#cj is a menace
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occulee · 8 months ago
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['Cause "blah blah, bla-blah blah-" is so overdone!]
Wanted to draw Mind in an outfit inspired heavily by this video bc ooh blue and shiny
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sainteclectic · 2 months ago
heart using speech to text on his phone to type. because he's blind, but also because he likes to talk as loudly as possible to annoy mind and then get mock offended when mind says it's annoying
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iloveerror404 · 1 year ago
Call me the Soul or call me my name
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arsenicflame · 2 years ago
i need anne bonny to be terrible btw (affectionate)
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disruptivevoib · 11 months ago
([i dunno if you're still doing things about the shirts so like y'know if im late im sorry 🙏🙏] i was wondering if i can see purpose on a shirt 🙏🙏 hed be silly on one 🙏🙏/silly)
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While I probably will not make any shirts of my au characters or anything, I do think this is apt and funny and a good use of orange
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soulchronicity · 2 years ago
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some art me when the cjrp allows me to finally do things with the ds au ending boys
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snnynaturalarch · 1 year ago
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"as  if  anyone  would  want  my  sloppy  seconds."
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"as  if  anyone  would  want  you  to  keep  talking."
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naomiarai · 1 year ago
hehe 😈 heres your man
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third picture lowkey giving fae!tyun vibes~
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help. i wanna suck him off. cj why. WHY. SJEJENBFDIOSKENENEJRJK
i need him so bad-
wanna leave hickeys all over his stomach, so dark that makeup cant cover it
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puriteenism · 10 months ago
Thinking about feral!Jason in a muzzle again.
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year ago
When everythings all serious CJ is absolutely the most responsible teen past present or future, but the second things are chill again you can practically HEAR his braincells popping out of existence like bubbles, and you end up with shit like the "sewer man" cryptid. You ask this boy what he was thinking after he does something stupid and he genuinely has no clue. He's going through life making choices based on vibes alone and leaving people stunned trying to figure out what kind of logic hes using.
Truly this boy only has two settings; the combined combat efficiency of all his dads, and little menace. No in-between
Yes yes YES. He can be serious. If he have to. But if he doesn’t have any reason to be? Pfffffhhh bro absolutely unburdened by any form of intellectual activity.
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stressedanime · 9 months ago
my new favourite headcanon is ace jason grace, and i think it would just fit so well into his character so lemme explain (also creds to @snoelledarts who helped me write this)
As we know, his overall character arc is about struggling against the expectations put on him because of his birthright, being the son of Jupiter. 
This presented itself in two ways: The inherent stigma of being the son of Jupiter/Zeus, and the pressure Camp Jupiter had placed on him to be a perfect soldier/leader
To talk about the stigma first, I want to focus on Jason and Piper’s interactions with Achelous, because it really makes my heart hurt for him.
“Poor thing. Another girl stuck with a son of Zeus.” “Wait a minute,” Jason said. “It’s Jupiter actually. And how does that make her poor thing?” - pg. 335, the Mark of Athena
To summarize: Achelous describes to Jason and Piper how Hercules' died, how he took after Zeus by having affairs and flirting with anything that moved. Then, after catching wind of her husband's infidelity, Hercules’ second wife killed him out of jealousy. Then Achelous warns Piper about Jason being a son of /Zeus/. 
Piper doesn’t even look at Jason after this. She fears for herself, and for what Jason could possibly do just because of his birthright. How do you think that affected Jason at this moment? The horror and fear that he could hurt the people he loves? That it could be inevitable for him to follow in his fathers footsteps? Especially when Piper doubts him at that moment, how could he also not doubt himself? 
Even though at the end of this conflict she shows her dedication and belief in him, that she believes he is better than the people he’s related to, I fear that the doubt was already planted in his head.
Moving onto the pressures that the Romans placed on him, I think it’s important context to look at what happened BEFORE he made it to CJ 
When he was abandoned by his mom at the Wolf House, she promised that she would come back to him, but she never did. 
His mother’s unkempt promise was at the core of who he was. He’d built his whole life around the irritation of her words, like the grain of sand at the center of a pearl. People lie. Promises are broken. That was why, as much as it chafed him, Jason followed rules. He kept his promises. He never wanted to abandon anyone the way he’d been abandoned and lied to. - pg. 31, the Blood of Olympus
So from the absolute beginning of his time in the Legion, he felt a strong need to follow rules, even though another part of him so desperately wanted to break free of them. 
