#coconut coffee scrub
modestusforma · 1 year
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goddessbathblends · 2 years
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the-beauty-sailor · 2 years
Exfoliation at its best | The Beauty Sailor's Coffee Face Scrub on Nykaa
The great exfoliation action of walnut particles, energizing power of coffee and moisturization of coconut oil is all packed inside The Beauty Sailor’s Coffee Face Scrub available on Nykaa. It deep cleanses the skin pores by efficiently removing the dead skin cells, dirt, and pollution particles from there as a result of which skin problems like acne, dullness and signs of premature ageing gets reduced.
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thinking about washing spencer reid’s hair
being a hairdresser with a client that keeps coming back to you for the same treatment. fem!reader, 753wc
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As a hairdresser, you get many clients and visitors - all of whom you've grown to know well over the years. You would chat in friendly conversation with the ladies in your chair, asking them about their lives and families as you refresh their hair colour. 
You were familiar with all your clients. All except one who would pop in sporadically - with no particular promise of their return.
Finishing up on an older lady's curly-do, you glance over to the seating area, spotting him in an armchair by the window, book in hand, brown satchel laid across his lap. You meet his gaze, a soft smile tugging on the corners of your lips.
You turn your attention back to the lady in the mirror, watching her playful expression widen when she follows your eyeline. "What a handsome man," she whispers, talking to you in the reflection. "Get in there quickly... before I do."
"Steady there," you giggle at her antics, grin widening. "Your husband is only in the store next door."
She mumbles dismissively, gesturing with her hands as he snickers. "Oh, Albert knows what I'm like."
"Better keep you on a leash, hm?" you laugh as you untie the gown, helping her stand. "You wait over there, okay? Albert will be back for you in no time," you smile down at her, guiding her towards the seating area.
You turn to look at your next client, his warm gaze already on you. "Your usual, Spencer?" you ask sweetly, features mirroring his. 
"Uh— yes, please," he nods, slinging his bag over his shoulder - following behind you. 
You lead Spencer to the back of the salon with the basins, wrapping a gown over his front and a towel over his shoulders - helping him back comfortably into the seat. Turning on the water, you guide the head over his scalp, carefully wetting his hair.
"Is the temperature okay?" you ask. "Not too hot?"
"Yeah, no, that's perfect," his mouth faintly curling up at the sides. "It's perfect," he closes his eyes, tilting his head back.
You weakly chuckle to yourself, an all-too-familiar smile creeping on your face. "Did you like that shampoo last time, or do you want to try something new?"
"The same one— I quite liked the coconut." 
You pump the shampoo into your hands, rubbing it in a lather before applying it to his scalp, gently scrubbing it in - being mindful of his sensitivity. Massaging his head with sturdy fingers, you glance down at him, taking note of his sweet features - how they almost soften and melt under your touch. 
You've never felt this way about a client before - sure, most of them are middle-aged women, but with Spencer, it was different. He would come into the salon for the same simple treatment every time—a wash and dry—requesting you specifically on the days you were available. The fact he would come to a woman’s salon and book for you every time was enough to cause a swell in your heart.
Turning your attention back to Spencer in your chair, you rinse and repeat - now working conditioner into his curly, messy ends. Looking down at him, you meet his gaze again, his soft hazels admiring you before they bashfully divert away. 
Finishing up in the wash station, you lead him to your chair, nodding for him to sit. "Can I get you a drink? Coffee?"
"The way you always make it?" he softly smiles at you in the reflection, his face almost lighting up. 
"Of course," you mirror his expression. "I'll even make it in that mug you like."
Giving him one quick nod, you head off to the room out back, filling the purple mug with a fresh pot of coffee - adding in the extras he seems to love. Returning with a cup in hand and a smile on your face, you place it on the table beside him and move behind to make a start on drying his hair.
Guiding your fingers through his damp, soft curls, you meet his eyes for another time, his lips parting momentarily. His mouth shuts, stopping himself short. He looked as though he was about to ask you something - a question, maybe. Something important. 
And as you ponder his potential question, he interrupts your thinking, his gentle voice cutting through your short spiral of thoughts. 
"I uh— I was actually hoping you're free after your shift tonight. I'd love to finally take you out for dinner."
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had this idea spring up and it didn’t turn out the way I wanted it. but no point deleting it, so might as well post💌
^ also clearing out drafts
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girlypopbops · 2 months
⋆°✩the ultimate shower vibe✩°⋆
foremost: light a vanilla scented candle, put some LED lights and this playlist on
must brings into the shower room:
icy cold bev of choosing
silky robe
super soft towel
shower essential products:
bar of soap (dove)
shaving cream (skintamite coconut shaving cream)
face wash (cerave)
scalp cleaner (naturelab tokyo perfect shine clarifying scalp exfoliator)
shampoo (neutrogena t-gel)
conditioner (loreal volumizing conditioner)
skin exfoliator (tree hut coco colada)
body wash (ogx coconut coffee scrub and wash)
post shower essentials:
after shave (tend skin solution)
body oil (coconut)
body cream (cerave)
body lotion (EOS)
deodorant (native coconut)
body spray (victoria secret coconut paradise)
wow dream coat spray for hair
heat protectant spray
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curatedbyondrea · 3 months
Luxury DIY At-Home Spa Treatments
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Here are some DIY spa treatment ideas to pamper yourself at home without breaking the bank:
Sugar Scrubs for Silky Skin:
Invigorating Citrus Scrub: Combine brown sugar with olive oil, lemon zest, and a few drops of lemon essential oil for a refreshing and uplifting experience.
Calming Coconut Coffee Scrub: Mix together coconut oil, brown sugar, and ground coffee for an exfoliating scrub that leaves your skin feeling smooth and invigorated.
Nourishing Face Masks:
Hydrating Honey Oat Mask: Mash together ripe avocado, honey, and oatmeal for a mask that deeply hydrates and soothes dry skin.
Brightening Yogurt Mask: Combine plain yogurt, lemon juice, and a touch of honey for a mask that helps brighten and even out your skin tone.
