#clean energy powerhouse
jack85200 · 6 months
Computational Modeling Aspect of Fuel Cells: A Continuous Powerhouse
Fuel cells are called continuous powerhouses because it is a device that does not store energy but runs continuously to produce electricity as long as the fuel is provided. The byproduct of the fuel cell is water, hence the “clean energy” or “zero carbon emission” technology.
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jd07201990 · 8 months
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One might think I went a little overboard when I used my talents, to give my old college buddy Charles Wentworth II, the son he'd always wanted. Life threw him a curveball when his little boy just, stayed little. It took only 8 months to change that.
At 19, he was almost fae. 5'4" 110lbs soaking wet, the 3rd Charles in the line was thin, lithe, soft-tempered and good mannered. Clean and neat, always top of his class, the boy was head of the Student Council in High School, when his Father hoped he'd have excelled in Football, the same as his old man.
Charles II knew I'd gone into psychiatry out of college, majoring in Behavioral Studies with a minor in biochemistry. He'd seen what I could do to a person with just 10 minutes of talking. Out like a light, I'd fill their heads with all sorts of triggers, innocent fun to make the guys in the dorms laugh.
But Charles II knew where my interests really were. Behavioral Modification. He'd only seen this one time during our school days, when I tranced Jimmy Palter, the school's most annoying nerd, and by graduation, he'd packed on 50lbs, mostly in his belly, dressed like a hick, and went off to drive Big-Rigs across the country, adding notches to his creaking belt as he screwed his way across country, bedding pretty Diner girls as he hauled goods for my Dad's transport company. Last I'd checked, he was still trucking, with a wife and 5 kids somewhere out west.
Anyway, the strapping young stud you see here, with absolutely no intelligent thought behind those handsome eyes, is Charles Wentworth III. Or, as he preffers now, Chett. Sometimes his football buddies call him Chetworth, but one headlock with their faces pressed to his sweaty pits is enough to stop even the strongest of them, at least for a while. He's an aggressive, hot-blooded powerhouse, and doesn't let anyone forget it.
It had only taken an hour to wriggle my influence into his good natured, innocent mind. His father had asked him to come see me, and an hour later, the boy was thrilled to have sessions with me every day for the foreseeable future. I'd given him a perscription for what he was convinced were vitamins, but were really prototype HGH and Testosterone boosters a friend at a Pharma-Lab in Serbia gives to, well, select clientelle, with the agreement that we send the results asap. Some of this stuff may as well be nuclear Hormone-bombs, its no wonder the FDA refuses to even look at it!
So, A month in, and the boy was a nervous wreck. Trembling with excess energy, his feet tapped anciously during the first sessions, the supplements and my trances sending his body into overdrive. He said he felt like he was on fire, all the time, hot and clammy, and that his body tingled, pent up, wound tight like a spring. I let him suffer with this for a few weeks, I watched as the confusion led to annoyance, and he finally came to my office in the middle of the day, skipping class for the first time in his life, asking me for help. I tried to hid the wicked smirk on my face, and really got down to it. It was easy to drop him down into trance, and from there, My work really began.
4 months in, Chett had gotten a bit of weight on him, his body now tight and toned, working out alone when the gym was empty. The supplements really kicked his body into overdrive, sweat poured from him, soaking his shirts and shorts. He'd complained about it for only a short time, until I convinced him that was the smell of Effort. Of athletic Prowess. Of well-worked Male. As usual, anything I said became the truth, and I soon found him taking sniffs of himself after working out, flexing absentmindedly as he noticed the changes to his body.
By the 6th month, the supplements had shot through his body, setting it into a second puberty of sorts. He grew taller, hitting 6', his legs long with a solid densness that rivaled some of the soccer players. His torso was like a marble statue, each muscle easily traced, as he had very little bodyfat. The Chett was stuffing himself with pritein and calories at my suggestion, really pushing for some size, but his pesky metabolism just wouldn't let him bulk. His father decided that, "Behemoth" as the original plan had intended, wasn't necessary, and we went with "Classic All American Boy" instead. What began as a shrimpy welp, turned into a marble stature, then the beginnings of a diamond-cut stud.
His shoulders widened, giving him that perfect masculine taper, while his face lost its boyish softness, replaced with sharper, more intensly sharp features. His size 7s grew quickly, his feet ruinding sneakers left and right, until he'd leveled off at a wide size 13. His chest began to grow a smattering of hair, his pits were thick, dense wiry bushes. He had that Pretty-Boy look. Fuzzy in all the right places. Sure, he reeked like a Varsity Locker room, but hey, Charles II wanted an athletic son, he knows from our own college days what that entials.
I could see the Sorority Girls and cheerleaders beginning to take notice, but for now, I'd kept Chett firmly away from women. That would come later. I recieved several new prototype supplements, each targeting a different system of the body. By the time he'd finished taking these, he was 6'2" 170, a tall, well built stallion, with nothing but the gym and my trances to quell the neverending storm of energy and hormones flooding his system. He was pent up, on edge, ready to go off anytime. And I knew just what I had to do.
I'd had him on edge for the last 8 monnths. his grades slipped until he nearly got ckicked from school. Luckily, I miraculously had a place for him on the Football team. And he eagerly joined, wanting nothing more than to try and burn off all the aggression on the field. He was a beast from his first practice, I'd programmed everything he'd ever need to know about the game into his mind for months. He absolutley plowed through opponents. It was incredible to see.
I finally let the damn break after a hard-fought summer Game. he'd performed just as I expected. Like a perfectly trained, expert player. Nobody would ever guess Chett had ever been a weedy little boy. Expecially not after I'd set him loose, allowing him to notice the girls all over the field, cheering and buoncing about from player to player. when Sandra Rinaldi, heir to an immense national Grocer's fortune slid up to him, pushing the sweaty hair from his eyes, he couldn't help it. One look at her, and he pounced, kissing her hard right there in the field. 8 months of hormones and denial had been released.
From what I learned through locker room talk in the days following, Chett had given Sandra quite the workout that night, and every day since. Although the two weren't exclusive, Chett tending to get his dick wet anytime, anywhere, with anyone just as programmed, Chett seemed to have a natural incling toward her, and ended up asking her to marry him just after graduation, his father thrilled at the possibility of grandkids and Sandra's inheritence bolstering their own family's fortune.
From tiny waif of a boy, to a true blue American Stud, Charles Wentworth III was now both satisfied and thrilled with his family's future. His strapping, handsome Jock of a son made him proud, cleaning up well for his father to parade him around Gala's and business events, other big-wigs taking notice of the Wentworth's "good genes", not knowing what it took to build the boy up as you see here.
