#claudio miranda
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sesiondemadrugada · 2 years ago
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Life of Pi (Ang Lee, 2012).
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augustheir · 1 year ago
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The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) dir. David Fincher, DP Claudio Miranda
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the-alternate-realities · 8 months ago
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"Only The Brave" (2017)
Directed by Joseph Kosinski
Cinematography by Claudio Miranda
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xiimy-bufoona-d-lucifer13 · 2 years ago
Que maravilla de película, admiro todo de ella y sobre todo el realismo que hay detrás de todo👌🎥🎬🖤
you’re on your own, kid
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dystopianam · 1 year ago
Modern Veronaville Roleplay: THE PLOT
I really don't know how to start this post, but @gingersimmerr and I besides the historical (1300+ circa) R&J based roleplay (TS2 storyline version with VV sims), also have a modern AU roleplay set in 2023 and...I feel like talking about it because yes.
I start by saying that it is very stereotyped and clichéd, it's a clear modern version of R&J, very similar to the storyline of the game but with a few more twists and with a little Life Is Strange vibes. (P.S: geologically speaking, many elements are invented, we are both Italian so we don't have enough accurate information about America)
AND, is full of headcanons, so not every character is 100% accurate to its original version. With that said, let's get started.
Somewhere in America, there is a big town called Veronaville. The town has a style that is a mix between modern white villas and Mediterranean style villas. It's like a little Italy, but very few real Italians live there. Most people choose to live there just for the vibes.
Two young businessmen in theyr 20s have nearly control of the entire city, having bought practically everything in there. The two are so powerful that even the mayor of the city itself seems to have much less authority than the influence of them both.
They are Consort Thebe, a British man, and Patrizio Monty, an Italian man.
You just have to imagine them like the Landgraabs and the Prescott (of LIS).
Consort Thebe is from a royal family, Patrizio Monty is from a noble family instead.
Business is booming, the two are best friends and therefore celebrate every victory together... but something suddenly changes everything. An x reason causes a strong fight between the two.
The two of them split up, the city is literally divided between the Monty's and the Thebe's. For years, the two of them never meet again.
Many, many years later, the two meet by pure chance when both decide they want to buy the same business.
They are both married now. Patrizio married Isabella Pantalone, Consort married Contessa Capp, renouncing his surname (Thebe) for his wife's matriarchal family.
Now, they are elders and have "children" too (adult children!)
Patrizio have three children: Claudio, Antonio and Bianca.
Consort have four children: Goneril, Regan, Kent and Cordelia.
Both are waiting to become grandparents for the first time. Their daughters-in-law and daughters are expecting their first children.
Olivia, Claudio's wife, is pregnant with Mercutio.
Hero, Antonio's wife, is pregnant with Viola.
Cordelia is pregnant with Tybalt.
Tybalt is born. Mercutio is born, Viola, Romeo, Miranda, Juliette and Hermia are born.
This group of children plays together for many years, while their grandparents are still friends.
But a tragedy suddenly strikes the Capp family: Patrizio Monty, out of a hidden grudge, sets fire to a business building which he and Consort had purchased jointly. His excuse was that he wanted to collect a very big insurance, but unaware that the building was not empty, that day, Cordelia Capp, Consort's youngest daughter, lost her life in the flames.
The Capps are rightly in mourning. The Montys are reported to the police by the Capps and taken to court for arson and the murder of Cordelia Capp, but having no evidence, Patrizio is freed from all charges.
The two families split up. Now they despise each other to death. The children are separated.
It's been about 10 years. The children have now grown up and with them the resentment and feud between the two families.
The Capps attend a private school financed by themselves: the Stratford Academy, the Montys attend public school, but Patrizio wants a better education for his grandchildren and so, reluctantly (because the school is financed by the Capps) he is forced to enroll them to the only prestigious institute in the area.
It's a September evening. Patrizio and Isabella invited their entire family to have dinner together and celebrate their grandchildren's entry into private school. But there's a problem: everyone arrives... except Viola.
Hours pass. But it's getting terribly late, Viola doesn't even answer her cell phone. Mercutio and Romeo go to look for her, but only find her cell phone fallen in the alley that she would have taken to her grandparents' house. This means that Viola was coming but...something happened in the meantime.
Everyone at home is terrified. Patrizio doesn't want to call the police because that would draw too much attention to his family. Hero is tired of listening to her father-in-law's stupid reasons and so she calls the police.
After a couple of investigations, following some testimonies, the police are certain: Viola was kidnapped by someone.
Do you want to know the characters infos in another post...?
