#claus stephan
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radiansjort · 4 months ago
The Minyards’ and Hemmicks’ Names
I don’t think I’ve seen anyone point this out, but it was one of the first things I noticed when I read the books; Andrew, Aaron, and Nicky all have Biblical/Catholic names. It makes sense because Luther and presumably Tilda are Catholic, but their Biblical names also correspond with who they are as characters.
Andrew: In the Bible, he is one of Jesus’ 12 Apostles. He was brother to Simon Peter, who was Jesus’ closest Appstle. The name Andrew itself means “strong” and “warrior,” and in the books Neil narrates how strong he finds Andrew; we can also see him as a warrior when he protects Nicky especially as well as the other Monsters.
Joseph: There are 2 Josephs in the Bible and both fit Andrew’s character. The first is Joseph the father of Jesus on earth. He was seen as the ultimate protector because he protected the Holy Family and followed God’s call to stay with Mary. He protected Jesus from being killed as an infant by taking him and Mary to Egypt shortly after his birth. Obviously, Andrew is very much a protector. He is very protective of all the Monsters and frequently called a “mom friend” in the fandom. The other Joseph, is Joseph son of Jacob (Israel). He was the favorite son of his 12 brothers, and all of the brothers were jealous. Because of this, they leave him in a ditch and sell him as a slave to the Egyptians. As a slave, he works his way up the ranks to become the Pharaoh’s adviser because he can interpret dreams. Eventually during the famine, his brothers and father come to Egypt in hopes of finding food, and Joseph forgives them for selling him off. There is obviously the similarities of complicated brother relationships which is very much Andrew and Aaron, but I say he also relates to this because Joseph reconciles with his brothers, and post canon Andrew and Aaron begin to reconcile and really have a relationship with one another.
Aaron: In the Bible, Aaron is the brother of Moses and a high priest among the Israelites. He helps them along their journey to the Promised Land. One of the most notable things he does is while Moses is on Mt Sinai, he builds a golden calf for the Israelites to worship. When Moses sees this, he gets so angry and upset that he smashes the Ten Commandments and has to climb the mountain to receive them again. I see this as Aaron (Aaron) and Andrew (Moses) and their early relationship. After their deal is made, Aaron doesn’t understand the significance of this and instead goes against what they agreed to (kind of like—> Aaron and Moses were both priests and dedicated to God and Aaron went against that with the idol) and it almost reflects how Aaron beings to go against their deal.
Michael: Michael the Archangel is the warrior and protector of the Church, and he is the one who directly opposes Satan and defeats him. I see it as pretty fitting, because in the end, who is it that kills Drake?
I find the twins names so very fitting because not only do they relate to their characters, every one of them in the Bible had a brother. (If you count the other Archangels as Michael’s “brothers.”)
Unlike the twins, Nicky’s names are not the names of Biblical figures, but instead of Catholic saints.
Nicholas: St. Nicholas was known for his generosity, as he gave his wealth to the poor. And probably what he’s most known for, he gave gifts to the poor at night inside their shoes. (Which brought about the story of Santa Claus). I think this fits Nicky well, as he gave everything he had to the twins. He gave up living a normal teenage life to instead not go to school and instead work 3 jobs to keep him and the twins all afloat. Also more obvious, St. Nicholas is the patron saint of children and known as the protector of them. That very obviously relates to Nicky as he protects and cares for the twins.
Esteban: The English equivalent of Esteban is “Stephan,” and St. Stephan is known as the first martyr. He is actually mentioned in the bible, but doesn’t appear on page. He refused to denounced the Catholic faith, so he was stoned to death. This is similar to Nicky because Nicky again gave up everything for the twins, and he was the first person to really give everything he had for these two.
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dimension20npcofalltime · 1 year ago
Round One - Bracket Thirty-Five [Dimension 20 NPC of All Time]
Wally Kugrich vs Stephan
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Descriptions under the cut
Wally Kugrich - He/Him
Campaign: The Unsleeping City, The Unsleeping City: Chapter II
Who is he?
Wally Kugrich, one of Kugrash's sons, is a 38 year old MTA worker in New York City. He is kind, hard working, and accepting, and is able to see the Unsleeping City seemingly without having been inducted into it.
Why is he the NPC of All Time?
"He’s a fool. He’s Santa Claus. He named his dog Dad to hide the fact that his dad was his other dog. He’s doing his best and we love him for it."
Submitted by: @skyscrapers-and-tombstones, @perfectlyzombiedmuffins, @xvynth and Anonymous
Stephan - He/Him
Campaign: Neverafter
Who is he?
Stephan is one of the Coachmen who works for Lord Bandlebridge. When Pinocchio attempts to enter Bandlebridge's carriage after the "Prince of Shoeberg" incident, Stephan tries to stop him from entering, saying "You're both bad, so we got you." Pib and Pinocchio call him crazy and appeal to Bandlebridge for help, who tells Stephan to let him in, and Pinocchio gloats. Stephan tells them, quite concerned, that they are going to die. Ylfa and Timothy have to pull Pinocchio back from trying to enter the carriage,
Why is he the NPC of All Time?
"The bodyguard in Bainbridge's carriage. "Our whole thing is over". Icon. Absolute Cunt. What more do you want."
Submitted by: Anonymous
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citytribunenews · 5 years ago
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Giacomo Amadori e Antonio Grizzuti per ''La Verità''
Lo scoop della Verità sul bonifico fantasma da 9 milioni che sarebbe dovuto arrivare sui conti della Global education management (la cassaforte della Link campus university) e su cui indaga la Guardia di finanza, ha attirato l' attenzione di uno dei protagonisti del Russiagate, l' avvocato Stephan Claus Roh. Il legale assiste il controverso professore Joseph Mifsud a cui le autorità statunitensi hanno sequestrato i cellulari. Mifsud è sospettato di aver gestito la polpetta avvelenata delle mail di Hillary Clinton alla vigilia delle elezioni presidenziali del 2016.
