#click for better quality cause tumblr hates me
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bloopdydooooo · 1 month ago
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lost in the cosmos, worrying about the cancers
the brians, as drawn by a brian
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enemui · 11 months ago
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save me octopus lesbian save me
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robot-carl · 8 months ago
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I need a mod for scarecrow in red dead redemption. Scarecrow belongs in the old west.
Click for better quality cause tumblr hates me.
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izaacs-notdeadyet · 5 months ago
Stay gold or smth idk
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42 hours and 19 elapsed minutes
[click for better quality cause tumblr hates me]
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theeerealpunkin · 7 months ago
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Redrawing of this
Gotta love the improvement xD (click for better quality cause tumblr hates me)
(Logan still doesn't complain)
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months ago
hey cas
i've just been feeing really down lately. one of my biggest issues is comparing myself to others and i know i shouldn't, but it's like once my brain gets going i can't ever turn it off.
i feel like i'll never be good enough for anything. And not really in a "i don't deserve it way" but more of a "mediocre" way. i've done so many things, picked up so many hobbies and things (thanks adhd) but even ones that i stick with for years and years, i only ever get half decent at.
i just feel like i embody the saying "jack of all trades, master of none" cause there are just so many that i can do and im good at and i love but, its like i can never get better after i hit right below the average line.
and back to the whole comparing myself to others bit, i try so hard on my content, but the ones i try the hardest at get the least amount of interaction and i hate it. i'm sure part of its just a tiktok thing, but it just makes me feel like shit and i'm constantly comparing myself to a specific content creator (which i know i shouldn't do and i try so hard not to) but the fact that we're mutuals makes me feel like maybe i need to prove myself somehow?? idk, i feel like he followed me out of some sort of obligation because we ended up posting similar video ideas literally within an hour of eachother and i feel like that (mixed with some other things i don't wanna say cause i don't wanna make it TOO obvious who it is) made him feel obligated somehow to follow me back. and idk.
he also can pull of any style or whatever he wants at any point and i'm SO jealous of that because i can't do that and i wish with everything in me that i could.
i'm just lowkey feeling like shit because i know ill never be able to get to that level and i feel like im never going to get anywhere and i just feel stuck.
anyway, thanks for listening and if u have any advice or like "coping methods" that would help, i'd appreciate it <3
Hi! I think it's really important to remember that modern content creation isn't just based on skill. It's based on like...knowledge of how to manipulate social media, and also a lot of luck.
I obviously don't know a lot about tiktok, but I'll use tumblr as an example. I write like...2-4 microfics a day. And sometimes, one of the ones I write I am so proud of. Like so excited about. And I know it's decent. But it doesn't really go anywhere. And then in the same day, I'll pull another one out of my ass and hate it and think it's shit, and it ends up getting like 2000 notes before the week is out.
It's not all based on quality or skill. It's luck. Because if another Marauders fan happens to have a fic some up on their page and reblogs, then it gets spread. and that's based on all things that don't have to do with my skill as a writer: timing, the tumblr algorithm, the other person's availability, their willingness to click a button.
Most social media is the same. So please don't take it personally. It's NOT a comment on your skill or your worth.
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plant-acts · 5 months ago
Made me and some friends pjo ocs being goofy and causing trouble!
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Click for better quality Tumblr hates me
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stormbound121 · 6 months ago
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Me when I attempt a genocide twice, cause a mass exodus of my entire tribe because of how horrifically I murdered my father, and abused and manipulated my closest friends and lover to the point that they felt like they needed to defeat me and flee to an unknown continent for their own safety.