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lasudio · 1 year ago
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VeronaHills, Round Six: Monty (A)
Romeo and Miranda removed every layer and tumbled into bed by lamplight.
"Ah, sorry about your spikes," Romeo murmured, nodding to Miranda's frosty gelled peaks of hair.
She flashed a grin of pearls. "Such a gentleman," she drily replied.
Talking then ceased as they did what they had set out to do. Romeo had ensured the hallways to his room were all clear to sneak in his platinum paramour. It felt juvenile, but necessary; it was a matter of keeping Miranda's family name firmly in mind, so he could utter her first name under the covers without awkward repercussions.
Even without a feud, parents and baby siblings did not need to know that Romeo was sleeping with a Capp that wasn't Juliette.
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halloweenmoviewatchlist · 1 year ago
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A Bay of Blood (1971)
[Bahía de Sangre]
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genevieveetguy · 2 years ago
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Sweet Dreams (Sogni d'oro), Nanni Moretti (1981)
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letterboxd-loggd · 8 months ago
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A Bay of Blood (Ecologia del delitto) (1971) Mario Bava
July 21st 2024
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juniorstargazergoke1991 · 2 months ago
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Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
Director: Joseph Kosinski
Cinematographer: Claudio Miranda
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vulcajes · 10 days ago
Different marauders era ships as Shakespearean lovers ✨️
Jily — Beatrice & Benedick
Wolfstar — Hamlet & Horatio
Rosekiller — Bianca & Cassio
Xenodora — Ferdinand & Miranda
Nobleflower — Troilus & Cressida
Marylene — Hero & Claudio
Petalsnake — Iago & Emilia
Dorlene — Viola & Orsino
Lucissa — Antony & Cleopatra
Petemary — Othello & Desdemona
Lilylene — Sebastian & Olivia
Tedromeda — Romeo & Juliet
Prongsfoot — Mercutio & Benvolio
Roadkill — Macbeth & Lady Macbeth
Siriline — Hamlet & Ophelia
If you have any more ships you're curious about feel free to ask <3
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elden-hicks · 11 months ago
the second gen capp and monty headcanon dump
as much as i like the local teens, i think the adults deserve the love too. some of them were created through a collaboration with my dear friend push. i'll add the read more link after goneril's headcanons, so if someone doesn't want to read the full post could scroll through more easily.
the capp sibs
goneril capp:
the middle child with an inferior complex: was convinced that she can't be beautiful as cordelia and smart as regan, and is clearly unfavored by both of her parents. despite her cold and strict façade, goneril's a very emotional person.
a massive people pleaser, especially when it comes to her parents. only had that much kids in hopes that contessa would've chosen her kid as an heir. dropped that idea only after she passed, seemingly regretting even doing so. nowadays, after contessa's death, she's truly trying to be a better mother, even though she thinks it's a little too late in miranda's case.
used to date claudio in the past and was almost ready to abandon her home just to be with him, until she learnt that he only dated her as "a dare". he had also publicly broke up with her, making her look like a desperate. she'd never forgave him for that stunt, of course. years after she's still thinking whether she was in love with him or the idea of him. the idea of being free, to be particular.
one of the best dressed people in the town, always knows how to present herself.
is keen on cooking, though, she's not as skillful as kent, she really enjoys the process of preparing the food
regan capp:
the youngest daughter, so she had not as much pressure from her parents compared as her older sisters. it suits them fine, since they enjoy doing the things on their own. tends to be very independent and stubborn in her descision making as a result.
consort's favorite kid, undoubtedly, since she was named after his prime caretaker (his grandma) and resembles contessa A LOT, both by appearance and character (the list also includes her eyesight problems and difficulties with showing emotions). however, due to her resemblance to their mother, they're often targeted by isabella monty, whenever they cross paths.
is a staunch childfree, she had enough of watching her parents and sisters raising kids to be permanently dissuaded from having them in her life.
is heavily into sports, does a lot of activities like jogging, swimming, playing tennis and football and skiing. they are also a master fencer in the family, tybalt swears one day he will prevail and take over the title from his aunt.
astronomy is her non-sport passion. they enjoy spending their time at the veronaville observatory and fighting with antonio monty over that territory
a bisexual, who also kind of questioned her gender before, has some tendencies towards non-binarity but she's still isn't so sure about it. a she/they pronoun user.
kent capp:
is an accident kid, also the youngest one and the only son - truly a misfortunate fate to have, once you had born in the capp family. contessa had a trouble with birthing him, so consort still (subconsciously) blames kent for contessa's declined health after that. he's the only kid who vastly prefers contessa to consort as a parental figure.
