#clone currency
tesalicious2 · 2 months
Command Clone Currency
The clones are unpaid and therefore broke. They can’t really pay each other to do things since they have no money so they go for a new currency: favors
Now, the CTs don’t really do it the same as the Commanders because they have to be specific. They can’t return a favor between battalions quickly, due to fighting/locations/schedule. They’re at the whim of the war and pick and choose their repayment time.
The Comanders are different. They trade and barter like crazy. It’s favors with a few cases of alcohol. They can trade favors they are owed to others all the time, so anyone can cash it. They can pull the strings to get their payment quick.
For example, Cody needed a save from a small squad. He knew Delta was on planet doing some mission and he needed a detour but he had no connection or favor. However, Fox (for some reason) did. Cody offered a case of spotchka and a favor Monnk owed in return for having Delta do the detour. Delta owed fox one less favor, Cody owed no favors (which is the best outcome, since Fox WILL cash it) and Fox got something on Monnk and free (very expensive) spotchka.
Few CTs knew they did it this way, and the CT captains such as Rex and Keeli had to quickly adapt to this way of thinking. Rex made the mistake of owing Bacara before anyone told him. Keeli was lucky enough to meet the SpecOps CC Blackout, who clued him in on the difference but left him high and dry when it came to implementing his knowledge. (Keeli ended up owing Blackout two mini guns for his ‘friendly advice’)
Though, when times are tough and there is little time to barter, it is common to put off the payment until after the act is completed. Though many hate doing this as the trading can become unfair. What often happens is the party in need already has a deal prepared and states their need and their payment, it is hardly ever contested (however the helper may tack on another fee which is accepted or denied).
For example, Doom needed backup from Jet’s flame troopers. He quickly called, stated his need, and his payment of a case of charges. Jet had found the payment (though correct in price, unpractical for his squad) and changed it to half a case of fuel (easier for Doom to get a hold of and just as useful as charges to a Demolition team). Doom accepted the terms and Jet’s squad arrived right on time.
Though the bartering is mostly physical, many deal in the intangible. Perfect examples are all of the Coruscant Guard and the Special Operations teams. These are the only two groups who has everyone (including CT shinies) in on this system. They have the least to offer when it comes to normal ops, after all what GAR commander needs to know where a random Senator is going to be at what time or who slept with who. However, this trading info is perfect for the Guard who constantly works with/against (yay embezzlement and blackmail) these same Senators and for the SpecOps who need to know political climates and interpersonal relationships for recon and assassinations.
Most trading goes on between those two, and their prices are often higher since the missions are higher stake. Often Commando Squads are up for bids (who doesn’t want a four man 100% mission completion rate squad in their pocket), blackmail on natborn officers, republic secrets, senators schedules, crime syndicates favor and areas of interest, etc.
For the Guard, their trading goes further. They work with crime syndicates to keep it off the streets while keeping profit up. Those who do not work with them, go down. They’ve gain control of the lower 2000 levels through this and those who do not conform are forced to by the Guard or the citizens of the lower levels who don’t want to deal with the Guard, (peer pressure and bullying at its finest.)
The commanders learned this from watching the Cuy’val Dar, who would often trade on Kamino. The Alphas picked it up and used it but the CCs truly made it valuable beyond belief. The trainers traded for free shifts and booze, the CCs traded for mission successes and heavy artillery.
Many CTs attempt to learn how this system works. However, as few know it’s different, even fewer see the affects; those that do, know well enough to leave it be.
Despite there being no real difference in intelligence between the CCs and CTs, witnessing the speed and weight of the trades, makes even the Jedi’s head spin.
The Padawans are one of the few outsiders to see it in action. They do not really like it, but many pick it up for lesser trades (help with this paper or answers for this homework). Cal Kestis surprisingly picks it up the best. He’s the youngest so very impressionable, eager to learn, his CC Commander Steel, is very good at it, and Steel is possibly the only one to teach their General’s Padawan.
Steel sees that Cal isn’t going to be on the field much (Steel agrees with this and makes sure he stays on the Venator). So, if Cal ever needs help, he knows how to get it. Steel has made him be present for several trades and even made him come up with theoretical ones. Cal becomes very good at it, but is unable to flex his skills much due to the other Padawans unable to match his speed or skill. They are several years older, see it as in-Jedi like or are bad at it (or their Captains are bad at it and can’t teach them well), their concept of value is off (Jedi don’t often put a price on things and those that do have a habit of underselling due to being nice), and/or they do not know the range of what can be traded.
It’s very personal, with different Commanders wanting different things. Knowing who wants what can often make the payment cheaper for the offering party.
For example, the Marines often need heavy snow gear and blankets. So, offering a box of heating blankets in return for a case of bacta and blaster packs. This is a much better deal than offering a case of mini guns for the bacta and blaster packs. In the second case, Bacara may say no the mini guns or want a case of something else along with the mini guns.
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frownyalfred · 1 day
thinking about a Damian who was raised his entire life hearing how much he looks like his Father, how he's the blood son, how he's better than any other child Bruce Wayne has taken in, starting to buy into it like a kid does, only to hit puberty and turn out looking like 80% Talia.
