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cl0wnesque · 3 days ago
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I finished Pentiment lol. My heart
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petitmonsieur1 · 1 year ago
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Mèche au vent
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temperanceofsleep · 2 years ago
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🃏 awaken 🃏
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andreannemorin · 2 years ago
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L'Opéra Rock du Grand Méchant Loup (2023)
Set design collaboration for outside play.
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schumi-nadal · 4 months ago
One thing is funny about being insulted by all those Carlos "fans" (won't call them real fans tbh he deserves way better than toxic people): I was already watching F1 that they were not born, if you think that Charles was shitty today, just remember we had Michael Schumacher as the most dramatic queen ever and Sebastian Vettel was a little Gremlin at some points. REAL FANS WERE NOT FIGHTING FOR THAT!
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outlying-hyppocrate · 5 months ago
i was going to dress up as a vampire and serve vampire cunt on wednesday for the costume contest but that's also the day my friend and i are performing our latin play. is there no good in the world,,,,,,,,
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deadrlngers · 7 months ago
i have this pair of black shorts whose zipper for some reason doesn't stay up anymore unless i wear a belt and i usually wear this pair without belt and with a super big shirt on when i walk my dog bc i'm lazy and want to stay comfy and every time i get back home i have the zipper kind of half way down and i swear one day i will end up like this at the dog park
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azzysflowergarden · 2 years ago
@krakenbuzz hey tikatikatee you should enjoy these silly guys with me 🥺👉👈
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unfinished failed attempt to get @madame-mongoose into submas but hey those two fan-favorite side character silly twin clown guys in a video game right
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lemondeabicyclette · 1 year ago
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Version doublée en français :
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Cet étron est séparé de Poutine par deux petites crottes insipides de l'OTAN.
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simmireen · 6 months ago
The more poses you make as a pose creator, the more things you learn and the more things you see. 
Maybe you have seen my former post, maybe not. But I want to address again that stealing is not OK. 
I use and see a lot of poses almost everyday, I reblog and maintain the poses masterlist (@ts4-poses), I am a sims-storyteller that loves to pose with poses from other creators for my story and ofcourse, make my own poses to share. But also...
I recognize my flaws in my own poses, my poses are not perfect, I learn everyday, that's why I knew this pose was mine. But by now, we have found 15 posecreators that have been done the same to, by Simsulani. And maybe you have seen in Toys of Dukeness their patreon post there is possibly another pose creator KD89 doing the same to them. What led to them deleting all of their content in our community. And seeing something leave the community over this, is sad. We lost already so many talented creators due to this.  
You have to know, Simsulani @hellosimsulani has around 20k followers on her patreon and about 200 people that support her by paying money to her. No, I'm not jealous, I share my poses because I want you to use my poses in-game. I'm not here in any way to have any financial gain. And I know this is the case of many others on the list down here that were affected. We want to make you happy, to be able to tell your story. 
But this money (maybe even your money) that she is earning over other people's creations that she adjusts, is not earned in a fair way. 
She violates many of the other posecreators TOU's. 
Besides taking poses and adjusting them, she adds accessories to the patreon post instead of linking to people's pages. (@simmisstrait her letterboard in this post) That's okay if it’s deleted, but doing so when this creator is still active? That’s not ok (only if it's okay stated in their TOU)
In her own TOU she even states that you can't take her poses and re-upload somewhere else. But clearly it's okay to do it if she does it?
Please ! Do not re-upload my content. Do not claim my content as your own. Do not upload to Simsd0m/S!msf!nds Do not upload to another site without my permission.
After finding out about Toys of Dukeness and Acha-games, I found out my own pose got stolen and adjusted, and after that I got a lot of messages and pictures. People started helping investigate their own poses. These are the things we found. Thanks to @theserenadeofshadows her detective skills and her super SUPER hard and dedicated work this weekend (she is one of these 15), she made this amazing doc with the proof she and others found. At least a few posepacks are not her poses entirely. If we had more photographic memory skills and time, who knows what we could find out more. 
