#cmo McCoy
paxny · 6 months
Currently on the hunt for some more Bones-centric fics, if anybody has some to recommend I’d owe you a bazillion marsh-melons <3 please and thank you :D
(For this round, I would prefer aos, but would still happily take tos. McSpirk or /OC or /reader would be best, but I’ll explore any pairing rn.)
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papanowo · 1 month
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what’s worse than a nonchalant jim kirk? yellow shirt leonard mccoy, obviously
mckirk week day 6 : transporter malfunction @mckirkevents
< this is less shippy than i wanted it to be i might make a sequel . . . >
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Sometimes I'm like did AOS Bones ever get in trouble for sneaking Jim onto the Enterprise and most definitely breaking more rules than Jim did by cheating on a test??? But then it's like if he hadn't done it, the entire Federation would be gone and if they can forgive Jim, they probably can forgive Bones.
Everyone's like AOS Jim is this giant rule breaker and its like yes he is but you can tell that by just looking at him. With McCoy you never know when hes going to be a good little officer or when he decides to throw the rule book out.
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witchoflegends · 10 months
@ensnchekov liked for a Bones starter
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"Mr Chekov. I don't enjoy being a nagging mother, but it seems I have no other choice." Bones would never understand this crew's determination to practically ignore their health. Half the time he felt like he was talking to a wall. "I thought I told you to keep your fluids up and to eat something every few hours. Now, if you are determined to continue to work, you need to take care of yourself as well. You're still running a fever and it's not getting any better."
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lenievi · 2 years
In a timeline where Christopher Pike did not accept his promotion to Fleet Captain, James T. Kirk receives command of the USS Farragut. As the Farragut starts her voyage, the tragedy that happened on board six years ago continues to haunt Jim’s mind.
Kirk-centric Kirk/McCoy pre-slash/friendship, 1775 words, T. 
Based on TOS episode Obsession and SNW episode A Quality of Mercy. Mainly Obsession.
“What’s the matter, Jim?”
The blue behind the large window moved fast, carrying them further and further away from Earth.
“I thought you’d be happy.”
His first starship command. A mission spanning five years. To patrol. To discover. To meet. To friend. Everything he’d always dreamt of. It was ironic it was on board the same vessel as his very first deep space assignment.
“Do you sometimes get the feeling that you’re living a life you’re not supposed to?” Jim fiddled with his empty cup.
McCoy’s forehead creased in confusion. “You've always wanted to be a starship captain.”
“That’s not what I meant. This ship…” The observation deck was modernized yet still looked the same as before. Captain Garrovick would often sit at the table in the corner. Sometimes alone. Sometimes with his senior officers. Always with a cup of black coffee. “It’s full of ghosts.”
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vulcanhello · 2 years
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#SO. DREAMS OF THE RAVEN WAS PRETTYYYY GOOD!’#i actually really enjoyed it!#mccoy gets fucked up not even in a sci fi way#just in a plain trauma and getting bonked on the head way#and he cant remember the last 25 years of his life#i honestly thought it was really interesting!#amnesia always plays out as a bit of a fanfic type ordeal but honestly if u just go with it its a really fun read#its funny to imagine 25 yr old mccoy. seems like that man was born divorced with one child 45 yes old cmo. he wasnt tho! and in this hes#actually real mad about being in starfleet! its interesting#and him and spock getting along is fun to read to because its such a shift from their usual dynamic. & u can tell spock is not having fun#about it lol#and poor kirk hates it all he keeps going to mccoy but he really has nothing to say! what do you do when your long time friend suddenly#forgets your whole friendship!#it was just a reallly solid story and i enjoyed the other characters too esp chekov and scotty#and as always i love the dynamic between chekov and spock and that was in here a lil too so that was fun#OVER ALL. GO READ IT. RIGHT NOW#captain’s log#tos#trek books#ok i these last tags r spoilers so do not read them#IM WARNING U#the fact that a medical issue ONLY mccoy could fix was the reason he got his memories back was so nice. like yeah. stress over being cmo and#losing a lot of people and being in surgery for two days straight was the main reason why upon being bonked he forgot it all#but to have the same thing bring him back because its what he loves and believes in? obsessed
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orangexmachina · 3 months
Something that's so funny to me about Bashir is that McCoy and Crusher both are definitely the CMO. They arrive when medical emergencies happen, and they are "a doctor not a [...]." But Bashir will do anything. Engineering? He took an extension course at the academy. Partical physics? Sure, why not. Piloting? He's there on the bridge ready. Hand to hand combat? He'll give it a go. A man who is permanently up for anything and overqualified for all of it.