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selfhelpforstudents · 26 days
How to Stay Motivated and Productive: Crushing Your Goals Without Burning Out
Staying motivated and productive can feel like a constant battle, especially when life throws distractions, stress, and endless to-do lists your way. But fear not! With the right mindset and strategies, you can keep your motivation high and your productivity on point, without burning out. Let’s dive into some tips to help you crush your goals and stay energized along the way.
1. Start with Your "Why"
Before you even think about getting stuff done, take a moment to connect with your “why.” Why do you want to achieve these goals? Whether it’s personal growth, career advancement, or simply getting through your day with your sanity intact, having a clear purpose fuels motivation. When the going gets tough, reminding yourself of the bigger picture can keep you pushing forward.
2. Set Clear, Realistic Goals
Productivity isn’t just about doing more; it’s about doing what matters. Break your goals down into specific, achievable tasks. Instead of vague goals like “get fit” or “study more,” try “exercise for 30 minutes three times a week” or “study for 45 minutes, then take a 15-minute break.” Clear goals give you a roadmap and make it easier to track your progress.
3. Create a Routine That Works for You
Routines are your best friend when it comes to staying productive. They help build momentum and reduce the mental energy spent on deciding what to do next. But remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all routine—what works for someone else might not work for you. Experiment with different schedules until you find one that aligns with your natural rhythms and lifestyle.
4. Embrace the Power of Small Wins
There’s nothing like the rush of ticking something off your to-do list. Those small wins build momentum and keep you motivated to tackle bigger tasks. Break larger projects into smaller, manageable steps, and celebrate each achievement along the way. It’s like giving yourself a mini high-five every time you complete something, and who doesn’t love that?
5. Use the Pomodoro Technique
If you struggle with staying focused, the Pomodoro Technique is a game-changer. Work for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. After four sessions, take a longer break (15-30 minutes). This method not only helps maintain focus but also prevents burnout by ensuring you’re taking regular breaks. It’s a win-win for both your productivity and your well-being.
6. Declutter Your Space, Declutter Your Mind
A cluttered workspace can lead to a cluttered mind. Take a few minutes each day to tidy up your environment. A clean, organized space can help you feel more in control and focused on the task at hand. Plus, it’s one less thing to stress about when you’re trying to get in the zone.
7. Prioritize Self-Care
Productivity isn’t just about grinding 24/7. To stay motivated, you need to take care of yourself. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating well, and staying active. Incorporate activities that relax and recharge you—whether it’s reading, meditating, or just chilling out with a good Netflix show. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup.
8. Mix It Up
Monotony can kill motivation. If you find yourself getting bored or stuck in a rut, mix things up. Try changing your environment—work from a different room or a coffee shop. Switch up your routine or try new productivity tools and techniques. Keeping things fresh can reignite your enthusiasm and keep you engaged.
9. Stay Accountable
Share your goals with a friend, family member, or even online communities. Having someone to check in with can keep you accountable and motivated. Plus, it’s a great way to get support and encouragement when you need it most. Sometimes, just knowing someone else is rooting for you is enough to keep you going.
10. Forgive Yourself for Off Days
Let’s be real—not every day is going to be a productivity powerhouse. Some days, the motivation just isn’t there, and that’s okay. The key is not to beat yourself up over it. Instead, acknowledge it, rest, and come back stronger the next day. Progress isn’t about being perfect; it’s about being consistent over time.
11. Visualize Your Success
Take a few minutes each day to visualize what success looks like for you. Imagine how it will feel to achieve your goals, and let that positive energy drive you forward. Visualization is a powerful tool that can help keep your motivation alive, even when the journey feels long.
12. Reward Yourself
Don’t forget to reward yourself for your hard work. Whether it’s treating yourself to something special, taking a day off, or just indulging in your favorite activity, rewards help reinforce the positive behavior of staying productive. It gives you something to look forward to and makes the grind feel a little less grindy.
13. Keep Learning and Growing
Finally, keep feeding your mind with new ideas and inspiration. Read books, listen to podcasts, watch TED Talks—whatever gets your creative juices flowing. Continuous learning keeps you motivated by reminding you that there’s always more to discover and achieve.
Final Thoughts
Staying motivated and productive isn’t about working harder—it’s about working smarter. By setting clear goals, creating a routine that works for you, and prioritizing self-care, you can stay on top of your game without burning out. Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint, so pace yourself, celebrate your progress, and keep moving forward. You’ve got this!
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maginxlia · 2 years
Starring Tokyo Revengers Men ✰ In X-Rated Talents
Cast Line Up✰ Draken, Takashi, Takemichi, Chifuyu and Taiju
Rated TV-MA
Minors This Isn’t For You
Summary ✰ The Men Showcasing Their Dirty Talents! Prepare to shake with Delight Babes!
No pronouns up in here but the Reader has a Kitty
Ken “Draken” Ryuguji
✰ Drakens Talent isn't his powerhouse strength but the way he worships your pussy
✰ He is devoted to your pleasure, Each moan you make and each mark your nails dig into his skin fuels him to please you more
✰ You want his tongue on you? He makes you cum on it. You want his dick? He’ll fuck you till the only thing you remember is his name.