NOTE: IT'S HEAVY UNDER INVESTIGATION STILL, but we wanted to show the proof we already have found! See and judge for yourself.
If you are a pose creator, please check if maybe one of your own poses got stolen, though she is very good at camouflaging it. It is incredibly hard to notice the stolen poses at first glance, it is a real frankenpose fiasco. @theserenadeofshadows tried to dissect the poses and find the original creators, and we found this stated in the doc, but know it is a slow and tedious process, so we can't find every pose and or posepack.
Groups and couples got split up and merged. Places in groups got swapped and/or rotated. Normal couples or single poses suddenly got a kid or partner (or both). Some expressions were made clownesque, exaggerated or the eyes closed. To make it even harder, she added accessories or removed them. She changed the body anatomy (resulting in broken poses sometimes) to make it appear different.
You can spot some weird clipping or gaps in the previews sometimes. 
We are not out to cancel someone, we stand for creativity and hope Simsulani will think about her actions and start making her own poses from scratch. Not stealing someone else's time because you need to create for your patrons. I know myself Patreon gives you a certain pressure to create for the people who pay for you, because you don't want to let them down. 
But doing this by stealing and putting it behind early access to earn a quick buck because you have no time or are too busy? 
Not OK. In no way. 
Thanks to everyone sharing and spreading the word and please keep doing so ❤️ 
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disgracefulgoatspirits · 1 month ago
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clownesquely started this on the 16th then got sick but its finally done. and it photographs godawful for some reason. this person's art gave me the idea. anyway enjoy my double birthday fanart 🙌
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cl0wnesque · 2 months ago
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"Hobbies are for people with money."
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petitmonsieur1 · 1 year ago
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adarkrainbow · 1 year ago
I will complete my trilogy of Hansel and Gretel stage adaptations of fascinating visuals with this piece. I made several posts about the Royal New Zealand Ballet's adaptation and its homages to Germanic cinema (and obscure carnival traditions). I reblogged something about the Hänsel and Gretel concert of Lindemann-Tägtren and its disturbing, horrifying but also darkly clownesque visuals... And now I bring you the San Diego Opera adaptation of the famed Hansel and Gretel opera, with quite impressive puppetry!
I will copy-paste here the content of an article by Beth Accomando, which can be read in its original form here.
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It’s not every day that an opera singer gets to bring a cannibalistic witch to life.
"I lure children into the forest and I cook them into gingerbread cakes and then I eat them. It's delightful," said tenor Joel Sorensen.
But what’s not so delightful is having to wear a big puppetry rig to create a larger-than-life witch onstage.
"I am a puppet," Sorensen explained. "The witch is a puppet, a very large puppet. And I have a colleague, Iain [Gunn], behind me. He bears the bulk of the weight on his back. So I'm basically working with a puppet while trying to sing and convey a character. It's a real challenge."
The challenge for director Brenna Corner in bringing Engelbert Humperdinck's "Hansel and Gretel" to the San Diego Opera stage was how do you bring a fairy tale to life?
"One of the things that I think is really tricky about 'Hansel and Gretel' is size. How do you make two grown-ups look like they're kids and two other grown-ups look like they're adults? And then someone else looks sort of even bigger and more powerful. And quite frankly, the best way I could figure out how to do that was puppets," Corner said.
So anything that was not human became a puppet. Like the witch.
"It's different in that it's not my physicality. So, because I'm manipulating her hands, her arms, and I'm working in tandem with [Gunn] so I can't move as quickly as I might normally or as sharply but facially and vocally, I'm trying to do the same things that I would do if I were performing it without a puppet," Sorensen said.
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Now if you are thinking of puppets as something you put on your hand, think again. Imagine actors completely enveloped in layers of fabric with a large sculpted head or face high above their shoulders and an arm span that exceeds 10 feet.
"We had to really kind of blow up the notion of what a puppet is in order to successfully encompass the fusion of opera and puppetry," said Judd Palmer of Old Trout Puppet Workshop in Calgary. "Our inspiration was classic 19th century children's book illustrators like Arthur Rackham or N.C. Wyeth. We wanted the whole thing to feel like it comes out of a book and it becomes the illustrations coming to life like a pop up book."