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Qualcuno dice che abbia usato quell' esca per danneggiare la Clinton, qualcun altro che l' abbia utilizzata, con l' aiuto dei servizi segreti e del governo italiano, per affossare Donald Trump. Dovunque si trovi la verità, l' attenzione dei media internazionali è stata calamitata dalla piccola università privata Link, l' ateneo romano in cui sono di casa 007 ed esperti di intelligence di tutto il mondo.
assiduo frequentatore Link e addirittura è diventato socio con il 35% delle quote della Link international. Nei giorni abbiamo scritto che, secondo un ex docente della Link, dentro all' ateneo girava voce che quei 9 milioni dovessero arrivare dalla Russia. Quel che è certo è che il 5 marzo 2018, dopo le elezioni nazionali in cui hanno trionfato i 5 stelle, l' amministratrice della Gem, Vanna Fadini, aveva annunciato in banca l' arrivo di un bonifico da 9 milioni dalla Suite finance di Malta, società segnalata nei Paradise papers, la lista nera degli investitori offshore redatta dal consorzio internazionale di giornalismo investigativo. L' operazione, mai conclusa, è stata segnalata all' unità di informazione finanziaria della Banca d' Italia e successivamente trasmessa alla Guardia di finanza.
La nostra inchiesta ha suscitato anche l' attenzione di Roh, che della Gem è socio al 5% e che compare in un verbale di assemblea dell' agosto 2018 in cui si discusse di aumento di capitale. «Ho controllato con il mio team e con una fonte interna della Link. Non ha senso che l' investimento promesso provenisse dalla Russia. L' accordo con Suite Finance è stato firmato nel 2017, quindi il finanziamento è stato promesso ben prima che 5 stelle salissero al potere nel 2018. Anche l' accusa che entrambi gli eventi siano collegati è una sciocchezza».
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In realtà noi abbiamo solo rilevato che l' annuncio in banca del bonifico, con relativa segnalazione all' ufficio Antiriciclaggio, secondo le nostre fonti, sarebbe avvenuto il 5 marzo, il giorno dopo il trionfo dei grillini. Ma passiamo alla parte più interessante delle dichiarazioni di Roh: «Scotti (Vincenzo, ex ministro, fondatore e presidente della Link, ndr) disse che i soldi attesi provenivano da fonti ucraine. Lo stesso è stato confermato dalla mia fonte dentro alla Link. Scotti è parte del patto con Suite Finance, conosce perfettamente lo scenario».
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Roh evidenzia che anche Mifsud, con cui ha ottima familiarità, aveva portato a casa con successo finanziamenti a favore della Link, come quello da parte della famiglia saudita Obaid. «Mifsud è più legato all' Ucraina che alla Russia... la stampa ha riferito che ha una compagna e un bambino in Ucraina e che è andato spesso lì. Mifsud ha negato di avere un bambino, ma ha confermato che stava viaggiando in Ucraina e stava aiutando la Link a trovare finanziamenti, essendo stato direttore internazionale della Link nel 2016-2017».
Ovviamente la pista ucraina cambia radicalmente la prospettiva. Ricordiamo che in questo momento negli Usa i democratici hanno chiesto l' impeachment di Trump perché questi avrebbe contattato l' omologo di Kiev, Volodymyr Zelensky, facendo pressioni affinché guidasse un' indagine sul candidato democratico Joe Biden. A scovare la notizia, dando vita al cosiddetto Ucrainagate, sarebbe stato un agente della Cia, Eric Ciaramella.
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Uno 007 che, come abbiamo scritto nei giorni scorsi, era ospite proprio di Biden al pranzo di gala organizzato in onore di Matteo Renzi nell' ottobre 2016. Ma che cosa c' entra Joe con Kiev? L' ex braccio destro di Barack Obama (sospettato da una delle vulgate di questa spy story di aver armato Mifsud contro Trump) ha un figlio che si chiama Hunter.
Nel 2014 il ragazzo, consulente legale, lobbista e manager, entra nel consiglio di amministrazione di Burisma holdings, la più grande compagnia ucraina di gas naturale. A capo di Burisma c' è Mykola Zlochevsky, imprenditore ucraino già ministro dell' Ecologia e delle risorse naturali tra il 2010 e il 2012 ai tempi del presidente filorusso Viktor Yanukovych, deposto nel febbraio 2014 e sostituito dall' obamiano Petro Poroshenko.
Mentre il figlio fa affari, Biden è il membro dell' amministrazione Obama più impegnato in Ucraina durante la crisi politica con la Russia.
Un' attività diplomatica rinforzata dalla promessa di 1 miliardo di aiuti a stelle e strisce. Anche grazie a questa leva, il governo americano o quanto meno l' ambasciata Usa pone come condizione le dimissioni del procuratore generale dell' Ucraina Viktor Shokin. Per i sostenitori di Biden l' aut aut andrebbe ricondotto alla scarsa dirittura morale del magistrato, troppo morbido con la corruzione (versione corroborata dalle accuse del vice di Shokin, Vitaly Kasko). Shokin avrebbe invece rivelato all' avvocato di Trump, Rudolph Giuliani, di essere stato licenziato proprio perché stava indagando su Burisma. Insomma l' Ucraina nella guerra di spie che sta destabilizzando il governo statunitense non è un Paese secondario.
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Ma che cosa c' entra con la Link? Abbiamo provato a chiederlo a Scotti, riferendogli quanto affermato da Roh: «Finanziamenti dall' Ucraina? Ma non dica stupidaggini. Ambasciator porta pena. Con voi non parlo di queste cose. Adesso arriverà dalla società (la Gem, ndr) una richiesta di danno notevole». Ma noi facciamo solo delle domande. «E io dico che non rispondo di queste cose.
La Suite finance non ha fatto nessuno accordo con me per l' aumento di capitale, smentisco totalmente questa cosa».
Ci hanno detto che uno dei titolari, Simone Rossi, l' avrebbe incontrata durante la trattativa. «Ho conosciuto Rossi, ma che cosa c' entra? La Gem si occupa dei servizi dell' università, è normale che fossi interessato al buon esito dell' operazione». L' avvocato Roh ha detto che lei avrebbe fatto riferimento a fondi ucraini: «Ha detto una cosa totalmente falsa».