Also click for better quality bc tumblr hates a nice clear image lol
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caramelmochacrow · 3 months ago
here are my ocs, andi and camile. (i'll do a proper post for them when im less busy, im going camping atm--)
their refs (atm), click the image for better quality bc tumblr hates me:
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here's the inspiration charts for them, btw. :3c
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i already answered an ask about andi (that was when i didnt have a name for her) so i'll just talk abt camile here. some stuff abt andi there is a little outdated but shhh it still holds up, dw.
cut to spare people
[Camile] is an Italian-Brazilian girl born and raised in the Philippines. She was friends with Andi when she was younger because of their shared judo classes, their bond being a core memory. She had a vacation in Brazil to visit family and when she returned back to the Philippines she couldn’t find her Andi ever again. She is the class president, and is a very good one at that. Many girls in the school look up to/admire her, while the boys have a dislike toward her because of her popularity. She developed an obsession with Andi because of their past. She switched from judo to brazilian jiu jitsu after she accidentally went to some classes in Brazil. She is one of the top honor students, planning to move out of the Philippines and to Brazil for a better future. She knows the basics of Italian and Portuguese but cannot hold long conversations. She feels better using English; Tagalog she’s pretty average with it. Even though she’s butch, she wears the girls’ uniform so people in the school still ‘trust’ her. Her father is Italian while her mother is Brazilian. Both of them used to travel a lot before they decided to settle down in the Philippines. [I’m still unsure what to do with their jobs so it’s undecided right now] but because of the amount of time they spent with their jobs, Camile had to spend a lot of her time in the house alone. She used to be quite carefree as a child but after Andi moved away, she suddenly turned very strict toward others. When she met up with her friend again, her carefree nature returned, but she only showed this side of herself to Andi.
Pretty obvious, but they're set in the philippines, their school being a public school. Might set this around the 2018-2019 era because that's the education system I remember. (I might update this when I know more about the current system tho)
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Extra drawings of them ^ also, Andi's hair when she was younger is less messy than that but im too lazy to fix it atm. Her parents would kill her if they saw her hair like that.
Fun facts about them/things i couldn't add because im rushing:
Andi's first name is taken from Andromeda, the constellation. Not only this, but Andi means courageous, strong and -- apparently -- masculine.
Andi's second and last names, Hirundo and Bulalakaw, mean sparrow in latin and meteor/shooting star in tagalog respectively. (h-hopefully...)
Camile's first name is taken from chamomile, the flower. Not just because it's a flower, but also because the flower references apples. The name Camile also means noble and free-spirit.
Camile's last names, Esteva and Leone, have Spanish and Italian origins. Esteva means crowned with laurels while Leone is lion.
Their birthdays, June 27 and July 26, are just the reversed versions of the other's. 6/27 (Andi) and 7/26 (Camile).
The both of them mainly take inspiration from Junna, Nana, Futaba and Kaoruko but the others were slowly picked up along the way.
Camile is half Italian because of memedub Nana, that's literally it.
Ivan and Till were purely by accident because of my older sibling pointing out how similar they are to them.
Camile actually dresses more masculine casually, but she wears the girls' uniform because of the reasons stated above.
Andi owns a red bike, as in, a bicycle. Her parents don't allow her to own a motorcycle.
Andi used to get injured alot, which caused both Camile and Andi's mother to treat her almost all the time.
They have a 6 cm difference, with Camile being taller.
Andi used to call Camile 'Cammy' when they were younger, now she just calls her Camile. (Camile is disapointed about this.)
This is all I can say, I'll make more silly drawings for them later, hold on. (This post is queued up, lol)
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erasedcitizen2 · 4 months ago
and here are my thoughts under the cut, WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS so don't click unless you're ready for that.
messy AND VERY LONG thoughts on the game in no particular order here we go:
y'all i am so torn about this game. i don't love it. i REALLY wanted to love it. I went in with a truly open mind and honestly pretty damn hyped, nothing i had seen before release had managed to taint my opinion going into this. but i did not love veilguard. I didn't necessarily HATE it either, but it's the type of game i really am not sure if i'll ever be able to bring myself to replay.
For those interested it took me roughly 90 hours of playtime to finish the game (have not counted me playing the character creator for 4 hours into those 90 hours lol... lmao....). I have done every quest (except for 1 very minor side quest when at the end i felt fucking DONE), I have explored not 100% of every area but like 85-90% of all statues and chests and shit found in all areas. And I have 92% of achievements in that first playthrough. So I was fairly thorough cause I could tell I might never touch this game again but I'm not a completionist.