Relaxing Bath Rituals:
Stress-Relief Lavender Bath: Add Epsom salts, dried lavender flowers, and a few drops of lavender essential oil to your bath for a calming and stress-relieving soak.
Muscle-Soothing Bath with Essential Oils: Draw a warm bath and add Epsom salts, a carrier oil (like almond oil or jojoba oil), and a few drops of muscle-relaxing essential oils like peppermint or rosemary.
Bonus Tips:
Set the mood with calming music and flickering candles.
Light aromatherapy diffusers with relaxing scents like lavender, chamomile, or sandalwood.
Make yourself a cup of herbal tea to sip on during your treatment.
Don't forget to pamper your nails with a DIY manicure or pedicure.
Remember, these are just a few ideas to get you started. With a little creativity, you can create a luxurious and relaxing spa experience at home using ingredients you might already have on hand. Enjoy your DIY spa day! Want to dive more into this topic? Watch How to bring *luxury* into your life while on a budget
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hockeynoses · 2 months
and call me in the morning (Ste/ddie snz fic)
Summary: A college AU where Steve is sick and in order to get excused from class, he has to get a doctor's note from the university clinic. Eddie is a med student who works at the clinic.
Rating: PG-13? Nothing much going on here other than admiring each other's looks. No character has the kink. 3.7k words.
Warnings: Mess. Coughing. Mention of contagion, but none actually happens.
Notes: Inspired by gemsden's post. I've always had a bit of a medical kink just lurking under the surface and, well, this happened. I'm happy it pulled me out of my writer's block! The title is from Coconut by Harry Nilsson.
After the nurse weighs him, shows him to the private room, takes his blood pressure, and leaves, Steve has nothing more to do than stare at the bland, cream-colored walls and try not to fall asleep on the exam table. He fights the urge to lay down on the crinkly, uncomfortable paper, praying that this won’t take long, and he can be back home in bed as soon as possible.
The stuffiness in his nose that has been bothering him for days once again reaches capacity, and he feels a tell-tale tickle which gives him just enough warning to fumble a tissue out of the small pack he has shoved in his pocket. “kknnnxXGT!” The fountain of snot that pours out is miraculously all contained in the one feeble tissue. He groans and a couple coughs escape him. This cold, or whatever the hell it is, is just starting to settle into his chest.
The trash can on the other side of the room is too far away for his aching body, so he sets the used tissue to the side of him on the exam table. The waxy cover always reminds him of the kind of paper used for takeout orders. He feels enough like a vegetable right now that someone could just wrap him up like a sandwich and put him out of his misery.
Fiddling with the packet of tissues, he sees he only has two left. There’s a full box sitting on the counter across the room, but he doesn’t want to embarrass himself by hoarding the entire box like some kind of snot monster. He should be able to control his nose for the next ten minutes or so.
After a few more minutes of waiting, there’s a knock on the door. It swings open to reveal a guy about his age, with long curly hair pulled back into a bun, and the biggest brown eyes Steve has ever seen. The dark ink on his forearms swirls all the way up his biceps until it disappears under his scrubs. Steve instantly feels his face warm, and he’s about ten times more embarrassed to be here. He thought he was going to be examined by some sweet middle-aged lady, not this bad-boy doctor that sends heat crawling up his neck.
Eddie enters the exam room and commends himself on his professional conduct when the first thing he notices is how awful the guy on the table looks, rather than how gorgeous he is. The third thought that runs through his head is how familiar he looks. This has to be the guy that stops by the coffee shop where Eddie studies.
He’s shaken from his thoughts when the guy curls forward with a powerful sneeze that rips through him, thankfully caught in a waiting tissue.
“Whoa,” Eddie says, stepping over to the counter and immediately donning a surgical mask. The guy looks truly miserable and Eddie’s not trying to fuck around with this.
“Hey,” the guy says weakly into his bundle of drenched tissues.
“Hi,” Eddie says, “It’s, uh…” He looks at the chart in his hands. “Steve, right?”
“Yeah.” Steve follows his resigned answer with a clearing blow that rips through the otherwise quiet room.
“So, you’re not feeling too hot, Steve?” Eddie pulls the swivel stool to the center of the room and takes a seat.
“Not really, bman.” Steve pulls the tissue from his face, gives a hearty but futile sniff, and sets the dirty thing on the table next to him. “I just dneed a doctor’s dnote for class. The professor is such a hardass.”
“Yeah, I totally get it,” Eddie says as he pointedly places the trash can next to Steve, who sheepishly tosses the soiled kleenex. “It still looks like you’ve caught a hell of a bug, though, so I gotta do the required examination.”
Steve smothers several wracking coughs into his elbow. When he emerges, he looks even more wiped out. “That’s fine.” It comes out as Thad’s find, and Eddie shouldn’t be charmed by how the congestion mangles his words, but he is. He gets the feeling that he’ll find anything this guy does to be charming.
“Alright, let me get your temperature first.” He grabs the infrared thermometer from the counter, then, noting the nearly empty packet of Kleenex Steve has on him, also grabs the box of tissues, and places it next to Steve on the exam table. “You look like you might need these.”
“Thaggs,” Steve manages, and now Eddie is close enough to see the flush that blooms high on his cheeks, under a constellation of beauty marks. Is he covered in them all over?  Eddie mentally chides himself for the thought, forcing himself to focus. He stands over Steve, aiming the temperature gun at his forehead.
“W-wait- I - iihh!” Steve’s eye flutter and he leans back as far as he can, twisting to the side. “hih-HIH’RUUSSHHH’IUE!” The sneeze is heaved into his cupped hands, no doubt contaminating them with contagious spray. “Ow.” His poor throat must be scraped raw. Eddie pulls two tissues from the box and hands them over. Steve takes them gratefully, burying his face into the soft, white folds and releasing a sickly, gurgling blow.
“Ogkay,” Steve says as he straightens up, his throat still thick with mucus. Eddie winces in sympathy, taking his temperature while Steve still has the clump of tissues pressed under his chapped nose.
