#clan eldar
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blade-liger-4ever · 6 months ago
Introducing Boza Eldar, heir to House Eldar!
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(Sorry, I got a little editing-happy with some of them.)
Now, regarding his clothing style, since Boza's a Mandalorian, I knew from the get-go that designing him in armor wasn't going to work. However, when I came across the options I used above, I realized that I could easily try and show him in a "body glove", though I had to make do with the gloves and shoes. The belt...actually fits on its own. I chose this pose to give the idea of Boza working out in the early morning, and I tried to show in his expression that he's a rather smiley fellow who isn't easily ruffled even in mock combat. As for his given name, well, let me explain that before attempting to whip up his backstory:
Boza was named, and made in honor of, Chadwick Boseman.
Four years ago, Mr. Boseman was sadly taken from the world. Many were left heartbroken and sad, most of all his family. Unbeknownst to the public until his passing, Mr. Boseman had been suffering from cancer since the late stages of Captain America: Civil War's finishing production, at least. He did not share it with anyone outside of his family, and fought it just as hard as the Black Panther would have.
On a more personal note about the late actor, I want to extend my thanks to him in this tribute. Long before he was cast in the role, the Black Panther, also known as Prince/King T'Challa, was always a favorite character of mine. I briefly saw him in Avengers: Earth's Mightest Heroes, and then sporadically in Avengers Assemble. However, my greatest introduction to the character and his backstory was brought to life by Mr. Boseman. Truly, watching him in the theater as Black Panther felt like watching my favorite side Avenger come to life and step into the real world. Mr. Boseman played the character just as poised, regal, ferocious, and honorable as I had come to know and expect of the character. In hindsight, his part of the film riveted my attention almost as much, if not to the same degree, as the story of Cap and Bucky. I was much happier for his portrayal of T'Challa than I would have guessed, and perhaps more than I realize now. And for that, I am eternally grateful he was offered and accepted the role, for without him, my experience with both the film and the character would be much duller, and my memories of the old MCU would not be nearly as bright.
Rest in peace, Chadwick Boseman. You have earned it, and may you continue your adventures as the Black Panther in Heaven.
Boza Eldar was born the sole heir to his House in the Mandalore System. The Eldars are renowned for their prowess in martial arts, and their ability to use their words as weapons in the political games of the galaxy. As the only direct heir to the House, Boza studied across the System to learn battle strategy, martial arts, languages, politics, technology, the arts, and much more. However, during his studies, he became more and more suspicious of the Empire's motives, causing him to dig into their works in his off time - which he did not often have. Realizing the true nature of the Empire, Boza was prepared to take the matter up with his parents about pushing back when news of Sabine Wren blowing the whistle on the Empire after her tenure in the Academy spread through the System. Not long after, Sabine was accused of being a traitor to Mandalorian society, and a coward for running from her people and "justice".
Despite the people's distaste for the "runaway Wren", Boza, impressed by her courage to say anything against the Empire, was inspired to slowly build up a secretive group of Mandalorians to combat the Empire someday. His parents helped him set up the network, though it was mostly conducted through intelligence gathering and occasional "heists" that disrupted the Empire's work and transports. Despite this, the atmosphere was still tense, which grew worse as rumors of a rogue Mandalorian outside the System was wrecking havoc and combating the Empire grew - and that she was a Jedi. Although Gar Saxon insisted the rumors were Rebel propaganda and censored all information regarding his work into recent Mandalorian "traitors", Boza knew this was no coincidence.
Although he had no particular love for the Jedi, Boza's studies of history involved Tarre Vizsla, and how the Mandalorian Jedi brought peace and unified the Clans and made them the powerful Sector that they now are. There were no Jedi from his line or any other in three thousand years, and yet now, not only has a member of a prominent Clan taken a stand against the Empire, but the first Mandalorian Jedi since Tarre has appeared, standing against the Emperor by her sheer existence. If the rumors about her were true, and if she and Sabine Wren were both working for this "Rebel Alliance", then that could only mean one thing:
The Mandalore System must go to war against the Empire.
Boza's family has their own religious view of what the Jedi call the Force, and he is certain that the appearance of a Jedi Mandalorian is a sign that they must unite once again, lest they be crushed. He, Sabine, and this rogue are children, but they can lead in a firefight, or inspire others to take up arms and combat the Empire. They must grow into these roles, for their people depend on them.
When Lady Bo-Katan Kryze returns with her own army of Mandalorians and wielding the Darksaber, Boza wastes no time in bringing his forces to supply her lost troops. Working with her, he finds himself assigned as a field commander alongside none other than Sabine Wren herself. Despite her still stained image in Mandalorian society, Boza cannot help but find her intriguing. They fight well together, are evenly matched in a fight (though they each have a tendency to "lose" a match to the other), and understand their respective interests in art. Where Sabine is colorful and expressive with her artwork (both with and without explosives involved), Boza prefers sculpting. He likes to work with his hands, and it helps calm nerves and distracts from the severity of the war. Although it is joked about often, others pointing to Boza allowing Sabine to paint his sculptures and figurines as the moment she fell in love with him has much evidence going for it.