My Rook is named Valeria de Riva and she's an elven rogue and an antivan crow. And I love her face to bits she's short and adorable, those 4 hours in character creator was worth it lmao but oh boy do i regret the voice I picked. i'm sorry but Erika Ishii's voice acting did NOT click for me in this, the delivery felt terrible 85% of the time. but I have that problem with inquisition too so whatever.
I also had headcanoned that Valeria de Riva was originally born as a slave in Tevinter, and bought by the Antivan Crows as a kid. As we've been told since origins that the crows buy kids (see Zevran). BIG FUCKING MISTAKE to make headcanons like this for veilguard. nothing about Rooks antivan crow intro contradicts this kind of headcanon but the game will randomly spring information about your character on you depending on background you've picked, Rook isn't a blank slate but you also don't get to know what character you're fully playing from the start which annoys me.
The antivan crows have also imo been extremely.... idk?? softened?? white washed???? and that frustrates me a lot as someone who wanted to play a character that was a little bit at war with the faction they were from. It annoys me that the antivan crows are now just freedom fighters and heroes according to the narrative and you have no chance to ever question how they do things. it also feels like a weird thing to say but there is too little racism in this game. by which i mean we finally get to see Tevinter and we don't really ever get to see how elves are treated within Tevinter. The only slaves we ever see are the mustache twirling evil venatori sitting on some poor dudes in that one scene.
which bring me to the fact that THERE ARE NO INTERESTING VILLAINS IN THIS GAME. none. (Besides Solas, depending on if you see him as a villain or not I guess.) everyone is just evil and crazy. I'd have loved Elgar'nan actually as a villain, and I'm fine with him (and Ghilan'nain) specifically being evil and crazy, he does come across as imposing and scary to me and a better villain than corphypants. BUT SINCE EVERY FACTION WE FIGHT AGAINST IS JUST CRAZY AND EVIL, it kinda falls flat to me. I'd have liked to see more people side with the gods for more ambiguous or misguided reasons I guess, like maybe the elves?
I wanted more conflict and tension between the races of thedas from the fact that the elven gods are the ones causing all this. some consequences from the narrative? but there's nothing like that.
the writing is in a lot of places at best bland and at worst... bad. i love how much we get to interact with our companions in the lighthouse and that they have their own relationships and conversations, but quantity does not beat quality. I'd love this system of having conversations if the companions and the romances were more interesting. A lot of the companions feel bland to me cause they start out mostly perfect from the get go, there's not a lot of room for character growth or you know... any form of character arc?
I romanced Taash and it's an alright romance, I like Taash. and I guess the reason I like them is cause they are one of the few companions that aren't perfect and I've already seen Discourse about hating them for it. I guess sometimes they are A Little Bit Difficult??? They're not sure who they are at the beginning and isn't great at expressing themselves, they have very short responses and I felt at least in the romance path they learned to get a little bit better at this with Rook. But I really wish this could've been expanded on MORE, their problems with dealing with their emotions are just something they mention to Rook but it's not really shown.
AND ALSO... despite the game being more 'handcrafted' with 'less filler'.... I STILL think it has too much fucking filler and boring quests??? the combat was fun in the beginning but overstayed its welcome imo.
BUT AFTER ALL THIS DISAPPOINTMENT.... I still leave the game with an alright feeling I guess cause what I DID ENJOY OF THE GAME WAS EVERYTHING THAT HAD TO DO WITH SOLAS. INCLUDING THE ENDING THAT I GOT. I think they nailed how to do him in this game, and his dynamic with rook, and the lore around him and the ancient elves and the titans etc etc. I'm extremely satisfied with the happy solavellan ending I got and it felt fucking good to have the three important women in his life (lmao) convince him to redeem himself. and that he didn't get an easy way out, like dying for that redemption.
