#clan uchiwa
mixelation · 9 months
would itachi meet toris old clan? how would that go?
no, i can't see that happening. she doesn't consider herself one of them, and they effectively kicked her out as a very small child, meaning THEY don't consider her one of them either. plus by the time itachi is in the picture, they're mostly. uh. dead?
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shkatzchen · 1 month
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I forgot I had this in my mods folder but I was looking for something to share and I realized I'd never posted it. The Uchiwa fan wall decoration is very simple and comes in just the one swatch but it can be useful if you need another bit of Japanese deco or are building for a certain Clan and want to splash their symbol on the walls.
Base Game Compatible.
Download from SimFileShare here.
Made with S4S.
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proximacalamity · 1 year
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silly old thing I made because I want sarada to have a sister and I wanted to fuck around with her outfit.
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childotkw · 1 year
Ok so izuna brought regulus black to the Uchiha... How did the other clans react?? Did they try to find him in his village only to find out that he was taken by the Uchiha??
"So, they got you, did they?"
Regulus looked up from the scroll he was trying to read to see Shirori leaning against the doorway to his - unofficial - office. He wrinkled his nose at the Nara clan head, knowing exactly what she was talking about, and dropped the scroll. He slumped back in his seat with a soul-deep groan.
Shiori snickered, pushing upright and approaching with a slow gait. She plopped down on the seat across from him, one arm thrown over the back in a comfortable slouch.
"You don't have to be so amused by it," he muttered, rubbing at his temple.
"I did tell you," she teased, the low drawl of her voice soothing. "Thought it the second I saw you - and here we are." She gestured loosely at the trademark Uchiha shirt Madara had practically wrangled over his head this morning.
Regulus huffed, but he couldn't stop the answering smile from creeping onto his face.
"How quickly did they slap that uchiwa on you?" she asked, her curtain of thick black hair falling over her shoulder when she tilted her head.
Regulus rolled his eyes, trying not to sound fond. "Izuna was seconds away from chaining me to their compound after I saved him. They all but had the adoption papers filled out when I scampered away."
Shiori snorted, quiet chuckles slipping into the air. "When we'd heard, I laughed for about ten minutes. Most of us already suspected you were an Uchiha."
Regulus sighed, his head falling back. "Oh for - I'm not an Uchiha," he protested, for what had to be the nth time because these stubborn assholes were selectively deaf.
"You do look like them," Shiori said, because she was secretly a shit-stirrer and Regulus knew it.
"I could look like you," he shot back. "Maybe I'm actually a secret-Nara."
"Nah, I already checked the clan records," she admitted, smiling wickedly when Regulus made a surprised sound. "What?" she cocked an eyebrow. "You think we wouldn't have claimed you if given the chance? My daughter was all but throwing herself at you when we had you at our compound. She gave me a three-hour speech on why you'd make a good potential husband."
Regulus, who had been peppered with betrothal proposals since before he was born, cursed his fair complexion as he flushed. "Sayuri is ten," he choked out.
Shiori's smile grew teeth. "She knows what she wants."
Regulus buried his face in his hands.
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itsmikatheghost · 10 months
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Its that time again where I redesign my JJK ocs~
Plus add faces for Izanagi's Puppets with new information
Name: Izanagi Tokunaga
Alias: The Out-Casted, Nagi, Pet (Sukuna)
Species: Human(?)
Birthday: August 10th
Age: 24(?)
Height: 182cm(6′0″)
Occupation: Jujutsu Sorcerer, Teacher
Affiliation: Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College
Grade: Special Grade
The death of his master, Sukuna, left a loneliness deep in his heart. Missing the affection that brought him joy, Izanagi longed to feel it again. Trying desperately to find anyone that could fill his heart like Sukuna once did. With that desperation came despair....pain...and death...
Now Izanagi is a sly spoken brat, wrapping himself up in lies and mysteries. Because of his reputation no one believes him, even his age is a mystery, for the longest time he looked 14 until one day he came to Technical College looking 24.
He leaves unanswered questions where he walks and most other Sorcerers are afraid of him for his death count which brings a sadistic smile to his face.