When the war is over and Mandalore has been freed from the Empire, Tristan has assumed his birthright as the new Count Wren while Sabine's younger twin sister, Sacha, has joined Fenn Rau's new Proctectors. However, both Boza and Sabine realize that even with her courage and loyalty to Mandalore being proven, most men will still avoid her due to old political wounds, not helped by the fact that even now, Tristan is arranging a marriage for himself to earn some additional support, as Clan Wren is still persona non grata, both from their time with Death Watch and Sabine's past actions reflecting on them. Despite that, Boza knows one man who doesn't care for that part of her past, and asks Sabine if she would accept his hand in marriage, offering Clan Wren the support and protection of House Eldar as a wedding gift as well.
Zeb swears the marriage was one of the biggest, and definitely the most colorful, that he's ever attended.
That's all, folks! Almost all of this is original on my end, save the name Eldar; although they're only known as Clan Eldar in the canon Star Wars universe, I decided to promote them to a House's standing in my take. I see Boza and Sabine having three kids, though I don't think either of them would mind a fourth - or even be unhappy with just two. I didn't have a place to put this, but I envision Boza having a pet "wolf cat". It's an actual named animal in Star Wars, though it has no official art - but I'm willing to imagine House/Clan Eldar's sigil is one....
Thank you for reading, and may the Force be with you!
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the-flower-named-fire · 1 year ago
I am the only who see parallels between the Uchiha, the Varia and the Noldo?
Maybe because they are grey rebels groups, full of ambitions and anger (towards the Ninth Gen and their lies about their Boss's heritage and his unjust imprisonment in ice, towards the Leaf and their exclusion of the Uchiha, towards the Valar for wanting the Silmarils and doing nothing to fight Morgoth)
Or because they are labeled as 'evil' because of that (for just having ambition to fight back, to demand and earn for things, be it freedom or revenge)
Maybe its because their main leader who really likes setting stuff on fire (but their love is just as fierce)
Maybe its because of the tragedy each story brings, of families torn apart and betrayal between all (of a old man that took him from the slums, of a weary shinobi that claimed he wanted peace and of gods that promised the paradise)
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cienie-isengardu · 3 months ago
A bit about Mandalorian Sigils
The “Star Wars Book - Expand your knowledge of a galaxy far far away” provides information that:
Mandalorian clans are often identified by shoulder signets denoting a worthy kill or conquest
The presented examples include
Mythosaur's skull - popular Mandalorian symbol
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House Kast* - vexis (serpentine creature)
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(Picture of Vexis from starwars.com's databank)
Clan Eldar - leonid
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Clan of two: Din Djarin and the Child - mudhorn
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(Picture of Mudhorn from starwars.com's databank)
and the peaceful sigil of Clan Vizsla used before Clone Wars
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and used by Children of the Watch still years after Empire Fall
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(source: The Mandalorian TV series)
while the actual sigil of Death Watch and Clan Vizsla is based on shriek-hawk:
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(source: The Bounty Hunter Code: From the Files of Boba Fett)
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(source: Jango Fett: Open Seasons)
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(source: The Clone Wars TV animated series)
Vizsla clan has changed the animal sigil for a plant motif, most likely as a "proof" of change from warriors to the New Mandalorians. Interestingly, Jaster Mereel's characteristic mark also include an element that resembles a twig or an ear of grain
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(on the right, color version from wookiepedia, on left - a Jango Fett's drawing included in the Bounty Hunter Code)
According to Jango:
"This was Jaster Mereel's sigil as a Journeyman Protector on Concord Dawn. I displayed it to honor him and to remind myself that you never know the heart of another. Always assume betrayal is just a moment away. You'll live longer." (source: Ba'jurne Kyr'tsad Mando'ad/Manifest Death Watch from Bounty Hunter Code)
As Protectors are part of New Mandalorians' Law enforcement agency, this is a second example of plant-like motif used as Mandalorian sigil. Which adds a new layer to the warriors (predator/dangerous animals) vs pacifists (plants) symbolism. At the same time, it is possible that other warrior clans changed their sigils to fit New Mandalorians' no violence policy (even if just to bid their time before they will strike again).
[*] This sigil was presented in Star Wars Rebels TV animated series on Mandalorian Rook Warrior, below the concept art
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jedi-mom · 2 years ago
The dark musty basement barely masked the howling winds outside nor kept the biting cold back. the only lights coming from the slowly blinking visor of some kind of droid, frozen midstep with a screen on it's faceplate displaying a large orange X and text reading "ERROR: 606" on it that flash every second. in the center of the room were two chairs, back to back, with one person on each, their hands tied and their weapons nowhere to be found.
Val groaned as she came too, she couldn’t quite remember what had happened to land her in this particular situation. She remembered she’d gone back to Mandalore, to clan Eldar. She’d gone for help not wanting to risk getting tracked back to the refuge. How she’d gone from her clan to here she had no clue.