✰ Puts his Big dick and power to use by keeping you fucked dumb
✰ After you're all spent from the fucking he put your body through, he is there with a wet towel and his skilled hands to massage your tender muscles
Draken had you in his arms, your legs spread open while your head laid on his shoulder as fucked you toward your last orgasm
“Ken, It's too much” you moaned in his ear as he sucked your neck before pulling his lips away from you, “I promise this is the last time I make you cum tonight baby” He grunted to you as he focused on fucking you senseless
Your body trembling against him as his dick continued to kiss that spot in you that makes your eyes roll back, Draken's grip on your hips tightening as you clawed up his back
“Fuck, You gonna make lose control if you keep that up baby” He groaned out while you kiss his shoulder to hold back your moans making Draken's hips stop “Don't try to muffle your sound Doll, I want to hear every fucking noise you make” He grunted while you whined against him as you moved your hips trying to get him to start back fucking you again
“Sorry Ken, won't happen again. Now please fuck me” You said Desperately as he smiled at you before fucking up into your pussy again. Your G-spot was tender from the pleasurable beating Draken was giving it while your juices ran down Draken’s Dick
You were so fucked out that you couldn't even tell Draken you were cumming, your moans came out broken as your pussy clenched around his dick so hard that your body shook with each squeeze
“So tight so fucking perfect” Draken moaned as he came deep in you while your pussy milked him dry, Draken stayed in you while he lowered you back to the bed before pulling out of you making you whimper
“Thank you for cumming for me Baby, Now let's get you cleaned up,” Draken breathlessly said before walking away to get you a towel leaving you a trembling mess on the bed
Takashi Mitsuya
✰ Takashi's Talent stems from the fact he gets wrapped up in his work
✰ Deadlines pull his attention from you
✰ how many nights you slept over at his studio while he worked on his latest design? So many he lost count
✰ He hasn't played with your pussy in so long, That he literally feels like he going mad without feeling you gripping him
✰ The moment he finishes up with his work, He uses all his energy to fuck you down multiple rounds
✰ Takashi can fuck you up to seven times in a night. After All, what do you think happened to that endurance he had in his fighting days?? He saving it for your pussy baby
✰ He only needs a little bit of Time to rest after he cums before he's able to get back to pounding you down into the mattress but that just means more time to worship your body
Takashi was fucking you for the fourth time tonight, his hand holding yours while his hips pushed his dick deep in your pussy with every thrust
He kissed you with passion as his free hand toyed with your clit making you pull his hair gently, Takashi Moaned into the kiss while your fingers stayed buried in his hair
He pulled away from your lips to lay kisses down your neck before sucking on your sensitive left nipple while he continued his mission of fucking you into an incoherent mess
“Taka, You're fucking me so good” you moaned as your fingernails scratched his scalp. Your hips came to meet his with each thrust he made making you arch off the mattress while he continued to give his attention to your nipples and pussy
You involuntarily squeezed his dick with your pussy making his legs shake, he had to pull away from your nipple “Keep Squeezing me baby, fuck. you gonna make me cum in you again” He groaned out before latching on to your right nipple with his lips
His talented hands working your clit so good that you couldn't keep your eyes open, The mixture of his fingers, dick, and tongue made you cum hard around him pushing Takashi over the edge of pleasure with you
“Fuck I'm cumming baby” Takashi moaned as he fucked you through both of your two orgasms. Takashi gave you a few shallow thrusts as he pulled out of you before placing two of his fingers inside your quivering hole getting you ready for Round Five
“Let Your Taka take good care of you baby,” Takashi said while smiling at you while you moaned his name loudly
Takemichi Hanagaki
✰ Takemichi's Talent is that if you edge him just right he can cum and stay hard
✰ Man would be Shaking inside of your pussy after cumming deep inside you twice and still be hard enough to rut against your soft walls
✰ Takemichi will be overstimulated to the point of tears but he will still give his all to make sure you cum the same amount he has
✰ Will fuck you until he passes out on top of you
✰ He's Shooting blanks by the time he's done with you, his poor dick sore and tired but if that's the price he gotta pay to make you moan his name he’ll do it again every night
Takemichi can barely stay inside of you, He's trembling so hard against your body after his fourth orgasm that you can feel his every movement inside you
“Michi it's okay baby, You already made me cum enough tonight,” you said as you soothe down his hair, “Just one more time, Let me give you one more please” Takemichi begged you as he kissed your cheek with shivering lips
“Okay one more Michi and I mean one” you exclaimed before Takemichi went back to fucking you softly, He bought a Shaky hand to your clit rubbing circles on your swollen bundle of nerves making you moan against him
“Fuck, Michi fucks me so good” you moaned as you scatched up his back making him Shudder. His Dick pushing inside your walls so perfectly as he buried his face into your neck, you can feel his tears on your shoulder as he continued to fuck you with all his might
“I'm closed don't stop Michi” You moaned out softly while each one of his strokes made you reel in pleasure, Your eyes rolling back as your pussy pulsed around his dick was enough to make Takemichi cum hard with you
Takemichi laid on top of you while trying to regain his strength, his body shaking as kissed your lips “ I love you so much, Y/N” he breathlessly said before rolling over and pulling you close to him
“I love you so much too Michi”
Chifuyu Matsuno
✰ Chifuyu's pure talent is that he knows how to make you cum in less than a minute (He timed it)
✰ He knows your body like he studied your manual
✰ Chifuyu is addicted to making you cum without having to take his clothes off
✰ The moment you got free time? Get ready to Have your pussy pleasured
✰ He's evil with his talent, overstimming you without letting you touch his pretty dick
✰ But Nothing gets him harder than you writhing in pleasure on his lap after he made you cum hard around his fingers
You were currently seated on Chifuyu thighs naked, He had you leaned back against his couch as he sucked your right nipple. He was working you into your third orgasm of the night
His tongue swirled on your hard bud while two of his fingers constantly curled inside of you, his thumb massaged your swollen clit as your body shivered against his touch
His eyes staring at you full of lust while he watched your reactions to him curling his fingers against the spot inside of you that drives you feral, He laid his tongue flat against your nipple before blowing cold wind on it making your body tremble
“Chifuyu, stop being so mean” you moaned out as he went back to sucking your nipple , A “Mhmm '' being the only thing to come from the male as he continued his ministrations. His free hand traveling to your left breast stimulating your nipple with his talented fingers
these actions alone were enough to make you cum around his fingers as he continued finger fucking you not letting up until he was sure you were done cumming
Pulling Away Chifuyu admired your juices on his fingers “Let me taste please Chifuyu” you begged him making him smile at you, “ You know your cum is my reward right?” Chifuyu said before bringing his fingers to his mouth and sucking them clean
“You be good, I might reward you with my dick,” Chifuyu said before winking at you, “So mean” you softly moaned as he gently pinched your nipples.
(Bonus) Taiju Shiba
✰ Taiju's Talent is his Endurance and strength, the man is built for fucking rough and hard
✰ Taiju can give it to you. The only question is can you take it?
✰ Powerful thrusts that make your entire body shake as he tenderizes your pussy with his heavy dick
✰ His strong arms hold you above the mattress, keeping your securely against him as he digs deeper into you
✰ He can do things no other man can ever do you and he knows it
✰ Put you in positions that would keep you dumb on his big dick and make you beg for him to fuck the same way repeatedly
You were riding Taiju Dick as he lay on the floor with his hands behind his head, His beautiful eyes watching you move up and down on him
Your head was thrown back as you focused on using him for your pleasure, you couldn't help but get lost in the sensations you were feeling “Yes Ride this dick like the slut you are” Taiju groaned as he wrapped his hand around your throat adding the much-needed pressure that you loved so much
“Taiju.. My legs… Getting.. Tired” You moaned out to him making him cock his eyebrow at you, “My slut getting tired huh?? Can't have that,” he said as he raised his powerful hips up so that your knees weren't on the ground anymore
“Grind on it” He grunted while grinning up at you. With this new position, you could feel his dick pressed against your g spot making you moan out as you grind your hips back and forth, “Ahh You're so good to me Taiju” you moan loudly as you grind your hips in small circles on his dick
Taiju's hand stayed around your neck, his fingers tightening to make you clench harder around his dick as he slowly did hip raises still keeping you at the angle that bought you so much pleasure “ Take it my little slut, it's yours to take” Taiju groaned out as you orgasm came down on you
Your hips moved back & forth on their own as you got lost in bliss and rode out your orgasm, you pressed your hands on Taiju's chest to steady yourself as he lowered his hips back down to the floor “Hope you're not too tired angel, I'm just getting Warmed up” Taiju said while grinning up at you, his eyes full of lust and desire.
