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justanartsysideblog · 6 years ago
What’s Bre’elu favorite kind of food and does she have any allergies?? How’s her spice tolerance
Bre’elu’s favorite foods are types of seafood. She loves fresh, raw fish as well as it cooked in a multitude of dishes. She LOVES spices, her favorite dish is a spicy seafood soup. She doesn’t have any allergies, but she isn’t terribly fond of cheese. It simply wasn’t a staple growing up and she doesn’t eat it very often.
Thanks for the ask!
TMI Tuesday
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feynites · 7 years ago
Also banana for 86 or 87 >;3c
Oooh, I Didn’t Mean to Turn You On and Aroused by Your Voice, you say?
I feel like this would fit in really well with the HWRC Banana AU, where Taz is a fish and Ana and Vena are trying to figure out how to look after him. Lots of phone calls. Maybe Vena has been known to frequent some phone sex hotlines, when he’s caught in a dry spell, and so he’s got some… associations. Going on there.
So he and Ana talk on the phone a lot, especially when they can’t manufacture excuses to meet in person. Vena’s trying to work up the nerve to ask her out, but for some reason it’s harder than usual (and every time they get too close around the fish pond, a certain exotic rescue splashes them and somehow manages to convey the ‘get a room’ look). But Vena’s got a thing for voices and Ana has a nice one, especially when she laughs at his terrible jokes, or fires back with some of her own.
Inevitably he maybe ends off a few of their evening phone calls with a… reaction. Going on. And he’s not totally sure if they’re flirting or if it’s just kind of pavlovian now, but it’s whatever.
Until they meet up in person again and Ana wants to tell him something quietly, so she leans over and whispers in his ear, and suddenly Vena’s pants are getting a bit too tight and his skin feels hot and oh no it’s not pavlov. 
Ana has no idea the power she’s just unlocked. X3
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selenelavellan · 7 years ago
so out of all of your characters, who would go to an ABBA singalong party and know all the lyrics?
Definitely Darevas. He probably knows a good chunk of the choreography too, and he’d be the first to try to get into one of those outfits.
TMI Tuesday
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wolftraps · 7 years ago
@lycheejellytea replied to your post “I read such a lovely dark Assassin’s Creed fic yesterday, and i’ve...”
which fic was it??
Living to Die by Cards_Slash
Altmal, based on the idea that only your soulmate can kill you. Altair and Malik are soulmates, have been alive for forever, and are so very, very, very broken. And poor Desmond gets caught in the middle, as always.
When I got done reading, I had to tell @uswe and @ereborne about it, which was followed with
uswe: This is very fucked up. No wonder you look delighted me: i aaaaammmmm uswe: Why are you like this 
It and Immovable, unbreakable (also by cards_slash) are probably my favorite AC fics I’ve read so far. definitely not for you if you are a huge fan of fluff, but if you’re like me and love fucked up things with a not-terrible ending, i highly recommend.
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palindromes-art · 7 years ago
Banal’ras 14??? :o
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Banal’ras for the Halloween palette challenge. Featuring @justanartsysideblog‘s vallaslin design for Melarue, the Clever One. 
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first-flower-of-my-house · 7 years ago
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@my-beautiful-thief THANK YOU! @lycheejellytea THANK YOU!
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captusmomentum · 8 years ago
pros/cons of dating tace?
secretly cares a LOT
secret cuddle monster
u now have a personal attack dog when needed
he will wrestle all the chores out of your hands so he can do them
like, a phd level education but not an asshole about it
a ride or die bitch
fun and flirty
he’s an asshole
kinda fucking mean
night terrors and sleep walking
no really he will flirt w/ pm everyone
dead inside
a shambling mess pretending he’s a functional person
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jahaliel · 8 years ago
Turkish tea and kombucha for the tea asks?