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What if there were two force users and they are married have a kid but eventually they get divorced and go their separate ways
And by separate ways I mean one becomes a Sith and one becomes a Jedi and there’s an ensuing literal custody battle
They each have armies and battles rage across the galaxy all for one youngling
That youngling would happen to have a lot of potential for others following the Sith to back their claim, I imagine.
But it becomes clear later on that the one who used to be their compatible partner in life was now their evenly matched adversary. The fighting goes on for days, weeks, which turn to months.
If there is one thing they can actually agree on, it's that they want to settle things quickly to focus on their kid.
So, they decide on a duel to the death. The one who survives gets full custody.
Unfortunately, at the last few moments, they both deal a death blow to each other.
I can't imagine their child wanting anything to do with the Sith or Jedi after that.
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ruairy · 11 months
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stevenryan · 7 months
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buyfakepropeuronotes · 7 months
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(This is going to be linked as the card drawing post from now on)
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*Warning all effects are permanent unless stated otherwise wise and all effects can’t be undone by undoing the magic*
(This means that if your arms turn to metal, you can’t revert the spell that made it happen, because the armed in the eyes of the universe are naturally metal now, but instead can convert the metal back into flesh like you would do if the arms were always metal.)
(The lore reason why is the supreme being made it…. Aka I am the writer of this story and deck and I say no you. (In a joking manner if you or a love one rolled something you don’t want to happen tell me and we can work out a solution))
(List of effects)
TP who TC Gains partial divinity
TP who TC can ask one question to the universe and gets a true answer
TP who TC is immune to all undead for 24 hours
TP who TC can ask one request of the Flock of seagulls
TP who TC gains absolute mastery of there most proficient skill
TP who TC gets there perfect ideal of a follower summoned, the follower is made of stained glass
All people who wants to attack TP who TC becomes completely peaceful
TP who TC has the vision permanently enhanced by 4x
TP who TC brain grows 10x as fast and smart for 1 hour
the next good effect drawn from TD is doubled
TP who TC has everything blue that there touching enchanted randomly.
TP who TC gains a skeleton key
TP who TC has there mind gain armor, it helps reinforce there mind’s processes and also help ward of wind magic form effecting it
TP who TC has a calming aura for 1 week, anyone within that aura has their emotions calmed.
TP who TC arms turned to metal (I forgot to say, for 1 hour)
TP who TC splits into five identical clones 1/5th the size. Each have a randomly selected 1/5th of TP who TC’s powers. At the point of them splitting is when there memories split. Each will grown to normal size over the span of a week. Once one dies, its powers and memories are randomly split among the remaining clones (of that batch). Each clone can split but the above side effects still apply.
TP who TC is recognised as a minor noble in the nearest nobility system
all eyes in a 1 mile radius of TD glows gold for a year
TP who LC gets magic equal TP who TC's magic capabilities for 1 spell
TP who TC can see how corrupt anyone is
TP who NC has there card effect double
TP who HTC has the ability to identify any living thing’s clade
TC turns into, upon being drawn, a random minor magical item. TP who TC will be registered as that item's true owner, that ownership will either be passed to a designated person or person with their best interest in mind upon death of the previous owner.
TP who TC can identify if it’s safe to drink any water they see
TP who TC gets 10 currency
TP who HC has control over a small company of knights
TP who TC gains scales for 1 hour
TP who TC begins to be observed by a god
TP who TC will have all cuts immediately scab over for the next month.
TP who TC is turned into an animal chosen by TP who NC for 4 hours. TP who TC keeps their mind, unless this card is drawn again in the same time and the same animal is chosen. If it is picked again but with a different animal, TP who TC will hybridize as both animals.
TP who TC has the effect they last were under that was triggered by a card reapplied as if they drew it again.
TP who TC chooses a person who will NC
(Automatic custom card)
TP who TC has there element shift one element, this effect either last 1 year or until TP who TC comes to except one lie they believed was true was a lie
A random seed in a 1 foot radius around TP who TC will grow to complete maturity. If there is no seed, a seed will from that when planted will grow a perfect replica of a random card with the magic effect at 1/10th efficiency
TP who TC plays a game of 20 question, if you win, you get a clue finding spy glass. If you lose you lose an eye.
TP who TC next spell will go wild
all water in a 30 foot radius of TD turns into wine
TP who LC has its effect happen to TP who TC
TP who TC has the direction they move relative to gravity altered by the person who NC
TP who NC has TP who LC effect added to theres
TP who TC becomes the target of tempest the clown. Tempest is a weather demigod who wishes to bring joy to kids by showing them weather phenomena… up close.. at full scale.
TP who NC will gain the ability to know where you are at all time
TP who TC will be transformed into a computer software sprite on a piece of digital hardware. The card is transformed into that piece of hardware. Both effects last for 1 day
TP who TC has all there hair light on fire, they are not armed nor is there hair
TP who NC can choose one of TP who TC’s skills to lock for 1 hour
TP who TC experiences 1 years worth of advanced mutation that would be handy in this situation
all grass in a 3 yard radius of TD turns into a fungus based alternative
TP who TC will lose all their hair and have it regrow in a 24 hour period
TP who TC will have all open injuries and non-sensory body holes (peircings, behind, belly button, etc) transformed into functioning technology ports
TP who TC is swarmed by pollen
TD loses its magical effect for 10 minutes
TP who TC gets struck by lightning
TP who TC if they have a scarred over stump it grows cactus spines making it impossible to restore, if not you are immune to cactuses.