And we know he struggled against the expectations about being a son of Jupiter because of the glimpses we get about his time in the Legion.
This had been the story of my life, he thought bitterly. Everyone had always watched him, expecting him to lead the way. From the moment he’d arrived at Camp Jupiter, the Roman demigods treated him like a prince in waiting. Despite his attempts to alter his destiny–joining the worst cohort, trying to change the camp traditions, taking the least glamorous missions, and befriending the least popular kids–he had been made praetor anyway. As a son of Jupiter, his future had been assured. - pg. 30 the Blood of Olympus
But I want to look at these expectations in a slightly different lens than just being destined to lead. Specifically, I want to look at this in terms of hegemonic masculinity, which is a specific social identity or performance of masculinity that is virtually unattainable. 
This masculinity was very likely part of the pressure that the Romans put onto Jason. This includes the idea that men, ‘real men’, need to be physically superior, money makers, have political power, be conventionally attractive, and use those looks and charms and status to have sex, like a Real Man™️should. 
You just KNOW that these warped ideals, mixed with the expectations of being the son of JUPITER aka horny menace #1 created some fucked up ideals in his head and pressure from others about how he should act.
All of this leads me to the conclusion that an ace Jason Grace would be a natural, and fitting identity, as well as add so much depth to his character
First of all, realizing he’s ace would be a huge relief
Apart from the “oh i’ve finally found language that describes me and my experience” (bc i feel like he’d hear one of his friends mention it during conversation and he’d be like what’s that? and then when they explain it he’d be like huh. interesting. very interesting. and then go home n scour the internet for resources to explain more)
There’d be that part of him that’s like, relieved that there’s a piece of him that inherently separates him from Jupiter’s legacy, in both the way way that Achelous outlined, and the one forced on him by the Romans
Jason who rejects that side of being related to his father, to being Roman, to being this glorified version of himself that doesn't exist. Jason who gets to relax and live without the fear that he's anything like his father. 
Also, this could work completely with how his and Piper’s relationship played out. They truly did love each other despite the godly meddling, but their circumstances didn’t set them up to last.  
And maybe… maybe their relationship worked so well for Jason, because of Piper's sexuality. 
Piper isn't really into guys like that (Jason maybe being an exception because of the memories from hera or because of specific circumstances/the kind of person Jason is), and Jason isn't really... into people like that and so he doesn't see anything weird about how Piper is either?
They're both not correct about their sexualities and maybe trying to cover it up which is what made their relationship kinda functional for a while because neither of them were pushing for anything super romantic or over the top or sexual
I feel like I could even pull from the Cupid scene to support this
If this invisible guy was Love, then Jason was beginning to think love was overrated. He liked Pipers version better - considerate, kind, and beautiful. pg. 289, the House of Hades
Considerate is SUCH a specific word choice. Especially when we know that considerate is the antithesis to everything Jupiter is. 
AND it’s the antithesis to everyone else in Jason’s life. Do you ever think the Romans were ever considerate to him? Likely not. They just expected him to perform, like a son of Jupiter should.
Therefore, his relationship with Piper was perfect for him, because she didn’t see him as a son of Jupiter. She saw him as Jason Grace, her best friend.
And if he ever does find a partner, he’d have the confidence and ability to be upfront about his sexuality because he won’t be pressured by expectations like that again. 
The relief of knowing intimacy looks a little different for him, and the relief of like, letting people be gentle and soft, with him and that’s all that’s expected. That's all he needs, and no one else feels he needs to go further either. He can just breathe.
That’s what Jason Grace deserves.
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vryfmi · 10 months ago
[major book spoilers!]
a mildly long analysis of skull and Lucy's relationship in TEG in light of recent Stroud's interview answer.
also i need this video on my blog
[audio transcript of The Writing Community Chat stream:
CJ (host), reading a question from NeeveDaFoe: I need to know why Skull is more powerful than Ezekiel!!!
Jonathan Stroud: Well, I think the power that he has is through his connection with Lucy. I think, ultimately, the message of Lockwood & Co books, and indeed most of my books, is that you get your strengths through the connection with others, love and mutual support. So, our friend, the skull, ultimately, gains his power through the relationship he's built up with Lucy over the course of the books, despite all his rude comments.
CJ, laughing: Nice!
