#clown x maid
ayowotsdis · 2 months
Now, most of what i write is very grim dark fantasy with a lot of midsummer nights dream whimsy but BUT what I told you I have a standalone in works (which could take years) which a is a PURE love story between a court jester and a maid, who have been friends for long. I watch them go from bickering friends to still bickering absolutely enamoured lovers luke these two need each other to BREATH kinda love. And listen, Jane Austen is my GURU, the aesthetic of this book is the 2005 Pride and Prejudice but with more fantasy, a LOT more kisses and every one of them will feel like the "Mrs Darcy" one or I will scream into the cosmos. The friendship between those two is inspired by an irl friendship of mine but we're more platonic. Likeeeeeeee, I absolutely hate modern romantasy because I like smut but why is it just always smut. I want romance, I want the before sunset, p&p 2005, 90s romcom vibes. I want LIGHT, ITS GOLDEN SHE LIKES SHINY THINGS BUT SHE'LL MARRY HIM WITH PAPER RINGE KINDA STUFF. So I took matters into my own hands. The maids name hasn't been fully confirmed yet but my friend named the clown Patricio. Oh and I got the inspiration for this story from staring at the kiss by Gustav Klimt for hours :)
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A very casual convo between me and my friend :p
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cytharat · 2 years
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look at these two colour coordinated idiots (affectionate), not a single braincell between them 💙💗
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edenesth · 8 months
The Way to His Heart [11]
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Pairing: general!Seonghwa x wife!reader
AU: arranged marriage au (Joseon era)
Word Count: 3.7k
Trigger Warnings: gore, implied mutilation
Summary: Life has been hell ever since your mother's passing many years ago. Despite being from a prominent family, you've never received the privileges associated with it. It only got worse with the arrival of your stepmother and her daughters. When the intimidating General Park was in search of a wife, your father seized the opportunity to dispose of you, simultaneously securing a connection with the powerful general—killing two birds with one stone.
Part 10 | Fic Masterlist | Part 12
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Hearing the cessation of all the screams, one of the royal guards gathered the courage to enter the chamber and check on Seonghwa, "Sir, are you done?"
Upon entering, he had yet to witness the state in which the former minister was left. The general stood before his victim, actively wiping all the blood off his hands with a towel prepared beforehand, "It's done. Has my assistant arrived to pick me up?"
"Yes, sir. Assistant Choi is waiting with your carriage by the entrance. If I remember correctly, he mentioned Lady Park helped prepare dinner today." A smile instantly graced your husband's face at the mere mention of you.
"Thank you, soldier. Bring in the rest and clean up the mess," He instructed, finally stepping away from the seat in the middle of the room, revealing the sight of your father slumped in the chair, both of his arms missing, blood gushing out from his shoulders, "Get him to a physician before banishing him. No need to treat him extensively; heal him just enough to keep him alive."
Freezing, the guard nodded quickly, "Y-yes, sir! We will not let you down!" His round eyes fixated on the two mutilated limbs on the ground in the middle of the puddle of crimson liquid.
The general was truly not someone to be underestimated, that was evident to the royal guards who filed in later on to clean up the bloody mess. They now understood why Seonghwa was so feared among those who had worked with him or witnessed his cold-blooded nature firsthand.
However, rather than instilling pure terror, your husband garnered more respect from them. He had gone to great lengths just to avenge his beloved wife. This demonstrated that the man still possessed a heart after all and that his affection for Lady Park was undeniable. He has proven that he could love just as fiercely as he hated.
Not a single member of the palace staff harboured even a hint of pity for the former Minister of Military Affairs as they dealt with his mangled body according to instructions. Any citizen with access to news was aware of all the cruel acts the old man had committed against his own daughter and first wife. It was safe to say that witnessing him in this state brought ample satisfaction not only to the general but to others as well.
"Sir, there's a bit of blood here."
The assistant extended his handkerchief, ensuring his master was free from any signs of bloodshed as they returned home. The last thing they all needed was for you to catch on to any of the events that occurred today; you should only focus on happiness and never spare another thought for your so-called family from now onwards.
"Thank you, Jongho," The general responded, taking the piece of fabric to remove the small bloodstain on his neck, "Keep me posted on where they banished that clown afterwards. It would be nice to check in on him once in a while, for entertainment purposes."
"Yes, sir."
Upon entering the estate, he was surprised not to find you waiting for him by the entrance, as was your usual routine when he returned from work. Only the head maid and a few servants stood there, ready to greet him, "Welcome home, master. We hope you had a good day at work." They said with a deep bow.
Seonghwa frowned, "Where's the mistress?" The elderly woman replied, "Mistress is currently at the main hall having a chat with Royal Secretary Choi while they were awaiting your return."
That immediately had the general rushing towards the hall. He didn't like the thought of you alone with... yet another handsome man. He had finally grown accustomed to having Yunho around the estate whenever he was at work, only because the two of you rarely interacted; he knew that thanks to daily reports from Eunsook. Now, jealousy was flooding his veins again.
What if you found San more attractive?
"Yes, I fully understand your concern. My sister faces similar issues," The royal secretary's voice carried from outside the hall, and then your softer response followed, "Thank you so much for your help, San. It means a lot to me."
They're already on a first-name basis?
"Help? With what?" He queried, abruptly pulling you and the secretary from your conversation. Both of you looked up at him, and you blinked and stammered nervously, quickly rising from your seat, "Oh, Seonghwa! You're home! It's nothing, we were just having a casual conversation while waiting for you."
Sensing your unease, San chuckled and concurred, "Yes, it was nothing important. It's good that you're back; I've come to deliver the minutes of today's assembly to you, as per His Majesty's orders."
"Please don't let me interrupt; I'll be waiting for you at the dining hall," You remarked to your husband, offering a nod of gratitude to the secretary, "It was nice talking to you, Royal Secretary Choi," The man respectfully bowed his head, "And you, Lady Park."
The general watched the interaction between you two with unmistakable envy, causing San to suppress a snicker into his fist, "Without further ado, general, let's proceed so that you can join your wife for dinner as soon as possible," Seonghwa nodded, feigning nonchalance, "Of course."
As the secretary continued to share the main details discussed during the assembly, he noticed the general's slight distraction. Wrapping up the debrief, he decided to ease your husband's thoughts by divulging the nature of your earlier conversation.
"Listen, before you came back, Lady Park and I were just talking about her concerns regarding being a better wife. Given that my elder sister, who is married, shares similar worries, I was merely offering some insights that might be helpful. So, don't stress over it too much, okay? I assure you, you're the only one on her mind."
Learning that you were only seeking to improve yourself for him, Seonghwa's heart melted immediately. Regret washed over him for entertaining the notion that you might find his colleague more appealing, and a slight embarrassment crept in, "I, uhh... it's not like I was worried about that or anything... but thank you, San. If that's all for today, Jongho will escort you out."
The secretary held back his knowing smile as they bid each other farewell before the general made his way to the dining hall. His heart pounded with excitement at the thought of being with you again.
Dinner went by as usual, though this time, you were brimming with enthusiasm as you shared how you spent the day learning to prepare his favourite dishes from the kitchen staff. You even mentioned the surprising discovery that you might have developed a love for cooking. He ate more than usual, savouring the fact that the meal was made just for him, and found it difficult to take his eyes off of you throughout the night.
He had once considered happiness to be a frivolous notion, something only fools wished for. He never anticipated being the one to experience it. Now that he had, your husband was determined not to lose this newfound feeling.
With your family matters now resolved, the only thing remaining was to give you the grand wedding you truly deserved. From then on, the plan was to enjoy a lifetime of this happiness together. Watching you munching away with joy, he couldn't resist reaching over to affectionately wipe the corner of your lips. At that moment, he realised that this was all he needed.
After the meal, he walked you back to the House of Lotus, hand in hand as usual. Upon reaching the entrance, you smiled up at him, "Have a good night, Seonghwa."
However, before you could turn and leave, he swiftly cupped your face, "Wait, before you go..." Your heart quickened as he leaned in, whispering, "Just one kiss, my love."
Almost instinctively, your eyes fluttered closed as soon as his lips met yours in a tender kiss. The warmth spread through your insides as he wrapped his arms around your frame, pulling you closer and deepening the kiss by angling his head.
Feeling the sensation of his lips pressing against yours, again and again, you finally understood why couples enjoyed kissing. It was hard to put into words, but being so close to him felt pleasant, and your husband had a unique way of making you feel beautiful with his touches, even when you doubted it yourself. There was an almost addictive quality to it, making you feel like the luckiest woman in the world to be desired by the great General Park.
Perhaps I've found it... my happiness.
After breaking the kiss for a breath, he leaned his forehead against yours, a smile adorning his face as he looked down at you lovingly. In silence, the two of you remained in each other's arms, basking in the moment, reluctant to part.
Unfortunately, the moment was cut short as your assigned group of servants approached, "Oh, pardon us for the intrusion, master and mistress! We came to assist in preparing the mistress for bed. May we proceed, master? Or, if you wish to stay with the mistress, we could also make arrangements for both of you for the night in the House of Lotus."
His heart raced as he witnessed the faint blush on your cheeks in response to the maid's suggestion. Chuckling, he gently shook his head and placed a kiss on your forehead, "No, the mistress needs her rest. Perhaps another time. Go on ahead then; she will join you soon."
"Yes, master, as you wish."
The servants entered your quarters to prepare your bath while you exchanged your goodnight. Caressing your cheeks with his thumbs, he couldn't resist leaning in for a final, lingering kiss on your soft lips, "Goodnight, my love. I'll see you tomorrow."
As you made your way to your room, he felt a swell of affection watching you turn for one last wave before disappearing inside. He missed you already, and as much as he would have loved to hold you close all night, he knew that waiting until your proper wedding night to share the same bed was the right decision. For now, this was more than enough. After all, he had the rest of his life to spend with you.
"Thank goodness the ointment has been remarkably effective. I don't think you need to harbour any insecurities about your appearance anymore. Lady Park, you look beautiful." said Physician Jung as he arrived to assess the condition of your skin. Having you apply the medicine he prepared for some time, he recognised that his work here would soon be done.
Eunsook couldn't contain the grin on her face at the slight pink dusting your cheeks from the doctor's compliment, suddenly relieved that her master was not around. Lord knows how unamused he would have been to hear any of that or see your reaction.
"Yes, thank you, Yunho. She's always been ravishing with or without your ointment. I think your job here is done; it's my turn to enhance this beauty. Head over to the general's study for your pay if that's all," The doctor couldn't resist rolling his eyes at the dressmaker's dramatic entrance, "It's nice to see you too, Hongjoong."
With a dismissive wave, he shrugged off the sarcastic greeting from his tall friend, saying, "I'll catch up with you soon; I have work to do." Left with no other choice, Yunho offered one final bow to you before leaving your room with a maid escorting him out.
Closing the distance between you, the dressmaker swiftly retrieved the new hanbok he had made specifically for the special occasion today, declaring, "Now, who is ready to outshine all the princesses in the palace? It's you, Lady Park!"
"Outshine the princesses? I d-don't think that's a good idea—"
He interrupted you before you could finish your protest, "Nonsense! I promised General Park to make you the most beautiful woman in all of Joseon." With a small giggle, you sighed in defeat and allowed him to work his magic with the assistance of the head maid as they coordinated your appearance for your visit to the palace.
Today marked the day you and Seonghwa were meeting the King and Queen to discuss the details of your wedding ceremony in-depth, as well as allowing the royal couple to finally meet you after having heard so much about you. Even without having seen you, they already adored you from the stories your husband had shared. Not to mention, their hearts ached, especially after learning about your nightmarish childhood.
Seated at the vanity table, you gazed at your reflection in amazement as Eunsook worked on your hair and makeup, with Hongjoong providing expert advice and guidance. Just as the elderly woman was about to conceal the remaining faint scars on your face as she had always done, the dressmaker intervened, "No, wait. Leave the one on her forehead as it is; I have an idea."
With his extensive knowledge of fashion and beauty, he had always been intrigued by the Chinese makeup style, which incorporated temporary tattoos. Specifically, he was drawn to the idea of a small flower design painted onto women's foreheads.
Rather than covering your marks, he opted to transform them into an accessory that would improve your overall looks. With this distinctive look, you were bound to capture attention from all directions, not that your beauty didn't already achieve that. Now, you would stand out wherever you went, even within the palace grounds where princesses and royal concubines were always impeccably dressed.
Waiting by the entrance, Seonghwa turned when he recognised the sound of your dainty footsteps approaching. He didn't miss his assistant's awestruck expression, taking in your appearance from behind him, "Finally, Hongjoong's taken way too long..."
As you stepped into full view, his words trailed off, and his gaze fixed on you with a mix of astonishment and sheer admiration. His breath caught in his throat, and for a moment, he couldn't find the words to express what he felt. You had always been beautiful in his eyes, but his friend had truly outdone himself this time.
The most significant difference that caught the general's attention was the little red flower on your forehead, right between your eyes. That delicate design elegantly covered one of the scars you bore from your past. It was a stroke of genius from the dressmaker, turning a mark of pain into a unique and striking accessory that enhanced your natural beauty.
Your husband approached you, his eyes never leaving yours. Finally finding his voice, he whispered, "You look breathtaking, my love," before gently reaching up to trace the edge of the flower on your forehead, his touch soft and filled with so much love, "Hongjoong, you've done wonders."
The dressmaker grinned proudly and nodded in agreement, "I know, I always do."
Throughout the journey to the palace, the general found it hard to divert his gaze from you, just as you were captivated by the passing scenery outside. The roads to the palace differed from the usual routes leading to town, explaining your intrigue. As he admired your beautiful face, an unexpected desire surged within him to take you back home and shield you from others' eyes. A sudden uncertainty about wanting anyone else to see you overcame him. A selfish impulse urged him to keep you all to himself.
Before he could entertain the impulsive idea of turning the carriage around, Jongho had already announced their arrival. This time, Eunsook didn't bother to stand by and assist you down, instead waiting expectantly as the general smoothly helped you in one swift movement, determined to keep you close.
Having been here more than enough, Seonghwa knew this place might appear beautiful on the inside but could be very dangerous at the same time. People here might seem nice but rarely could be trusted, particularly the women. Well aware of this, he hesitated to let you wander off alone, despite your status as his wife. You were easily recognisable as Lady Park from a distance, anyone would have to be insane to dare mess with you.