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jupitercl0uds · 1 year ago
i had the urge to record my voice cause i was home alone earlier so here. i forgot whaht i recorded lmao all i can remember is that there were weird voices at the end
(if its really low quality then my bad i had to put this through a million compressors)
i had the sudden urge to like, record, so, um... heh, i'm recording now, this is what i sound like, heh... yeah, that's right, [laughing] yeah...
anyway, hi. hi. hello. hey, hi, hello, yo, what's up? anyway, [stuttering] it's me, hehe, jupitercl0uds, hehe, yeah. possibly ash, possibly milo. i don't know. uh, i think i'm going to go back to ash but i don't know, i haven't really been referred to [as] milo that much so i wouldn't know and i think i'm going to pick ash, though, so, yeah, hehe, anyway, [sniff]
hello. hi. yes. hel- hi. i... SHOULD... hopefully... have a transcript with this... if i don't have a transcript, my apologies, i'm probably very tired.
um... hi? i don't know what else to say! cause like, i want to go on a rant... but ive ran out of things to rant about! [exaggerated pathetic crying noise] THE PAIN! THE PAI- can i hear- can i show you my walu- yeah, i can show you my waluigi impression, no one cares, this is tumblr, i can do what i like! EHEHE! WAAAAAA! [laughing] that was awful! i can usually do better than that, i promise, ok? [sniff]
anyway... um, if you can't tell, i'm a bit excited, i think i might have, like- the coffee that i had earlier, just kinda- just kicked in? anyway, i'm only really* recording because i'm home alone because my little brother's getting a flu jab and... yeah. he might also be getting mcdonalds so i dont know, um, [laugh] i... really hope that if he is having mcdonalds that i get mcdonalds and i really hope that [tongue click] i can have one of those caramel toffee lattes, whatever it is? so good, like, i swear to god- i hate capitalism, i hate capitalism.
...to be fair i do enjoy mcdonalds, and it's like, the only place in town that i can afford when i'm like, out in town with my friends, so, yeah.
*i actually pronounced that 'ruhmearly'. whoops.
anyway... um... hi!
oh i thought that was my parents i was so scared, that was like, the bi- [laughing] anyway...
as i said, i can usually do a good waluigi impression... so... i dunno what's going on.
...hold on is that a taxi? i swear, if that's my parents... i dunno why they'd be going home in a taxi, but... just in case- i think that might be them. i can't tell. no, that's not them.
anyway, ahem.
i can't think of anything to say as waluigi other than... 'waa waluigi, waluigi number 1' soooo... hehe, yeah? um... 'WAAAAA! WALUIGI NUMBER 1! HAHA, BABYYY' [laughing] i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i ca- like, if-if i- if you give me a line, i will do an ok waluigi, i think.
ummm... yeeeaaahhh! this is what i sound like, you guys! hehe! anyway, um... i do voices all the time cause i don't actually naturally express emotion, so like, i have to put on emotion, and so, i get a very expressive voice. i also, like, my last lesson in school today was drama, so maybe that's influenced things, because it was a writing lesson in drama, so maybe i just didn't get my- the stuff out of my system and... yeah, except that's not at all what happens and this is just what i sound like. i'm very sorry, i'm very annoying.
um, anyway [almighty sniff] YEAH! [laughter] i never say- i can't remember what i was gonna say!
oh yeah, i want to do my tails impression, but my tails impression is actually so bad that like, when i'm doing a tails impression, i just go for [high pitched, american] 'HI I'M TAILS AND I'M 8 YEARS OLD AND I'M THE- MILES TO THE- OOH, THE PROWER, AND THE SONIC... BROTHER! AND THE... OOOH! THE... UM... GOTTA GO... PLANE!'
um... i can't think of any tails catchphrases... he's my favourite character, i should, but i can't. [fake crying] i'm sorry, tails. are you ok with that? [normal] sorry, i got my tails plushie out here. let's- let's hear a little- let's hear a little voice clip from him
'JESSE! JESSE WE NEED TO COOK! WE NEED TO [COUGH]' i'm sorry i... i think i'm pressurising myself here. yeaahhhh. wow vocal fryyyyyyyy [weird noises] dibidi ba didi do do, di ba dibi doooooo, dibidibidibi- i can't even remember how that song goes but like, you know the song i'm on about. the hamster song, i think it is.
uh, yeah! [laughing] my laugh is never like that. it's always... awful. it's always like [weird clown laughter] and then i start laughing at how weird my laugh is and i go like [much worse laughter] and it just devolves into worse and worse laughs. anyway... um... yeeeaah! i eat. eat, eat, apples an- i'm gonna cut loads of this out, cause it's gonna annoy myself. um. yeah.
