#clones headcanons
generalsolae · 3 months
This is just a little something my mind created after rewatching attack of the clones. Its the first meeting between one of my oc and Captain Rex, hope you enjoy!
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Warnings: only injures, this is the start of a friendship
Word count: 336 (this is really short)
The fire finally ceased, the explosion stopped. Everything that was left to hear were the AT-TEs stopping and the injured gasping for the pain. Quinlan Vos had just finished patching up her padawan, who got herself a big scar on the nose thanks to a blaster shot who almost hit her in the face. The girl wasn't focused on getting herself patched up; all she wanted to do was run to the injured and help them, and her master knew that well; he knew about her constant need to help others. After placing a bacta patch on her nose, he nodded and smiled at her. "You can go, girl." The girl immediately jumped off of the gunship. Her eyes traveling the deserted surrounding of Geonosis until they fell on an injured man a few meters from her. She immediately ran to him. He was sitting against a rock and was holding his right and injured arm with his hand. She kneeled in front of him and took off his helme discovering his deep brown eyes, which made a great contrast with his blond hair. “What's your name?” She asked him as she took off the armor on his right arm. “I'm CT-7567, ma'am.” He answered, leaving the girl confused before she let out a small giggle, “Those are numbers, not a name.” The clone looked at her, surprised. “I'm a clone, ma'am. We only have identification numbers.” “A clone? This is a clone army?” The girl was a bit stunned; she heard some Jedi talking about a new army, but she didn't think it would've been an army of clones. The clone nodded, confirming the conclusion of the girl, and she smiled at him, “Numbers are for droids. You're a man, clone or not. You better choose a name for yourself, trooper.” The clone nodded with a small smile “And what's your name, ma'am?” “I'm Kayra, and don’t call me ma’am, I’m just seventeen.” She finally said, placing a bandage on the clone arm.
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b4adb4tcher · 6 months
Listen Echo canonically loves pointing out the obvious and also dad jokes so all I can think is someone going
“Thank you, Captain Obvious.”
and him going
“Actually, its ARC Trooper Obvious”
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bunnieswithknives · 1 month
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As much as I love angst I think it would be funny if he just didnt give af
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yandere-writer-momo · 10 months
Yandere Head Canons:
My Purpose
Mad Scientist Husband x Reader x Yandere Clone
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Now your husband, Dorian Goodman, truly believed he was doing you a favor with his newest creation… or should he say creations? He felt like a horrible husband by being away from you for long hours but he was allergic to pet dandruff so that was out of the equation… so why not clean himself? That way you wouldn’t be lonely! He only had his genius to blame for the horror he inflicted on you from this…
So imagine waking up to see your husband laying beside you in the bed still? His arms felt colder than normal and he smelled like preservatives… something was off but you couldn’t put your finger on it… his black hair was still long and beautiful just like his dark lashes. But something in your gut told you this wasn’t him.
And that’s when the figure beside you wakes up and gives you a bright smile. “I’m Dee. I’m your husband’s clone to keep you company while he’s away.”
You never shot up from the bed so fast to call your husband. You were extremely upset with him for creating a replica of himself rather than spend time with you himself… the nerve!
But your husband reassured you it was fine. That Dee was essentially him in every single way and that Dee could be your companion. He brushed off your concerns on this being cheating since Dee was a complete biological copy of Dorian himself but Dee could be deactivated by Dorian’s voice… it frustrated you. Why couldn’t he just leave his silly inventions behind and just spend time with his own spouse once and awhile? You were so lonely in this mansion…
But you didn’t take your frustration out on Dee. The poor clone was as clueless as you but he insisted he was created to serve you. Dee’s purpose was to take care of your needs
Dee would clean around the house and do the yard work. He was the complete opposite of the stoic Dorian. He felt more like a real human being than your own husband… minus how abnormally cold he was. He didn’t talk much but he was there. You started to grow attached to him
You spent a lot of time with Dee. He’d cover you with a blanket if you sat in your reading nook to read, he’d brew you your favorite coffee/tea, and he’d rub your shoulders. You constantly had to tell Dee that it was okay. That he didn’t have to be at your every beck and call but he would always say, “you’re my purpose.”
