Blood: Always remember cinn. You're more powerful than you think. My mom told me that, but what im saying you have the strength to keep yourself hidden take it from the second most wanted pony, plus you have friends all around the multiverse and will come to help when you need it the most remember that
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skyloftian-nutcase · 16 days
Hi Lofty!
Nancy and I left the boys unsupervised for a while. Nothing bad is going to happen, right 😉
Cinnamon Rolls
The Links were standing in the kitchen, looking at the recipe Mel and Nancy had written down for them. “So, we have the flour and the sugar, what do we need now?”asked Power.
“We need yeast. And warm water.” The other Link answered,showing him the grayish brown cube. He opened the cupboard, took a small pot and filled it with water. Then he set it on the stove and turned it on like the girls had shown them.
“Are you sure it’s supposed to be that warm?” Asked Orik with a raised brow. “It doesn’t say how warm it has to be in the recipe.”
Shadow shrugged and poured the steaming water into the bowl. He stirred while Orik was looking at the recipe again.“What is Cinn-a-mon? I never heard of that.” He looked at the little glass containing the spice and pulled the cork. “Smells nice!”
The boys continued to follow the recipe until they had a tray full of cinnamon rolls. “Wait, something is wrong with that. It says they should have gotten bigger but they are the same size they were before.” Link looked confused at the unbaked rolls.
“I guess they will grow when we bake them” Orik tried to reassure him while he shoved the tray in the pre-heated oven.
When the girls returned later, they found two very confused heroes sitting in the kitchen, staring at a tray of cinnamon rolls. “What’s wrong,boys?” Nancy asked.
“We don’t know…” Orik started hesitantly “We followed your recipe, but they didn’t get bigger and now they don’t taste at all like the ones you made.”
Mel took one of the cinnamon rolls and broke it in half. It was hard and dry, not soft and fluffy. “Boys, did you add the yeast?” Both Links nodded. “ And did you add warm water?”
“Yes, I did heat it in a pot over the stove!” Shadow answered.
They grew even more confused when the girls suddenly started giggling, all they could hear between the laughter was something about “Too hot” and “You murdered the poor yeast”.
@nancyheart11 Oh nooo they murdered the yeast LOL 😂 it’s ok boys, I probably would have too
(dang now I wanna make cinnamon rolls, but also the homemade chicken noodle soup from my mom sounds much more appealing for my stupid sick self right now haha)
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So now that I'm in Catlanna, I got to visit my family... who are all wondering how I managed to get into classes in Unova of all places. Including Bidoof. He's also been asking why Cinn hasn't evolved yet.
@swagtastic-bougie-pompadour Penny, I think my cousin would love to meet your Veevees, he's even got an Eeveelution native to Catlanna! Mapleon (Maple-eon for pronunciation) the Grass/Fairy one! I'll send a photo of Pancake to you when I get back to Paldea.
Mom suggested I try to find the legendary that eeby-deebied me, and I'm also bringing back some snacks and ingredients for @captain-mommy-issues Arven to try out regardless of the outcome. On the note of the legendaries though, they're actually going to close down the mountain where they tend to reside due to people disappearing up there. Only Champion class trainers will be allowed up there. Soooo I guess I need to take on the Catlanna gym challenge. At least they allow non Catlanna Pokémon if you're a champion in another region. Ash, Rex, you two are my only hopes...
I'll invite @your-favorite-champion Nemona over the summer.
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The Journey's Just Begun (Chapter 1: Epilogue and a Prelude)
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Intro: It's here! Yay! My first multi chapter fic! This chapter is based on this piece of fanart by my all time favorite Alchemy Bros artist Cinn-a-mum! So this fanfic I'm writing to give the Alchemy Bros Role Play a more solid ending. It kinda left on a cliffhanger, so I'm hoping to wrap up some loose ends with this! And it's got cute Momma Ulla and Hugo moments too! I hope you guys have fun with this and let's see where it goes. Enjoy! (P.S. This isn't Varigo! This is a Sibling AU of Vat7k. Also called Alchemy Bros! So please don't tag as Varigo! Thank you so much peeps!🫶) EDIT: I fixed some typos! EDIT EDIT: I added a cover!
Chapter 2 ➡️
Summary: Ulla takes her first steps out of the library and is reunited an old acquaintance. Hugo! But will they remember each other?
Trigger Warnings: None!
Ulla gathered the few possessions she had and stuffed them in an old bag. Her son Varian had come and she was finally leaving the library! She was excited to say the least! She slung the bag over her shoulder and ran up to Varian, who was waiting patiently for her nearby.
"I got my things! Let's go!" She exclaimed! She grabbed Varian's hand and pulled him toward where the porthole was.
"Woah! Wait up mom!" Varian laughed.
Ulla stopped in front of the porthole and stared up at it. She could smell the flower scented breeze wafting through. Suddenly she felt a strange sense of joy and nervous butterflies. It had been so long. Will everything be okay? Would Quirin still feel the same about her? What if the world was so different, that she wouldn't know how to cope? "Are you okay mom?" asked Varian. He knew how hard things had been. He wanted to know if she was alright and ready to go through with it. Ulla took one last look at the dusty library that had been her home for eighteen years. Maybe on the outside of this place, things would be different. Maybe they would be scary. But if she did nothing, then none of the good scenarios could happen either. It was time to go. Ulla took a deep breath.