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top24morningnews · 4 years ago
Inchiesta Link University, 27 società coinvolte: una è partecipata al 5% dalla Global drake, collegata all’avvocato di Joseph Mifsud
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Sono 27 le società perquisite nell’ambito della nuova inchiesta giudiziaria che vede indagati i vertici della Link Campus University. Si tratta di aziende che lavorano soprattutto nell’ambito della logistica e della cyber sicurezza e che avrebbero acquistato falsi progetti di ricerca e di sviluppo dall’ateneo telematico. Alcune di queste si dicono “parte lesa” e dichiarano di aver avviato da tempo iniziato delle azioni penali nei confronti dell’università. Altre hanno i loro capi indagati insieme ai dirigenti dell’Unilink, mentre in alcuni casi gli uni e gli altri convergono.
Come con la Global education management Srl, la società di gestione dell’università, guidata da Vanna Fadini (indagata) e partecipata al 5% dalla Global drake Ltd. Nomi che ricorrono e che si intrecciano addirittura con il caso Russiagate che coinvolse il presidente degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump. La Global drake – come rivelato da un’inchiesta de Il Fatto Quotidiano dell’ottobre 2019 – è infatti rappresentata legalmente da Stephan Claus Roh, avvocato di Joseph Mifsud, il 59enne professore maltese al tempo sospettato di aver collaborato con il servizi segreti russi, ospitato per qualche tempo presso la casa marchigiana di Alessandro Zampini, compagno di Fadini.
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Al centro dell’indagine, oltre a Link Campus, c’è anche il Criss, il Consortium for research on intelligence and security services, partecipato al 100% proprio dall’Unilink: oggi il consorzio è amministrato dall’attuale rettore Claudio Roveda (anche lui indagato), ma fino a giugno 2018 annoverava fra i suoi vertici anche l’ex ministra della Difesa Elisabetta Trenta (non indagata). Gli altri dirigenti universitari indagati sono Achille Patrizi, delegato del rettore alle attività sportive e socio di minoranza della Global Education Management; Carlo Maria Medaglia, consigliere d’amministrazione di Link Campus e Pasquale Russo, direttore generale di Unilink. Non è tutto. Fra gli indagati compare anche Georges Mikhael, manager italo-libanese presidente della Sav Spa, la Società Autostrade Valdostane. Ma la Sav non è coinvolta nell’inchiesta. Mikhael è infatti presidente della Defendini Logistica Spa, storica azienda di Torino, fra le 27 oggetto di perquisizione: indagato anche l’ad di Defendini, Alessandro Bacci. Il procedimento penale riguarda poi Luca Antodicola, capitano dell’Esercito e titolare di Euralba Service, e Aldo Sciamanna, fondatore e manager della Siaed Spa.
I sospetti della Guardia di finanza di Roma riguardano i crediti d’imposta che questi progetti “simulati” avrebbero generato, permettendo alle società di utilizzarli “in compensazione in occasione del versamento delle imposte da loro dovute”. Una sorta di evasione fiscale indiretta. Fra le 27 società che hanno subito la perquisizione dei finanzieri ci sono anche la Elitaliana Srl e la Elitaliana Maintenance Srl, fondate dai fratelli Giancarlo e Alessandro Giulivi, quest’ultimo sindaco leghista di Tarquinia, in provincia di Viterbo. Alessandro Giulivi non ricopre formalmente ruoli di vertice nelle due aziende. La Elitaliana gestisce dal 2009 il servizio di elisoccorso per l’Ares 118 della Regione Lazio. A Ilfattoquotidiano.it, da Elitaliana spiegano che “noi siamo parte lesa da questa vicenda” in quanto “i progetti di sviluppo sono stati regolarmente acquistati e in parte pagati, ma i crediti d’imposta sono stati rigettati dall’Agenzia delle Entrate. Quando abbiamo smesso di pagare, Link Campus ha fatto ricorso per decreto ingiuntivo. Abbiamo iniziato una causa civile e questa inchiesta conferma che avevamo ragione”. Una situazione che, secondo i legali della società, sarebbe “comune a diverse aziende coinvolte”.
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horseweb-de · 1 year ago
Fohlenchampionat Hengststation Maas J. Hell - Zwei Champions von Feldjunge HG und Donier
Klein-Offenseth–  Rund 25 Fohlen traten wetterbedingt in der Reithalle der Hengststation Maas J. Hell in Klein Offenseth an, beschäftigten mit Neugier und Freiheitsdrang ihre Aussteller und zeigten sich von der besten Seite. Die Fohlenkommission des Holsteiner Verbandes unter Leitung von Zuchtleiter Stephan Haarhoff nutzte den Termin zur Registrierung und Prämierung, Jochen Ahsbahs und Claus…
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cruselite · 2 years ago
IfS oder: Das richtige Geld im falschen
Gesprächsrunde im frankfurter IfS (Institut für Sozialforschung) zum Thema "Hundert Jahre André Gorz".
Insbesondere um eines der Themen des André Gorz ging es, "Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen". Miteinlader des Abends war deswegen Ronald Blaschke, Chefdenker des "Netzwerks Grundeinkommen".
Neben Stephan Lessenich, dem Chef des IfS, und Blaschke waren außerdem auf dem Podium präsent Mascha Schädlich, Aktivistin und tätig für "Eine Vision für 2048" an der Uni Leipzig, sowie Claus Leggewie, Ludwig-Börne-Professor in Gießen.
Ein Podium gab's nicht, genauer gesagt. Nach ihren Vorträgen sprachen die Vier "auf Augenhöhe" (Formulierung Lessenich), man saß um einem kleinen Tisch herum, inmitten den Zuhörerschaft, beinahe intim.
Das Thema des Abends "Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen" wurde auf sehr abstrakte Weise abgehandelt, alle vier am Tisch waren echte Philosoph/innen. Hier ein Link auf einen eher ins Handwerkliche heruntergebrochenen Blick aufs BGE: https://cruselite.tumblr.com/post/665373635368910848/bedingungslose-grundeinkommen-bge
Volles Haus an diesem Abend, größtes Interesse, Extrastühle wurden in den Raum getragen. Die Motivation zur Teilnahme war möglicherweise nicht bei allen das Thema des Abends, BGE, so interessant und wichtg das ist. Es war sicher auch der äußere Rahmen, das IfS als der Veranstaltungsort und dessen Chef.