Get Well Soon Jordan💖
Hotties on the Taglist ❤️‍🔥 @whatdoyoumeanitsnotcanon @bakarilennox @ransluvrboy @earlmeow
Likes, Comments, Reblogs, And Asks are Appreciated & Loved💖
Please Don’t Steal My Shit
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ON PARALLELS IN LONGLEGS (and mini-review)
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For a film that's under two hours long, Longlegs incorporates artfully-crafted, thematically hefty parallels throughout.
Some stood out in particular. Spoilers below.
On his drive back from a hardware store, a static wide shot sees Longlegs hunched over the steering wheel, singing/shouting: Mommy! Daddy! Unmake me! It's unsettling and jarring. It's also a peek into his internal world.
Longlegs is violent and destructive, but there are small moments that reveal what seems to be heavy, internal suffering. I'm not sympathizing, but it's commendable from a storytelling perspective that writer/director Oz Perkins made Longlegs as multidimensional as this. A malevolent force of a person caught up in his own twisted joy, passion, torment.
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In the third act, the protagonist, FBI agent Lee Harker, goes through a sequence that mirrors Longlegs' earlier hardware store episode. At her wits' end and behind the wheel of his station wagon (it's a long story), Lee is pulled into an inevitable, tragic confrontation.
I don't see Longlegs as a father figure of any kind to Lee, but there is a nagging sense of parental concern oozing out of him in the way he talks to and about Lee during that abominably creepy, haunting interrogation scene.
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The framing in this scene is especially deliberate. The shots above are from two posters, but they convey what the scene does: a charged layering of personal histories.
Both characters see the Devil. (The frame on the left, below, is from Longlegs' point of view.) For Longlegs, the Devil represents a guiding force, a goal. An enticing energy ("Hail Satan," a wink and a kiss). For Lee, the Devil repeatedly appears and then disappears, always at a distance.
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The audience is deliberately given very little information about Longlegs. We are told and shown a lot about Lee, however a sizeable chunk of this is communicated by a very unreliable narrator, her mother.
There are a lot of strong ideas in Longlegs and a lot of powerful questions. Deliberate pacing, artful sound design, and powerhouse performances take us on a journey.
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For those who have experience with familiar trauma, it's a journey that will be all too familiar. There are segments of this film that are incredibly immediate and painfully close.
Longlegs is a smart, visceral film. It's a thoughtful experiment in meeting trauma head-on. It's possible to come out a survivor, but not to come out clean or unchanged.
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15-lizards · 1 year
Hi! I love your redesigns for ASOIAF houses and the snippets of their house’s fashion history. I wrote a ton of fashion history papers in college so it warms my heart with your posts. 💚💛💚 (green hearts for Meera Reed)
What do you think House Velaryon would dress like? They have such an interesting history that it’s hard for me, personally, to imagine it. My first thought was Vikings because they’re sea faring like the Greyjoys but it wouldn’t match too much because they’re a political powerhouse with dragons and members in the Royal family… at least in the HOTD era. In GOT they’re much smaller and less powerful naval house under Stannis who obviously isn’t as flashy as the Targs or even his brothers. The fashion would’ve changed drastically throughout their history, especially considering the two very different houses their power has been tied to so I was wondering what your take would be on their different statuses being reflected in their clothes.
This got very long lol I love your energy with the fashion history side of the fandom so I don’t mind if it takes a while to answer! Great things take time after all💚
Hey this is such a great question!! I think I’ll do like a “timeline” of fashion for this one instead of one period on time.
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Okay so they’re said to have arrived even earlier than the targs, so their earliest fashions would be older remnants of Valyria. Fairly simple clothing, since I don’t think they were very established in Valyria, but as they made their wealth, their fashion became more complex with added jewelry and finer materials, but they still hung on to their traditions for a while. Simple one piece dresses or tunics and sun protecting/religious headwear that got more complex over time
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An unspecified amount of time later, when the Targs arrive, the Velaryons have grown nice and wealthy off of the constant wars on the mainland. At this point they’re still cleaning to tradition, but they’re also letting Westerosi influences come in. Leather jerkins and wool cloaks and velvet jackets etc etc. And at this point they’re starting to evolve into a sea faring family too so: cotton clothing that’s easy to move around in on ships, turbans/head wraps to keep hair out of their face on Driftmark and while at sea, rare jewels and metals found on expeditions.
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By the time of the dance they’ve probably fully conformed to Westerosi fashions. And they’re rich enough to fully indulge in it too. Big frills and ruffles, wide skirts, embroidered clothing, jeweled headdresses, studded leather jerkins, carefully crafted doublets, the whole nine yards. I feel that since this is the peak of the Targaryen era it’s also the peak of the Velaryon era, since they’re so closely connected
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By the time of Aerys II, I think that their peak has definitely passed, and the Velaryons are slowly falling from grace, though it isn’t as extreme or as fast as the targs. Their clothes are older and more worn, beginning to become mostly for practicality. Skirts are flatter, leather has become cracked, people are wearing the clothes of their mother and father. It’s not immediate, but there’s definitely a slow decline in quality as the house becomes less and less important to Westeros
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By the late 290’s, I think the Velaryons are all but faded into obscurity. They have their noble name, but that’s really it. They were fading already by the end of the Targs, so the absolute shitshow Robert launches the country in cant really be good for them, or the fact that Mr. Stingy Stannis is their new liege lord. When Aurane comes to power, they’re essentially just dressing like landed knights. Their clothes are clean and fit well and don’t have holes…but that’s about it.
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thelostchaoswitch · 4 months
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Black Tourmaline: Your Shield Against Negative Thoughts 🖤✨
Hey, crystal lovers! 🌿✨ Let’s dive into the incredible world of Black Tourmaline, a stone that's been revered for centuries for its powerful protective and grounding properties. If you're looking for a natural way to ward off negative thoughts and energies, this crystal might just become your new best friend.
The Power of Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline, also known as Schorl, is a striking black stone that's more than just eye candy. Its deep, inky hue is a visual representation of its ability to absorb and transmute negative energy. Here’s how this amazing crystal works:
1. Energy Protection: Think of Black Tourmaline as your energetic bodyguard. It creates a protective shield around your aura, repelling negativity and harmful influences from your surroundings.
2. Grounding: Feeling scattered or anxious? Black Tourmaline is renowned for its grounding properties. It helps you stay connected to the Earth's energies, promoting a sense of stability and security.
3. EMF Shield: In our tech-saturated world, we’re constantly exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Black Tourmaline can help neutralize these EMFs, reducing their potential negative impact on your mind and body.
4. Mental Clarity: By absorbing negative energy, this crystal aids in clearing the mind, making way for positive thoughts and mental clarity. It's like a detox for your mind!