And Dee took notice of your sexual frustration when he peaked in on you touching yourself in the privacy of the bathroom within the glass shower walls. Curiosity began to settle in him. The cute whimpers and cries from your lips stirred something within him and he pushed the door open
You nearly screamed when Dee entered the bathroom, the only place he wasn’t beside you. But what shocked you more was the large erection in his gray joggers. It seemed he was more human than you thought and you were aching for something inside of you…
You let Dee have his way with you. He truly was a copy of your husband from how much he stretched you. Dee felt so good. He was so big and he was so strong. And he oddly smelled like your husband now… like clean linen and citrus. It was comforting and sexy. It was like Dorian was with your right now. Like Dorian was inside of you.
And in your passion it spilled from your lips once your orgasm rocked through you. Three little words that changed Dee forever, “I love you.” Dee held you while he rode you through your orgasm until his finally came. His strong arms held you up and his cheeks were filled with color. You loved him. You loved him. Dee didn’t want to ever be deactivated. Des wanted to be with you.
Dee would big spoon you every night. His large body pressed as close to yours as physically possible. There was a change in him. He was starting to become warm. Warm like a furnace. It was strange…. Dee became more and more human as the days turned to months. Your texts to your real husband became less and less but he probably didn’t even notice since he was busy with his inventions.
Dee would make you breakfast every morning and have his face between your legs to please you while you ate. Breakfast and sex became the norm for you and him. It felt so wonderful to feel wanted again. And every time, Dee begged you to tell him how you loved him. He would do anything to you to hear those words. Anything.
A shame you started to neglect your real husband. Dorian was shocked to see you folded up in a pretzel in your bed while Dee slammed into you like a mad man. This wasn’t what the clone was built for. He wasn’t built to fuck you. What the hell?
And that’s when Dee gave him a smirk. It was like looking in a mirror except there was something terrifying behind those ice blue eyes. Something sinister and Dorian didn’t like it at all. Dorian needed to get rid of Dee quickly… Dorian gave Dee one last look before he walked out of the room before you noticed
Dee kissed your head as he tucked you in. “I’m going to go get some water, okay?”
Dorian waited in the kitchen for Dee to come to him and the clone did. Dorian and him stared at each other for a few minutes before Dorian sighed.
“Deactivate.” Dorian told Dee but the clone remained standing there menacingly rather than deactivating like he was supposed to. “I said deactivate-“
And that’s when Dee launched himself toward Dorian and began to strangle him. His ice blue eyes filled with glee as the color slowly drained from Dorian’s face. An evil smirk on his face.
“It’s my purpose to make (your name) happy and there not happy with you so you can’t deactivate me anymore.” Dee whispered in Dorian’s ear. “They don’t love you. They love me.”
Dee ended up burying Dorian in the backyard before you woke up. He didn’t want you to be sad about your old husband any longer….
Dee slipped the ring he took off Dorian’s finger onto his. The shiny gold band now proudly on display. A smile on his face. Your real husband was with you now and he’d make you happy.
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brightsunsmeanshello · 4 months
If Jedi had TikTok
So I was imagining a TikTok trend that would basically just be the Jedi/Padawans looking all presentable and perfectly Jedi perfect ™ saying “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” and then immediately cutting to whatever chaos they are currently engaged in, for example:
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Qui Gon says, immediately before being shown adopting another ‘pathetic life form’ that may will cause them trouble later
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Obi Wan says, before decapitating a battle droid behind him without even looking at it
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Anakin says, as he replaces all of Windu’s regular caff with decaf
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Ashoka says, as she helps Fives and Hardcase balance a bucket of glitter above Rex’s doorway
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Plo says, as he forces encourages C3-PO to tell Wolffe his latest tales of woe™ and R2 drama
• “Jedi, we are; keepers of the peace, our responsibility is.” Yoda says, before telling several younglings that if they keep copying the Temple Guards they’ll freeze and get stuck that way
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Quinlan says, then just… you know, exists how he does
• “We’re Jedi, we’re impartial peacekeepers” Plo Koon says, sprinkling ‘How to Unionize’ pamphlets around the barracks like confetti
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Obi Wan says, before arguing politely engaging with every political figure in the room just for the heck of it
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Leia says, before teasing the man breaking her out of a literal cell in the middle of space about his height
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Luke says, before replacing Han’s hair gel with glue
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Kanan says, calmly to the camera, before proceeding to promptly turn around and scream “SHUT THE KRIFF UP I SWEAR TO FORCE I WILL MURDER YOU ALL IF YOU DONT GO TO SLEEP RIGHT NOW”
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Ezra says, as he sprints away from Zeb who is quite suddenly and mysteriously COVERED in hair dye (thanks, Sabine!)