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trek-tracks · 1 year
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CMO. Leonard McCoy. Hot.
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Last Updated: 2023-11-05
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Disclaimer: I am not the author of these stories, just sharing my favourite Dr. Leonard McCoy stories. Find the authors' links below. If you want your work removed, message me privately.
Legend: 〔E〕 ⇢ Erotic/Steamy | 〔F〕 ⇢ Fluff | 〔A〕 ⇢ Angst/Hurt 〔M〕 ⇢ Minor Angst/Hurt | 〔C〕 ⇢ Comfort | ♥︎ ⇢ Established Relationship | 𑁍 ⇢ Pregnancy/Children | 🚫 ⇢ Content Warning
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✵ An Apple a Day by annathewitch • 〔F᜶A〕 •
Summary: "An unexpected encounter with Leonard McCoy at the Academy leaves you with a poor impression. Will he manage to redeem himself when you encounter him again years later?"
✵ An Apple a Day by cas-kingdom • 〔F᜶C〕 •
Summary: "...apparently doesn't keep the doctor away. You've come down with the flu, and only Bones can make you feel better."
✵ April Showers Bring Flowering Feelings by hobbit-historian • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "When you get caught in a sudden rainstorm, McCoy comes to your rescue."
✵ Because Why? by geminiwritten • 〔F᜶A〕 •
Summary: "After five long years of pining for the doctor and a whole month of him acting weirdly distant you finally decide to go on a date, but when you get called in for your routine medical you end up finding out exactly why bones has been acting so strange."
✵ Concentration by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: When you answer a work call on your day off your husband decides to punish you by making it very hard to concentrate.
✵ Doctor of My Word [Soulmate!A.U.] by grandtheftstarship • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "To almost everyone on the Enterprise, it was... obvious that you were pining after the one and only Doctor Leonard McCoy. Everyone also found it glaringly obvious the CMO was pining right back."
✵ Dr. Dreamy by geminiwritten • 〔E᜶A〕 •
Summary: "it's been a while since [you got] laid, and it's starting to affect your mood... Jim offers his help before quickly realising that you're still hung up on a mysterious 'Mr. Dreamy' from your academy days... but he soon finds out that the man [you're] in lovewith... is, in fact, the enterprise’s best doctor."
✵ Drunken Promises by grandtheftstarship • 〔F〕 •
Summary: Waking up with a hangover and a ring around your left hand is not how you wanted to spend your shore leave.
✵ Game Night by geminiwritten • 〔F᜶C〕 •
Summary: "After… injuring yourself, you refuse to go to MedBay before attending a games night with the crew and your favourite grumpy (and very jealous) doctor."
✵ Hobgoblins and Hospitality by thatfanficstuff • 〔F᜶M〕 •
Summary: {…}
✵ Joanna by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: {…}
✵ Our Choices by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: The enterprise crew has returned to earth and you and Leonard are getting married.
✵ Paper Roses by ladyideal • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: It's your birthday and your boyfriend, Leonard planned a special surprise.
✵ Pick Me Up by grandtheftstarship • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: When you're sick, your boyfriend stays home to take care of you, making sure you're comfortable and building you a pillow fort.
✵ Proposal by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul •
✵ Roomies by geminiwritten • 〔E᜶F〕 •
Summary: "..."jim’s determination to play matchmaker leads to a very awkward roommate situation… Not to mention, there’s only one bed .
✵ Sick by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: {…}
✵ Southern Charm by high-functioning-lokipath • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "..."
✵ Things that Go Bump in the Night by annathewitch • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "[When you're] having trouble sleeping… McCoy tries to help [you] with [your] unusual problem."