TP who TC loses their sense of smell for 10 min
in a 1 yard radius around TP who TC rain will clouds form and rain for 1 week
TP who TC becomes a telepathic potted plant for 1 hour. TP is completely immobile, but still conscious and is able to talk to anyone nearby via telepathy. Any person who touches TP is affected by magic: (Roll 1d4 to decide the effect given) 1. Becoming a telepathic potted plant without other effects. 2. Being fully healed and restored as if they drank a powerful healing potion 3. Clothes are replaced by plants equivalents made from leaves, grass, flowers, moss, and other plant materials. These new clothes do not cover up well and ordinarily resemble Druidic clothing, but also resemble the clothes they were previously wearing. Depending on the magical power or significance of their previous clothes, they may be possible to recover via summoning magic. 4. A large tree appears nearby and they are temporarily transformed into a dryad linked to that tree for one day.
TP who TC becomes a potted telepathic plant for a year
TP who LC attacks you
TP who draws TC loses the ability to understand speech for 1 hour
TP who TC loses all of wealth
TP who TC has there most prized possession trapped in this card for 1 year or until they tell someone a deep secret
all events that took place in the last hour reverts in a 20 yard radius of TD
TP who TC Dies
TP who NC will gain control of your body for 1 minute
(List of terms)
The person (TP)
The deck (TD)
Drew this card (TC)
Drew last card (LC)
Draws next card (NC)
Holds this card (HC)
You can ask pay for a card with 10 currency
When you pay you can specify out of character whether you want a random card or if you want me to make a new one for you to draw that will be added to the deck
If I make a new one I’ll add it to the list
Also if the card calls for good or bad it is referring to thirds, the first 1/3 is good, the last 1/3 is bad and the middle in neutral, round down and give the neutral the extra cards.
If you pick random, roll for me out of the numbers and tell me what you get
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sweeteaacakes · 4 months
C-can I asked for a stupid headcan about them playing Minecraft
♡》 WHB Kings Playing Minecraft.
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° Sorry it took long~ I ended up writing some for the nobles too... but had to cut only for the kings because it would be too much.
The griefer. He would pull out TNTs whenever he felt like it or light things on fire. It's an impulse.
Mining? Explosion. Fishing? Explosion. Building houses? Explosion.
His inventory has common things like flints and lava buckets.
You'd think he have a diamond sword, diamond armors or things like that until he pulls out a fucking rod.
Correction: enhanced blaze rod.
It has a knockback, fire aspect so it'll burn whoever is hit, sharpness, smites, bane of arthropods. You call it.
He has another one which is an ordinary rod that just deals damage and knockback.
Would use it with the people in his server occasionally. The nobles are eager to be the target of it.
Uses it to Mammon every time they meet and Mammon retaliates.
Despite being a griefer, he takes care of building and when the nobles told him he can find various materials he started mining and building along with others.
Paimon recommended using mods so he can have a motorbike in game. He is having fun building rails and riding minecarts.
“Expert” in redstone (aka puts it to everywhere + tnt + flint)
His playmode sways here and there but he has the most creative ideas when it comes to building.
He traveled far and wide until he found the biome Badlands where there are mineshafts and golds.
Mammon is good at building and always experiments on various materials.
He always has treasures with him.
Either he takes whatever treasure is in the chest or leaves some. You better keep your stuffs in the ender chest :x
Eligos has to tell him many times to not make armors and weapons out of gold because it's not efficient when it comes to battle! TToTT)
So he just made a golden statue… various golden statues and some are built using redstones.
Mammon probably managed to put his ability in-game thanks to that.
He can activate giant hands in his server and they work as defensive walls.
if he is not in the server, he wears enhanced armors and weapons plus have many stacks of enhanced golden apple.
Implied a policy that in-game currency isn't exchangeable outside because a certain someone would have taken advantage of it.
People who can't afford a better computer can't enter Tartaros. Not because they have to pay to enter but because of the massive and detailed buildings that will overheat their computer TT-TT)
And when I tell you massive, I mean it obscures the sun. As if it was made by grand masters of constructions that will tell you “it's the average”.
They have a mod installed which allows them to have an advanced technology.
The server has a giant wall that resembles Mammon’s giant hand.
Ahem He dedicated a golden statue of MC’s bottom ♡
Since he can't hang someone in-game Leviathan uses instant-kill. They're gonna respawn anyway so no big deal.
I would say they have a mod to have tombs but… I can imagine Hades’ server to be proficient in potion making and animal taming.
Leviathan spends most of his time exploring other biomes such as nether, caves, ocean. Unlike in the outside world, in-game he can explore freely with minor accidents :3
He has a castle in each of the biomes.
