#clear skies 75
skullytotheark · 5 months
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Clear Skies 75
Setting: Different states of America
time setting: late 20th century, From 70s to 90s
Why I made it: Hehe creepypasta but oc au
Inspiration: 70s and 80s slasher mixed with creepypasta characters / creepypasta characters set in the 80s
goal: Possibly make an ARG series, But for now it’ll be in silly writing i do every now and then. Similar to creepy hornets
The Rot of the woods is slowly but surely making it’s way pass the treeline, The Horrible reality where monsters and things that go bump in the night are more common than you could ever imagine.. Deep in Montana and Colorado these nightmares hide within the woods, Awaiting for any lone hikers and the innocent to walk into their sight. For they hunt for sport and to survive…
Ever Since the start of the 70s, More and more of these creatures and psychopaths are beginning to crawl out from the bed to strike. Their goals and motives being a mystery to people like you and I… There’s only a burning ember of hope that there is good amongst the bad, But then again. who says they’re any better than those they fight??... Only god can save you from whatever is tapping at your window, The strange towering silhouette standing in the corner of your room or the sound of heavy footsteps heading straight for your bedroom door.
Welcome my dearest of friends and stalkers of the night!!!
Allow thy to introduce you to a World of many nightmares and terrors beyond your imaginations.
Clear Skies 75!
For a good while you've might've heard me just ramble or mention this AU in at least one or two of my posts, But Allow me to show you what I've been brewing for awhile!
For a good while I've been sitting in my little snowy room, Thinking of different scenarios and plotpoints involving these characters! Now personally I'm not ENTIRELY SURE, If I'll do as much "fanfics" or writing as much as I would do for Creepyhornets but You'll def probably see me write about this au Every now and then! I more or less really wanted to just, Have characters based off of some of the pastas or characters i've come to love growing up in this silly community!!
The Watchman.
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"A Modern Tale for those who go wondering in these woods son. They say it's a Eldritch God of sorts or a "angry spirit"... Me?? I think it's a force of nature, Not something you can fight... But you'd have to adapt to.. trust me, I know..."
The great watchman! The Slenderman of this canon as you can tell and the main "big bad" of this canon, I more or less imagine that this entity is not your sterorypical slender that we're used to seeing in writings. Returning to the older versions such as the Operator and when Slender was simply a being of unknown nature and sudden movements...
"The Butcher"
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"I had a run in with that fucking freak. Cackling and getting a kick out of my fear as he chased after me with a fucking machete.. One day he'll fucking learn what's it like when the roles change... One day..."
The Jeff The Killer stand in for this canon! More or less depicting him as a cruel but sloppy killer, Although he has a big reputation, He's a amature and a prime example of "human scum" in this canon. No goals or motives, doing it for the fun of it. Also im just thinking of naming him "Geoff" cuz it'd be a really funny bit imo
"The Pyromaniac"
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"I remember when he was still young.. A cheerful little boy who still needed mommy to tie his shoe laces... But then things changed... He never got along with his stepdad... But then he went missing one day and.. I get a call that My husband was killed... Then I knew.. He wanted to get back at him for everything Frank had done to us... But it should have never ended like this.."
The Ticci Toby stand in for this universe!!!. Felix/Cody robinson is a child of abuse who is short tempered and rash, Often acting and thinking later. Although he's a valuable assest to The Watchman's following. Even though He hates it and wants to go home.
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"I still remember when "Bryan" took me up to that cabin... God I should've known I was just another lamb for the slaughter.. How did this end up like this Ma?..."
Doll-Face is of course the Masky inspired character! His story heavily follows the idea of "get away at the Cabin goes wrong and now all of my friends are trying to kill eachother" trope.
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"I'm alive... I shouldn't be but I am... After everything I've done.. I'll make things right this time... I'm so sorry Tommy.."
Null is a combination of both Hoody and Skully into one character! And is also the "Alex" of this scenario. Bryan's family was haunted by the watchman for generations, When he was older the entity began to pick away at his sanity and commanded a blood sacrifice for his family using 'it's children' for resources when building their cabin / property in the woods.
"The Stalker."
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"I could've sworn, He was standing right at my bed when I was asleep. I don't know why but he was... He killed dad but... Why not me?... Was he... Taunting me?.."
And the final member of this cast [ATM] the Stalker! The eyeless Jack stand in for this series who draws heavy inspirtation from the og eyeless jack design. Atm I had the idea that he was a journalist in diguise pretending to be a demon of sorts who profits off of his crimes by taking photos of the aftermaths. Buttt I do also like the idea of him just being a demon. His story is still a WIP atm.
Until next time!
Sadly that is all the characters i have so far :(
But I do plan on making more characters such as Zalgo, Jane, Nina and a whole bunch more!! Ofc I plan on making a word doc for this au that'll have links to each of these characters butttt i gotta finish Stalker and "Geoff" before i do!
But until then keep an eye out on my tiktok *COUGH* Skullytotheark *COUGH* for a bunch of arrttt and wips of more characters!!!
See you all next time :)
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hauntedwoman · 6 months
realizing how fucking depressed ive been bc it was so warm outside today and my bedroom window is open and i can hear the insects and the animals of the night coming to life and i cant stop smiling
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ghxstfacesgf · 1 year
Liquid Courage: Ethan Landry x fem!Reader
Warnings: none really, slightly heated at the end
Note: I have not written anything in forever so apologies in advance. This was just a thought that I let spiral. Requests open <3
Part two here
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“I think it’s going to rain tonight,” you said to the group of girls gathered in Sam, Quinn, and Tara’s apartment.
“Clear skies and 75, y/n. But nice try!” Anika quipped as she tossed you a vibrant orange top. You playfully gagged and tossed it back in her direction. The girls had somehow roped you into attending some frat party tonight. The weather was your final plea to get out of it. Did you absolutely hate parties? No, but tonight you just weren’t in the mood. You had been practically drowning in schoolwork and your job. All you wanted to do was crawl into your fuzzy bedsheets but, your friends wouldn’t allow that. “Ethan will be there.”
You tossed a glare in Anika’s direction. She loved to tease you about the fluffy haired boy and his obvious crush on you. You couldn’t deny Ethan was cute. There was just something about his dorky persona paired with how painfully adorable he was. But, he was a horrible flirt. In fact, he froze when around you. He wasn’t exactly the type of guy you went for. So you left it be. It was only a silly crush anyway and Ethan clearly wasn’t planning on pursuing it.
Finally you decided on some cargo pants (your favorite pair) and a slightly cropped black top. As you made the walk to the party you thanked yourself for choosing comfortable shoes. Once you arrived, the smell of alcohol invaded your nose. It seemed that you all arrived late considering the drunken state of just about everyone else. Mindy and Anika split off quickly from the group, while you followed Tara into the kitchen to get a drink.
“This is exactly what you need,” Tara stated as she poured what appeared to be Malibu in your cup. She topped it off with some sprite and slide the cup to you. She knew that as soon as you had some alcohol in you, you’d enjoy yourself. God you hated how right she was.
You took a drink and your face immediately twisted, “Jesus Tara, is there any sprite in here at all?”
“A drop or two.” She winked and you laughed. That’s when you noticed a certain pair of brown eyes on you.
“Making me a drink T?” Chad slide in right next to Tara, his arm around her shoulders. She replied with some sarcastic comment before placing a kiss on his cheek. You were more interested in the boy straggling in behind Chad. Ethan’s eyes stayed on you. Did he not realize he was staring? He didn’t, not until your eyes met his. Those puppy dog eyes darted down immediately as he pretended to fix his polo shirt. The bright lights in the kitchen made it so you could see the red hue cover his cheeks. A small smile played on your lips as you brought your cup to them again. Almost without realizing it, you were walking towards Ethan.
“Enoying the party?”
“I am now,” Ethan replied, and you could immediately tell Chad had given him a shot or two. He wasn’t drunk, but definitely had enough liquid courage to be flirting with you right now. With eyebrows raised, you took a step closer.
“Is that so? What makes it so much better now, Landry?” You couldn’t help but notice how cute he looked all red-faced. His curls were all disheveled and a few stuck to his forehead from the heat. Maybe this party could be fun after all.
Ethan leaned in closer to you, partly because the music was so loud and partly because he wanted to smell your sweet vanilla perfume, “no particular reason.” The smirk that played on his lips and also his tone made butterflies erupt in your stomach. You’d never seen Ethan be flirty, especially with you. His eyes flashed to your lips for just a moment and you thought he was leaning it when out of nowhere, Chad appeared between you.