“101. You definitely have a fever.” Eddie makes a note on his chart. “How long have you felt feverish?”
Steve swipes his nose clean, throws the Kleenex into the trash, and answers, “About a day or two…”
“Have you been drinking fluids?”
“Trying to.” Steve covers a wet little cough with his fist. “Bmostly Gatorade… or if my roobmate bmakes bme tea.”
I bet he’s a jock, Eddie thinks at the mention of Gatorade, and tries to ignore the mental image of a healthy Steve running around in short shorts.
“That’s good. How about your appetite?”
“Umb… m-mostly – heh-” he frantically pulls a tissue from the box as Eddie steps further back, eyebrows raised. “heh-KIISSHH’AH! Ugh. ‘Scuse bme. SNF. Bmostly soup.”
“That’ll work. It’s important to stay hydrated and keep up with your meals.” Eddie tries to focus on his damn job and not how adorable Steve looks with his red nose and his sleepy eyes. He wants to take him home and tuck him into bed.
“And the congestion? The sneezing? How long has that been bothering you?”
The mere mention of it has Steve’s nose staging a rebellion. The unrelenting itch causes his breath to start hitching as the tingling spreads. His lungs fill with a stuttered gasp before he’s rocked by a sneeze that sends him lurching forward into his soggy tissue. “Huh-AEXXTSHHH’uu!” Jesus, that sounded like half of it came from his chest. It takes him a moment to come back to himself. He pauses, clearing the mucus from his throat.
“Yikes… That sounded like it hurt. You good?” Eddie’s forehead creases with concern.
“Mmhmm,” Steve answers, although he doubts he’s very convincing, seeing as his response was more of a pathetic pained sound than actual words. He forges on anyway.
“Idt started about a day and a half ago a-and iihh – hih – it won’t – sto- hah – HA’ESSSHHH’uh! SNF. Ugh, God, idt won’t stob.” He grabs another kleenex to clean himself up. “I feel like saying I’b stuffed ubp is an understatemend.” He snuffles up the liquid threatening to spill out his nostrils, the sound of it somehow both syrupy and jam-packed at the same time.
“What about headaches? Body aches?”
“Y-yeah – I – h-hang ond - hah-K’GGSSHHoo! Heh-D’TSHH! Oh bmy god.” The poor, crumpled tissue that’s now completely sodden is thrown away, immediately replaced by a fresh one, brought up to halt the flow of snot that threatens to run onto his cupid’s bow. “Sorry for beigg disgusting. This cold is killing bme.”
“You’re fine,” Eddie says with a smile that’s mostly hidden by the mask. “It comes with the territory.”
Steve gives a weak smile and nods. Eddie’s candor helps open the floodgates and he continues, “Umb. So yeah, bmy head’s beedn hurting for a couple days. And bmy body hurts, but that’s probably the fever. It’s just –” He smothers a crackling cough into his wad of tissues. “It’s jusdt beedn shitty all around.”
“Sorry, man. I feel for you.” Eddie meets his eyes before scribbling some notes down on his chart. “Hopefully we can suggest something for that cough at least, and have you feeling better soon. Some Tylenol would help with that fever, too.”
“Thaggs.” Steve’s eyes track Eddie’s nimble hands as he writes. The fever must be loosening his tongue because he asks, “Hey, you look kind of fabmiliar. Do…do you - hih’AEESSH’iue! Do you go to the coffee shobp around the cordner?”
Eddie’s heart stumbles over itself and he looks up to meet Steve’s glassy eyes.
“I do! I thought I’d seen you before. I study there a lot because it’s so close, and I concentrate better with a little bit of chaos, you know?”
“For sure. I stob there before bmy night class sobetimes. They have really good lattes.”
“And those croissants, oh my god. Sometimes I think they’re the only thing getting me through med school.”
Steve laughs at that, which of course turns into a hoarse cough that he has to race to cover with his elbow. Eddie looks at him with undisguised concern; can feel himself falling fast. He’s going to need to call on every bit of professionalism he possesses to act normal when he has to get up close and personal with this guy.
“They let students work in the university clinic?” Steve asks. The fever is making his head swim, but he’s got to learn more about this guy. If he says anything stupid, he can blame it on the fact that he’s sick as a dog. When he would sneak glances at this guy – he reads his nametag – Eddie Munson – in the café, he’d practically salivate over his tatted forearms peeking out from his rolled-up sleeves. He usually had his hair back in a messy bun if he was studying – wild strands escaping here and there, chewing on the end of his pen, his foot jittering with barely-restrained energy.
“They sure do,” Eddie answers, snapping Steve out of his reverie. “Third- and fourth-year med students do clinical rotations as part of the MD program.” He pulls a tongue depressor from a glass jar on the nearby counter. “Doctor Byers should be in to check my work when we’re done. She’s chill though.” He walks back over to stand in front of Steve. “Now comes the fun part,” he says, wiggling the tongue depressor in his fingers.
“Do we have to?” Steve scrubs a finger under his raw nose.
“Doctor’s orders, I’m afraid,” Eddie says with a smile that crinkles his eyes.
“F-finde… Let bme j-just – heh - hih…ha'iggSHH’IUE!”
“Get all those sneezes out?”
“Y-yeah – hih - gshHT’Chuh! kx’GSSHT’iiew!”
“You ready?” Eddie asks when Steve stills, blinking above the barricade of tissues pressed desperately to his face.
“Uh huh.” Steve fights against the perpetual tingle in his sinuses by snorting as much of the mess back as he can.
“Just try not to sneeze on me,” Eddie jokes.
Steve flushes, mortified that that’s even a possibility. He’s been eyeing this guy for weeks - why couldn’t they have met under normal circumstances that weren’t designed specifically to humiliate him?
“I’ll try.” Steve tries to sound reassuring, but who’s he kidding – judging by the past couple days, the likelihood of him controlling his nose is slim to none.
“Okay, open your mouth.”