Denn beim IfS handelt es sich nicht um irgendein Institut für Sozialforschung. Das IfS ist das Adorno-Institut und der derzeitige Chef ist der - wievielte? - Nach-Nachfolger des Gründers. Hier ein Gespräch, das einiges der Hintergründe deutlich macht: www.nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1170546.frankfurter-schule-jahre-institut-fuer-sozialforschung-symbol-veraenderter-praxis.html
In diesem Zeitungsartikel sehr nüchtern offene Zustandsbeschreibung zur Rolle des IfS in der damaligen, sowie der aktuellen Gesellschsft. Keine Frage, das IfS lebt vom eigenen "Mythos, der eine Hypothek und zugleich das größte Kapital des Hauses ist".
Das IfS betont, sich öffnen zu wollen in die Gesellschaft. Nicht völlig unwichtig bei solchen Abenden ist die Art, wie man sich darstellt. Der fast intime Rahmen im IfS, man fühlte sich entspannt, der Chef selber ging mit dem Mikro durch die Reihen, als auch das Publikum den Wunsch mitzureden hatte.
Das Inhaltliche, die Eingangsreferate, die Rhetorik, konnte unterschiedlicher kaum sein. Ein Vortragende, der durch den eigenen Vortrag stolperte, dann die Vortragender, die mit Tempo das perfekt ausgearbeitete Manuskript herunterritt und irgendwann den letzten Zuhörerin abwarf.
Es ging aber auch anders: manuskriptfrei gesprochene Rede - halber Satz - überlegt - Nachdenken, kleine Pause - und was sich am Ende ergab war ein druckreif gesprochen filigraner Text. Der Sprecherin, mit bedachtsamen Formulierungen, der den Verstand der Zuhörer mit dem eigenen Kopf verband, mitnahm und niemanden unterwegs verlor.
Was eine Wohltat war, bei diesem Abend war es wirklich mal zu erleben, was eines unserer Klassik-Denkmäler als Idealbild forderte, "die Verfertigung des Gedankens beim Sprechen".
Hundert Jahre IfS 2023. Und über die Generationen hinweg, was bleibt?, fragt der Journalist im oben verklinkten Gespräch. Nun, was auf aller Fälle bleibt, ist die Adorno-Ampel, die es inzwischen in den offiziellen frankfurter Stadtplan geschafft hat und die auf dem Uni-Campus Bockenheim für "die Sicherheit der Kopfarbeitendenden" das ihrige beiträgt.
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gameosity · 3 years ago
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Game in a Minute: Royal Visit
Royal Visit is a two player hand-management, tug-of-war where two kingdoms vie to win over the King and his retinue. Should you be enticed to visit these kingdoms? Find out in this week's Game in a Minute!
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paganpie · 7 years ago
Everyone falls in love with Caroline and I'm okay with that.
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peakyswritings · 3 years ago
Good evening!
I dont like fireworks, they don't go good together with my brain hahaha
do you celebrate Christmas at the 25th or 24th? because here we celebrate at the 24th (so in two days) and we're going to take a Christmas picture at work tomorrow that's always fun 😀
stay safe and hydrated
your secret santa!
Hi! How are you?
We celebrate both days! On the 24th we have the “cenone”, so literally a “big dinner�� (and it’s BIG, trust me), while on the 25th we have the Christmas lunch (which is also really big). Think we’re done? Of course not, because we also celebrate “Saint Stephan” on the 26th. Same thing with New Year, we have the “cenone” on the 31th and a big lunch on the 1st of January. And the “Epifania” on the 6th of January.
The Epifania is pretty interesting, because children believe in the “Befana”. She is similar to Santa Claus, she’s an old lady who brings sweets (sometimes also toys, depending on the family) in a Christmas stocking on the night between the 5th and the 6th of January.
So basically Christmas means EATING in my country
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fly-pow-bye · 4 years ago
DuckTales 2017 - “How Santa Stole Christmas!”
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Story by: Francisco Angones, Madison Bateman, Colleen Evanson, Christian Magalhaes, Bob Snow
Written by: Colleen Evanson
Storyboard by: Sam King, Kathryn Marusik, Stephan Park
Directed by: Jason Zurek
The Last Christmas...episode of DuckTales 2017.
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Twas the night before Christmas, and all throughout the night, The kids are reminded of Scrooge and Santa's fight. Previous episodes have brought up Scrooge's Santa furore And this is the episode where we get the whole story.
The episode starts with Della, tucking her children into bed, Feeding them stories to put in their head. It's not the usual story, as her children moan, but reasons for that old elf to not be allowed in their home.
But outside of Webby, the kids aren't Santa-haters Even if he's known by the McDucks for being among traitors They hear thumps on the roof, and the kids will go to the Manor's ceiling, where they see a shadow
As the figure shows himself, their childlike wonder was not blessed...
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...as it was someone else whose name starts with S.
Scrooge was preparing his defenses against any reindeer, and ensuring on Christmas, no Claus will be near. He ensures the kids they don't need him, as he is rich. See, he's able to give them all hats that itch.
It's practical, he says, though the kids think it's lame As they wanted a trampoline, a cell phone, and a video game. Before Scrooge can explain, he hears the doorbell. Carolers, Scrooge assumes, and the lies that they tell.
He opens the door, Webby readying weapons she possessed and it turned out to be our jolly old guest. Scrooge grits his teeth, and the children shout with glee...
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...and then Santa falls down, nearly crushing Dewey.
It's here that I realize this rhyming is annoying you, and that's okay, because I'm getting tired of it, too. I can really only do this for a short review-ey, So the rest of this are normal paragraphs, ah phooey.
So Santa falls down and breaks his leg, and even Scrooge, with his pretty low opinion on Santa Claus, is concerned for his well being. He even has to motion to Webby to put down her grappling hook that she was apparently was preparing to put into Santa's chest. She then slowly brings out a sword. It's a joke on the same level as that spork one from a previous episode; it's a classic Webby moment.