“Dude, come on! There’s a girl over here I’ve been hyping you up to!” A look of annoyance spread on Ethans face at Chad’s interruption. He let out a few protests before a drunken Chad lead him away. You on the other had were left slightly annoyed and wildly confused at what just happened. You were also confused at the slight twinge of jealousy you felt when you saw where Chad was leading Ethan to. A beautiful brunette girl whom you’ve never seen before. You downed one shot and then another before setting off to find at least one of your friends. You definitely needed to get drunk after that encounter.
You ended up finding Anika and Mindy and decided on being a third wheel for the remainder of the night. It sure beats third wheeling with Chad and Tara, who were still with Ethan. The brunette lingered around him for the rest of the night as well. And as the night progressed she became more touchy. First his shoulder, then his arm, then his chest. And with every advancement you downed another shot provided by Anika. She asked you a few times what was bothering you and you wouldn’t dare tell her that you’re actually jealous over Ethan Landry. Denying your feelings had gotten you far enough. She could guess though, following your heated gaze over to Ethan and the brunette girl.
Finally, she was tired of your sulking and dragged you out to dance. Mindy didn’t mind as she herself was too high to move off the couch and she knew you and Anika had been close friends for years. You both pushed past the people around you, giggling out apologies. She grabbed your hand and you two began to dance. You’d almost forgotten about Ethan until your eyes glanced over and met his. He was staring right at you and this time, his eyes didn’t divert. In face they were darker now. The brunette girl still hung close to him talking about some nonsense that was he was not paying attention to. His eyes remained on you and only you. “Stop looking,” Anika scolded, spinning you around so now your back was to Ethan. A devilish grin grew on her face. “I knew you liked him, I KNEW!”
“I do NOT like him.” You said sternly, still swaying your hips to the music. Anika rolled her eyes. “Y/n.” “Anika.” “Y/n.” “Anika.” “Y/n.” “Anika! I do not like Ethan Landry!” Anika stopped dancing, her eyes flickering from you and then past you. You turned to see none other than the topic of conversation right behind you. When did he get there? Ethan chewed on the inside of his cheek, his eyes on the floor. You felt your stomach drop. He looked like you just murdered his puppy and you felt horrible.
“Ethan, I-“ you started towards him and he took a step back. He lifted his hand in the air before mumbling, “it’s all good y/n.” And with that he turned disappeared into the crowd. Great. You didn’t know what was going on with you. Maybe it was the liquor, but you couldn’t blame it on that completely. You’d been struggling with your feelings for awhile. In an attempt to save yourself from Anika’s “I told you so” speech you had hurt Ethan. All you wanted in that moment was to explain.
You searched the crowd and asked multiple people if they’d seen Ethan. You finally found Chad and he let you know that he’d seen Ethan rush upstairs. You followed. Just about every door upstairs seems to be locked until you got to the one at the end of the hall. You opened it slowly, not sure exactly what you’d see. You were relieved to find Ethan sitting on the bed, head in his hands. “Hey E…”
His head shot up at the sound of your voice. You could’ve crumbled right there at the sight of him. “Hey! S-sorry I ran off I just had headache. Never letting Chad make my drinks again,” he laughed shaking his head. You sat down on the mattress next to him. Allowing the alcohol you’d consumed earlier take over you started, “Ethan I was lying. I do like you.” You could heard his breath hitch, relieved and confused by your words. “You don’t have to say that to make me feel better, y/n.” He shook his head and started to stand up. You grabbed his arm to stop him. His was lot more muscular than you thought. Damn those butterflies again.
“I’m not just saying that. I like you, E. I like that you get all nervous around me.” You removed your hand. His eyes flickered down to you as he was still standing. “I don’t know what’s going on with me tonight but, what happened in the kitchen and on the dance floor…” you buried your head in your hands and sighed before looking up at him again, hands brushing your hair back. Suddenly, you were the one who felt nervous. The way he looked at you and you swear you saw a small smirk. The same one from the kitchen earlier. “Maybe I should just go, you obviously wanted to be alone and we’re both a bit intoxicated-“
You were abruptly cut off by Ethans lips on yours, pushing you both down on the bed. His lips tasted like a mixture of tequila and mint. The kiss was hungry and fast paced, you almost felt like you couldn’t breathe. You reciprocated, tugging at the curls at the nape of his neck. Desperately trying to bring him closer to you. Your bodies intertwined perfectly imperfectly, a mess of hands grasping at each other’s bodies. He pulled away slightly, his eyes dark like before. You’d never seen Ethan like this before but you certainly weren’t complaining. He examined you like the for a moment. Desperate for him. “Is this okay?” He asked breathily and you nodded, afraid to let any words out in that moment. His lips were on yours again and then they travelled down to your neck. “I like you too, by the way,” he mumbled into your neck. You giggled at the muffled sound before flipping over that you were on top of him now. “You’re such a dork, Landry,” you said in almost a whisper before leaning down slowly. He gulped, thinking of all the times he’d dreamt about this moment. You brought his hands up to cup your waist. Ethan’s grip immediately tightened before your lips met once again. This time it was slower, more passionate. And just as you both wanted more, the door swung open.
“Ethan! We gotta go, cops!” Chad shouted hastily before realizing Ethan wasn’t alone. “Oh shit… y/n? You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me!” Ethan grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at Chad. “Shut up dude!”
Chad dodged the pillow and tried to calm him laughter down. “Well, lovebirds we have to go. Y/n the girls are looking for you.”
You sighed as Chad left the room. “Well we better go, I don’t really feel like getting arrested tonight,” you mumbled giving Ethan a small peck on the lips before hopping off him.
“I’ll take my chances. This is worth it.” Ethan grabbed your hips pulling you onto him again, smiling. The way that smile almost had you convinced.
“We can’t make out in jail, E.” You gave him one last passionate kiss, “we can resume this later.” And with that you practically pulled him out of the room and then the house. You met up with the group later and tried hard to avoid Anika’s incriminating gaze.
The party was most definitely worth it.
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jpitha · 2 years
Aliens are Gardenworlders / Humans are Space Orcs crossover: Humans take risks that might cause other sapients to be concerned for our wellbeing. What about people who are into Extreme Sports?
In orbit around the Garden World:
"Welcome to our home! I know a few humans who came to live here had...trouble after a few months, but you've said that you have no problem entertaining yourself and should be able to find plenty of enriching activities while here!"
"Thank you so much for approving my relocation, it really means a lot to me!"
"Um...what are you doing? You seem to be putting on an armored pressure suit"
"Oh this? I'm going to go skydiving to make it home. Don't you find landing just so..so boring?"
"You're going to do WHAT? No! you can't! We're still in orbit!"
"No worries, I have my ablative shield/surfboard here!" He holds out a massive, heavy looking oblong board with hundreds of little matte black squares on the bottom. "I'll ride the ionosphere until I'm under Mach 3, pop a drogue to steady myself, and then when I'm going a nice, sedate terminal velocity, I'll pop my regular chute and land."
"Nah, it's all good look!" He gestures around his suit "I have my main, my backup, my emergency, and I'm wearing another one under the suit. I have two knives to cut lines if needed, and the board has a chute too, it won't even land hard!"
"Don't worry! Humans have been skydiving forever. Even before we went to space, we had folks who would ride balloons as high as they could go and then jump out. This is only an extension of that."
"Y-y-you can't"
"Nowhere says I can't. I talked with the ship, they're going to pop the ventral airlock when I give the go-ahead. The puff of air will push me clear and I can begin my fall"
"Who says I won't?" The Ship said "If this human wants to become a fiery meteorite in the skies above the planet I'm not going to stop them."
"I told you both, It'll be fine. Okay, I'm off! See you on the ground suckers!!!!"
As the airlock closes, the alien says to the ship "Is he going to die?"
"Oh, absolutely. From this though? eh, 75% chance of surviving."
"....fucking humans..."
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azdmathings · 7 months
Most of the country is still locked in winter with it snow, ice and cold but here in Arizona it is 75 and clear blue skies. Perfect time for the start of Spring Training, Yeah, you know what that means
The Boys Are Back In Town!
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So Grab Hold of Your Bats and Balls Boys Cause it's a All Baseball Weekend!