How to Use Black Tourmaline
Incorporating Black Tourmaline into your daily routine is simple and effective. Here are some tips to make the most out of this powerful crystal:
- Wear It: Jewelry like necklaces, bracelets, or rings keeps Black Tourmaline close to your body, providing continuous protection throughout the day.
- Carry It: Keep a small piece of Black Tourmaline in your pocket or purse. This way, you’ll have it handy whenever you need a quick energy cleanse.
- Place It: Position Black Tourmaline in areas where you spend a lot of time—near your computer, in your living room, or by your bed. It helps to keep the environment energetically clean.
- Meditate With It: Hold Black Tourmaline during meditation. Visualize it drawing out negative thoughts and filling you with grounding, positive energy.
Other Crystals to Consider
While Black Tourmaline is a powerhouse, there are other crystals that can also help banish negative thoughts:
- Amethyst: Known for its calming and spiritual properties, Amethyst can soothe the mind and promote tranquility.
- Smoky Quartz: This crystal is excellent for grounding and removing negative energy, similar to Black Tourmaline.
- Hematite: Perfect for grounding and protection, Hematite can also help to absorb and transform negativity.
Incorporating these crystals into your life can create a harmonious balance of protection and positivity, helping you navigate through life's challenges with a clear and focused mind.
So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by negative thoughts or just need a little extra protection, give Black Tourmaline a try. Its powerful energy might be exactly what you need to reclaim your peace and positivity!
Stay strong, stay well, stay safe ❤️
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Make no mistake, there are people, born in this Country, raised in the greatest Nation on earth, who do NOT want a few, some, most, ALL of the above from happening.
They are Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, or putting them all together, you can cover them with the umbrella of . . . .
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mechanistgamma · 2 years
One Bad Day: Ra's al Ghul is Great
I've been reading each of these One Bad Day instalments as they come out and trying to think about what I do and don't like about them. Riddler's was pretty bleh, Two-Face and Mr. Freeze's was decent, Catwoman had a pretty good one from what I can recall and Bane, Clayface and Penguin's stories were fantastic stand-outs. One Bad Day: Penguin may be one of my favorite Gotham stories period now.
But One Bad Day: Ra's al Ghul is fantastic. Once again, Tom Taylor knows what he's doing and it shows.
Spoilers ahead, by the by! I assume there'll be a cutoff at some point but I'm still new to Tumblr so-
A running theme in all of these One Bad Day stories is that it takes one of Batman's main rogues and explores a new facet of their personal history that hasn't gotten as much focus in order to make a narrative that is uniquely theirs. Ra's has far too much history for even a large book like the OBD series to properly get into, but the angle Taylor took - the extinction of an animal kingdom connected to Ra's personal history - was a strong angle to take.
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Speaking of strong, Ra's himself is an absolute powerhouse in this story. His global influence, his machinations that have laid undetected for years, his cold efficiency, his brutality. It's all shown off in an excellent manner. OBD stories likewise attempt to show off the best of what their chosen villain can do, and this absolutely fits for Ra's. And because of how the story is presented, you... get it. You empathize with Ra's, and because he's specifically targeting the corporate parasites that us normal people get so furious about and can do nothing about, we're almost... behind him? So like with the Penguin story, we find ourselves as an audience rooting against Batman for the right reasons.
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Speaking of, I love how this story really digs into the status quo of the planet and why DC's corporate horribleness matches the corporate horribleness of our real world. Batman is protecting the worst people on Earth because of his values of protecting all life (which, to be clear, I agree with Batman's philosophy that all life is precious) and as Damian so succinctly points out, the fact they have to do this in the first place makes their place in this whole war of Ra's vs the Planet-Killers... questionable.
Ra's might be a murderer. But he's right. These old men and reckless new blood kids aren't going to change in a heartbeat to protect the world. They do need to be taken out of the way if real change is going to happen. Murder is an extreme method, but it does get results... especially if it's not seen as murder.
That doesn't mean Batman is wrong for wanting to protect people, though.
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Especially from Ra's.
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Ra's set out to kill thirty men. Thirty men responsible for the death and decay of the world. But because he needed to take out eleven people in one room, he killed three thousand at once in what would surely be one of the greatest 'accidents' of modern history. This is an extremely brief part of the story, but it has so many implications. How many were invited to the summit who would use the position as a voice for clean energy? How many would have helped Ra's indirectly by using their position to change the world for the better? You can claim that Ra's wouldn't have let anyone be in that hall who could really benefit the world, but I have to doubt that because of his actions and his very subjective judgement on the matter. And then this begs more questions - how many others, how many innocents died so that Ra's al Ghul could kill thirty men? How many bodybags provides the cost of secrecy?
And how much does that undermine his mission?
Let's talk about Ra's al Ghul, Batman and Robin.
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There's an interesting juxtaposition between how Ra's and Batman are presented in the story. Both are depicted as emerging from the shadows when meeting the other faction on the field, both are depicted as temperamental and angry in spite of their calm facade and calculated nature. Ra's understands Batman, Batman understands Ra's, but their clashing philosophies means they will never truly stand on the same playing field.
And that comes to a boiling point in the best way possible.
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This was a move that shocked me when I first read, but it makes perfect sense. It not only shows the brutality of Ra's, but when you realize the ultimate intention was to bring him back with the Lazarus Pit, it also shows the plan and how much Ra's respects Batman. He killed him, but only temporary - the moment he was 'done', Batman was allowed to come back. And when Bruce thought he was going to genuinely die, his last act was to hand his cowl to his son and make Damian promise not to give in and murder Ra's then and there. So Damian doesn't kill his grandfather, even if every boiling vein in his body makes him want to, and then Batman comes back.
During the final battle between the two, it goes beyond a simple moral clash. It goes beyond Ra's and Batman. It becomes about Damian and showing him what the true path in life is, showing him who's justice is what the world truly needs.
I've been thinking about what Robin's role in this story was (he didn't get as much spotlight as I was hoping, massive Damian fan that I am) but I'm content with what I got because of what he represents. He's the balance. He's the median point between both Ra's and Batman, who recognizes what's wrong with the world and seeks to make it better (see: Robin (2021)) but refuses to stoop to the level of a base murderer in order to do so.
I question if this really is all for Damian, as Bruce and Ra's claim in their desperation. It feels more like this conflict is about them, and Damian is the proof in the conflict between the two, the one who can decide who is 'right'. Damian agrees with Ra's - "Are you so sure we should be safeguarding the worst people on Earth?" - but he also agrees with Bruce - "He believes in preserving life, Grandfather. That's hardly a bad thing." - and gave both perspectives within the same minute. He's a counterbalance to both Bruce and Ra's perspectives because he stands between them and is capable of seeing the positives and negatives of both in a way that neither of the grown men can. It's why he sat to the side while Ra's committed his atrocities and waited for his father to return, but so violently opposed Ra's prior to his father's death.