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edennill-archived · 5 months ago
The Children of Húrin as told by late (though pre-Sauron¹) Numenor
So... Turin is definitely officially unjustly exiled from Doriath in this telling to start with.
(Technically, the proper start is the Nirnaeth, but I don't know whether they would necessarily change anything about it, except maybe give it an even more bitter vibe... because late Númenor is bitter as a rule and it would be very easy to blame Turgon for Húrin's capture if you specifically wanted to do so)
Beleg is either rebelling against his king outright... or a far more morally gray, or even antagonistic figure. I think Túrin killing him always has a tragic vibe, but it might even go as far as "he deceived him into thinking him a friend and then forced his hand". Earlier retellings probably keep him as the single "good elf" though.
The outlaws are comparatively likely to be portrayed as heroic. Since they go across clan-lines, they might possibly even figure as a prefiguration of Númenor itself, and be consequently portrayed as a far mightier army.
Actually! Turin figuring to retake Dor-Lómin with their help! Is probably emphasized!
Nargothrond is either outright thrown out or villainized. Innocent, girlish Finduilas as a famme fatale (for no reason really, except we don't like her), anyone?
Brethil... I don't really know what they'd need to change about Brethil, except I doubt the "might makes right" Númenóreans would like to portray Brandir as more right than Túrin. Mablung's arrival is either cut, or he becomes what pushes Túrin over the edge — with Túrin managing an impassioned rant against the Eldar before killing himself.
¹(I have no idea how Sauron would go about that story because there isn't really any way to make it non-hostile to Morgoth. Unless they decide to blame everything on Glaurung and ignore the chain-of-command at work.)
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evaarade · 8 months ago
Murat'Ade Tsad
Or How Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore started a proper and centrelized Child Protective Services in the Mandalorian System.
A/N: Believe it or not, this started on a talk about Adanais Kryze (or Adonai Kryze, if you go with canon names TL;DR: I'm not going with it because of the cultural meaning of the name, apparently it shouldn't be used). Hope you enjoy it!
The Law to change how the Mandalorian adopts worked was one of Satine's most well crafted, most popular and supported laws.
At first, there was outrage of course, it's one thing to ask Mandalorians to try to resolve things peacefully before resorting to weapons or fighting in general, but to change a long standing tradition of adoption? Outrage! Protests on the streets! Threats of Civil War!
And that's when the media came in.
Carefully crafted and made to help Satine get her proposed law (though, technically not her law, as she had to give it to someone else to tweak with and put on the agenda, as her job Wasn't to make laws but to represent the War Clans) across all Mandalorian space and hopefully passed by the Ruling Council.
"The purpose of the law is not to ban adoptions," Duchess Satine clarified on the Ibic Ca Ti Bari Hait Be Eldar (or, in Basic, 'This Night With Bari Hait Of House Eldar'), "It's to make them both more efficient and to make sure that the children are being taken care of as they should be."
And thus she went of to explain and win the hearts of the Mandalorians so intensively watching.
The Reform, as it stood, sought to introduce a new organization - the Morut'ade Tsad (lit. Organization of Safe Children) - into the government: One whose whole job is to take care of children welfare.
They will be the ones who handle any child abuse, the ones who help children when they loose their current guardians and help them get settled into their new home, they re the ones who you go to when you wish to adopt any children.
This is when the graphics and recorded interviews from mando'ade and non-mando'ade came in.
It is well known in the Mandalorian space that they are The go to group of people children are to told to head to in case they are ever in danger, it is something every Mando'ade wears with Pride.
What is less known, is that usually with that advice there's the followup of 'leave as soon as you can, if they are distracted the better' for parents fear that Mando'ade would - gasp - Kidnap children.
Here comes the horror - The Horror! - as the Duchess Kryze sadly but patiently continued her explanation: As many Mando'ade didn't check to see if the children they took were actually orphans and couple it with the old war time tradition of adopting children from different cultures that you found the battlefield (often during wars that the Mando'ade started, often either orphas by the Mando'ade's hands or not orphan but whoever took them didn't bother to check), it lead to the idea that Mandalorians were a race of Children Stealing, Warmonging Warriors.
That's when the Organization would came in.
You could bring the children you wished to adopt into the Organization, they will house them and keep you informed as they go hunt down and check to see if the ade have any living relatives and if so, if they are worthy of being their caretakers.
If they don't, you get a go-ahead as long as the child wishes for you to be their Guardian or to even be adopted and be a Mandalorian at all.
If they do have family, you and a group of members of the Morut'ade, would go give the child back to their clan and would be allowed to give the comm code to the family and child for you to be able to keep in contact with them - after apologizing for the whole misunderstanding, of course.
And of course, as mentioned before, this wasn't the only job of the Murat'ade, they would ensure the safety of all children in Mandalorian space.
