#13th iron battalion commander
tesalicious2 · 2 months
Command Clone Currency
The clones are unpaid and therefore broke. They can’t really pay each other to do things since they have no money so they go for a new currency: favors
Now, the CTs don’t really do it the same as the Commanders because they have to be specific. They can’t return a favor between battalions quickly, due to fighting/locations/schedule. They’re at the whim of the war and pick and choose their repayment time.
The Comanders are different. They trade and barter like crazy. It’s favors with a few cases of alcohol. They can trade favors they are owed to others all the time, so anyone can cash it. They can pull the strings to get their payment quick.
For example, Cody needed a save from a small squad. He knew Delta was on planet doing some mission and he needed a detour but he had no connection or favor. However, Fox (for some reason) did. Cody offered a case of spotchka and a favor Monnk owed in return for having Delta do the detour. Delta owed fox one less favor, Cody owed no favors (which is the best outcome, since Fox WILL cash it) and Fox got something on Monnk and free (very expensive) spotchka.
Few CTs knew they did it this way, and the CT captains such as Rex and Keeli had to quickly adapt to this way of thinking. Rex made the mistake of owing Bacara before anyone told him. Keeli was lucky enough to meet the SpecOps CC Blackout, who clued him in on the difference but left him high and dry when it came to implementing his knowledge. (Keeli ended up owing Blackout two mini guns for his ‘friendly advice’)
Though, when times are tough and there is little time to barter, it is common to put off the payment until after the act is completed. Though many hate doing this as the trading can become unfair. What often happens is the party in need already has a deal prepared and states their need and their payment, it is hardly ever contested (however the helper may tack on another fee which is accepted or denied).
For example, Doom needed backup from Jet’s flame troopers. He quickly called, stated his need, and his payment of a case of charges. Jet had found the payment (though correct in price, unpractical for his squad) and changed it to half a case of fuel (easier for Doom to get a hold of and just as useful as charges to a Demolition team). Doom accepted the terms and Jet’s squad arrived right on time.
Though the bartering is mostly physical, many deal in the intangible. Perfect examples are all of the Coruscant Guard and the Special Operations teams. These are the only two groups who has everyone (including CT shinies) in on this system. They have the least to offer when it comes to normal ops, after all what GAR commander needs to know where a random Senator is going to be at what time or who slept with who. However, this trading info is perfect for the Guard who constantly works with/against (yay embezzlement and blackmail) these same Senators and for the SpecOps who need to know political climates and interpersonal relationships for recon and assassinations.
Most trading goes on between those two, and their prices are often higher since the missions are higher stake. Often Commando Squads are up for bids (who doesn’t want a four man 100% mission completion rate squad in their pocket), blackmail on natborn officers, republic secrets, senators schedules, crime syndicates favor and areas of interest, etc.
For the Guard, their trading goes further. They work with crime syndicates to keep it off the streets while keeping profit up. Those who do not work with them, go down. They’ve gain control of the lower 2000 levels through this and those who do not conform are forced to by the Guard or the citizens of the lower levels who don’t want to deal with the Guard, (peer pressure and bullying at its finest.)
The commanders learned this from watching the Cuy’val Dar, who would often trade on Kamino. The Alphas picked it up and used it but the CCs truly made it valuable beyond belief. The trainers traded for free shifts and booze, the CCs traded for mission successes and heavy artillery.
Many CTs attempt to learn how this system works. However, as few know it’s different, even fewer see the affects; those that do, know well enough to leave it be.
Despite there being no real difference in intelligence between the CCs and CTs, witnessing the speed and weight of the trades, makes even the Jedi’s head spin.
The Padawans are one of the few outsiders to see it in action. They do not really like it, but many pick it up for lesser trades (help with this paper or answers for this homework). Cal Kestis surprisingly picks it up the best. He’s the youngest so very impressionable, eager to learn, his CC Commander Steel, is very good at it, and Steel is possibly the only one to teach their General’s Padawan.
Steel sees that Cal isn’t going to be on the field much (Steel agrees with this and makes sure he stays on the Venator). So, if Cal ever needs help, he knows how to get it. Steel has made him be present for several trades and even made him come up with theoretical ones. Cal becomes very good at it, but is unable to flex his skills much due to the other Padawans unable to match his speed or skill. They are several years older, see it as in-Jedi like or are bad at it (or their Captains are bad at it and can’t teach them well), their concept of value is off (Jedi don’t often put a price on things and those that do have a habit of underselling due to being nice), and/or they do not know the range of what can be traded.
It’s very personal, with different Commanders wanting different things. Knowing who wants what can often make the payment cheaper for the offering party.
For example, the Marines often need heavy snow gear and blankets. So, offering a box of heating blankets in return for a case of bacta and blaster packs. This is a much better deal than offering a case of mini guns for the bacta and blaster packs. In the second case, Bacara may say no the mini guns or want a case of something else along with the mini guns.
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smeraldo-heart · 19 days
POV: Your Padawan-Commander sleepwalked into your room.
Spoilers for Angel of The Iron Battalion chapter 9 :)
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Based off of this TikTok that really spoke to me:
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Plus this little extra :)
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derickbatista31 · 2 years
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Clone Commander 13th Iron Battalion
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constantlymisspelled · 10 months
Third part of No Order 66 AU is up!
It is, unfortunately, not a fun one. There are a great deal of warnings in the tags of the fic, so please read them.
Caleb and Cal were once the very best of friends - but war is a painful burden, and not one children should ever have to bear.
Somehow, Commander Grey will make this right. For his Cadet.
(If you don't want to read this installment, that's fine. It depicts a physical altercation between minors, and has subtle nods to some rather nasty stuff, so a content warning is advised, for all the allusions to Death and Gore are not explicit.)
