @kenobisanakin @magnusbae @kingdomvel
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smilesrobotlover · 1 year ago
what inspired your Link’s outfits? I love them!
Thank you! I’m not sure what inspired them but I’ll just talk about them (without pictures cuz I can’t 😔)
Sky: I really loved the green color he had from LU, how everyone had a deeper green shade while he had a lighter, more minty green shade (maybe not minty green but sh), so I went with that color cuz it suited him so well! I also like him having his sash so I keep them. His design sorta changed, I originally had him wearing more baggy clothes, but I added bracers and tightened up his clothes a tad. I also kept his green pants from the beginning of the game cuz I thought that’d look quirky. The biggest things were the sailcloth and loftwing feather. I always vibed with feather earrings, and I wanted the feather to be king, but when I actually drew it, it was a HUGE pain. So I removed it and just put it on his belt. And I put the sailcloth on his belt as well cuz I HATE drawing capes lol. Luckily drawing Sky for a bit made me realize what I liked and disliked about his design so I was able to change some things. I do love the diamond thing on his chest. Admittedly LU inspired the design a lot lol, but in the end I kept some stuff for myself :)
Minish: the Minish clothes inspired his shirt! I found his og shirt very bland so I spiced things up with a leafy shirt and called it a day UwU. I also liked him having a headband with an Ezlo pendant at the end, thought it looked cute! And I think I added some metal toes cuz what if you dropped a hammer on your feet? Anyways, it’s safe to say LU inspired a lot of these designs and I’m not ashamed to admit that (LU did NOT inspire this au tho)
Time: I was actually inspired by bonus Links with their oot Link having a vest. I thought it was a cute and gave my Time a more farm outfit. I made his shirt a more forest green and gave him a weird eyepatch to cover half his face, and then gave him cowboy boots cuz I thought they looked cool. I lvoe his pants cuz he looks like a sexy mom so there’s that lol. Also, about his hair, this is an unpopular opinion but I prefer his short and spiky hair 😔 I’m sorry to the folks who loved the long ponytail. I also added some gloves that I think are strength gloves that aren’t ungraded? Made his outfit more battle ready (in the beginning the Links were in more comfy clothes but I didn’t like that)
Legend: oh boy, he probably has my fav design lol. I sorta added this red sash thing to go against his green shirt and I think it turned out cool! And the red accents look dope as well! I’m particularly proud of his boots, which sorta resemble the Pegasus boots (I think that’s what they’re called 😭). Also I love the idea of legend link hating pants so he wears shorts. He hates pants. He’s just like me fr
Hyrule: I’m not sure how much of Lu inspired my Hyrule, but I always ADORED Lu Hyrule’s floofy hair so I kept that. I kinda like his clothes being baggy and casual, and I made his boots a little scuffed since he travels a lot. Idk what is going on with his design tho. I cant think of anything specific that I did with his design minus the boots and turtle neck (I noticed one of the designs for Zelda 2 had link in a turtle neck and I thought that was perfect for Hyrule). Yeah not many thoughts. Just like the amount of thoughts going through his head
Twi: oh boy, I just gave him a shirt that matched Rusl’s cuz it has a boob window, gave him that dumb arm thing, his ordon sash and obi, and just sorta lightly tweaked his farmer’s outfit. His boots are meant to have goat fur popping out cuz I thought that’d be cool. Plus an ordon goat on his design cuz he likes goats. Not much to say
Four: I looked at all the knights from the FS manga and tried to make him look like that. I always thought his braid and color thing was unique and showed the four colors well. I also made his clothes more white and cream colored cuz I’ve seen four Links as white and then go colorful when they split and I LOVED that. He also gets a cool cape. He sued to have more Arno but I removed it cuz he’s still a kid and I hate drawing Armor.
Windy: oh boy, I had to change his design since I aged him down, but I gave him a sleeveless overcoat since there are a lot of overcoats with pirates. I also gave him a pirate-esque shirt and made his colors more deadpan green which I ADORE. I always liked his gray pants and simple shoes so I kept those!
Spirit: it’s just his engineer outfit, nothing special lol. A boy…
Age: idk how I feel about his design, but I mixed the knight’s outfit with the champion’s tunic with a hint of the zora armor and Mipha’s scale!
Wild: I sorta mixed the Hylian tunic with the champion’s tunic. Again, idk how I feel about it but Wild has his entire wardrobe on him so I can just change his design whenever I want UwU
Warriors: made his scarf look more triangle and covering his neck, and added some pizzaz to it, idk.
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jedi-enthusiast · 2 years ago
For the fanfic ask game: 💖 👀 🥺 🤲 🥰 (sorry I know that's a lot LOL feel free to pick and choose!)
The ask game <3
Oh no don’t apologize! I love people asking a bunch of questions because I love rambling about my fics!
💖- What made you start writing?
I have two answers for this question, since I actually stopped writing a while ago and then got back into it.