Stopping abuse - whatever form it may take, from parents training children too hard to parents manipulating children; from physical to sexual to emotional to mental - of children; helping new parents with raising children; helping parents settle things with children if it pops up during the checks; offering programs to make sure that the children were well taken care of and had help from the Community, from the Government.
They would also make sure that the transition from one guardian to another goes smoothly, that no clan member or random person who was Not fit for raising children would ever be put in charge of them.
Sure, it would be annoying to have check ups every once in a while, but wouldn’t it be better to know that children were being kept safe with the Murat’ade? They would even offer reports, numbers you could call to report people, to add them into a list to be investigated or to make sure that they would Never be alone with children, even from the same clan.
The Murat’ade Tsad would even deal with the issues from the Restrictions that late Mando’alor Adanais Kryze put in place: they would handle the paperwork and register the children in the government database, giving them the rights and benefits as any citizen (up until they were 25, had they decided Not to be a Mandalorian in the end) like free healthcare; leaving only the new guardians to handle Not renaming them (though, nicknames are acceptable and the child might choose to adopt that as a name when they were old enough to change their paperwork on their own) and to make sure that the children feel welcomed in their home.
And the Organization would have the bonus of hiring Beroya’s and help them turn into Ver’Verd by having them hunt down the childrens’ missing family - if they had any.
Children would have the support of everyone in the Mandalorian space with this Reform, no more children left to die because the clans were divided.
"This way, no child will have to save themselves, we will have no more tales of adopted children that turned on their families ‘like the day from night’ and ran back to their home planet, this way children will be Protected." Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore finished, “My Ada’Buir might never have met his birth parents, those who brought him to the world and named him, this way no parent will have to grieve children that are just with us, this? This Is The Way.”
(And thus, the Reform was passed with full support of the Ruling Council, with hundreds and thousands of volunteers.
The Murat’Ade Tsad lasted even with the fall of the New Mandalorian Government, only disappearing two years before the Empire was removed from Mandalore, and by then they had suffered budget cuts that left them a very different and more desperate Organization than the one so supported, so watched and kept in check during Duchess Satine Kryze’s rule.)
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haertloch-the-hammer · 3 months ago
An Ode To The Martyred
Many brave souls were committed to the Gates of Eternity for their noble efforts in the defense of this vessel against His enemies, and now that the needs of the living are seen to, we can move to the honoring of the dead.
As it is written, and often said within the honored halls of shrine worlds across His Imperium;
By the manner of their death we shall know them.
And so, in accordance with this Holiest of sentiments, I wish to bring to your minds today the honors of those who have fallen beside you, and proven their worth by giving their very lives in your defense.
Nalit Drana
Warden of Access Rom-332
She who stood beside her kin within the halls of the the access ways where she had laid vigil so many moons. She died a warriors death, attempting to drive her bayonet through the foul xenos who dared trespass her domain.
Maintenance Serf of Clan Waymaker
A humble soul, Bilk was among the finest of those who aide the honored Adepts of Mars in their toils. His was a charge of great pride, the tending of the seals that make up the bulkheads of our mighty vessel. On that fateful day, the main access door was sealed, and Bilk boldly laid down his life rather than allow the foul Eldar to violate the sanctity of those sound bulwarks.
Whose titles and deeds are known only to his Battle Brothers, but carried with him the wrath of the Emperor and blessed the worthy enforcers who fell at his side with His strength, to the last.
More honored martyrs than these heroes fell beside them in battle, and may not one of their number go unremembered by the grateful living, who may continue in our service in His name, thanks to their mighty sacrifice.
Services will be held for those family and friends of the departed, in accordance to the traditions of their kin and clan. Lumos, in accordance with the practices of his chapter, shall be interred in a private ceremony.
Take note of those who no longer walk beside you, for they now stand as testament and proof of what true honor looks like. They who, even from the humblest of domains, gave all of which they had in His name, to give us the lives we carry until it comes our time to die.
I leave you now with the most solemn words of our forebears from the wars of Armageddon, and bid you reflect on what those honored Martyrs have taught ye;
He who lives for nothing is nothing. He who dies for the Emperor is a hero.
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for-the-sake-of-color · 1 year ago
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Wasn't feeling too well today so instead of working on anything serious i did a fun lazy little draw the squad to pass the time of Nihlus, Aida, and Jet
I like to think of it as the informal version of the master/apprentice portrait that she never would have gotten in the order because she was going to fail out. Since Nihlus agree'd to train her as a Mandalorian (since he wont torture her into a true sith) She decided to have their portrait done in the traditional jedi style in celebration. Captain Jet is technically the leader of Nihlus reforged Eldar clan, so he get's the center spot in both, for better or for worse
Anyways those artists that line shit in a similar but darker color are stronger than ill ever be. My ass is going back to black outlines that shit took way too long (except maybe around their faces. much to ponder)
Here's the old Master/Padawan portrait and the base for the draw the squad
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spyridonya · 17 days ago
The White of his Teeth (WIP)
Fandom: Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader Pairing: Fem!Rogue Trader von Valancius/Marazhai Aezyrraesh (past and still pining Fem!Rogue Trader/Heinrix) Rating: Mature Triggers Warnings: Blood, death ... but probably not as graphic as it could be? Summary: The Asuryani do not kiss Mon-Keighs and surely Durkhari don't as well... so why is the former Dracon bending down to reach his former foe, Lady Katherine von Valancius? A retelling of the first romance scene. Notes: It could likely end here. WIP is more for editing than adding. But I could be persuaded.