Steve does, relieved that he can blame his warm cheeks on the fever. Eddie is right in his face, and Steve doesn’t know where to look. Half his concentration is spent on not staring at his chocolate brown eyes, and the other half is trying to not cough all over him. He should’ve brought some fucking water with him, or stopped at the café for some hot tea.
All the thoughts fly from his head when Eddie crooks a couple fingers under his chin to tilt his head up for a better view. A sharp curl of desire sizzles at the base of his spine, his insides turning gooey at being handled in such a way, with such intense scrutiny – like he’s a particularly interesting bug under a microscope.
Eddie tsks. “Your throat’s pretty red, and a bit swollen. No surprise there.” He pulls back and tosses the tongue depressor. “How long has it been sore for?”
“A couple –” He’s cut off by a chesty, rattling cough muffled into his cupped hands. “Sorry,” he rasps. “A couple days ago. Idt was the first symptom I had, other than - Kngxxt’shoo! – other than beigg tired.” While he grabs a handful of tissues to clean himself up, Eddie pulls the stethoscope free from where it rests over his shoulders. Steve groans inwardly. He hates this part. It’s always so awkward having someone listen to every sound you make – inside and out – in a silent room. He gives a viscous blow into the Kleenex, hoping to clear out as much sludge as possible. How disgusting must Eddie think he is right now? Or is this truly just another day at the office for him?
“Ready?” Eddie gestures with the stethoscope. Steve takes off his jacket and fights a shiver. “I’m going to listen to your lungs for a second. Just breathe deep for me, okay?”
“Ogkay.” Steve gives one last small cough into his fist before taking a deep breath. His nose is so stuffed that he’s forced to breathe through his mouth. It’s silent in the room as Eddie shifts the disk on his back from his left lung to his right, his other hand a warm, steadying presence on Steve’s shoulder.
Steve continues to breathe in and out, but as Eddie is about to switch to his front, his breath catches and a deep, wet cough is forced from him. He twists away again, and Eddie gives him space. The cough sets off the irritation in his nose, and he’s helpless against the harsh, scraping sneeze – “hah’ITXXXCH’ah!” – that bursts into the waiting crook of his elbow, the mess of it leaving the fabric damp.
“Christ, I’b so sorry.” He catches his breath and cleans himself up. His voice is starting to go hoarse. “I really don’dt wanna get you sigk.”
“No worries, I think you have whatever has been going around for a while. I’m sure I’ve already been exposed.” He leans into Steve’s space again and sets the cool disk on Steve’s chest. “We definitely don’t want you going to class and spreading this around, though. We’ll get you that doctor’s note, no problem.”
“That’s a relief. Thaggs.”
“Happy to help. Another deep breath for me?”
Steve does as he’s asked, focusing on the feel of Eddie’s hands on him as a sense of calm sinks into his bones, the tension inside him unspooling. The room is quiet enough for him to hear Eddie’s breath echoing his own. If he wasn’t so goddamn stuffed up, he’s sure he’d be able to smell the salt of his skin. As much as Steve hates being poked and prodded when he’s sick, it turns out it’s not that bad when Eddie’s the one doing it.
“Sounds like it’s moving into your lungs,” Eddie says, and Steve only nods dazedly, surrendering to the exhaustion and the feeling of his mind floating somewhere above him. “Some over the counter cough medicine would help with that.”
“I can ask Robin to pick me up sombe,” Steve says, thinking out loud. Then he clarifies, “Robin’s my roobmate.”
“Well, that would be nice of her.” Eddie loops the stethoscope back around his neck and moves to stand in front of Steve. “I’m going to check if your lymph nodes are swollen.”
Steve sits up straight and tilts his head up. The cool touch of Eddie’s hands against the fever-hot skin of his neck is enough to make him shiver again. He’s going to melt into puddy if he’s not careful. His eyes threaten to flutter shut as Eddie gently prods at him, and Steve must really be out of it now, because he’s letting his eyes roam greedily all over the other man – his broad shoulders, dark eyelashes and lightly freckled skin. There are a couple loose curls that Steve wants to brush off his forehead, and his thumb itches to press into the little furrow of his brow that forms as Eddie concentrates fully on Steve. On getting Steve better.
The words spill out of him without his consent – “Robin is jusdt a roobmate.”
“Oh?” Eddie’s hands still, but he doesn’t remove them from the underside of Steve’s jaw. Steve blinks – realizes what he just said.
“I bmean – yeah. She’s – I was just clarifying. Only roobmates.”
Eddie pauses, his eyes searching for something in Steve’s gaze. “Good to know.” His tone is genuine and deliberately light.
Eddie continues his exam, gentle fingers exploring along Steve’s skin. Steve swallows against the dryness in his throat, sniffing in an attempt to keep his nose from running. Another desperate, ominous sniffle has his damn nose prickling again. Steve reacts in a flash – pressing his hand into Eddie’s solid chest to push him out of the way before inhaling sharply and curling into himself as a sneeze tears out of him and sprays over his lap. “Hiih-ZZSSHHESSH! G-god, sorr-eee – heh - huh’GGSSHH’IEW!” His hands are loosely steepled in front of his face, not enough to completely contain the spray, but enough to hopefully give him some semblance of privacy so Eddie doesn’t have to watch such a disgusting display of illness. Not like he hasn’t had a front-row seat this whole time. “Fugk.” He reaches for the tissues as gracefully as he can. “Sorry, this is disgusdtigg.”
“It’s okay, Steve. It’s not your fault - you’ve got one hell of a cold.”
“Still,” Steve insists, then marvels at the fact that against all odds, Eddie looks charmed.
“Alright tough guy, I think it’s safe to say we can write you that doctor’s note now.” Eddie winks. Steve doesn’t know whether to blush, grumble at him, or thank him profusely. He somehow finds a middle ground.
“Thagg you.” The words are a self-deprecating groan into his now ever-present fistful of tissues.
“We’ll email you a copy, but they can print it for you when you check out, if that helps.” Eddie smiles under his mask, and Steve wishes he could see it. There’s a knock at the door, and Eddie tells whoever it is to come in. It’s Dr. Byers. Joyce, Steve gleans from her nametag when she gets closer.