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jedi-hawkins · 4 months
I have a sneaking suspicion that Crosshair will always tell a different story about his hand when asked. Some that he's given:
Omega cut it off
Got cut off as punishment for trying to steal the Crown Jewels of Naboo
Knitting accident
Ventress ate it
Cooking mishap
A porg attack
Got caught in a rayshield
Slept on it weird and it just fell off
Cursed by a Nightsister witch from Dathomir
He cut it off himself to fake his own death
He broke it petting Batcher too hard
Lost a fight to a lawn chair
(Tech’s reason) He was tired of being the ‘more boring twin’ and had to be a pick me
(Echo’s reason) He wanted to be more like him.
(Hunter’s reason) He had such a crush on General Skywalker he did it to impress him
(Wrecker’s reason) He was trying to rescue a baby animal and it pooped on him, Crosshair was so disgusted he cut his hand off right there
Reasons in collaboration with @probadbatch @arctrooper69 @photogirl894 @moonstrider9904
He got hungry
He lit a match and let it burn, just to feel something
He gave Hunter a hand with something but that’s not what Hunter meant.
Hunter ate it. (Crosshair has a tooka he named Hunter so people don't know which one he's talking about)
Halloween costume. (Echo chimes in - ‘he wanted to be me/General Skywalker’)
Now Omega paints his nails twice as fast *or half as slow
For his new fancy toothpick holder prosthetic (it shoots toothpicks out of it)
Omega is the only one who tells the truth about it, and no one believes her cause it sounds just as crazy
Edit/Notable Mention: “What do you mean?” *looks down* “OH SHIT! Oh my god, what happened to it!? My hand, it’s gone!?”
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skybreakprimeonao3 · 3 months
Inspired by a post I saw a few weeks ago and forever lost to the tumblr scroll:
The Jedi are not body shy. They are super respectful of their fellow Jedi are from a culture where viewing the body of another is not a-okay and won’t push it, but they definitely view the body as “crude matter” or whatever Yoda says.
The Clones are not body shy. They’re clones, they all practically look like each other, unless they undergo special training. They don’t get things like privacy, and they’re used to it. Don’t be shy about sharing a shower, when the next attack can hit at any moment.
The Jedi are body shy around the Clones, as in “these soldiers don’t get anything, and I want them to have privacy” and will respectfully look away if the Clones are changing.
The Clones are body shy around the Jedi, as in “you don’t just stand there as the Alphas remove their armor and blacks, and you don’t just stand there as our Jedi Generals and Commanders remove their robes and tunics!” and will respectfully look away if the Jedi are changing.
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arcsimper5 · 1 year
Do you think Plo Koon's mask also has a translator inside it which makes his language understandable in basic?
Because being rather reptilian/insectoid in appearance, I assume that their main method of communication is probably screeching and clicks, rumbles and vibrations.
Also because:
Plo: ... and once Wolffe, Sinker and I give the signal, we will... *mask crackles, unintelligible screeching noises*
*Plo stops talking, adjusts his mask and tries again*
Plo: *more screeching*
Shinies: *horrified whimpering*
Plo: *sad eyes at Wolffe*
Wolffe: *rolls eyes* The General is having translation issues. What he said was 'once we give to signal, you are to advance and rendezvous with us at the marked co-ordinates'. Understood?
Plo: *gentle clicking noises*
Wolffe: And... *sighs* he says he's proud of us.