Even so, he had no intention of leaving your side for even a moment. Palace servants passing by bowed deeply at both of you, and you did your best to maintain the poise of a noblewoman as practised with the head maid. The last thing you wanted was to make your husband look bad in here.
As you both approached the hall for the meeting with His and Her Majesty, the royal secretary rushed out to intercept the two of you. Almost as if your husband had jinxed it, San exclaimed, "There you are, General Park! We have a bit of a situation right now. Your immediate presence is required at an emergency meeting."
"But my wife—"
Finally realising you were present, the secretary bowed, "Oh, right, Lady Park! We're all aware you're here to discuss your wedding arrangements, but this really cannot wait. Even His Majesty is currently in this meeting expecting you. Would it be alright if we have your wife waiting by the cherry blossom garden? We'll have the servants prepare her some refreshments."
As much as Seonghwa detested the sudden change of plans, he acknowledged that he was left with no choice upon sensing the urgency in San's demeanour. With a nod of defeat, he agreed, "Okay, fine. Eunsook, please stay by the mistress' side at all times."
She nodded with a bow, "Of course, master."
Turning to you with a regretful frown etched on his brows, he said, "I'm sorry for having to leave you alone, my love. I'll come back to you as quickly as I can, I promise."
You shook your head with an understanding smile, "Don't worry about me, Seonghwa. I'll be fine. Your work is more important. Now hurry and go. Don't make His Majesty wait." Sighing lightly, he pecked you on the head before rushing off with the royal secretary.
"Lady Park, please come with us. We will guide you to the cherry blossom garden."
A team of palace maids appeared before you, showing you as much respect as they would towards royalty. Your status and reputation were well-known nationwide; you were favoured not only by your husband but also by the King and Queen themselves. No one would dare to disrespect you for fear of dire consequences.
Their dedication was evident in the top-tier hospitality as they led you to the enchanting garden, unlike anything you had ever seen. After thanking them politely, they prepared a seat for you in one of the pavilions within the vast garden, serving a tray of tea and some sophisticated-looking snacks.
Boredom eventually set in, and you glanced at one of the palace maids standing ready by the pavilion for any orders you might have for her, "Excuse me, would it be okay for me to take a walk around the garden?"
"Oh, certainly, Lady Park! Feel free to explore the garden as you please. Would you like any of us to accompany you?" Smiling and glancing at Eunsook, you declined, "No, thank you. We'll manage on our own. We won't be gone too long; you have my word."
"Thank you, Lady Park. Your assurance is appreciated; we'll await your return here." They bowed deeply as you and the head maid began your leisurely stroll.
As you wandered through the picturesque garden, marvelling at the vibrant colours of the flowers, you inadvertently caught the eye of a stranger who happened to be nearby. Your beauty, accentuated by the mark on your forehead, captivated the attention of this mysterious figure. What intrigued him even more was the unmistakable childlike innocence reflected in your eyes.
From a distance, he observed you with awe. The way you carried yourself, the genuine delight on your face as you admired the flowers and scenery—it all conveyed a sense of authenticity. Unlike anyone he had encountered, you seemed untouched by pretentiousness or spoiled airs.
Driven by an unexplainable urge to get closer, the stranger slowly made his way towards you, navigating through the enchanting garden. His curiosity was piqued, and he couldn't resist the desire to learn more about the intriguing woman who had captured his attention.
Unaware of the approaching figure as you immersed yourself in the beauty of the flowers, a clearing of the throat behind you signalled his presence. Eunsook, recognising the newcomer, widened her eyes and began to bow, but he gestured for her to remain silent with a finger against his lips and a subtle shake of his head.
Interrupting the tranquillity, the unexpected deep voice spoke, "It's beautiful, isn't it? Do you know what cherry blossoms symbolise?"
Startled, you turned to find a handsome man dressed elegantly, smiling down at you. After a moment of surprise, you nodded, "I do. I've read that they symbolise purity and beauty."
The man acknowledged, "That's right, much like you, my lady."
Concern flickered in the head maid's eyes, realising that the stranger might be unaware of your identity and possibly attempting to make a romantic gesture. Before matters could escalate, she decided to intervene, "Allow me to express our deepest respect, Your Highness. This is Lady Park, the esteemed wife of General Park. Mistress, may I present to you Prince Yeosang."
« Preview of Part 12 »
Seonghwa's eyes widened as they approached the War and Strategy Department building, where soldiers were marching about hastily, "Wait a minute, don't tell me—"
The royal secretary had no time to explain as he pulled the general into the meeting room where all military officials were seated and awaiting anxiously. The King, positioned in the middle of the room, sighed deeply upon noticing your husband's arrival.
"You're here, General Park. Is your wife also in the palace?" His Majesty asked, rubbing his head to alleviate an oncoming headache.
Seonghwa nodded in confirmation and inquired, "Yes, she is. She's waiting by the cherry blossom garden as we speak. Now, tell me. What is it? What has happened?"
With regret in his eyes, the King grimaced, "I'm so sorry, my boy. It seems your wedding will have to wait. Relations with the neighbouring nation, Ruhon, have not been very good lately. I fear war is inevitable this time, and... we need you."
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Just wanted to make it clear that Ruhon is a fictional country. I've thought about it and decided it's probably best not to use real places for fear of offending anyone.
As always, thank you for reading and let me know your thoughts! <3
Tag list (1/6): @huachengsbestie01 @evidive @weedforthoughtz @ssrnghwa @yunnieo @sunnyhokyu @lynnsqueendom @frobin4ever @chwesuh-imnida @thunderous-wolf @itstheghostofmypast @professormingisglasses @deltamoon666 @avantalem @famishalll @yungilia @soobiverse @joongified @scuzmunkie @http-gyu @mentoslol @atinyreads @angel-hyuckie @anxiousskylar @onedumbho3 @narashii @ddaeing @sanstreasure0305 @sohnfile @scarfac3 @dreamingofyeo @puppyminnnie @tinyteezer @vantediary @satsuri3su @mismatchfluffysocks @aliona124754 @bts-army380 @lilactangerine @atinyniki @pay13 @1117promises @xoxkii @st4rcig4r @hikarii02 @nescaffei @xdolls-crownx @ashrocker123 @skzline @minkiflwr @starssongs98 @baeksofty @skz1-4-3 @kawaiikels @madnpan @maoyueze @en-happiness @cheolliehugs @persnyako @startinystay @chngbnwf @fatspecimen @christinerose380 @stfu-rina @kyukyustar @taytayy178 @appleschre @brielle-in-the-galaxy @kamabokogonpachro @wh0re4yunho
Tag list (cont.): see comment/reply section
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731 notes · View notes
running-with-kn1ves · 7 months
 Masterlist~~ (OG Work)
ADVISATORY WARNING: This list potentially deals with yandere behavior, violence, death, non/dub-con, NSFT, etc.! Please read at your own risk.
Last Updated: Sept. 25th, 2024
Male love interest
Rich! Yandere X Yandere! Reader 
Yandere! MIMIC Creature X Reader
Yandere Gym Trainer X Client Reader
Yandere! Killer Clown X Reader
Yandere Boyfriend X Insecure! Reader (Pt.2 In the Book Stacks)
Photographer X Reader
Stalker X Reader
Yandere X “I can fix them” Reader 
Satin Pillows to Cry On
Masked Intruder X Reader l Masked Intruder X Reader Pt. 2 l Masked Intruder X Reader Pt. 3
Virgin! Best friend X Reader (NSFT!)
Yandere Masochist X Reader (NSFT!)
(NSFT!) Jealous Boyfriend X Reader l (NSFT!) Jealous Boyfriend Pt.2 (Valentines day) X Reader (NSFT!) Jealous Boyfriend X Flirting Reader
Yandere Best Friend X GN Virgin! Reader (NSFT!)
Yandere X Amnesiac! GN Reader
Cannibal X Reader l Cannibal X Reader pt. 2
Rich! Husband X Reader
Stalker X Reader
Possessive Delinquent X Reader l Possessive Delinquent X Reader Pt. 2 l Possessive Delinquent X Reader pt. 3
Secret Admirer X Reader l Secret Admirer X Reader Pt. 2
Childhood Friend! X Reader
Yandere Soulmate! X Reader
Male! Yandere x Servant Reader (Drabble)
Christmas Intruder X Reader
Giant X Faerie Reader
Orc Tribal Leader X Reader
Manticore X Reader
Doll X Reader
Elf(Cirdan) X Reader
Elf (Cirdan) X Reader Pt. 2 (NSFT!)
Satyr God X Human Reader
Satyr X Human Reader Pt. 2 (NSFT!)
Elf Lord X Entertainer! Reader
Orc X Guard! Reader
Werewolf Elias X Reader
Werewolf Elias X Reader Pt. 2
Naga X Reader
Naga X Reader Pt. 2
Werewolf Boyfriend X Reader
Incubus X Human Reader
Alien X Reader
Alien X Reader (Pt.2)
Wraith X Reader
Mothman X Reader
Plant Creature X Reader
Shapeshifter X Reader
Symbiote Armor X Reader
Vampire X Reader
Mermaid X Reader
Female love interest
Fitness Trainer! X Client! Reader 
Yandere Biker Girlfriend X Reader
Baroness X Maid! Reader
CEO X Reader l CEOX Reader Pt. 2 l CEO X Reader Pt. 3 l CEO X Reader Anniversary l CEO X Reader Drabble  CEO Werewolf X Fem! Werecat Reader
(NSFT!) Kidnapper (Maeve)X Fem! Reader
Dark Fae X Reader
Vampire X Reader
Cat Girl X Reader
Nymphs X Reader
Drider X Reader
Medusa X Blind! Reader
Lycan Gangster X Reader
Lamia X Reader (NSFT!)
AFAB! Reader
Sleepy Afternoons: Dragon Boyfriend X Reader (Period comfort)
Omega! Male Yandere X Alpha! Fem Reader
Ex-husband X Pregnant Fem! Reader
(NSFT!) Robot X Fem! Reader
(NSFT!) Kidnapper Drabble AFAB
AMAB! Reader
(NSFT!) Kidnapper Drabble AMAB
Male + Female Love Interest
Incubus + Succubus X Reader  Incubus + Succubus X Reader SMUT
Male! Yandere X GN Reader X Female! Yandere
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anemptypuddingcup · 7 months
Wishes aren’t real.
Samurai Zoro x Female Maid Reader.
You were saved and swept up and out of poverty by a loyal and thoughtful samurai. Eyes filled with admiration and gratitude for him blinds the things that may need to be seen.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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Contains: Contains Dark Themes. Zoro returning home late. Zoro and Reader bathing together. Reader is a virgin but is familiar with masturbation only. Non-consensual touching. Non-consensual to consensual pussy eating. Consensual fingering. Zoro becoming mean and showing his nature. Focuses on what starts the main point of this dark series. (Basically non-consensual or unwanted sex.)
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It had only been a week.
Just one week in the estate.
Being a maid of the estate surely wasn’t a bad thing, but at the same time you felt that it was less appealing than you’d thought it would be. When you were offered this opportunity, you didn’t think it’d be so…boring. With how many nights Zoro would be gone, it grew so lonely without him being there most of the time within the week that you’ve been there.
You felt that Zoro probably didn’t care about you as much as he said he did. All of those sweet and promising words began to wither into more of a joke the more you sat there and thought about it alone in your bedroom every night. You felt so much like a fool…or a clown. A lonely clown in a circus. It all just…felt like there was no point in you being there.
Then again, you were the maid and he was the master who gave the orders to you. He probably saw you as nothing more than a tool, someone to get chores and housework done that he wouldn’t do himself. Yet he looked so promising that day when he spoke to you in that tea room, his eye was full of belief and wonder to see how you’d grow.
You didn’t like the fact that he probably…lied to you. He claimed that he sees you differently unlike other filthy higher class people who shows disgust to the lower class. Yet the way he seemed to be acting towards you and showing you was how anyone of his status would see a lower class maid.
Just a piece of trash sitting there to be cleaned up off of the earth’s crust.
Then again…
You were the maid and he was the master.
You walked down the dark hall to yourself in silence, your hands carrying soft fresh towels and a robe to take into your bedroom. You’d finished up every thing that needed to be taken care of for the day and…Zoro still wasn’t home yet.
He happened to do that very often. He’d just leave and claim that he’ll be back by nightfall, only to come back so early in the morning that not even birds were chirping. All the hot baths you ran for him and the hot meals you cooked beforehand grew cold by time he’d come home.
While part of you grew irritated from this behavior of his, it made you desperately worry for him and his safety. Even if he was a skilled samurai, it still made you fear what was happening outside of the estate where you’re never supposed to go.
It really made you wonder what was happening to where Zoro didn’t want you to leave at all…
You shake the thought away and sighed out as you come across your bedroom door. You look down the hall and take one more listen for Zoro’s footsteps, a huff leaving past your lips before you slowly slid your shoji door open and stepped into your bedroom. You leave the door cracked slightly and softly set the towels and robe down onto the tatami mats before walking over to your futon.
A yawn slipped past your lips as you grew tired from a long day of working and cleaning, finally feeling that rush of fatigue filling your body as you stood there and slipped off your geta shoes. You got down onto your knees and crawled over to your futon before pulling your heavy blankets back and climbing into your bed. You slowly pulled your blankets over your small frame before settling yourself.
You rested your head against your soft pillow, a groan leaving your lips as your eyes unconsciously shut from the fatigue and tiredness of your body. You felt your body immediately relax and rest against soft cotton of the futon, the fabric beginning to nestle around your body and cradle it providing a sense of warmth that you desperately needed to sleep.
Silence filled the room as you slept soundly on the floor, with tired snores and groans spilling past your lips with every breath you took. It was quite peaceful and easily took you to sleep, your thoughts slowly numbing and disappearing as the sleep took over and rested your body for the night.
Footsteps began to echo down the hall of the home as Zoro stumbled down the corridor, his geta sliding and grazing along the tatami as he struggled to walk properly in his state. He was sleepy and in desperate need of a bath, something to relax and soothe him before he’d went to sleep. He also wanted to see your pretty face after a long day of working and attending to his duties as a samurai.
He walks to the bathroom and slides the door open slightly before peeking in, only to be met with the cold empty feeling of the bathroom. The chill touching his shoulders and making him shudder and grow cold.