“Hey guys. How is everything going in here?” She steps into the room and Eddie hands her the chart.
“Good. It looks like he’s got that nasty cold that’s been going around. I told him we could get him an attendance note for class, and recommend some over-the-counter cold meds. And lots of fluids and rest, of course.” He sends a look Steve’s way, who returns it with a nod, their eyes catching and holding. Joyce studies the chart a moment longer.
“Everything looks good. Do you have any questions, Steve? Anything else that you have concerns about?”
“No, I don’t - hah-iiGhhShoo! ‘Scuse mbe. I don’t thigg so.”
“Alright, if there’s nothing else, I believe you’re free to go,” she says with a sweet smile. Steve is hit with an odd flash of happiness that Eddie has such a nice mentor to work with.
“If anything gets worse, come back and see us, for sure.” Eddie hastily adds, his hands clicking his pen with excess energy.
“I will. Thaggs again,” he says for good measure. As he stands up to leave, Eddie’s voice rings bright in the dull room.
“And hey – next time you see me at the café, stop and say hi, yeah?”
Steve’s heart gives a silly little lurch, warmth spreading through him. “Yeah, of course. I’ll – iihh - hih’KISSHH’uu! SNF. I’ll see you there.”
A fond laugh rumbles from Eddie’s chest. “Preferably when you’re feeling better. You’re like a walking biohazard right now.”
Steve groans and rolls his eyes. “Ugh, you don’dt have to rebind bme.”
“I know, I’m just giving you a hard time.” When Eddie turns back to Joyce, she’s looking between them with a question in her eyes. He huffs an awkward laugh and rubs the back of his neck. “Well, take care Steve. I’ll see you around!” He hesitates a moment longer before giving them both a little wave and heading out the door to his next patient.
Joyce shares a look of friendly exasperation with Steve. “He’s quite the character, but he’s going to make a great doctor someday.”
“Seembs like it.” Steve looks to the door Eddie has already disappeared from. He’s a romantic at heart in spite of himself, and he already knows he’ll be imagining how Eddie is spending the rest of his day while he’s laid up in bed fighting this thing. He wants to believe that Eddie will be daydreaming of him too.
“Come on, I’ll show you where to check out.” Joyce leads the way out of the room.
Steve follows, already doing the mental math to figure out the timing of when he’ll be feeling better and when Eddie will be studying at the café. What should he wear? Which outfit would Eddie like best? Maybe he can try to find him on social media. After all, he’s going to have plenty of time to lay around with nothing else to do.
He has no idea what the fuck he’s going to do yet, but the thought of seeing Eddie again pleases him more than he knows what to do with. Once he finishes checking out and heads out the doors, he lets himself imagine the smile he’ll get from Eddie in a few days. Warm and easy, with just enough of an edge to send Steve’s pulse racing.
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pinkglacierz · 1 year
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♡ Tree Hut Body Scrubs (Decor Set) ♡
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♡ Mesh Made 100% By Me ! Don't Take Credit For Shit You Ain't Do ♡
⋆。°♡✧* T.O.U  ⋆。°♡✧*
❀ 𝐈𝐅 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐔𝐬𝐞 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐂𝐮𝐬��𝐨𝐦 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐈𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐕𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨𝐬 𝐎𝐫 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐬, 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐔𝐬 @ 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐬 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰 ❀ 𝐃𝐨 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐏𝐮𝐭 𝐁𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐀 𝐏𝐚𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐥
❀ 𝐃𝐎 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐔𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐀𝐃 𝐀𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 ; 𝐏𝐮𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐎𝐧 𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 🙃
𝐈𝐟 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐲 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐎𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐬, 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐎𝐮𝐭!
♡︎ 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐔𝐬 𝐎𝐧 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐬 @ 𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐳 ♡︎
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lovelylau · 11 months
My skincare routine for Dry and Sensitive skin
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Of course I don’t do all those steps daily but on Sundays I try to do every single one of them 💕
Cleanser : Cerave hydrating facial cleanser and Drunk elephant n9 jelly cleanser or from time to time byebye black head by SOMEBYME.
Exfoliant : The ordinary Solution de Peeling AHA 30% + BHA 2% or Hello Body Cocos pure coconut coffee face scrub.
Lip scrub : Sugar lip polish by Fresh.
Lip mask : Laneige lip mask + vaseline on top.
Toner : Laneige essential balancing Emulsion.
Essence : Advanced Snail 96 Mucin power essence by COSRX.
Serum : Protini power peptide resurf serum by drunk elephant.
Mask : any sheet mask from Sephora.
Lashes : Grande lash above the lash line for growth and castor oil directly on the lashes.
Moisturizer : Advanced Snail 92 all in one cream by COSRX + Cerave moisturizing Cream for dry to very dry skin.
Anti aging : Yves Rocher Beauty Elixir 100% Botanical Origin ( I usually use Guasha right after that).
Anti-imperfections : The ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%
That’s my whole routine, it can take a long time to complete so I usually listen to my favorite songs and enjoy an iced coffee while doing it 🧖‍♀️💅🏻
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captivatingcherub · 3 months
My 🤍Vanilla Scented🤍 Everything Shower
Hello, my dears! This is kind of a step-by-step guide/how to on my shower routine :) my favorite compliment to get is that I smell good and since doing this I get that at least once a day! My go to is Vanilla or Coconut scents! I usually do a combination of the two <3
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1. Before your shower
I personally believe you have to set the vibes of your shower first, I don’t always listen to music while I shower, sometimes I just like to take that time to think, but if I do I set up my phone/speaker in the shower, make sure I have a towel to dry my hands if I need, and find a playlist!
I also love incense, candles, or essential oils while I’m showering! If I have a headache or I’m not feeling good I’ll use essential oils that target that kind of thing and I find the steam + oils really helps!
2. Shampoo
I like to go top to bottom when I shower! I find it makes me feel the cleanest! So step one is shampoo, I still have not found the perfect shampoo and conditioner for me yet (if anyone has any recommendations please lmk) I’m using the Tresseme Keratin one right now but I want to try more!