I first started writing in general because I was primarily a Wattpad user (I had no idea Ao3 existed, but give me a break I was like 13) and I was reading fan fiction for a manga/anime series called Kuroshitsuji or Black Butler and I just wanted a heroine reader like me.
Most of the "readers" or "ocs" in those fics didn't really stand up for themselves and often let the guy characters walk all over them--or they would be referred to as "badass" but were never really given a chance to be badass. And, at the time, they were also mostly blonde haired/blue eyed.
So I started writing because I wanted a heroine reader that stood up for herself and didn't take anyone's shit and was actually badass on paper--and who had brown hair and eyes like me. I actually still have the full outline of the fic I was working on, and a draft of the prologue, and here are two commissions I bought for my oc:
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I did eventually stop writing for a while, though, because I was just tired of writing and rewriting and rewriting (the outline and draft I have currently is my 3rd rewrite of the entire thing, 4th if you count the other completely different version of it--I get very nitpicky with my fics sometimes).
What got me back into writing was actually you. I started reading "Shoulder the Sky" and I saw how much work you had put in and how passionate you were about your fic and I just...got inspired. I already had an outline for The Great War sitting in my Google Docs (from back when I first got into Star Wars) and I basically decided "fuck it, if they can do then so can I, I'm gonna start writing again" and I did, and now I have two fics ongoing and several in the works that I can't wait to get to.
👀- Tell me about an up and coming WIP!
Ok, one of my WIPs that I'm working on (that I hope to start writing soon, once I finish the outline) is a Modern!AU called "Deeper Roots."
Basically Cody and Obi-Wan are high school sweethearts who have had a long-distance relationship for over a decade now, since Obi-Wan had to move away from their town when he got custody of his siblings (Anakin, Ahsoka, and Reva) from their father (Qui-Gon) due to family issues.
Well, Obi-Wan and Cody decide that he should move back to town since Anakin will be starting college soon (he's 21, but took a gap year and then waited since he had an accident that took his arm) and the college of his choice is nearby + Ahsoka wants to go to that same college + they all miss Cody a lot and want to see him more.
Only one problem. Cody hasn't come out to his family and they have no idea he's dating someone, let alone that he has a boyfriend and that he's--for all intents and purposes--technically a father of three. They all try to keep things a secret from his family still, but things obviously get a whole lot more complicated once the two sides of Cody's life start to intermingle.
(also, I think Reva should be incorporated into their family in Modern!AU fics more often, I think she'd make a great youngest child)
🥺- Is there a certain moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
Ok, slight spoilers for BCC, but one interaction that always makes me emotional when I start to think about it is this one line that I have planned for the end of BCC.
Basically Obi-Wan and Cody are hiding away in a storage room after a hard battle and Obi-Wan says something about "not wanting to be High General Kenobi."
So Cody says that they don't have to be Commander and General. That, when it's just them, "they can just be Obi-Wan and Cody."
👐- Would you please share a snippet of a WIP?
Nothing else is really written yet, so here's a snippet of the next chapter of Bloodshed, Crimson Clover:
The Force sparked restlessly under Obi-Wan’s skin as he stared at the empty holomap in front of him, eyes searching it for the readouts of a battle that hadn’t happened yet—or, rather, was happening, but just out of reach. He could look away. Attempt to meditate, or finish last mission’s report, or do something more productive with his time, but the near-blinding blue light of the blank screen had already seared itself into his mind and he knew that, even if he walked away, it would follow him. 
So he stayed. 
He hesitantly reached out along his and Anakin’s Force Bond, gently pushing forward the memory of Crys announcing they were only fifteen minutes out and an impression of– you? Them? Safe? 
Part of him didn’t expect Anakin to respond, and another part of him dreaded that very fact, but—as always—Anakin was full of surprises. He was quickly hit with a twin pair of waves, harsh impressions of impatience and frustration that burned the back of his throat, and their corresponding memories—one of the 501st’s Star Cruisers disappearing in a flash of fire and smoke, a supply ship they were escorting quickly succumbing to the same fate, Anakin’s admiral informing him that they couldn’t hold out much longer. 
The taste of ash felt thick and heavy on his tongue, and it took him a moment to recover from the sheer intensity of it all—although he was careful to keep his expression devoid of any emotion. Anakin was strong in the Force, but that meant he often forgot to take into consideration how his power might affect those around him. Obi-Wan was used to it, however, so he was able to disperse the effects quickly enough, and the emotions that followed were all his own. 
🥰- How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
*cough* ahem.
I love getting questions about my fic and I love getting comments and people talking about it--all of it just makes me so happy! I love my fic and I love to see people loving it too!
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tennessoui · 2 years ago
Perhaps Obi-Wan kisses Anakin because he has always been just slightly too contrary, taken too much pleasure from turning people’s expectations on their heads. Or perhaps he was always going to kiss Anakin again after that first kiss only a few hours previous. Perhaps he had an addiction now, a clawing need threatening to smother him should he continue to try and ignore it.