I can tell he would love the Cherry Grove, Ice Spikes and even Savannah where there are many animals TTwTT)
He tames animals. Even tries taming monsters but those who hurt him are quickly dealt with. No hard feelings.
He seems like someone who doesn't care but he actually has insane armors, weapons and potions for competitive games.
Goes to another server from time to time carrying potions of invisibility.
Have more chances to stumble with Beelzebub than the Avisos’ nobles lol
Quickly log-out if it happens.
Aye! The wandering king! Even in-game, he still wanders server to server.
His clones play too so you'll find him in various servers once at time.
You'll probably find him in unexpected places too…
He… have a fucking rod as a weapon TToTT)
Like… not a blaze rod like Satan… a FISHING ROD.
Yeah, it's enhanced. He forgot how he did it or what he put in it. He fucked around and find things out lol.
If you find him somewhere, there'll be a chance that he'll tag along with you and he suddenly disappears just like how you found him.
Just like outside, he still create unexplainable phenomena in-game TToTT
Just here to have fun~
Gamigin and Jjok helped him to get in creative mode so he can just fly around and stuffs~
He is just there to relax~
He builds here and there but is very slow because he needs to figure out.
So being in creative mode helps a lot so he won't have to search for them.
He goes in player mode though because he wants to feel the fun of actually playing it with others.
He does suck on mining…
Dies a lot…
He was mining and drowned in lava.
He drowned.
Fell on high places.
✨️Dumb Ways To Die✨️
He was flustered when he found out that there are wings in Minecraft! Gamigin was worried it would bring him bad memories but Lucifer didn't mind it.
He found it fun learning to fly again in a game. He crashed in various places until he got used to the control.
Uses the game as background music while he does other stuff outside.
You know those videos of relaxing Minecraft music for 10 hours? Those
Don't bother to fight him. He cheats.
Doesn't log-in often.
But when he does it's for hook-ups.
He prefers to feel the real thing and isn't very much in roleplay, especially when it comes to games.
Have various potions with him that he throws whenever he feels like.
I imagine him building a garden house? Lucifer like that. They hang together without speaking.
He builds the most questionable thing. Like strange things.
»»———-  ———-«
Author Note: Asmodeus and Belphegor's are short there isn't much known about them but I wanted to include them too TT-TT)~ Thanks for the ask ♡ I don't get much often so it's always appreciated:3
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fynsh · 1 month
Fox is trading classified information and his brothers indulge the high prices probably because they love him
Even though they barely saw him, Fox was actually the most sought after little brother in the command batch for several reasons:
Not only was he still adorable to his barely older brothers as they still noticed the same stubborn curl of hair not sticking to the regulation style and the curiosity fueling every very intentional move under all his gruff and overworked exterior, he was also the most experienced in solving civil conflicts.
Contrary to the GAR being deployed wherever necessary, his corps stationed on Cruscant dealt with living (in most cases) breathing sentients of all shapes, forms and in various states of coexisting on a day to day basis. The Corries might not have been as efficient in fighting clankers, couldn't identify the typical formations and moves as fast, but much like their Marshall Commander they were patient and exceptionally well trained in reading social context clues.
Subsequently they were the clones with the vastest knowledge on how to not offend, peacefully interact with and even more importantly protect civilians. The Corries operated on a completely different scale when it came to navigating politically or culturally charged conflicts. One could say what Fox lacked in social skills needed to bond on a personal level, he made up for tenfold on a professional level. He keept tabs on everyone who owed him a favor and never ever ended up in debt to a brother. This put him in a position of being able to unofficially request parts of the other corps' rations and medical supplies even though he was the one who should have the easiest access to all resources available to the clone army.
Bacara has been watching this spiel go on for almost two years by now. He's one of the few who had only dealt in the Guard's currency of datachits for physical resources once. Information about the Outer Dim was hard to come by even for the Guard. He's also sure he paid a bit more than strictly necessary. Sure, it had been his own fault for not striking a better deal, but he wondered if the other commanders were actually oblivious to Fox subtle manipulation tactics or if they just liked him enough to indulge his antics. It's not like Fox was unlikeable. He never asked for truly unreasonable amounts in exchange for admittedly very valuable and not seldom crucial information on their next mission targets. But the Corries still took all they could get.
The Marshall Commander of the Galactic Marines was pretty sure the Guard got their info by spying on the Senators. He and Neyo mused their brothers on Coruscant had to be pretty close to some of the biggest assholes in the galaxy to be privy to those details. No politician would be dumb enough to carelessly discuss highly confidential tactics and locations in the corridors of the Senate building or the official meetings their brothers guarded, right? After all the Corries were no aides expected to be present all the time to bend to the Senator's every wishes, they only provided security where necessary.
Bacara wasn't very close to any of the commanders and wouldn't consider them friends per se, except for Neyo. The 21st was currently on their first and very limited shore leave after more than eleven months in the Outer Rim. His troops only returned to Coruscant for a classified mission for Mundi to run planetside. They all respected their General, but nobody was really interested in the Jedi duties the Cerean cited for their impromptu stay. What his men were actually interested in was stocking up on perishable and therefore rarely available foods and getting a drink at 79's. So that's where he currently found himself nursing some spotchka in a small booth in a corner. Nobody would dare to cause serious trouble and risk ending up in the drunk tanks or worse confined to their own cots back on the ship as long as he's present.