Everyone else: *stunned silence*
Plo: *soft screech*
Wolffe: *glaring at him* Really, General? Do I have... Ugh, fine. And the General says he... loves us... *blushes furiously*
Plo: *delighted clicking noises*
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mearchy · 6 months
Fox's reports are the most sardonic, passive aggressive reports anyone in the Senate Security Office has ever read. But they have to accept them because they are all technically by-the-book correct and unnervingly thorough, and nobody can find fault with them as hard as they try. The less caf he has had, the worse it is. He goes from "As per Coruscant Guard records..." and "As all Senate employees are aware..."
to "As one might be able to assume by means of basic observation and an approximately swamp-rat level of intelligence-" and "To elaborate on that, as one is required by Report Administration Regulation Clause 365:1a to do, despite a statistically proven decline in reading comprehension among government employees-*"
My man is hitting the keys one by one so hard his keypad breaks. He's got reflexive tears of manic rage in his eyes. He's imbuing his incident reports with so much hysteria the next Jedi who comes into contact with them gets a headache. Free him
*he has a source for this, by the way. Fox includes citations in his reports like a maniac. Like Cody. This is because if he has to countenance one more follow-up email than is necessary he will brain himself against the desk. He will commit lobotomy by pencil. Just you try and fucking stop him, Thorn.
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ledeni-tm · 7 months
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Padawan group holophoto !! In a universes where Ahsoka, Cal, Trilla, Caleb and Barriss all know each other and everything is fine ! (let me dream) Not pictured : their masters (Obi-Wan included, Ahsoka is his padawan too) gushing at the cuteness behind the holocamera.
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xxsabitoxx · 1 year
Unfortunate [Teaser] full fic has been posted
Sekido, Karaku, Aizetsu, Urogi x AFAB! Reader
Warning the full length fic will include the following: gang banging, dub-con / non-con, forced oral, forced orgasm, BDSM themes… which just means they aren’t easy on you whatsoever, humiliation, bukkake, outdoor sex, brain washing, etc etc etc
A/N: so I will say, this fic is going to be a darker one. I don’t think I’ve ever written like… full on non-con… honestly this fic will somehow lean towards dub-con anyways. Like let’s be honest, it’s gonna be a very morally gray fic. I mean we aren’t moral people let’s be real.
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You had fucked up, big time. “Such a stupid thing! You couldn’t figure out that we wanted you to do this?” The green eyed demon laughed again, watching as you looked between the three of them. Laughing just a bit harder as you realized only three of them stood before you. “I-but…” there was a fourth. You were certain of it… so where the hell did he go? “Karaku…you’re so loud…” the blue eyed demon whined, eyes locked on you as he referred to the green eyed demon. “Shut it, Aizetsu.”
The red eyed one spoke again, staff hovering just a bit off the ground as he scowled at you. “You’re probably wondering where the fourth one went, huh sugar?” The green eyed demon taunted you, completely torn, you couldn’t figure out where to look. If your eyes left the three of them they’d likely attack. If you didn’t try to figure out the location of the fourth, it was likely he’d kill you instead. “C’mon, little slayer… Show us what you got…” the blue eyed demon spoke, voice somber and eyes filled with sadness.
“Urogi, quit playing around.” The red eyed demon bellowed, another name, but your brain was going too fast to remember it. The flapping of wings pulled you from your daze, head whipping in the direction of the noise but it was too late. Two claws grabbed around your waist, the sudden thrust upward knocking your blade straight from your grasp. A scream of shock left you as you were torn straight off the ground, head flying upwards to see what had grabbed you. Somehow, it was the fourth demon.
He looked just as the other three did, the only differences being his eyes and his limbs. Golden eyes stared down at you, a familiar smirk on his lips. Instead of arms and legs, he had claws. His limbs resembled that of a bird or reptile, large wings expanding behind him. You jerked as he stopped, hovering in the air as he looked you over. It wasn’t until he raised his legs that you realized he was using them to grasp you opposed to his arms. “What a pathetic thing you are…” he laughed as he let you go.
You began to plummet to the ground, body and mind so disconnected from your reality that you couldn’t even muster a scream before he swooped down to grab you again. Now, you were facing him, eyes wide and chest heaving. “You humans are so easy to break… though I must say I’ve never seen the fighting spirit leave someone as quickly as it left you.” He admired your petrified face, slowly descending until he was in earshot of his other halves. “Yah know, Sekido? We shouldn’t kill her just yet…”
His eyes trailed over your body, a cruel grin covering his face as he spoke. “Why don’t we have some fun with her? It’s been years since I’ve gotten my fill of human…desire.” The implications had you feeling hot, panic ebbing up the back of your neck as you squirmed in his grasp. “Oh? There it is…” he dropped you a moment later. The fall wasn’t a big one but it still hurt when you hit the ground. The panic was mixing with dread as you realized what the situation was turning to. “Fun? Urogi why can’t we just eat her…” the blue eyed demon whined softly as he stared at you.