Turkish tea: What is your favourite cake? Tricky tricky tricky XD  I would say it’s a three way tie between the Choc-Raspberry Ice-Cream Cake, the Orange Mars Bar Cake and Grandma Bickley’s Fruit Cake (with a full bottle of brandy - she made it for our wedding cake.)Kombucha: What do you order on a pizza? Depends on my mood and if I’m ordering to share because I really love the classic margherita (fresh tomato, cheese, herbs) or the potato variant  but the hubby can’t eat tomato so if we’re splitting we’ll do a BBQ Chicken (BBQ sauce, roast chicken, capsicum, pineapple, bacon) or a Meatlovers (salami, ham, bacon, pizza sauce).thanks for the ask lovely
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vargonautic · 8 years ago
4, 5, and 9 for Mirlen?? :o *whispers companion Mirlen and inquisitor Vara*
:O What have you doNE LYCHEE OH MY GOD
Why didn’t this though hit me omg this isperfect?? Can you guys guess what I’ll be thinking about for a week straight XD
Answers under cut still~
4. Whatwould their romance route look like? Would they be romanceable?
She would be romanceable! :D She’s bisexualand she doesn’t really care about races, so anyone can romance her
What wouldit look like..?
She is an extrovert, she’s very open about herfeelings and sometimes she’s… intense. She’d definitely flirt without shame tosomeone who shows interest, but denying her doesn’t really make her upseteither. At least not while she’s just playing around.
With Varawell as Inquisitor she’d probably comeon strong in the beginning, flirting recklessly at every chance she gets. Oncethey’ve been on some adventures together, though, and she starts getting toknow him, she’ll tone it down; starting by aiming to be a good friend for himnow when he’s in such a tricky situation.
She’ll slowly grow more attached as time goeson, finding herself making up a lot of excuses to bring him reports and tagalong when he leaves Haven. Her flirting becomes more stumbly and blushy themore she hangs around him.
After the attack of Haven she’ll most probablybe a sobbing mess when they find him in the mountains. She wears all heremotions on the outside x3
Even though the romances in game (at least theones I’ve played) have their first kiss before the Winter Palace, Mirlen wouldtake her chances there, I think. At the balcony, after everything has gone down…She’ll ask for a dance, and if yes the kiss happens there. If no, she’ll waittill they get back at Skyhold, saying she wanted to do it before but shechickened out
An Inquisitor would be able to ask her aboutsex after that; cue angsty talk about endometriosis and a lot of pain, also no children,no cure, lots of crying and apologising she didn’t say earlier. I’d say anInquisitor would be able to break the relationship off there, or just tell herthey loved her anyway. Breaking it off would lead to a bit more crying but hersaying she understands and she treated them unfairly by not saying. Her dialoguebecomes short after that, both because of guilt and she’s certain theInquisitor doesn’t actually want to talk to her after it
Good times
 5. If theyromanced someone as Inquisitor, would they still fall for that person as acompanion? How would that play out? How would they react to that person beingromanced by the “new” Inquisitor?
I’ve never played DA:I with Mirlen, but if I didI think she’d romance Sera. Just as I answered with Ela and Cullen, the romancewould play out as it does in game if neither of them are romanced by theInquisitor.
If Sera is romanced by the Inquisitor Mir willbe a little sad for a few days, but it’ll pass. There are plenty of fish in thesea, and she quickly accepts she and Sera just weren’t meant to be together.
 9. Wherein Skyhold would they be found? (e.g. Cole is in the tavern rafters, Leliana inthe top of the tower, Varric in the throne room, etc.)
She can be found by the big stairs leading upto the main entrance. Mostly she sits and doodles, as she likes to draw andthat spot gives her many objects and angles to work with. If you choose to makea training ground later on she’s close to that as well, which she definitely enjoys!
Thanks for asking!!
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scurvgirl · 8 years ago
Tonlen meeting Laurent for the first time?