This is, ultimately, a story of righteous anger clashing with unquestioning morality. This is about wrath against the rich and powerful poisoning the planet versus the desire to save others from death and not fall to the level of a base murderer. This is about two clashing ideals of justice.
Ra's 'wins' in achieving his goal and Bruce can never expose the truth or risk undoing all the legitimate good he's done, but Batman will never stop hunting Ra's until he is punished for what he's done. But the true resolution - the true answer on who was 'right' - is never answered, because Damian never truly sides with one or the other. He spends the latter half of the story sitting to the side observing, contemplating, and working through his own complicated emotions on everything that happened. Damian never says who is right and who is wrong, and Ra's never gives him a chance to, as he decides to sate Batman's desire for justice by simultaneously punishing himself and escaping further punishment by flinging himself to the bottom of the canyon.
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Ra's gets to be at peace, and whether that's deserved or not is unclear. But he got his big win, as it were, and in the final pages it seems one of his first acts after that was restoring the extinct species of wolves that meant so much to him. It's an ending that leaves the reader content and, while not a complete thematic resolution, is purposeful and feels right for the long and complicated story of Ra's al Ghul.
Also he canonically killed Elon Musk and Alex Jones in this continuity and labeled them among the 'top thirty greatest threats to the planet' so that's neat
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emberphantom · 2 years
I am begging you please elaborate on your 141 hockey au I wanna draw it but I need more 😩 this idea itches my brain in such a good way
Bro say NO MORE.
Prefacing this by saying I've been in the GhostSoap/MWII fandom for like two full minutes but I have been a hockey fan my whole life so okay here we go:
Ghost's goalie mask like obviously it's painted to look like his balaclava since you know goalies are just Like That. His number's either 7 (Bravo 0-7) or 2 (Ghost 0-2 -- but idk when they use that for him so guess I need to watch the campaign again oh well).
Soap like I said is a defensemen bc I have a thing for them and it fits. He got his nickname from the way he cleans up pucks in front of the net. Soap's that chirpy little shit who's always goading for a fight -- and idk man he just has Tyler Seguin energy--knows he's hot (ie: is a slut), love to show off. Loves his goalies 👀. His rocks number 71 (Bravo 7-1).
Honestly this is mostly about Soap and Ghost bc I just NEED it but for the rest of the squad:
Price is the veteran presence on the team and he's been through it all -- He's their captain (*cough* team Dad) and plays forward at center on the top line. Wears number 6 (Bravo 0-6).
Gaz plays right wing on Price's line. The two of them together are a scoring powerhouse. Price took a shine to Kyle when he joined the team as a rookie and helped develop his game. Gaz wears number 26 (Bravo 2-6)
Price and Gaz need a third on their line, a left wing and like it should be Alex from MW2019 so let's just pretend the end of that game doesn't exist and Alex is fine. He wears 31 (Echo 3-1)
Alejandro plays D with Soap. Idk I just like them together they're a good pair. He's a later addition to the team but he clicks with them fast especially Soap. They call him Vaquero (Cowboy sometimes). His number is 11 (Victor 1-1).
Idk why I'm telling when I can just show but like this here's some inspo for you bc I have too many Dallas Stars pics saved on my phone:
LIKE THESE have the most GhostSoap energy I’ve ever seen in my LIFE
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What I mean when I say Soap has Tyler Seguin energy:
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Angery Goalie Ghost:
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Gaz and Price or Soap and Alejandro idk just guys being dudes after scoring a goal:
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UHM. Yeah that's what I got. Also the Stars colors are conveniently the MWII colors wow what a coincidence  👀. Lol I hope this helped!
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Cosmic Weather Forecast: 2024 Virgo Season
What: Virgo Season
When: Aug. 22 - Sept. 22
Who’s Impacted: EVERYONE, but esp. Virgo (obviously)
Takeaway: Virgo’s energy might not be the flashiest, but it’s where the real magic happens—this is the time to refine your skills, polish your projects, and perfect your art.
     Buh-bye, Leo Season! Your time to shine, party, and strut your stuff has officially ended. The Sun has moved on, and so must you. It’s time to say hello to Virgo Season, which runs from Aug. 22 through Sept. 22. This earthy, meticulous, and borderline OCD zodiac sign is here to help you transition from lazy summer days to a productivity powerhouse.
     Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Virgo Season? Really? Why can’t Leo season last forever??.” (Well, OK. Maybe you’re only thinking that if you’re a Leo or Leo Rising…) But trust me, you need this. Because let’s be real, 2024 Leo Season was a hot mess of Mercury Retrograde slowdowns, Saturn square meltdowns, and enough drama to fill a season of Real Housewives. (Or maybe that was just me?) Leo had us all feeling like the star of our own show, demanding the spotlight and relishing in the chaos. But now, the Sun is packing up its glitzy bags and moving into something a bit more practical. Virgo P!nk being shocked and ultimately thrilled by the messes in need of cleaning, organizing, and fixing.
     Virgo is the zodiac’s meticulous manager, stepping in to clean up the mess Leo Season’s astrology left behind. This season is all about efficiency, productivity, and yes, a little bit of perfectionism. You’ll find yourself more critical of your work, but that’s a good thing—Virgo energy pushes you to strive for excellence. Whether it’s your life, career, creativity, or love life, Virgo season is the time to take stock, assess the damage, and put things back in order. Lists become your new best friend, and suddenly, you’re finding joy in color-coded calendars and neatly labeled storage bins. (In other words: it’s time to go to Target.)
Get YOUR Virgo Season Gifts for your favorite Virgo!
     While Leo season had you dreaming big and making bold moves (some of which may have backfired thanks to all those retrogrades), Virgo season asks you to get real. This is the time to focus on the details, perfect your craft, and set practical, achievable goals. It’s less about making a splash and more about laying a solid foundation. You’ll find yourself more critical of your work, but that’s a good thing—Virgo energy pushes you to strive for excellence. And let’s not forget the obsession with health and wellness. This is the season to start that new workout routine or finally tackle those tasks you’ve been avoiding.
Get the FULL Virgo Season Forecast on The Cosmic Almanac:
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leiflitter · 6 months
Oliver and Felix should not be trusted with hotel rooms.
“Going to have to pay an extra cleaning fee, I think.” Ollie ran a finger over Felix's necklace, gently looping the chain around his finger. “Sorry.”
“Oh no. I'll go bankrupt.” He had the energy back to be sarcastic. That was good. “Fucking hell, Olls. Whole new meaning to Northern Powerhouse.”
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mariacallous · 6 months
Oil may be the lifeblood of many Middle Eastern economies, but some of the region’s biggest players are now setting their sights on another booming energy sector: critical minerals. 