((Technically part of the Kesett Series, but the ship doesn't appear, so I'm not tagging it.)
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grackle-draws · 6 months
Hi Grackle friend! May I see copy and paste baby number 24??
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ARC trooper Steady was is a part of the 13th Iron Battalion and is stationed on the Albedo Brave and serves under the command of Jedi General Jaro Tapal and Jedi Padawan Commander Cal Kestis.
He and his batchmate, Captain Stout, were present during order 66 and followed through with the order but did not survive the resulting crash of the venator on the planet Bracca. Or did they?
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alons-ycreeper · 2 years
It's not Kesett week yet but I already got something for No Order 66, but it's long so bear with me.
So obviously Order 66 was a big bust and no one dies, everyone is fine except for Shittyious and Dooky. (They just end up killing each but I'm too lazy to go into detail). Jedi move away from Coruscant to reconnect with the Force and relearn themselves. Clones gain freedom and half of Tipoca City because they make a little more than half the population so like by some legality they get half. I don't know it's just a draft. Anyway, with these new freedoms this also means the Alpha-ARCs can take legal custody of Boba who is still a minor (he's like 16 by now because ending a war and shit takes a while). So Alpha-02, Spar, and Alpha-17 pick him up from prison and take him back to Kamino. Hurry for Boba he finally gets to be a part of his giant ass family (thanks for isolating him, Jango).
Half way through Boba's angst filled stay with his brothers a Tusken Jedi by the name of A'Sharad Hett contacts the Alphas telling them Boba is being summoned by his people for community service for his past felonies against them with Cad Bane (they're more willing to forgive a misguided youngling than a full grown man like Bane). The Jedi Council has also agreed to this and since the clones are still very close to the space wizard monks they agree too. However, none of the Alphas can escort Boba to Tatooine so they ask the commander of a battalion headed that way if they could take Boba. The troopers in question are the 13th "Iron" Battalion headed to Tatooine to help some of the local small towns who are gaining independence from Jabba. The troopers are being accompanied by their former COs, Master Jaro Tapal and his padawan Cal Kestis, as well as Master Cere Junda and Knight Trilla Suduri. Boba isn't pleased about any of this.
Day one on the ship and Boba is reunited with the youth brigade cadets he'd met years ago when he tried killing Windu. Boba thought they'd hate him but Jax said he always knew Boba was one of them. They're how he properly meets Cal. Since their squad is around the padawan's age (Cal is 15½ and Kix fixed the aging for the clones right after the war because Nala Se works hard but Kix works harder) and became friends with him shortly after being adopted into Iron Battalion.
Cal has noticed Boba from the moment they stepped on the ship and is absolutely delighted when Jax introduces them. At first he's nervous and his awkward new height (thanks random growth spurts) isn't helping but that doesn't seem to matter because Boba thinks he's funny. His struggle with adjusting to his new tallness and gangly limbs makes Boba laugh because he's never met an awkward Jedi before. Cal is practically walking on clouds by the end of their little hang out. They go on like this the entire week it takes to get to Tatooine and everyone is starting to take notice how the two seek each other out.
They land at Mos Pelgo (in the process of getting renamed Freetown) but like shits already hit the fan sideways before they even got there. Hett is there with his tribe as planned but Boba's punishment will have to be delayed as they try to figure out this krayt dragon problem both the Tuskens and the townspeople are having. This is where Junior Deputy Cobb Vanth (17) meets Boba. Oh how the plot thickens.
It's basically the plot of Mando S2E1 but with more high schooler drama and teen love triangle that isn't actually a love triangle because Cal and Cobb both have feelings for Boba but he only has feelings for Cal so really it's a love V.
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ironhoshi · 3 years
Something, anything cute and fluffy between cal and the iron 13th? I am starved
I think I can manage that! Well, sort of... this is from Jaro's POV, but I think it is cute and fluffy!!! Under the cut and no warnings are needed.
There was a gleeful undercurrent on the Albedo Brave and Jaro wasn’t about to say a word. He merely lifted his steaming mug of caf up so he could get a decent whiff of the pleasant aroma. He’d drink eventually when it cooled more, but for now, he was content. He cracked an eye open and tried to hide the fond yet exasperated smile that took up residence on his face.
His Padawan was missing.
There was a crash from the mess hall. The sense of glee only intensified with a mild twist of anxiety mixed in. His Iron Battalion was up to mischief and he had a feeling their young Commander was in the thick of it.
“Sir,” Striker said softly before setting down the datapad he had been working on. Jaro opened both his eyes and fixed his Commander with his full attention. “I have a few requisition forms that need to be signed off on.” They had been working peacefully in Jaro’s office. Well, Striker had been working after ordering Jaro to finally relax some. The last battle had been taxing on all of them. Jaro planned on only relaxing until his cup of caf was empty and then he’d trick Striker into getting involved with whatever was happening in the mess. The extremely competent clone was either extremely good at shielding himself or he honestly wasn’t exhausted. None of the clones on the ship felt exhausted despite the battle not that long ago.
A louder clattering noise caused them both to be still. Striker finally moved with an exaggerated sigh. “Excuse me, Sir, I think I need to go make sure no one killed themselves.” Before Jaro could state everything felt fine, well, Striker was out of the room. He glanced down at his now closer to tepid caf before chuckling. It was about time he finished his drink and then went to see what mischief was happening on his ship. He downed the caf like a shot of something much stronger before moving to follow after Striker. It was in the doorway to the mess hall that he froze in surprise. None of the tables or benches were where he remembered them, which was impressive because he was positive they had all been bolted down. He cast his gaze about and noticed the various tools. Ah, how determined his men were. Always resourceful and always finding solutions, no matter the situation. He stepped further into the room, hands clasped behind his back, and schooled his face into a serious mask.