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After hearing that Frank Sinatra-esque Christmas-themed opening from the last Christmas episode, now with 100% more Della, Santa wakes up near the chimney fire. I like the detail that it's barred up to prevent Santa's usual Christmas travel, though as I was told as a kid who lived in a house that didn't have a chimney and this episode proves, he can use a door just fine. In this universe, he's real, and he proves this by giving Huey, Dewey, and Louie their video game, trampoline, and cell phone, respectively. He tries to do the same with Webby, but she pretends to like her hat better. Got to look good for the man she idolizes, after all.
That man, Scrooge, decides to reveal exactly what Santa did to get his ire: he stole something from him. All but one of the kids can't believe it, and the one exception couldn't figure out exactly what that something could be. Don't worry, this is not going to become one of those Christmas Carol pastiches, as DuckTales 2017 is a lot more clever than that and didn't feel like competing with that rat that must not be named. Instead, it's more like Santa Claus is Coming To Town, where we get to hear the origin of the holiday that Scrooge says was stolen from him. The title isn't wrong, it really is actually Santa that stole Christmas this time!
Santa doesn't have time for this, as he needs to get Christmas finished before sunrise. It is still Christmas Eve, after all. He asks Scrooge, with his belt so tight, to drive his sleigh tonight, and it takes some begging from Huey, Dewey, and Louie for him to oblige. Well, that, and Santa offers him to never come to the McDuck Manor if he does the deed. That's not the only offer, as Santa decides to tell the kids a story I thought would be the noodle incident of the cartoon.
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The story begins with Scrooge during one of his business stints, selling heat-giving coal to the populace of a snow-filled village, with no buyers in one particular cottage. He finds a polar bear with a sleigh singing about bells that jingle, and Scrooge comes over to help him out. Introducing himself as Santa Claus, Scrooge finds out that he does have similar goals, though Santa prefers to warm people's hearts with toys rather than coal. Santa tries that same cottage, offering a gift for free, and they happily let him in, and he was so kind that they even allow him to bring that guest that was yelling at them to buy his coal.
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The big guy ends up being the life of the party at the cottage with his new hit song, filled with people of short stature with colorful costumes, until the fire burns out. Scrooge's coal ends up saving the party, though Santa had to use his own way of selling it by just grabbing it right out of his bag and throwing it in the fireplace. This warms the hearts and the house of the cottage dwellers, though Scrooge could tell it's more because he's a friend of that jolly guy than anything else. It's quite clear Scrooge has more reason to start his hatred of that red guy beyond being named after that classic Christmas-time villain.
The hatred doesn't start just yet, though, but he is a little bewildered by an idea that Santa Claus has: not only does he want to bring this heat source to this cottage and the people who were just visiting it, but to everyone in the world in one night! Scrooge knows this is impossible, but Santa feels he knows some way he can do this. This begins a brand new friendship, and this is where Webby is confused.
Webby: Wait, Scrooge doesn't have any friends!
Understandably, Goldie is more of a frenemy, being friends with Launchpad is far too easy to count, and it's debatable if anyone is Gyro's friend, either.
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We cut to what's happening in the present, where Scrooge gets on the sleigh with all of the reindeer kids would know. All the kids know Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen. If they think of any other reindeer's name, well, let's let another Christmas special sort that one out:
Olive, the other reindeer: By the way, where's Rudolph?
Comet: There's no Rudolph. It's just one of those urban legends.
Along with Santa and himself, Scrooge decides to only let the one kid who knows Santa is a fraud, Webby, on the sleigh. The kids protest, and Santa implies to them that if they go to bed, they would be on the nice list. They already got their gifts, and if Santa ends up doing his end of the bargain, it wouldn't even matter, but the nephews decide to go back to bed. One could argue that Santa could boop his nose and instantly turn the video game, cell phone, and trampoline into coal, and that one is confusing this episode with another special with siblings that wear the primary colors.
As the reindeer fly into the sky, Webby continues her anti-Santa creed, saying that she wouldn't be wooed by dolls, candles, or crossbows. That last one does end up piquing Webby's interest enough, and Santa does reveal that, yup, that's what she was getting. Scrooge tells Santa it's going to take more than that, and Webby isn't trying too hard to prove that's true. In fact, she actually blurts that she's worried that Santa wouldn't be able to finish Christmas in time, and Santa tells her, and it's all because of another artifact from that legendary Finch journal. No, I'm just kidding, there's no journal in this episode; along with the Halloween episode that also doesn't feature it, this episode was written before anything else in this season.
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That artifact is the Feliz Navidiamond, a diamond that can slow down time to the point where the mission to give coal to everyone on Earth is a possibility rather than pure fantasy, and Scrooge happens to have a map that leads right to it. Said map leads to Cascabel Cavern, a cavern known for having creatures of legend defend it, including the Los Renos Voladores. Those who know their Spanish, as Scrooge does, may see where this is going. Santa didn't just have the flying reindeer show up at his doorstop one day, he had to encounter them at the cavern along with his new friend. While Scrooge attempts to use his cane to fend one of them off, he notices that Santa appears to be taming the flying beasts with his jingle bells. Again, the contrast between the charitable and caring Santa and the practical yet uncaring Scrooge shows itself here, along with the contrast between how much they're enjoying this partnership.
Webby says she can figure out why Santa decided to keep them, as reindeer are known for their long horns and good efficiency. Scrooge asks her why she even cares about this, and Webby, once again, tries to say that his fantastic flying reindeer aren't really her thing. For a super-spy in training, she is surprisingly bad at this. Her Santa hatred breaks throughout the episode as she slowly develops from someone who blindly goes with what Scrooge says to realizing that this elf may be a little more than what her idol says he is. I could see parallels with this character arc in this one episode and her development from the sheltered Scrooge fangirl who can't figure out how the real world works of Season 1 to the caring girl with some Scrooge fangirl tendencies she is in Season 3, and that's neat to see. I do think her just blindly believing in Scrooge’s stories in the beginning is a little bit of a negative, though.
