#cluedo prompts
petvampire · 1 month
Aaaaah thank you all so much for all of the wonderful prompts! Definitely gonna be working through them, and still also working through my extant prompt/ask list, don’t worry!
But for now we have, for @tuhkasirius :
Crystal x Niko, in the ballroom, with the revolver. 💖
The strains of music, some kind of chamber quartet playing, makes the whole night seem like they’ve gone back in time. Crystal thought she was used to an antiquated sort of feel - she hangs around Edwin, after all - but this is entirely different. It’s not just one person, it’s like the whole room is from another era.
She’s been to fancy parties before, usually dragged there by her parents, and they didn’t feel like this. A grand ballroom filled with rich people, antique furnishings, and that music. It’s kind of insane, but it’s also kind of cool.
Niko stifles a giggle as she presses close, making sure no one overhears. “I feel like we’re in a spy movie.” They’ve caused quite a stir, dancing together, and that’s kind of the point. They’re the distraction. Still, Crystal appreciates the moment, the opportunity. Niko doesn’t dress up often, and the psychic will admit her jaw almost dropped when her girlfriend came out in her outfit for tonight.
She’s obviously been spending way too much time with the Cat King, because no way would Niko have picked out this dress on her own. It’s as white as her hair, silk and close-fitting, with a high neck but a back that dips low, almost to her waist. A strand of glittering necklaces spans her shoulderblades, emphasizing that stretch of bare back. She almost glows in the low light, and she would have been eye-catching even without Crystal at her side.
The psychic herself is in a violet so dark it’s almost black, like a shadow to Niko’s light. The skirts of her dress billow out around her as she pulls the other girl into a turn, having to smile at the look of joy on Niko’s face.
They might actually be here on a job, but they’re having fun, too.
The night has to come to an end sometime, though, and the flicker of the lights is a warning just before they go out, plunging the ballroom into darkness and the rich partygoers into panic. Distantly, Crystal sees the pale shape of a ghost - Charles or Edwin, she’s not sure from here - pass through the wall, and that’s their cue.
Niko hoists up her skirts, and Crystal almost blows their cover and bursts out laughing because she’s wearing a pair of pure white, bedazzled Converse underneath. She manages to contain her mirth for now, though, as she tangles her hand with the girl’s and they rush towards one of the shelves of displayed artifacts. That’s what they’re here for: a cursed antique revolver, one stolen from a dead soldier’s grave, that’s preventing him from going to his final rest. It’s under glass, usually protected by a security system, but with the power out, all they have to do is pick the lock and grab.
They’ve practiced doing it quickly, and the operation runs like oiled silk now. Crystal tosses the gun to Edwin, who gives her a tiny, approving smile. “Having fun, are you?” She rolls her eyes, but can’t hide her returning grin.
By the time the lights come back up - Charles is a dab hand at interfering with them, giving them plenty of time - the two girls are well away from the plundered case, huddled together, still terribly obvious, their presence a continuing distraction. No one will check for the revolver until tomorrow, most likely. By then, the ghost it was stolen from will be at peace, the gun returned to his grave.
Job done; the rest of the night is theirs.
Crystal makes sure to kiss Niko long and lingering just to scandalize the party crowd.
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urawrites · 2 years
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playlist (not mine)
reference every image
Pinterest (pictures aren't mine, all rights belong to rightful owners)
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lisbeth-kk · 4 months
May Prompts (28) Empty
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The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter 28)
Summary: Will Rosie be able to keep her secret from her parents until the big day?
Twenty-Eight Years Old
Seen in hindsight, the trip to Greece was a catalyst of what came later. On our last evening, Timothy and I had dinner at an almost empty restaurant on the cliffs of Fira. The sun was about to set, and the sea was bathed in colours of gold. When Timothy took my hands in his and asked me to marry him, it really was the perfect ending. Cliché, perhaps, but who cares? Luckily, he hadn’t bought the rings at one of the ridiculous jewellers on the island but brought them with him from London. (I said yes, by the way.)
As if faith wanted me to keep my secret from my parents, they were away on a three-week trip to New Zealand when we arrived back in London. I called Dee before I went to Baker Street to collect mail and check the fridge for outdated milk and decayed body parts. She had closed for the day, but when I called with my inquiry, she was instantly intrigued and asked me to pop into 221A before I left.
It was strange to see someone else living at Nana’s. Her old furniture had been donated to second-hand shops, new wallpaper, art, and futuristically designed chairs, tables and shelves made 221A look like something taken out of Star Trek or whatever. The kitchen and bathroom were recognisable with bits and bobs I remembered. Nana’s oven mittens, the kitchen utensils and the wallpaper. Over the kitchen table was a big photo of Nana.