“Padawan,” he called out. Faint laughter erupted from various dark corners of the room and then a tuffet of red popped up over the top of what Jaro could only describe as a makeshift fortress. Then, to his actual surprise, a sphere-like object went sailing across the whole space and Cal ducked back into safety just before it hit. Bright yellow exploded across the table wall. Oh, this was both bad and amusing. They were having a paint war. He hadn't the faintest idea where they had managed to get balloons and he wasn't going to ask.
“Hey, we didn’t start yet,” came the disgruntled cry of a young voice. His Padawan was leaking brilliant delight across their bond so he knew the boy wasn't actually upset.
“All’s fair in war, Cadet,” someone yelled from the other side of the room. Dice, if Jaro had to guess.
Jaro cleared his throat and the atmosphere of the room chilled a fraction. “I believe I have quite a bit of paperwork to do. It should take me at least two hours.” The chill warmed before morphing into that delightful mischievous glee. The mess hall would probably take a week to clean after their game was over, but… did they not deserve some fun? “Carry on.” He turned, stepped out of the room, and behind him heard the faint whistle of a projectile sailing across the large room. Laughter erupted. Jaro smiled softly while he let his feet lead him back to his office. Perhaps someone would be wise enough to take a holo of this? It was rare to see Cal relax so and it would do the youngling some good.
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What is Bondarev (BSB ver) actually like in the novels? In my WIP, I’m trying to be as close to the lore as I can with certain parts, so it’s hard to write in a character that I have no clue what his personality actually is like. Also does he have a full name? Is Bondarev his first or last name? I noticed Herzog has a full name thanks to the Fandom wiki you and Hectab are working on :3
Ask and Ye shall receive. (very long post below with allllllllllll of the stuff you asked for.)
This was a man who was a sight to behold, handsome and straight, with iron gray hair neatly combed back and styled with hairspray, and a muscular body that was defined and supple. Many would describe him as sexy. The sentry had seen such handsome young officers in Moscow, but this one was too unbelievable. He was actually wearing only military shorts and sleeveless undershirt, sweating in the -10 degree wind. The man fished out a lighter from his shorts and lit it with aplomb, the sterling silver case etched with the words "70th anniversary of the October Revolution".
The sentry could not refuse this kindness and went over to light the cigarette.
"Here you go." The man tossed the lighter to the sentry, "In such a cold place, you need to use aviation kerosene with low freezing point, you should save that for the summer."
The sentry then realized that he still had the unlit lighter in his hand, the man's insight was actually keen to this point. Furthermore, people should be eager to find a warm place to rest at this moment. This also shows that he still has energy left for skiing in such extremely cold weather. The man took out a dark gray officer's uniform from his military duffel bag, and after a few moments, he finished putting it on and solemnly pinned a "Red Flag Medal" on his chest. A minute ago he was a skier, a minute later he had a frown of determination, a young man of power from Moscow.
"KGB Major Bondarev, I'm from Moscow." The man pulled out his papers, "Take me to Dr. Herzog and tell him that this is the moment of survival."
"Yes! Comrade Major!" The sentry saluted.
The man stated his identity in the simplest terms; he was an envoy from Moscow, a key member of the secret intelligence service. In the days of the Tsar, such a man was called a "minister".
********ICE PROOF*************
He pressed the detonator in his hand, after a short dull explosion, the marble base in the snow was blown up, Lenin bronze statue slanted in the snow. The noise of this micro-acoustic thunderstorm was so small that it was muffled by the wind within a few steps. The Black Swan Harbor is notoriously heavily guarded, but the most important aspect is the extreme cold, and standing outside for ten minutes on a night like this can lead to severe frostbite. Because of the blizzard, visibility was less than five meters. The soldiers did not expect anyone else to dare to move outside, and they ignored the fact that Bondarev had an extraordinary tolerance for the cold.
"I sometimes think that people who like to drink can't be bad. So I like you a lot, you know vodka." Dr. Herzog removed the Makolov pistol and handed over a cold glass.
A light struck down from above, enveloping the Doctor and Bondarev. The glass reflected the light, as clear as the most expensive crystal glassware, but it was carved from a whole block of solid ice, pure ice, without any air bubbles, with cornflower patterns carved on the outer wall. The two men gently clinked their glasses and drank the wine in one gulp.
  Bondarev played with the ice carved glass: "It's wonderful, the spirits wrapped in ice, as moving as a stunning young woman under the appearance of an iceberg. I think my hands will freeze and to it."
  "Usually people who drink from such an ice glass have to wear leather gloves, and only people like you, Major, who are not afraid of the cold can hold it in their hands. It is carved from old ice in the -30 degree strata and also kept at -30 degrees, making it the coldest drinking vessel for the warmest of wines." The doctor said, He said so, but he was also holding the glass with his empty hand, his slender hand was stable and did not tremble at all because of the low temperature.
  "Bondarev, a KGB major, from Moscow, these are the truth. I only concealed from you the name of my great-grandmother, her name was Nastasya Nikolaevna Romanova." Bondarev slowly pronounced this long, awkward name, like a magician reciting a forbidden spell.
  The doctor was stunned: "Was it the last royal daughter of the Romanov dynasty?"
  Nastasia was the last princess of the Romanov dynasty, the last dynasty to rule Russia until it was overthrown by the October Revolution in 1917. in 1918, the last Tsar Nicholas II and his entire family were secretly executed by the Red Army. Nastasia was the youngest daughter of Nicholas II, and although she was young, she was given the title of "Grand Duchess", which made her more honored than other royal princesses in Europe at the time, and princesses were required to curtsy and address her as "Your Imperial Highness" during their audiences. It was rumored that she was the only one who escaped execution, and that her name Nastasia meant "resurrection".