“Damn that woman, she didn’t run a bath for me this time…” He groans out, his hand pushing the shoji door all the way open and making his eyes meet with the darkness of the bathroom.
He sighs out as he stared at the empty and darkened bathroom before looking down the corridor, his eye a bit too hazy to see much further than he wanted to.
He huffs irritably before continuing down the hallway, making it over to your bedroom door which seemed to be cracked open. He slowly pushes the door open all the way, his eyes focusing on your sleeping figure from a distance before he slowly steps in past your doorway. He stumbles over to your futon and crouched down, his eye staring at your pretty face as he watched you take those graceful breaths of air. His eye trails down your sleeping figure, watching as it rose and fell with each breath of oxygen you took.
He stared at you for a moment longer, watching as you slept and breathed evenly.
A gemstone resting on soft and fine grain sand was the only thing he could compare this sight to.
He slowly reaches a hand out to you, softly rubbing at your shoulder and shaking you awake while you groan out irritably at the touch. You slowly turn over and sit up, mewling out before rubbing your eyes and reaching for him. “Mmgh? Sir? Is that you..?” You called out, reaching around for him and touching his hand which happened to be beside your bed.
His hand twitched unconsciously at the touch before he groans slightly, his tired eye looking into your sleepy ones.
“I need a bath to be made this instant. Please don’t take long.” He says, groaning out as he slowly stood up on his two feet and waited for you to follow instructions . You rub your eyes a bit more and quickly yank your blankets off before climbing out of your futon and getting up on your own two feet.
“Y-Yes sir, right away…” You say tiredly, slowly stumbling over and slipping your geta on before walking out of your bedroom with a sigh. Zoro stayed standing there in your bedroom a moment longer, listening to your frantic footsteps trail down the hallway.
You huffed out and stepped into the bathroom, so displeased at the fact that you were just pulled out of your sleep just to run a hot bath for Zoro. As you began to run a bath for him, Zoro steps in and slides his geta off before walking up closer to you. A monotone expression was plastered on his face as he looked down at you running him hot water into the tub.
“That’ll be fine now, I’m getting in.”
You look up at him and your eyes widens as you noticed him pulling his arms from his kimono sleeves, his long scar across his chest being revealed to you. “Ah- Um- S-Sir, are you s-sure that’s it?” You asked him, a bit flustered and now fully awake from the sight you were seeing. Zoro begins pulling at his obi and you quickly stood up and backed away from him, walking back over to the door to offer him some privacy.
“Bring me fresh towels and my robe please. Bring extra.” He demanded, looking towards you and watching as you began to shut the door. “Y-Yes sir, I will.” You say behind the door, rushing down the hallway and back to your bedroom where the towels and robes were. You quickly grabbed the linens and rush back to the bathroom, rushing back down the corridor and to the bathroom door before slowly pressing your hands against the shoji door.
“Excuse me sir, h-here’s your towels and robes…” You say, slowly sliding the door open and putting the linens down onto the floor.
“Hold on. Bring them in here like you’re supposed to. Open the door woman.” He says firmly, the sound of the water splashing around signifying that he was already within the tub. You sigh out shakily before sliding the door open and walking in, trailing up to the porcelain tub and standing there in front of him.
You kept your head facing down, not wanting to look and peek at him. In fact, you were just ready to get back in bed after a long day of cleaning.
Zoro looks up at you and smirks, looking at your embarrassed and flustered expression. You set the linens down onto the stool before bowing down and turning around from Zoro, wanting to just hurry up and walk out of the bathroom.
Zoro quirks and brow and tilts his head, staring at your body while you began to walk out.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
His words makes you come to a halt and you turn around and look him in his eye before answering.
“W-Well, y-you’re about to bathe sir. You want your privacy don’t you…?“ You asked back in response to his question, making him chuckle while his smirk grew wider. He presses his wet and soaking hand to his chin and hums out to you.
“I didn’t ask for you to leave. Come back in and close the door..”
You stood there for a few moments before sighing out and reluctantly walking back into the room, your hand slowly shutting the shoji door behind yourself. You stood beside the stool, trying your absolute hardest not to peek at his tanned skin and his muscular physique. He could tell just by your face that you wanted to look at him and his body, the heat captured on your face made it so obvious for his only eye to see.
“Tell me woman, have you bathed today?” He ask you, crossing his arms as he sat there and stared up at you. You shook your head and Zoro huffs out in response, resting his head against his fist. “I need a direct answer, look up at me.” He demanded, forcing you to look up at him and into his eye. He you stared into his fierce jaded-color eye and you felt your body beginning to shudder at the slight arousal mixed with discomfort.
“N-No sir…I haven’t bathed at all today.” You said honestly to him, causing a sly smirk to creeping across his face. Zoro motioned a hand up to you and tilts his head, urging you to get in the bathtub with him. “Well, come. Get in tub with me. I assure you that I’m fine with it.” He says, now motioning for you to take off your clothes. You hesitated and stood there for a little while, making Zoro quirk a brow before he’d went back straight-faced. He was getting impatient and he huffs out at your ignorance.
“S-Sir. May I please just bathe tomorrow morning? I’m very fatigued from today..” You asked sweetly, your face giving off pure exhaustion and drainage from the day. Zoro remained unfazed by your words and instead his glare grows darker as he sat there in the tub waiting for you.
“I’m not repeating myself.” He said darkly, his tone firm as he puts his foot down and gets straight with you. You sigh out shakily and begin undressing, the agonizing amount of time it took for you to loosen up your obi making it even more dreadful.
You look up at him nervously and he’s staring at you intensely, his eye practically glaring deep into your soul as he rested his head against his hand. As you slid your obi off, you slowly pull your linens open, your body still turned around and away from Zoro. Zoro stared as he waited for you to just pull those linens off, his eye just watching and waiting for that moment when you finally turn around.
You let your linens spill down onto the floor, revealing your pretty skin and your backside to Zoro. You slowly look over your shoulder only to see Zoro with a straight face while he stared at your bottom. “Come on. Get in woman.” He demanded, making you freeze up before you look away nervously. You slowly turned around to him, your arm covering your breasts while your hand covered your cunt from him.
You slowly walk over and stepped into the tub, your movements making the water ripple and move around slightly. You slowly lowered your body into the warm water and suds, sitting there across from him while his tall stature made you feel so small compared to him. He smirks and slowly moves over to you, your back grazing up his chest and making you gasp out suddenly.
You could feel the detail of his abs and his chest against your skin as he bent down to face you. He wraps his large and roughly-scarred hands around your body and slides them up along your sides, feeling along your soft and pretty skin. You shuddered at his touch and let out a soft yet worried mewl as he ran his rough fingers against your skin.
“Mmh~ S-Sir~” You gasp out shakily, your eyes avoiding eye contact with him as he began to touch your body without much of your permission. “S-Sir?” You call out to Zoro again yet he continues, his hands trailing lower and in between your legs while he moves your arm away from your breasts. “Such soft skin you have, a wonderful texture…” He whispers to you, his lips moving in close to your ear.
You trembled at his whispered words and gasp out as you feel him grope one of your breasts with his hands, his fingers pinching and teasing at one of your nipples.
You knew that Zoro probably just wanted to get a touch on your body and even though he didn’t ask for permission at all, you couldn’t deny that his hands felt so wonderful again your body. You felt him trail his hand deeper in between your legs before he had finally laid one of his fingers against your clit, making you yelp out before you scoot away from him and his hands.
You quickly try to jump out of the tub but he grabs at one of your hips and yanks you back into the tub while you struggled against him.
His hands pulled your hips back over to his body, his strength far more stronger than yours. You whined and fought back but Zoro kept you still and in place, a yelp erupting past your lips as panic began to run through your veins. “S-Sir please! I-I don’t want this right now!” You gasp out heavily, your heart beginning to pound as you felt it wanting to burst out of your chest. The water splashed at your frantic movements and struggle, afraid of what Zoro would do to your body.
Zoro grips your wrists tightly with one hand and holds them in place, his eye staring intently into yours that were now full of tears. “Move your hands before I give you something else to cry about.” He says, his tone deep and dark as he threatened you. A whimper leaves your lips as the tears begins to run down your face and fall into the soapy bath water below.
You struggled one last time before whining out in defeat, your struggle obviously nothing against the stronger samurai. Your struggling was pointless as it was obvious who was the stronger man here. Zoro released his grasp on your wrists and you pull back before turning away, a whine leaving past your lips while more tears ran down your cheeks.
His hands pulled you close and held you still before he’d spread your legs open wide, revealing your pussy which was spilling with arousal and betraying your thoughts easily. Zoro licks his lips and chuckles at your weak attempt at fighting back, his eye staring down at your pussy that was just begging for him to take care of it.
“A harlot aren’t you? Lying right in front of my face as if I wasn’t going to find out. Your flower…it’s spilling its nectar into the bath water as if it’s begging for me to take it.” He says to you, trailing his tongue along his lips as he stared down at your pussy dripping with slick.
“Please! I-I’m new t-to this! I-I d-don’t know much about sexual contact it other than p-playing with myself…” You admit, covering your eyes out of embarrassment as your voice grew whiny from fear.
This makes Zoro pause for a moment before he smiles and laughs at your whines.
“A pure woman who’s never been touched? I’m honored to be the first to lay my hands on your delicate body and helping it blossom to its fullest.” He hisses as he moves his fingers up to your pussy, his thumb sliding along your slit while he watched and listened to it make the lewdest sounds. He holds your hips up to his face, burying his face between your thighs while his lips presses a small smooch to your clit.
A gasp leaves you as you felt this sudden and new feeling, his semi-chapped lips adding a sensation that…you wanted to feel even more. He looks down into your eyes and chuckles lowly at you, a growl leaving himself after as he licked a stripe along your slit. “Let’s see how you’ll enjoy the feeling of my tongue against your virgin pussy~” He whispered to you, a chuckle leaving his lips as he stared up at you. You shuddered as you watched him smooch at your pussy before pulling away, savoring in the light taste of your slick.
You feel this thumbs spread your folds open before running his tongue against your slit, the thick muscle prodding at your entrance before sliding into your virgin hole. You moan out shakily and shudder at the feeling, his tongue rubbing against your velvety walls and making you move your hips against his lips. You feel him dig his tongue deep into your sticky cunt before you moan out loudly, his tongue prodding hard at your sweet spot and making your toes curl.
Zoro groans out, breathing heavy breaths while he slurped and lapped at your sticky hole. He fucks your virgin pussy with his tongue and savored in your beautiful moans, enjoying the delectable taste of your cunt on his tongue while you lied there like and took it like a good girl for him. “Mmhhh~ S-Sir~” You moan out to him, your body shuddering while you indulged in the pleasure. Zoro stops and lifts his head, his hand gripping your chin and squeezing your cheeks.
“When I’m eating your pussy, you call me by my name. Understand?” He growls, biting his bottom lip while he stares into your eyes. “Y-Yes Z-Zoro~” You gasp out, shuddering as you suddenly watched him dip his head back between your legs.
Zoro continued to fuck your pussy with his tongue, his movements now a bit faster than before and making you whine out while you began squirming and shutting your eyes tight. The continuous touch to your g-spot causes your eyes to roll back as your walls pulsates around Zoro’s tongue, your gasps growing loud while Zoro began to stare at your slutty face.
“Z-Zoro!~ Mmgh!~ I-I’m close~” You moan out to Zoro, your eyes beginning to brew with tears as you felt your cunt becoming overstimulated from Zoro’s tongue already. Zoro hums out and looks back up at you, not stopping his movements as he heard you
In fact, he begins to slurp and lap at your pussy, his nails scratching at your hips and thighs while he tried to strangled that orgasm out of you. “Release then woman, cum on my tongue and give me a taste of this virgin pussy of yours.” He demands, a heavy groan erupting from his through as his thumb began to toy at your clit. You gasp and mewl out, your hips now grinding upwards and moving on their own as your cunt begged for its orgasm on its own.
Your gasps grew heavy and airy as Zoro fought for your orgasm, wanting to just rip it out of you and hear your whiny moans spill out of your throat. A hiss leaves past your lips and you reach out to him, grabbing his mossy strands before gasping out and throwing your head back. “I’m releasing!~ I-I’m cumming Zoro!~” You mewl out shakily, your back arching as you finally feel yourself releasing on his tongue.
A long and lengthy moan leaves you as you cum, creaming onto his tongue while you felt yourself running out of energy from your orgasm. Zoro groans out as he felt your taste on his tongue, gripping your thighs tight while he felt his cock yearning to release from your taste. You groan out shakily, your grip on the tub shaky as you pulled yourself up and trembled against Zoro.
Zoro slowly lifts his head, his eye still staring down at you as he licked the taste of your essence off of his lips. You breathed heavily and look up at him, reaching out to him and needing some sort of balance to help you not fall into the soapy water. Zoro pulls you into his embrace while you tried to regain your breath, practically hyperventilating as you struggled to breathe. Zoro stared down at you as he lies back against the tub, his hand running along your back and rubbing it to soothe you.
His hands trailed down to your ass and he groped the doughy flesh softly while you lied there against his chest. He was smiling eagerly down at you, staring into your eyes while his cock throbbed at your fucked-out face. “Sit up, I’m not done pleasing you yet.” He demanded, pulling you up from his chest before he pulls you off of him completely.
“M-More? D-Do we have to s-sir? I-I’m very tired and if I don’t get my rest, I won’t be able to clean tomorrow.”
“Then I won’t give you any tasks for tomorrow. Get on all fours.”
You let out a little whimper before turning over and getting on all fours, your hands and knees against the bottom of the porcelain tub. Zoro stares at the wonderful view of your behind and hisses out as he slides his digits along your leaking cunt, his fingers spreading your folds open a bit while you moan out shakily.
You mewl out shakily as you feel him slide his thick digits into your virgin cunt, your velvety walls stretching and making room for his fingers. You winced a at the painful stretch and whine out, eating at your bottom lip while he fingered your tightened hole open. It took him only a few seconds to to find your g-spot, a sudden moan spilling from your lips as he curled his fingers up and pressed hard into your bundle of nerves.