/end transcript]
it's not like i didn't know it beforehand, the message is very clear in the books and especially in how skull and Ezekiel are juxtaposed in their confrontation. that skull looks almost like his alive self minus transparency and gauntness of his features, while Ezekiel has barely anything that would make us think he used to be human. he's disconnected from reality, he views himself as an ascended being. meanwhile skull is there to be a sarcastic menace and definitely not to save Lucy bc he definitely didn't grow to care for her.
but the thing is that Lucy tried to put her trust into skull only now. it wasn't even her first decision when confronting Marissa and Ezekiel, far from it. she'd freed skull only when Lockwood came in and she wasn't afraid to face whatever was at hand alone. being strangled by insane old woman possessing her granddaughter's body or get ghost-touched by Ezekiel or skull at that matter — doesn't make much of a difference. she did promise skull to free him, she got the taste of what it's like to be stuck on The Other Side, so she delivered, trusting that skull won't hurt her nor Lockwood when the two of them were seconds away from taking Marissa down, even if it was the last thing she did.
saying that skull payed back Lucy for freeing him just doesn't seem right. she was feeding him empty promises the whole book to the point where both skull and Lucy knew that they had this same conversation over and over again to no avail. but skull kept bringing it up. while Lucy couldn't bring herself to trust skull even after all help he provided for her and her friends.
but her attitude changes once she meets skull on The Other Side, the person that he once was. or at least that what she thinks in that moment because that's the same skull she was talking to for the past 2 years. Lucy has a clear disconnect: seeing not just an obscure grimace in the jar but a whole person before her. it strikes that The Lucy Carlyle Formula™ button and she aches with sympathy describing skull's appearance, acknowledging that he passed away at young age, at her age. whether she sees her situation and her inevitable demise in him, or is simply struck with "there's more to just the skull (a literal bone), there's a person before her", Lucy has a full 180 on skull from that point forward. but it's too late and it's her fault. skull gets taken away and Lucy is left alone in the kitchen. how much did she regret not listening to skull, not trusting him, not getting to know him? apparently a lot judging by their second (technically third) run into each other on The Other Side:
A wave of something washed through me. Relief? Pleasure at seeing something familiar in this dreadful place? Whatever it was, it made me warm. (TEG)
[i know what you are]
but if Lucy had time to ponder, so did skull. it makes sense that he'd say 'Shared names come with trust'. i believe he told the truth there and he forgot his name for good but still made it clear for Lucy — it's a bit too late for getting to know each other, especially after Lucy was giving him a cold shoulder, when that hammer was still on her belt. for all he knew, Lucy and her friends could've had not made it across Dark London and he'd be forever trapped in Fittes basement or worse. in any other situation he'd have no one to blame but circumstances, but here it would've been Lucy's fault.
and yet, despite all that, despite all rude comments and headbutting, skull's more human than Ezekiel because of Lucy, and he's stronger than Ezekiel because he cares for and loves Lucy. not my words, Stroud's. whatever sick manipulations and control Ezekiel had over Marissa and vice versa, it stood no chance against two mean teenagers that fought their way through trauma with humor, sarcasm and gratuitous bum jokes.
now leave me alone to sulk over skullyle
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dvarapala · 9 months ago
of course she can. of course she will. it's not even about wanting. it's about waiting. waiting to see when exactly cj will strike. because strike she will. she always will. she always does.
in a weird way, udyati appreciates that. cj is like a well thrown dagger. aimed right and true.
"how many guesses do i get?" it's important. "i want to say both, but you specifically said guess which. so it's probably one answer over the other."
is it surprising, how seriously she takes this? how seriously she takes cj's words and by extension, cj herself?
the youngest hook touches her rings, almost like she's marking them for later. claiming them before anyone else can, should anything happen.
(something will happen. there's a change in the wind, so to speak. there's unrest, more so than any other day. a bucket of water, about to spill over. a spark turning into a flame turning into wildfire.)
geez, ceej isn't making it easy for her. but then, that's cj for you. nothing about this place is easy. nor the people. though the people are easier than the place, if anything.
"before i guess, and i will, make no mistake: shere khan found a small, curved, single-edged blade at the bottom of the newest shipment; it's got a pistol-grip and everything. he said it's useless to him. i've got my own daggers. do you want it? it's yours if so."
(is this because udyati wants more time or is this because she thought of cj immediately when she spotted the small blade? the answer to both of these questions is yes.)