Perhaps he kisses Anakin because in that long list Anakin had rattled off of all of Obi-Wan’s wants and desires, he hadn’t mentioned himself even once. And a man as darling and powerful as this king should never have to doubt something so achingly simple as that.
!! lol i had a moment on the bus this afternoon where I was pensively staring out the window trying to match some of these keywords to my fics BUT I remembered it like that meme of the woman thinking in math and looking confused but it’s from “we walk among the clouds in the sky” aka my lil explorer obi-wan/king-of-Atlantis-but-make-it-in-the-sky Anakin!!!
ok for that au I really just wanted to keep it fun and light hearted to write and read—I also really really wanted to keep it under 6k lol so a lot of the fic is like real “please suspend any and all disbelief”: king and basically god!anakin sorta does kidnap obi-wan (or shows great, great reluctance to let him go once he finally meets him), but it's not some stockholm syndrome-y fic which is in large part due to obi-wan being extra willing to meet anakin on his weird obsessive level pretty goddamn quickly
but to be fair to obi-wan, this guy is a king of a thought to be mythical civilization and he has given him an archaeologist's wet dream AND like amazing immediate translation powers with the kyber crystal what's not to want??? he's really not that bummed with the idea of chilling forever with this sunshiney god-king who has been waiting for him for forever, and i do not blame him
but also there's an element, at least in this passage of obi-wan realizing that anakin has all these dreams of their life together and their future, but he must be sorta. lonely. he waited for ages for him, and so loyally too. and he knows so much about obi-wan because of the dreams, but he doesn't know how much obi-wan wants him upon their first meeting. he knows eventually he will want him, but he doesn't know yet that obi-wan already does
so what's an adventurer gonna do except kiss the ancient king god???
send me a blurb of one of my fics and i'll talk about what i was thinking when i wrote it/behind the scenes knowledge on it
(from this ask game)
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ordinarymaine · 10 months ago
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 for whatever you want <3
1. resident evil 8 was such a missed opportunity to do like. idk. anything. im not sure if i necessarily agree with people saying that it was nothing more than a tech demo for re4make, but i definitely see where they're coming from. the factory is a slog, moreau's swamp sucks. house beneviento is by far the scariest part of the entire game and the atmosphere is incredible, but it is CRIMINALLY short. castle d is gorgeous, but lady d herself falls flat as a nemesis / mr x type of enemy. i also just? dont like the writing in re8 at all. the characters are written strangely. i dont know how to put it into words. ethan feels weird. chris feels weird. mia feels weird and was tossed to the side and went from who she was in re7 to like an anime mom. this one is very petty but the fanbase for re8 is annoying as SHIT also. most re fans are irritating but re8 fans are something ELSE. the best thing about re8 is how it looks
2. this very quickly turned from unpopular opinions to Lilith's Hater Hour and im not sure how to word this either but a part of me hates how popular aw2 got. like a big part of me LOVES that, i feel like alan wake has always been underrated and ive loved it for years, its one of my favorite games ever, and im so happy to see it get recognition!! but predictably most of the fanbase has latched onto casey and zane/darling while completely ignoring saga as a character. its a bit annoying </3
3. i do not understand the hype around star wars, or why it got so popular. sorry to my mutuals for saying this on twitter like 3 times in the last 2 weeks and then again here FJFGHJH but i dont get it! i like the prequels, i like the sequels, i like rogue one, i like kotor (havent played either of them but i enjoy them nonetheless), i liked kenobi (pointing obi wan fan) i havent watched andor yet but i know i'll enjoy it. but most of star wars as a whole i just dont think its that. good? like. dont get me wrong when its done well its enjoyable!! but there are better sci fi serieses out there by far. star wars feels like lucasfilms throwing shit at the wall because it looks cool but has little sustenance. i will NOT start on my star trek vs star wars bullshit again because its INCREDIBLY biased LOL
4. i hate fallout 3. i hate traversing it. i hate playing it. i hate how it looks. i dont like the characters. i dont like the story. i dont like the writing. i like fallout 4 more than i like fallout 3, because 4 is at least enjoyable to play and lose myself in, even if the writing is arguably worse. when i first played fallout 3 i kept thinking to myself like. this is it? because for years all i heard was how good it was. and it just isnt LOL
5. i hate alien 3 also. i have not seen it and i do not plan on watching it because i KNOW it will make me angry. i am a BIG hater of shit thats just needlessly pessimistic / depressing / nihilistic simply for the sake of it, and from everything i've read of alien 3, thats exactly how it comes across to me. im sure if i WATCHED it i could more coherently explain why i dislike it, but im so attached to the dynamic that ripley, hicks and newt have that seeing it get thrown away immediately in the start of alien 3 would make me pass away badly
HELP. i didn't mean to ramble this much omg JJFDGJKFDGH i dont think most of this is very well written im sorry it's all very word vomit. i have had a little bit to drink and im feeling very haterish tonight. something in the air. thank you for indulging me <333
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