“I’ve made some sketches for you,” Dee said after she’d inquired about the trip. “One on each shoulder, yes?”
She showed me her drawings and after some discussion, she made the adjustments I wanted. 
“See you tomorrow at six,” Dee said when I left. 
“Can’t wait!” I retorted excitedly.
Dee’s Den was everything you don’t expect a tattoo-studio to be. (At least if you’ve never set foot in one.) Airy, spacious and clean in the extreme. The first time I entered, I felt I needed to take my shoes off.
“No customer of mine will suffer from an infection. I’ve seen enough of that shit,” Dee said gravely.
Her improved sketches had been coloured when I arrived the next day, and they looked even better than I’d dreamt of. The tattoos would adorn each shoulder. One red poppy on the left, and a bee on the right. A t-shirt would cover them, and by the time Dad and Papa were back, they would’ve healed properly so I didn’t need to wrap them in plastic, and the soreness would be gone. I hoped to keep them a secret until the wedding day. My dress would be sleeveless and make sure to show off the tribute to my beloved parents.
We decided on a May wedding, and it was Dee’s idea to check if the venue from Nana’s funeral was available.
“She would’ve been so pleased that you all had some good memories from that place. Dancing and laughing, celebrating love.”
Both me and Timothy loved the idea, and we were in luck. Normally, the place needed to be booked at least a year and a half in advance, when it came to weddings, but they’d had a cancellation due to a broken engagement. Nine months to prepare.
I chose Liwia as my maid of honour. We had stayed in touch over the years, and she adored my parents, after they’d given her shelter when she needed it in the middle of her teens. Bella had been switched for Iris. They’d been together almost eight years, and Iris was six months pregnant with their first child. An unknown donor was the father.
“I’ve been meaning to ask if you were traumatised when you stayed with us,” I said on the final fitting of our dresses.
“What do you mean?” Liwia asked, clearly puzzled.
“Board games,” I explained dryly.
She laughed wholeheartedly and admitted that she’d never played Scrabble, Cluedo, orMonopoly, but stuck to chess and card games.
“Wise choice,” I retorted with a grin. “Though I have experienced knights, queens and bishops being thrown across 221B.”
My uncles picked me up at the salon where I’d been styled and dressed. Uncle Myc cocked an eyebrow when he saw my tattoos, but he was unable to hide how moved he was by this permanent gesture. Uncle Greg…well, he wasn’t that subtle, and needed a stern talking to from his husband to avoid ruining my dress and hair when he teared up and embraced me.
“You’re going to destroy them with this, love,” uncle Greg murmured.
I hadn’t been nervous before, but when the familiar place came into sight, my palms started to sweat, and my heart pounded in my chest. Inside, Timothy and my parents waited. The most important people in the world, apart from the men helping me out of the car. I kissed them and let them go in first to find their seats. One of the staff stood waiting for me to open the door once I’d decided to enter.
For a while I just stood there, my head blessfully empty. And then out of nowhere a wave of emotions washed over me. The memories of all the preparations and anxiety of the last week, regarding the flowers, the last seat arrangements we had to change the day prior, one of my shoes that disappeared without a trace… 
“Come on, Watson. You can do this,” I interrupted myself, using Papa’s former name on me to get me out of the unending loop of trifles and keep me focused.
I nodded to the man by the door who opened it for me, and I slowly made my way down the corridor to where Dad and Papa waited. They stood hand in hand outside the door to the ceremony room and turned abruptly when they heard my heels on the wooden floor.
“You look…”
“Oh, Bee…”
They were both teary-eyed, which didn’t bode well. I hoped they’d piled up with tissues, because this well would not be emptied any time soon.
With my heels on, I was the height of Dad. I seldom wore high-heeled shoes, so it was an alien feeling to stand face to face with him, literally speaking.
“You look gorgeous, sweetheart,” he whispered in my ear when he hugged me.
“Thank you,” I said and turned to Papa.
He’d frozen and he blinked profusely. Dad looked worried at him. He still hadn’t seen the tattoos. Papa’s eyes darted between them, clearly shocked to the core. I took his hand and squeezed it.
“Do you like them?” I asked quietly.
“Like what?” Dad inquired; his eyes hadn’t left Papa’s face during all of this.
“Look at me, Dad,” I said and finally he saw what Papa had seen minutes ago.
“Oh, my god,” he said and covered his mouth with his hand. “Rosie.”
“They are…” Papa clearly knew but was too shaken to believe what he’d deduced.
“Yes, Papa. They are. My tribute, homage, or whatever you want to call it. To you and Dad. To show you and everyone how much you mean to me. Dee made them while you were away. You have no idea how proud I am that I’ve managed to keep it a secret until now.”