Laurent belongs to @justanartsysideblog
Rissa hasn’t dated anyone since that little maggot bitch in high school, which is both good and bad. Good because there hasn’t been anyone to hurt her, but bad because no one has been really lovin’ on her either. While it’s not necessary, of course, to have a romantic partner, Tonlen’s aware that Rissa’d like one. And she is so smart, and so gorgeous, and so incredible that it’s a bit of a mystery to him why people aren’t just falling over themselves to get with her. Though there was that one guy in high school who admitted to Tonlen that the reason he didn’t ask Rissa out was because she intimidated the shit out of him with all of that brain power. 
It wasn’t a huge loss though, the guy was an idiot who refused to believe Isabela is in fact Rissa’s older sister and Tonlen’s cousin. 
So it’s pretty interesting when Rissa starts talking about her neighbor. An older guy who apparently likes to star gaze with her. A man who has taken her out on several dates, hasn’t pressured her, and is in fact not intimidated or threatened whatsoever by Rissa’s intellect. 
He’s also apparently easy on the eyes, which is a little harder for Tonlen to believe because then he’d be too perfect. Entirely too perfect, perfect people like that just don’t exist…right? 
He arrives at Rissa’s apartment for their usual Sunday brunch, only this time this new man will be there in all of his supposed perfection. Tonlen knocks on the door and it quickly opens, a man shimmies as close to the door jam as possible and shuts it behind him, making Tonlen step back.
“Excuse me?” Tonlen says, leaning back, his eyebrows lifting at the admittedly handsome man in front of him.
“Sorry, but Rissa said that you have issues with your lungs and she was cooking -
“You let her cook? Are you daft?!” Well there it is! He’s an idiot! He is in fact not perfect, ha!
“No, it wasn’t exactly that. I just got here about fifteen minutes ago and there was all this smoke because she wanted food, I thought we were going out,” he explains and Tonlen sighs. As smart as she is, Rissa can make odd choices, and stress over a situation tends to exaggerate the tendency. But cooking? Of all things - she knows damn well that she shouldn’t. 
Tonlen pulls his hair back into a bun, revealing the shaved sides of his head, and pulls up his shirt to cover his mouth. His hands move, slowly casting a chilling and control spell before he heads into the apartment. Most of the smoke is gone, but there is some lingering as Rissa bats at the main flume over the stove. She’s coughing and sputtering and otherwise compromising herself. He narrows his eyes and directs the water in the air to coalesce around the smoke, then freezes it, making it all disappear at once. Dirty snow falls around Rissa instead of the smoke and she turns around, eyes wide.
“I told Laurent to keep you outside!”
“Which was stupid, I can help with this,” Tonlen replies matter of fact. Rissa narrows her eyes.
“The last time you did this, you ended up in the ER and needed an endoscopy,” she shoots back. Tonlen rolls his eyes.
“That was different, that a lot of smoke -
“Wait, this has happened before?” Rissa’s beau asks. 
“Not exactly, a bonfire went astray, I wrangled with it - that was much more intense, Ris, you know that. This was nothing.” Though he says that and his lungs do feel a little…itchy. 
Nonetheless, Rissa puts her hands on her hips and shakes her head, “You’re so stubborn!”
“Like you’re not!” He snips. 
“I think we’re all a little hungry, so how about we go to IHop and eat some pancakes?” New man interjects making Tonlen and Rissa pause.
Tonlen crosses his arms and shakes his head, making his shirt return to its intended spot, “Yes. Let’s go, we can throw the ruined pan away later.”  He takes his cousin’s arm and practically drags her out of the apartment, allowing her just enough time to grab her keys. New guy follows and they pile into Tonlen’s car. Now way is he letting some new guy drive him and Rissa. 
“Rissa gets car sick so she rides in front,” Tonlen says. Rissa gives him a look but the guy doesn’t complain as he slides into the backseat. 
Tonlen puts on music he knows both he and Rissa like and again, no complaints. He makes small talk and talks about his fencing career and how he’s very excited to meet Tonlen. Rissa blushes again. 