Varian smiled and took her hands in his. Slowly but surely, they walked through the port hole.
Hugo, Jacky, and Belle were waiting patiently outside the porthole in the chamber. There was an air of nervousness about them. Until Varian and Ulla came out of the library, there was no way to know if their mission was a success. Belle had taken to quietly sharpening her sword. And Jacky was playing with Cheese and Ruddigar. He rolled a marble he had found across the floor for Cheese to fetch. And Ruddigar was sprawling on his lap enjoying back scratches. Hugo was easily the most nervous. After all, anyone would be nervous about their little brother going through a strange magic porthole. Belle noticed the worry written on Hugo's face and paused her sword sharpening.
"Nervous?" she asked.
"Yeah." he said.
"Me too."
"You think he's okay?" Hugo asked.
"Sure! Probably..." said Belle.
"I wonder what Varian's Mom is like?" said Jacky as he rolled a marble across the floor. Cheese took off after it. He caught the marble and brought it back to Jacky.
"I don't know much, but it sounds like she's a lot like Varian." answered Hugo.
"Sooooo, dorky and energetic?" said Belle. Hugo laughed. "I guess." he said.
Suddenly the porthole lit up! Hugo and the rest quickly got to their feet. Varian came through first. Then Ulla. She was being guided by his hands. "It's okay. There you go." said Varian as he helped through. Ulla set her feet down in the chamber floor. "You guys are okay!" said Hugo excitedly! He ran up to Varian and embraced him tightly. Ulla still had her eyes closed. She was just a bit scared of what she'd see. What if it really was all just another dream and she'd see that she was all alone again? Varian walked over to her and gently took her hands.
"Mom. You can open your eyes. It okay."
Slowly she opened them. She saw she was really outside! Finally! After all this time! Her jaw dropped as she looked around. She half laughed half sobbed at the sight of a familiar space. She was truly free. Quickly, she hugged Varian tight as tears streamed down her cheeks. She never wanted to let go of him again. "Wow." thought Hugo. "She really does look like Varian." Hugo couldn't help but feel there was something familiar about her. Her face was one that he felt he'd seen before. Like a deeply hidden memory he couldn't quite reach. Suddenly Ulla realized that there were more people there. Young people like Varian. "Varian, who are these people?" she asked.
Varian suddenly remembered his friends. "Huh? Oh yeah!" He broke away from the hug and pulled her toward his companions. "Mom, this is Belle, Jacky, and Hugo. Everyone, this is my mom!" A round of hellos was said by the group. Jacky ran up to Ulla and shook her hand vigorously.
"Ah man! It's an honor to meet you mam'm! Varian helped us all out our journey! Your son is awesome!"
"Thank you." Ulla chuckled. She liked this one's enthusiasm.
"So," said Belle, "How does it feel to finally be free?"
"Really good, but I'm a little nervous." said Ulla with nervous laugh. Suddenly she noticed the boy Varian called Hugo standing off to the side. He seemed a bit quiet and he was looking down at the floor. Hugo had been trying to figure out what he wanted to say. It was Varian's mother after all. He wanted to make a good impression. Ulla felt there was something familiar about him. It was his eyes. They were so green and beautiful. The most beautiful she'd seen. She was sure she had seen them somewhere before. She smiled and walked over to him. "Hi." She said. Hugo looked up at her. "Oh, hi!" he said.
"Oh man! I have to tell you about Hugo!" said Varian as he walked up to them. "He's been by my side the whole journey. He's like my big brother! Really we're all like siblings! We just found each other along the way and became a family! And Hugo's was always watching out for us! Even when we got sick or hurt! He was basically like everyone's big brother!"
"Really?" said Ulla as she looked over at Hugo. Hugo rubbed his arm shyly. "Well, I did my best." he said.
"And I'm very thankful. Thank you for taking care of my boy and his companions. I owe you."
Hugo blushed and looked down with a smile. He wasn't used to this much genuine praise. Ulla looked him over closely. She laid her finger against the side of her cheek in thought. "You know, I can't help but think I've seen you some where before." Hugo was surprised.
"Me too." he said.
"Hmmm. Okay, I'm gonna ask you a really weird question, but please just humor me." said Ulla. "Do you be any chance come from Bayangor?" Everyone gasped! Hugo looked at her astonished.
"Yes!" he said. "But how did you know?!"
Ulla's eyes widened. "Ohmygosh! Okay, am gonna ask another weird question! Did you come from an old orphanage there on Ivycross Street?" Hugo's jaw dropped. "YES!" he said even more shocked than before!
"I knew it!" said Ulla excitedly! "I saved you when you were little and brought you there!" Hugo stared at her in utter disbelief. "I remembered that I gave you this nick name! I called you Little Human! And I remember how badly I wanted to bring you with me! Do you really remember me?"