  "Since there is still me, the grandson of the emperor, I can't say that she is the 'last' royal daughter." Bondarev smiled.
  "How do you prove yourself?" The Doctor asked.
  "I saw Rasputin's signature at the end of the tunnel, and that heretic who had been canonized had been here before, so I should say he was the one who found this cave, right?"
  "Yes." The Doctor said, "This cave is his legacy."
  "Then you must know that Rasputin was a guest of the Tsar and a close friend of Princess Nastasia. The fact that I could find this place means that I have Rasputin's secrets, secrets that he told my great-grandmother. This is the proof of my status as the last royal grandson of the Romanov dynasty." Bondarev held his head up proudly.
  "So, what were the secrets that Rasputin revealed to Her Imperial Highness?"
  Bondarev smiled slyly: "I think there are certain things I know that you do not know, and of course there are things you know that I do not, so we might as well exchange information about each other. Then we might be able to sit down and talk about cooperation."
  "After you." The Doctor raised his muzzle.
  "This matter begins with my great-grandmother's escape. A Red Army bullet did go through her heart and her body was thrown into an abandoned mine, but three days later she awoke and the wound miraculously healed. It was then that she remembered what Rasputin had told her, that Rasputin said he was willing to share the secrets of the world with his great-grandmother because she, like himself, was God's chosen one. Like Rasputin, she had an unparalleled power of life and could even return from hell. She later married a Red Army officer, and in those days the only way she could gain refuge was to marry a Red Army officer. My great-grandfather, who later stepped into the high ranks of the military, was a very good man and always protected my great-grandmother from revealing her identity. Great-grandmother would sometimes wake up in a dream and shout, 'The Red Army is coming with guns,' and great-grandfather would reassure her, 'I am the Red Army, and as long as I live, the Red Army guns will only protect you.'"
  "Touching love." The doctor said faintly.
  "Great-grandmother decided to give up her past identity, so she rarely talked about the past of the Romanov dynasty, with the exception of one thing. She bade her great-grandfather that there were relics of God in the north of Siberia, which the saint Rasputin had told her about. That saint found the cave where God created life on the shore of the icy sea. But he did not announce it to the world, but sealed the miracle with iron water, because the miracle had degenerated into the cradle of the devil, and inside it were hidden fallen angels. Generations of our family descendants have to be on guard against the reopening of that cave, and the day it reopens, the end comes with it."
  "So you are here to check if we are guarding the miracle properly?"
  "No, no, my great-grandmother was a good and devout Orthodox Christian, but I am not. I have a great curiosity about everything, and after I inherited the secret, I am bent on finding the miracle. If I were to find it, I would definitely open it and take a look. Not long ago I found an engineering map from the ruined archives." Bondarev drew out the map roll and rolled it along the ice toward the Doctor, "It marks the elevator that leads deep into the tundra."
  The Doctor scanned the map, "It's not the original map, someone drew it from memory."
  "It was drawn by a madman who used to be the engineer battalion commander of the 13th Konrad Infantry Division and was ordered to participate in the excavation of the tunnel, after which he was brainwashed by drugs and became a regular in a mental hospital. All he remembered was that he was engaged in a big project on the northern coast of Siberia, and the project was to dig a cave. Suddenly I realized I had found a breakthrough. But as the investigation progressed, I found that the matter was becoming more and more mysterious. Many years ago, the army had built a port in the almost unnavigable northern part of Siberia, about which there was no information, and even the coordinates had been erased. Below that port, sappers had dug through the hard permafrost and opened a long-closed cave. So I decided to come and see for myself. As a KGB officer, I easily applied for a charter to investigate this mysterious port, so that I could drive in as the 'Minister of the Admiralty'. Sure enough, I found Rasputin's signature at the end of the passage, and I finally arrived at the place I had dreamed of since childhood." Bondarev looked around, "But it doesn't look like there's anything interesting here."
  "I'm sure you noticed when you came here that the closer you got to the door where Rasputin signed, the more bones there were in the tundra, and they all crawled out through a gap in the rock wall. It was those things that Rasputin was talking about when he said this cave would breed demons. But now the cave is dead, and the mysterious forces in the cave have dissipated."
  "I don't think so. If this cave was no longer valuable, you would have left long ago."
  "If this cave was really valuable, I should have shot you and monopolized the secrets of this place."
  "Wait a minute! I have brought you a gift! Won't you take a look at the gift before shooting?'' Bondarev took an envelope from inside his clothes and slid it along the ice toward the Doctor, by which he showed that he had absolutely no intention of resisting.
  The doctor tore open the envelope, inside was a Swiss bank cashier's check - a cashier's check for $200 million.
  "This is a rare and large check, what do you want to buy from me with this check?" 'Doc asked.
  "Not a purchase, just a gift." Bondarev smiled, "We believe this gift will be useful to you. Your research has been going on for decades, consuming huge amounts of state funds every year, and it must not be finished yet, right? But now that the Soviet Union is about to split, your backers have fallen, which means you no longer have access to funding to complete your research, and no one to help you keep it secret."
  "It does sound like I'm facing a lot of trouble." The doctor said.
  "Then why not work with my family? We know politics, we know technology, and we know war, and we're willing to invest in this cave as long as its secrets pay off. We can continue to support you in this project and share with you all the benefits it brings. I have already shown my sincerity and told you everything I know. Shouldn't you also tell me what I don't know? After that you will still have time to shoot me."
  "You are very calm, Comrade Major. You think I won't shoot you if you produce this $200 million cashier's check, don't you?" There was a hint of sarcasm in the Doctor's tone.