✵ To Annoy a Doctor by cas-kingdom • 〔F᜶C〕 •
Summary: "You're a very difficult patient, and unfortunately for you, Bones has very little tolerance."
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✵ 214 by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 •
✵ Blundering Infatuation by high-functioning-lokipath •
✵ Clean by pendragonfics • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Come Back to Bed by dreaming-about-fanfictions • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Dammit by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Dive by thatfanficstuff • 〔F〕 •
✵ Either Way by ivorydragoness44 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Favours by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Germs by thatfanficstuff • 〔F〕 •
✵ Glasses by space-helen • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Grumpy Cuddles by thranduilsperkybutt • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ It's My Job by shenanigans-and-imagines • 〔F〕 •
✵ Just Perfect by imamotherfuckingstar-lord • 〔F〕 •
✵ Marriage in the Rescue, the by kaitymccoy123 • 〔F〕 •
✵ Not Just Yet by ivorydragoness44 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Right Here, Darlin' by thesteveharringtonclub • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Sickness by marvelmymarvel • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Well Adjusted Adults by ladyideal • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ What's on Your Mind? by ivorydragoness44 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
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❧ Being Married to Leonard McCoy… by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Dating Leonard McCoy… by octopodeez • 16+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ First Kiss w/ Leonard… by space-helen • 〔F〕 •
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See Also: Navigation || Leonard McCoy Master Index
Authors: @annathewitch || @cas-kingdom || @dreaming-about-fanfictions || @geminiwritten || @grandtheftstarship || @high-functioning-lokipath || @hobbit-historian || @imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul || @imamotherfuckingstar-lord || @ivorydragoness44 || @kaitymccoy123 || @ladyideal || @marvelmymarvel || @octopodeez || @pendragonfics || @shenanigans-and-imagines || @space-helen || @thatfanficstuff || @thesteveharringtonclub || @thranduilsperkybutt ||
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Kirk, wandering into sickbay: Hey Bones, what time is it?
McCoy, lying on a med bed face down, consumed by regret and stress surrounding his position as CMO: too late
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dira333 · 11 months
Bonded - part 1
Spock x reader
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The day you step onto the Enterprise is the day you begin a new life, you tell yourself. A life where you make friends and keep them, where you work hard to not lose yourself in work anymore. You strive to be a better person.
But then the Lieutenant in front of you steps aside to shake the Captain’s hand and you come eye to eye with the first officer, a vulcan, male, about your age.
You’ve seen more than one Vulcan in your lifetime, even though you had hardly time to get to know any of them, but never has the sight of one of them made your brain and heart and body react in the way it does now.
Your heart jumps in your chest, your hands curl into fists and your brain manages barely more than one coherent thought. He’s gorgeous.
You do, what you’d always do when you find someone attractive.
You step away.
You’re pretty lucky with your new job.
After working your ass off on different starships and starbases, you have made yourself a name as a doctor, qualified to treat a diversity of species.
As the Enterprise is going to be the one to find places no one has before and the Captain has the tendency to get himself and everyone else into danger, they’ve had reasons to ask specifically for you.
And you do make a good team.
Grumpy McCoy takes care of the humans - complaining about them all the same - while M’Benga concentrates on the Vulcan team members. And you get all the rest. There’s one more doctor who covers the nightshift, but so far she’s only spoken french when you’re around and you’re not sure if she does not speak anything else or just didn’t want to include you into the conversation at that time.
And you’ve made friends. Well, you call them that, at least, because you’re on better terms with them than you’ve been with most people.
“Coffee?” McCoy waltzes through your office to use your Replicator.
“Why yes, why don’t you use my Replicator?” You snark at him, but he doesn’t stop, just punches in what he needs.
“Mine’s broken.”
He snorts, rolls his eyes at you and drops the first cup of coffee on your desk, next to the empty cup you’ve had drunk out before.
“That damn hobgoblin is coming around for an exam he needs for his away mission and he’s getting on my nerves.”
“Everyone is getting on your nerves.”
“Right, why are you in here again?”
“This is my office,” you send him a pointed glare as he takes the chair across from your desk, “Wait, who’s the hobgoblin?”