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cheolcor3 · 18 days
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀── .✦ FOLDER 001: ABOUT
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Bangchan ㅤ Lee Know ㅤ Yuncheol ㅤ Changbin Hyunjinㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ Han ㅤㅤ Felix ㅤㅤ Seungmin ㅤㅤ Rin ㅤㅤ I.N
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STAGE NAME — Yuncheol | 윤철 BIRTH NAME — Choi Yuncheol | 최윤철 ENGLISH NAME — Jack Choi NICKNAMES — yun, yunyun, choicheol, choil, yunnie (exclusive only to i.n), c.c (pronounced ceecee) BIRTHDAY — January 18, 1999 ZODIAC — Aquarius | Rabbit BIRTHPLACE — Gwangju, Korea ETHNICITY — Korean NATIONALITY — Korean FAMILY — Mother, Father and Younger Sister LANGUAGES — 100% Korean (native), 90% Cantonese, 75% Mandarin, 50% English, 50% Japanese
HEIGHT — 177cm | 5'9" WEIGHT — 55kg | 121lb BLOOD TYPE — O PIERCINGS — 1x lobe piercing TATTOOS — None
!! CLAIMS !!
FACE CLAIM — Ji Changmin (The Boyz) VOCAL CLAIM — Ji Changmin (The Boyz) DANCE CLAIM — Ji Changmin (The Boyz)
MBTI — INTJ MBTI TYPE — Sometimes referred to as the "Architect" or the "Strategist," people with an INTJ personality are highly analytical, creative, and logical. POSITIVE TRAITS — ambitious, goal-oriented. attentive NEGATIVE TRAITS — internalised misogyny, Overly protective of himself and those he holds close, Lost in his own head. HABITS — Forgets his glasses everywhere, Smoking, Scribbling small poems everywhere, Nightmares even in small naps. PHOBIAS — Claustrophobia ( fear of closed spaces ), Nyctophobia ( fear of the dark ) MEDICAL CONDITIONS — Migraines, C-ptsd, Arthritis. Breathing issues, slight Astigmatism. ALLERGIES — N/A LIKES — Reading & Writing Poetry, clear empty night skies, DISLIKES — Haunted Houses,
DANCE — 8/10 VOCAL — 7/10 RAP — 6/10 STAGE PRESENCE — 8/10 VARIETY — 7/10 SONGWRITING — 8.5/10 PRODUCING — 5/10 CHREOGRAPHY — 8.5/10 ACTING — 6/10
!! CAREER !!
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h0pelezromantic · 11 months
Enough is Enough
Written by Essafa
9 November 2023
Today marked the 34 days of Israel occupation against Palestine. Every minute, every second is uncertain for them. Not once getting better, not once the bombs stop. Each corridor or even place that is supposed to be a shelter for them to find protection isn’t safe anymore. Israel bombed every possible place and things just to hide behind the “Hamas is hiding in there” “Hamas using Palestinian as a human shield” –Hamas this, Hamas that. The pathetic part is that Israel can’t prove any “death” of Hamas and even located them. 
Thousands of innocent souls have been martyred–unborn babies, babies, children, women, elderly. As per today, Palestinian death toll  reached 10,569 with mostly children and thousands still missing. Hundreds of images and videos show the cruelty and inhumane act of Israel–and most countries haven’t condemned their action. Yet, they condemned what Hamas did on 7th of October which was the result of what Israel did for the past 50 years. Imagine you’re protecting your own country from the oppressor called a terrorist, while the oppressor is a so-called hero. How is that even possible? 
Now we get to the point of life where everything is not the same anymore and won’t be the same anymore–as it should be. We get to live life as comfortably as possible–at the same time, Palestinians are living a nightmare; the sound of bird chirping turns to sound of raining bombs, blue clear skies now filled with dust, homes turns into rubble with thousands of people under it, and the ones still alive wondering when their turn to take their last breath. However, Palestinians are a proof of believers–we’re here slowly losing hope in the world but they still stand strong and encourage us. Indeed, we do live in an unfair world. 
I never imagined that we’re witnessing and experiencing dystopian life. We’re actually witnessing live of genocide and ethnic cleansing against Palestinian. We’re witnessing how history repeats itself where clearly “Never Again” is just a phrase. I believe we are educated enough to know what happened during World War II–the Holocaust-the Nakba. I believe we are educated enough to differentiate a war and genocide. I believe that no human being wants to experience what the Palestinian experiencing right now and of course for the past 75 years. Only people that are sick in the head approve–agree to the carpet bombing of Palestine. 
I and each one of you who still have the sense of humanity won’t let Israel get to act whatever they want. We will try our best effort to stop the genocide against Palestinians. We still and will stand strong like the Palestinians did for the past 75 years. We won’t give up–we won’t stay silent–we will and always speak the truth. We hear you Palestinians. We hear you. Hundreds of thousands of us will stand by you. We are your hope. We are your voice. You will be free, you will be free. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. 
To whoever read this, please spread more awareness. Don’t stop talking about Palestine. Call your representative, voice the truth, demand an immediate ceasefire. Do everything in your power to talk the truth–Palestine. Don’t ever stop. Spread every small detail of what's happening in Palestine.
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elloitsme69 · 2 years
TW! :Cheating, mentions of the dirty and implied fainting
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"You should've known. You should've known. It's all your fault. Why did you ever think the Kaeya Alberich would change? For you? No way. "Was all that was echoing in your mind. Time seemed to slow down as you dropped the keys in shock. It was as if time was slowing down,mocking you, showing you every. Single.detail of that blue haired bastard and some cheap woman doing the dirty on your shared bed. Wow.
They wouldn't have noticed you were it not have been the sound of the clashing metal of the keys onto the cold,hard floor. The woman didn't even bother to cover herself and pulled Kaeya back when he tried to call after you.You left. It felt like your ears were ringing, everything was terrible.You felt terrible.The skies grumbled and crackled. The sky came pouring down.
Then, black clouded your vision.
When you came to, you could hear muffled talking. " ..Yeah, don't worry, they are alright, they simply passed out due to overwhelming emotion and high stress, just let the patient rest and they should be alright. "A voice said. " Okay thank you, I'll arrange the payment methods later.The maid will be accompanying you out. "After blinking a few times, you were extremely confused at where you were. Until you saw a certain red haired man. "Ah, you're awake, don't be alarmed, I happened to find you while I was out visiting the tavern. "
"Not to worry, I will not press you for matters that you do not wish to disclose to me. "Diluc's clear and firm voice spoke into your ears. "Uhm, Thank you so, so much, Diluc, I probably would've been in trouble had it not been for you. "
"No need for the formalities. So, uh, would you be alright telling me what happened that led you to pass out? "
After your explanation and much awkwardness, Diluc offered Y/n a place to stay for the time being and a job at the tavern as well, arranging shifts where they didn't have to see Kaeya. The tavern paid better, which led to practically meeting Diluc at least 75% of the time.
Over the span of half a year,many changes happened! Both Y/n and the red haired man began to fall deep into love and weeks of two oblivious fools mutually pining after each other, they finally got together.
And on one fateful day where Y/n decided to surprise their wonderful boyfriend at the tavern, a certain blue haired man was drinking endlessly, with the red haired bartender choosing to ignore him. And then, enter Y/n, Diluc pleasantly surprised and wrapping his arms around their waist to return their hug,also giving them a small peck.
And oh how much it hurt to see his lover-no, ex, be happy with his own brother out of everyone. It was a bitter taste on his tongue, like the drinks he had downed. Some say it was karma, some say it was fate. Maybe, he should have changed.
And now, all Kaeya could do was drown his sorrows and regret, oh how he possibly could have been so foolish, the truth that he broke their trust and cheated, and the fact that he didn't even try to go after them.
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pilvimarja · 1 year
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🔥= smutty ‼️= read the warnings 😭 = emotional ❣️= fluffy and sweet ✅️ = completed
55 and 75 by metemcephalon, explicit, bottom Maverick ❣️✅️
They aviate through the clear skies and grey clouds of life together, but they move slower now.
Push It Real Good by Fopperies, explicit 🔥‼️✅️
Maverick has to help Bradley when he's hit by a (vague) curse.
With These Drums And These Guitars by Lake, teen, Band AU 😭❣️
Maverick, the rock band, is in need of a new drummer. Bradley doesn't expect much when he auditions, even if his dad was one of the founding members.
Mommy Knows Best by FuddleWuddle, explicit, omegaverse, bottom Maverick 🔥‼️‼️‼️✅️
Mav keeps hearing Bradley say something he probably shouldn't when his 'girlfriends' are round. When the third one breaks up with him because of what he says, Mav steps in to help. Because Mommy knows best, after all.
At Your Bark And Call by Comrad, explicit 🔥‼️
Rooster really should learn to ask for things more often. Maverick really should know better than to let his doofy bloodhound on the couch.
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wanderingmind867 · 1 year
I've got a new idea that I'm very proud of! It's an idea for either a tv show or a series of TV Movies released every Christmas. It's about the goings on at a bar/restaurant/lounge every Christmas. I came up with this prompt all on my own after listening to a lot of Christmas music. I did use AI to bounce my ideas off of it, however. Whether it's a TV series or merely a series of TV Movies released every new Christmas season, one thing is clear: the show is only ever set during winter/christmas.