He thrusted his fingers in and out of your pussy slow yet forcefully, making sure you felt his fingertips kissing your sweet spot every time he’d slide his fingers into your cunt. “Ngh~ Z-Zoro~ F-Feels so good~” You huff out shakily, arching your back while the pleasure began to build up in your lower tummy. The lingering feeling of oversensitivity was still present in your cunt which made it a bit harder to endure the pleasure of Zoro’s fingers deep inside of you.
“Such a nice sight I’m seeing, your unblossomed pussy clenching tight on my fingers.” His palm hitting the doughy flesh of your ass as he hissed out in response, the grip on his fingers making his tip leak with pre while he sat there with his legs crossed in the water. You mewl out and wince at the stinging pain of his palm hitting your backside, the heavy-handed hits causing you hiss out slightly at the pain.
Zoro begins to palm at his thick cock, watching as you wiggles your hips slightly and listening to your moans that made his cock even harder the more he sat there. His groans were quiet but it was obvious that he was masturbating behind you while enjoying the view and enjoying your pussy around his fingers.
Your arms began to grow a bit weak and your hips were growing shaky while your second orgasm grew close. “Z-Zoro~ M-My arms-“ You say, a gasp spilling out after as your arms began to wobble a bit. Zoro ignores your complaining and continues to fuck your cunt with his fingers, disregarding your words. “Hold on to the edge of the tub. You’ll be fine.” He said firmly, a slight hiss leaving his lips as fucked his fist to your cunt fluttering around his digits.
You obeyed and shifted to the side of the tub, holding on and spreading your legs open a bit wider while he begins to pump his fingers a bit faster. A whine left your lips and you sighed out, now moving your hips a bit more into his digits and and moaning out a bit louder. You bit your bottom lip tightly as your eyes began to cross, your walls clenching tight around Zoro’s fingers as you felt yourself wanting to cum again.
You let out a heavy gasp before releasing out onto his fingers again without warning, your body shaking against his as you let out a heavy little gasp. Zoro groans out slightly and gives his cock a few more pumps before he finally releases, cumming out into the soapy water with a slight groan.
You breathe out shakily and sit back down into the tub, breathing out heavily as your walls pulsate around nothing but warm water. Zoro crosses his arms and breathed heavily himself, his chest rising and falling pretty quickly while he stared down at your glistening skin. You hum out shakily and lie back against the stone wall, want wanting him to touch you anymore due to your exhaustion.
“Get out and dry off. We’re going to my bedroom. We’ll bathe more properly tomorrow morning.”
You sat up and look at him before a whimper left your lips.
“S-Sir please…N-No more…” You begged, your pussy already overstimulated and sensitive so much that you didn’t even have the energy to get out to the tub. Zoro glared down at you and slowly stood up out of the soapy water, revealing his thick and still hardened cock down to you. Your eyes widens at the size and you shuddered before scooting back and away from him. “Get up.” He says, gripping your arm a bit tight and pulling you up and out of the tub. “No! N-No please!” You begged, your whines growing more hysterical as you tried to struggle and pull away from him.
Zoro picks you up and throws your body over his shoulder making you yelp out before you begin to scratch against his back and flail around. Zoro slowly walked out to the bathroom, a trail of water drops and wet footsteps following as he carried you down the estate and to his bedroom. Both of your bodies were still drenched and soaking from the bath water and part of you wish that he wasn’t so cruel and yanked you out of the bathtub. You shuddered within his grasp, shivering and cold from the cool air hitting your skin after not drying off.
Zoro stops at his door and slowly slides it open before walks in and laying you down onto his futon. His futon smelled of his musk, the thick scent of pine and his own sweat filling your nose and making you tremble. You quickly scoot back and away from him but Zoro grabs your calf and pulls you back towards him, making a whine erupt from your throat.
“Spread your legs open before I spread them open myself.” He said darkly, huffing out as he got down on his knees. “Please…P-Please….” You trembled and hesitate, your lack of movement causing Zoro to spread your legs open forcefully. You continued to stare down at his cock and he slowly slides down onto his tummy and looking up at you between your thighs.
“I’m not ruining your purity just yet. I want to taste and feel more of your pussy on my tongue and fingers.” He says to you, promising not to take your virginity.
You couldn’t trust his words, you were too afraid to trust if he was telling the truth to you or not. He could tell that you didn’t trust his words so he made sure to promise you. “You have my word. As long as you be obedient and listen to me, I’m not going to fuck you.” He promises, his thumb already teasing at your still soaking folds while you begin to mewl out again. You whine and nodded, spreading your legs open a bit more for him unwillingly.
You didn’t have much of a choice but to obey him. As exhausted as your body was, Zoro wanted to make sure you didn’t have the energy to do anything tomorrow.
You couldn’t even tell if he was doing out of adoration for your own body or for his own pleasure. Or either both.
“I’m going to make sure you cum until you can’t anymore.”
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banj0possum · 1 year
+* Masterlist *+
Some bonus stuff isnt listen here but you can find them by searching up the tags in their respective fics &lt;3
For those interested in the ones with art, all of my art posts have the tag #opossumdoodles on them !
ADRIAN 🖤 YANDERE! BULLY X READER || PART 2 || PART 3 || Ftm Darling w/ Top Scars
BO, SCREW, SODA, RIBS 💀 ZOMBIE HORDE X READER || w/ FtM Darling w/o Top Surgery || PART 2 || PART 3 || zombo hcs + art || FtM Reader on Their Period || Abusive Family Finds Reader || Tending To Reader's Wounds || Soda Hates WIne || Zombo HCs || Child Reader
JASPER 🥀 YANDERE! GOTH X READER || PART 2 || Opposite Reader
BARON ♠️ YANDERE! BODYGUARD X READER || Affectionate Reader || PART 2
AXEL 🎸 YANDERE! ROCKSTAR X READER || Playing with Darling's Pussy || What other genres does he like?
ALISTAIR 👑 YANDERE! KING X READER || Platonic!Teen!Reader || Modern Doctor! Reader ft. @ketsup-toyo
Multiple Yanderes:
When Their Darling Simps For A Fictional Character
Asking Them If They Can Squeeze Their Chest
I dont even know what to name this one
w/ Rowdy Darling
Disabled! Reader w/ Mobility Disability
Darling Gives Them Love Bites
Happy Birthday Darling!!
Easiest to Hardest Yans To Escape From
OC Eyes!!
Dripped Out Jasper by @pyrce
Possumb by @nikasho
Ribs and Screw by @koifish67
Zombie Horde by @gaggedgraveyard
More Zomboys!! by @cursedsnail-slug
little bastard cooking by @nikasho?
Caspian by @ajadoodler
Soda by @treasured-e
Banjo by @smallcactus22 (fun fact, my dad has this one saved on his computer <3)
Hallow and Soda by @treasured-e
Realistic Banjo!! by @getmoxied
Axel Bear Hug!! by @theminotaurslover
Axel by @hungaara
Axel and Small Darling by @mellsfern
Axel in a Maid Dress by @mellsfern
Alistair + Darling by @mellsfern
Dorik and Jasper by @rachaeldafrog
Dorik by @sonderrealization
Alistair and Darling by @gachaclubideas
Valeth!! by @phoenix-nerd
Ribs, Screw, Soda, Bo and Dorik by @ezraa-kelz
Rockin With Ribs by @panconchocolatito
Zombie Horde + HCs by @emperortaro
Silly Guy Ribs by @emperortaro
Pretty Emo Boy by @queenie-the-court-jester
Zombie Horde! by @loveableidiot1
Twink Dorik by @sunnybozo
Dorik!! by @a--butterflys--dream
Axel Playlist by @questioningstressing
2K notes · View notes
hey-august · 4 months
ANGRY BUGGY I’m screaming I’m giggling I’m kicking my feet.
Being a crew member never really made sense for you, I mean there’s no reason you can think of why he would want you to join his crew. You’re not very talented like the others and you really only ever clean, but you guess that’s reason enough if they just needed a maid, and you’re more than happy having somewhere to sleep at night.
You don’t notice the longing longs and stolen glances, too busy trying to earn your keep on a ship your thankful to have been given a home on. Paying no mind to “accidental” touches or brushing up against you, after all it can get pretty crowded and you’re all working in close quarters. Nothing seems off when you catch him watching you clean, he’s in charge and must be making sure you’re doing your job. You have no reason to think the Captain even knows your name, let alone thinks about you late at night.
Only that changes when he comes back to the ship, drunk and angry after a failed outing. He sees you dusting? He thinks? Not really sure he doesn’t pay much attention to the actual work your doing, but he does see /you/. You give him a half hearted smile to try and avoid confrontation with your clearly upset Captain. Only for him to knock whatever your doing out of your hands and pin your back to the wall. You look surprised and he’s not sure if your fucking with him or just oblivious, you /must/ have noticed how much better he treats you than the other crew, right? That you have to have seen the way he watches you work and how his eyes drift across your body? The only thing Captain Buggy is sure of is that he need to make sure you know, tonight.
Anooooonnnnnn, I'm SO SORRY I kept this for so long.
It's just so wonderful and I wanted to add to it. Time and motivation were working against me, but HERE WE ARE. Finally spending time with our angry clown. 🩷
This was unplanned and got out of hand, like usual.
WC: ~800 Warnings: NSFW, mdni, Buggy x GN!reader, mentions of drinking, insertion sex, angry sex, sorta dubcon (in my head, they both want this), profanity
Nothing - nothing - is going right and it's infuriating. Fucking frustrating. Yeah, he can be a piece of shit, a freak, a loser, but this is fucking ridiculous.
Months of planning and Buggy had nothing to show for it. Sleepless nights spent studying maps, gathering intel, spreading rumors - all for shit and empty hands.
And the moment he lays eyes on you, the anger surges through the liquor burning his insides. Months of planning on how to get closer to you, to get you under him, also resulted in fucking nothing.
You don't notice the way Buggy stares at you like a hungry wolf. You apologize for being in the way when he purposefully brushes his hand against your ass. You didn't question it when you were scheduled to clean his room. You didn't even bat a fucking eye when you walked in the first day and he was laying in bed. Sure he had underwear on, but seriously? You couldn't tell he was coming on to you?
And it's happening again. You're cleaning. Dusting the shit on his shelves. You manage to squeak out some bullshit apology when Buggy slams the door open. Just a little more and then you'd be out of his way.
But that's not where Buggy wants you.
Buggy keeps his eyes open when he kisses you. He wants to see you. The shocked expression on your face is both rewarding and aggravating.
"You have no fucking idea what you do to me, do you," Buggy spits out.
"I don't- what-"
Your words are cut off by an aggressive kiss. Rough and overwhelming. His tongue invading your mouth, his teeth nipping your lips, bruising you.
Breaking the kiss, Buggy presses his forehead against yours. Heavy breaths fill the room. He's finally touching you. He finally has you in his hands. Your taste in his mouth. He should be happy. But no, this success doesn't clear the irritation running through his veins.
"Pull down your pants and turn around."
Buggy waits, wanting to see if you'd listen. And if you didn't, if you left... well whatever. Fuck you, then. And fuck him, ending up with nothing again.
There's barely enough time for his deprecating thoughts to depart before you undress just enough for him to see how aroused you are.
You want this as badly as he does. So why did you make him wait this long?
Rough hands spin your around. "Keep still," Buggy demands while he works to free his aching cock with one hand.
He hisses when bobs and rests against your ass. Your perfect ass. Fuck, he ruts against you, rubbing his erection on you like he's dreamed so many times before.
"Please," you whimper, legs shaking with each tantalizing movement.
The audacity. The fucking audacity you have.
"Please? Please? You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this and you want me to hurry?"
You shake your head but any words that you might say are chased away by pleasure and pain. By Buggy shoving himself in your needy body and his teeth digging into your shoulder. He bites harder and groans as your body clenches and squeezes around him.
His hips are pressed tightly against you and he starts thrusting, hardly pulling out while continuing to bully his way deeper.
Your gasps and moans are a reward. Your white-knuckle grip on the shelves is encouragement. Your body accepting his brutal thrusts is heaven. But Buggy wants more. He deserves more.
A hand in your hair yanks your head back, turning you into a fountain spilling filthy sounds.
Not enough.
His fingers find their way in your mouth and down your throat. You choke and sputter around the intrusion but make no move to pull away. Each gag has your body clenching around him harder. 
A touch on Buggy’s wrist guides his other hand down between your legs. He’s sure you’d say “please” again in that adorably pitiful voice if you weren’t letting him fingerfuck your mouth.
“You fucking- fuck,” Buggy huffs, his hand moving frantically to bring you over the edge before he falls over himself. “You like this, don’t you?”
The high-pitched whine that you manage to push out around his fingers is Buggy’s undoing.
“You better fucking come on me now,” Buggy hisses while his thrusts become erratic and his hands start to shake.
Your legs shake when you catch up, your orgasm ripping through your body. His cock pulses and throbs as he fucks through your orgasms, drops of cum escaping every time he pulls back.
Eventually, heavy breaths fill the room again. The air is hot. It smells of sex, sweat, and alcohol.
“Do you feel better?” you ask, breaking the silence.
The soft tone in your voice is too much. The little flicker of anger in Buggy’s body is gone. He rests his head on your shoulder in defeat and nods. He does feel better. 
“Will you stay?” he asks quietly, lips pressed against your damp skin. He wraps his arms around your torso and holds you tightly, not ready to end this moment.
You nod and the next morning finds you both asleep in bed, utterly worn out and completely content.
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direwolfrules · 1 month
As much as I clown on the Suzanne Selfors Ever After High books, they did introduce two things that I think we as a fandom need to focus on more.
1. The sheer “And they were roommates”, “Good luck, babe!” energy of Queen Charming x Maid Marian. Charmaiden in general really, the Darling book really made those two a ship. I don’t know if Suzanne Selfors intended for the Darling book to have so much queer subtext oozing off the page every time a female character was present, but it did.
2. Darling’s horse, Sir Gallopad, has the ability to magically camouflage himself. He can change color at will.
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arjudy224 · 9 months
Alfred’s extra help
Batfamily x new maid part 1
The past couple years haven't been kind to Alfred. Although, he would never admit it... His years have slowly been catching up with him. After a recent attack on the household, Alfred took it upon himself to hire some extra part time help during the school year. The new help just so happened to be a college band kid in desperate need of money. This is how it went.