as a result, he hides his unique eyes with the blue lenses in order to have less similarities with that man. would rather die than call consort a father.
has a super fancy STEM degree, never worked a day in his actual work field, instead had changed like 10 to 15 low-paying jobs. from a cashier to a delivery guy to a stripper - you name it!
despite being against the feud, he still takes offence on his sisters' and niblings' behalf. once claudio referred goneril's dress as a "hoe sack", and the next day his car's tires were suspiciously slashed.
has passion for cooking and is darn great at it. once pranked the montys by hiring himself into their restaurant as a cook, they only figured it out after almost a month of his work.
probably one day would open his own gay bar with some cool appetizers and cocktails of his own creating
has a long-lost twin brother in strangetown named vidcund
cordelia capp:
the eldest. the heiress. contessa's favourite. a true capp woman. was very beautiful and charismatic
wasn't as goody-two-shoes person as she initially appeared, though she wasn't necessarily evil or nasty but she had her downsides.
cordelia was very, VERY headstrong and was not afraid to show her teeth when she couldn't have her thing "in a nice way".
yes, she was against the feud, that is correct, but she'd also been driven by the potential financial profit. after all, feuding can be pretty expensive both on money and lives. wasn't above of idea of eloping juliette with one of the claudio's sons, if it could seal the peace deal.
had this surprising ruthlessness when it came to managing stuff in business, yet she lacked regan's foresight in some ways.
still, despite not being the greatest mother on earth, treated her children equally, compared to her parents, each of whom had their own favorite.
the monty sibs
antonio monty:
a middle child, he's meek and overempathetic compared to much bolder bianca and claudio. he's also very easy person to manipulate or guiltrip
had always been on chubby side, since his early childhood, the only time when he was fit was his late teens-early adulthood years
the most skilfull monty in the cooking field (besides isabella) but he had always wanted to be an astronaut instead. still to this day has a passion for astronomy and, of course, out of all people in veronaville, the other person who's into that as much as him is that goddamn capp woman
he likes cooking in general, but he doesn't like do it for life, yet he feels obliged to do so, since his siblings and niblings are quite unhelpful. he personally peaked as a chef with that prize-winning wedding cake of his
used to be a punk in his teen/college student years, looking back, he's not really proud of who he was back then due to some questionable stuff he had done, but those were his golden years for sure
before hero came into the picture, the rest of the family speculated whether antonio was gay or not
he's either insomniac or sleeps like a rock, there's no in between
bianca monty:
the youngest child, also a daughter. unlike kent, she wasn't as screwed being the youngest monty and a girl
is an accountant at the restaurant, won't even come closer to a working stove for more than five meters. she also works as a freelance comic artist and the interior designer (has a degree in it, actually)
is vegan, which sometimes can be exhausting, cause the rest of the family are avid meat-eaters, but antonio usually accommodates to his lil' sis by making her favorite vegan dishes for the family gatherings
is an aroace, doesn't really want a romantic relationship, but still wants a child. seriously considered an option of kent being her sperm donor
she's terrible at handling the alcohol. does a lot of weird shit whenever she's wasted.
claudio monty:
was the eldest son. a proud, self-assured man. patrizio was hoping that he'd take over the restaurant after he retires. unfortunately for him, he outlived his own son.
was an asshole, to be precise. yes, he was very competitive, very determined, was an "efficient business manager", but an asshole nevertheless.
dreamed of becoming a famous musician and even had his own band in his teens. wrote a lot of songs about his exes, lol. most of them are kind of mid, though there was the one which made it to the local veronaville radio station and became a hit. this one he wrote about goneril in particular. even till his later years, he wasn't sure whether he actually loved her or not.
was rumored to be involved with antonio's late wife, hero. no one truly knows whether the rumors were true. he was also named as a main reason for her passing, shortly after his own death, though antonio prefers to believe it was the capps' deed.
romeo was his favorite one, since mercutio was the one who made him tie a knot with his mother
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lara-kaminari · 6 months ago
What would you do if one day, at the age of sixteen, all your friends from school disappeared?
On September 16, 1976 in Argentina, a group of soldiers entered the homes of high school-aged children to take them away.
Many of them never returned home.
A total of ten high school students were kidnapped and tortured by groups of the ruling dictatorship, six of whom were murdered without their remains being found to date: Claudio de Acha, María Clara Ciocchini, María Claudia Falcone, Francisco López Muntaner, Daniel A. Racero and Horacio Ungaro. The four survivors were Gustavo Calotti, Pablo Díaz, Patricia Miranda and Emilce Moler.