Their leave to Coruscant was scheduled on short notice. He didn't tell the other commanders about it because they wouldn't be at the homefront long enough to organize a meet up for batchers from different corps anyways.
So Bacara didn't expect to see anyone tonight. But even in the half darkness of the bar the very distinctive red of the local Marshall Commander's armor caught his eye instantly. Bacara was well aware the Guard always knee who was staying on Coruscant (he was pretty sure Fox also knew exactly where the others' deployments led them to and who of the commanders was currently sporting an injury grave enough to be reported to their medics and for what reason).
Fox seemed to notice him as well but took his time talking to a natborn Bacara didn't recognize nor care for before sauntering over to the only other clone still wearing a full kit except for the buckets. Bacara resigned himself to a conversation undoubtedly more suited to be held with a sober mindset but seeing the glasses the red armored man carried and the three empty glasses already stacked on his table it was a little late for that, wasn't it?
"Commander, it's a pleasure to see you and your men in our humble abode after such a long time."
Fox voice was smooth and even though he looked exhausted his smile actually reached his eyes. That's not something Bacara had seen often on his fellow Marshall Commander. He's also sporting some barely noticable fine scars and Bacara can't tell for sure what caused those.
"I'll make sure my men won't bother you. We're only planetside for two days anyways."
Fox nodded as he held out both glasses for Bacara to chose from. For a split moment his hands seemed to be a bit unsteady but maybe Bacara's eyes played tricks on him in the dim lights of the bar because the movement was gone in the blink of an eye. He took the smaller drink and held the glass out for a cheer. Fox clinked their glasses but instead of the usual Mando'a used by the commanders he cheered in crisp Concordian.
Bacara blinked. Oh so that's why everyone happily played along with Fox little games. That cold hearted idiot actually cared about them. So even the rational leader of the Galactic Marines being well aware of Fox coaxing him into a slightly unbalanced deal couldn't find it in him to say no too much. Nobody needed to know that he also decided to join the line of GAR commanders sending the Guard even more supplies than they asked for.
I don't know if Concordian actually has a different word for Mando'a "K'oyacyi" and if the Journeyman Protector training Bacara would have any incentive to use it in front of cadets but in this AU Bacara feels valued by Fox acknowledging his ever so slightly different cultural background as well as giving him the opportunity which drink to chose
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sasaranurude · 5 months
Okay. I've been playing Tokyo Debunker today, since the release happened to catch me on a day when all I'd planned to do was write fanfiction. I just finished reading the game story prologue (it was longer than expected!), so here's a review type post. If you're reading this post not having seen a single thing about this game: it's a story-based joseimuke gacha mobile game that just released globally today. It's about a girl who suddenly finds herself attending a magic school and mingling with elite, superhuman students known as ghouls. If you look in the tumblr tag for the game you'll see what appears to be a completely different game from 2019 or so: they retooled it completely midway through development, changing just about everything about it due to "escalating competition within the gaming industry."
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I'll talk about how this looks like a blatant twst clone at the end.
Starting with the positive: The story is charming. I enjoyed it thoroughly the entire time and am excited to read more. The mix between visual novel segments and motion comics was really nice--it broke things up and added a lot of oomph to the action or atmospheric scenes that visual novels generally lack. I like the art in the comic parts a lot. the live2d in the visual novel parts is... passable. Tone-wise, I think the story was a little bit all over the place and would like to see more of the horror that it opened on, but I didn't mind the comedic direction it went in either. The translation is completely seamless. The characters so far all have unique voices and are just super fun and cute. Of the ones who've had larger roles in the story so far, there's not a single one I dislike. It's all fully voiced in Japanese and the acting is solid. (I don't recognize any voices, and can't seem to find any seiyuu credits, so it seems they're not big names, but they deliver nonetheless.) Kaito in particular I found I was laughing at his lines a ton, both the voicing and the writing.
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He's looking for a girlfriend btw. Spreading the word.
The problem is like. The gameplay is the worst dark-pattern microtransaction-riddled bullshit I've ever seen. Hundred passive timers going at all times. Fifty different item-currencies. Trying to get you to spend absurd amounts of real world money at every turn. There's like five different indicators that take you to various real-money shop items that I don't know how to dismiss the indicator, I guess you just have to spend money, wtaf. Bajillion different interlocking systems mean you have zero sense of relative value of all the different item-currencies. I did over the course of the day get enough diamonds for one ten-pull, which I haven't used yet. Buying enough diamonds for a ten-pull costs a bit under $60 (presumably USD, but there's a chance the interface is automatically making that CAD for me--not gonna spend the money to check lmfao), with an SSR rate of 1%. BULLSHIIIIIT.
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There's like a goddamn thousand-word essay explaining the dozen different types of character upgrades and equippables and equippables for the equippables!! Bad! Bad game design! That's just overcomplicating bullshit to trick people into thinking they're doing something other than clicking button to make number go up! That is not gameplay!