Curse Energy/Jujutsu: He Who Invites
Allows Izanagi to create puppets from those who have passed, taking a family member from some of the most known clans that he now has control of and rest inside the blue beads that lay on his body, He has modified and changed them to how he sees fit. Dressing them and styling their hair to be his most perfect creations.
He’s named them Izanami, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susanoo.
Name: Izanami Tokunaga
Alias: Noeru Uchiwa, Nami
Species: Puppet, Human(Former)
Birthday: August 10th
Age: 24(?)
Height: 165cm (5′5″)
Occupation: Jujustu Sorcerer (Former)
Affiliation: Uchiwa Clan (Former), Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College
Grade: Special Grade
Izanami was created by her “brother” Izanagi, being made to keep him company. She does not think or act on her own, always following Izanagi who has given her fake information to make believe she is his real twin. Most find her odd or creepy with how she acts, looking mindless and lost even when standing by her "brother".
Once she was a Uchiwa who had a forbidden love which caused her death.
Name: Amaterasu Tokunaga
Alias: Katsuro Hagihara (@fifteenskies15 )
Species: Puppet, Human(Former)
Birthday: June 4th
Age: 26(?)
Height: 187cm (6′2″)
Occupation: Jujustu Sorcerer (Former)
Affiliation: Hagihara Clan (Former), Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College
Grade: Special Grade
Izanagi's least favorite puppet who he can't seem to let go of and is one of his strongest. Having a once love relationship with Izanami adds to the distaste Nagi has for him.
Katsuro found the truth about Nagi which led to his death, knowing too much of Nagi's "hobbies" was a problem...
Name: Susanoo Tokunaga
Alias: Mikai Zenin
Species: Puppet, Human(Former)
Birthday: March 25th
Age: 21(?)
Height: 170cm (5′6″)
Occupation: Jujustu Sorcerer (Former)
Affiliation: Zenin Clan (Former), Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College
Grade: Special Grade
About:  N/A
Name: Tsukuyomi Tokunaga
Alias: Sachiko Saki
Species: Puppet, Human(Former)
Birthday: May 30th
Age: 16(?)
Height: 158cm (5′2″)
Occupation: Jujustu Sorcerer (Former)
Affiliation: Saki Clan (Former), Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College
Grade: Special Grade
Takeru's former love interest who he slaughtered in cold blood, She was once a kind and fun-loving girl, now she is a husk of what she was and a never ending nightmare stuck in Takeru's mind.
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kankuroplease · 11 months
What kind of woman the Uchiwas brothers like (example: long hair, small size, strong?)
I think for all of them, given their time and position (sons of the head of the clan), strength and sharpness would be of the greatest value/highest appeal to them.
They wouldn’t have someone who can’t even defend themselves a little bit or some foolish person that doesn’t stay alert as a spouse.
Appearance is secondary
Madara - Doesn’t matter if they’re tall or short, but he definitely likes a nice figure.
Inari - he thinks chubbier women are so cute he would mindlessly touch his girls belly like it’s his if she has one 😭. Plus they’re so soft! But he’s really attracted to good girls. if she’s a good girl but skinny, buff, fat, or average; he’s perfectly content with that.
Kota - taller women. Out of all of them, he’s the one most likely to turn someone down based on height alone 💀 he also likes wavy-curly hair and gentle eyes.
Tenko - his ideal woman can crush a melon with her thighs, has a bitable butt, does pretty hair styles, nice lips, sharp eyes, and wide set hips (plus points for hip dips).
Izuna - petite and pretty. Can’t have a ridiculous amount of hair nor too short of hair. Nice toned legs are preferable. Not overly busty or flat as a board.
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super-origin · 1 year
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Si j’étais dans Naruto
Village : konoah
Nom Ronin Uchiwa
Chakra : Feu, Mokuton
Clan uchiwa
Mentors Shisui Uchiwa
Pouvoir héréditaire: Mangekyô Sharingan éternel
Gensei corps d’un ancien samouraï qui sert de récepteur car mon personnage et nais avec un surplus de chakra le corps de Gensei et équipe de 7 épée et d’une armure de plus le corps permet de faire des invocations avec Traqueur de la mort Un loup glacé qui utilise la glace.