"Y-Yes." said Hugo, trying not break into tears. He wasn't going to lie. He was having a hard time trying not to cry. The person that actually cared enough to stop and save him from dying in the streets was standing right in front of him. And it was Varian's Mom! His own best friend's mother! It was almost to much for him to take or understand. Ulla noticed he was clearly in shock. She smiled at him lovingly and she gently cupped Hugo's face in her hands.
"Shhh. It's okay. You're alright." she said softly.
Her touch felt so gentle. And motherly. It wasn't like anything Hugo had ever experienced. Certainly not with Donella. "Look at you. All grown up like Varian." said Ulla. "Who's a Little Human now, huh?" Finally the dam burst and tears came flowing from Hugo's eyes. Ulla pressed her forehead against his. "I knew you special." she said. Hugo flung his arms around her crying and he crumbled to his knees. Ulla went down with him and continued hugging him. She rubbed his back gently. Hugo felt so safe and loved in her embrace. He never wanted to let go. Varian watched in stunned silence. A grin spread across his face. He quickly joined the hug.
"Group hug!" yelled Jacky excitedly! And he dragged Belle into the hug with him! Even Ruddigar and Cheese joined. Everyone seemed to be laughing and crying at the same time. They stayed there for a good long while. It felt so good to know they would never have to feel alone again.
At the base of the mountain which houses the Demanitus Chamber, a small trap door opened and Varian poked his head out. He climbed out into the open air. Ruddigar was sitting on his shoulder. Varian squinted in the bright sunlight. It felt warm and comforting after being in such a drafty cold room. "Come on guys!" he said as he waved for the rest to come outside.
Hugo and Belle were next. Belle let out a sigh of relief. "Whew! Thank goodness to be out of the dark room!" she said.
"Wait for me guys!" shouted Jacky as he clambered out to join his friends.
"WOO HOO!" Yelled Ulla as she tore out of the chamber and into the sunlight! She completely ran past the kids, plopped down on the cool grass, and stared up at the sky. "Clouds! Wind! Sky! It's paradise! I am BACK baby!" she exclaimed! The kids laughed. Her enthusiasm, while valid, was quite amusing. They sat down next to her and looked out over the land. It was a beautiful view. Varian thought he could see Old Corona from there. Ulla took a deep breath of the fresh air, taking it all in. She put her arm around Varian and pulled him close. Varian instinctively nestled against her. He glanced at Hugo. He had bit of a solemn expression. His gaze seemed to be directed toward the road leading away from Corona.
"Hey mom? I'll be right back." Varian got up and sat down next to Hugo. Somehow, Varian knew what he was thinking. Ruddigar seemed to as well. He laid down next to Hugo. Hugo scratched the critter behind the ears absent-mindedly.
"You don't have to leave you know." said Varian. "You can stay with me."
Hugo looked at him. "Really?"
"Of course!"
"What about your parents?"
"You really think my mom doesn't want you around? She loves you." said Varian as he gave Hugo a playful nudge in the shoulder. "She's practically OUR mom!"
"And your dad?"
"He'll love you."
Hugo hugged his knees unsurely. "I don't know." he said quietly.
"What's going on boys?" said Ulla as she walked up to them.
"Mom? Can Hugo stay with us?" asked Varian.
"Well, if his parents don't mind." Ulla said with a smile.
"I... actually don't have any." said Hugo.
"You don't?" said Ulla in surprise.
"Um. No."
Ulla sat down in front of Hugo. "Don't you have an family or a guardian? Surely you've been adopted by now?"
"No. I'm still an orphan. I mean I did get kinda adopted... But that didn't go well." He subconsciously rubbed one of the scars on his wrist. "But yeah, I don't have a home to go back to."
"Oh well we can't have that! You're coming home with me and Varian!" said Ulla as she took his hands in hers. "Me and my husband will take good care of you."
"You... Really want to do that?" asked Hugo.
"Definitely! Your coming home with us honey!"
"But what about Belle and Jacky?" he asked. "I can't leave them alone."
"We're not going anywhere." said Belle as she and Jacky walked over.
"Yeah dude! We're gonna find places to stay in Corona!" said Jacky. "We won't be far."
"So what do you say Hugo?" said Varian. Everyone looked to Hugo for his answer. Hugo was a bit taken aback. Everything was happening so fast! Ulla noticed the boy was feeling a bit overwhelmed. She thought about how nervous she felt when she was leaving the library. He must feel similar. She rubbed his hands comfortingly.
"It's okay to feel nervous about heading into a new situation." she said. "Especially if the last one was scary. If anyone knows about that, it's me." Hugo smiled a little. "And maybe even though you know the new situation is safe, you still feel scared because it also feels unfamiliar." Hugo nodded. "But I promise you will be okay." She continued. "We all got you. Okay?" Hugo looked into her eyes. Maybe things really would be okay. It couldn't possibly be like his life in Bayangor. Nothing could be that bad. And his friends would be there too. He took a deep breath and decided to take the leap.
"Okay. I'll go." he said.
"Yes!" exclaimed Varian happily! Varian tackled Hugo in a hug! "Easy Varian!" laughed Hugo. "You're crushing my ribs!'
"Aw man! This is great!" said Jacky as he jumped to his feet! "We're all gonna be together and we'll never have to worry about crazy mad scientist ladies ever again!"