The Bar where the show is set is like a mix of a rustic old ski lodge and of an old cosmopolitan cocktail lounge from the 1940s. It's got a very old timey feel, at any rate.
This idea could be viewed as similar to shows like The Love Boat. An anthology series, but with a few characters connecting all the stories to each other. On the Love Boat, the crew of the ship were the characters who tied everything together. Here, it's the bar's staff who tie all the stories together. At least one staff member shows up during each of the 3-4 stories told in one episode.
Since I just brought them up, let's discuss the bar's staff:
First, there's the bar's owner (I don't have a name for him yet). He's an old man who always seems to know just what to do to boost his patrons spirits during the holiday season. He's also got a bit of an aura of mystery to him, mostly because it's implied he has some sort of history with Santa. Whether they be Best Friends, Distant Relatives or something in between, it's clear he's got some sort of connection to Santa and the North Pole.
I want him to be like Ricardo Montalban on Fantasy Island, this older man with an aura of mystery surrounding him. Personally, I like conclusive answers though. So I'll probably address the mystery at some point (after a season or two, or during the third or fourth special). I'm leaning towards the relatives ideas, personally. I think it's a clever idea for how they might know each other.
Also at the bar is a somewhat washed up old lounge singer (don't have a name for him yet either). 70-75 years old at the beginning of our series, he's been working for this bar since sometime in the late 90s (let's say he joined the staff around 1996 or so). He always wanted to make it big and be a successor to his idols Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, Dean Martin, etc. But sadly, this never quite worked out as planned. He was sometimes able to book some small gigs, but he could never afford to play any big venues.
At some point in his 30s, he falls into a deep depression because of this. For almost 9 years, he wouldn't perform his music anymore. It's only because he happened to stop in at this bar for his 46th birthday that he's performing again. He fell in love with the atmosphere at the bar and with the feelings of love and camaraderie displayed there. He loved it so much he asked if he could perform at the bar, acting as a form of In-house entertainment. The bar's owner said he liked the idea a lot, and he's been working here ever since. In fact, his 30th anniversary of working for the bar is slowly approaching.
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skullytotheark · 6 months
Doodle Dump: part one i think
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Toby mask test: drew him with one of my oc's gas Mask as a test because I'm having a slight design crisis. Dunno he'll end up having it at the end though. The mask was heavily inspired by the reboot toby's mask but i made it into like a pyro tf2 style gasmask
The reason I kinda wanna change the mask is 1: To be kinda unique to my design 2: The half mask & goggles aren't really intimidating, I feel like if you see some maniac with a gasmask on holding an axe it's abit more scary then some emo w/ a pair of goggles in a hoodie
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Toby unmasked concepts:
Recently i thought of redesiging toby for my creepyhornets au. At first I was thinking of leaning more towards the reboot design for My Toby however I did end up going to the Right image. The first image ended up getting modified and turned into a "toby inspired oc" named Garfield robinson
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Garfield Robinson "The Woodland Maniac": This character was made for my "creepypastas but OCS" au. A big trouble im having w/ him is that idk if I should give the mask to Him or Toby... Tbh I think he might end up keeping it at the end. I do have more "creepypastas but ocs" characters but im gonna try & make two more ocs before i do a full post on the AU
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Silly Zalgo concept: Wanted to try & design zalgo in my creepyhornets canon. That's it tbh
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Thomas Watson "Dollface": Another character for the "creepypasta but ocs" au. From now on im just gonna call the au "Clear Skies 75" because i had that name laying around for abit. But as you can tell this character is inspired via "Masky" because I fucking LOVE masky.
Inspirtation: His face is semi inspired by Joel from ltou game and I kept Tim's bodytype from Marble hornets because I don't like twink masky at all [I WILL RANT ABOUT HOW I HATE FANON MASKY DONT EVEN RN]. The main theme of the au is that the characters are semi inspired by "creepypastas" [masky & hoody are rare exceptions] and I take my own little originality to it. As for the Mask I was sort of inspired by concept art for brahms in from the boy, Random stertypical dummies and halloween masks back in the 80s where it was just the character's face
Story: Thomas's story is kinda similiar to the story of marble hornets with the whole "Stopping the sickness" thing. But instead it's pretty much camping trip gone wrong. Will be expanded upon in a seperate post once i ACTUALLY write it down instead of being a lazy ass
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Bryan Hoffman "Null": Another clear lakes 75 oc. Heavily inspired by Hoody & Skully. Bryan starts off as a "hoody" character, dies then returns as Skully. I still havent designed "Hoody" yet but all i can really imagine is little spiral on a black spandex mask w/ a black hoode for the design
I'll probably do more drawing dumps eventually, I dont reallyyy wanna just repost my content from tiktok but we'll see i guess.
See y'all in the next post
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
MOSCOW, August 9. /TASS/. The number of people injured in Ukrainian drone attacks on central Russia’s Lipetsk Region last night has climbed to nine, Governor Igor Artamonov wrote on his Telegram channel.
A state of emergency was declared in the region as crews work to clear the area of unexploded objects.
TASS has gathered the key facts about the situation.
Massive drone attack
- The Lipetsk Region was hit by a massive drone attack last night
- A red threat level was declared
- Residents of four townships were evacuated
- Passenger transport service was halted in Lipetsk and adjoining neighborhoods
- A state of emergency was declared in the region as efforts continue to clean up the aftermath of the attack in the Lipetsk municipality
- Governor Igor Artamonov has already said that the situation is stable
- People who have been evacuated from the Lipetsk municipality to temporary accommodations can return home, the regional government said
- According to the latest reports, nine people were injured in the drone attack
- A power infrastructure facility was damaged. The aftermath has been cleared, with electricity being supplied from reserve generators
- A fire occurred at a military airfield in the Lipetsk Region, the Main Department of the Emergencies Ministry for the region said on its website
Official response
- Governor Artamonov convened a meeting of the operational headquarters at the regional government to discuss relief efforts in the wake of the massive drone attack
- All entertainment events in the region have been canceled
Defense Ministry report
- Air defenses intercepted and downed 75 fixed-wing drones over Russian regions last night, including 19 drones in the skies over the Lipetsk Region, Russia’s Defense Ministry said.
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pagerunner-j · 2 months
I have had a miserable couple of weeks, but today? It’s 75 degrees, clear skies, light breeze, I’ve got one of these, and things are, at this particular moment, lovely.
(Also, locals or determined geoguessers can probably tell where I am. But fuck it. ;)
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bluenews · 3 months
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10TH - 16TH JUNE 2024.
Due to maintenance work on the lines, the train journeys from Blue Harbor to Chicago and Rockford via Naperville are expected to be canceled or experience severe delays from Monday 10th June 2024 — Friday 28th June 2024. The maintenance work is reported to be at the lines near the Weaver Ridge area. For anyone affected by this, please contact the ticket office asap.
Numerous reports of various celebrity sightings have had locals and tourists alike partaking in ‘celebrity spotting’ the local hotspots and the upmarket neighborhood of Oak Gardens. Whether it be due to any participation in upcoming Pride events, or perhaps debating a move to a slower-paced life, here at Blue Harbor, we welcome all with open arms. 
Despite the hot weather, clear skies aren’t set to last with only two bright sunny days being Friday and Sunday. Scattered thunderstorms expected on Thursday with a estimated humidity of 54% so we advise you prepare yourselves for the weather accordingly! Things should stay dry the rest of the week, with the summer weather prepared to stay Sunday onwards!
Monday — 75°F / 51°F — sunny with clouds
Tuesday — 80°F / 64°F — sunny with clouds
Wednesday — 91°F / 69°F — sunny with clouds
Thursday — 92°F / 70°F  — scattered thunderstorms
Friday — 90°F / 65°F — sunny
Saturday — 90°F / 70°F — sunny with clouds
Sunday — 96°F / 76°F  — sunny
As June continues, as do the Pride celebrations, with the Mayor’s office reporting the official parade date will be released this week as they finalize the last of the paperwork and permits needed. It’s not too late for any local businesses to partake as needed! Following activities and deals are listed below:
Aurora is having 2 for 1 deals on their Pride Collection Cocktails, until the end of June!
Enjoy-Mint! Across town for this week only, there is a 50% sale off all mint flavored, scented and colored items including: Assembly Depot, Caffélicious, Carnal Knowledge, Chilled Creamery, Crystal Clear, Earthwave and Honey Bee Tea! The perfect treat for all those who appreciate the acquired taste of mint! 
For one night only, on Wednesday 12th June, Margz and Margz are serving Pepperoni! First come, first served. Limited slices available! 