Minerals such as lithium, cobalt, and rare earths power the world’s clean energy technologies and electric vehicle batteries. As these resources take center stage with the clean energy transition, oil-rich countries such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are also ramping up investment in critical minerals supply chains in a bid to diversify their economic portfolios and carve out a stake in the growing industry.
“This is not about replacing the bedrock of their economic engine away from oil to minerals,” said Ahmed Mehdi, managing director at Renaissance Energy and a visiting fellow at the Columbia University Center on Global Energy Policy. “This is more about making sure that they have a seat at the table in the energy transition, especially given how geopolitically charged this industry is.” 
Rising geopolitical tensions have cast a new spotlight on these minerals and the countries that wield outsized influence over their supply and production. China, in particular, dominates the processing of many of these resources, which has heightened fears of strategic vulnerabilities and catalyzed efforts to secure alternative supply chains. And in the Middle East, where fears of fossil fuel revenue over-dependence run high, many governments refuse to be left out of this new race. 
“Saudi and the UAE are coming out as big players in the critical minerals space,” said Gracelin Baskaran, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “These are oil-dependent countries who realize that the clean energy transition and electric vehicles are going to reduce global demand for oil, so if they are going to economically grow, it’s not going to be purely on continuing an oil-only model.”
“They are the new big kids in town,” she said.
Take Riyadh, which has outlined big ambitions in the mining sector. The country highlighted the importance of mining in Vision 2030, the government’s big plan to overhaul Saudi Arabia’s economy and slash its dependence on fossil fuel revenues. It has also set aside some $182 million for a mineral exploration incentive program. Saudi Arabia is home to some $2.5 trillion in untapped mineral reserves, according to government estimates, and in 2021, it launched its own annual mining conference, the Future Minerals Forum.
“Saudi Arabia is being transformed. Through this transformation we want to be an economic powerhouse,” Khalid al-Mudaifer, Saudi Arabia’s vice minister for mining, told Semafor. “To be an industrial [power], we need minerals. To build projects, we need minerals. Therefore, mining of Saudi Arabia [is] the first step, bringing minerals from outside is the second step, third step is to build Saudi Arabia as a hub.”
To execute this vision, Riyadh has focused on securing new partnerships, including by signing memorandums of understanding focused on mining with the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Russia, the United States, and Morocco. Washington and Riyadh were reportedly in talks to purchase mining stakes in several African countries, the Wall Street Journal reported last year; Saudi Arabia is also weighing investments in Brazil and has dispatched a delegation to Argentina to discuss that country’s lithium wealth.
The UAE is also ramping up efforts to carve out a stake in the sector, including by inking a $1.9 billion mining partnership in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and securing new agreements in copper-rich Zambia. The UAE and Australia are reportedly also in talks for a free trade agreement that could see Abu Dhabi invest in Canberra’s critical minerals sector. And in nearby Qatar, Doha has taken its own initial steps by signing mining agreements with Nigeria and underscoring the importance of cooperation in the critical minerals space during talks with Washington.
Baskaran said that Abu Dhabi and Riyadh both have the means of financing their ambitions. “Both of these countries have a lot of capital to deploy in the sector,” she said. “So at a time when most Western companies are pulling back on their drilling and exploration because lithium, nickel, cobalt prices are low, these Middle Eastern countries are like, ‘I have capital to play.’”
Still, experts caution that regulatory, environmental, and investment challenges loom ahead. 
“Attracting substantial international investments requires competitive fiscal terms and predictable regulations to incentivize the participation of private companies,” Hamid Pouran, a critical minerals expert at the University of Wolverhampton, wrote for the Middle East Institute. “Strict environmental and social safeguards need to be implemented to ensure ethical and sustainable mining, and enhancing energy efficiency will be critical for the energy-intensive processes involved in refining minerals and metals.”
Yet powers like Saudi Arabia also have one key advantage: their ability to work with everybody, said Bryan Bille, a policy analyst at Benchmark Mineral Intelligence. 
“They’ve got more wiggle room than other players, so they can do business with Russia, China, and the U.S. at the same time,” he said. “For them, that’s a major asset.”
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themomjoy · 4 months
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Nourishing Your Body After Baby: 20 Postpartum Superfoods
Congratulations on your bundle of joy! As a new mom, taking care of yourself is just as important as caring for your newborn. Your body has been through an incredible journey, and proper nourishment is key to replenishing your energy levels, aiding recovery, and supporting milk production if you're breastfeeding. Here are 20 powerhouse foods that should be on your postpartum menu:
1. Oatmeal
This humble grain is a postpartum all-star. Oatmeal provides gentle carbs to replenish your glycogen stores and is packed with fiber to keep your digestive system running smoothly.
2. Eggs
Eggs are an excellent source of protein, which can help soothe those sore muscles from labor. Look for omega-3 fortified eggs for an extra nutritional boost.
3. Apples
Crisp and refreshing, apples can help clean your palate and provide much-needed fiber and hydration.
4. Chicken Soup
There's a reason chicken soup is a classic remedy – the broth is hydrating and replenishes electrolytes lost during labor.
5. Nuts and Nut Butters
Nuts and nut butters are a convenient source of healthy fats and protein, providing sustained energy for those sleepless nights.
6. Fatty Fish
Salmon, tuna, and other fatty fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for your baby's brain development if you're breastfeeding.
7. Avocados
Avocados are another excellent source of healthy fats, which are essential for your recovery and overall well-being.
8. Lean Meats
Lean meats like chicken, turkey, and lean beef provide protein, iron, and zinc to prevent anemia from blood loss during childbirth.
9. Leafy Greens
Load up on nutrient-dense leafy greens like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard. They're packed with folate, iron, and fiber to support your postpartum needs.
10. Yogurt
Yogurt is a versatile postpartum food that provides probiotics to aid digestion and protein for recovery.
11. Beans and Lentils
These plant-based powerhouses are excellent sources of protein, fiber, iron, and zinc – all essential nutrients for postpartum recovery.
12. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A, which plays a crucial role in postpartum tissue healing.
13. Berries
Antioxidant-rich berries like blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries provide vitamin C for wound healing and overall immune support.
14. Whole Grains
Whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, and whole-wheat bread offer energizing complex carbs and fiber to keep you feeling satisfied.
15. Bone Broth
Sipping on bone broth is a comforting way to support tissue repair, as it contains collagen, a key component of connective tissue.
16. Seeds
Nutrient-dense seeds like chia and flaxseeds provide fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for postpartum recovery.
17. Bananas
Bananas are a great source of potassium, which can help restore electrolyte levels after childbirth.
18. Bell Peppers
Colorful bell peppers are loaded with vitamin C, which aids in recovery and immune function.
19. Milk
If you're breastfeeding, milk is a must-have for hydration, protein, calcium, and vitamin D.