"Mad scientist ladies? What mad scientist ladies?" questioned Ulla.
"AH! Nothing!" said Varian while Hugo frantically motioned for Jacky to be quiet. Varian sighed. "We'll tell you later."
"Yeah. Later." Hugo mumbled.
"Come on." said Varian as the group stood up. "Let's go home."
"Yes! I can't wait to see Quirin again!" Ulla exclaimed. "So kids, tell me about your adventures. I want to hear everything!" The kids each took turns telling exciting moments from their adventures as they began down the base of the mountain, toward home. It may have been the end of their adventure, but their journey's just begun.
The End
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sasskarian · 2 years
me, last week: hey babe here's the easiest menu options i can reliably afford in colorado
them: ok let's do zuppa for when you make dinner for my parents
me: ok
*we get all the ingredients, take cinn to the park, wear him out, start headed up to the parents*
them: *calls their brother*
them: yeah we'll be there in a few minutes
me: ...so your brother will be there?
them: yeah
me: you didn't tell me that >>;
them: ...oops
me: you realize i’ve met your brother … in passing, right? like. five whole minutes in a grocery store parking lot?
them: is this ... a bad time to say that mom chose zuppa from the menu, because it's her favorite soup in
the world and she hasn't had a really good one in a long time?
me: …
them: i have confidence in your cooking skills!
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Julia Breathtaking Kintsugi Beloved make Show!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yerp! With the help of my friends too!!
You wouldn’t believe how much they’ve helped me. Even just by being someone I could bounce ideas off of.
But Cinn (she’s actually the person who will probably do the voice for Nutmeg and I kinda based Nutmeg off of her a bit, with other people like myself and my mom) has helped me write these characters into being really alive. I couldn’t have done this without her. She’s made art, memes and helped sooo much. And I can’t state that enough.
She doesn’t have tumblr? So I can’t @ her on here. But if you ever see me credit “This was done by Cinn” please give a big round of applause. Because I always pass that onto her. And man does she deserve it. She’s one of my best friends in the world. And Nutmeg literally wouldn’t exist without her.
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Cyrene Capri, Olli Cinne, Pastel Quinn, and Roura Lyo
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Cyrene, the leader, uses a sword and manipulates her aura to create an explosive force upon impact. She likes birds, and the feather in her hair is a memento from her pet bird, Captain Crimson. She is the eldest of the team by about five months, but she is 100% the Mom Friend(TM).
Olli, a leopard faunus, wears armored gloves with spiked knuckles. The spikes are terrible for fighting Grimm, but she makes up for it with her semblance, which allows her to propel herself off any solid surface at high speeds. Her favorite past time is reading books to Pastel, and her second favorite past time is embarrassing Pastel by reading smut.
Pastel is blind due to an injury acquired on a hunt. Her semblance allows her to see the aura of other living beings, and after the injury took her sight, her semblance evolved to compensate. She now sees the world through a sort of echolocation, using aura instead of sound. (Aurlocation? Idk I'm not a scientist)
Roura has the strongest semblance, allowing her to control the mind of anything she can keep her hands on. She is the weakest of the team in physical aspects, so most team fights involve the other three assisting Roura in getting to the biggest threat to neutralize it. She loves to bake, so she celebrates successful missions by making tiny cakes in everyone's favorite flavors.
Each girl was made using hapuriainen's flash games, back before flash was exploded. Links applied if y'all are interested and have a way to play old flash games Cyrene: Snow White
Olli: Tokyo Mew Mew cc
Pastel: W.I.T.C.H. maker v2
Roura: Happiness Charge Precure
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worldfoodiesblog · 2 years
El Plato de Mexico
The red, white, and green flag with an eagle that waves everywhere in the neighboring country from the United States. The country that has bandas made up of men who play different instruments, like violin and guitars, to create lively music for anyone walking along the streets. The same streets that carry the most delicious, savory foods from small vendors, decorated with streamers and lights to attract your attention. Mexico, known for many things, but the food? Unforgettable. The food that is as colorful and bright as the country it originated from.
Breakfast: Conchas & Atole
Everyday in my household was full of excitement and suspense. We had so many options regarding the meals that our days would be filled with. If you have a sweet tooth you’re in luck. There are conchas or any assortment of pan dulce, which is known as sweet bread to start off your day. Conchas specifically, have a seashell pattern made up of sweet sugar dough that are flavored as chocolate, vanilla or strawberry, and it sits upon the bread roll that isn’t flavored to balance out the sweetness. Usually found at a local panaderia, where ingredients for Atole can also be found. A traditional drink made up of masa harina, usually flavored with vanilla, you enjoy this drink served warm in your jarrito, as company for your concha. Many think, “Huh sounds pretty easy,” right? You would think it’s difficult to mess things up, but sadly, I have been let down on occasions. Maybe because I grew up in a large family, who all immigrated from Mexico and are amazing cooks, might I add, can explain why I am picky with dishes. But I can’t help it! I have tasted rather strange Atoles, where chunks were left from the lack of mixing till completion, or overpowering sweetness. A lot of people might not have tried Atole, but I can tell you it’s NOT supposed to taste like that, so now you know what to watch out for. 