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Palmer designed the puppets for a production in Canada and Iain Gunn of Animal Cracker Conspiracy here in San Diego is now the puppeteer working with Sorensen to play the Witch onstage.
"I get to live inside this character that I'm helping to bring alive," Gunn said. "But she has her own voice standing right in front of me. I don't know how to describe it, but I feel like I am transported inside this imagination. It's like I'm in the 'Time Bandits' or something like that where … we're doing something magical and it's a magical character and the only reason it's alive is because we're in there giving it our all. So it's pretty cool."
The puppets engage the audience in a unique way.
"It's this agreement that the audience makes with the performers," Corner explains. "That we agree not to see the person who's obviously a person and instead we agree to look at what is fabric and some PVC pipe and a plaster-like face, right? But we agree to do that. So what's extraordinary to me about puppetry is that as an audience, we're continually investing our imagination in seeing the thing that the performers want us to see and then as the performers keep investing in that then all of a sudden they go away. They don't exist there anymore and it becomes something else kind of magical."
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By not trying to fool the audience and instead asking them to play along in this game of make-believe, the audience becomes a co-conspirator.
Palmer pointed out, "You can see the puppeteer right there in a ridiculous outfit. They're sweating and panting from having to run across the stage and they're waving the puppet around. It lets us all in on the joke in a way but also in the kind of the dream. It makes it evident to everybody in the audience that they are going to have to invest imaginatively in this in the same way as the people on stage are."
It's recommended that you bring a child-like sense of imagination to this show.
"That joy that you had when you were a kid," Corner said. "And you could imagine what would happen if a stick was suddenly a giant scary monster. I think that's what you want to bring to this production because that's what this production creates is the sense of wonder and joy and mystery that's inherent in being a kid."
And inherent in a story that begins with the magical possibilities of once upon a time…
San Diego Opera’s production of Engelbert Humperdick’s "Hansel and Gretel" opens Saturday and will have three additional performances through Feb. 16 at San Diego Civic Theatre.
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schumi-nadal · 6 months ago
So the red flag already took time to come but here again with the safety car, we had to wait more than one minute 🤡
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pastorfutureletthembe · 8 months ago
Full disclosure, Link Click Live Action 1x24 was underwhelming.
Honestly, it's been a good ride, Link Click Live Action got better with each episode. 1x20 to 1x23 were actually exciting, I really enjoyed it.
The issue is: you start 1x24 and you already know everything that's gonna happen. And it's kinda boring. It's hard to find this episode emotional because it's one hour long.. and could have been 20 minutes.
I loved He Xu at first but the acting in the last few episodes was over the top, almost clownesque. I wanted to empathize with him but they made him so "evil". No redemption possible. Supposedly the purpose? Well, I don't eat that kid stuff, the world isn't black or white.
The worst thing is his relationship with Cheng Xiaoshi. Because it was manipulative from the start to the end, I felt cheated. One reason is how Cheng Xiaoshi himself is barely upset about it??? He Xu had actually no affection for the guy at all??? That's sociopathic. And once he understands he failed, he tries to play the victim to get sympathy? Hell no, that made it worse. That's pathetic.
I love the story about his sister to be honest. I always like siblings stuff more than dead wife/husband tropes. The sister is an amazing character. Listen, what's best about this show is how real the female characters are. Her choice made sense, because she met our expectations as the perfect sister one brother would destroy the world for. And the message she left for him was moving. Still. The director made it so long and He Xu's actor made it ridiculous.
I think they could have done better. Lots of good ideas. The whole plotline about He Xu using CXS's ability to change the past was genius. CXS going back as himself?? ✨👌👀 It's too bad the realization wasn't able to keep up but the show isnt so bad.
Note: I was actually annoyed with Lu Guang's hair subplot. They just decided it was a fun wink to the fans and did it last minute. I'm not buying this snack, nope. The last scene was cute tho. LC's donghua opening as end credits throw me into the sun.
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