  "There are not many people in the world who can refuse two hundred million dollars." Bondarev smiled, "And killing me wasn't the best option. If I do not return safely to Moscow, the family will know that something has happened to me, and they will not spare you. At that time the secret of Black Swan Harbor will be made known to the world."
  "Ten times." The doctor threw the cashier's check back to Bondarev.
  Bondarev froze: "What did you say?"
  "Your family needs to increase the bid tenfold. I need three years and two billion dollars to complete this research. At that time we will share the whole world."
  "That amount is beyond my expectations and not easy to raise even for my family."
  The Doctor laughed coldly: "It seems you really don't know the secret of this cave, in front of which two billion dollars is too small a figure, what is here no one can afford, it is priceless! Your family should be proud to offer this two billion dollars."
  "Everything has a price, weapons, women, secrets, even souls." Bondarev said.
  "But who can put a price on God?" The Doctor asked.
The Lenin's mooring is only 40 kilometers from Black Swan Harbor, and they will be here soon. This new flare is so great that American spy satellites will recognize it as an aurora borealis." Bondarev said.
  "You had said that the Lenin would not come." The doctor said.
  "Moscow is not prepared to send the Lenin to Black Swan Harbo, but we can, and now the Lenin is at my family's beck and call."
  Black shadows rose above the sea level, the roar of a giant bee on its wings approaching at high speed, snow dust twisted into a tornado by the helicopter's rotors, red five stars flashing in the white tornado. It was the "MiG 26" heavy helicopter, codenamed "Halo", one of the pride of the Soviet military industry. The helicopter hovered over the cast iron dock, the searchlights broke through the haze of the night, the hatch opened, and five captains lined up, saluting Bondarev. The communication lights below the belly of the plane blinked up, signaling greetings to Bondarev in Morse code.
  "Glad to see you're safe and sound, Your Imperial Highness!" The doctor read out the greeting.
  The fact that they called Bondarev "His Imperial Highness" instead of "comrade" meant that the helicopter and the Lenin on the icy sea were no longer loyal to the Soviet Union, but to the heir to the Romanov dynasty. The name Romanov is about to shine again after almost a century of obliteration in history, and with the power of the Dragons, it is not impossible for them to re-establish hegemony on Earth.
  Bondarev handed a letter to the Doctor: "This is a letter I wrote to the family, please read it."
  The Doctor scanned it and handed the letter back to Bondarev.
  "If things go well, we will be able to relocate within a few weeks." Bondarev handed the letter to a captain who descended down the zip line, "We will build you a brand new research base in the warm and pleasant Baltic Sea, along with a vacation villa."
  The captain placed a mouthful of boxes at the doctor's feet, containing a case of aged Red Label vodka.
  "A small gift, so you don't have to worry about running out of booze until we leave Black Swan Harbor." Bondarev said.
  "I guess I picked the right partner." The Doctor smiled.
***** HE VERY STRONG AND CAPABLE ***********
Bondarev looked alert, his muscles bulging under his uniform. He was a highly trained soldier, capable of breaking a wolf's neck with his bare hands, and had no need to fear this delicate boy, but not daring to take it lightly in the presence of something supernatural, he adjusted himself to a state of immediate danger.
Bondarev noticed a transparent figure flashed from his side. It was just a short blink of an eye, a fraction of a second, but Bondarev was trained to the rigors of the KGB and he was absolutely certain it was a person!
The lieutenant on duty in the boiler room collapsed on the duty desk, a bottle of Red Label vodka still in his hand. A steel-core bullet had penetrated his heart, and Bondarev stood behind the lieutenant with his Makolov pistol.
At that moment the doctor heard the wind change behind his head, and the beam of the searchlight struck him. He turned sharply and saw huge black shadows hovering in the air, their rotor blades churning the snow into a flurry. It was Halo, the heavy helicopter from the Lenin, which had ventured to Black Swan Harbor in such bad weather.
  "Didn't you say Halo couldn't fly in a snowstorm of this magnitude?" The Doctor froze. Something hard pressed against his back, it was Bondarev's Makarov pistol. One by one, the steel-core bullets pierced the Doctor's chest, tearing the aging heart into a million pieces. The Doctor spat out a mouthful of blood, mixed with fragments of his lungs, which had been destroyed in the process. He braced himself and turned his face to look at Bondarev, his eyes filled with shock.
  "You can't complete the research without me ......," he hissed.
  "We didn't even try to finish your research." Bondarev's pupils swirled with a gorgeous gold.
  "Who the hell ...... are you?"
  Bondarev held the Doctor in place and injected him with adrenaline using an air needle, "Hold on one more minute for the most magnificent scene."
  The Black Swan Harbor suddenly trembled up tremendously, the sound of a series of explosions spread upward from the ground, but it was not a vacuum bomb detonated in advance, if it was a vacuum bomb, a square kilometer around would be leveled to the ground. A fire rose, and countless pieces of frozen earth spilled onto the frozen sea.
  "Engineering explosive mines?" The Doctor asked in a hiss.
  "The new engineering burst mines, even 10,000 years of permafrost, as long as the right eye is chiseled can be blown up. Now in a place you can't see, there is a huge hole with a depth of 180 meters, leading to Rasputin's cave, where we will use the laser to cut through the ice and take away the precious collection that originally belonged to you." Bondarev said, "You have been isolated from the outside world for too long to know the progress of engineering, it is no longer difficult to cut through the tundra in an instant today, once I probe its location."
  "You ...... want to take that dragon!" The Doctor understood.
  "Yes," Bondarev replaced the magazine, walked over to the sled, and fired four bullets into the chests of each of the four children.
  The children died without a struggle from the potent hypnotic drug. It was pure carnage.