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Dinner: Chile Rellenos
Mexican dinners are my favorite part of my culture. With the constant laughing and smiles you share with your family, it is a bonus to share an amazing meal with them. There are far too many to choose a favorite, as my fellow Mexican cuisine lovers know, but the one that always amazes me is Chile Rellenos. After gathering up your kitchen assistants, it is time to start cooking. We start off with poblano peppers grilled on the stovetop using an open flame, removing the blackened skin that is beginning to chip off. Tasting this dish in the states, I can easily tell when the pepper is not cooked over an open flame, making it tough or rubbery. Taking away the spotlight from the main star of the dish. Now softened, you cut open the pepper to create an opening, large enough to scoop out the seeds making room for that stick of cheese of your choice. You can get creative with it! Your taste buds are the boss here. With the cheese cozy inside the pepper, we create the best part; yes I am biased. In a bowl you begin to prepare the egg batter, placing in only egg whites and mixing for 3-5 minutes until a big fluffy cloud is formed. Usually while we wait, we dance along to the music my uncles are blasting; it’s always a party with my family! Still mixing, you add in the egg yolks individually, transforming the once white cloud into a yellow one. Coating the pepper with the batter, you place it into the frying oil, until all sides are golden brown. Whether soaked in salsa or with it on the side it doesn’t matter! It is delicious.
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Dessert: Arroz Con Leche
To start your day with sweets and end with it, is kind of a Mexican favorite. Very famous for its amazing sweetness is Arroz Con Leche. A core childhood memory is tied with this dish. I would beg my mom to cook this late night dessert, while curled up watching a movie with my family. I watched in awe, memorizing every step so one day, I would be able to replicate the recipe. She pulls out a pot filled halfway with water and pouring rice in as well. To flavor the rice, you add in a cinnamon stick or two and place on the lid. Wait till it comes to a boil and the rice is tender. Removing the excess water, you add in evaporated milk, condensed milk and whole milk. This is not a lactose intolerant friendly dish, sorry! The stirring begins, until it’s a thick consistency, and boom it's ready. This very quick and easy dessert will always bring a smile to your face and tummy.
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Creating savory specialities is something that you can always count on Mexico for.
Janet Avila
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aimlovesmusic · 2 years
Name: cinnamon
Age: 16
Bday: early fall
Gender: female
Personality: cold, grumpy, sassy
Nicknames: spicy
Sexuality: unlabled
Speices: coyote
Family: vincent and ava(parents
Bff: Delaian
least fav person:
Powers/abilities: none
Voice: clario - sofia
Appearance: cinnamon, tan, gold, ivory and black markings with black eyes (detailed)
She has cinnamon fur with tan markings along her face with ivory underside black paws and a gold stripe along her spine that sprinkles along her tail and tips her ears
Bonus: cinn has always had a hard time with bullying like her sibling due to her lack of a filter on what she said and her blunt honesty that would catch others off guard.while song learned to adapt to their surroundings fast it wasn't too long till she figured if she looks mean and like she isn't a good idea to approach then no one will be so surprised when she accidentally insulted or belittled them. she gets along with her mom well and does enjoy critiquing movies with her dad and learning special effects.
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All Grown Up: "ALN" Story (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Modern Domestic AU [[REUPLOAD]])
It started slow.
“We should get coffee sometime,” Seph had suggested.
At first, Steve wasn’t sure if it was a genuine offer.  However, he soon realized that, not only was it completely authentic, but it was also deeply desired. He wanted to know his younger siblings.  And Steve discovered – as more of a shock – that they wanted to get to know him too.
So, Steve went to coffee.
As it turned out, it was a regular occurrence for the other Rogers children. Just as Sundays were to the Barneses. And Steve could admit to himself that it was because of his in-laws that he felt so comfortable being around these siblings that grew up without him but instantly accepted him.  It was nice.  It was what Steve had longed for in his youth, and he was glad to have it.
Better late than never.
Pulling up to the small coffee shop, Steve was relieved to see that Ivy was already there.  Even if they all had been meeting up weekly for the past month, Steve’s anxiety still begrudgingly told him that they’d one day just not show up and he’d look like a damn fool.
Entering the cozy shop, Steve was about to get in line to order his coffee, when Ivy called out and waved him over to the table, “Stevie!  We’re over here!”
Blushing from his younger sister’s extroverted behavior, Steve waved to let her know that he heard her.  The whole shop heard her, how could I not? he internally questioned himself. Then, he figured that she could’ve been that loud for his benefit and that she could’ve been trying to be considerate due to him being hard of hearing.
“Hey, Barnes,” Auggie greeted, entering the coffee shop.
As Steve waited for the barista to finish making his order, the youngest – by six-minutes, the beta man would argue with his twin sister – Rogers kid took his place in line. Almost as though they were the only ones there, Auggie teased, “Please don’t tell me you got an iced americano, again.”
“Hey,” Steve good-humoredly scoffed, taking his finished drink.  “Why fix what ain’t broken?”
“Hi,” Auggie greeted the barista with the same enthusiasm that he greeted his family with.  Ordering, “Can I get a frozen super Cinn-ful Crème Freeze, please?”