[the next section is really hard to convey via text. i tried]
i do voice acting, by the way. if anyone wants to hire me for voice acting, you can hire me. i will do, like, proper voices.
like, i like to do... i like to do this voice, this voice is fun, except no it isn't, i just made this up on the spot.
um, i do a lot of princess voices, actually, if you want to hire me for a princess, i can do that role, and i can raise the pitch a little bit, and a little bit more, if you wish, and i actually did once play the role of a princess! but the thing is- i don't know why i was trilling my Rs so well there, i never trill my Rs like that! but, the thing is, um... yes, the thing with this role is, it was for a gacha project that the creator then realised they couldn't pick up because they had run out of time.
and i can do, like, normal voices too, um, i can do this one! this is a fun voice to do.
and i love doing my, like, super thick southern accents, these are really fun. uh, i actually did grow up in essex, uh, and essex... people out there! uhh, and... this is a bit off! um... it's a bit too, like, australian, south african, for a typical southern accent, but it does pass for vaguely southern, and... yeah! um... a lot of people do say, 'ohhh, you sound like you've got some kind of speech impediment.' that's just how southerners speak, love. it's just how we speak. like, if i wanted to, i could speak like this!
when i go down to essex, actually, i do sound a bit like this, instead of my typical accent, which is a like this. um, i live in the north, by the way. ENGLAND! shock horror, if you can't tell by my accent. um, yeah. yeah. yeah! um... yeah! i can't think of anything.
oh yeah, by the way, i need to specify... no i don't, what? what was i gonna say? oh yeah, i can do a good NiGHTS impression actually! just, like... not right now, for some reason.
'Here's my NiGHTS voice! Umm... I'd say that they are a very easy character to replicate because it's basically just my voice if you... changed the mannerisms, the pitch - a little bit, not too much - and... poshen up the accent a little. Tha-that's basically NiGHTS, but, the difference is, I can't always fully picture NiGHTS' voice, so it does sound a little bit off, but I think that... if I ever did a fandub of NiGHTS, or something, I could probably pass for NiGHTS, I'm sure that I could be a sub-par NiGHTS. It's very recognisably me, in my opinion, but I think that's fine.'
wow, this is SUCH A GREAT THING, i should make this my demo reel, wooooow! (if you can't tell, that was sarcasm)
oh, and i love to do, like, this voice. this voice is fun this voice is very fun.
and also, i like doing voices where i speak with the front of my mouth with a little bit of a posh accent, i think these are really really fun, and also i can do a lot of posh accents! you see, the trick to doing a posh accent is, you just do your regular accent - well, you do- you do a southern accent, and you do what you think you would, and then you put on a massive big smile. you don't move your teeth that much, because, you see- the way i remember it is, they are so posh, they can usually pay for all their troubles, so, they don't usually tend to be sad. that's- that's how i do it. anyway, my parents are back, so BYYYEEEE!
i'm gonna do that in my regular voice cause i don't wanna sound like a posho- BYEEEEE!!! hehe!
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coolestfinch · 4 years ago
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alberto scorfano!
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xxlumos · 3 years ago
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When I was watching the episode with @wrong-planet-boy I commented on how grogu's seat looked like something you would find at a playground at McDonald's
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4thehonorofgrayskull · 3 years ago
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My favorite slides so far from an owl house animatic I’m attempting!! Obsessed with Raeda atm
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wonderpodia · 4 years ago
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Lando Norris | Monaco 2021
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itsgoldenlikedayllight · 4 years ago
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@cellphonehippie​ ‘s album creation edit challenge
The Paths We Take is the tenth studio album by Taylor Swift. Like the acclaimed sister albums folklore (2020) and evermore (2020), The Paths We Take is another product of quarantine. With its indie-rock sounds, the album dives into themes of nostalgia, heartbreak, fame and growth. Inspired by the question "If one thing had been different, would everything be different?" from the 1, Swift further imagines the different ways life can take and how people intertwine with each other. Nostalgic, hauntingly beautiful and with an inspiring message, The Paths We Take is already a fovorite among fans and critics.
The random generated picture:
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and the random quote: "Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of the are dirt" - John Muir
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