Finally, out of his daze, Papa cupped my face and kissed my forehead and cheeks, careful not to disturb my hair or makeup.
“My precious girl,” he murmured. “I love you.”
“Stop! You’re making me cry,” I protested and tried my best to stay composed.
Dad sniffled and batted his eyes with a handkerchief.
“I’m never going to survive this day,” he muttered.
“John!” Papa exclaimed. “Don’t you dare.”
I knew I had to take the lead, or we would be stranded outside that door forever.
“Come on. The game is afoot,” I teased.
Also available on AO3
YES, there will be a continuation tomorrow.
This is also my entry for this month's Sherlock Challenge and the prompt ink.
@calaisreno @sherlockchallenge @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @raina-at
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dont-offend-the-bees · 4 months
The Kind of Light That Means Just Love (When My Baby Smiles at Me)
Had a prompt in writing group today and felt moved to write a sweet little Charles/Edwin fic! 1.4k, no warnings ^_^
Also readable on Ao3 (for registered users only - sorry, it's a last-ditch flimsy anti-AI scraping measure!)
Edwin blinked, partly in surprise – partly to dislodge the blots in his vision left behind by the sudden, rapid flash of white light that had danced across the pages of his book. He looked up to find the culprit grinning at him from across the room.
“Charles,” Edwin admonished, gently closing his book with a finger tucked between the pages to hold his place. “I have asked you to stop fooling around with that contraption and get some work done.”
“I have been!” Charles defended, gesturing broadly at the higgledy-piggledy array of items around him. Evidently, taking stock of the contents of his bag of tricks was an expansive task. “Taking a break.” He snatched the small square of paper from the Polaroid camera and began to shake it with abandon.
Edwin rolled his eyes. Ever since they’d acquired that camera as payment for a job ‘well jobbed’, Charles had scarcely put it down. Edwin, admittedly, had been intrigued by it at the start – it was certainly a testament to how far photographic technology had advanced since his own life and subsequent death. It was quite fascinating; seeing the slow, hulking monstrosities he’d been forced to sit rigidly still in front of for aeons in his youth, compressed into such a portable and efficient form. But after a few days of study, digging around in its component parts, comparing its output to that of sepia-tinted newspaper clippings from his day – as well as the baffling digital displays on Niko’s portable telephone – the novelty had worn off, and he’d turned his attention to more pressing matters.
But Charles remained enamoured. He’d had the thing slung round his neck for at least a week, and showed no signs of taking it off anytime soon.
The amateur photographer in question grinned infectiously, as the chemicals on the paper settled. “Ah, yeah. That’s a good one, that.”
He held it up proudly, and Edwin was treated to a lovingly framed image of the chair in which he sat, with an open book floating above it.
“I hardly see why you bother,” said Edwin, crossing his legs the other way and letting the book fall open on his knee. “Neither of us show up in photographs. I highly doubt that’s going to change with repeated exposures.” And a good thing, too, as Edwin hadn’t consented to be photographed in just his rolled-up shirtsleeves. His states of improper dress were quite strictly reserved for quiet, studious evenings in the privacy of their rooms; unlike Charles, he had standards with regard to flashing every dip and plane God gave him in mixed company.
“Well. Thought that counts, innit?” Charles bounced to his feet and over to the secondary cork board that had recently been added to the office. Unlike the first, which was full of case notes and theories, this one was exclusively populated by Charles’ photographic whims. The only faces that appeared were those of their living friends – Crystal, Niko, even one snap of Jenny wearing stiff shoulders and a reluctant grimace while Niko hugged her from the side.
Charles and Edwin featured only in the notable absences. Empty chairs, floating objects, the spaces between their friends in the group shots. The only one in which they were ‘visible’, by a loose definition of the word, was the one where Charles had insisted they cut eye holes out of white sheets and drape them over their heads. “Like Beetlejuice!” He’d said; and he’d sounded so excited that Edwin hadn’t even asked him why on earth one would juice a beetle, or what it had to do with playing dress-up.
The new photo found its home amongst a cluster of similar absent Edwins – a floating magnifying glass, an empty desk, a hand of Cluedo cards with no holder. “Brills,” Charles grinned, stepping back and crossing his arms to admire his collection.
“I really don’t see the point of this exercise,” said Edwin. “Who’d even know that’s a picture of someone?”
“I know, don’t I? I can look at these and be like –“ he pointed at the floating magnifying glass image – “That’s the time Edwin got all fussy about Niko’s rent contract ‘cause he thought her landlord was pulling a fast one. And this –“ his finger moved to the Cluedo cards – “This is the time Edwin knew what the answer was for forty bloody minutes, but he held off on making his accusation because he wanted to watch me go round and round in circles, like a knob. See what I mean?”
“Is your point that you keep these as evidence for blackmail?” Edwin asked.