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While the story is happening, the episode decides it's montage time. To the tune of Scrooge's least favorite song, guess which one, we see Webby and Scrooge give gifts to various people, including Webby taking her time to give both Violet and the still-looking-like-she-did-before-that-one-episode Lena a kiss, though the latter is understandable because, as mentioned before, they wrote these holiday specials first. We also get an extended scene where Scrooge has to wade through all the Beagle Boys in the naughty list to give a gift to Bouncer Beagle, who somehow managed to get on the nice list. I did question at first how time appears to be flowing quite well in these scenes judging by the giftee's reactions, but I could understand that the Feliz Navidiamond only works when they're on the sleigh. After Santa saves Scrooge from the Beagle Boys, he says they're even, referring to something that happened after the taming of the not-Rudolphs.
In the Cascabel Cavern, we get to see the rise of a guardian, who some people might call Jack Frost though they don't call it that. No, not the Jack Frost from those guardians, I say to the people who still remember that movie exists.
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No, it's a Jack Frost like the movie with the snowman. I'm sure Santa could sense that Michael Keaton film from nearly a century later, as he tries to calm the roaring snowman with a delightful gift. Hopefully it's Campbell's Soup, and then we'll find out inside that guardian was just a really, really cold little boy that's mother decided to leave out in the cold for way too long. Unfortunately, that too was the wrong Jack Frost, as this one's more like the 1997 one that had 100% less Michael Keaton and 100% more killer snowmen.
We get our big fight scene of the week, as Scrooge rescues Santa by pelting the snowman with his flaming coal, riding a flying reindeer. Which reindeer is it? It's so awesome, nobody really needs to care. With this help, Santa grabs onto the Feliz Navidiamond, slowing down time to the point where it almost seems like time has stopped, and they can just waltz out of the cave with it. In their words, they're running on Christmas time. I should point out that they don't create Christmas, as they refer to it all throughout this flashback, they just create the tradition that happens on Christmas. They don't go further than that, and that's all I will say on that subject. Rule of three dictates that there should be some other monster after this, and...well, let's just say the next enemy Christmas has to face may not be a monster or some animals with abilities beyond regular animals.
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As Scrooge leaves to deliver one final Christmas present, telling Webby to keep a present as he's got it, Webby decides to ask one question that's been on her mind: why would Santa do all of this without getting paid? Santa replies that he gets the greatest gift of all, and I jokingly thought this was going to lead to him talking about the Santa Bills that he sends to the children's parents. Of course, that would deter kids from asking for those Disney playsets, so we get a heartwarming speech from Santa about Christmas being about the warmth of the heart one gets from giving gifts. A much better alternative, I'd say, it's a good speech and one fitting for a Christmas special.
There is one major thing in this Christmas origin story that hasn't been brought up yet: how did Santa giving coal to everyone to warm up their homes become only giving coal to the bad children and giving toys to the good children? They really only show the idea of the latter once, with Doofus getting a nasty looking box in his stocking, and even then, it doesn't look like coal.
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The next Christmas, Scrooge barges in the door, singing his own version of Jingle Bells involving his favorite practical black rocks, and Santa has a small suggestion to make about Christmas. Instead of just giving out coal, why not bring them a special surprise on Christmas morning: a special gift for free as a promotion for their coal distribution business! Scrooge immediately balks at the idea of giving out handouts. Oh, rich people. This eventually leads to Scrooge getting into a big fight with Santa, and they break up.
This isn't the monster part, as that happens much later in the history of Christmas. In fact, they're remembering it right now, as they find that Santa's sack appears to be still filled with Christmas presents. If those are the presents with all the toys, what did they gave the children? No, not just a practical gift meant to warm people's homes rather than their hearts...
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...but a practical gift meant to warm people's homes rather than their hearts and an invoice for it, too! We even fade to Scrooge, making a rather evil grin that feels like it came from another famous Christmas special. He really is a mean one, Mr. Scrooge. Now, being an outright villain may seem a bit out of character for him; he's usually only a villain when he has to play one in a wrestling ring. But, come on, do you expect a guy named Scrooge to be the good guy in a Christmas story, never mind give out handouts? I will say that his evil grin does go against any interpretation that he's doing this for good, as he implies. I mean, he's so much of a Grinch...
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...he even has his own Cindy Lou Who named Jennifer, a poor girl in desperate need for anything, including warmth. She even takes this lump of coal he gives her and turns it into a toy. She's that desperate for some warmth in her heart, and no speech from Scrooge about how practical that coal could be to warm her home could change that. It doesn't take a genius to find out if this causes Scrooge's heart to grow three sizes.
To make a long story short, we get another speech from Santa about why he even bothered to have Scrooge help him, and there's even another twist about Santa here that makes this trip just that much more special. The ending is quite clever, too, and it does fit into the family side of the Christmas tradition. Since this is most likely the last DuckTales 2017 Christmas episode, it's a great ending in many ways.
How does it stack up?
I was greatly entertained as this episode arrived, As I humbly give this episode a Scrooge number of five. Now I'll say, to everyone reading this site, Happy holidays to all, and to all a good night.
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Well, that's it for now, as DuckTales enters yet another hiatus. In fact, this is the last big review I'll make this year. Have a Slightly Better New Year, because it sure couldn't be worse than this one.