The Durkhari moves like a shadow, like ink spilled on an ivory page, and Katherine watches, tasting copper on her tongue and blood dripping from her fingers. His boots crush over a skull, destroying the face of a child killer and she follows, the nobleman’s gore and brain staining the tracks they create as they move forward in the durkhari’s given hunting grounds.
It's all the same to Marazhai whom they kill, their screams all sound the same. It isn't entirely true to the Rogue Trader - so she's told herself a thousand times, even as the warm adrenaline sings through her veins. The voidborn clan who harbored here for countless generations have been relocated, and those who were dumped here were carefully selected.
A child killer, cultists who thought they could flicker away from her attention, rapists - from all walks of life. Some pale as she is while others the darlings of their soft green worlds.
Marazhai’s laughter echoes in the small quarters, akin to a lion's roar, the sound surprising her. Marazhai's so slim even with the armor bolted to his frame, and her waist is far thicker than his thighs, that the depth of his voice always surprised her but the laughter?
Where could he even hide such a sound?
The durkhari's head is thrown back as he howls with slaughter he deeply inhales the blood and the terror surrounding them, and Kadee can't help but be fascinated by how his body bends far beyond human capability with such sublime grace before he snaps forward and lunges at the feast before him. There's some pride within her as she watches the voidkin heretic last just a little longer under his blades, despite the crimes they've committed. Kin is kin, after all, no matter the ship they were born at. 
The blade draws out red blood: red, red, red. No different than the noble who stole the welling being and sanity of children. It’s just the noble is softer, weaker, and crumples much faster than the voidborn, and the hot spray of blood strikes her. 
Katherine doesn't flinch, the tang of copper pleasant in her nose and on her tongue and she tells herself not to lick her lips. 
"That's it!" The durkhari roars, "That's it!" He heaves, panting like a mad man, his eyes wide and and grin feral. He's not sober, she can fully tell that Marazhai isn't sober as he whips his head to look at her. "That mouth watering scent of blood, that thrilling wave of terror! This is what makes life worth living, this is what gives meaning to everything!"
Something moves, she catches it from the corner of her eye. It could be a rat. A cat. Perhaps a hand that twitches in death throes. Her heart hammers and sucks in the breath she lost in that moment of fear before she realizes she took her eyes off the xenos that dreamed of her death.
And then, Marazhai towers before her.
Katherine is not a small woman by any measure nor is she short, but her height is nothing compared to an Eldar. She feels like a small child despite the thrill that goes up her spine and the sheer fear that aids that building sensation of need as she stares into the tourisque fire of the durkhari's eyes. 
Marazhai’s smile is a leer and his lips are stained with blood against the white of his sharp teeth. 
"Katherine..." He bends over from that towering height and he reaches out for her and in that moment Katherine expects those white teeth to bite her face off and devour her like he's done everything else. The gleam of hunger in his eyes is there, she's not imagining it, but he's not hungry for food. 
The Rouge Trader is not entirely sure what his hunger is for, until Marazhai’s powerful clawed fingers grip her arms and dig into the muscle with a burning pain akin to the fire she controls. Katherine refuses to moan despite the sudden ache at the realization of what he wants.
"Do you feel this heat?" He growls, his voice barely reigned in and raw with lust, "The flame rendering you from within? Do you control this flame, too?" His deep, rapid breathing makes his form quiver with anticipation. "... are you pleased with me. Kitten?"
The voidborn catches the uncertainty in the tone, the lilt of hope on the durkhari's tongue, but she has no time to analyze it. Her hand reaches up, her strong fingers delicate against the hard and high cheek bone of his long and sharp features. "I am."
Marazhai pulls her close, lifting her from the floor, but the shock of being lifted is soon forgotten when his head dips further down and she expects teeth to tear the flesh off her face in his madness - or he was waiting for her to let her guard down the entire time.
After all, Asuryani do not kiss mon-keighs.   
There are teeth when his mouth covers her own in a ferocious thing that's almost a kiss.
The sharp edge of his teeth scrapes and breaks the skin of her lips open as his tongue snakes to taste the blood that rises to the surface before his long tongue curls around her own. One of his hands grips her hip before his fingers flexes into the muscle there and slides to dig his fingers into the fleshy cheek of her ass.  His other hand grips the nape of her neck. Both hands squeeze, the claws biting, a contrast to the heat of his mouth.
Marazhai holds her like Heinrix once did, as if he fears she could escape from this embrace, too.