“No, point is, I remember.” Charles tapped his forehead. “Got it all in here. Don’t need a bloody photo to remind me what you look like, do I? Seen you every day for the last thirty years.” He cast Edwin a flippant smile, soft round the edges like the warm browns of his hooded eyes. “Know your face better than I know my own.”
Edwin ducked his head, tamping down on the peculiar feeling in his face and stomach. Like an abrupt upset of the humours – an anomaly of the ectoplasm. At least, that’s how he would’ve characterised it some months or years ago. Now, he was more than painfully aware that it was probably more akin to the spectral equivalent of… blushing. Lord help him.
“Then why take the photographs at all?” Edwin pressed, setting his book aside and giving Charles his full attention. He winced at the sharp tone of his own voice. It was quite unintentional – he had no desire to judge, only to understand.
Fortunately, Charles knew his voice as well as his face. He shrugged, unoffended, eyes roving over his collection. “We’re still here, ain’t we? Not alive, but… we should have memories too, yeah?” He reached out, twitching the corner of a photo. One of Edwin – or the absence of him. Him and Niko, that is. Edwin remembered it well; remembered Niko perching birdlike on the arm of his chair, hugging his arm, nudging her head against his and beaming for the camera. She’d insisted he pose his fingers alongside hers, although in the end result of course only hers were visible. One half of a broken heart.
“Shouldn’t just be for the living, should it?” said Charles, smiling that strange, sad little smile of his at the picture. The one he was so careful not to let people see. “Making new memories to keep.”
Edwin rose, stepping carefully over Charles’ assorted chaos to join him at the board; and Charles watched his advance with that easy, open curiosity on his face. When Edwin’s hands clasped around the camera strap, Charles bowed his head and let him take the device without a fight.
Sometimes, his trust felt as real and visceral in Edwin’s hands as a living, beating heart. But now wasn’t the time for poetics.
Quickly reacquainting himself with the various switches, Edwin held the viewfinder to his eye, framed his shot, and took the snap. Charles did a remarkably good job at not flinching with the flash – but Edwin supposed this style of photography had been more commonplace in his lifetime. He just stood and watched, bemused, as Edwin retrieved the photograph and gave it three short, sharp shakes.
When the image of their photo board revealed itself, not a Charles to be seen despite the fact the camera had been pointed squarely at him, Edwin cocked his head and contemplated it. He had to concede that Charles had a point; though there was no Charles in the photo, Edwin could easily fill in the gaps himself. How could he not? He’d watched the white light paint Charles’ familiar, beloved features; highlighting the amused twitch of his lip, the fond warmth in his eyes. The glint of his gold chain against his white vest, cutting stark across the warm tones of his skin. The confused acceptance with which he’d stood perfectly calmly, waiting for Edwin’s motives to reveal themselves.
Edwin stepped up to the board and held out his hand. Wordlessly, Charles dropped a drawing pin into his palm.
“This,” said Edwin, glancing sidelong at Charles as he carefully pinned the photo up beside the silly shot of the two of them in their butchered bedsheets. “Is the time Charles made a surprising amount of sense; whilst talking utter nonsense.”
Charles smiled, brighter than a camera flash; the after-image of which Edwin would be carrying on the backs of his eyes for days to come.
Hope you liked it! Comments and reblogs are super duper appreciated! ^_^ 💛
I have no idea if I'm gonna write/post more fic for these guys, tbh my interest is relatively casual atm and my time/concentration is limited, plus at any given moment I may be lured in by the siren call of horror movie fic on my alt account. But they're very sweet and I have the odd plot bunny so we'll see!
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la-muerta · 13 days
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ART PROMPT for "Murder at the New York institute" by @themagnusbane
Pull out the Cluedo board they said. It would be fun to play they said. Nothing could possibly happen on Samhain they said. And now, Magnus and Alec, Clary and Izzy, Simon and Jace have been pulled into an alternate New York Institute, with no powers, no idea what has caused it, or who has brought them there. Oh. And there’s been a murder. Except, can you kill a dead man twice? And can Valentine Morgenstern just SHUT THE FUCK UP!
[Read it on AO3]
This artwork was created for the Shadowhunters Reverse Bang 2024: Presented by the @malecdiscordserver.
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Murder Mystery AU
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Doctor Strange (Movies) Relationship: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange Characters: Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Clint Barton Additional Tags: 5 Sentence Fiction, Alternate Universe - Murder Mystery, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Dueling Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes References, BBC Sherlock References, References to Clue | Cluedo, Established Relationship, Friendship, Humor Language: English Series: Part 25 of 5 Sentence Prompts Published: 2024-07-17 Words:451 Chapters: 1/1
Two of the sharpest detectives are on the job, working through the clues to solve the latest murder. Tony and Stephen are rarely ever bested…when the game is afoot.