← The Fight For Castle McDuck! 🦆 Beaks in the Shell! →
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misterzombi · 4 years ago
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39ème jour de notre #1j2sParJour de #confinement avec #Parfum chez @queen_games_france. C'est un jeu de Marcel SüBelbeck et Marco Ruskowski, illustré par Claus Stephan, pour 2 à 4 joueurs, a partir de 8 ans et des parties qui durent en moyenne 45 minutes. Dans Parfum on incarne des parfumeurs qui tiennent une boutique. Il va falloir utiliser des dés d'arômes, afin de composer des notes de parfum. A l'aide de ces fragrances on fabriquera des petites ou des grandes bouteilles de parfum. Selon leur taille, on aura 2 ou 3 flacons à vendre aux clients. Un peu comme dans Fresco, on déterminera l'ordre du tour et le nombre d'actions dont on disposera en fonction de notre heure de réveil. Si on se lève tôt on aura plus de choix et on pourra vendre aux clients avant les autres, mais on aura moins d'actions qu'eux pendant notre tour. Même s'il y a du hasard dans le jeu (lancer de dés pour obtenir des parfums, tuiles clients et notes de parfums qui sont piochées) on peut le contrebalancer un peu grâce au système des gouttes d'eau, qui vont nous permettre de relancer certains de nos dés. Tout au long de la partie il faudra faire des choix, les arômes utilisés et les quantités présentes dans les bouteilles, à quel moment vendre nos parfums, plutôt des petites ou des grandes bouteilles...etc. Avec @luna.rela c'est un jeu qu'on aime beaucoup et on était donc très contents de l'avoir pioché. J'aime beaucoup le principe et son thème qui a le mérite de changer, même s'il est rare que je gagne à ce jeu. Il fait partie de ces jeux que je trouve assez apaisants, même s'il peut faire un peu grogner quand on se fait piquer un client ou des morceaux de parfums que l'on convoitait ^^' Au final, comme souvent, j'ai perdu 153 à 139, en ayant été à la traîne tout au long de la partie. Donc pas vraiment de regrets et même assez content d'être bien remonté sur la fin du game. #j2s #jeu #boardgames #gamer #boardgamers #tabletopgame #instagame #instaboardgame #boardgamephotography #brettspiel #boardgamegeek #juegodemesa #gamenight #bgg #bggcommunity #dailygamechallenge #boardgamefamily #boardgamelovers https://www.instagram.com/p/CABKzIoHJnJ/?igshid=1w1zogoha3z34
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dealgemeneverwarring · 5 years ago
The twenty-third episode of De Algemene Verwarring was broadcast on Monday May 4, 2020 and you can listen to it by clicking on the Mixcloud link above. It’s becoming quite a habit to prepare and record this radio show at home. I keep buying new records during these crazy times, but not all records have download codes, so I also keep some things in stock for when I can go back to the Quindo studios. Episode 23 starts with raging punkrock and ends with a soothing drone, and in-between there’s a bit of everything. Pictured below are local K-Town punks Freddie & The Vangrails (pic by Stephan Vercaemer). The band has posted three teasers of their upcoming album on their Bandcamp page and I played on of them in the show. They sure know how to tease because this track is a one minute banger that makes me want throw my beer at them. Friday 1st of May was not only Labor Day, but also Bandcamp day as the website decided to waive their revenue share on all sales and put the money directly into the artists pockets. So I bought a few digital releases again for your listening pleasure. Music in this episode comes from i.a. The Mekons, Thee Oh Sees, Sauna Youth, Current Affairs, Fad Gadget, The Cavemen, Pink Reason, The Rising Storm, Jimmy Smack, Aske, and more. And beneath the photo you will find the playlist for this show. Enjoy!
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Dead Kennedys: Government Flu (LP “Plastic Surgery Disasters” on Alternative Tentacles, 1982)
Freddie & The Vangrails: GG Is A Bootleg (album #2 teaser from their bandcamp page) - https://freddieandthevangrails.bandcamp.com
Blackup: Every Time I Think Of You (LP “Club Dorothee” on Rookie Records, upcoming later in 2020)
The Mekons: 32 Weeks (LP V/A “Fast Product - The First Year Plan” on Fast Product, 1979)
The Suburban Homes: Cul-De-Sac (12” “…Are Bored EP” on Total Punk, 2016)
Sniffany And The Nits: Horse Girl (7” “The Greatest Nits” on Thrilling Living Records, 2020)
Thee Oh Sees: Burning Spear (LP “Singles Collection Volume 3” on Castle Face, 2013)
Sauna Youth: Blurry Images (digital album “In Flux” - self released on bandcamp, 2020) - https://saunayouth.bandcamp.com/album/in-flux
Current Affairs: Eyes (LP “Object & Subject” on Tough Love Records, 2019)
AFCGT: Lost (10” “AFCGT” on Dirty Knobby Records, 2008)
The Cavemen: Drownin’ (7” “Low Life” on Slovenly Records, 2019)
Pink Reason: Motherfucker (LP “Cleaning The Mirror” on Siltbreeze Records, 2007)
The Rising Storm: Frozen Laughter (2LP V/A “Sky Girl” on Efficient Space, 2016)
Fad Gadget: Make Room (7” on Mute Records, 1981)
Jimmy Smack: Hating Life + Depression (7” Death Rocks”, reissue from 2013 on Death Vault Records (CAN), originally released in 1983 on Star Theatre Production)
Christophe Clébard: La Confusion C’est Dépression (LP “Honte” on Les Ateliers Claus & Knotwilg Records, 2020)
Aske: We Are Nowhere (digital album “Au Bout De La Nuit” - self released on band camp, 2020) - https://aske00.bandcamp.com/album/au-bout-de-la-nuit
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panickypeachboy · 5 years ago
Momotaro’s Nicknames for Smashers (v. 2.???)