Double cleanse your hair!! After I shampoo and rinse the first time I go right back in and shampoo again! Some people use two different shampoos, I would like to do that but I haven’t found any I love enough yet. This makes your scalp so clean and my hair is on the thinner side and I find that this makes my hair look less weighed down after day 1!
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3. Hair Mask (Twice a Week)
I use a bunch of different hair masks, usually for different things (damage repair, hydration, elasticity) but it’s totally up to you! I feel like hair masks are so treatment based you really have to find which one works for you and your hair type/hair needs.
Leave the mask in for 5-10 minutes, we’ll do the next couple steps with it sitting in your hair!
Tip: keep a claw clip or hair tie in the shower so you can keep your hair up while it absorbs the product!
*If you don’t use a hair mask put your conditioner in at this step and leave in to soak into your hair the same!*
4. Wash #1
Double cleansing is everything to me, when I tell you like two years ago I was trying everything to smell good, it’s embarrassing lol but I was struggling because I didn’t know what to do + I have rather sensitive skin that reacts to some products in a less than great way so I have found that double cleansing everything helps so much!
For this first wash I use an antibacterial bar soap! Specifically the Dial antibacterial one but you can use whatever you want, this came in a huge pack and I’m only like halfway through lol. I know people love Dove and I want to as well but as far as I know they’re big time Z**nists and I try to avoid!
So yeah, brand of soap doesn’t really matter to me as long as it’s an antibacterial one! That will get rid of the bacteria that produces BO
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5. Shaving Time
I know not everyone shaves but I love have smooth legs so this is how I do it!
First, I’ll go in with a scrub! There are a few I like (Tree Hut has great ones and a million scents to choose, Bath and Body Works has some, they’re not my favorite but they work, I really like the OGX coconut coffee one, not expensive and smells great!)
Then, shaving cream! If I’m out of shaving cream I’ll use conditioner instead but you just want something to kinda lube up your legs before you shave lol. As for shaving creams I’m not too picky, I really like the EOS vanilla shaving cream and I’ll get that when I can but I don’t find that the smells sticks around from it so whatever shaving cream works best for you!
Finally, the shaving, I use a 3-5 blade razor, usually the generic brand from Target lol but I find they work really well and I hardly ever get cuts from them! Anything less than 3 blades I find myself getting nicked way more!
6. Conditioner!
So, after you shave, you wanna rinse the hair mask out completely and apply your conditioner! (I’ve been using the matching Tresseme Keratin conditioner but again I’m not obsessed with it)
*if you skipped the hair mask step you can either keep your conditioner in for longer or rinse it out at this step!*
I like to leave my conditioner soaking in my hair same as the mask making sure to get the ends of my hair really well!
7. Brush your Teeth
Some people think I’m crazy for this but I way prefer to brush my teeth in the shower, plus it gives me something to do while I wait for various hair products to soak in haha, idk if anyone cares about what I use but I use an electric toothbrush and usually Crest Whitening toothpaste!
I also do this every day, not just in the shower but scrape your tongue! It helps keep my mouth feeling clean and fresh all day I cannot recommend enough!
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8. Rinse your Hair
Get all the conditioner out! It’s healthiest to rinse your hair in cold water and I really do feel a difference in the smoothness and moisture in my hair when I do but it’s hard lol so if you can do a cold rinse (or better yet rest of your shower) that would be best, I usually turn it to a lower warm and pretend it’s doing the same thing lol
9. Wash, wash, wash your face
Now that my hair is clean and all the product is out of it I move on to washing myself, you want to make sure you get all the product residue from your hair off of you! That’s a huge cause of body acne and irritated skin!
I wash my face first, I like the cleansers from The Ordinary and Good Molecules but keep in mind I don’t really struggle with acne, in fact I have pretty dry skin so I try to go for more moisturizing ones! What is good for my face might not be what you need :)
Oh what’s that? You thought we were done? Nope! Wash your face again! Double cleansing saves my skin but kills my wallet lol! I wear makeup and sunscreen and touch my face all day, I want to make sure I’m getting all of that off and then ALSO cleaning my skin underneath! It has made a huge difference in the way my skin both looks and feels!
10. Body Wash!
Last step! Grab your body wash of choice! I have been using Bath and Body Works Madagascar Vanilla scent but I like pretty much any vanilla scented body washes! Then, I take a loofah and scrub my whole body, making sure to get my back and legs because the run off from the conditioner isn’t good to leave on and will clog your pores!
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11. Out of the Shower
Ok! Now that you’re all done in the shower I thought I’d tell you about my post shower smell good process because it’s just as important lol. I start with a body lotion (I use a matching Vanilla scent to my body wash) I hear putting body oil on first then lotion makes your skin super soft but I haven’t tried yet!
Anyways, put the lotion EVERYWHERE, arms, legs, chest, stomach, feet, get your whole body nice and smooth!
I use a body/hair mist, right now it’s the Tropical Vanilla one from Pacifica and I put that in my hair and all over the lotion while it absorbs!
Then for deodorant, literally the only one that works for me and doesn’t give me a rash is the Secret Clinical Gel, it smells like nothing, I wish I could use one that smells good but unfortunately my body hates them :/
Lastly! Purfume/purfume oil! My favorites are Sweet Cream and Fresh Cashmere by Philosophy and I’m using the Creamy Coconut perfume oil by Kuumba Made!
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All done! Thank you so much for reading! I hope this helped or you at least found this fun! Have a good one <3
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traditionaldream · 2 months
Beauty products that I swear by (All of them are vintage and one is homemade!) 🎀
Nivea Creme: This is the best moisturizer! I use it on my body as well on my face and it leaves my skin very smoth. It works very well as an eye and neck cream. All the benefits in one place.
Johnson's Baby Oil: Another great product. After shaving, it leaves the skin so smooth, and I recommend mixing it with the nivea creme for an easier application of the cream, since it is quite thick.
Lux Soap: The only thing I use to wash my body! They have a wide range of scents and colors. They smell so good and leave your skin with a pleased clean scent.