From AUgust 100 AU Prompts.
@scottxlogan #57 Murder Mystery AU (Scottxlogan; No chosen pair)
Title from The Sign of the Four, ch. 8 (1890), Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
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themagnusbane · 13 days
Murder at the New York Institute
Title: Murder at the New York Institute
Artist: @la-muerta
Rating: Mature (Chapter 7 only. Will give a heads-up)
Pairings: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Clary Fray/Isabelle Lightwood, Jace Herondale/Simon Lewis
Word Count: ~27k
Summary: Pull out the Cluedo board they said. It would be fun to play they said. Nothing could possibly happen on Samhain they said. And now, Magnus and Alec, Clary and Izzy, Simon and Jace have been pulled into an alternate New York Institute, with no powers, no idea what has caused it, or who has brought them there. Oh. And there’s been a murder. Except, can you kill a dead man twice? And can Valentine Morgenstern just SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Author's Note: This fic was inspired by the brilliant art, created by the talented @la-muerta. Together with the prompt they shared, it set the plot bunnies running, and led to this almost 30k words, first multi-chaptered fic I've written in 8 years. Which is INSANE!!! But I'm so happy.
Here is the fic's art.
Please show my artist all the love!!!! :D.
If like me, you find it a bit more inconvenient, reading long fics on Tumblr, I'm posting this on AO3, with one chapter dropping every day, until I'm all done.
AO3: Link to the FIC
This fic was created for the Shadowhunters Reverse Bang 2024: Presented by the @malecdiscordserver
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Prologue: Simon Lewis
Chapter One: Miss Lightwood
Chapter Two: Doctor Bane
Chapter Three: Mister Lewis
Chapter Four: Reverend Lightwood
Chapter Five: Miss Fray
Chapter Six: Colonel Herondale
Chapter Seven: Malec|Jimon|Clizzy
Epilogue: Simon Lewis
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Thank you dear!!!
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Edwin and Charles don't actually play Cluedo very often. Charles, with his ADHD and dyslexia, has a bitch of a time keeping track of revealed clues without Edwin's prompting, and Edwin finds the game simple at best.
The bulk of their collection came from a longtime client (a magician) who shared a love for mysteries but lost manual dexterity as they aged—ergo, they gave their Cluedo collection to the Agency. At first, it was one edition at a time, then shortly before the client's death, he gave them the rest.
It's possible that as the Agency grows, Cluedo will come out more often. After all, the more players, the more interesting the game...
Yes, some of the editions are enchanted, what of it?
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
Interact with me (nicely, excitedly) via tags, comments, ask box
Have some kind of tagging system so I can blacklist tags I don't want to see
Write and post your work on AO3 and include a link to your Tumblr where I can find it so I can follow you everywhere
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Oof, honestly I don't have many unpopular opinions re: DBD.... at least when compared to, say, Tolkien haha. Let's see, here are some thoughts that I've either seen contradicted or rarely/never mentioned:
I liked Crystal right away
The Cat King is 10000% a predator (literally and figuratively)—and he's also a delightful character
If literally any of the mains were normal at all, they would have found Monty insanely suspicious. (Like... why the fuck was he outside the T&T at the ass-crack of dawn?!?! You're supposed to be a teenager! SLEEP IN.) To be clear, I love Monty!!! But his behavior/habits are extremely unusual, and I think it's quite telling that none of the core four pick up on that. And again—I love Monty, and I think his demeanor is one of the most winning on the show.
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
I mean, right now, Dead Boy Detectives lol!
Generally, there's nothing specific beyond the canon I happen to be writing for. I'm more inspired by my own experiences/interests/tastes than other media. I will sometimes have ideas that are clearly inspired by moments in media (there's a future plot point in my fic A Familiar Story that is inspired by something from The Owl House, for example), but I don't tend to think of inspiration in that way.
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
Roasting = 500°F and NO LESS
Do cognitive tests as an adult on a semi-regular basis so you know if/how/when something changes.
Find offline hobbies. I recommend swing dancing!
Ask A Manager is a GODSEND—highly recommended for any kind of job/school-related advice!!! Cover letters, interviewing, gut-checks, managing... etc.
Send me interesting asks!
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bitbybitwrites · 2 years
Past @gleedrabbleblog prompt - Clue
Banging away at these older @gleedrabbleblog prompts.
I couldn't pass this one up, I mean, come on!
And I kept it to 100 words! *happy dance*
Prompt - Clue
You can read my other drabbles here.
Here we go!
“They didn’t!” Blaine said incredulously
“Sorry. They did.” Kurt told him.
“But . .but how could they?” Blaine asked.