In terms of the actual gameplay, there is none. The battle system is full auto. There might be teambuilding, but from what I've seen so far, most of that consists of hoping you pull good cards from gacha and then clicking button to make number go up. There's occasional rhythm segments but there's no original music, it's just remixes of public domain classical music lmao. I'd describe the rhythm gameplay as "at least more engaging than twisted wonderland's," which is not a high bar
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At least there's a cat in the rhythm bit.
And like, ok, I gotta remark on how derivative it is. Like I mentioned in my post earlier, this game is unabashedly aping twisted wonderland's setting and aesthetic. (That said, most of the stuff it steals from twst is magic school stuff that twst also basically stole from Harry Potter, so...?) However, it isn't exactly like twst: in this one, the characters say fuck a lot and bleed all over the place and do violence. Basically, the tone is a fair bit more adult than twst's kid-friendly vibe. (Not, like, adult adult, and I probably wouldn't even call it dark--it's still rated Teen lol. Just more adult than twst.)
Rather than just being students at magic school, the ghouls also go out into the mundane world to go on missions where they fight and investigate monsters and cryptids. Honestly, the magic school setting feels pretty tacked-on. The things that are enjoyable about this would've been just as enjoyable in about any other setting--you can tell this whole aspect was a late trend-chasing addition, lmao. So, yeah, it's blatantly copying twst to try to steal some players, but... Eh, I found myself not caring that much. Someone more (or less) into twst than me may find it grating.
Character-wise, eh, sure, yeah, they're a bit derivative in that aspect too, but it's a joseimuke game, the characters are always derivative. Thus far the writing & execution has been solid enough that I didn't care if they were tropey. If I were to compare it to something else, I'd say the relationship between the protagonist and the ghouls feels more like that of the sage and wizards in mahoyaku than anything from twst. There's some mystery in exactly what "ghouls" are and their place in this world that has me intrigued and wanting to know more about this setting and how each of the characters feels about it. I have a bad habit of getting my hopes up for stories that put big ideas on the table and then being disappointed when they don't follow through in a way that lives up to my expectations, though.
So, my final verdict: I kind of just hope someone uploads all the story segments right onto youtube so nobody has to deal with the dogshit predatory game to get the genuinely decent story lol. Give it a play just for the story if you have faith in your ability to resist dark patterns. Avoid at all costs if you know you're vulnerable to gacha, microtransactions, or timesinks.
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thecartonizer · 4 months
Reblog this post with three games that you consider obscure, i will start first:
1) cataclysm
Released for open source development in 2011, cataclysm (or as it's most famous fork is better know, cataclysm dark days ahead) is a sandbox roguelike survival game where you play as a custumizable survivor in a multitude of pre-game scenarios to pick from in a post apocalyptic new england, very realistic (food freezes if it gets cold enough, zombie bites need to be treated with rare antibiotics, etc) though if you preffer a more gamey experience i recommend the bright nights fork, the best part about this game? Its free!
2) space station 13
In open source free development since 2003, ss13 is a online...thing.. sorta like the among us before among us, where usual rounds are like this: you play and unlock a myriad of jobs to pick from before the round starts such as clown all the way up to captain, you do your job, talk with the crew, all the while antagonists such as space wizards, nuclear operatives, traitors, paradox clones etc try to ruin your day and force the captain to call the emergency shuttle, very fun! If a bit old
3) caves of qud
A roguelike sandbox where you play as a traveller recently arrived in qud, a ancient land where fresh water is currency, mutants exist and everything is alive one way or the other, you must survive, get stronger and die a lot, only game where you can be a psychic, transfer your mind to a door and then promply die because someone slammed you too hard, currently in early access on steam as i type this post
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stevenryan · 8 months
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buyfakepropeuronotes · 7 months
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scuttlingcrab · 4 months
Toss A Coin To Your Devil
I was super-duper inspired after I saw this conversation between @cambion-companion and @sky-kiss about wishing we could have Raphael help us during combat. Also, I'm obsessed with this post from @firlionemoontav, focusing on the Raphael that could've been, soul coins as currency and all.
Summary: Tav is on the brink of death after foolishly deciding to fight Auntie Ethel without much preparation. She summons Raphael as a last resort to help her finish the fight.
Notes: Some mild violence, bleeding, talk of death, etc.
Link to my other work in the Devil's Archive.
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(Image via drusotherstuff)
Tav’s world spun out of control, her eyes stinging from the blood that trailed down her forehead. She was on her knees, fighting to stay conscious as she clutched her chest. Her torso was covered in deep lacerations, from one claw attack after another. Tav was getting slower, clumsier, allowing Auntie Ethel to tear at her flesh the longer she sat there. 
She knew they weren't prepared to enter the Hag’s lair, but they had gotten cocky, jumping into the fight without a solid plan. They managed to beat Auntie Ethel before, so how hard could it be this time?
If Tav made it out of this mess alive, the first thing she planned to do was punch Astarion right in that pretty little face of his for even suggesting this. Served her right to listen to him in the first place.