She pushes that thought away, pushes the ache in her heart away - Heinrix already hates her enough as is, he’ll hate her even more, now.
Instead, Kadee closes her eyes as her fingers dig into the durkhari's metallic guard strapped to his jaw and across his chin. Her hand seeks the bones that hold up the dark sweep of his hair. Funny how it feels like silk as her fingers comb through it.
Marazhai picks that time to snarl against her lips and viciously bite them, worrying against the tender flesh of her lips to only moan in pleasure when her fingers clutch and yanks against his black hair, letting it wind around her fingers. Katherine’s thighs press against the sharpness of his armor, not caring if she's cut by it as she finally pulls off chin guard and exposes Marazhai’s pale throat.
Katherine doesn't hesitate as the thrill of the hunt becomes the thrill of flesh. Her mouth pulls away from the durkhari’s to latch at his throat, her blunt teeth catching, grinding, and tearing, and she feels the vibration of his delighted scream of her name and the thundering pulse of blood that tastes not quite copper on her lips.
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silmarillion-dnd · 11 months ago
About: Also known as the house of Bëor and the first house of the Edain. Bëorians are said to be easier to pity than laughter and are crafty and quick in learning folk. They were known for being steadfast and serious. Their main alliance is with the people of Finarfin. They speak Sindarin (common) and Taliska, the language of the houses of Bëor and Hador.
Description: The Bëorians are described as having brown or dark hair, grey or brown eyes, and alikeness to the Noldor in look, and a broad build. Their skin was said to be pale to swarthy (light or dark).
About: The Haladin´s, also known as the house of Haleth, the second house of the Edain, are resident in Thargelion, and Brethil. They prefer to fight with axes, and are a strongheaded folk, known for their stubbornness.  They prefer fighting in forested areas and are known as the best group of Edain to fight in the forest, and they were said to have a custom specifically training of war in forests. They prefer not to associate with others outside of their own people and both Orcs, Edains, and elvers tend to keep away from them. Their customs and traditions seemed strange to both other Edains and elvers alike. They were known for being traditional folk who were secretive and hostile about adopting new things and costumes, and few of them were said to marry. They speak Sindarin (common) and Halethian, their own language.
Description: The Haladin is one of the small Edain clans in height, they were described as looking a bit like the Bëorians which means they probably have brown and dark hair and grey eyes.
About: The Hadorians, house of Hador, is the first house of the Edain. They are the tallest clan of the Edain and are sometimes taller than the Eldar, they are also known for being quick to anger yet still generous and quick to laughter. They are the largest house of the Edain.
Description: The Hadorians are the tallest people of the three houses of the Edain, and are known for their mostly golden, few were said to have brown, hair, fair (light) skin, and blue eyes. They are said to be built for enduring cold and distances (nomadic (not sure what´s meant by this)) life. They speak Sindarin (common) and Taliska, the language of the houses of Bëor and Hador.
About: Beornings are the only playable changeling that can change into the shape of a bear, they can speak to animals, and prefer to live in mountains or forests up north. They enjoy the wild nature more than any city. They are descendants of the Northmen of the Edain, Éothéod, descending from the Haladin. Beorings are distrusting of everyone but their rivals are mainly orcs, but they bear a bigger distrust of Dwarves more than others, for presumed greed and the praise they give to metal. They speak Sindarin (common) and Taliska (language of the house of Bëor and Hador). Beornings are great bakers and start out with a package of honey-cakes, which they are famous for.
Description: Beornings have bearlike features and are bigger than other humans. They tend to wear raw materials, mainly wool, clothes, and fur, and keep away from any form of metal jewelry as they have seen what greed does to people.
About: The Drúedain was said to be the most pure hearted of all the Edain, yet they suffered under the ignorance and persecution of others when they saw the Drúedain. They are known for their phenomenal tracking skills, knowledge about plants, and their enchanted wood and stone carvings which they used to practice their spells and charms (rune magic). They are said to be in temperament to a Hobbit but can be ruthless and grim if needed, less than Dwarves. They used caves in the mountains as storehouses which they also used for sleeping in the winter where they hibernate. These places were seen as secret and even the Haladin, who is the only known other group who communicated with them, who they were great friends, although not allowed to know their location. Otherwise, they live a nomadic lifestyle in tents and makeshift shelters of trees. The Drúedain used poisoned darts and arrows as weapons, and mainly lived off eating all kinds of fungi, which they knew how to prepare safely and passed the knowledge on to the Haladin. They, sometimes, speak Sindarin (common) and Drúadan (their own language). You get + knowledge of plants and can only play as good, you also start knowing 2 rune spells.
Description: Their appearance was said to be unlovely (according to the Eldar), and their height of 4 feet, wide faces with low deep sat eyes, heavy brows, broad flat noses, and wide mouths let people believe they were savages and beats.
About: Easterlings, the largest population of Edains, are known as a headstrong folk who came from the East with different cultures and backgrounds. Some of them were early corrupted by Morgoth while others thought with the Elvers and the rest stayed in the east. They inhabit Rhún, all lands East, Rhovanion, March of Maedhros, and Hithlum. Tspeak Sindarin (common) and all the languages spoken in the east. 