“I read it on a UK news site.” Kurt told him while setting up the board. 
“That’s not right.” Blaine said.
Kurt looked at him, one eyebrow raised.
“It’s not.  How could they replace her?!” Blaine was adamant.
“Killed her off.” Kurt coughed into his palm.
“What?!!! I LOVE Mrs. White.  I mean, . . Madeline Kahn, Kurt.” Blaine groused.
“You’ll always have the movie, dear.” Kurt said, patting his knee.
“Flames, “ Blaine grumbled.  “Flames . . on the side of my face . . ”
OK, this is what I thought Blaine's reaction would be to finding out they killed off his favorite character in the game Clue (or Cluedo in the UK - which is where the game was created back in 1943).
My headcanon is that Blaine loved Clue/Mrs. White because he loved Madeline Khan - who was brilliant in that movie (and so many others).
And yes, Hasbro announced that they were killing off Mrs. White back in 2016 when they were doing an update of the game. I did find this out on a UK site. 😂
The clip above is one of Madeline's lines from the movie, and Blaine's favorite ( in my head). Check out the movie it is so much fun and the cast is amazing!
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petvampire · 1 month
so of course my brain decided to give me pure crack thoughts first thing in the morning:
I mean, obviously they’re not all gonna be sexy, but this could still be insane and fun! give me a combination of the following:
rooms: hall, study, ballroom, billiards room, dining room, kitchen, lounge, conservatory, library.
weapons: candlestick, wrench, lead pipe, rope, dagger, revolver.
characters: any combination/grouping of Edwin, Charles, the Cat King, Monty, Crystal and Niko
feed my insanity. give me prompts. 🤣
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Just a little recap of (some of) the random ass discussions that have been prompted by sobh:
What is a fish slice? Do Americans not say fish slice? What about cake slice, do they not say that?
Americans call "Cluedo" "Clue"? Really?
Wtf they just have raccoons in America?
Wtf they don't have raccoons in England?
Huh, I wonder why Cluedo is called Cluedo
So what exactly constitutes a silver band??
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malec-ao3feed · 13 days
[ART] Art prompt for "Murder at the New York Institute" by themagnusbane
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/89XYeNo by la_muerta Art for Shadowhunters Reverse Bang 2024. Fic Summary: Pull out the Cluedo board they said. It would be fun to play they said. Nothing could possibly happen on Samhain they said. And now, Magnus and Alec, Clary and Izzy, Simon and Jace have been pulled into an alternate New York Institute, with no powers, no idea what has caused it, or who has brought them there. Oh. And there’s been a murder. Except, can you kill a dead man twice? And can Valentine Morgenstern just SHUT THE FUCK UP! (Art is rated T but fic is rated M) Words: 0, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 15 of Drawings and Fanvids Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, M/M Characters: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood, Clary Fray, Jace Wayland, Simon Lewis Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Clary Fray/Isabelle Lightwood, Simon Lewis/Jace Wayland Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, What-If, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Alternate Universe - No Powers read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/89XYeNo
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lisbeth-kk · 5 months
May Prompts (16) Experiment
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The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter 16) This chapter will make little sense if you haven't read chapter 15.
Summar: John tells the residents in 221B, Liwia included, what he experienced at work that day. Sherlock can barely keep his hands off John when he tells the tale...
Sixteen Years Old
It was clever of Liwia to turn to us for help the summer her grandparents visited London. After only a couple of days at home, she texted me one late evening that she couldn’t stand another minute in the presence of her prejudice family members. I told her to bring her belongings to school the next day, and that she could come to Baker Street with me that afternoon.
Papa’s reaction when I told him and Dad that Liwia was coming to stay later that day, earned him a stern look and rebuke from Dad.
“A bit not good, Sherlock!”
“What? It is an experiment having an outsider living with us. It’s never happened before. How will the dynamic change? Do we have to provide different kinds of food? Is she allergic? How’s her sleeping patterns? It’s fascinating, John!”
Dad threw his arms in the air and gave up further pestering, while I tried to hide my smile, quite unsuccessful.
It all turned out just fine, though. Dad and Papa welcomed Liwia warmly, and I was thankful that they didn’t add fuel to the fire by telling her about their own experiences with bigotry, but instead asked about school, her lacrosse matches, Polish food, travelling and her girlfriend, Bella. Liwia wisely declined the proposal of a game of Cluedo. 
(I must ask her someday if she’s still traumatised after witnessing me and Dad fighting over Scrabble.)
When the tables turned, Dad was in the middle of it by just being his wonderful self. He was at work and had said his goodbyes to his last patient for the day when he heard raised voices from the waiting area. A male voice sounded threatening, or maybe accusatory. It worried him that Sarah was alone out there, so he stepped out of his office to investigate.