Tav had burned through her spells and resources, barely having enough energy left to cast a fireball. She tightly held her body hoping it would stop the bleeding or keep herself from falling apart. Tav could no longer make out the bodies of her fallen companions around her. Shadowheart, Astarion, and Karlach, now just lumps of lifeless flesh thrown about the room like ragdolls. She would be joining them if she didn’t think of something soon.
It was no secret that Tav wasn’t a typical hero, in the general sense of the word. She was the weakest of the group, never meant to be in the thick of combat as she couldn’t handle the pressure, nor did she like it. 
She had stupidly thrown herself into the middle of danger when Shadowheart fell, hoping to heal her before it was too late. By then they were surrounded by three different illusions of Auntie Ethel, all of whom vanished into thin air. It was impossible to do anything at that point, the clones bouncing back after every successful attack like it was nothing. They managed to find the source of the Hag’s invulnerability eventually, destroying all those weird blue mushrooms scattered about, but even that wasn’t enough. 
Before long, Tav was alone. Just like at the start of this entire nightmare, when she struggled to escape the burning Nautiloid wreckage. It felt like aeons had passed since that fateful day. It would’ve been easier if she just died in that crash. Would’ve saved them all the trouble.
Auntie Ethel’s high-pitched laughter came from all directions, bringing Tav back to the present. The Hag moved in circles around Tav, taunting her. She never knew where the snickering came from, or when Auntie Ethel would strike next. She shivered, thinking she felt the Hag’s breath on her neck. Or was that from all the blood loss?
Tav weakly poked her rapier out in front of her, hoping to maybe hit one of the illusions. But she just continued to swipe at the air, at nothing. It was no use. She really was going to die here. 
“Oh petal, why the long face? I’ve been looking forward to eating you for a very long time. You and your friends will make a fine stew…” The Hag's voice echoed, the words rattling around Tav’s skull. 
Tav unexpectedly felt a burning sensation in her pocket, the weight of a warm object growing heavier, hotter against her skin the longer it went untouched. As the heat intensified, a hole appeared in her trousers. A thick black coin fell through it and onto the wooden floor with a loud clunk.
Tav stared at the coin, gaping as she tried to figure out where the Hells it came from. She reached for it, moving her hand with great difficulty, her limbs like weights. She managed to turn the coin over in her fingers, staring at the intricate R inscribed into the back of it. 
Of course. A soul coin, a bloody soul coin! Raphael! 
Tav’s vision abruptly flickered and she found herself lying face down, her nose pressed up against the mouldy floorboards. She coughed, pain exploding from her chest. No. Up. Get Up. Close. You’re so close. She staggered to her side, leaning on an elbow for support. 
Tav grew more lethargic, her head beginning to droop from the exhaustion. The floor swayed beneath her but she shook her head, attempting to remove the sluggishness that crept through her senses. Tav’s body shook violently as she kept herself upright, channelling whatever strength remained as she brought the coin to the top of her thumb.
“Raphael…” She said through a pained whisper, flicking the coin out in front of her. 
As she uttered the Devil’s name, the soul coin burst into flames, turning into a tiny comet as it flew through the air.
In a flash of sparks and embers, Raphael appeared, catching the soul coin seamlessly in his hand. He held the coin between his fingers, extinguishing the flames as he twirled it rapidly on the tip of one of his digits. He placed the currency in his pocket and crossed his arms, eyeing Tav with delight. The Devil’s mischievous eyes twinkled in the darkness of the Hag’s lair. 
Raphael’s brown hair rested effortlessly above his shoulders. His face was incredibly handsome, as always, despite the cruelty that lurked behind that charming smile. The same smile Tav often thought about when she couldn't sleep. He was dressed differently, somehow in even finer clothing, wearing a colourful doublet Tav had never seen before. Her stomach fluttered as he stood above her, looming ominously. She was on the brink of death and yet she still got excited being in the presence of that bloody Devil. 
“Seems like my poor little mouse is in distress. What an interesting turn of events! Makes the party you pulled me from dull in comparison.” There was a long pause as Raphael observed the surroundings, frowning at the realisation of where he was. “Don’t tell me… you summoned me here hoping for a decent conversation in your final hour? Was the Hag not sufficient entertainment? Or no… wait! Perhaps you want me to administer your last rites?”
Raphael chuckled to himself, pleased as punch with yet another one of his stupid quips.
“Don’t make me regret this Raphael. The Hag. Tell me… where is she hiding?”
Raphael’s expression grew more serious as he stared at Tav, raising an eyebrow. He looked up, eyes scanning the room and shrugged.
“Godsdamnit, Raphael. Please!” Tav begged, crying out in pain. 
Without warning Tav collapsed, slamming her head against the wooden planks. Dark spots flooded her vision, her chest tightening as she found it harder to breathe, to concentrate. Her thoughts became nothing, only mush, her head emptying. Everything faded, faster… and faster… Raphael’s voice cut through the void, but she could not make out a single word he said.
She sensed her head being lifted, cradled in soft, delicate hands. An intense warmth radiated from her skull, flooding through her entire body, even causing the tips of her toes to tingle with the odd sensation. 