Lipsticks: Revlon's "Certainly Red" and L'oreal's "Cristal Cerise": My go to lipsticks. One is a bright red, very 1950s (because it is from around that period) and the other one is more of a brown-red, with glitter, which reminds me of the 1970s
HOMEMADE BODY SCRUB: Just mix coconut oil and coffee grids in a jar and then apply the mixture to your body. It's all natural and actually lasts a long time if you keep it in a clean and dark drawer or cabinet.
Vaseline: I use it on my lips.
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kuromiscat · 4 months
Reader who does those showertok videos so the bathroom is full of body washes, scrubs and lotions and when Simon goes back to base he smells like sea kelp or coconut coffee from ogx 😩
Random thought I had after showering because i make showertok videos 😓
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theereina · 10 months
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List of products:
Dove Shea Butter Bar Soap
OGX Coconut Coffee Scrub & Wash
eos Shea Better Body Lotion- Vanilla Cashmere
Vaseline Intensive Care Cocoa Radiant For Glowing Skin 3 Count Body Gel Oil
*Some items are only offered in packs of multiples and are not offered in singles.
**This is an affiliate ad that redirects to Amazon. I will earn a commission from any purchase of the listed items.
Thank you, XOXO
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lolasimms · 1 year
a lots gonna change pt.10
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Summary: Married life isn’t great, infidelity ensues, and things change.
Feel free to send asks about the series!
next part
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2 years later
Your Saturday morning had started off quite busy, after an early Pilates class with Dina, some coffee and a bit of grocery shopping you finally headed home. The house was in its best state possible, with your ever growing daughter being out of the house for the next two days. Usually Ellie had her on Fridays, Saturday's and Sunday's but this weekend she'd be off camping with Joel. You were more than ok for her to spend the time with her grandfather and judging from Ellie's lack of hesitance when Joel had suggested he take Lila with him, you assumed she felt the same.
With nothing left to do for the next three hours, you decided you'd pamper yourself before your guest came over. The tub was filled to the brim with foamy suds of expensive vanilla- coconut scented bubble bath, a gift you had received from Nara. Your felt the ache of your bones soothe as you sunk yourself deeper and deeper into the water. After the long and taxing week you'd had at work and home, you decided to treat yourself today, hence the bubble bath and candles that were lit around the bathroom.
After scrubbing yourself clean, shaving and rinsing off, you drained and cleaned the bath and then headed into your bedroom. You had a Nina Simone record playing and the lights dimmed as you smeared your body in lotion and threw on a baby pink satin nighty. With a small peak through your curtains it seemed the sun had set already, a deep orange coating the sky, as the moon slowly appeared. You'd never grow accustomed to the quiet, and as much as you loved Lila it was always great to have three days of uninterrupted self care.
You were sat on a kitchen stool downing a glass of Chardonnay when your doorbell rang. You giggled nervously, placing your glass on the counter and running to the door. You hurriedly unlocked the front door and were welcomed by the sight of Abby.
Before you could get a word in her hands had scooped under your armpits, her leg kicking the door shut. She hoisted you onto the kitchen island so quickly that it made you release a little squeal. Her mouth didn't leave yours as her fingers, made way to the thin straps of your satin nighty.
"My fucking favourite." She groans into your mouth, referring to the pink nightie of yours that she loved so much. You smile knowingly, as that was the reason you'd purposefully put it on. You knew it made her insatiable.
She finally let go of you, shucking her arms out of her brown flannel. Her strong hipbones filled the space between your legs. Her hands were so big as she placed them under your thighs and hoisted you onto her hips, she carried you upstairs despite your embarrassed protests.
You'd made it into your bedroom, where she was leaning down so you could kiss her mouth more easily. “Come sit on my lap," she whispered. "It's easier to kiss you that way."
You straddled her lap and she was right, finally your faces were level. Within seconds the heat between the both of you had escalated to how it had been in the kitchen. You ground your crotch against her as she gripped your ass and then slid her hands under your nightie. Her fingers fumbled with the satin dress before sliding upwards. Her actions causing you to shudder and whimper as her hands cupped and kneaded your breasts. Your nipples reveled in the way she softly pinched them. As she kissed you with increasing fervor, she couldn't help but purr her moans into your mouth.
"Do you have it on?" You question as you ground yourself against her and she nods. You reach for her belt, tugging impatiently and she helps you remove the pants.
"So fucking impatient." She teases as she flips you over forcefully, both of her hands rest at the side of your head and she dips her head to pepper kisses on your neck, burying her face in your cleavage, kissing and sucking on your delicate, smooth skin. Your scent, vanilla and coconut, was so delicious to her she could practically eat you.
You moaned against her touch, you ran your fingers through her blonde hair as she cupped your breasts, kissing all the way from your chest, to your neck, to your lips. Moving down she slid her hands along your bare thighs, pushing the satin dress up further to your hips. She hooked a finger around your lace panties and tugged them, she made her way further down the bed tugging them completely off and then proceeding to kiss your ankles.
You looked up at her from the bed and bit your lip as you watched her suck on her fingers to wet them for you. Moving her hand to your core, she felt your natural heat and wetness as she carefully touched you before leaning back down and kissing you deeply. She ran her wet fingers gently up and down your folds, warming you up to her touch. You moaned into her mouth as you felt your wetness start to cover her fingers.
Once again she had made her way down the bed, leaving sloppy kisses on your thighs. Her pace was slow at first, as she inched closer and closer to your core when you let out a delectable moan. All of a sudden she was a woman starved as she doubled down her attack on your pussy. There were no teasing licks, only fierce suction and pressure just how you liked it. It was too much and not enough all at once.
As if your thrashing and moans weren't enough, she brought her fingers down to your clit, doubling the pleasure. You tried to pull away from her face to lessen the overwhelming amounts of pleasure you were experiencing but she didn't back down. If anything it encouraged her to keep going.
"Abs, I'm going to" you whine pathetically and she moans into you as she continues lapping. "Daddy please" you whine, big mistake, the words turning her on so badly that her strong arms wrap tightly around your hips, caging you in.