Description: They are said to have dark hair and skin.
About: Almost nothing is known about the Forodwaith as they usually kept to themself, only that they lived far Noth and might have been the oldest of the Edains according to some sources. They preferred living in icy areas, some even close to Angband, and the most common land they lived on was called Forodwaith after the people. Forofwaith means people of the North in Sindarin. Nothing is said about their language but they presumably have their own and they probably speak Sindarin.
Description: They are described as being hardy people, they were said to be described by Vikings, and in some drafts and letters about Ælfwine Tolkien refers to them as Vikings, which means they presumably looked something alike to the Scandinavian people.
Pros: Huamans are not restricted to any class, although some classes make more sense when you choose your origin. They have + 1 for their Array in the first round of a fight. Humans have alliances with all the other races which means that everyone around you is less hostile and usually have a friendly approach to you, which also makes it easier for you to disguise yourself when moving on to enemy territory.
Cons: Depending on your origin others might be mistrust of you depending on where you are.
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danelianaru-san · 10 days ago
Concept of the Eldar Titan helmet 'Phantom,' designed to be controlled by two 'pilots.' It contains five soul stones of the children of Madara and Loriendari, and possesses a psy-chakra system, enabling the fusion of psychic energy and chakra.
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Concept of an individual Titan rune belonging to the UchihaEli'ian'riel family/clan/house. The rune’s meaning is explicit: it signifies that this Titan carries the same wrath and destruction as the Blood-Handed God, Kaela Mensha Khaine.
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nerdpickle · 1 year ago
Mandalorian Culture Headcannons
The mandalorians created the amban phase pulse rifle to circumvent bans on disruptor weaponry, since amban could take multiple types of ammunition (slugthrower, blaster, explosive and disruptor), it technically wasn’t a disruptor and fell into a legal gray area
Sundari used to be called keldabe, the new mandalorians renamed it to distance themselves from the traditionalist ways
One reason why satine became unpopular during the clone wars was because mandalore used to have a thriving weapons industry, being renowned for producing high quality equipment, after satine took power she shut this down, and because of that when the clone wars erupted mandalore missed out on a huge amount of money, if they had taken advantage of the war, they probably wouldn’t have had a food shortage, this is yet another case of satines ideals overriding her practicality
Each clan has its own color scheme:
Clan Vizsla: white and red
Clan Ordo: brown and black
Clan Rook: purple and yellow
Clan Wren: yellow and silver
Clan Eldar: green and orange
Clan Kryze: blue and purple
Clan Awaud: red and orange
Clan fett: green and yellow
(Gray is a pretty common color)
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elisemscott1122 · 1 year ago
List of Mandalorian Armor Color Meanings (Canon and Fan-Made included in this list)
* Black: (Canon)
- (Quest for) Justice
* Famously Worn By:
- Boba Fett
- Tarre Viszla
- Members of Clan Eldar
* Blue: (Canon)
- Reliability
* Famously Worn By:
- Jango Fett (accents)
- Mandalorian Neo Crusaders: common/lower ranks
- Bo-Katan Kryze
- Paz Viszla
- Heavy Infantry
- Nite Owls
- Koska Reeves
- Axe Woves
- Army (lower ranks)
- Popular among Mandalorians
* Yellow: (Fandom based)
- Remembrance
* Famously Worn By:
- Higher ranks of Mandalorians
- Members of Clan Rook
* Gold/Sand: (canon)
- (Quest for) Vengeance
* Famously Worn By:
- Mandalorian Neo Crusaders: Field Marshals
- The Armorer
- Clan Wren
- Ursa Wren
- Tristan Wren
- Boba Fett (pauldron)
- Clan Vevut’s Sigils
* Copper: (fandom based)
- Unknown
* Famously Worn By:
- Unknown
* Gray: (canon)
- Mourning a Lost Love
* Famously Worn By:
- Jango Fett
- Pre Viszla
- Din Djarin (the Mandalorian)
- The Mandalorian Guard
- The Mandalorian Royal Guard
- Boba Fett (jumpsuit)
* Green: (canon)
- Duty
* Famously Worn By:
- Boba Fett (chest plates)
- Popular among Mandalorians
- Members of Clan Eldar
* White:
- A New/Fresh Start (canon)
- Purity (fan based)
* Famously Worn By:
- Imperial Supercommandos
- The Clone Army
* Orange: (canon)
- a Lust for Life
* Famously Worn By:
- Mirta Gev
- Sabine Wren
- Members of Clan Eldar
* Red: (canon)
- Honoring a Parent
- Love
* Famously Worn By:
- Boba Fett (helmet/vanbraces)
- Ghes Orade
- Revan
- The Armorer (accents)
- Maul’s Supercommandos
- Higher ranks of Mandalorians
- Members of Clan Jeban
* Maroon: (fan based)
- Power
* Famously Worn By:
- Boba Fett (helmet/vanbraces)
* Crimson/Scarlet: (canon)
- Defiance
* Famously Worn By:
- Mandalorian Neo Crusaders: Rally Masters (mid commander rank)
* Brown: (fan based)
- Valor
* Famously Worn By:
- Din Djarin (The Mandalorian, early season 1)
* Pink: (fan based)
- Respected or Respecting Someone
* Famously Worn By:
- unknown
* Silver: (fan based)
- Seeking Redemption
* Famously Worn By:
- Din Djarin (the Mandalorian)
- Mandalorian Neo Crusaders: field veterans on the front lines
- Members of Clan Rook
* Custom Painted:
* Famously Worn By:
- Sabine Wren
* Purple: (fan based)
- Luck
* Famously Worn By:
- Sabine Wren
- Members of Clan Rook
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constantlymisspelled · 1 year ago
Houses and Clans of Mandalore - 65 to 44 BBY
All known Clans of Ordo House.