“Spock,” he growls and you pull a face before you can stop yourself.
“Oh! What was that?”
“What was what?”
“Your face.”
“Yeah, that’s my face, what about it?”
He smirks at you. “You don’t like him either?”
You grab your PADD and get up. “As you are so adamant on making me leave the room, I’ll follow your request.”
“No! Don’t leave! Spock’s out there!” He warns you, laughter hiding in his voice.
You roll your eyes at him.
“I’m able to be in the same room with people I don’t find comfortable. I’m not a child.”
You step out of the office before you can rethink your choice to insult your CMO only to find yourself face to face with the Commander Spock.
“Greetings,” you tell him in a voice so stiff you can’t believe it’s coming from you.
You turn away and leave before he can answer, slipping into an empty exam room on the way to calm down your heart.
It’s easy to forget the way you react to the first officer as long as he’s not crossing your way.
But he crosses your way. Way too often for your liking and if you’d allowed to, you’d stay in your office all the time just to avoid him.
It’s hard to be professional when just the sight of a blue shirt and black hair makes your heart jump in your chest and your mouth dry.
“Great news,” McCoy barges into your office again, slapping a PADD down on your desk, “There is an away mission and you’re on the team.”
“What?” You grab the PADD, reading through it, “This says M’Benga.”
“M’Benga got an ear infection, he’s been out since yesterday, didn’t you notice Lefebvre working his shifts?”
“I think she’s avoiding me,” you tell him, “Or I’m avoiding her, I don’t know. Does she only speak french?”
“I’ve never heard her speak anything else,” McCoy shrugs, “Doesn’t matter, you’re on the mission and it’s leaving in about an hour, so get ready.”
You get up from your chair, annoyed of this short notice change in plans, but delighted for the chance to go down to a planet again. It’s been quite some time since the last chance you’ve got.
But as soon as you step into the transporter room, your happiness subsides when you see Spock standing there, waiting for the rest of the team to trickle in.
You send a greeting nod in his direction and leave it at that. There’s no sense in talking to him when you can’t trust your voice anyway.
“I am glad that you are accompanying us as replacement of M’Benga, Doctor Y/N,” he addresses you before you can run away another time.
You stare at him, unable to speak. He obviously takes your silence as a sign of surprise or shock, because he elaborates, talking about the amount of experience you have. It almost sounds like he’s praising you, but giving your further experience with Vulcan’s it could also be the standard awkward smalltalk as they are trying to improve the team’s morale.
You’re glad when he stops talking, as you’ve been unable to speak anyway and you’re glad when he leads the team across the planet’s surface, addressing each of you with a task.
As the medical officer you’re just there to be of use when necessary and you stand back and watch the pack of science officers taking samples of literally everything.
You’re also a bit ashamed to admit that most of the time you’re sneaking peeks at Commander Spock’s figure, amazed how a guy that’s actually not even your type can have such an effect at you.
Maybe you should just talk to him. Maybe that will make the feelings go away.
And just as you think that, you feel a rumble going through the cliff you’re standing on.
“Commander!” You yell and he looks back at you, nodding. He’s felt it too.
“Everyone run towards the forest!” You order, a strange mixture of intuition, reflexes and your experience on a particular nasty planet kicking in, “Now!”
You pull a girl up that’s just two steps left from you and give her a well meant push, ushering everyone towards the forest. Spock’s got his Comm in hand and you can hear him ask to be beamed up over the sound of another rumbling.
You grab his hand, as he does not move and pull him with you, over the cracks that start to form in the formerly thick stone. Something gives way right beneath you, your left leg slipping through the crack, your knee hitting hard against the rock.
You scream in agony, your hand slipping out of Spock’s.
“This is going to hurt,” he says and then there’s a cracking sound, an agonizing pain shooting up your leg and he pulls you free and into his arms, carrying you while running.
If not for the pain that’s threatening to take your consciousness with it, you’d be ashamed of the position you’re currently in, but your head falls against his collarbone and you take deep breaths, trying to calm your down.
Your body feels very hot where he touches you. Vulcan body temperature is higher than humans, you remember as your mind slips into something you can’t explain.