Doodle versions: 1, 2, 3
(note: some of the nicknames are changed from there, but most should correspond to the cruddy hiragana)
Master Hand (@yourfriendlyneighborhoodhandman) = Masta
Wright = Masta/Raito
Ludro (@buffcatshowtime) = Tora/Luudo
Wolf (@lycanastrophe) = Odoru
Link (@cartoonlonk) = Rinky
Claus (@maskedl0ve) = Kura
Lucas (@tazmily-farm-boy) = Ruki (Luki)
Link (@picorihero) = Pico
Cloud (@cloudyfenrir) = Raifu
Felix (@seasidekitties) = Rixy (Lixy)
Luigi (@ghostbustingreen) = Ruugi (Lugi)
Mario (@redbromario and @regionalcoins) = Janpu (Jumpu)
Peach (@peachycrown) = Chii
Daisy (@fleursouverain) = Zizi
Rosalina (@cosmcther) = Lina
Geno (@sternenteile) = Jiinii
Bowser (@koopaklaw) = Gaoga
Bowser Jr. ( @koopabrat/@koopajunior) = Junah
Wario (@gamesandgarlic) = Maru 
Ashley (@witchofdiamondcity) = ShuuShuu
Libre (@thcnderslam) = Puro
Diddy Kong (@littlemonkeybuddy) = Rakka
Dixie Kong (@bonusbonanza) = Zeki
King K Rool (@konghatred) = Kururu
Donkey Kong = Kongu
Falco (@lombardiisms) = Barudi
Fox (@lylxt) = Haku
Popopo (@popopo-of-the-stars) = Pofu
Kirby (@puffywarrior) = PonPon
Shadow Kirby (@poyointhemirror) = Shaa
Villager (@gaddagetdown) = Bito
Isabelle (@smashmeltingpot) = Bera
Mewtwo = Myuu
Rathalos (@monsters-of-the-new-world) = Raffuu
Banjo (@storiesinstardust) = Bya-jo
Kazooie = Kagu
Link (@blxe-skys-of-coxrage) = Riku
Zelda (@telesthisia) = Da-ze
Shulk = Shuku
Waddle Dee = Wadee
Samus (@chozopriimed) = Samu
Pit (@fghtison) = Piyo
Palutena = Paruru
Dark Pit = Karasu
Viridi (@goddessvnature) = Nachure
Bayonetta (@demonsandlollipops) = Reza-san 
Roy (@pheraenprodigy) = Roro
MooMoo = Mumu
Corrin (@birthrightforged) = Kamu
Olimar (@namida-ga-afureta) = Oruma
Alph = Aru
Pikmin = Piku Piku
Bronson (Brawler; @wiifightforglory) = Boson
Stephan (Sword) = Seffy
Ginny (Gun) = Gibi
Akio (Brawler) = Kyo/Aki
Wii Fit Trainer = Fiito
Little Mac (@liittlemac) = Maku/Mako/Paunchi
Lucina (@brokenexalt) = Rushi (Lucy?)
Joker/Akira (@mask-0f-rebelli0n) =  Joka/Shitakaburi/Torika
Bayonetta = Beyon
Peach (@peachypinksovereign) = Piichi
Toad = Kino
Dr. Mario = Dokuma
Waluigi = Wahh 
Yoshi = Yashii
Piranha Plant = PakaPaka
Chompers = Choka
King Boo (@regalboo) = Kiresa/OokiBuu
Pokemon Trainers = Gacha
Pikachu = Kashoo
Pichu = ChuuChuu
Sparks (@smashmeltingpot) = Supaku
Jigglypuff = Pyuu
Incineroar = Gaon
Lucario(s) = Rio
Greninja = Gekoka
Snake (@twin-sxakes) = Shoru
Mr. Game and Watch = Wachi
Marth = Maasu
Ike = Aiku
Chrom = Kuromu/Romu
Robin = Robi/Leffo
Sonic = Supibu
Female(?) Inklings = Rumi
Male(?) Inklings = Nege
Simon = Simo
Richter = ChaaChaa
Medli (@moedli)  = Medo
Komali (@the-little-birb-prince) = Malu
Ezlo = Ezzo/Zo/Zozo
Sheik = Shiku
Ganondorf = Doru
Megaman = Agi
Pac-Man = PakuPaku
Ryu = RyuRyu
Ken = Kencha
Crazy Hand = Kurei
DQ Hero with Long Hair (DQ11) = Rumin
DQ Hero with Spikey Hair (DQ3) = Roto/Doriku
Green DQ Hero (DQIV)  = Sorro
Bandanna DQ Hero (DQVIII) = Aeto (pronounced Ay-e-to)
King Dedede = Kidede
Meta Knight = Miita Nyai
Bandanna Waddle Dee = Banwa
Ridley = Riri
R.O.B. = Robu/Badi
Ness = Nesu/Nasu
Mr. Saturn = Douseido
Captain Falcon = Akon/Kyapa
Popo = Pona
Nana = Napo
Duck Hunt = Ahiru to Inu
Dimitri (@blxe-skys-of-coxrage) = Dimmi
Blyth = BlyBly
Claude = Cluu
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vierschanzentournee · 5 years ago
Christmas edition - who is: Santa Claus, his reindeer, magical Christmas Elf, cooking for everyone, decorating Christmas Tree, singing carols, playing guitar, wraps gifts the best, opens presents like a little kid, eats the most, wears a Christmas sweater, wears a suit, complains about everything, tells jokes 🎄🎅🏼
Ho ho ho anon! Sorry for not answering yesterday!
Santa: kamil has strong friendly santa energy tm?
Reindeer: the rest of team poland
Magical Christmas Elf TM: anders bc he’s smol
Cooks: cene, ofc, who else could be trusted
Decorates the tree: someone tall to reach the top... semenič?
Sings carols: team czech republic form a choir
Plays guitar: our boyyyy žiga ofc. and richi?? i feel like i saw richi playing once
Best gift wrapper: stephan seems like he’d be neat
Opens presents like a kid: andi wellinger, žaba, krafti
Eats the most: markus 
Wears a Christmas jumper: everyone, but only michi and krafti coordinate to have matching ones
Wears a suit: is this a thing anyone’s ever done?? domen, bc he thinks he’s Too Grown Up for christmas jumpers
Complains about everything: domen again, the lad’s edgy
Tells jokes: everyone!!! 
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gameosity · 5 years ago
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Imhotep: The Duel Review
Once, in the annals of Gameosity history, Josh wrote a review of Imhotep, a review which left no doubt that a) he is obsessed with cubes and b) it is an excellent game of cube placement, multiple scoring strategies, and some
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meeplegamers · 6 years ago
The Great City of Rome by ZMan Games - Review
The Great City of Rome by ZMan Games – Review
Publisher:Z-Man Games Game Type: Tile Laying, Bidding Designer: Matthew Dunstan, Brett J. Gilbert Initial Year of Release: 2018 Artist: Martin Hoffman, Claus Stephan
Theme and What is it?
The emperor of Rome has decided to expand his beautiful city. He is gathering the most skilled architects and city planners in his realm. You are one of the lucky few chosen to take part in this glorious…
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