"Come on do it, you cum so pretty, baby." Her eyes had dark fire in them and her snarl made her canine teeth sing. "And I know you can do it. You are such a good little slut." She laid her weight on top of you, hissing into your core as her fingers worked your clit furiously. "You cum so good for Daddy. I love that about you. My sweet girl, she fucking love's to cum."
Her words are enough to send you into overdrive and you cum with a loud yelp, your back arching off the bed. She lifts her head, face covered in slick as she smiles at you. You needed more and you needed it now, she looked so good. Hair loose, all sweaty from her attack on your cunt and her muscles tensing as she dragged you by the legs.
"I need to be inside you right now." She remarks and you nod fervently, before the two of you can go any further you're interrupted by hard knocks at your door. She looks down at you curiously and you shrug.
"Wait here baby, I'll be back" you grab your nighty that was strewn across the floor, not having time to find your panties and make your way down the stairs. You reach the front door, annoyed that your and Abby's bliss had been disturbed. What you didn't expect was to find Ellie standing at your front door holding a bag of Chinese food.
"Ellie?" You question, immediately embarrassed at the fact that you were fucked out wearing nothing but a nightie, with your own cum probably still dripping out of you.
"Hey, I thought I'd bring you some food. Lila's usually with me on weekends and now she’s at camp with Joel and I'm not used to spending them alone, so I just thought we could eat together like old ti-" her ramble is cut off when she hears a voice calling out your name.
"Who is it baby?" Abby asks as she comes up behind you, when her eyes land on Ellie and she freezes.
"Oh shit I didn't know you had company" Ellie's cheeks go crimson red and she starts to connect the dots. She must've realised what the two of you had been doing as her eyes fail to meet yours and all she can do is hand you the bag of Chinese and look away.
You accept the bag, passing it to Abby and instructing her to place it in the kitchen and give you some time to speak with Ellie.
"I'm sorry I didn't expect any guests tonight" you say as you watch Ellie fidget with her jacket zipper.
"It's fine, my bad for showing up announced." Her eyes finally meet yours and you give her an awkward smile.
"Well are you sure about the food, I can split it so yo-" she cuts you off, shaking her head.
"It's fine, you can have it all" you nod awkwardly.
"Alright goodnight Ellie" you attempt to shut the door when she calls out to you.
"Does she really make you happy?" You're taken aback by her blunt question but don't fail to nod.
"Yeah, really happy."
Ellie took the long route home, to think about what had happened. To see you with that bitch all fucked out had her feeling a deep rage. she was even more embarrassed that it took her so long to realise what you’d been doing. She knew the two of you had been dating but she didn’t know how serious it was, Abby had met her daughter but whenever Ellie asked if she slept over Lila always said no.
She should’ve connected the dots that you’d been bringing her round on the days Lila was at her place. Ellie knew she had to right to be upset, she herself had been on dates since the divorce, however they all went horribly. She just couldn’t help but feel possessive of you, no matter how many years the two of you were separated she knew she would get you back one way or another.
“What took you so long?”
“Excuse me? I worked as fast as I could. You just have no patience.”
“Just give me the fucking key?”
“Alright here, but you owe me”
“Whatever, I’ll send you the money in an hour, now fuck off ”
Amelia rolls her window up and drives away from Ellie’s house with the key she’d had made safely stored inside an envelope. She wasn’t lying when she told Ellie she’d regret ever leaving her. Revenge was coming for Ellie and her family, it was only a matter of time.
@moonlightdivine @maybe-cece @macaroni676 @sawaagyapong @katiemars @ellieseater @dakota-dream @joliettes @hebrokeimup @bratydoll @wakasaaa @catostrophiclesbian @dinas-a-bird @lazyunknownwerewolf @h3sitant-alien @ceo-of-ellie-simps @mechetegirl109 @kashoot-me269
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afropearl · 1 year
fall scent profile series pt 1: cinnamon girl ☕️
description: freshly baked cinnamon rolls with icing, sweet, sugary goodness, the air of a coffee shop during rush hour 🍂
body wash ♡
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these two body washes smell divine ! cinnamon chai (also cinnamon buns by philosophy) gives that perfect vibe for when the temperature and leaves change and we’re shifting into cozy comfort. cinnamon dolce is a literal treat and pairs perfectly with the next products *drumroll pls*
scrubs ♡
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these two scrubs are perfect cinnamon-y contenders. cinnamon dolce keeps us more sweet while pumpkin spice latte (which i’m so happy they brought back this year) turns us to more a spicy and complex scent with its clove note
moisturizer ♡
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now the fenty holiday butta drop is god tier okayyy! it literally smells like the cinnamon pretzels you smell while walking through mall and the shimmerrr. it’s such a cute touch and i feel so girly and cute and edible when i wear it lucky for y’all the tree hut sweet cream moisturizer they just came out with? total dupe ! smells the exact same with notes of vanilla bean, coconut cream and marshmallow fluff <3
perfumes & misc ♡
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i have a perfume, body mist and deodorant here and i think these all capture that cinnamon girl aura! sol de janeiros 71 is like fall in a bottle! our weather hasn’t changed for the better so i’d recommend this for when it’s cooler outside (it is a fall scent after all) native’s oat milk latte deodorant has clove, chocolate and a splash of milk perfectly cozy, warm and sweet. finally, chai epice really lives up to her name. le gourmand says it best, “this fragrance will make you want to grab the perfect chai latte, a soft blanket, and spend a cozy night in” and the reviews also hail to its sweet and spicy scent :3
thank you all for reading, if you have any of these products or try them out in the future, let me know what you think of them ! 🍂🍮
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somerabbitholes · 1 month
what's your skincare routine, miss c! 🎀
i wash my face at night with a scrub — currently i'm using this papaya scrub which smells great — and moisturise. in winters, i replace the regular face cream with shea butter because my skin gets dry quicker.
also, i use my coffee grounds as a scrub sometimes. it works great if you add a little coconut oil to it. equally good to get the oil out of your skin is just lemon or orange peel.
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