  "You are not the only one who is willing to sacrifice human lives for a great cause." Bondarev pressed his chest in silence for the children he had just killed, looking reverent.
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believe-in-alderaan · 3 years
I'd love to see Jaro Tapal helping young cal through a difficult/painful force echo❤
I did my very very best! Also, little padawan Cal is so fun to write.
Jaro knew his apprentice processed a gift, one that he himself wasn’t fully familiar with. Psychometry, or Force Echoes, was a power only a few Jedi possessed.
Cal had only recently figured out how to find echoes around him. Certain objects gave off an aura that would draw him to the memory. However, there were times he would touch an object and suddenly be thrown into a strong echo that even Jaro Tapal couldn’t snap him out of.
There was a time that nearly brought both padawan and master to their knees. There had been a battle on the surface of Bracca as the Grand Republic tried to gain control of the strategic planet. Cal had accompanied Jaro to the forward post to assist the Clones in evacuating any injured troops.
“Sir! Several troops are reporting an ambush a few clicks South of here,” a clone medic reported. “FOrces pushed the separatists back but there are many more wounded that need attention.”
“Come, padawan,” Master Tapal instructed.
“Yes, master!” the young redhead replied. Cal hurried after the tall lasat. His master as a good three times taller than he was, making it a bit harder to keep up.
Bracca was littered with ship debris and a number of creatures. The two Jedi were able to make it to the site and began to assess the situation before the evac could arrive. Cal was particularly good at helping put those in distress at ease with his quirky smile and tendency to make a small joke whenever he felt uncomfortable.
Some of the troops had not made it. It wasn’t Cal’s first experience with death, but it was the first time he’d been witness to it. He was comforting an infantry member who had taken a bad hit when the man took his last breath. The young padawan held the man’s hand for a few more minutes before letting go, committing his CT number and also chosen name to memory.
“Commander, see if you can scavenge any weapons,” CT-5442 said to Cal, motioning around them.
Cal nodded and took off looking. Jaro was busy assisting a medic when he realized what was happening. “Cal... wait!” He rarely used his padawan’s first name, but in this case he was desperate to stop him from touching any of the fallen soldier’s gear.
The first blaster Cal knelt to pick up immediately pulled him into an echo, the worst he’d ever experienced in his life. He felt the world melt away as visions forced themselves into his mind. The clone that had died had been brutally stabbed and ripped apart, a pain that Cal could actually feel. His body spazzed as he tried to release the cold metal but it only pushed him further into the past, watching this clone in his youth on Kamino, the training he had endured, the happiness and also doubts he’d felt before being assigned to the 13th battalion and sent to Bracca. Then, his ultimate demise.
Jaro knelt beside the quaking Cal. “Cal, Cal can you hear me?” he pleaded. He tried to pull the blaster away but his padawan had an iron grip on the weapon. “Cal, breathe…”
The pain, emotions, everything was pulsing through Cal’s body. His eyes were open but he only saw red as tears streamed down his cheeks. He bit his lip trying not to cry out.
Master Tapal planted himself on the ground in front of Cal and put both hands on the young Jedi’s shoulders. “Breathe through it, Cal. Let the pain envelope you, then let it go.”
He could tell that Cal was trying to break out of it but it seemed to only make it worse. Finally he could see him relax, his body no longer shaking. It seemed to go on forever, but then Cal was able to let go of the rifle. Jaro caught him before he toppled over. He held his padawan close, waiting patiently for him to regain himself. Finally, Cal was holding him back, burying his face in the lasat’s chest. Sobs wracked the young one’s body.
“It’s okay, Cal, you made it,” Jaro said softly.
“It...it was awful, master,” Cal said between sobs.
“Yes, and there will be more of them in your lifetime. Unfortunately your gift can also feel like a burden. But listen, young padawan, we cannot know pleasure without pain. How can we know happiness without grief? These men have given their lives for a cause they believe in, and you have the ability to empathize with them on a level that most other Jedi never will.”
Cal pulled away and wiped his nose on the sleeve of his robe. His red puffy eyes looked up at his master with sadness and understanding. “I will try harder to understand, master.”
Jaro stood and offered a hand to his padawan. “I believe you will do great things, Cal. Things like this, they can only help you. Don’t ever forget that the world around you is far beyond what you can see, but what you can feel.”
“Thank you master,” Cal said, a small smile starting to show. “Um… will you go find the weapons? I think I’ll do something else to help.”
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wrdn-tabris · 5 years
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the 13th iron battalion is ALWAYS ready to protect their tiny commander-
partly inspired by this @calkestisisbaby
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smeraldo-heart · 4 months
I don’t know how Tumblr works but here are some clone designs for my fanfiction Angel of the Iron Battalion!! I just think the 13th battalion are neat and it’s sad that we didn’t get to seen them as actual characters (though very understandable..) so I made them!
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Here’s Nyx, our favourite trans (ftm) Commander with about 15 anxiety disorders and a need to protect every child in 50ft distance to him.
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Hymn, the guy who met an angel ONCE and has not shut up about it since, to the point that he got their language TATTOOED ON HIS FACE. In love with an Angel girl he saw once that saved his life and he never saw again.
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Havock, who thinks the more scars you get, the hotter you are (unfortunately he is right but by god can you stop running into explosions please). Would also protect every child within 50ft distance of him.
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Liz, the representation for every obsessed crocheter out there. Has probably made little crochet covers for everyone’s armour by now, even though it’s highly useless. He’s say it keeps them warmer in the cold. Everyone is just too nice to say otherwise.
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Fourv, another trans clone (mtf) except she has infinitely better eyeliner game than Nyx. Does she wake up before her shift everyday just to do her killer makeup? Nobody knows. There’s a rumour Brush caught her at it once but she threatened him under penalty of death if he told anyone. Everyone else just believes she came out of the tube with eyeliner pre done.