Mangekyô Sharingan Éternel : œil droit Amaterasu des flammes noires qui se forge sur moi comme une armure que si mon adversaire me touche se fait cramer, œil gauche la porte céleste une technique ultime d’invocations ou je crée une porte ou 3 Dieu sorte de la porte slifer le dragon dû ciel qui fait Tomber la foudre infinit,le dragon aille de rat un dragon qui une fois qui croise le regard de mon adversaire lui envoie son âme dans les enfers et obélisque qui va utiliser eau,terre et le vent donc son poing et frappe mon adversaire avec une sphère ou il concentre toute sa force .
mon Susanô et utilise 2 épée appeler lame du chaos elle possède chacune un effet Nepher celle de droite elle en prisone toute les personnes qui sont touchées par elle dans une dimension noir ou les personnes soufre et ne peuvent pas être délivrés,Bepher celle de gauche elle permet de sceller le ninjutsu pour que les personnes touchées ne peut plus utiliser.
J’ai réussi à maîtriser mokuton grace a un entraînement intensif et un tallent naturelle pour le mokuton, je crée géant de mokuton qui a 2 épée gigantesque et je peut associer mon géant avec mon susano. Une fois associer le susano à 4 épée les 2 du mokuton permete de se téléporte et les 2 autres garde leur effet origin.
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bibibooks · 1 year
Seijurou Uchiha
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Name: Seijurou Uchiha (うちは清樹郎, Uchiha Seijurou) 
D.O.B: June 5th 
Zodiac: Gemini
Ascendant: Taurus
Sex: Male
Material Status: Single 
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Status: Deceased
Age during the Uchiha massacre: 45 - 46
Gekkei Genkai: 
Mangekyou Sharingan
Height: 1,90 cm
Weight: 70,5 kg
Blood type: B
Affiliation: Konohagakure
Team: Team Sakumo (former)
Clan: Uchiha clan
Ninja Rank: Jounin
Nature Release:
Fire Release (affinity)
Wind Release
Academy Grad.: 7
Chuunin Prom.: 9
Jounin Prom.: 15
Personality: Seijurou is a charming, fun-loving and friendly individual. He’s easy-going and relatively flexible. He’s intelligent, steady and consistent. He has a warm and nurturing personality. He’s also innately curious about others and the world around him.
Childhood: TBA!
Teenage: TBA!
Adulthood: Seijurou was among one of the comrades who was saved by Sakumo Hatake. He and the other teammates turned their backs to their comrade. Years later, Seijurou felt great remorse in turning his back to Sakumo.
After the growing distrust of the Uchiha clan after the Nine Tails Attack, Seijurou grew more bitter as his childhood friends were getting wary of him, resulting in them splitting up. He didn’t leave the clan if it wasn’t necessary. His bitterness led him to fully support the Uchiha clan to take over the village. He was killed before their plan came to fruition.
“Seijurou” means “pure trees son” while “Uchiha” is a different pronunciation of “Uchiwa” which means “fan”.
He has a green thumb and his favourite flowers are red roses, he keeps many red roses in his front and backyard. 
His hobbies are playing strategic board games (something he’s very good at). He also loves brewing tea and likes to read. 
It’s speculated that Seijurou is the grandson of Madara Uchiha as his grandmother was very secretive surrounding her pregnancy. Seijurou’s mother - who is speculated to be the daughter of - never gave it much thought, something she instilled within her son. Madara was considered a disgrace to the Uchiha clan after all. However, it’s never proven and they’re just baseless speculation as far as Seijurou is concerned.
His face claim is Blood Dupre from the manga Heart no Kuni no Alice.