The following open starters could use a little love!
Lisha Katz @ Caffélicious!
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justinmitchellfan12 · 4 months
Part 75 of the mercariana/ MERCMAIA love story with tons of smut warning ⚠️ of mercedes varnado grande X Ariana grande and mercedes varnado grande X maia Valencia of the mercmaia love story
The continuation of June 9 of 2046 at 10:23pm and the continuation of mercedes celebrating her after party as both maia and g-eazy sing the song that is about maias girlfriend mercedes " 🎵 Something happened baby, only you can make it right, clear my heavy mind with your tricks, got that magic baby, cause everything I fear just slowly disappears, as we kiss, yeah, baby, I want you close, I want you close, give me your love, baby, I want some more, I want some more, can't get enough, baby, I wanna feel your touch, wanna feel your touch, just get me up and go on and on, on and on, don't leave me girl, (Uh uh uh uh) please stay with me tonight, (Uh uh uh uh) don't leave me girl, (uh uh uh uh) I know you're down to give it up, are you happy baby, i can make you valentines
Every single night, dim the lights, i'm ecstatic baby, you've got me on the high" and everyone Is dancing as maia sings the first song as mercedes dances to her girlfriends singing " join me in this sky paradise, baby, I want you close, I want you close, give me your love, baby, I want some more, I want some more, can't get enough, baby, I wanna feel your touch, feel your touch, just get me up and go on and on, on and on, don't leave me girl, (Uh uh uh uh) please stay with me tonight, (Uh uh uh uh) don't leave me girl, (Uh uh uh uh) I know you're down to give it up, i had a show in sydney in front of aussie, right, then a show in london, for the longest flight, i know it's been too long and you're always right, just tryna see you after a hardest night
Listen, this between us, our secret don't tell, it's beatles mania when I leave the hotel, we don't want tabloid cashing up no chills, tryna be with you alone for a week, clock this morning, this is short thing, let's take off without all the paparazzi swarming, i'm tryna show you you're the most important, until one you're tryna be too forward, but we've got one chance, and I can't wait till the next time I see you, so you should stay till I leave to the next city and disappear, so, only if I need you here, i'm saying, don't leave me girl, (Uh uh uh uh) please stay with me tonight, (Uh uh uh uh) don't leave me girl, (Uh uh uh uh) I know you're down to give it up, don't leave, stay with me tonight, don't leave me baby, i know you got to to give it up, ha ha" and both maia and g-eazy finish singing the song and g-eazy gets off the stage
as maia asks her girlfriend " what song do you want me to sing next baby girl says maia " I want you to sing moment for life and then fine China after you sing moment for life baby says mercedes " I'll sing the songs at your request and I want you up here with me when I sing my last song with drake baby girl says maia " I'll join you onstage after you sing the two songs that I told you to sing that are about me babe says mercedes and Maia obeys her girlfriends demands and she turns her attention to the dj " I want you to play the moment for life music as I start singing the song and drake ,come up here and sing the song with me and I'll sing the fine China song next says maia as drake gets onstage and he gets handed a mic and the dj plays the music as both maia and drake sing the moment for life song
" 🎵 [maia:]
I fly with the stars in the skies, i am no longer trying to survive, i believe that life is a prize, but to live doesn't mean you're alive, don't worry 'bout me and who I fire, i get what I desire, it's my empire, and yes, I call the shots, I am the umpire, i sprinkle holy water upon a vampire, in this very moment, I'm king, in this very moment, I slayed Goliath with a sling, this very moment, I bring, put it on everything that I will retire with the ring, and I will retire with the crown, yes, no, I'm not lucky, I'm blessed, yes, clap for the heavyweight champ, me, but I couldn't do it all alone, we, young Money raised me, grew up out in Baisley, southside Jamaica, Queens, and it's crazy, cause I'm still hood, Hollywood couldn't change me, shout out to my haters, sorry that you couldn't faze me
Ain't being cocky, we just vindicated, best believe that when we done, this moment will be syndicated, i don't know, this night just remind me of, everything they deprived me of (Yeah), put your drinks up, it's a celebration every time we link up, we done did everything they can think of, greatness is what we on the brink of, i wish that I could have this moment for life, for life, for life, cause in this moment, I just feel so alive, alive, alive, i wish that I could have this moment for life, for life, for life, this is my moment, I just feel so alive, alive, alive
What I tell them hoes Bow, bow, bow to me, drop down to your knees, young Money the mafia, that's word to Lil' Cease, i'm in the Dominican, Big Papi Ortiz, doing target practice, all these bitches just aiming to please, shout out to the CEO, 500 Degreez, shout out to the OVO, red wings and fatigues, oh, niggas wanna be friends, how coincidental, this supposed to be y'all year We ain't get the memo, a young king, pay me in gold, 40 got a bunch of weed he ain't even roll, these niggas be droppin' songs, they ain't even cold, weezy on top, and that nigga ain't even home yet, yeah, be very afraid, rhese other rappers gettin' bodied and carried away, fuck it, maia and mercedes gettin' married today, and all you bitches that be hatin' can catch a bouquet, ooh
Yeah, you a star in my eyes, you and all them white girls, party of five, are we drinking a lil' more I can hardly decide, i can't believe we really made it, I'm partly surprised, I swear, damn, this one for the books, man, i swear this shit is as fun as it looks, man, i'm really tryna make it more than what it is, cause everybody dies, but not everybody lives, ah
[Maia (baby doll):]
I wish that I could have this moment for life, for life, for life, cause in this moment, I just feel so alive, alive, alive, i wish that I could have this moment for life, for life, for life, this is my moment, I just feel so alive, alive, alive, this is my moment, i waited all my, life, I can tell it's time, drifting away, I'm, one with the sunsets, I have become alive, i wish that I could have this moment for life, for life, for life, cause in this moment, I just feel so alive, alive, alive, i wish that I could have this moment for life, for life, for life, this is my moment, I just feel so alive, alive, alive" and both maia and drake finish singing the song amd maia asks the dj to play the music of her next song fine China as drake gets offstage and then the music for the 3rd song starts to play as maia sings the fine China song that is about her girlfriend mercedes
And maia sings the song " 🎵 Baby, do i do it for you, when I'm finished, do I step back and adore you, i just gotta know, 'cause your time is money, and I won't let you waste it, oh no-n (Ow!), baby, just go with it, cause when you're with me, I can't explain it, it's just different, we can take it slow or act like you're my girl, let's skip the basics, whoa-whoa, oh no, shes so replaceable, (Da-da-da-da, da-da-da, uh, da-da-da), you're worth the chase you're putting on, (Da-da-da-da, da-da-da), it's alright, I'm not dangerous, when you're mine, I'll be generous, you're irreplaceable, a collectible" and maia winks at her girlfriend making mercedes blush as maia continues to sing " just like fine china, favorite, you're my favorite
It's like all the girls around me don't have faces, and the saying goes, life is just a game but I'm not playing, whoa-whoa, oh-oh, she's so replaceable, (Da-da-da-da, da-da-da, uh, da-da-da), you're worth the chase you're putting on, (Da-da-da-da, da-da-da), it's alright (Yeah), I'm not dangerous, when you're mine (Woo), I'll be generous, (You are) You're irreplaceable, a collectible (Just like), just like fine china, it's alright (Girl), I'm not dangerous (I'm not dangerous), when you're mine (Girl), I'll be generous, (you are) You're irreplaceable, (You are) A collectible (Hey!), (You are) just like fine china, took me a while (Yeah) to find your love (Hey!), ain't no amount of time in this world (Ho!), save me a lot of time and just love me (Hey!)