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Lucky, a defective clone that was allowed to join and he makes it everyone else’s problem! As payback for being treated as the precious new shiny, he aims to be the most annoying little shit he possibly can, winning his name through his incredible luck winning games no matter what game he is playing. After winning all of Havock’s credits in a game once, he was banned from partaking in any with cash prizes. He thinks this is highly unfair.
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And then Brush and Canvas, the twins! Both dumb as rocks and kind as hell. Brush likes to doodle on literally everything and say a dumb joke every five seconds and his twin Canvas is the more stoic of the duo, if only to save his ridiculous remarks for a time where they’d confuse the most people. Some think he actually puts it on as an act for fun, just because he likes annoying people.
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And their battalion symbol! It’s sort of like an egg but also like kintsugi, both of which are very poetic for this specific battalion.
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kyuremking · 2 years
Felines, clones and their miscommunications
Fandoms: Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Clone Commander CC-1479 of the 13th Battalion, also known as Feral, learns not to generalize.
Also known as Jaro and his commander have communication problems.
Relationships: Cal Kestis & Jaro Tapal, 13th Battalion | Iron Battalion Commander & Jaro Tapal, Cal Kestis & 13th Battalion
Characters: 13th Battalion | Iron Battalion Commander (Star Wars), 13th Battalion | Iron Battalion (Star Wars), Jaro Tapal, Cal Kestis.
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greatworldwar2 · 3 years
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• Franz Bäke
Franz Bäke was a German officer and tank commander during World War II. In post-war popular culture, Bäke is considered one of the "panzer aces", that is, a highly decorated German tank commander.
Born February 28th, 1898 in the Province of Hesse-Nassau, German Empire. Bäke volunteered for the German Army in May 1915 and was posted to an infantry regiment. Fighting on the Western Front, Bäke earned the Iron Cross 2nd Class in 1916. Bäke was discharged from military service in January 1919. From 1919 to 1921, Bäke served in the Freikorps Epp, a right-wing paramilitary unit named after Franz Ritter von Epp. In parallel, he studied medicine and dentistry and attained degree of Doctor of Medical Dentistry in 1923. On March 1st, 1933, Bäke joined the SA; his final rank within the SA was SA-Standartenführer as of August 1944. Bäke established his own dentistry practice in Hagen. In 1937 he was accepted into the reserves and was posted to a reconnaissance unit. In 1938, he was mobilized for full-time service as an officer and took part in the occupation of Czechoslovakia.
Bäke's unit took part in the invasion of Poland as part of the 1st Light Division, which was redesignated 6th Panzer Division in October 1939. With this unit, Bäke took part in the Battle of France and Operation Barbarossa. Following the encirclement of the German 6th Army at Stalingrad, the division took part in the abortive attempt to relieve the 6th Army in Operation Winter Storm in December 1942 and then retreated to Kharkov. In January 1943, Bäke was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. During the Battle of Kursk (Operation Citadel) in July 1943, Bäke's unit fought near Belgorod, retreating to the Dniepr afterwards. For his actions during Operation Citadel, Bäke was awarded the Oak Leaves to the Knight's Cross.
On November 1st, 1943, Bäke was appointed as a regimental commander. In December 1943, he was ordered to form an ad hoc reinforced tank regiment named Heavy Panzer Regiment Bäke. The regiment consisted of 46 Panther and 34 Tiger I tanks, supported by self-propelled artillery and a mechanized engineer battalion. In January 1944, Bäke commanded his regiment during the battles for the Balabonovka pocket. Bäke single-handedly destroyed three Soviet tanks during the battle with infantry weapons at close range, for which he received three Tank Destruction Badges. Next, the regiment was part of a relief effort in support of Group Stemmermann, encircled in the Cherkassy Pocket. For his actions during these battles, Bäke received the Swords to the Knight's Cross on February 21st, 1944. In March, the regiment fought in the Kamenets-Podolsky pocket. In May 1944, Bäke was promoted to Oberst and later appointed commander of Panzer Brigade Feldherrnhalle. Bäke's unit attacked the U.S. 90th Infantry Division near Aumetz on the night of September 8th, 1944. Bäke's command found itself poorly deployed and under sustained counter-attack from American infantry. By the evening of September 8th, Bäke had lost thirty tanks, sixty half-tracks, and nearly a hundred other vehicles in the lopsided battle. His infantry losses were also heavy, with the unit reporting to OB West that it had only nine armored vehicles and that unit strength was down to 25 per cent of the authorized establishment. On February 28th, 1945, Bäke transferred from reserve to active duty. On March 10th he was appointed commander of Panzer Division Feldherrnhalle 2, formally the 13th Panzer Division, and sent to Hungary. Bäke's division fought as part of the Panzer Corps Feldherrnhalle during the retreat through Hungary and Czechoslovakia. On April 20th, Bäke was promoted to Generalmajor and officially given command of the division. On May 8th, 1945 he surrendered to American forces. Bäke was interned for two years; he was released in 1947. He returned to Hagen and resumed his dental practice. He died in December 1978 at the age of 80 in Bochum, West Germany.
