bennettsurvivor · 4 years
I. Feel. Dragged.
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Originally posted by tomandharrisongifs
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you hate to see it
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bennettsurvivor · 4 years
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“So....confession time. There are days where I don’t remember if I can do magic anymore. Then suddenly arson is committed to a new Jack in the Box restaurant. Guess the bloodline is always doing the noble thing for humans and supernaturals alike.”
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bennettsurvivor · 4 years
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ZENDAYA Photographed by Daniel Jackson for the Vogue Australia, March 2020 Issue.
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bennettsurvivor · 4 years
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gurl ….. wut am I doing here?
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bennettsurvivor · 4 years
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gurl ..... wut am I doing here?
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bennettsurvivor · 5 years
“You got away …? Leave it to a Bennett,” she whispered under her breath with a scoff, shaking her head. “That must have been terribly nice for you.” There was a hint of bitterness there but Greta couldn’t begrudge the witch’s fortune. She’d felt a little bad about the whole situation but relief came with the new information. Bella was, in her own way, like a cat. Always landing on her feet.
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“I don’t think they’ll catch up to you dear. Not directly anyway. There may be fallout but you won’t be anywhere around to reap that … But maybe is your curse, the rootlessness, the wandering.” Maybe Greta was trying to make herself feel better because she had not been clever enough to escape. Maybe in her bitterness, she envied the younger witch that.
“I’ll make the grown-up decision not to retort to that.” She tried her best to crack a smile but it was overwhelmed by the shift in conversation. Bella wasn’t expecting a warm welcome from anybody seeing that it was normal for her to depart without any given warning. However, it was usually more discreet than this. The feeling of guilt began to wash over her but she wasn’t sure where it stemmed from whether it be her return as a whole or something she said. 
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“Yeah -- a curse. A helluva good one too. Sometimes it’s too damn stubborn by not letting me die yet.” She tried to smile again at her small joke but bit at the corner of her lip instead before sighing. “I knew you’d still be alive or whatever but it really is good to see you, Greta. I mean it.”
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bennettsurvivor · 5 years
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“See, it never would have worked out between us. You’re too much of a heart breaker.” Tyler teased. “You were looking for me? Pray tell?”
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“I can say I learned from the best.” She quipped back with a small smile. “I’m always looking for you. Besides, you’re the one I’ve decided to have good banter with. Greta is feeling moody.”
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bennettsurvivor · 5 years
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bennettsurvivor · 5 years
here a starter call. like please.
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bennettsurvivor · 5 years
He shook his head because good grief. Where on Earth did she get the idea that he was rich? Before he transferred here to go to school, he was sharing a room with Yugi in the back of his grandfather’s game shop. He later got his own shitty apartment, but it was a far cry from the palaces he owned some centuries ago.
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    ❝First of all, I am not rich. I make ends meet      like any other single male. Secondly, I know      Mr. Kaiba because I constantly wipe his ass      when we duel. Since he is quite the sore loser,      he can’t resist calling me up every week throwing      major hints about how his rival should move back      home. The man owns nearly 80% of Domino      City. If anything he just wants to spy on me and      potentially bully me into giving him what he wants      but no. Until he learns to humble himself a bit, he      won’t get to get off while we duel again for a long      time. I can call him later if you’re a fan. Maybe      even talk him into visiting America. I’d have to      give him something in return but who knows?      Maybe he’d settle for a hot romp with you,❞ he      teased.
Fixing his bag, he can’t help but arch thin brows as she continued. All of her running off wherever the wind blows was cool and all, but that kind of spontaneous behavior left little room for forming lasting bonds.
      ❝ Right, well I guess it’s good to have you        back for however long this lasts.❞
“Well you act quite pompous to not be a rich boy. Couldn’t be a foreign thing but I totally got snob vibes from you at first. Also -- why else would you know someone like him? Come on, dueling? Are you like a fencer now? Or you’re really into this Dueling Dragons shit? I promise you he has an obsession. It looks like you have a better head on your shoulders.”
Bella paused before narrowing her eyes at Atem. She scoffed at the man before folding her arms across her chest.
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“I’m the furthest thing from a fan of that kid. Besides, he didn’t want any of my services so he’s pointless to me. And BEFORE YOU ASK, no, I’m not trying to have intercourse with OR get in between of you and your magical duel sex partner. I thought my life and what I do was wild but here you are saying you play a children’s card game that embodies pretend monsters. Or at least that’s what Kaiba has tried to convince me. I personally assumed that he was in his own imagination. Never took you for the trading cards type of kid. You seemed a bit too...serious for games. Unless I’m missing some key portion.”
Bella poked her lip out, holding her hand to her chest.
“Was that something nice? To me?! Oh Atem, you know how to make a gal blush.”
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bennettsurvivor · 5 years
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Eleven? His smile lessened at the news. The idea of having slept in close to noon left some sort of distaste in his mouth, Nate prided himself on not being the lazy sibling. “Great” He muttered before stretching his arms, and climbed out of bed. Nate’s mind fumbled to play catch up, reminding him of all the chores he needed done. There wasn’t much, but – “You headed somewhere?”