Feel it, baby, feel it in your soul, are you ready (oh), i know your heart been telling you, you belong to me (Ha ha), a-na-na, no-whoa, it's alright (Yeah, whoa!), I'm not dangerous, when you're mine (Whoa, I'll get you girl), I'll be generous (I, I, no), you're irreplaceable, a collectible, just like fine china, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh, yeah, uh, oh, oh no, yeah, yeah, yeah" and maia finishes singing the third song and she looks at her girlfriend " come up on the stage with me and you as well drake says maia and both mercedes and drake get onstage and maia helps her girlfriend onstage and she pulls her girlfriend very close and she gives her girlfriend a kiss on the lips and maia kisses back " you mean the world to me baby girl says maia " you mean the world to me too babe says mercedes as they kiss once more
" are you ready to hear me and drake sing my last song and just so you know this last song will literally put you in tears and we will have some pda while I'm singing the last and final song baby girl says maia " I'm so ready to hear you song your song and dj, play the music to my girlfriends last song says mercedes and the dj plays the music as maia sings her last song that's about her girlfriend with drake and maia starts to sing the song as she puts her arms around her girlfriend " 🎵 Baby I've been searching, searching through these crowds, to make my find someone who knows what I'm about, all these excuses, you're too sound down, so it's crazy what you got me doing now, hold up baby"
and mercedes is now literally in tears as she listens to her girlfriend singing the song and she shows pda towards her girlfriend as maia sings while giving her girlfriend pda as well " you know you drive crazy, and I want everybody to know, i'm down, nobody's looking right now, ain't not time for messing around, but it won't take a minute, baby come kiss me quick" and maia gets behind her girlfriend and she pulls her girlfriend real close to her as she sings directly to her girlfriend as mercedes is loving the song as she is in tears " the satire feeling right here, make this unforgettable, baby come kiss me quick, no we don't know what tomorrow's gonna bring, so don't put the pause when giving it plain, you got me hooked on your VDA, wait a minute, wait a minute "
and then maia kisses her girlfriend on the neck and shoulder as she sings the final verse of the song with drake " before you go away, hold up baby, you know you drive crazy, and I want everybody to know, i'm down, nobody's looking right now, ain't not time for messing around, but it won't take a minute, baby come kiss me quick, the satire feeling right here, make this unforgettable, yeah, baby come kiss me quick" and maia finishes singing the song directly to her girlfriend as mercedes has happy tears streaming down her face and she gives her girlfriend a sweet and loving kiss as the music ends and both maia and her girlfriend pull away from the kiss and maia wipes the tears from her girlfriends face
" did you love the song baby girl says maia " it literally put me in tears but I loved the song and let's continue my after party celebration a bit more and let me know when you want to leave baby says mercedes as she starts teasing her girlfriend yet again " I couldn't take the teasing the first time but why a second time baby girl says maia " I wanna have fun for a bit longer while teasing you some more during my after party baby says mercedes and about 30 minutes later as maia has been teased so much by her girlfriend a second time as she took a few more pictures of her girlfriend celebrating her after party and she gets on her Instagram account and she posts a few more pictures of her girlfriend celebrating her after party
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And maia posts the pictures on her Instagram account and she logs off her Instagram account and she puts her phone in her pocket as mercedes sexually walks towards her girlfriend " did you post some more pictures of me celebrating my after party papi says mercedes seductively as she teases her girlfriend and maia bites her lip as she feels herself getting so hard in her pants " I can't take it anymore, let's leave the club and head to a hotel room before I fuck you right here in front of everyone cause you know how risky I'm going to be if I fuck you in front of everyone baby girl says maia " then let's head to a hotel room and fuck all night papi says mercedes as she presses down on her girlfriends now very hard bulge making maia gasp in pleasure " me and my girlfriend are leaving and heading to the hotel to get a hotel room guys says mercedes
" sure thing mercedes says Tony khan and both mercedes and her girlfriend maia drink a lot of alcohol and they are now kind of drunk but sober as they head to leave the club and head to a hotel and they both leave the club and they head towards the BMW " do you want me to be in control during sex or you baby girl says maia " I want you to to take control during sex when me when we are in a hotel room papi says mercedes seductively to her girlfriend " I love you baby says mercedes as she gives her girlfriend a kiss on the lips and maia kisses back " I love you too baby girl says maia " when we enter our hotel room, I wanna be in charge for a bit and I'll let you take control during sex entirely papi says mercedes seductively to her girlfriend " i don't have a problem with that baby girl says maia as they arrive at the BMW
" I want you to drive to the hotel while I give you a blowjob papi says mercedes " you love sucking my dick so much don't you baby girl says maia " I absolutely love sucking your dick and you know I'm very addicted to you and your very hard 3o inch dick papi says mercedes as they both get in the car and maia starts the car as mercedes gets on her knees on the seat and she unbuttons and unzips her girlfriends pants and she takes off her girlfriends pants and boxers all the way off and she tosses them to the backseat as maias very hard 30 inch dick springs up and maia pulls away from the club and she drives to the hotel as mercedes kisses the tip of her girlfriends dick making maia moan very loud in pleasure " make me cum before we get to the hotel baby girl says maia as she moans
" oh I'll make you cum for me before we arrive at the hotel papi says mercedes seductively as she licks her girlfriends dick as Maia moans in sensation at the feeling of her girlfriends tounge licking her dick " your tounge feels so good licking my dick baby girl says maia as she moans in pleasure " you got that right papi says mercedes as she now sucks on the tip of her girlfriends dick as Maia moans her girlfriends name out loud in pleasure as she is loving the blowjob that her girlfriend is giving her as mercedes sucks very deep on her girlfriends dick as she bobs her head up and down on her girlfriends dick at a very fast pace making maia scream and whimper very loud in pleasure at the top of her lungs
as mercedes wants to make her girlfriend cum before they arrive at the hotel amd mercedes sucks even faster on her girlfriends entire dick all the way inside of her mouth as maia is loving every bit of it as mercedes goes even faster on her girlfriends dick making maia scream and whimper even louder at the top of her lungs like a little girl and 35 minutes later as maia immediately reaches her orgasm and she is about to bust of cum " I'm about to cum baby girl says maia as she moans in pleasure " cum for me papi says mercedes as she sucks even deeper and faster on her girlfriends dick making maia bust as she shoots loads of her cum inside of her girlfriends mouth and mercedes swallows every bit of her girlfriends cum
and mercedes pulls away from her girlfriends dick and she licks the leftover cum from her girlfriends dick as they are a few minutes away from the hotel and mercedes fully pulls away from her girlfriends dick as maias dick is still very hard and mercedes grabs her girlfriends pants and boxers from the backseat as maia pulls into the hotel parking lot abd she parks the car in the parking spot and mercedes hands the boxers abd pants to her girlfriend " put theses back on before we enter the hotel baby says mercedes as maia grabs her pants and boxers " sure thing baby girl says maia as she puts her boxers and pants back on and a few seconds later as maia zips and buttons her pants back up and then both maia and her girlfriend get out of the car and mercedes goes to the back of the car and she opens the trunk and she grabs her and her girlfriends suitcase
" do you mind if I carry your suitcase for you baby says mercedes as they head towards the entrance of the hotel " I don't mind if you carry my suitcase for me baby girl says maia amd a few minutes later as they arrive at the entrance of the hotel and maia opens the door for her girlfriend " after you baby girl says maia as she lets her girlfriend go in first " thanks babe says mercedes as she enters first and maia follows behind her girlfriend and they head towards the front desk as they are greeted by the employee " are you guys getting a room for tonight says the employee " actually me and my girlfriend will be staying for 5 days here in Las Vegas and we would like to have a penthouse suite says maia
and about a few minutes later as the employee hands the the penthouse suite room key and maia takes the room key " the penthouse suite is at the top floor and enjoy your 5 day stay guys says rhe employee " we will says mercedes as they head towards the elevator and then maia presses the button and the elevator doors open and they enter the elevator and maia presses the button to get to the top floor of theor penthouse suite amd minutes later as they are now in their penthouse suite " babe, put this do not disturb sign on the front door and lock it so no one walks in on us fucking baby says mercedes as she hands the do not disturb sign to her girlfriend
" sure thing baby girl says maia as she goes to put the do not disturb sign on the front hotel room door as maia opens her suitcase and she pulls out her 17 inch size laptop and she sets the laptop on the coffee table as maia joins her girlfriend after she put the do not disturb sign on the doorknob and also locked the hotel room front door " dim the lighting to set the mood and we are going to do a special celebration onlyfans content just for tonight papi says mercedes " you did lock the door after you put the do not disturb sign on the doorknob right baby says mercedes " I did that baby girl says maia " good and this is one of the things I have planned for us tonight and I'm going to login onto my onlyfans account