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              “  can  if  you  want  me  to.  ”  she  leans  over  the  counter  for  udyati’s  arm,  fiddling  with  her  with  a  closeness  unfitting  of  her  attitude.  slender  fingers  dance  over  the  selection  of  udyati’s  pretty  rings.  she  touches  the  ones  she  wants,  almost  like  she’s  marking  them  for  later.  the  truth  of  her  visit  hasn’t  dawned  on  her  yet.  these  days,  it’s  like  she’s  sleepwalking  through  the  places  she  knows  to  be  half-safe,  until  there’s  nothing  left  for  her  but  the  burning  mess  that  she’s  made.  which  leaves  her  with  boring  peace  to  attend  to,  for  now.    “  guess  which.  ”    she  asks,  with  her  slow  smile  rising.  everyone  knows  the  nature  of  her  wandering,  like  a  lost  pet.  not  wanted  enough  to  be  kept,  but  certainly  enough  to  be  chased  around.  it’s  better  this  way,  anyway.  she’s  no  good  at  staying  put.  trouble’ll  follow  her  anyway,  if  she  can’t  make  a  mess  of  it  first.    “  wanna’  know  what  you  think.  ”    udyati  likes  her  better  small  and  charming  and  little  sister,  so  it’s  what  she’ll  be.  for  now.  anyway.
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luckykittens198 · 11 months ago
When Your Dad is a Pillar of the Universe: snippets
Random employee A: Urgh, my team expense is a bit more than the usual. We even have to cover maintenances with our own money.
Random employee B: Oh, why don't you ask Kim Rok Soo from team 1 for help? He is a whiz at that.
Random employee A: Really? Isn't he a bit scary?
Random employee B: It's fine if it was about this. Just ask him.
A few moments later
KRS: Here! (Slamming a wads of paper at the table) You can use this form for emergency maintenance reimbursement, and this form for regularly scheduled maintenance reimbursement.
Random Employee A: (gaped)
KRS: Also better filled this form to make sure the Finance Department can't deny your reimbursement requests. Ah, better filled in triplicate and passed it to the higher ups' secretary as well.
Random employee A: (wide eyes)
KRS: Do you get it??
Random employee A: Y-yeah. Thanks.
KRS: Listen, equipment maintenance is covered by the company. They just never tell us since they are stingy. Repeat after me, REIMBURSEMENT IS THE LIFE BLOOD OF EMPLOYEE WORKS
(Door bursts open)
LSH and CJS: (grabbing KRS's arms and left) Sorry about that!
Random employee A: what?
Random employee B: Yeah, that's KRS. The menace to Finance Dept.
A few weeks before KRS joins the company
Disembodied Mr. Fool: Son, let me tell you about the magic of reimbursement
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themulitipurposechannel · 8 months ago
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Dynamics: Part 1, <Next!>
(Warning for word vomit ahead!)
I did say I have more storyish/lore stuff planned XD
So in this Au, F!Raph died when Cj was 5. So there’s not much to say future wise. Cuz Cj rmbs zilch
Present wise: there was inital awkwardness for Cj meeting someone he’s only ever heard stories off plus that awkwardness of meeting someone new. But it was a breath of fresh air for Case, cuz surrounded by these reminders and unfamiliarity, Raph hurts the least. In the first few days post invasion, Cj hung out a lot with Raph cuz everyone was kinda down for the count. April couldn’t be around 24/7 cuz she had to check in with her human family, Mikey was spending the first 3-5 days sleeping alot cuz mystic exhaustion plus his hands. Donnie was in his lab a lot trying to process all the events, plus fix everything the Krang broke and Leo was in his week long coma. And Splints who decided to get off the couch for once was stretched thin trying to look out for everyone and so as a result the two were kinda just smushed tgt allowing them to bond.
Overall I picture their dynamic as the most laidback (drama free). Largely in part cuz; A)Cj has less emotional hang ups cuz he doesn’t have to expand mental energy to manage his expectations or manage * cough push down cough * any crushing grief/feelings of abandonment/anger cuz said feelings of abandonment cuz he doesn’t rmb F!Raph to have an attachment, tho he does occasionally feel a bit guilty sometimes for hanging out with Raph but that’s a comic for another time.