You can see your own body in Spock’s arms, but not from above, more like it must look like through his eyes. You can see the forest coming closer, gold light taking away one team member after the other. You can feel weirdly calm and above all of this, no worry, no panic, just one intake of breath after another as if all your emotions are far far away from you.
And then, with that sickening feeling of falling, you know the rock is giving way beneath you. Gold light blinds you before your back crashes hard against the floor of the Enterprise’s transporter room, a heavy body crashing into you, knocking the breath out of you and your consciousness as well.
When you wake up again, your foot is resting on a pillow and McCoy glares at you from where he’s handling the osteo regen.
“I let you go on one away mission and you manage to break your leg in two places while the planet falls apart.”
You’re too tired to answer, just stick your tongue out at him and close your eyes.
There’s a weird feeling right at the back of your skull. You must your head pretty hard.
Two days later the feeling hasn’t left and you find yourself sitting in your office, staring at the wall across from you after a rather disturbing daydream.
Disturbing as in how realistic the dream had been. For the whole time it had happened you had been convinced Commander Spock had walked into your office, demanding to drink a cup of tea with you.
And your body reacts to dream Spock just the same as it does to the real Spock.
You manage it through three days before you go to talk to someone you trust.
“McCoy, can you take a look at my head?”
“Yeah, sure, it’s round and has skin on it,” he jokes but turns serious when he sees your face, “Turn around.”
A few tests later the results are in. He lets you look over them.
“Nothing?” You look at them a second time. “But I have this weird feeling at the back of my skull and I’ve been daydreaming. Really strange dreams of Spock wanting to talk to me. It was very realistic and-” You stop yourself as you see the look on McCoy’s face.
‘Wait, you know what this is about, right?”
“Yes,” he heaves a sigh and you can feel your blood turning cold.
“No, not that, goddamnit woman, don’t think of the worst right away.”
“How can I not when you act like this!”
“It’s a damn bond, that’s all,” he snaps, “You and Spock have bonded. You must have touched quite a lot during that mission…”
“Stop right there,” you interrupt him, “The amount of touching was nothing but necessary to get both of us out there alive. If this would happen so easily there would be way more humans and vulcans bonded out there.”
“He must like you then, because I can’t imagine Spock letting his guard down by accident either. Hasn’t he tried talking to you yet? Have you felt something unusual from his side?”
“Wait, this bond… are you insinuating that he can feel what I feel?”
“As far as I understand it, yes, he can.”
You think of the way you’ve reacted to the daydream of him and put your head in your hands with a groan.
“I’m so fucked.”
He laughs. “I do agree with you on that. But I guess you’d better talk this out with the man itself.”
“Do I have to?”
“No, go on and have some more weird daydreams about that man, if you’d like that better,” McCoy jokes and slaps your arm lightly with his PADD,” Now get out of my exam room, you’re relieved for the rest of the day.”
You find Commander Spock in his ready room.
The moment he turns to look at you, you can feel that weird thing on the back of your skull, pulling like an elastic band, accompanied with a weird feeling of contentment.
“I’m taking that you’re happy to see me?”
“I don’t think I’m the only one who feels this way about the other,” he respons and you glare at him, knowing full well he will feel your shame through the bond.
“What are we going to do about this bond?” You ask him, still standing in the doorway.
“I have a proposal,” he starts, getting up from his chair, “We sit down, drink a cup of tea and discuss this. If we don’t find this bond acceptable after we’ve gotten to know each other, there are ways to undo this bond.”
“Are you asking me out on a date?” You mock him.
You can feel his amusement at your wording.
“Yes, I believe I do.”
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kindalikerackham · 2 months
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dustykneed · 6 months
mckirk sharing a drink or mckirk/spones piggy back ride. Really love your art style
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part 1/2 (will rb once i'm done w the other prompt :D)
anon your taste in these is superb lol !! just had to highlight the huuuge difference in dynamic between mckirk (ft jim "all the bridge crew and at least 2/3 of the ensigns have seen me cry, flirt at my coworkers or come back with absolutely no shirt and i experience no embarrassment or discomfort about this whatsoever" kirk) and spones (ft "if even ONE of my med interns sees me even remotely injured i have FAILED MY DUTY AS CMO and i will Die from Embarrassment and may also murder one jim kirk for giggling" bones mccoy
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Look I love emo McCoy who blows up his life because of the things that happen in STID or in Beyond as much as the next guy but what about an aos!McCoy who doesn’t do that and actually likes being on the Enterprise?