and it's still set to private so only me and you have access to it baby says mercedes as she gets on her laptop and she goes to the onlyfans website and she logs in onto her onlyfans account " before you go live on your onlyfans account, im going to play some romantic music and have the music playing in the background while we make love baby girl says maia " light some candles to set the mood while you're at it and I'll go live on my onlyfans account baby says mercedes " sure thing baby girl says maia and about a few minutes later as romantic music is playing in the background amd some of the candles are now lit as it sets the mood " the mood has now been set and let's go live on your onlyfans account baby girl says maia
" just so you know, we will not be getting any sleep tonight papi says mercedes as she goes live on her onlyfans account and mercedes grabs her girlfriend by the shirt as 45 people join to watch as mercedes pulls her girlfriend in for a kiss as they start making love during the live onlyfans " if there are other people in their hotel rooms, they are going to hear the music and know my name by the end of it baby girl says maia as mercedes deepens the kiss as she takes off her girlfriends custom jacket and she sets the jacket on the floor without breaking the kiss as more people join to watch the live onlyfans " after we fuck, we will be very satisfied and good after sex papi says mercedes as she pulls away from the kiss and she takes off her girlfriends shirt snd tosses it towards the custom jacket
And mercedes places her hands on her girlfriends tits and she gropes her girlfriends tits as maia moans in pleasure " take off my dress papi says mercedes seductively as maia grabs the bottom of her girlfriends red dress and she takes the dress all the way off of her girlfriend as mercedes is fully nude as her pussy is soaking wet and mercedes leans back against the couch arm and she spreads her legs apart as maia takes off the rest of her clothing as her very hard 30 inch dick springs up " I want you to eat me out papi and call me your slut and take control says mercedes seductively " oh I'll eat you eat real good slut says Maia as she slaps her girlfriends soaking wet pussy making mercedes moan very loud in pleasure
" slap my pussy some more papi says mercedes seductively and maia slaps her girlfriends pussy hard a few more times making mercedes scream her girlfriends name out loud at the top of her lungs and then maia leans towards her girlfriends soaking wet pussy and maia licks her girlfriends soaking wet pussy making mercedes buck a little as she moans in sensation at the feeling of her girlfriends tounge licking her pussy " your tounge feels so good licking my pussy papi says mercedes as she moans in pleasure " how hard do you want me to eat you out slut says Maia as she rubs her girlfriends soaking wet pussy as mercedes moans in pleasure " I want you to eat me out so hard abd fast and make me scream like a little girl at the top of my lungs papi says mercedes
" oh I'll make you scream so loud slut says Maia as she aggressively starts eatingout her girlfriends pussy so very hard and fast making mercedes grip the couch cushions as she lets out a high pitch scream and whimper at the top of her lungs like a little girl as she is loving how hard she is being eaten out by her girlfriend and mercedes pushes her girlfriend even further down on her pussy as maia eats out her girlfriends pussy at an even much faster and harder pace making mercedes scream and whimper her girlfriends name out loud at the top of her lungs like a little girl and then maia slightly pulls away from her girlfriends constantly soaking wet pussy and she sticks two of her fingers real hard and good inside of her girlfriends pussy
making mercedes scream out loud in pleasure as maia thrusts and curls her fingers inside of her girlfriends pussy as mercedes grinds against her girlfriends fingers as she moans very loud in pleasure " who does your pussy belong to slut says Maia as she thrusts and curls her fingers even faster inside of her girlfriends pussy as mercedes let's out a very loud moan at the top of her lungs " my pussy belongs and only belongs to you papi says mercedes as she gets closer and closer to her orgasm as she feels her stomach start to tighten " I'm about to bust of cum papi says mercedes as she moans as more and more people watch the live onlyfans as they have a good angle of watching maia and mercedes fucking during their live onlyfans video
" I want you to hold on a bit longer until I tell you to cum for me slut says Maia with dirty talk to her girlfriend as mercedes is loving how her girlfriend is taking control during the entirety of sex " yes papi says mercedes as she moans even louder as maia continues to curl and thrusts her fingers inside of her girlfriends pussy as mercedes moans even much louder in pleasure as she continues to grind against her girlfriends fingers and 8 minutes later as mercedes is now about to bust of cum as she can't hold on any longer " I can't hold on any longer papi says mercedes as she moans in pleasure " then cum for me slut and after you orgasm, I'll slam my entire dick all the way inside of you says maia " yes papi says mercedes as she moans very loud as she cums so hard on her girlfriends fingers and maia takes her fingers out of her girlfriends pussy
And maia puts her fingers in her mouth and she sucks the juices off her fingers and she moans at the taste of her girlfriends juices " you taste so delicious slut says Maia as she gets in position as she rubs the tip of her dick on the entrance of her girlfriends pussy as mercedes moans in pleasure " I love tasting delicious for you and only you papi says mercedes as she moans in pleasure " you got that right slut says Maia as she grabs her girlfriends hips real hard and she slams her entire dick all the way inside of her girlfriends pussy as she hits her girlfriends g spot real hard making mercedes let out a loud high pitch scream and whimper at the top of her lungs like a little girl as she grips the couch cushions
" I love making you scream like a little girl slut says Maia with dirty talk to her girlfriend " you know it papi says mercedes as maia immediately starts pounding so hard and fast inside of her girlfriends pussy making mercedes scream her girlfriends name out loud a 2nd time at the top of her lungs " keep fucking my pussy until you cum inside of me papi says mercedes as she moans very loud in pleasure " oh I'll keep fucking your pussy until I cum inside of you real hard and good slut says Maia with very dirty talk to her girlfriend as mercedes wraps her legs around her girlfriends waist and she tightens her grip making maia slam her entire dick even further inside of her girlfriends pussy and hitting her girlfriends g spot lots of times making mercedes moan very loud and making her instantly cum so hard a second time on her girlfriends dick
" I love making you cum for me slut says Maia as she continues to pound even faster and harder inside of her girlfriends pussy " I always love to cum just for you papi says mercedes as she moans and then she immediately puts her girlfriend on her back as she is on top of her girlfriend as she still has her girlfriends very hard 30 inch dick inside of her pussy " I want you to bounce on my dick real hard slut says Maia as she sexually slaps her girlfriends tits as mercedes moans in pleasure " I'll bounce real hard on your dick papi says mercedes as she starts bouncing on her girlfriends dick at a fast and hard pace as maia moans very loud while watching her girlfriend bounce on her dick
" how much do you love it when I bounce on your dick papi says mercedes in her slutty voice as she bounces even faster and harder on her girlfriends dick making maia moan even louder in pleasure " I fucking love it when you bounce on my dick so hard and fast slut says Maia as she praises her girlfriend as mercedes now bounces even harder and faster on her girlfriends dick as the tip of maias dick hits her girlfriends g spot once more as they both moan at loud in pleasure and about 4 hours later at 1am as they cummed 30 times in lots of new amd unique sex positions and they continue fucking on the live onlyfans as they both are so very sweaty with very messy sex hair and they both have tons of bite marks
and hickeys all over each other's bodies as they made a huge mess in the living room, kitchen, dining room and the entire hallway as mercedes has the laptop in her hands as she is still live on her onlyfans account as both mercedes and her girlfriend maia are a few seconds from the bedroom " do you guys want to see us fuck so hard in bedroom as we made a huge mess in other rooms as you guys already saw the messes that we made says mercedes as they are at the bedroom door " and also you guys also see both me and my girlfriend drenched in cum on our entire bodies says mercedes
" looks like they want us to fuck so hard in the bedroom and how long should we fuck for slut says Maia in her slutty voice to her girlfriend " we'll fuck for 8 more hours till 9am and then after sex, we'll order room service to eat some food and do some fun stuff later on papi says mercedes seductively to her girlfriend " I don't have a problem with that slut says Maia as they enter the bedroom and maia closes the bedroom door and they both get on the bed and mercedes sets the laptop close to the edge of the bed giving the people watching the live onlyfans a good view of them as they do the doggy style sex position as maia has her dick a few inches from her girlfriends ass
" I love you slut says Maia as mercedes backs up towards her girlfriends dick " I love you too papi says mercedes as she rubs her girlfriends dick in between her ass as maia is loving every bit of it " can you tell me what you mean by some fun stuff slut says Maia " it's some of what I have planned for us like going to a casino or however people have fun here in Vegas papi says mercedes as she sticks the tip of her girlfriends dick inside of her ass " sure thing slut says Maia as she slams her entire dick all the way inside of her girlfriends ass as mercedes ass is already so red and raw when they made a huge mess in different parts of the suite making mercedes let out a very loud high pitch scream at the top of her lungs " who do you belong to slut says Maia as she aggressively grabs her girlfriends hips
" I belong and only belong to you papi says mercedes as she arches down towards the mattress as maia pounds so hard on her girlfriends ass as she hits the right spot inside of her girlfriends ass making mercedes scream and whimper at loud at the top of her lungs as she grips the bedsheets as she loves being dominated so hard by her girlfriend in 8 more hours of sex as maia already feel herself getting closer to her orgasm as her stomach starts to tighten " cum inside of my ass papi says mercedes as she moans very loud in pleasure " as you wish slut says Maia as she busts as she cum so hard inside of her girlfriends ass and then maia takes her dick out of her girlfriends ass and mercedes turns around and she lays her girlfriend on her back