It was the little things, Jason had decided, that made the family enjoy the extra addition to the household. The faint singing that could be heard three doors down as she made her usual morning rounds. Dusting. Bleaching . Sweeping. It didn't matter what she was doing: music always played in her head. If you were lucky, sometimes you'd get to hear it too.
Monday Mornings were Alfred's favorite. After a long weekend of dealing with super-powered vigilantism, Alfred looked forward to the way she would clock into Wayne Manor with shy grin. It didn't take much prompting to get a play by play of how the Gotham U football game went. The Batfamily had never considered her being targeted by Batman's Rogue Gallery until Halftime was interrupted by the Joker emerging from a comically large birthday cake. When reinforcements arrived, they were shocked to discover the entire Color Guard beating the Joker senseless with their wooden rifles. To any outsider, this would have appeared to be part of the choreography with the way each guard member chanted "5,6,7,8 SLAM DOWN."
Y/N couldn't figure out why Nightwing, Red Hood, and Red Robin had all come to check on her until Monday morning when the door opened to reveal a hallway full of smiling Wayne's. Even Damian couldn't help, but give her a hug... after an intense lecture on how dangerous the Clown Prince of Crime was.
Even more confusing was the way Damien's older brother, Jason, would always end up forgetting something at the manor when she worked. After chatting for a couple hours, she would say her goodbyes and silently acknowledge the fact he left empty handed... again.
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Damien admired the dedication on display. In the early morning mist when she thought nobody was awake, the wooden rifle would make an appearance. With the kitchen wiped down and the oven on self cleaning, all there was to do was wait. Damien admired her resilience when practicing rifle. Each brutal slap of the wood and metal on skin had to be painful, but she never complained when the bruises littered up and down her forearms. She was radiant. In her element, it was easy to get distracted by the crisp rotations on display. One day, he hoped she would feel comfortable enough to show him a few tricks... until then he enjoyed his early morning performances.
Dick had warned her against working for Bruce from the beginning. The Bats mood swings could drain even the sweetest of souls. The relentless pursuit of a better Gotham has always been tainted by the blood of those lost. Bruce Wayne was not always known as the nicest guy to work for. Yet, after years of witnessing the tragedies of Gotham... Dick couldn't help, but notice the way her eyes shone with excitement whenever they would visit a new part of the city. The alley Scarecrow tested his fear toxin for the first time now is littered with book shops, ice cream parlors, diners, etc. In each street that’s rooted with trauma, a new sprout of hope grows out of the shadows. The quiet formality that he had grown accustomed to growing up in the Manor faded away. It was a nice change.
Tim didn't even notice there was a change in the household until he stumbled into her conversation with Jason for the 3rd time that week. Typically, her shift would have been over at 3pm, but since her classes had been canceled that day she had worked overtime. With Jason's sudden reappearance after months of no contact, Tim took note of the way his older brother's voice deepened ever so slightly whenever she was in the room. Or how during Saturday night patrol they always managed to spot Red Hood "doing business" on a building close enough to the stadium to watch halftime. If anybody questioned it, Jason would have fiercely denied any interest claiming that he was merely "watching out for the Joker".
Tim mostly minded his business whenever she was working. His night life tended to consume most of his waking time, so if he got sleep (big if) he tended to wake up hours after she left. Mostly he appreciated the cute little animals she would make out of the groceries that week. One day, he opened the fridge to a cheese ball that looked like a turkey. Two olives made the eyes and each of the turkeys feathers were made out of crackers. His favorite had to be when she made a Robin out of Bell peppers and Grapes. Tim had left his sketchbook out the night before flipped to that exact drawing. After she had cleaned the kitchen, she left the treat along with a note explaining how beautiful she thought the drawing was.
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bonbonchocolates · 9 months
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Yandere Jungkook x Reader
Summary: When the past comes back.....
Warnings: yandere jungkook, stalking, mentions of death (of minor characters), obsessive behaviour
A/N: Again originally from my Wattpad account. I hope you like it and if you did please leave a like.
A nine year old ran towards her best friend and engulfed him into a hug. Her friend hugged her back with a smile on her face.
"Doll, I wanted to tell you something."
These words of the boy grabbed the girls attention. She looked up towards her friend with eyes filled with curiosity. The boy was almost a feet taller than her since he was older than her.
"I like you very much doll. I thought rich people were arrogant and selfish but it all changed when I met you. Doll, will stay with me forever? Will you be my wife in the future?"
The girl didn't take a single word of the boy seriously. She was too small and dumb to understand what he meant.
Before the girl could speak further her mother grabbed her and pulled her away from the boy. She then slapped the boy which made the boy's face turn to the side.
"How dare you touch my daughter? You low class peasant, stay at your limits. Don't forget that your father is a clown in a circus and your mother is a maid at our house. How can you even think that my daughter will ever marry you?"
The little girl stared at her mother, confusion was written all over her face. She than turn towards her friend and found that his eyes were filled with tears. She felt a pang in her heart. She tried to escape her mother's hold and run towards her friend and hug him but her mother tightened her hold on her arm.
"I'll fire your mother from her work and you, don't ever show your face to my daughter ever again."
With that she dragged her daughter with her. The boy just stared at both of them. Unknowingly a drop of tear escaped his eyes. He felt humiliated and didn't want to stay there any longer. So he ran away from there and promised to never return back ever again.
"Mom please don't leave me."
A thirteen year old boy cried holding his death mother's hand with his. His mother committed suicide because she was humiliated and fired from her job. The boy tried to call his father but he didn't pick up the call.
This evening after he came back home he found his mother dead, lying in her own pool of blood. A blade lay beside her dead body. His heart broke when he saw his mother in such a condition. He refused to believe his mother is no longer with him and kept calling his mother in hope that she might listen to him and wake up.
He even tried calling his dad but he didn't pick up the call. He knew the reason why his mother committed suicide. His mother was the only earner in their house. His father spent all his money on alcohol. After his mother lost her job now no one was there to earn and she couldn't handle the shock and took such a big step.
After a few minutes of crying he finally stopped. Now his eyes were filled with the desire of revenge instead of tears. He decided that he will take his revenge from the ones who are responsible for his mother's death. He then started to laugh like a crazy person.
8 years later:
"Y/Niee did you hear about the murder in the circus?"
Your friend asked you and you nodded your head. How could you not know about it? Right now it was the hot topic of your town. You lived in a small town and it was quite peaceful here until day before yesterday. A clown was murdered brutally in the circus. Even his face could not be identified.
"Yes I know"
"We need to be careful Y/Niee, what if the killer comes after us next?"
"Why will the killer even come after us?"
You asked, at your friend's silly question. Why will the killer come after you? He is not a serial killer right? Maybe he had an enemity with the clown. You never harmed a single insect in your life so why will a killer be after you?
"I know but we never know."
You just shrugged off her words and continued eating.
Later that evening you were coming back home after your outing with your friends. The street was empty and there were only few cars in the road. You were walking when a orange coloured balloon came towards you and hit you on your face.
You were about to let it go when you noticed something was written in the balloon. You grabbed the string and found that there was a 'Miss Me?' written in the balloon with red ink. You just ignored it and let the balloon go.
You usually took the alley to reach your home because it was a shortcut but today you decided to go from the main road. You looked at the dark alley and it gave you goosebumps so you thought it was better to take the long way today.
Unknown POV:
I was secretly keeping my eyes on my doll to make sure nothing happens to her. Though I hate her parents but I cannot hate her because I love her too much. Last time when I saw her she was only nine years old and look at her now all grown woman.
I blew the balloon I was holding towards her. My heart jumped a bit when she grabbed the balloon and read what I had specially written for her. My heart dropped when she ignored and continued walking towards her home.
Suddenly my eyes fell on someone behind her, it was a boy probably my age. At first it all looked normal but then I saw the but kept following her. Now I understood his motives. My doll had no idea about it. I clenched my fist in anger .
How did he look at my doll that way? No one is allowed to look at what's mine. Don't worry doll I will get rid of him.
"Y/Niee did you he-"
"Yes I heard."
Another murder in your town and this time it was a college boy. He was murdered in the same way as the clown. So people assumed it was the same killer. The most shocking thing was that the boy's dead body was found in the same alley through which you would take a short cut to your house. Even the time of the murder was estimated to be in the same time when you were on your way home.
You thanked God that you did not take the alley or you might be in place of the boy right now. You decided to never take that alley ever again and never to head home late at night.
Time Skip:
A month passed and now your peaceful town turned dreadful. Everyday there was a murder and still now the police were not able to catch hold of the killer. Though they were sure of the thing that all the murders were linked to each other. The police also suggested that a clown was the killer because a clown was spotted in the cctv cameras where the murders took place but still they were not able to catch him.
First the people who were murdered were totally unknown to you but recently a lot of people murdered were known to you. For example the bullys of your school who used to often bully you, the maid who steal your money and that creepy man who followed you a few months ago. Oh you forgot one the math teacher of your school who looked at you badly.
You were quite scared to get out of your house nowadays. Your parents were out on a business trip and you had to stay in the big mansion of yours all alone. You were totally freaked out.
Unknown POV:
Finally I got rid of my doll's parents, they were the reason why I lost my mother. Now I got my revenge. I know if my doll gets to know about her parents death she will break down. But no worries she has me.
No one can come between me and my doll now. She is finally mine. Be ready doll I am coming for you.
It was quite late night and your parents are still not home. You are getting worried for them. They promised to come back home by today morning but they were still not home yet.
You thought of all the possibilities of the killer- no you should think positive. Nothing will happen to your parents. You tried calling your parents once again but this time it was switched off. Before you tried calling them and they were not picking up the call and it was switched off.
Suddenly you saw a pink coloured balloon coming towards you. You grabbed it and saw it there was a 'Miss Me?' written with red ink on it just like the balloon you found that day. Just then another white coloured balloon came towards you.
This time 'Doll' was written in it. After that a bunch of balloon came towards you. Some had 'Miss Me?' and others had 'Doll' written on them. You were completely freaked out by now.
You couldn't understand from where all these balloons were coming from. You were sure you locked all the doors and windows of your mansion or maybe you forgot.
Doll- why does the nickname sound so familiar to you? It feels like someone used to call you with this nickname but who? Wait- Kookie
"Miss me, Doll?"
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thebunnednun · 6 months
New profile pic!! Oh and updates 4/14/2024 (Master list too)
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Finally, something that looks like me!
Oh, btw the names Angellica or Angie for short. I don't mind being called BUNNEDNUN either babes.
Now let's get down to business,
An updated schedule will be as follows:
Mundane Monday: The beginning of the week is always dreadful so let's make it fun with some crack fics. Memes, Memes, MEMES galore!
Tearful Tuesdays: Angst posts will be the main thing on here. I'm thinking of some hurt and comfort fics. I'm already working on a Buggy fic for this. I'm not opposed to happy endings but in general, think of an onion cutting itself for these. They don't all have to be romantic and I'm creating something for Trafalgar Law here.
Wonderful Wednesdays: I will update two of the current fan series on this day maybe three if I have the time. So far the list includes:
*Enchanted meeting (Buggy The Clown x Straw-hat reader)
*Shadows of the Blade (Dracule Mihawk x Assassin reader)
*Capturing hearts (Iñaki Godoy x Photographer reader)
*Please Don't Hate Me! (Juan Ruiz x Imperfect reader
*Whispers of the heart (Dracule Mihawk x Maid (Pirate Queen) reader)
*Love Sick (Buggy the Clown x Straw-hat reader)
*Bound by Justice (Sabo x Marine! Reader)
*Carnival Confessions (Portgas D. Ace x Straw-Hat! Reader)
*If you only knew how much I love you (Sabo x Straw-hat! Reader x Ace)
*Make you mine!~ (Trafalgar D. Law x Cheeky~ Crewmate! Reader)
*Throw Me Overboard! (Buggy the Clown x Fm! Reader)
*Gone Fishing! (Sabo x Sea creature Straw-Hat! Reader)
*Good neighbors (Farmer! Bakugou Katsuki x Gardener! Reader)
*Dancing Under the Stars (Red-Haired Shanks X Bar/ DanceClub Owner! Reader)
*In the Arms of a Stranger (Charlotte Katakuri x Bride! Reader)
*Unexpected Dinner Guests! (Koby x Straw-Hat! Reader)
*Tempted to touch! One piece Men x Fm! Reader (Multi fic)
*Shadows in the Night! (Trafalgar D. Water Law x Ethereal spirit! Reader)
*Sweet dreams!~ (Trafalgar D. Law x Hot Doctor Wife! Reader (Modern Au))
*Golden afternoon (Monkey D. Luffy x Crew mate! Reader) *LOYALTY (Katsuki Bakugou x Sugar Baby! Reader)
*You're my Coffee (Shouta Aizawa x Pro Hero/Teacher! Reader)
*Overworked (Katsuki Bakugou x Stressed! gf! Reader)
*Build a Boyfriend (Mirio Togata x Pastel Goth! Reader)
Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Ace, Law, Robin, Boa, Chopper, and Zoro will be loading soon. I have many, many, MANY, ideas but no time right now.
Thoughtful Thursdays: Just some random conversations and ideas thrown out there. I'll try to host polls so you guys can vote on what you want next. Basically a rest day for me though because there's just no way I could write everything in one shot. (/@ ~@)/~* I've tried and it ends with me updating around 3AM or sum.
Follower Fridays: Requests from followers are posted. If you have a story request or anything you want to ask go ahead and do so on this day. Just make sure you send them in early so I can get to it in time. If you send something the day of I might be able to make it happen.
Sexy Saturdays: Send me your best Saturday night requests: ie dancing, funny adventures, or crazy antis with the one-piece crew or another fandom. I'm very familiar with Naruto and MHA (and any other anime honestly I doubt there's anything you could request that I don't know.)
It's all about having fun and having those Saturday night vibes babe!~
Sweet Sundays: Romantic One-shot posts! Any character of age and as long as it's not a child. I would be open to doing a reader insert where they are a parent or parental figure though. I find them to be very endearing.
As always your requests are welcomed and comments are very much appreciated. Sorry again for being gone for so long. I want to pick up my serious especially and make the chapters juicy again.
I also have a spring tee shop for merch related to all the stories!!
Every little bit helps me to pay for my tuition! <33
Thank you guys again for your patience and understanding.<<333
Don't forget to check out my a03 account of the same name!!