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Bella arched her eyebrow to his change in demeanor from her news. She wished she had some sort of clue from Nate. She would have woke him up earlier rather than being a creep to watch him sleep. Made her feel a bit guilty. Bella shrugged her shoulders, turning to face him but lean on the shelf. “Nothing much. I have a final exchange to do later, but hopefully that isn’t a hassle for me. Depends on if the dude is an asshole.” She gave him a small smirk, “What about you? You late for something?”
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bennettsurvivor · 5 years
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                 🎸 — “Sorry, luv, but chipper is your default setting. It just so happens to be accompanied by sassy – and bossy… You’re a little bit of everything, now that I’m thinking about it. Isn’t that exhausting?” He looked pleased, grinning back at her. “Is there a genre you suggest I strive for?  Drama, jokes, fit-spiration?” He felt like he made that up, but as soon as he said it, it felt more like something that actually existed. “I won’t lie. I want to spill tea.” 
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              “Never exhausting. Only exhausting to a little bitch who can’t handle a challenge 24/7.” She joked but there was some snarky truth beneath it. “I mean -- you are hot. You could definitely be a fit-spiration. But I totally take you for being those assholes who say these deep ass quotes with random photography. But girls and gays will flock to your page because, you know, you’re so deep.” Bella poked her lips out in amusement. “Wow. Imagine you saying that in your original time period. I’m impressed with how you’ve adapted with the time, ‘Zo.”
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bennettsurvivor · 5 years
“Think again.”
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“You know, you flit in and out of peoples like its nothin’, but you come back and talk like you’re familiar … Where’s the like, baby? Last I heard you ran off with some … creature? To be honest I thought that’d be the last I’d ever hear of you. But just like a cat, you land on your feet every time. How do you manage that?”
“Well I learned that from the best of the best Bennett witches. I’m just sticking to my heritage. I can apologize over and over again but I can’t promise I won’t leave again. I did run off with a strange creature, had my fun, then ran off again. I swear it’s not just you all who I fade from.”
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“Since my younger age, I’ve become an excellent escaper, Greta. I push until I know it won’t be good for me. Now when those sins catch up to me? That’s the part I still haven’t gotten a hold on. So I end up coming back home until I can figure out my next move. There’s your answer. I just always come back.”
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bennettsurvivor · 5 years
MUSE HABITS BOLD which habits your muse has, ITALIC which habits they might exhibit. SOURCE.
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Nail biting | throat clearing | lying | interrupting | chewing the ends of pens | smoking | swearing | knuckle cracking | thumb sucking | muttering under their breath | talking to themselves | nose picking | binge drinking | oversleeping | snacking between meals | skipping meals | picking at skin | impulse buying | talking with their mouth full | humming, singing to themselves | chewing gum | leg jiggling | foot tapping | hair twirling | whistling | eye rolling | licking lips | sniffing | squinting | rubbing hands together | jaw clenching | gesturing while talking | putting feet up on tables | tucking hair behind ears | chewing lips | crossing arms over chest | putting hands on hips | rubbing the back or their neck | being late | procrastinating | doodling | shredding paper | peeling off bottle labels | forgetfulness | running hands through hair | overreacting | teeth grinding | nostril flaring | slouching | pacing | drumming fingers | fist clenching | pinching bridge of nose | rubbing temples | rolling shoulders
TAGGED BY: @infinitexechoes TAGGING: whoever wants it!!
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bennettsurvivor · 5 years
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     “murdering the mayor was the consequence of bonnie’s betrayal. she thought she killed me. grave mistake. i don’t stomp my foot and pout, i take action. drastic action.” he clicks his tongue. emerald orbs roll and a soft smirk curls on his lips, “relax, bennett, i’m not going to kill you.” he looks at her and offers a almost pleasant smile. it means he wants something. “i’m here to give you the opportunity to become a very powerful witch.” his agenda was to find someone to help him find a way to destroy the other side and what better ally than a descendant of his mortal enemy?
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bella’s face stiffened as silas spoke. not because he was rubbing in her face her older sister’s losses, but because she understood why he would even reach those dramatics. it made her internally question her sanity and morals. the younger witch knew that she could press buttons and her natural instinct was to toy with their original point. however, she knew when she were to lose a fight easily. and with silas, he was sure to destroy her before she had a chance for wit if she pressed the wrong one. bella snorted, “i’m already a powerful witch so you’ll have to try harder than that, old man.”
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bennettsurvivor · 5 years
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“No, child, I’m not pregnant again. Are you?”
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“Oh please, I swallow. Thought you’d be happier to see me, queen.”
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bennettsurvivor · 5 years
Here is an updated tracker of what’s currently in my drafts! Please give me a couple days to reply and then the replies will be queued and posted one reply a day from 7:30pm - 12am EST.
                                                    ╳ @infinitexechoes (x)                                                     ╳ @humanitycease (x)                                                     ╳ @tcmbwitch (x)                                                     ╳ @biteytm (x)
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