B) while Cj is a menace. He’s also a sensible and kind (everyone say thank you F!Mikey) menace who sees how stressed Raph gets trying to wrangle all 3 brothers and feels bad about adding more to his plate. And plus is also very much aware of his mortality and others mortality cuz apocalypse. So the menace only comes out during chill time. Not on missions. Misson wise he’s just like he is in the movie trying to get everyone to stay on track. Which Raph rlly appreciates. But even during chill time Cj is arguably the “calmer” one cuz that’s just how he is as a person. Tho that calmer is debatable cuz it’s by Raph’s skewed standards of his other siblings not normal ppl standards to normal ppl Case still looks unhinged lmao.
but generally if they’re hanging out 1 on 1 (in a group setting it’s a whole diff story) Cj tries his best to not stress Raph too much. Unless the menace/cain instinct is hitting hard that day. Cuz he’s a sweet boy liek that. 😂. so they’re usually doing typical chill friend things, watching movies, sparring, sharing bout their day, . causally wandering around topside/Hidden city. With the undercurrent of Raph trade mark mother-henning and Cj depending on the circumstances either goes along with it or tries to get Raph to back off cuz it worries/irritates Cj. All in all they’re just your typical very wholesome older- younger brother dynamic
Side note: Raph and Cj are honestly lowkey relieved their hangouts/dynamic are so chill. They love their family but man do they both need a break sometimes XD. For Junior it’s cuz seeing the dead not dead version of family plus struggle of grief/ juggling his expectations for said family is exhausting and having someone whose removed from that whole situation is like phew thank god. For Raph he’s just so glad he has a little brother/sibling/friend who doesn’t have a 95% chance of turning anything (even fricking ice) into a grease fire when left unsupervised unintentionally or not. Tho tbh causal theft, looser morals and gratuitous use of blackmail and occasional pranks may not be much better. Cj is truly his fathers son 😂
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pleasantspark · 6 months ago
Jeffy's 20th Birthday vs Masquerade: How one message failed and another one fixed it.
Cw // CSA, SA, ABUSE, Child Abuse
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Note: I am aware that SML has in the past did tasteless shit, but in this entire video, it has handled it properly. SML is capable of handling serious topics in which Hazbin failed to do.
SuperMarioLogan is a puppet indie tv webseries where Logan Thirtyacre and a bunch of his friends record videos that were originally for adults but has somehow catered to kids.
These videos are true edgy, and inapproperiate and somewhat even NSFW. Today we'll be talking about Jeffy's Birthday. Which was uploaded 10 days after my 20th birthday.
Jeffy's 20th Birthday comprised heavily of flashbacks abour Jeffy's childhood, and compared to Masquerade was handled better than what the message was about, it didn't have the main villain act all goofy and menacing and it showed that the person being abused did not like it.
In J2B, Feebee was sexually assaulted by CJ, and we see the mental toll it took on both her and Jeffy. Jeffy was obviously traumatized due to his guilt of not protecting his sister. Even mentions of the guy flies Feebee into fear.
In which Val lacks to put into Angel Dust, to me, Angel Dust seems like he wants the poison. I know some victims go back to their abusers, but Angel Dust only did because it was for plot reasons and a major disagreement with Husk. It seems forced and almost for the sake of people wanting HuskerDust.
Angel compared to Feebee feels no genuine fear, other than having a panic attack at the end of Poison, he for the most part spends his time listening to Val's abuse. If anything, it seems like Angel tolerates being yelled. Which is a form of abuse.
Feebee reacting negatively to being SA by CJ coupled with the fact of Jeffy bearing witness to his sister's abuse caused him to hurt CJ, what has Husk done in order to stop Val?
He has done nothing to stop Val, other than to babysit Angel Dust at the "consent" club, Husk is NOT suitable to be Angel Dust's partner, he's just babysitting a grown man who Made his choices and every now and then he's living like there's no tommorrow.
Angel Dust's poor characterization and sudden switchup seems forced, and unlike Feebee was "able" to stick up to his abuser, Feebee never had the chance to do so.
She died after getting hit by a truck (more precisely Woody's truck.), by the end of the video, Jeffy advenges his sister and kills CJ.
So in conclusion, Jeffy's 20th Birthday showcases actual trauma and reactions by a victim of abuse. Rather than Angel Dust, who we see is being babysat by Husk in Episode 6. It's ridiculous to think he's supposed to represent a victim of abuse when its giving me mixed signals.
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