My new goals are to keep up with the schedule and get 50 followers by the end of the month! I wanna keep growing our family. :3
Most of all, remember that you are safe here and loved.
Until next time my loves!~
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fanaticsnail · 9 months
Glimpse into my life: I got the tattoo.
For my wonderful following who began their journey with me by reading my first fic "you kissed the clown"; the most of you know I was inspired by my favourite childhood movie: The Court Jester.
Plot: A former carnival performer, Hubert Hawkins (Danny Kaye) and maid-captain Jean (Glynis Johns), are assigned to protect the infant royal heir from tyrannical King Roderick I (Cecil Parker).
While Jean takes the baby to an abbey, Hawkins gains access to the court by impersonating the king's jester, unaware that the jester is really an assassin hired by scheming Sir Ravenhurst (Basil Rathbone). When Princess Gwendolyn (Angela Lansbury), falls for Hawkins, a witch secretly aids him in becoming a knight.
Tropes: friends to lovers, failing forward, clueless blumbering idiot man x strong forward-thinking woman, hopeless romantic, witchcraft, humour, sword fighting.
Mid-writing, I expressed that I had the intention of getting a tattoo to express my love for the movie, and my love the pitiful black-fox jester played by Danny Kaye.
This was the clip I showed my beautiful artist (who is a one-piece fan), and he interpreted it so wonderfully.
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It's still very raw and it'll soften a touch over time, but I adore it 🥹. It looks like a d&d module, and I love it.
He also tattooed me beneath an emotional support Luffy, so that was beautiful.
Happy New Year 🖤
@writingmysanity @sordidmusings @feral-artistry @since-im-already-here @gingernut1314 @empressofmankind @tiredemomama @i-am-vita @hazzyking here it is!
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calqlate · 9 months
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PAIRING: crown prince! kageyama tobio x f! crown princess! reader
SUMMARY: after taking your younger sister's place in a political marriage involving the crown prince of the neighboring kingdom of karasuno, you resigned yourself to a loveless marriage. little did you know, the prince has loved you for a while now and plans to win you over.
GENRE(S): arranged marriage au + royal au + fluff + one-sided pining (which later becomes mutual)
WC: 3128
TAGLIST: @deeomi
A/N: i forgot i had already written this and i just needed to edit it LMAO (clown emoji). n e ways, enjoy!
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"your ladyship, his highness the crown prince is here to see you."
you were still keeping your gaze focused on the words on the thick management textbook in front of you. as you wrote down some notes on the margin of the textbook, you replied, "he may enter."
the large double doors swung open and in walked the prince, in all his glory, except... he had arrived with a huge bouquet of flowers clasped in his gloved hands. this was very out-of-character for the stoic prince, and this shocked the maids and butlers, who had (definitely) not expected to see the bloodthirsty prince with flowers in his hands. all the servants held back their breath as prince tobio walked right up to you, brows furrowed and eyes fixated on his fiancée who had not yet looked up to see him. he stopped short in front of your desk and you placed your pen down carefully before looking up at him. upon spying the grand bouquet in his hands, you raised your eyebrows, "what—"
"these are for you, my lady," he choked out, thrusting the bouquet into your face, "i thought these flowers suit you very well."
all eyes were on you as you awkwardly accepted the flowers, pretty much using your arms to wrap themselves around the lower half where the stems were. you eyed the pink arrangement of roses, asters, and lilies before looking up at the prince, "thank you, your highness. i appreciate your gift."
"do you..." his cheeks turned pink as his voice dropped drastically in volume and he averted his gaze to the side, "do you like them?"
"well..." you paused, watching his facial expressions carefully, "do you want me to be honest?"
he nodded, still avoiding your gaze.
"i appreciate the thought behind this, but..." you paused, then decided to take a leap of faith and be truthful (as he had said), "actually, i don't really like flowers."
an awkward and tense silence soon followed after the words left your mouth. prince tobio was pretty much frozen in sheer shock, she doesn't like flowers?! then again, never did he once thought of considering the possibility that you did not have a liking for flowers.
"i... i see," he coughed. feeling the embarrassment creep in, he said, "i have some matters to attend to, so i'll leave first. enjoy the rest of your day."
with that, he turned and exited your study, leaving you with a bunch of flowers in your hands and deathly silent servants.
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"call the two hostlers in," prince tobio said with a sigh once he was safely in his own study, massaging his temples with furrowed brows. is courting girls supposed to be this difficult?
a few minutes later, hinata brought the hostlers in, who were both starry-eyed and were definitely expecting good news out of the advice that they had given to the prince.
"so, was her ladyship completely starstruck? lovestruck, even?" tanaka asked, grinning from ear to ear as he looked at the prince with hopeful eyes.
"did it go as planned, your highness?" nishinoya asked, his smile mirroring that of tanaka's.
the day that hinata had led prince tobio to tanaka and nishinoya, the two hostlers had given the prince some advice on the day itself.
"your highness, do you know what ladies really like?" tanaka said with a sly grin.
prince tobio shook his head, completely clueless. that itself was a given, since the prince had never gotten into a relationship before as he had dedicated his life to protecting the kingdom and learning how to be a good king to his subjects. to the prince, there was no space in his tightly packed schedule for romance.
"flowers," nishinoya piped up, "especially roses."
"why roses, specifically?" prince tobio asked, cocking his head to the side. was there a particular reason why roses were so popular among the ladies?
tanaka and nishinoya would have made a snide comment on how the prince was pretty much doomed to a life of being chronically single if his parents had not intervened to find a bride for him, but refrained from doing so lest they wanted their heads to roll off the guillotine. after all, he was the crown prince, and he was therefore the second-most powerful after the king himself. lopping off anyone else's head would be easy enough for him as long as he willed it to happen.
"that's because roses are a symbol of love in the language of flowers, your highness," tanaka explained, "if you give her ladyship roses, i'm certain that she will be able to see your feelings and accept them quickly!"
"no," prince tobio replied sharply, glaring at the two hostlers so harshly that shivers went up their spines, "she doesn't even like flowers."
tanaka's and nishinoya's eyes widened. this was the first time that they have ever heard of a lady not liking flowers at all. they glanced over at each other with an incredulous look on their faces, is her ladyship some sort of weird recluse?!
"is something the matter?" prince tobio asked, eyeing the two's non-verbal communication in front of him.
"n-no! nothing's wrong at all, your highness!" nishinoya said and shook his head vigorously.
"we're just surprised at how... unique her ladyship is!" tanaka said, faking a laugh, "there's no one quite as extraordinary as she is! am i right, nishinoya?"
he elbowed his friend, to which the latter laughed along with tanaka.
"well, what else do ladies like?" prince tobio asked, a frustrated crease appearing between his brows as he closed his eyes to think of something to remedy that day's situation as well.
"quality time!" nishinoya piped up, and prince tobio flung his eyes open to look at the shorter hostler, "if you spend more time around her ladyship, i'm sure she'll come to notice your affections a lot more!"
"spend time with her..." prince tobio muttered under his breath, then asked, "you mean, i have to set up a date with her or something?"
"not necessarily, your highness," tanaka said, "you can review documents together. you know, you just have to be by her side." he grinned, then continued, "it doesn't matter what you're doing. your presence is all that matters."
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initially, you paid no mind when prince tobio said that he would be reviewing his documents while seated in your study. however, after a couple of minutes, you got rather concerned and, honestly, a little disturbed when you could feel the intensity of his gaze on your face. whenever you turned to look at him, he would immediately look back at his paperwork, pretending he had not been staring at you before. after what seemed like the twentieth time of doing so, you sighed and placed your pen down on your desk and looked at the prince, "your highness, please, just tell me what you want instead of staring at me like that."
he turned pink as he turned his head to the side, not wanting to make any sort of eye contact at all, "t-there's nothing in particular. i was simply... resting my eyes."
"your highness, looking at the greenery is a better solution to resting your eyes than staring at my face," you said, pushing your chair back as you stood up, "that being said, do you want to go on a walk with me?"
he whirled his head around and met your gaze with wide, confused eyes. he had never expected you to ask him to go on a walk together, but he was by no means disappointed, nor was he going to complain. instead, the corners of his lips curled upwards just very slightly as he, too, stood up, abandoning his paperwork, "sure. it's about time for me to take a break from reviewing these documents, anyway."
and so that was how the both of you exited the crown prince's palace to take a leisurely walk in the gardens. the air was fresh and the weather was rather cool, and it was all in all a perfect day to go on a walk. the both of you were not linking arms whatsoever and were maintaining a respectable distance between each other. an awkward silence hung in the air as you strolled about with the crown prince, looking anywhere else but each other: prince tobio was doing such so that he would not meet your gaze, and you were doing such because you thought that staring at him for a beat too long would be considered rude and improper.
"um, your highness, about that day," you were the first to break the ice, "i can explain."
"it's alright, it was my fault," prince tobio said, "i should've asked you about your preferences beforehand. i didn't know that you didn't like flowers."
"it's not that i don't like them," you said, "i simply think that they're kind of a waste. i mean, they die after a while, so i'd have to throw them out anyway and it'd be pointless." you then realised how your words could have been misinterpreted as you disregarding the prince's good intentions, so you added hastily, "i mean, i like things that last long. i don't like throwing my gifts away."
"oh, i see," prince tobio said, furrowing his brows together, so she likes things that can be kept and maintained.
"thank you for the flowers, though," you said. he turned to face you, only to see a small smile on your face as you said, "i liked them. really."
he felt his own cheeks begin to burn and he turned his head away before you could catch a glimpse of his red cheeks. he coughed, "i-i can get more for you if you'd like — ah, wait, you don't like flowers."
you laughed, "you learn fast, don't you, your highness?"
"s-shut up, dumbass," he muttered before trudging ahead of you, dying to bury his crimson face somewhere before anyone could catch sight of it and make fun of him for it. rumours of the prince turning red at a mere compliment would overwrite his image of having a cold exterior, which would not be good for him in court.
you watched as he walked on ahead and you picked up your pace to catch up, amusement seeping into your being. this side of the prince was a stark contrast to what you had heard about him.
perhaps he was not so bad of a person after all.
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"so, how did it go, your highness?" the two hostlers looked at the prince with bated breath, hoping with all of their hearts that something positive happened this time, or it would really be off with their heads.
"she smiled at me," prince tobio said with an excited look in his eyes, but then frowned shortly afterwards after recalling your subsequent teasing, "oh, but she seemed to be making fun of me."
"t-that's okay, your highness! it's a positive step forward!" nishinoya said and held up two thumbs-up, smiling, "her ladyship is warming up to you!"
"really?" prince tobio looked at the two hostlers with wide, hopeful eyes that resembled those of an anticipating puppy waiting for praise.
"yes!" tanaka said, "so don't fret, your highness! you're doing really well!"
prince tobio's eyes were sparkling again, and tanaka and nishinoya looked at each other. They did not have the heart to not tell him that it could possibly be a negative sign as well, because lady qq might have actually been making fun of him.
"anyway! your highness, there's this last method you should try," tanaka said with a wink, "it'll be sure to catch her ladyship's heart—" — he snapped his fingers — "in an instant! just like that!"
"what is it?" prince tobio was more than intrigued to hear what tanaka had to offer.
"well," tanaka said, a proud grin on his face, "it's..."
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"your ladyship, his highness the crown prince requests you to go to the greenhouse for tea with him."
you rubbed your temples. you were fatigued from the lessons from the past few weeks: you had been receiving supplemental crash courses on the additional aspects of ruling that you had not learnt while you were receiving classes as the heir to your father's duchy. a kingdom was far larger than a dukedom, so of course there were more things that rulers of kingdoms were subjected to know compared to those of dukedoms. you had barely been able to keep up, but miraculously, you were still functioning and capable of sitting in your study to absorb more material. maybe it was the studies that your parents had subjected you to that allowed your brain to absorb a little more information.
"alright, i'll go over to him now," you said, standing up.
you sucked in a breath and headed straight to the greenhouse with some maids accompanying you. truth to be told, you would love nothing more than to catch a couple of z's in your bedroom than be drinking tea with the prince. sure, he was your fiancé-to-be, but you prioritised your rest above all. you could not believe you still had the energy to smile and sit there with the prince despite all of your body’s cells screaming at you to get some sleep.
"you're here," prince tobio said as soon as you approached the table.
"thank you for preparing the tea," you said as you curtseyed before sitting down.
"the maids said that you like milk tea, so i've prepared that for today's tea session," he said, "and i heard that you like sweet foods, so i've prepared more sweet snacks."
you noted the milk tea in your cup, as well as the assortment of cakes and scones on the table before you turned to him, "thank you, your highness. i appreciate it."
slowly, you picked up your teacup and took a sip out of it, letting the sweet taste of the drink bloom across your tongue. you could hear the prince talking, but you could not bring your focus onto any of his words at all. it was as though you were stuck in some sort of container made of thick glass and you could barely hear what the people on the other end were saying. you closed your eyes for a second before opening them again, just before you felt something trickling down your nose. you lifted a hand up towards your face to wipe your nose and pulled away before looking down at your fingers, only to see red liquid smudging your fingertips. you looked back up at the prince and made eye contact before you felt all of your remaining strength leave your body and your eyes roll back into your skull.
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your vision was coming back, little by little.
it was a little hazy at first when you first cracked your eyes open. however, the more you cranked them open by sheer force and determination, the fog started to clear up as clarity crept back into your eyesight.
"my lady!"
you felt someone grab your hand firmly and warmly, and you slowly turned your head to the side to see who it was. it was prince tobio, who was seated by your bedside with both of his hands clasped around your hand. concern was evident in his blue eyes as he locked eyes with you. you immediately tried to sit up, and he assisted you in doing so, until you were seated up properly with a pillow safely supporting your back.
"how are you feeling?" he asked, his brows creased together in concern.
"i feel fine," you muttered, your voice raspy. honestly, you felt as though you were in a confused daze, as though you had been asleep for an extensive period of time. you asked, "how long was i asleep for?"
"two days," he replied, then his frown deepening as he said, "you've been over-working yourself, haven't you?"
"i..." you were at a loss for words. you, too, were not sure how much or far you had pushed yourself because every single day had passed in one indistinct blur.