An elderly man, holding his left arm to his chest with his other arm, was crimson in the face with anger and pain. He was accompanied by a familiar man Dad realised was Liwia’s father. The latter tried to reason with the man, who only could be Liwia’s grandfather, in Polish, but he was brusquely cut off with what sounded like a command. Dad recognised a military man when he saw one, straightened his back and went into battle like the brave man he was.
“What seems to be the problem, Sarah?” Dad inquired and looked sharply at the two men in front of her.
A relieved sigh escaped her, and she breathed his name reverently.
“John, this gentleman…”
Said “gentleman” interrupted angrily.
“No woman. Want real doctor. Man,” the elderly man spat.
It was time to bring in the heavy artillery, Dad thought. 
“Rank?” he commanded.
“Kapral,” the man said instinctively.
“Corporal, I am Captain John H. Watson, also a real doctor. My office. Now!” he ordered, turned on his heel after the other man had saluted him, not without effort due to his injured arm, and marched back to his office with a satisfied smirk on his face.
“Get a grip, Papa,” I scoffed after Dad had told us the story.
He all but drooled and I could see his fingers itched to grab on to Dad to snog him senseless. For once, he had the decency to refrain, presumably out of courtesy for our guest.
“You gave Dziadek a lecture in why women are as capable and valuable as men?” Liwia asked incredulously.
“I did,” Dad said matter-of-factly. “Asked him what his mother would’ve thought of his behaviour towards Sarah, linking it to you while I was at it. I took a chance there, but quite a few men of his generation, put their mothers on a pedestal, and they’re also terrified of them, which proved to be correct.”
“You’re a wonder, John,” Papa beamed and couldn’t resist any longer, but gave Dad a searing kiss.
I rolled my eyes, but Liwia just looked dreamily at the two men. She told me later that she was in awe over how freely they showed their love for each other.
The next day, we were all in for quite the surprise. Nana called upstairs that we had visitors. Liwia and I were watching Pride and Prejudice, Papa was tidying up the kitchen table after an experiment, and Dad was in the shower.  
When Liwia’s father and grandfather stood in the doorway, she froze, I stopped the film, and Papa emerged from the kitchen to greet our visitors.
“What are you doing here?” Liwia whispered to her father.
“Your Dziadek wants to apologise,” he retorted. “And to meet Rosie and…”
“Dzień dobry,” Papa greeted in Polish and extended his hand to the elderly man.
He looked sceptically up at Papa, who towered over the smaller man. Eventually his good manners won, and he shook Papa’s hand. Papa and Liwia’s father shook hands as well, and that’s when Dad turned up.
“Hello, again,” he said casually, as if it was a frequent occurrence to have his former patients visiting.
“Captain. Doctor,” Liwia’s grandfather stuttered quite bewildered. “Who sick?”
“No one, I hope,” Dad answered and snaked his hand around Papa’s waist. “I live here.”
Miracle of miracles; that encounter changed everything, so in the autumn of my sixteenth year, Liwia and I went to Poland with her parents to visit her grandparents. They apparently considered me family now. 
A big party was planned because of our visit, and their flat was filled to the brim with people. In the kitchen, Liwia’s grandmother, her sisters and Liwia’s mother cooked all sorts of Polish delicacies. They were loud and cheerful and constantly made me taste the different sauces, ragus and soups. I just knew a few words in Polish, but it didn’t seem to bother them that I was unable to understand most of what they were telling me.
The entire affair was casual, chaotic, and vibrant. It was the next best party I’d ever been too. Dad and Papa’s wedding topped that list obviously.
Our visit to Auschwitz and Birkenau the next day, stood in stark contrast to that joyous day, but that’s life for you. Filled with all sorts of different emotions and experiences.
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ao3feed-drstrange · 2 months
The Baker Street Irregulars
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/R5Qr2bw by Wolfsheart Two of the sharpest detectives are on the job, working through the clues to solve the latest murder. Tony and Stephen are rarely ever bested...when the game is afoot. Words: 451, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 25 of 5 Sentence Prompts Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Doctor Strange (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Clint Barton Relationships: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange Additional Tags: 5 Sentence Fiction, Alternate Universe - Murder Mystery, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Dueling Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes References, BBC Sherlock References, References to Clue | Cluedo, Established Relationship, Friendship, Humor read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/R5Qr2bw
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boredgameslh-f · 10 months
Incorporating ideas
Following my conversation with Kyrstie, I came to the realization that I could expand my project far beyond my initial thoughts. She opened my eyes to a range of opportunities, prompting me to delve deeper into what I could incorporate. That's when the concept of magic mushrooms, specifically hallucinogenic mushrooms, crossed my mind.