At the beginning of December 1976 Pablo Díaz was transferred to Gabriela Carriquiriborde's cell. He had his eyes covered by cotton wool wrapped with adhesive tape and communicated with his companion by touch: he touched her belly and leaned on it to listen to the baby's heartbeat. "Pablo, it's coming, it's coming," the girl was about to give birth. The detainees shouted for the guards. After the baby's cry was heard, the rest of the detainees were told that she was fine, that she had had a boy and that she was going to be transferred to a farm where she would be able to raise her child. She and her baby are still missing.
It is not fiction. It is not a horror story.
Pablo says: "Before leaving I ask the guard to see Claudia, I ask him to please agree. At that moment she starts shouting 'yes' and the guards tell me to be quick. Claudia was leaning against the back wall. I try to pull the blindfold off her eyes, but her body and eyes hurt because of the same condition I was in. She asks me to go to her mother's house and tell her that she is fine. I told her that I was going out and that we were going to meet outside", Pablo confessed between tears and continued "She told me that she had been raped from the front and from behind, that she would never be able to be a woman again and asked me to drink a toast for them every December 31st".
Pablo and Claudia never saw each other again.
Today is the commemoration of "La noche de los lápices" (The night of the pencils). Let us not forget the tortured teenagers, the stolen babies, the murdered children, the disappeared people.
The crime of these people? Protesting to make the bus fare to schools affordable for them.
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best-habsburg-monarch · 1 year ago
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Mary of Hungary, Queen of Hungary 1516-1526, Governor of the Netherlands 1531-1555
Called mannish for "her authoritarian manner, her overly public life and her 'masculine' activities".
Carlos II, King of Spain, reigned 1665-1700
Caused a succession crisis, but not intentionally.
from anon:
"-patron of the arts! had some very good court painters - claudio coello, luca giordano, and juan carreño de miranda -appointed capable ministers like medinaceli and oropesa -loved his first wife marie-louise d'orléans very much -was a silly funny little guy who liked to play harmless pranks on his courtiers -listen we know the whole succession crisis was a clusterfuck but it was NOT carlos's fault!!! he tried his best to navigate through it and the first candidate he picked (joseph ferdinand of bavaria) was actually a good choice but he died in 1699 so carlos had to fucking go all the way back to square ONE and he knew he couldnt please everyone with his choice -had a very funny episode of teenage rebellion when he allied with his bastard brother don juan of austria against his own mother the queen regent"
from @master-of-the-opera-house:
Intersex icon 💛💜
No heirs but spawned countless memes inaccurate or not we all have him to thank <3
Mentally eel girlies rep
Historians still get him wrong: scapegoat for everything going into shit when it really was just the snowballed problems of monarchy and generations of inbreeding he did not have agency in like literally everyone was inbred anyway
He was NOT totally incapable of ruling and NOT a puppet king
Extremely poor little meow meow-core
Emo goth girlies rep
Nice hair at least for a while
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dystopianam · 1 year ago
I can divide Veronaville into good, villains, neutral and versatile according to my headcanons but I think many might think the opposite of me... 🤣
I divide them quickly without giving explanations, I want to see if you can understand my points of view (and I would be curious to know yours)
Titania - Good
Oberon - Good BUT he could be dangerous with his magic if angry.
Puck - Good BUT as a goblin he may lose control from time to time due to his nature.
Bottom - Villain (She's a lil brat)
Contessa - Good
Consort - Versatile but most Good
Goneril - Villain
Albany - Good/Neutral
Regan - Villain
Cornwall - Villain
Kent - Good
Cordelia - Good
Caliban - Villain
Tybalt - Versatile
Miranda - Versatile
Juliette - Good
Hermia - Good
Hal - Neutral
Desdemona - Neutral
Ariel - Good
Patrizio - Versatile but most Villain
Isabella - Good
Bianca - Good
Antonio - Good
Hero - Good
Claudio - Good
Olivia - Good
Mercutio - Good
Viola - Good
Romeo - Good
Benedick - Good
Beatrice - Good
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howardhawkshollywoodannex · 1 month ago
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Top Gun: Maverick (2022) was photographed by Claudio Miranda. Claudio was born in Valparaiso, Chile, and has 36 cinematography credits from SIsqo's 2000 uncensored video for Thong Song, to a 2024 short.
His other notable credits include videos for Snoop Dogg, Foxy Brown, Backstreet Boys, and Beyonce, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Tron: Legacy, Life of Pi (his Oscar winner), Oblivion, Only the Brave, and Nyad.
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