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stonefanfic · 10 months
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STONE (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/357383496-stone?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=Z23D01&wp_originator=cWFpH5TW%2BolWiF7UlJbkLboy7qMN%2BOJ4zSkpeMHHznT03UDXCbLSMZ4sAm0HX%2FwovzRSOK0HxYBfcMJrFwyfm8G9ous8Su7kzaX36YXvfM9GGU47iBiQp4D30w%2F0orV4 "STONE" ouvre les portes de l'univers ninja de Konoha, révélant une histoire captivante centrée autour des jumeaux Uchiwa, Itame et Mikoto. Ces adolescents apparaissent soudainement dans la dimension de Konoha, portant avec eux les échos d'une réalité alternative. Enfants d'Itachi et Izumi Uchiwa, les jumeaux se lancent dans une quête pour comprendre leur présence à Konoha et la mystérieuse disparition de leur frère cadet, Noel. Accueillis par le Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi, les adolescents sont guidés dans leur nouvelle vie par Kotaro, un ninja de confiance, et logent chez Naruto Uzumaki, un jeune ninja de leur âge. Alors qu'ils s'intègrent à Konoha, les jumeaux découvrent des liens inattendus, révélant des secrets enfouis dans le passé du clan Uchiwa. L'histoire explore les thèmes de l'héritage, de la résilience et de la manière dont les cicatrices du passé influencent le chemin vers l'avenir. "STONE" offre une immersion captivante dans la vie des Uchiwa, combinant mystère, action et émotion pour créer une saga ninja épique. Laissez-vous emporter par cette histoire où chaque personnage est un maillon dans la chaîne du destin, et où les révélations sur le passé sculptent l'avenir de Konoha.
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wotakugofrance · 1 year
L'univers de Naruto est un monde captivant, regorgeant d'histoires complexes, de personnages complexes et de batailles à couper le souffle. Dans cet univers vaste, où de nombreuses clans puissants prospèrent, un clan brille au-dessus du reste - les Uchiwa. Réputés pour leur maîtrise du Sharingan et vantant une force inégalée à travers des membres légendaires comme Madara Uchiwa, il est presque inconcevable de surpasser leur redoutable pouvoir.Une théorie captivante liée au clan Uchiwa a fait surface dans la communauté Naruto. Elle propose l'existence d'un Uchiwa qui surpasserait même Madara en puissance.Dans cet article, nous allons explorer cette théorie et examiner la possibilité que Lord Jashin soit lié au clan Uchiwa.À Voir Aussi : Naruto : Les décisions apparemment stupides d'Obito n'étaient pas de sa faute, et il est clair pourquoi Naruto: Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur la théorie de Lord Jashin étant un Uchiwa Lord Jashin est vénéré par une secte secrète dans l'univers de Naruto. Cette secte énigmatique adhère à des croyances centrées sur l'obtention de l'immortalité grâce à des actes de violence et à des sacrifices. Malgré un scepticisme initial, il existe des arguments convaincants liant Lord Jashin au clan Uchiwa.Les origines de Lord Jashin demeurent enveloppées de mystère, la série ne fournissant qu'un aperçu limité de sa véritable nature. Certains théorisent qu'il pourrait être un Uchiwa ancien qui s'est aventuré dans des domaines interdits du pouvoir, transcendant finalement les limites mortelles.La révérence de la secte pour le carnage et le sacrifice fait écho à l'histoire sombre du clan Uchiwa, qui a embrassé les ombres et poursuivi sans relâche la domination à tout prix.Le clan Uchiwa possédait des capacités visuelles redoutables connues sous le nom de Sharingan, et ils se sont forgé une réputation en explorant des pouvoirs interdits dans leur quête incessante de force. Malheureusement, cette quête de pouvoir les a souvent conduits vers des chemins destructeurs. Un exemple frappant est Madara Uchiwa, qui nourrissait des ambitions d'établir un domaine gouverné exclusivement par son clan.La secte de Lord Jashin partage une fixation frappante sur le pouvoir et l'immortalité, bien qu'elle utilise des méthodes différentes. Leur croyance implique de sacrifier et d'embrasser la violence pour obtenir la vie éternelle et dépasser les limites de la mortalité.Cette convergence d'idéologie entre le clan Uchiwa et les adeptes de Lord Jashin suscite des questions fascinantes sur une éventuelle corrélation entre les deux factions.Si Lord Jashin appartenait au clan Uchiwa, il serait plausible qu'il possède, voire dépasse, les capacités oculaires du Sharingan.Les capacités du Sharingan à percer les illusions, à prévoir les mouvements et à manipuler la perception amélioreraient sans aucun doute les compétences déjà redoutables de Lord Jashin. De telles capacités extraordinaires pourraient expliquer son statut divin