Bäke is one of the "Panzer aces", that is, highly decorated tank commanders popularised by the German author Franz Kurowski in his 1992 book Panzer Aces, along with Kurt Knispel and Michael Wittmann. In Kurowski's retelling of the operation to relieve the Cherkassy Pocket, Bäke is able to establish a corridor to the trapped German forces, after fighting unit after unit of the Red Army. Kurowski writes: "when the Soviets launched their expected attack, they were wiped out by the exhausted Panzer soldiers". In another of Kurowski's accounts, while attempting to relieve the 6th Army encircled in Stalingrad, Bäke destroys 32 enemy tanks in a single engagement. Military historian Steven Zaloga uses the term "tank ace" in quotation marks in his 2015 work Armored Champion: The Top Tanks of World War II. Zaloga points out that most of the supposed panzer aces operated the Tiger I heavy tank on the Eastern Front; having advantages both in firepower and in armor, Tiger I was "nearly invulnerable in a frontal engagement" against any of the Soviet tanks of that time. A crew operating a Tiger could thus engage its opponents from a safe distance. During World War II, Bäke participated in over 400 tank combat missions, 13 of which resulted in the destruction of his tank. He was wounded seven times in combat.
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morriganbia · 4 years
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For that time i reached 13 followers, the nameless commander of the 13th Battalion, a.k.a. the “Iron Battalion” from the game Fallen Order and yes i break my heart again rewatching the order 66 scene...  made with watercolors and pencils.
So, no pressure tag for my 13th follower, @stuckimaginationuniverse
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Extra Vopak AU series info
I am adding information about other battalions that served in the Clone Wars that are likely to be mentioned at some point in the Vopak AU series, or have already been mentioned but are listed here due to new OCs being added to them. I will also list the clones serving in that battalion, I will note whether they are canon or my OCs. These are all canon units, but for ones whose name was not mentioned in canon, I have just given them a name (like I did with Depa’s battalion). 
I will also be adding pictures of the Jedi lineages and their units as of the end of chapter 20 of I will carry you in a different post. All of these units and clones will be mentioned/seen in the pictures.
2nd SCUBA Battalion (I have already mentioned this unit, but I am listing it here because I have added some new OCs to this unit).
Commander Monnk - Canon. CC-1315 I have given him this number as he does not have one in canon.
SCUBA Trooper Copy - OC. CT-3151
SCUBA Trooper Reef - OC. CT-1855
SCUBA Trooper Veep - OC. CT-2255
SCUBA Trooper Wader - OC. CT-2314
SCUBA Trooper Sink - OC. CT-1991
44th Battalion (Nadhar Vebb’s canon unit I have just given a name to).
Commander Fil - Canon. CC-3714 is his canon number.
Trooper Niner - Canon. CT-1491 I have given him this number as he does not have one in canon.
Trooper Bel - Canon. CT-2512 I have given him this number as he does not have one in canon.
181st Armour Division (this is a canon unit with a canon Jedi General: Gretz Droom, who I have given an OC Padawan to: Fendah Keal).
Commander Shell - OC. CC-1985
Trooper Yield - OC. CT-2595
Trooper Mach - OC. CT-1313
Trooper Canon - OC. CT-3114
13th ‘Iron’ Battalion (I have already mentioned this unit, but I am listing it here because I have added some new OCs to this unit).
Commander Blast - Canon (but with a name I have given him). CC-2121 I have given him this number as he does not have one in canon.
Trooper Sunny - OC. CT-1921
Trooper Eager - OC. CT-5175
Trooper Babble - OC. CT-2122
Trooper Lab - OC. CT-1212
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coggedcorset · 5 years
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“This is Fish to base, we lost the generals. The ship is under fire and they were thrown in the chaos. We are carrying wounded and cannot risk going back for them.” the commander snarled, the idea of leaving them behind was tearing him up, but he knew Trowa would never forgive him if they lost their men for him.
“Copy that Commander.” Obiwan switched channels. “Trowa, come in.” Nothing. “Cal, do you copy”
“I’m here general.” A sigh of relief slipped out. “We’re alive, Trowa’s out, but alive.”
“We’re sending a transport to you pick you up, keep your locator on. Do what you can to keep Trowa from freezing.”
“Copy that.” Cal quickly pulled his poncho over his head and began wrapping it around his unconscious lover. BD-1 perched on him, watching carefully. “Bet he’ll never make fun of my ponchos again.” BD-1 whistled and beeped. “Yeah, he probably will.”
The force screamed to him, and in a flash, Cal ignited his lightsaber, barely blocking the shot at his back. His eyes searched the blinding snow for the source. The faintest outline of a figure dropped into the snow, Cal could make out the shiny black armour and his heart stopped for a moment.
“Cal, what’s happening? Are you alright?” he heard Kenobi calling from his commlink, but he couldn’t move. Then a red light through the snow as the figure ignited their own lightsaber.
“O’malley.” Cal whispered, trying not to let his fear get the better of him. He had to protect Trowa, he just had to hold out long enough for the drop ship. He let out a shuddering breath and unlinked his sabers.
SOOOOO here’s a text dumb (more of a text dumb)
i love cal kestis (and cameron monaghan) sooooo of course i wanted to ship him with one of mine, and trowa worked perfect for me.
This is also an AU where anakin didn’t fall, padme didn’t die, the jedi weren’t wiped out and most of the clones have their chips removed after order 66. The jedi and clones are all hiding on an unmarked planet and are a resistance. Obiwan, anakin, cody and trowa are the generals of this resistance. Trowa is one of the main operatives of the resistance and he and his crew have made a name for themselves through the rebellions across the galaxy. Trowa’s crew is his unit, the heavyarms company, they are his family and he is theirs.
O’malley was my jedi healer, Kalla’s commander, but he went nuts and is basically Vader and grevious combined. Not force-sensitive, but highly trained with lightsabers and also mostly machine.
He and cal met during the war and cal kinda had a crush but he didn’t know what it was. Reuniting later and they both realize the feelings and such.
Also 5 of the 13th iron battalion survived and join cal on the mantis, eventually cal and the irons join the heavyarms company.
This pic is set 2 years after the events of fallen order. also cal’s outfit is based on concept art of cal. I like the look better lol.
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