20. Water
Last but not least, water is crucial for milk production and overall recovery. Aim for at least 96 ounces (or about 3 liters) of water daily. Remember, the key to postpartum nourishment is focusing on nutrient-dense foods rich in protein, fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. These foods will aid in healing, boost energy levels, and support milk production if you're breastfeeding. Nourish your body, and it will nourish your baby. Enjoy this special time with your little one, and don't forget to take care of yourself, too!
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health-kare · 5 months
Unveiling the Secrets: How to Achieve Long, Luscious Nails Faster
Long healthy nails are a coveted beauty staple. But between daily wear and tear, frustrating breakage, and seemingly slow growth, achieving that perfect manicure can feel like a distant dream. Fear not, fellow nail enthusiasts! This guide unveils the secrets to accelerate nail growth and transform your fingertips.
You can also try this product ProNail Complex
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1. Demystifying Nail Growth: Setting Realistic Expectations
Before diving in, let's understand nail growth. On average, nails grow around 3.5 millimeters per month. This might seem slow, but individual growth rates vary based on age, genetics, and overall health. Remember, patience is key!
2. Dietary Powerhouse: Fueling Growth from Within
Just like the rest of your body, your nails thrive on a balanced diet packed with essential nutrients. Prioritize protein for building blocks: lean meats, fish, eggs, and legumes are all excellent choices. Biotin, a B vitamin linked to healthy hair and nails, can be found in nuts, seeds, and avocados. Don't forget fruits and vegetables for a well-rounded vitamin and mineral intake.
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3. Hydration is King (and Queen): Keeping Nails Moisturized
Dehydration wreaks havoc on nails, making them brittle and prone to breakage. Aim for eight glasses of water daily, adjusting based on your activity level and climate. Proper hydration keeps your body and nails functioning optimally.
4. Embrace the Power of Moisture: A Love Letter to Cuticle Oil
Dryness is the enemy of healthy nails. Regularly applying cuticle oil is a game-changer, locking in moisture and keeping the nail bed supple. Jojoba, olive, and almond oil are all superstars when it comes to hydration.
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5. Shield Your Precious Tips: Protecting Nails During Chores
Daily activities can be harsh on your nails. Protect them while cleaning, gardening, or doing any chores that involve harsh chemicals or abrasive materials. Wearing gloves creates a barrier, preventing breakage and chipping.
6. Kicking the Habit: Breaking Free from Nail Biting
Nail biting is a common habit, but it hinders nail growth. Keep your nails trimmed short to minimize temptation. Fidget toys and stress balls offer a healthier outlet for nervous energy.
7. Master the Art of Nail Care: Essential Tools and Techniques
Proper nail care is vital. Invest in good quality nail clippers or scissors and a nail file. Trim your nails straight across and then gently file the edges to achieve a smooth, natural curve. Avoid harsh filing techniques that can cause damage.
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8. Choose Wisely: Opting for Acetone-Free Removers
Acetone-based nail polish removers are notoriously drying and damaging. Whenever possible, choose acetone-free removers. This helps to minimize dryness and keep your nails healthy.
9. Supplementing for Success (Consult Your Doctor First)
While a balanced diet should provide most essential nutrients, some people find biotin supplements beneficial for nail growth. However, it's crucial to discuss any supplements with your doctor before starting them.
10. Celebrate the Journey: Patience is the Ultimate Virtue
Remember, growing long, healthy nails takes time and consistent effort. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results overnight. By following these tips and embracing patience, you'll be well on your way to achieving those strong, beautiful nails you've always desired!
You can also try this product ProNail Complex
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Disclaimer: There are affiliate links of the best product in this article which may generate some profit for me
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bharat-hot-deals · 9 months
Skytech Gaming Prism II Gaming PC: Unleashing Power
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I use the Skytech Gaming Prism II Gaming PC, equipped with the mighty INTEL Core i9 12900K processor clocked at 3.2 GHz, an RTX 3090 graphics card, a spacious 1TB NVME Gen4 SSD, and a robust 32GB DDR5 RGB RAM. The package also includes an 850W GOLD PSU, a 360mm AIO cooler, AC Wi-Fi, and comes pre-installed with Windows 10 Home 64-bit. Let me share my experience with this powerhouse.
Performance Beyond Expectations
The Intel Core i9 12900K is an absolute beast, effortlessly handling resource-intensive tasks and demanding games. The synergy with the RTX 3090 is evident in the seamless gaming experience with ultra-settings. Whether it's rendering, gaming, or multitasking, this PC delivers exceptional performance, surpassing my expectations.
Graphics Prowess and Immersive Experience
The RTX 3090 is a graphics powerhouse, providing stunning visuals and real-time ray tracing. Gaming on this machine is an immersive experience, with smooth frame rates and jaw-dropping graphics. The 32GB DDR5 RGB RAM complements the GPU, ensuring seamless transitions between applications and minimizing lag.
Storage Speed and Capacity
The 1TB NVME Gen4 SSD significantly enhances system responsiveness and speeds up data transfer. Games load swiftly, and the overall system boot time is impressive. The ample storage space caters to a vast game library, eliminating concerns about running out of space.
Robust Cooling System
The inclusion of a 360mm AIO cooler ensures that the system remains cool even during prolonged gaming sessions. It effectively dissipates heat, maintaining optimal temperatures for both the CPU and GPU. This attention to cooling enhances the system's longevity and ensures consistent performance.
Powerful and Efficient PSU
The 850W GOLD PSU is more than capable of handling the power demands of the Core i9 12900K and RTX 3090. It provides a stable power supply, contributing to the overall efficiency and reliability of the system. The gold-rated efficiency ensures energy is utilized optimally, reflecting a commitment to sustainability.
Aesthetically Pleasing Design
Apart from the raw power, the Skytech Gaming Prism II stands out with its visually striking design. The RGB lighting on the DDR5 RAM adds a touch of flair, creating a visually pleasing gaming setup. The attention to aesthetics extends to the cable management, contributing to a clean and organized look.
User-Friendly Setup and Windows 10 Integration
The pre-installed Windows 10 Home 64-bit operating system streamlines the setup process, allowing users to dive into their gaming or productivity tasks swiftly. The inclusion of AC Wi-Fi ensures a reliable and fast internet connection, further enhancing the overall user experience.
Conclusion: A Premium Gaming Powerhouse
In conclusion, the Skytech Gaming Prism II Gaming PC is a premium gaming powerhouse that exceeds expectations in performance, design, and efficiency. The combination of the Intel Core i9 12900K and RTX 3090, coupled with ample storage and robust cooling, makes it a top-tier choice for gamers and content creators alike. The attention to detail in design and the user-friendly setup further solidify its position as a stellar gaming desktop. If you're in the market for a high-end gaming PC, the Skytech Gaming Prism II is a compelling choice that delivers on both power and aesthetics.
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