et soutenir davantage l'hypothèse de sa lignée Uchiwa. Madara Uchiwa : Le shinobi légendaire dans la série Naruto Il est essentiel de reconnaître l'immense pouvoir possédé par Madara Uchiwa. En tant que l'un des membres fondateurs du clan Uchiwa, Madara s'est révélé être un shinobi extraordinaire dont la force et les compétences étaient inégalées en son temps. Il a courageusement défié les Cinq Grandes Nations Shinobi, gravant ainsi son nom dans la légende.Madara a fait preuve d'une maîtrise inégalée du Sharingan, maîtrisant le Susanoo et maniant le Rinnegan. Sa participation à la Quatrième Grande Guerre des Ninjas et ses légendaires batailles contre Hashirama Senju ont solidifié son statut de l'un des shinobi les plus redoutables de l'histoire.La simple suggestion qu'un Uchiwa puisse surpasser Madara en force témoigne de l'ampleur de cette théorie. Conclusions La théorie d'un Uchiwa plus fort que Madara dans l'univers de Naruto suscite de l'excitation et remet en question notre compréhension des limites du pouvoir. Cependant, il est important de se rappeler que ces théories n'ont aucun poids à moins d'être approuvées par les créateurs eux-mêmes. Néanmoins, les théories des fans alimentent des discussions animées et favorisent la créativité parmi les passionnés.Le clan Uchiwa, incarné par le légendaire Madara, demeure un pilier indispensable de l'héritage durable de Naruto. Peut-être qu'à l'horizon, un nouvel Uchiwa émergera, potentiellement en train de changer le cours de cette saga épique. Source: Anikawa
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kilfeur · 1 year
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Marinette nous avait pas dit qu'elle faisait partie du clan Uchiwa, elle a le sharigan. Comment a-t-elle pu nous le cacher ?
Marinette didn't tell us she was part of the Uchiwa clan, she has the sharigan. How could she not tell us?
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dummiesaremytype · 4 years
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athos1615 · 5 years
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Sakura Haruno 春野サクラ- Naruto
Tsunade n°2
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tanukoni · 5 years
Day 1
Favorite Male Character as Sasuke Uchiha 
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Some people like him, some don’t. I have to say that I love him from the bottom of my heart, and since forever. He’s my little sunshine, and I would have given so much to see him has a better life, with his own sunshine, family and a lot of love. He fall into darkness after Itachi’s death because he was feeling guilty about this, to see everyone smiling and talking about Konoha was simply too much to him when his own clan had been sacrificed for this peace, and specialy his brother’s happiness. I think he finally has the life he deserves, even if he has done a lot of terrible actions, and I am happy about it. 
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tdwlara · 6 years
Itachi True Story Book episodes be like : do you want some salt on your opened wounds ?
Me, crying : yes, please
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itsmikatheghost · 1 year
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This family keeps growing someone stop me-
Anyway Enzeru's apart of CSM and JJK
Name: Enzeru Uchiwa
Alias: Wench (Isawa), Weird Lady ( Mukizu), The Death Walker
Species: Devil half Curse, Human(Former)
Gender: Female
Birthday: April 4th
Age: 21 (at the time of death), N/A (Currently)
Height: 175cm (5′9″)
Occupation: Public Safety Devil Hunter, Jujutsu Sorcerer (Former), Teacher(former)
Affiliation: The Uchiwa Clan (Former), Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College(Former)
Grade: Special Grade Sorcerer
Contracted Humans: None at this time
Enzeru was a Special Grade Sorcerer and a Teacher at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College. She was a Teacher that many students loved including some of her co-workers until her sudden and saddening death happened. However her death was always a mystery as her body was never found and most just assumed she died including her own family clan.
Curse Energy/Jujutsu: Wraith Walk
Allows Enzeru to walk between the world of life and death through shadows, finding and using what she calls "lost souls" that fight for her. Her presence is a very unsettling one when she uses this ability.
Devil Powers: See Through
Not a very strong devil power but she is unable to be seen by most, blending in and disappearing in front of people unless it's someone like Isawa who is able to see hidden spirts. It works with her more stealth approach in battle.
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