The girl nodded and rang him up.  When Auggie made his way to the other end of the counter to wait, Steve taunted, “How can you even drink that? It’s straight sugar.”
Auggie blew a raspberry at him and gladly accepted his drink in all of its mountain of whipped cream and chocolate drizzle glory.  Steve snorted and headed over to the table with the younger man.  Seph wasn’t there yet, but he was usually the last one to show up.  What surprised Steve the most though was that Ivy wasn’t alone.  No, there was an older woman sitting at the table.
Taking his seat, Steve kept glancing over to the woman. Not having any doubts of who she was.  Especially not when Ivy introduced, “Steve, this is our mom, Shelley.  Mom, this is Steve.”
“Nice to meet you,” Steve shyly smiled.
“You too,” Shelley’s expression remained kind.  But mostly, it remained sincere.  “I hope you don’t mind that I tagged along.  I have a doctor appointment, and Ivy is my ride.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it,” Steve assured.
Over the years, Steve had wondered what the omega patriarch of his father’s second family would look like.  What she would be like in general, really. He couldn’t help it when he wondered how much lesser than his own mother she probably was.
And while Steve had grown out of that way of thinking as he grew as a person, he still tried to find her flaws.  Only, her aged features were still lovely.  Her eyes, holding a sincere glint, her smile warm and welcoming.  Steve could see why Joseph would’ve wanted to be with her.
“The kids said that you’re an artist,” Shelley mentioned, gracefully breaking the silence.
“I am,” Steve confirmed, taking a drink. “I was also an art conservator for a bit back before I had kids.”
“I’ve always been fascinated with the preservation of things,” Shelley added a packet of artificial sweetener to her tea.
“Yeah?”  Steve asked, curious.
Shelley nodded, and Ivy explained, “Mom was an archaeologist.”
“Oh,” intrigued and impressed, Steve leaned heavily on that tidbit.  “Did you travel a lot?”
“Loads,” Shelley smiled. “My favorite place was Greece though.  I really fell in love there.  Just everything about it was beautiful.  So, I lived there for a good fifteen years.”
“I’ve always wanted to go there.” Steve said, his imagination already running wild with images of Bucky shirtless, skin golden and stretched out on a beach.
“I definitely recommend it,” Shelley advised.
“Even if it was where you met dad,” Ivy good-naturedly teased her mother while unwittingly adding another piece to the puzzle that made up their father.  Steve had always wondered, but he was still surprised to learn that Joe had traveled the world.  Or at least, Joe had spent time in Greece…
Shelley sighed, seemingly annoyed with her past self, “Even if it was where I met your father.”
“No one’s perfect,” Steve joked.
Shelley giggled, “I imagine your mother feels the same.”
“Oh, uh,” Steve dropped his gaze to the table and his drink.  Even after all these years, it never got any better.
Lowering her voice, Ivy reminded her elderly mother, “We told you about Sarah, remember?  How she passed.”
“Oh,” Shelley apologized, “I’m sorry, dear. My memory’s not as good as it once was.”
“It’s alright,” Steve assured, knowing that it wasn’t ill-intentioned, just forgotten.
“I wish I could’ve met her,” Shelley softly said.  Her eyes kind, “Just so I could tell her how wonderful of a job she did with raising you.”
Steve wetly sniffled, “Thank you. She would’ve really liked to hear that.”
Shelley nodded and Ivy leaned over to wrap her arm around her mother’s frail frame. Even giving her a loud smack of a kiss to her aged cheek. Steve couldn’t help but smile. Especially when Shelley pretended to be annoyed with the gesture.
This was the family that Steve had longed for.  The connection that he had been missing since Sarah’s death.  And for this, Steve could thank Joseph Rogers.  Because without him, he wouldn’t have them.
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sagey-writes · 4 years
at the end of the day
Here’s my part for the trade with @cinn-a-mom who requested some Best Friends AU. Hope you enjoy 🥰
Ao3 Link HERE
“...I choose you.”
Quirin stopped in front of the door to his home - wooden, scratched, and worn with age - as his hand rested on its handle, hesitant. 
Could he, of all people, be able to do this? Could he, a single father and much needed leader of his village, go through with this? 
Could he, Quirin, with a gnawing void in his heart, be able to make this decision? 
Laughter rang out, muffled through the oak and stone walls and he felt a smile grow, the weight falling off his shoulders. He pushed the door open and he was no longer Quirin, beloved leader and no-longer-warrior of a fallen kingdom. 
He was Quirin, tired farmer and father coming home for the night to his family. 
It could have been worse, he thought. At least the house is not on fire. Again. 
He lunged over fallen chairs and blankets, eyeing the way crates had been stacked over each other and the few books they owned were strewn across the floor. Before he could say anything, the sound of childish banter reached his ears. 
“And with a SWISH of his sword, Flynn Rider cut through the rope and went sailing through the air, escaping those roguish thieves on the back of his trusty steed as he rode back to the Isle of Ruddiger with the stolen treasure-“
“That’s not how it goes!”
“I’ve got the book so I can make my own ‘bellishments!”
“Not for long!” 
The clang of wood and metal echoed as he heard the boys clamoring over the continuity and inconsistencies of the story, voices raising in the way he knew would spur another competitive game that would last through the night.