"you did," he answered in your stead, "and that's how your body finally crashed."
you stayed mute as he breathed out a sigh from his nose as he squeezed your hand gently, "studying is good, but don't push yourself too hard."
you looked at him with a confused look on your face, why would you care? i'm just someone you're forced to marry, anyway.
as if he could read your thoughts, he answered, "i worry because i'm your husband." he paused, then corrected himself, "well, husband-to-be, but that's not the point."
he cast his gaze down at your hands as he picked both of them up and held them gently, as if they were fragile glass pieces that could shatter with one wrong move, "please take care of yourself."
he looked back up at you to observe your facial expressions: your face was completely neutral and seemingly guarded as you met his gaze. disappointment filled his lungs as he said, "i'll leave you to rest."
gingerly, he let go of her hands (that he had placed on her lap) before getting up from the chair and leaving your room, not before taking some extra precautions with your maids and butler. as the door swung shut behind him, he sighed, looks like that didn't work, either.
"anyway! your highness, there's this last method you should try," tanaka said with a wink, "it'll be sure to catch her ladyship's heart—" — he snapped his fingers — "in an instant! just like that!"
"what is it?" prince tobio was more than intrigued to hear what tanaka had to offer, leaning forward and hanging onto his every word as if he were preaching the holy word.
"well," tanaka said, a proud grin on his face, "it's... to be a gentleman towards her! nothing else beats a guy who treats her well."
"what on earth, ryuu!" nishinoya smacked tanaka's bicep, "what if her ladyship likes guys that degrade her and stuff? you know, the mean types!"
"i don't think she does," tanaka retorted with a frown, "what kind of crazy psycho—" — then, upon remembering that he was talking about the future crown princess here, he quickly stopped himself mid-sentence and changed his words — "i mean, person would reject flowers?" he added, "my guess is that she's not the innocent sort that would love a bad boy to sweep her off her feet." he grinned, "wanna bet, noya?"
i suppose it's another fail today, then, prince tobio sighed as he walked down the hallway.
however, if he had chosen to turn around and take a sneak peek into the room, he would have seen the telltale blush rising on your cheeks.
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igotanidea · 10 months
Dressing up : Nikolai x reader
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Christmas bingo day 8 : dressing up
„Why are you so against it?!” Nikolai barged into her room, without any warning, knocking or having a care in the world about behaving like a prince entering the chamber of a young woman.
In some other circumstances, Y/N probably wouldn’t care as much, but this time she was surrounded by the maids, who were chatting like hens in the hen house, all above her head, making poor girl dizzy. Once the girls saw the prince, they stopped immediately, bowing at once and stared at him, not knowing what to do with themselves.
„Ladies.” Nikolai grinned causing Y/N to roll her eyes. „As much as I appreciate all your work, I’d like a word with my fiancé. Immediately.”
Well, he wasn’t exactly asking and everyone present knew that well enough.
The maid left the room in a hurry, probably already on the way to spread rumours about the prince indecent behaviour and breaking traditions. Not that he cared, given the amount of gossip about him that had layered during all the years.
„Nikolai.” Y/N turned from the mirror to face him, tilting her head slightly in confusion at all this commotion. „What was it that you wanted from me?”  
„You rushed in here yelling something about me being against something?”
‘Oh, yes, right. I heard you didn’t want to attend the ball tonight? Why?”
„Seriously?” she raised an eyebrow pointing at herself „can’t you see me?”
„Y/N. You look stunning as usual.” he smirked taking in, her half-done hair, multiple toiletries and dresses spread on the counter and bed and smudges of some make up on her face. But even though his words were dripping with teasing he really couldn’t take her eyes of her. Even when she was clearly not in the mood.
„Very funny, kolya. Not my fault each of the girls had extremely different ideas on what should I look like tonight. Saints! I miss Genya.”
Nikolai only laughed at those words and at the exasperation of his fiancé.
„Imagine how they will act when it comes to dressing you up for out wedding!”
„Saints!” she exhaled, throwing hands in the air „I seriously hope Genya and David will be back from their tour by the time! I can’t possibly look like a clown on our big day!” Y/N turned back to the mirror, playing with the loosely hanging curled strand of her hair  and observing her reflection, looking quite miserable.
Nikolai just smiled at her, taking a step forward and kneeling next to her.
„Y/N. Y/N sunshine” his fingers found a way to her cheek, making her look into his eyes „I’ll marry you even if you decide to wear knickerbockers and dye your hair red. You’ll still be the most beautiful bride-” he shook his head and corrected himself „the most beautiful woman in the world. You’re always the most beautiful to me.”
„you already proposed, kolya. I already said yes, remember? There’s no need to kneel.” she smiled
„I might get used to it. Besides, until you walk down the aisle and said yes officially I can’t be sure of anything.”
„You’re impossible!”
„I know, right?” he smirked „But you’re worth breaking the rules a bit.”
‘So-” she smiled leaning forward ‘since you’re already here --”
„Yes?” he raised an eyebrow following her movement until their lips almost met.
„Wanna help me get dressed?” she pulled back, knowing well enough she was teasing him mercilessly and the groan that came from his mouth only confirmed her suspicions.
„I had quite the opposite scenario in my head-”
‘that’s for the afterparty, Nikolai.”ch
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
Falling For the Devil [Part twenty-four: "The Devil and the Baker"]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
Summary: You, Karen, and Marci go Halloween costume shopping. Days later, the three of you meet Matt and Foggy at the bar for Halloween.
Matt uses his hands to figure out what your costume is–-or an excuse to feel you up. Then you both spend a very sexually tense evening at the bar in a dangerous game of secret public foreplay.
[Series of one-shots about Reader meeting, falling for, and dating Matt Murdock.]
Warnings: 18+ for this series; contains humor, fluff, romance, angst, smut (like...a lot of it later in the series), language, some violence
Word Count: 4.7k
a/n: This installment actually has a naughty part two smupdate called "The Leather Couch" to look forward to afterwards. But there's lots of Spicy Matty in this one! You can find all of the installments for this series on tumblr here.
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“What did you say you and Foggy were going as?” Karen asked Marci.
Your eyes scanned the rows of women’s Halloween costumes the three of you were standing before, spotting everything from witches and clowns to sexy maids and cats. You still weren’t entirely sure what you were going to dress up as and Matt had been adamant about not sharing his costume with you. The plethora of choices surrounding you wasn’t helping, either.
"Sexy cop and criminal," Marci answered, standing in front of the handful of various sexy cop costume variations. "I entirely plan to handcuff him to our bed in that little orange jumpsuit and have my way with him later."
"Wouldn't expect anything less from you," you muttered, eyes still scanning the rows of costumes. "What're you thinking of dressing as, Karen? I'm entirely lost here."
Karen sighed beside you, her shoulders sagging with the exhale. "I don't know," she replied. "I was already a skeleton last year. I just don't really feel like putting much thought into a costume when I'm only going to get drunk at a bar, you know?" Her hand reached out, grabbing onto one of the packages before the pair of you. "I don't know, maybe a pirate?" 
“Yeah, you need something a little fiery,” Marci said, apparently finally deciding on one of the many cop costumes before her and pulling it off the rack. 
You paused in front of a costume, a large smile stretching across your face. Grabbing it, you turned and held it out to Karen. “Sexy viking,” you told her. “Totally you.”
Marci’s face lit up as she stepped over, throwing an arm on Karen’s shoulder excitedly. “Yes! It’s badass and totally hot.”
A small grin was on Karen’s face as she accepted the package from your hand, scanning the image on the front of it. “You two sure I can pull this off?” she asked hesitantly.
“With your legs in that little skirt?” Marci asked her. “Uh, yeah. Most definitely.”
Karen shot you a questioning look, one brow raised. You nodded instantly at her.
“That faux suede bralette thing is screaming your name,” you told her.
“Alright, alright, you’ve both convinced me,” she relented. “I’ll be a sexy viking this year.”
Marci’s mischievous gaze landed on you next, a devious smile on her mouth. “We need to find you something sexy for a certain Mr. Murdock,” she purred.
“Oh,” you said hesitantly, “I don’t know if I was going to necessarily go for sexy…”
“Oh come on, live a little!” Marci cried out. “I’m sure Matt would love touching all of that exposed skin all night.”
Karen held up the package with the viking costume, flashing you the image of the skimpily clad woman on it. “If I’m being something sexy, so are you,” she pressed.
With a sigh you gave in. “Fine,” you conceded, quickly holding up a finger and adding, “but nothing too revealing, okay?” 
Marci grinned, turning and grabbing a costume off of the rack and showing it to you. Your eyes went wide before you immediately shook your head.
“Absolutely not!” you declined as Karen giggled.
“What? You don’t want to see just how much of a good Catholic boy he is?” Marci teased, waving the sexy nun costume at you.
“Uh, his mom’s a nun? Kinda weird right there,” you told her, entirely vetoing the idea.
“Ohh, how about a sexy nurse?” Karen suggested, grabbing the costume and showing it to you, waggling her eyebrows meaningfully. “Maybe he needs you to patch him up later?”
You blushed, the idea sounding a little tempting. He would find it amusing and you were sure he’d make some sexual comment to you later–that alone made the idea even more tempting.
“Maybe,” you whispered. “I’ll keep it in mind.”
“Oh!” Marci exclaimed, grabbing a costume off the rack and holding it out to you. “Sexy judge! You could do some real fun roleplaying with that later, if you know what I mean,” she said, shooting you a sly wink.
And like hell if that also didn’t sound like fun.
“ No ,” Karen breathed out, her hand flying up and grabbing a package from further down the rack, whirling around to you with a knowing smile on her face. “This one.”
You bit your lip, fighting back the smile that was growing on your face as you eyed it. Marci gasped, throwing an arm around your shoulder.
“Now that is one way to find out just how good of a Catholic boy he is,” Marci teased. "And you'd look hot as hell in it."
You grabbed the sexy devil costume from Karen; it was certainly not something you’d have normally picked for yourself. It was a short red pleather corset-style dress where the bottom flared out and wasn’t so form fitting that you'd feel too self-conscious all night. Though it looked like it would just barely cover your ass. There was a devil’s tail attached to the back of the dress and a headband with some devil horns. But the sexiest part of it was probably the thigh-high red fishnet garter socks. And like hell if you weren’t getting some ideas about Halloween night with Matt after the bar just looking at this costume.
And on top of that, it felt a little like openly claiming The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen as yours. He was always your Devil, but for Halloween night you could be his devil. And you were sure he’d appreciate that sentiment.
“Yeah,” you said, glancing up at Karen with a grin. “This is definitely my costume.”
Sliding out of the backseat of the taxi behind Karen, you tried hard to not flash anything underneath your costume. The pleather skirt truly did only just cover your ass, which would be dangerous if you had any reason to bend over tonight. Or if you fell in the three inch heels Marci and Karen had somehow convinced you to wear despite the fact that you'd be drinking tonight. 
"You said they were already here waiting for us?" Karen asked over her shoulder.
You adjusted your dress and the devil horn headband on your head as Marci slid out of the taxi after you.
"Yeah," she answered. "Fog said they were waiting for us outside. Just look for the bright orange jumpsuit."
You and Karen scanned the groups of costume-clad individuals along the sidewalk outside of the bar. Marci was beside you, openly readjusting her tits in the skin tight jumpsuit she had unzipped quite low. Karen started laughing beside you and you glanced at her with a questioning brow.
"They're over there," Karen choked out between laughs, shaking her head as she pointed. "I'm sorry but Matt looks ridiculous."
Your gaze followed where Karen’s finger was pointing. The orange jumpsuit Foggy was wearing caught your eye first until your attention slid to Matt beside him. A hand flew up to your mouth as you laughed. Even from this distance you saw Matt grin beside Foggy, apparently hearing your reaction. 
The three of you made your way over to the pair of them, weaving past the groups of people on the sidewalk. You lost it all over again as you finally reached them. Karen was right, he did look ridiculous, but in an incredibly sexy way.
There was a little white chef's hat on his head and what looked like a few smears of flour on his face underneath his dark glasses. The costume he had on was a pair of tight fitting dress pants and a white and brown pinstriped shirt, the sleeves of which landed just before his forearms and left them exposed to your great delight. There was a brown vest over the top of the shirt, and topping all of that off was a dark apron complete with more flour smears. But what was really killing you was what was written on the apron. It read 'Making them buns' and you snorted loudly upon reading it, completely losing it all over again. 
"What are you supposed to be, a chef?" Marci asked him.
"I'm clearly a baker," Matt told her, gesturing at his apron. "Obviously, if I'm making them buns."
"My idea," Foggy cut in. "With how often I've had to hear him tell me about all the cake jokes about his ass recently."
You were biting your lip, fighting back another round of laughs. That's when Foggy realized what you were wearing and he shook his head, grinning.
"Should have figured you'd dress up as a–"
"Shh!" Marci swatted at her husband, cutting Foggy off. "Matt can use his hands to figure out her costume."
You saw the mischievous smirk immediately draw over Matt's mouth and the way one of his brows rose in extreme interest at Marci’s words. The sight caused your pulse to race a little. The three of you had discussed this in the taxi as you rode over and it had sounded like a good idea at the time, but now you were getting nervous at the prospect of Matt openly roving his hands all over your body. 
"Oh?" Matt curiously asked you. "You mean I have an excuse to feel you up right here and now?" 
Yeah, you were definitely rethinking this idea now with that coy look on his face. This man was purposely going to give you a heart attack.
“Uh, I suppose so,” you answered nervously, feeling shy with your friends standing nearby.
When you didn’t move, Karen nudged you forward into Matt, shooting you a pointed look. You turned to her, about to protest, but she was already focused on Marci and Foggy.
“Hey, why don’t we jump in line and give them a minute,” Karen suggested.
“Yeah, good idea,” Marci agreed, grabbing Foggy’s hand. She shot you a sly look as she added, “But I’m pretty sure Matt is going to need more than a minute.”
The three of them wandered off to join the queue for the bar and your attention returned to Matt before you. That coy smirk was still spread over his lips, his gaze never having left you.
“So now that we’re alone,” he said after a moment, his tone provocative and full of meaning as he paused and licked his lips. “Can I try to guess your costume?”
Your eyes were focused on his mouth, those plump, pink lips now glistening slightly from where his tongue had just wet them. Heart rate spiking a little more, you nodded slowly. 