“Oi, Aizetsu don’t be such a prude…” the green eyed demon spoke, walking over to where you sat on the ground. He crouched before you, smiling in a way that made you want to run. “She’d certainly have a good time, don’t you think Sekido? You know we need your approval to do anything…” he turned to look at the red eyed demon, a soft thump behind you told you that the winged demon had landed. You met the red eyed demon’s gaze, swallowing thickly as you waited for him to decide your fate.
“There are rules…you know. We each get a turn, no hogging her.” You got the chills, listening intently to the demons conversing about having their way with you. “Listen here, sugar.” The green eyed demon grabbed your face, keeping your attention on him as he spoke. “We’re gonna have a hell of a time with you… satisfy us and maybe we’ll let you leave here with your life.” Behind you, the winged demon snickered, feet dragging on the ground as he too crouched behind you. “You’ll be able to satisfy the four of us with your body, right?”
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generalsolae · 3 months
New OC! :)
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(also Fives getting punched by a commando droids because why not? [poor baby])
!!!-> I didn't draw her really good, this is just a sketch!
Her name is Joy. She's the commander of the 777th legion, led by Jedi general Kayra Solae and her twin Narik Solae. She is part of a batch made from another human template, called Rhea Cordua; they were also considered defective clones: they had mutations that could be considered desirable for other clones, but every mutation brought a "defective traits". ->
She has light brown, almost blond hair, dark brown eyes. She is 5'4" tall and has a pale skin. Joy has heightened senses, excellent stealth, and strategic abilities; she's great at finding solutions in what could seem desperate situations but also has a problem controlling her emotions and her attachments to others; and she isn't very good at following orders. She is also VERY hyperactive. Her scar on her right eye is due to a fight with Darth Maul. The one on the nose from a blaster shot fired by a commando droid that hit her at point blank range and the one on the chin from a simple fall in which she hit her chin on a stone. The writing on the left thigh armor is Captain Gregor's identification number. Her designation number is CF-0004
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chyarui · 2 months
Commander Wolffe, no introduction needed.
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I had so much fun with his tattoos, if you couldn’t tell. After Fox’s depressing ones and Cody’s cute but simple one, I needed to go all out with Wolfy boy’s tat. Honestly, this man deserves a cool tattoo after having to deal with the torture of interacting with C-3PO. I could FEEL his annoyance through the screen (that sassy fucking eyeroll I swear you could feel it though his helmet)
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tinkerbitch69 · 9 months
So, everyone has pointed out how funny it is that fifteen claimed to have gone through therapy and be fine now only to immediately act just like his old traumatised self and it is but like…
Has anyone considered fifteen was lying?
What if he hasn’t actually experienced that domestic bliss that fourteen got to enjoy or have fourteens memories following their split at all?What if he just told fourteen he did to convince him to stay on earth and be happy so fourteen could have a chance at happiness that fifteen believes he will never have and doesn’t deserve and his seemingly incredibly upbeat personality is just a facade?
I mean this sounds incredibly in character for the doctor to me tbh
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mayaarman · 8 days
Just thinking how much I love the whole "Cal Kestis is Obi-Wan baby". And now I really wanna write something about Cal being sent as the commander/padawan for Obi.
This tiny manace following the steps of the bigger manace that is the General, and the clones just being like:
"Well, it looks like we are fathers now."
And accepting their fate as the protectors of the red-headeds Stewjonys problem magnets that they have to follow to war.
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coffeeandbatboys · 5 months
The Clones reacting to you smushing their cheeks
Idk I had this idea and thought it’d be cute. Since the clones are supposed to have round cheeks, visualize live action and not animated 😂
Warnings: none, just fluff.
Fives, Wrecker, Hardcase, & Tup: Loving it so much, will lean into your hands and give you heart eyes. Maybe even press a few kisses to your hand.
Cody, Jesse, Kix, Echo, Vaughn & Mayday: Will blush profusely and look side to side for a second, before giving in and flashing you a tiny smile.
Rex, Hunter, Tech, & Fox: Not sure what to do, just give an awkward smile and internally scream because they secretly find it super cute.
Crosshair, Wolffe & Dogma: Not understanding any of it. Don’t know what you’re doing, not sure that they like it, 3/10 do not recommend.
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