Ulla would have loved this. 
He made his way towards the commotion, unsurprised at how Varian’s room had been turned inside out, the faint makings of a fort and walls half formed from pillows and the bed standing out. The two boys in question were locked in battle, wooden spoon against a ladle, propped with blankets and clothing sashed around them like capes as Varian climbed onto a stool.
“It’s over Hugo!” he taunted, brandishing the book in his hands like a shield. “I have the high ground! You can’t reach me!” 
Hugo dropped his arm a fraction, squinting through dirty lenses before a smirk crossed his face. “Oh, are you sure about that, Sir Bertilak?” Varian only had a moment to gasp before a pillow struck him directly in the face and knocked him off his throne. 
(Even after seeing that he fell directly onto his bed, Quirin’s heart would not stop pounding). 
Varian sputtered as he sat up, frowning as he glared at a snickering Hugo. “No fair! I wanted to be Flynn Rider!”
“You got to be him last time, Hairstripe!” 
“Fine,” A mischievous grin then lit his face as he pushed himself up, pillow in his hand. “Then have at thee, you fiend!” He lurched from the ground and tackled a surprised Hugo, the two of them tumbling to the ground in a mess of flailing limbs and shouts - and Quirin had to hold back from chuckling. To see the blissful happiness of childhood, a moment in time, unburdened by worry or fear for what was to come…
It was almost as if he could feel her gentle hand on his, prodding him forward. 
Varian saw him first. “Hi Dad!” he chirped, pushing off of Hugo to bound up to him as Quirin knelt down to greet him. “We’re acting out Flynn Rider and the Knights of Cleaves,” he exclaimed a little too loudly in his ear as he threw his arms around his neck. This time, Quirin let a soft snort escape him.
“Yes, I can see that,” he said, glancing around the room with a raised eyebrow. Books, paper, blankets, kitchen utensils, all discarded and red creeped up his son’s neck as he ducked his head with a sheepish grin. 
“We’ll clean it up after,” he mumbled, already knowing what was coming as Quirin ruffled his hair. He glanced up and saw Hugo getting up onto his feet as well.
“Hi, Mister Quirin.” His voice was now quieter in his presence, bending over to quickly clean his glasses. Even though Hugo saw him often, had come around often enough to get used to him, there was still an air of wariness around the boy - never too open, never too unguarded - and it tore at Quirin’s heart. 
(Where had he been staying all this time whenever he wasn’t around Varian or wasn’t around the house? An image of a faded cottage, abandoned and falling at the seams entered his mind. How had Quirin not wondered this before?) 
“Hello, Hugo,” he said warmly, staying on his knee as he pulled back to look at them both. Hair in complete disarray, cheeks flushed from laughter and play. Varian struggling to untie a stray blanket from around his waist. His own blood pounding in his veins. He took a deep breath. “I actually wanted to speak to you both.” 
Varian’s eyes lit up with curiosity as his grip slipped and he landed onto the ground. He ignored it however as a little gasp escaped him. Whether or not he remembered the conversation - more of a wondering musing that Quirin had brought up one evening after hearing his son’s antics about what had happened that day - Quirin knew what his answer would be. Hugo on the other hand… 
The boy halted before him, almost hesitantly glancing up at his looming figure, even though Quirin was resting on his knees. 
(And wouldn’t anyone seem too big for someone so small? He tried to make himself as non threatening as possible, burying the thoughts that tried to piece together the reasons for such a natural reaction.
But it was his eyes, the look that betrayed a small glimmer of unintentional fear, that sealed Quirin’s decision).
You’re making the right choice. 
Mustering a gentle smile, he gestured to the floor in front of him - come, he thought, you’re welcome here - and Hugo carefully sat down. Varian immediately scooted over to his side, throwing the undone blanket over the two of them, which got a laugh out of the boy. The little tension there melted away, and Quirin felt himself grow softer as he saw the scene in front of him.
“Hugo,” he started, inwardly wincing as Hugo flinched slightly, and he tried to keep the deep rumble out of his voice as much as possible. “You’ve seemed to be a frequent visitor here…” Hugo’s eyes widened slightly, darting around to read his expression and Quirin softly cursed. 
No, not that way dear. 
The familiar presence of hands around his shoulder, a smile pressing up against his neck, filled him with the courage to start over. 
“Hugo,” he began again, his eyes meeting Varian’s eager ones, and continued, letting himself feel his words. “I want you to know that it makes me happy to see Varian as happy as he is with you. And I’m glad to see that the two of you have formed such a close friendship.”
A tight-knit bond, one that reminded him of another life, another him.
“You’re always welcome and safe here, no matter what you need. We will always be here for you, whenever you need us, you understand?”
Just like the opened arms of a border village that welcomed a refuge from a fallen kingdom. Just like the open doors for an orphan who had wormed his way into a place in his heart. 
“Now, I don’t know what the future holds or what may come,” Their eyes met again and he made his voice as tender as possible, “but while those will come in their own time, I- we,” he corrected, glancing at Varian, whose face brightened up as realization crossed his face. “We would like it if we could share it with you. If that’s alright with you.” 