This idea opened up a range of possibilities, such as players landing on these mushrooms and experiencing hallucinations that lead them astray or hinder their visibility on the board. Recognizing the vast potential within my digital 3D workspace, Kyrstie suggested incorporating hallucinations into the game. Intrigued, I questioned how to put this concept into a digital Blender model. Kyrstie's suggestion of creating an animation that flipped the board upon landing on a hallucinogenic mushroom resonated with me. Seeking a second opinion, I turned to Chris for further insights on how to execute this idea.
Chris offered a different perspective that seemed more fitting for an actual board game presentation. During our discussion, he presented a pair of 3D glasses,one with a red lens and the other with a blue lens, sparking my curiosity. Drawing parallels to Cluedo, he shared how certain versions incorporated red magnifying glasses to reveal hidden messages within cards. This sparked an idea: employing red and blue glasses to unveil concealed paths on the board. Some paths might negatively impact gameplay, leading players back to the starting point, while others could have positive effects, enhancing their progress. Chris's suggestion provided a clearer and more concrete direction for presenting the hallucination concept within the context of my board game.
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kilopeagle · 2 years
The game of life computer game
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Apples to Apples and Cards Against HumanityĪpples to Apples and Cards Against Humanity are the most sought-after online card games to play with friends. You can also play Battleship via spreadsheet using the template below. Also, if you play the game regularly, then you can earn coins to trade for emojis and custom avatars. Instead of ships, the game uses colorful skulls. In the online version of the game from Papergames, you can find a random opponent, challenge a friend, or start an online tournament. The multiplayer version of the game also hosts a chat feature that allows participants to send each other emoticons throughout the experience.īattleship is a guessing and memory game that has players racing to sink each other’s ships. Certain subscriptions also unlock additional board themes. The digital board includes a spinner, spaces, mini-games, as well as animated shorts that illustrate game events like graduating college, having a baby, or buying a house. You and your friends can play an animated, 3D version of the Game of Life on Google Play, The App Store, or Steam. The digital version of Cluedo employs the classic card-flipping and note-taking mechanisms of the board game and adds vibrant graphics and the ability to play with friends across the world. Body’s mansion, players can solve mysteries in new locales such as Dracula’s Castle or Hollywood. In addition to the classic setting of Mr. The online multiplayer version of the game is available via Google Play, App Store, Nintendo Switch, or Steam. From that point, players follow normal game rules by splitting into a red team and a blue team, receiving hints about codenames from the spymaster, and attempting to identify the codename cards that belong to agents on the correct team.Ĭlue, also known as Cluedo, is a classic whodunit game that challenges players to hunt down the details of a crime. Then, send friends the game link, join a video call, and start to play. First, create a room and tweak settings and preferences. CodenamesĬodenames is one of the best multiplayer online board games. Play Scrabble online, and check out more vocabulary games.
You will have to register for a free account and invite your friends to your game, however Pogo does not display as many ads as some competitors, and also includes fun mini games and rewards.Īdded plus: If you play Scrabble online, none of your friends will race to grab a dictionary or “accidentally” knock over the letter tiles. However, Pogo offers the most seamless online version of the game. There are many ways to play the classic word game on the web, including using the app Words With Friends, or DIY-ing your own board in Google Sheets. Scrabble is one of the best free online games to play with friends. Users can choose from different boards, dice, and pawns to keep the game interesting.
The site allows for up to six players and has a feature to invite Facebook friends, as well as download options for smartphones and video game consoles. There are several ways to play Monopoly games online, including downloading apps or playing tabletop simulators. Monopoly is one of the most beloved board games to play with family and friends, making it an obvious choice for board games to play online. Play Scattergories online and see our Scattergories lists for teams. You can also use the site to play online with friends without using Zoom, and can generate prompts in over a dozen languages. The site automatically chooses a letter and prompts, and times the game. To play the game on Zoom, have one player pull up and share the screen. While the traditional board game includes lists, a letter die, a timer, and secrecy folders, the only supplies really required to play are a list of categories and a way to generate random letters. The activity also happens to be one of the easiest online board games to play on Zoom. Scattergories is a word game that challenges players to think up words that fit within certain categories and start with a particular letter. Here we go! List of online board games to play with friendsįrom Chess to Guess Who to Ticket to Ride, here is a list of modern and classic board games you can play online with friends, relatives, or colleagues to pass the time and stay in touch. board games to play online with coworkers.These games also work well for virtual game nights. These activities are an example of online games for teams and online group games, and are similar to team building board games. The purpose of these games is to allow friends, family members, community members, or coworkers to play together without physically being in the same space. For example, Battleship, Settlers of Catan, and Boggle. Online board games are web-based or app-based versions of popular board or card games. You found our list of the best online board games to play with friends.
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