She opened her eyes, blinking the darkness away as colour quickly returned to her vision. 
Tav was sitting up, breathing in the rich scents of cherries, musk and sulphur she grew to love, to cherish since their first meeting. She knew then she was in Raphael’s arms, melting against his chest. The intense warmth from his body, like a raging furnace, soothed her; calming any uneasy nerves, or regrets, that still lingered in her mind. Her eyes grew heavy, she wanted to fall asleep. She was safe. She would always be safe with him… it was all she wanted… 
“Ever the peculiar creature.” Raphael said, leading Tav to her feet despite her protests. “I will not fight these battles for you. If you are to succeed in your endeavours, then you need to tread lightly in the days ahead. It would be quite disappointing to find your soul in my House of Hope prematurely.”
Raphael steadied Tav, supporting her with a stern grip on her shoulder. A grip that seemed to get tighter and tighter the more he spoke. Whatever Hellish magic Raphael used on Tav surely did the trick. She had some strength back and her chest no longer hurt, granted it wasn’t a lot, but it was hopefully enough to finish the job.
“And you are running dangerously low on soul coins. Do not be a fool. Once you’re through, our little agreement is over. Unless…” Raphael turned to face her, that smarmy smile returning to his lips. Oh, those cursed lips… ”you’d like to add a further clause to your contract, which I’m more th–”
Tav fell towards Raphael, going straight for his mouth in hopes of landing a nice juicy kiss. She nearly touched his lips too before Raphael pushed her head away. She stumbled, taking a moment to catch her balance from the whiplash. 
“Now is not the time for these blatant acts of affection!” Raphael’s voice lowered, threatening a growl. Tav snuck a look at Raphael, noticing his cheeks were more flushed than normal.
“Was worth a shot…” She found herself saying out loud. She’ll blame it on the head wound later.
Raphael cleared his throat, any previous signs of embarrassment disappearing from his face. He lifted his arm, pointing towards the wine casks in the centre of the room.
“Come out, come out… wherever you are…” Raphael sang.
“You bastard!” Auntie Ethel howled as Raphael released a rain of Hellfire upon her, instantly revealing her location. The wine casks exploded in unison behind the Hag, causing her to awkwardly tumble out of the way. 
“Dreadfully sorry, Ethel, old friend, it’s nothing personal but you are competition. A necessary consequence, I’m afraid….”  
The Hag’s body was still on fire as she charged towards Tav and Raphael, baring her jagged yellow teeth. Raphael snapped his fingers, teleporting them away to safety at the opposite side of the room. 
Raphael proceeded to give Tav a pat on the back, making her invisible. 
“Well go on…” Raphael nodded, tilting his head in the direction of the Hag. “Try and have some fun.” His tone sounded sincere initially, but there was just a hint of sarcasm in his inflection that made Tav clench her jaw in frustration. 
Tav couldn't help herself and stuck her tongue out at the Devil. He grinned, a small flame flickering dangerously in his eyes. She immediately felt incredibly small, and very stupid.
“Apologies but I must leave you, I have guests who are expecting my return at any moment." Raphael winked, giving Tav a ridiculous bow meant for a noblewoman. "Ta-ta, litte mouse. Until next time...” And with that, the Devil vanished like he had appeared, in a dramatic display of sparks and embers.
Tav wanted to scream, to tear her hair out, but she stopped herself, there was still a Hag to kill. At that moment, she truly regretted making the deal with Raphael. She’d give him an earful once this was done and dusted, that was for sure. Someone had to put that Devil in his place. Tav was so far down the hole she dug herself it would be pointless to stop now. It would all come back to bite her in the end, always did, knowing her luck. Or lack thereof. 
She tiptoed closer to Auntie Ethel, approaching her from behind. The Hag was panting, frantically searching the room for her. Tav moved slowly, mindful of any loose floorboards that might give her away. She held her arms out in front of her, fingers wide and palms facing forwards. Tav was within inches of the Hag now, so close she could spot all the horrid details of her rotted green flesh and the different fungi growing from her neck. 
The tips of Tav’s fingers glowed, mimicking the warm golden rays of the sun. She said her final blessings and took a deep breath. 
Gods, this better work. Or else she’d never hear the end of it from Raphael.
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i honest to god think, by far, the worst job in a galaxy far far away is being the jedi order’s accountant. some poor bastard has to sit there with his little green visor and abacus and count out expenditures for 10,000+ jedi order members (who are a) monks and do not get paid to be monks and b) live for fucking free in space New York City x 1000 so have zero concept of cost of living OR any sense of money management and regularly get scammed into paying triple the amount for muffins and coffee for the break room and routinely do not notice) but also occasionally fun things like a charge of billions of space dollars billed for uhhh an army of millions of men? and you have to chase down grand master yoda and be like um sir, excuse me sir, why is did the order spend $10,000,000,000 on a planet called Kamino for [checks notes] cloning? which i am not sure is legal? and yoda says some vague bullshit like “the will of the force our end of the year fiscal reports are,” because he is 900 years old and still thinks that the currency is ye olde golden doubloon. palpatine cackles ominously in the background because guess who passed econ 101? him, bitch
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