So the events of Beyond happen slightly differently so that both Jim and Spock both decide to leave the Enterprise, ie for this they have to be way more emotionally closed off than they actually are at the end of the movie. Meaning after they go through the hours of debriefing necessary after Beyond, Jim tells Spock that he’s accepted the role of vice admiral on Yorktown, saying he’ll recommend Spock for the Captaincy. Spock stands there for a second, like this is super awkward, I have decided that my presence is more requited on New Vulcan and I am continuing Ambassador Spock’s work.
They would stand there in an uncomfortable silence neither willing to talk through this and if its even a good idea or not and then they both nod at each other, “this was a great discussion, good luck on New Vulcan” “I wish your endeavour as Vice Admiral is fulfilling” and get the hell out of there.
At some point later Jim finally tells McCoy, he’s been putting it off since he knows Bones will try and talk him out of it and he really can’t handle that.
Bones of course tells him he’s being an idiot and what the hell do you think you’re going to do behind a desk. Jim just tells him its what he wants and that he’s doing what best for him. Bones doesn’t push too hard and just tells him some day he’s going to wake up and hate his life so much that he would be willling to steal a spaceship just to be captain again.
But then Bones sorta throws him for a loop, and tells Jim he’s going to miss him and the Enterprise won’t be the same without him. Not that he would ever admit it but Jim was sure that Bones would also leave the Enterprise if he left and maybe even take a position on the Yorktown, Cos like Bones hates space and Bones has sorta gone above and beyond for Jim. Jim really doesn’t know what to do about this. Since he’s emotionally closed off he does’t ask Bones to leave the Enterprise with him, so he just lets that idea go.
So McCoy stays as CMO because he’s already done the whole running away when things get tough thing and he actually loves being in space and exploring the great unknown, he just likes to complain. Also he can’t exactly hypo Jim and drag him back onto the Enterprise to be captain
Meaning Sulu becomes captain, Uhura is still chief communications officer, Chekov is the navigator,  Scotty obviously stays as CE, Carol comes back as science officer and some rando is the pilot. (dont know who the first officer would be either Uhura or Chekov or maybe a new person who’s older)
Over the next five years McCoy stays in touch with both Jim and Spock, basically trying to get both of them to realise they belong on the Enterprise but neither budge. 
The crew have fun wacky hijinks in space, while Jim and Spock both grow to hate the work they’re actually doing. Maybe Jim gets promoted to admiral which he some how hates even more. Spock realises he still is sorta out of place among Vulcans and has not actually married a good Vulcan girl and had children like he thought he was going to (how he survives pon farr is anyones guess) McCoy can see it on their faces when they talk but he’s stuck in the middle of deep space so theres nothing he can really do. (he also knows they have to come to this realisation themselves) However McCoy is having a great time, loving space, loving his job and doing the badass doctor thing. (I do think he tells them this hoping it will change their minds or maybe make them jealous or to be like what the hell guys I’m enjoying life, you guys should be happy too. This does not work)
Then finally the five year mission is over, Jim and Spock both go to Earth to see the triumphant return of the flagship. 
McCoy just looks at both of them for a few moments and asks if they’re ready to steal that spaceship yet (and to get their heads out of their asses)
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witchoflegends · 7 months
🍓 What is something you and the mun disagree on? (bones should answer that lol)
Muse talking about the mun
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"I don't think there's really much we disagree on. She's a pretty smart woman. Though, she does like Irish whiskey. Which, as a man from the south, it's a shame that she doesn't know good whiskey when she sees it."
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lenievi · 1 year
maybe I've been wrong. Maybe it's not supposed to be Captain Spock, XO Uhura, and CMO McCoy after Kirk's death, but Captain Uhura, XO Spock, and CMO McCoy
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