“Here,” he said, hands rising to your waist, but the moment his hands made contact with the plastic-y pleather of your dress he abruptly stopped, a wicked expression forming on his face. “Oh? Was not expecting that,” he mused, both of his thumbs lightly rubbing along the material of the dress.
A smile spread across his face as he turned, trading places with you so that you were standing against the brick wall of the bar and Matt was standing in front of you. To block everyone else’s view, you quickly realized. Your heart thudded a little harder in your chest at that knowledge.
“You’re awfully quiet, are you alright with this?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you breathed out.
Upon your consent, his hands slowly slid their way up your hips, climbing higher as the smirk grew on his face. Gradually they snaked their way up over your rib cage until both of his large palms paused at your breasts. The contrast between the heat of his hands with the cold of your skin in the late October evening had goosebumps dappling every inch of your bare skin. Matt squeezed your breasts roughly over the material of your dress and you gasped out, thighs tightening together.
“I have no idea what you are,” he whispered, tone low and sultry, “but I am quite enjoying finding out.”
“You uh, might have more luck with feeling the back of it,” you told him, voice wavering a little.
A playful noise vibrated in his throat before he gave your breasts one last squeeze, and then his hands were quickly sliding down your body, making their way to the back of the dress. Eventually he found the little devil’s tail and you saw his brows furrow as his hands felt along the length of it.
“Well, clearly a tail,” he thought aloud. “Are you a cat? Even though–” his head tilted to the side as his eyes narrowed behind his lenses, hands still touching the tail, “–this doesn’t quite feel like a cat’s tail.”
You shook your head along the brick wall you were pressed up against, smiling a little. “No, not a cat,” you told him.
“Hmm,” he hummed out, his smile returning. "What color is the dress?"
"Red," you answered quickly.
His hands dropped lower, gliding down over the curve of your ass. Feeling his fingers splay wide over each cheek beneath the fabric, he abruptly gave your ass a firm squeeze next. You bit your lip, fighting the growing heat between your thighs. You both were, after all, still in public.
“Well isn’t this short?” he murmured when the tips of his fingers grazed your actual ass under the dress, the fabric having ridden up while he’d been roughly kneading your ass. “Oh, sweetheart,” he almost purred, both hands having fully slipped under the back of the dress to grab at your bare ass. “Are you not wearing anything under this?” he whispered into your ear, the tip of his nose nuzzling into your cheek.
“Just–just a thong,” you answered, brain feeling like it was turning to mush in your skull with the way his calloused hands were openly playing with your ass. “Wasn’t feeling quite that daring tonight.”
Matt stepped closer to you and you could feel the slight bulge forming in his pants and pressing into your leg. His forehead dropped down to your shoulder, resting there as his nails lightly dug into the flesh beneath his hands. You fought back a moan, trapping it in your throat.
“I don’t even care about the bar at this point,” he said slowly, head still buried along your bare shoulder. “I just want to fuck you.”
A wave of pure want and arousal washed its way down your body and your eyes briefly closed, trying hard to control yourself. “We should–should probably stay for just a bit, at least,” you stammered out. Though your own desire to have his cock buried in you was making you want to grab a taxi and leave, too.
He sighed against your skin, his hands loosening their grasp on your ass and sliding down the back of your legs, but then he abruptly stiffened against the front of you. One of his fingers tugged at the fishnet thigh-high stockings you had on and you couldn’t resist the smile. Both of his hands began feeling around your thighs as a little whine came from his throat.
“Sweetie, are you wearing fishnet stockings and a garter?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you whispered.
He inhaled sharply, a faint groan coming from him next. “Fuck,” he throatily ground out. “You want to torture me tonight, don’t you, sweetheart?”
“I wasn’t exactly expecting this reaction,” you admitted.
Matt lifted his head, gently nipping at your shoulder. A shudder ran down your spine when he lightly kissed the spot afterwards.
“So what are you?” he asked curiously.
Tentatively you reached down, grabbing one of his hands from your thigh. He allowed you to raise his hand, drawing it all the way up to the headband on your head. You watched as his head canted to the side a bit, eyes narrowing behind his dark lenses as his fingers felt up the headband.
“Ears?” he asked.
You shook your head. “Horns,” you whispered.
A slow, sinful smile snuck its way along his lips. His hips bucked forward into you, pinning you further into the wall behind you. Both of his hands came to land on either side of your neck, thumbs lightly brushing along your throat. You were sure he could feel your pulse jumping under your skin right now.
“You’re a devil?” he guessed.
“Mhmm,” you hummed, nodding your head. “ Your devil tonight.”
His bottom lip rolled between his teeth, a soft hiss emitting from him as his head turned to the side. You could see his eyes clamp shut behind his glasses before he swallowed hard a few times.
“Do you have any idea,” he said after a moment, voice low, “how hot that is?”
Reaching out, your hands finally landed on Matt, resting them on his hips. Gently you pulled him closer to yourself, grinning up at him.
“I was hoping you’d like it,” you told him, fingers toying with the strap of his apron. 
His gaze finally landed back on you, his jaw clenching so hard you could see the muscles in his cheeks twitching. Your hands tightened along his hips at the sight.
“I’ve got a few ideas of what I want to do to you in this tonight,” he murmured. “So I hope you’re prepared for it.”
“Well,” you teased lightly, feeling a little bold with how turned on Matt already was, “we have a couple of hours here first. I’m pretty sure we can both find ways to…prepare for it.”
His tongue darted out along his lips again, your eyes following its movement. He smirked a moment later, one of his hands leaving your throat, dragging the backs of his fingers over your body as he gradually lowered it between your breasts, down your ribcage, past your stomach, and then finally up under your dress. Without hesitation his index finger slipped past your thong and swiped along your clit ever so faintly. Your body jolted, a strangled moan falling from your lips before you could stop it. Your eyes widened as a thrill shot through you, your mouth clamping shut.
“Yeah,” he murmured. “Pretty sure I can get you nice and prepared , sweetheart.”
Your arms were wrapped around Matt’s neck, the front of you flush to the front of him as your bodies’ grinded against each other slowly and sensually to the pop music playing in the bar Marci had picked out. You’d had just enough to drink tonight that the part of your brain programmed to overthink was muted, allowing the pair of you to join the plethora of other costumed bar patrons grinding against each other.
Matt’s hands were low on your back, pressing his palms hard into you to keep you close to his body. Gazing up at him, you smiled at the smears of flour along his cheeks and chin. He’d told you the flour was Foggy’s idea along with the costume–all thanks to Katy and her constant ass comments that Matt had apparently divulged to Foggy.
As if he sensed you looking at him, he glanced down at you, a little smile drawing over his lips under the dark red lenses. Warmth filled your chest, the feeling having nothing to do with the alcohol in your system or the amount of people packed in the bar.
“What’s on your mind, sweetheart?” Matt asked. 
You shook your head lightly, a grin on your own lips as you slid one of your hands out from behind his neck. Reaching up, your fingers traced the line of his stubbled jaw, his head leaning into the touch as he always did. 
“Nothing,” you answered, just loud enough that you knew he could hear you. And without your mind overthinking, you blurted, “I love you.”
His smile somehow grew, the corners of his eyes crinkling just at the edges of his glasses. “I love you, too, sweetheart,” he said.
Closing the distance between your mouths, his nose lightly bumping against yours as he did, Matt kissed you. Your eyes closed instantly, head tilting up further towards him as your hand held his cheek. He tasted faintly of the beer he’d drank as his soft, plush lips greedily kissed your own. The hand you had still behind his neck snuck its way up, just far enough for you to gently tug on his hair. The responding shudder from him had you unconsciously grind your hips into his a little too sensually.
Matt’s mouth broke away, his forehead coming to rest against yours. He groaned low and you felt one of his hands snake its way down over your ass and up underneath your dress. Your hips jerked into his, fighting down a wave of arousal as his palm felt around the curve of your ass for a moment. Before you even blinked, his fingers slipped over your covered mound, rubbing teasingly along your clit.
“Matt,” you chided quickly, though his name came out half moan, half reprimand.
His hand slid back to your ass, a sly smirk on his mouth as he gazed back down at you. “What?” he asked innocently. “I’m just checking out this delicious cake I’ve got here. I mean I am a baker after all.”
Rolling your eyes, you laughed lightly and stepped a bit back from Matt. “I think I need a drink if you’re going to keep being this handsy,” you informed him.
He continued to flash that sly smirk at you as he said, “Whatever you want, sweetheart.”
A few minutes later you were leaning against the bar counter, drinking back your mixed drink and taking a short breather from dancing with Matt. You’d lost Foggy and Marci a little while ago and Karen had found a cute guy shortly after you’d all done a round of shots when you’d first gotten into the bar. After that, the entire night had been nothing but secret foreplay between you and Matt and right now you'd needed a few minutes to catch your breath. 
Matt was now firmly pressed to the back of you, his partially hard dick wedged between your ass. Bending forward, you wrapped your lips around the straw in your glass and took a drink, intentionally shifting your hips against Matt behind you. His right hand on your hip tightened and you grinned around the straw. 
"Careful sweetheart," he whispered, mouth suddenly beside your ear.
Slightly inebriated, you dropped the straw from between your lips, pushing your ass more firmly into him. He grunted, the sound loud with him so close to your ear, and you felt more dampness beginning to pool between your thighs.
"Keep it up," he growled low in your ear, "and I'll be fucking you with my fingers right here until you're cumming on them and calling me baby over this very bar counter." 
He lightly kissed your cheek and your body trembled at the mental image his words elicited. The hand on your hip slid downward and just underneath your short dress, one finger just barely ghosting your damp mound. You flinched at the delicious touch. 
"Don't think I won't," he warned.
Hands fidgeting with the glass in front of you, your cunt throbbed almost painfully at this point as he removed his hand from under your dress. You were beyond sexually frustrated with whatever this game was the two of you had been playing for the past hour and a half. It was torture and you were almost tempted to see if you pushed him enough if he would actually follow through with his threat just so you could get some relief.
Gritting your teeth, you tried to focus on anything besides the feel of him pressed up behind you. As you were trying to take a calm, relaxing deep breath in, you felt Matt tense behind you, an angry growl rumbling in your ear. You frowned, turning over your shoulder to ask him what was wrong, but you quickly caught sight of a brunette barely dressed at all and wearing bunny ears. Your eyes narrowed instantly. 
"You clearly make some nice buns," she slurred out to Matt, biting her lip coyly. 
Eyes darting down, you saw she had her hand on Matt's ass. As he turned around, her hand fell back to her side and a burning rage began coursing through you.
"Excuse me?" Matt shot out, an edge to his voice as his brows furrowed behind his lenses.
"Oh come on," she said, waving a dismissive hand at Matt, entirely disregarding how upset he was. "You can't have an ass in pants that tight, walking around wearing an apron advertising how great of an ass you do have and expect no one to touch it."
Matt opened his mouth to respond, but the anger rippling through you cut him off before he even began.
"Are you really trying to say he was asking for it?" you hissed at her, pushing off the bar and coming to stand in front of Matt. "Because of how he was dressed ?"
"Well, I mean–"
"You don’t just grab at people," you continued, venom in your voice and alcohol dulling your nerves. "You like it when strange men grab at you? Tell you that you were asking for it when they do? That if you didn't want that kind of attention you shouldn't dress a certain way?"
"Well, no–"
"Apologize to my boyfriend," you ordered, eyes narrowed at the young woman.
Startled, she blinked a few times before pink tinged her cheeks. "I uh, I'm sorry," she muttered to Matt. 
"Just because he's a man doesn't mean he doesn't deserve the same respect as women deserve," you told her. "Remember that."
She nodded quickly before ducking her head and disappearing. You stared after her, teeth grinding against each other. Matt slowly slipped a hand around your waist, drawing you gradually into his side. 
"Not that I couldn't have handled that," he said, burying his face into your hair, "but thank you.” His lips gently kissed your temple which was a stark contrast to how he was quickly tightening his hold on you. “That was also incredibly sexy of you,” he said, “defending my honor and all.”
You unclenched your jaw and focused back on Matt, trying to release the anger that had abruptly overtaken you at the young woman brazenly grabbing Matt’s ass. He was grinning down at you, though there was definitely something more behind that grin. Exhaling a sharp breath, you ran a hand across your forehead.
“Sorry,” you grumbled. “Double standards like that piss me off. And besides–” you began, glancing back up at Matt as a grin formed on your own lips; feeling emboldened by the alcohol in your system, your hand darted out behind Matt and firmly grabbed his ass, “–that’s my ass.”
His hand drew you firmly into him before his mouth descended onto yours. Pulling your hand from his ass, both of yours wound their way around his neck, holding him flush against yourself yet again. Matt’s mouth kissed yours with a growing intensity, but you could certainly feel the restraint he was practicing. You, on the other hand, were already nibbling on that soft, perfect bottom lip of his and needily whimpering against his mouth. Matt was the one who had to break the kiss in an attempt to keep you from tearing his costume off in the middle of the bar when one of your hands began tugging at the collar of his shirt.
“I just want you to know,” he told you, breathing hard as he lowered his face so that his lips were brushing your ear as he spoke, “that I’m going to take you back to my place when you finish that drink and I’m going to fuck you absolutely senseless in that devil costume.”
You swallowed hard as he straightened up beside you, a hungry look on his face as he sightlessly gazed down at you. With a shiver running down your body, you returned to your drink at the bar, quickly wrapping your lips around the straw and drinking the alcohol down. Matt returned to his place behind you, pushing you into the counter with his hips as one of his hands slid beneath your dress, his fingers lightly gliding along your cunt through your underwear. For the briefest of moments your eyelids closed, your eyes rolling back as the straw dropped out of your mouth, fighting back a throaty groan.
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itsyagurlchip · 4 months
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Previous Writings
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ TMNT
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・The Hellaverse
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°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Video Game Lover {Rise!Donnie x reader}
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Coming Soon!
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Snitch Tendencies (Coming Soon) {Rottmnt x reader}
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・Chapter 3: Video Game Lover (Coming Soon) {Donnie x reader}
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・Prologue: It Started With a Scribble (Coming soon) {Underverse self insert}
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Some new MHA content(!!)
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・A shitload of drafts from last year I think.
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ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ Six Mutants, One Maid {RotTMNT x reader}
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I know this format is messy- but my content is very diverse, and I don't get many requests 24/7. So until then, buckle up!
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