A moment passed as Hugo furrowed his brow, unconsciously drawing the blanket up to his chin. “What… what do you mean?” Quirin couldn’t hold back the smile as he saw Varian bouncing up and down before replying.
“If you want to, we would love it if you became a part of the family.” 
He saw him mouthing the words to himself before his eyebrows shot straight up to his hairline. “You- you mean… like…?” 
“A family!” Varian couldn’t resist holding back, a wide smile stretching across his face. “You’ll still be my best friend, but you can be my brother now too! And you can stay here whenever you want! And we can share a room, and-”
Quirin didn’t ignore the tears forming in Hugo’s eyes as Varian continued to ramble, watering to the point of falling over, but before he could intervene - Varian got too excitable at times and Hugo was just so much more sensitive - Hugo nodded once. Then several times, each one more vigorous than the last. 
“Yes,” he whispered before his voice gained greater strength. “Yes, yes, yes!” There was a laugh as Varian immediately threw his arms around his best friend - well, brother now, wasn’t it? - and Hugo hugged back, tight and unrelenting.
“Are you crying?”
They continued to break down in laughter, mixing the joyful noise with tears of their own and Quirin took in the sight before him, a warmth spreading in his chest, a feeling he hadn’t been able to feel so strongly since her death. 
Unable to hold back, he reached over and brought his own arms around them, cradling them close to his chest. Small, they were, but so full of life. Full of sorrow and joy. Sons of his blood and choice. Broken cracks of life began to be gradually filled.
He might have given up his life as a warrior, but here was another mantle, here in his arms, that he was willing to shoulder. Another calling to take up the arms of protection. 
“You’re one of us now,” he whispered. And oh, if only Ulla could see them now. He would give anything to see her smile again, to see that her dream of a family, to see that their dream of a loving home, had not died with her.
I can. And I am. 
He kissed the crowns of their heads, his own tears adding to theirs.
I would never let you go.
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MAN loligender is resonating *way* too much like. it's safe to just ID as a loli right like I don't wanna be a girl I just wanna be a loli right like that's something that's okay right --
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honeyxmonkey · 4 years
*deep breath* okay so... I wasn't going to get into this, but, I desperately feel like I need to remind you guys that... well, cinn-a-mom is entitled to her opinion. Now it may be an unpopular opinion but I feel like some people are being rather rude in calling her out about it. Listen, I don't want cinn-a-mom to feel unloved or unsupported because of what she believes. I don't know much about what's been going on other than what she posted about her views and her being called a homophobe.
I just... I feel like this is being unfair to her. I dont want her to leave because she's being targeted. She isn't a coward for wanting to step away. Honestly if it were me I'd want to step back too for my own mental health.
I know literally nobody is going to agree with me but I want her to know that I still love her, even if we have differing views on the subject. She has never once said an unkind thing to anyone on this site who is part of the LGBT community and her stating her views, knowing that she wouldn't be agreed with, was rather brave I think.
I feel like it's best that we just leave this alone because... I feel like if it doesn't stop now it could lead to worse things like cyber bullying and no one deserves that.
So please, I'm just asking everyone to stop.
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sealmonger · 4 years
Tumblr media
I drew @cinn-a-mom aka Mom!✨ She's so pretty and SMART😀😎😇
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((Since I asked Varian’s admin a bunch of questions, I only think it’s fair that I ask the amazing Hugo admin some as well! 1) when did you get into TTS? 2) what made you decide to do a Hugo rp blog? 3) do you notice that bits of your personality flood into interpretation of Hugo? 4) how did you feel when you got the first fan art based off the rp? 5) Is this where you expected this blog would be when you first started? 6) what’s your favorite thread and/or au you’ve had? You’re awesome ❤️❤️❤️))
((First of all, Amazing? Awesome? Absurd. But thank you. Second of all,
1) TTS had only been a vague part of my life until around January or December when season three became accessible for me to watch
2)In a chat, the Varian Admin asked, “What if someone made a Hugo blog?” And I kinda jumped at the chance 😅
3) Sometimes.. Either it’s my (and the other Admin’s) interpretation of Hugo, or I’m influencing him
4) Overjoyed, I’m not exaggerating, that made me so happy 🥺
5) Heck no. I knew people liked VSK, and the RP would grow, but this is way beyond what I expected.
6) The Hot Chocolate Thread and Thief!Hugo
Sorry if these answers are cookie cutter 😅))
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whitecatindisguise · 4 years
We all love you, Mom
Mom (@cinn-a-mom )
GC (Just Varian Things and FAM members)
GC: LOooOoVe
Mom: I can hear you
But I won’t
Some crave affection
While I do not
GC: There’s a thousand reasons
We should give you our praise
Don’t ignore our shouting
Mom: Can you stop? I don’t deserve
GC: LOooOoVe
Mom: Oooh!
GC: You’re our mom
And we love you as you are
And if you heard us
Mom: Which I don’t
GC: You would learn and know how much
Mom: No, I don’t deserve this praise
I always wonder, why
You are complimenting me
I really don’t know why!
I’m not someone special
I’m just a Russian girl
GC: You're our mom
We want to show
How much you mean to us!
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