All known Clans of Vizsla House
All known Clans of Fett House
All known Clans of Kryze House
All known Clans of Kast House
Sizing of Mandalore's Houses
[From largest to smallest]
Unaffiliated Clans
Silver Children*
Clans not counted in Mandalorian Census
Clans without a current assigned House [Undecided]
[* is for fan Houses and Clans.]
[This is going to be subject to review and updates, so if you have any ideas, let me know, and I will add them to the list. Just have in mind that this is a record of Houses from a specific era. I will eventually do a House Specific History Post for anyone interested; however this is all either head canon, what shreds of canon I can mash together, and conjecture.]
[Click here to go back to Codex]
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lunarlagomorph · 1 year ago
also learned today that the skaven apparently pulled the moon closer to the mortal realms and got psychically powerful enough that they could contact the eldar through settings into 40k. and then clan skryre blew up the moon because they didnt want to be outdone. no one does it like the rats
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sharenadraculea · 1 year ago
Naruto-Characters as Warhammer 40k-factions
After doing something like this with atla-characters, I thought it was fun to do this with Naruto-characters. Again, this is gonna be very silly. Also all 40k factions, not just astartes-legions
Itachi: Night Lords. Renegade that uses copious amounts of terror tactics and there would be a lot more dead if someone else did the job (which doesn‘t justify what they did). Also fan favorites with black eyes, black hair and pale skin. Tough upon further thinking, Harlequin might also work? Very strong, insanly fast, kind of fragile and the terror tactics are more mind fuckery than skining people. Kisame: Carcharodons. Guys with a sharktheme and a lust for blood and I like them a lot. Samehada is allready nearly a chainsword! Sasori: The Mechanicum greatly appreciates your effort in replacing your flesh with machine-bits. Also human-puppets are pretty close to servitors Hidan: Gruesome murder for the sake of gruesome murder and personal entertainment? Sounds like the Drukhari are gonna love him. He even prolongs his life with the suffering of others! Or Slaanesh. Slaanesh would also work just not aesthetically. Kakuzu: Rogue Trader. Near infinite personal freedom and a ton of money? Yeah, he would be up for that (also they are allowed to keep Drukhari around) Konan: I‘m gonna say Sisters of Battle or Sisters of Silence, I can‘t quite remember if she sees Nagato more as a god or just a powerfull guy.
Tobirama: Inquisition. Just look at the guy who invented necromancy to use undead as a never ending tide of bombs and tell me that he wouldn‘t enjoy a little exterminatus from time to time and having waaay too much power over people. Hashirama: I‘m gonna say Exodite Eldar just for the nature-theme. Maybe also avatar of Isha? They are usually nice and have healing stuff, but you still don‘t wanna piss them of Madara: Chaos champion or demon prince, maybe he get‘s a upgrade at some point. Either Khorne or Chaos undivided, because while he does a lot of war and murders a lot of people, he also does some other stuff.
Tsunade, Shizune and Sakura: Space Marine Apothecary. Tanky battle medic. Gaara: Blood Angels. Starts out bloodcrazy and only wanting to fight but he get‘s better and ends up beeing a pretty nice guy. Also both are from deserts. Sasuke: Raven Guard maybe? He‘s suitably emo looking and Raven Guard and Night Lords really dislike each other. Orochimaru: Magos Biologis or Drukhari Homuculi coven. Doing weird, definetly unethical human experimentation as one does. Kabuto: Necrons or maybe something Nurgely? Just a guy commanding legions of the undead. Thousand Sons might also work, a sorcerer controlling empty hulls of what once were people.
Hyuuga-clan: Navigator House, eyerelated superpowers they are super secretive about, a lot of power but isolated from wider society and definetly too much inbreeding Jinchuuriki: Maybe Titans Princeps? Humans capable of controlling giant Battle-things but if they aren‘t carefull, that things mind can take over.
These are just the ones I came up with, if you have more or disagre with one of my classifications, feel free to add your opinion!
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