and mercedes puts her hair in a bun and she leans towards her girlfriends lips as she grabs her girlfriends dick and sge starts stroking her girlfriend real hard making maia moan very loud in pleasure as mercedes smashes her lips onto her girlfriends lips as they aggressively French kiss with tounge as mercedes continues to stroke her girlfriends dick real good and fast as maia moans very loud through the kiss " should I leave more permanent marks on your body papi to make sure that you are mine and only mine says mercedes as she bites down on her girlfriends bottom lip and she pulls away from the kiss with a pop " sure thing slut says Maia as she moans even louder as mercedes strokes her girlfriends dick at an even much faster pace
and then mercedes goes towards her girlfriends neck as she lets go of her girlfriends dick as she gropes her girlfriends tits as she attaches her lips onto the sweet spot of her girlfriends neck and she starts aggressively sucking and biting on the sweet spot of her girlfriends neck making maia lets out a very loud moan at the top of her lungs as she throws her head back against the pillow and mercedes sucks even faster on her girlfriends neck even faster and harder making maia moan her girlfriends name out loud once more at the top of her lungs and a few minutes later as mercedes pulls away from her girlfriends neck and she admires the huge purple hickey forming on her girlfriends neck as she also left a permanent mark on her girlfriends neck amd then mercedes goes towards her girlfriends tits
And mercedes gropes her girlfriends tits once more as maia moans in pleasure " suck my tits and give me a real good blowjob slut says maia " with pleasure papi says mercedes as she leans towards her girlfriends right breast and nipple and mercedes licks her girlfriends left nipple a few times as maia moans loud in sensation at the feeling of her girlfriends tounge licking her nipple as she gets even more hard and then minutes later as mercedes left a few more hickeys and bite marks as well as a few permanent marks on her girlfriends chest and tits and mercedes drags her tounge from her girlfriends cum soaked breast to her girlfriends very hard 30 inch dick and mercedes kisses the tip of her girlfriends dick once more as maia moans even louder in pleasure
and then a few hours later as they made a couple of huge messes in the bedroom as they continue having sex for one more hour and a half as mercedes left a few permanent marks on her girlfriends body and they both cummed 30 more times as they are even more sweaty with even messier sex hair and maia is already panting so very heavily as she tries to last for one more hour and a half of sex with her girlfriend and both mercedes ass and her pussy and throat are now so very stretched out as they do the pushing tush sex position as maia is on top of her girlfriend as she continues to pant very heavily " I may not last for an hour and a half slut says Maia as she slams her entire dick all the way inside of her girlfriends so stretched out pussy " just try to last for the last hour and a half for me as it's 8:30 in the morning papi says mercedes
And then 20 minutes later as mercedes cummed on her girlfriends dick and maia then puts her girlfriend on her side and she lifts up her girlfriends leg as she still has her dick all the way inside of her girlfriends pussy and then lots of thrusting later as they both cum one last time as they are now very exhausted as they end sex and the cuddle as they catch their breaths as it is now 9am of June 10 of 2046 as they didn't get any sleep and they both passionately kiss " I loved taking control during sex with you baby girl says maia " I loved every bit of it and you lasted all the way to the end of sex babe says mercedes " how do you always have so much energy during sex as I start to pant very heavily during sex baby girl says maia " I'm just a very wild and very freaky girl with you during sex babe says mercedes
And then mercedes and maia goes towards the laptop " I hope you guys enjoyed us fucking all night till 9 in the morning and I'll upload this on my Twitter account and on my onlyfans account and I have a ton of onlyfans content coming soon so I'll do another one soon, peace guys says mercedes as she ends the live onlyfans " have you posted any of your onlyfans content from before that are of us fucking on your Instagram account baby girl says maia " no and that's because I don't want my wife to figure out that I'm cheating on her just yet so I'll post tons of onlyfans content that I have on my gallery in 6 years once I'm free of my wife and I'll be living with you baby says mercedes " also who is watching your dog back at the house in Miami Florida babe says mercedes
as she closes the laptop and she puts the laptop on the nightstand " my new personal assistant Elizabeth harper is watching my dog back in Miami Florida baby girl says maia " I have to get used to your new personal assistant cause I was used to your other personal assistant Ashley Parker baby says mercedes " I gave her an early retirement and she loved working for me and do you trust my new personal assistant baby girl says maia " kind of but not much cause I haven't met your new personal assistant babe says mercedes as she sits up on the bed as maia does the same " we'll both meet my new personal assistant when we get back to the house in Miami Florida after our 5 day vacation here in Las Vegas baby girl says maia
" we'll meet your new personal assistant after our 5 day vacation and in 2 days ,I'll be in aew in Los Angeles California doing a promo but I have a feeling that I'll get interuppted someone during my promo in 2 days at aew in Las Angeles California baby says mercedes " have you figured out who attacked you during your interview with Alex marvez weeks ago baby girl says maia " I don't but I have a feeling that I'll get interuppted by the person who attacked me during my promo in aew in 2 days baby says mercedes " I'm not scheduled for a match in two days so I'll do my songs cause I brought some of my equipment to sing some of my songs of my second album that I wrote all of down for my 2nd album unbreakable smile baby girl says maia " sure thing baby and I'll call you when I arrive at the building for aew in 2 days baby says mercedes
" that's in 2 days and let's go take a shower to clean the mess off us and then order room service to get some food to eat baby girl says maia " then let's go take a shower babe says mercedes as she gives her girlfriend a sweet and loving kiss on the lips and mercedes looks at her girlfriend with so much love in her eyes " I love you so much baby says mercedes " I love you very much too baby girl says maia as they kiss once more and they both get out of the bed and they head towards the bathroom to take a shower to clean the mess off their bodies and they enter the bathroom and maia turns on the shower and they wait for the water to get warm
" also in 6 years after you have divorced your wife, I'll be 42 and you'll be 50 in 2052 baby girl says maia " I'm impressed that you know that I'll be 50 in 6 years baby says mercedes " you are 8 years older than me baby girl says maia " that's a fair point babe says mercedes as they get in the shower as the water is now warm snd they take a shower and then after their shower, they get out of the shower and they dry themselves off and they do their Hygiene routine and maia puts on a red sleeveless tank top and shorts and mercedes puts on a short crop top and blue shorts and they both leave the bathroom and mercedes orders room service and about 10 minutes later as there is a knock on the door " room service is here with our food baby says mercedes as she gets up from the couch and she heads towards the door and she opens the door
And the room service employee leaves the cart in the hotel room " enjoy your meal guys says the service girl " we'll enjoy our food and we'll pay the bill after we eat and leave the cart out in the hallway says mercedes as she closes the door and they grab the food from the cart and they head towards the dining room table to eat their food and they sit at the table and they start eating their food and about 30 minutes later as they finish eating their food " the food was so delicious babe says mercedes " I agree with you baby girl says maia
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kokorowoutsu · 8 months
-- Willow: Tidbits
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Willow was born in a time distorted area that led to a past version of a unknown region. She came back with her parents when they were brought back to Area Zero.
Willow knows how to defend herself even at a young age. She is seen with a small knife at all times.
She takes after looks in terms more towards Leon's side but there are traits of Ashe if one looks close enough, especially her blue-green eyes. If her father is the sun, her mother is the moon, and she is their little wandering star.
Her first pokemon and partner is Larvae the Larvesta.
She loves the opposite of her mother in terms of food -- spicy dishes and chocolate. She's a complete fiend when chocolate is involved in particular.
She was born under Aries skies.
She is 75% human and 25% fae. She cannot use magic as much as her mother or grandmother, but she can imbue her mana into her weapons, making her a Weapon Mage in the making.
She is more familiar with her maternal family's side but she has been accepted by her paternal family just as much as well as the friends. Her maternal uncles and aunts and extended family, however, question whether Ashe is a good mother to Willow, but she claims she has nothing to prove. Willow is none the wiser.
Willow's favorite uncles are Kianga and Juno. She thinks Night and Hop are interesting. Her favorite 'great' is her great-aunt Aestas.
Willow struggles with modern technology and being around big cities. She's always known the forest and small villages, so she prefers to stick closer to them.
As far as anyone knows, while Willow is healthy physically, she suffers from autism and sees the world differently already.
Like her mother, she can talk to pokemon with PokeSpeech. She can hear them as clear as day.
She attends a private school instead of Blueberry Academy. Her mother didn't want her to go through the same trauma she had when she was her age. The school is run by her godfather's godfather, James Xavier, who has been personally working with her to catch up academically.
Academically she is behind, but she has been learning to read and write in the modern universal language of the timeline she lives in. She actually is very fluent in Fae, Unovan/Galarian, PokeSpeech, and learning Alolan.
She likes to play tag and hide and seek, and is quite taken with Poke-Sports thanks to her Uncle Grusha (cousin, but who's keeping count?).
She vibes with Team Valor.
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