They make it to IHop and end up ordering quite a bit of food. Rissa gets a heart healthy omelet while Tonlen decides to treat himself with a stack of pancakes. Rissa’s date orders eggs and Orlesian toast. 
Talk starts up about space and science and while Rissa’s neighbor is clearly not as proficient as Rissa is (which is not to harsh on him, nobody is really as proficient except for maybe Maibrit) and Tonlen throws in bits and pieces about his neuroscience studies. 
Their food arrives but the conversation continues…and continues and continues. And the longer things draw on, the more he relaxes. Laurent is not just a good guy, but a good guy. He’s the kind of guy that you want sweeping people of their feet, the guy who can. 
Good, he thinks, smiling at Rissa, she deserves it. And it’s nice to see that there are these people out there, not necessarily perfect because no one is but so close, people’s whose imperfections fit well against another’s. 
But the best part about it is Rissa is actually happy. Their romance is slow, steady, but natural and she is glowing with it. She steals a bite of his toast and he snags a piece of her omelet and giggles when she pokes his bicep. 
It’s so cute, Tonlen may gag. 
By the time they get back to Rissa’s apartment, Tonlen has just about made up his mind, though it is subject to change should anything happen. He stops Laurent just outside of the apartment and hugs him. 
“Be good to her, she’s worth more than all those stars you look at,” he whispers. Laurent hugs him back.
“I know.”
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feynites · 8 years ago
Funny thought in the hogwarts au! Because I can't dedicate time to my creative endeavors atm so I'm just gonna yell them at you until I can Vena and Ana are rival seekers but I can totally imagine them getting super competitive during a match and then after it retreating behind the bleachers or in a broom closet for makeouts. also cheering for the other at matches when they're not competing like ravenclaw/slytherin Ana's there decked out in ravenclaw gear and vise versa Supportive beans snogging
When Vena emerges into the great hall on the morning of the Gryffindor vs Slytherin match, Tasallir gives him a look that could peel paint.
“What,” Taz says, eyes narrowed. “Did you do?”
Vena grins.
“In what regard?” he replies, as cavalierly as he can, and doesn’t break stride towards the Ravenclaw table. He grins as he hears Tasallir get up, and follow after him.
“Your hair, of course!” he says. Serahlin calls after him, and there are a few snickers from other nearby students. Vena reaches up, and smooths a hand over his currently luscious, atypically wavy locks. It had taken him the better part of four hours to get the dye to take in the right shades, and the end result had somehow amplified some of the volume-adding charms on the potions he’d bought, but the end result was only all the more delightful for it.
Vena’s typical straight, shiny dark hair, had been replaced with a veritable mane of red and gold.
He grins.
“Do you like it?” he says.
Tasallir looks fit to be tied.
“You look like some deranged mascot,” he declares, narrowing his eyes. “I know better than to expect you to display any kind of neutrality with regards to these matches by now, but I would at least hope you might find some subtlety. Most people simply wear scarves.”
Or make do with shapeshifting, Vena supposes; noting that Tasallir’s typically-red eyes have turned a shining emerald for the day, instead. 
“You think I need to be more subtle?” Vena asks.
Taz’s eyes remained narrow. But after a beat, he nods.
“Naturally,” he asserts. 
“I’m afraid I disagree,” Vena counters, and then reaches into his pocket, and pulls out his secret weapon. Something he’s been saving since summer time, when he bought it from the biggest Quidditch store in Diagon Alley. The little folded ball of paper - seemingly innocuous, apart from the shining red foil - hits the floor, and then a thundering roar booms through the main hall. A great red lion, made entirely of flame, goes tearing through the air in a shimmering rush of harmless pyrotechnics, that send most of Gryffindor table into cheers and applause.
It rushes up towards the ceiling, chasing after the candles floating there, and bellowing ‘Go Gryffindor!’ in a deep, growling echo of Vena’s own voice.
He grins, exceedingly pleased, until he looks back at Tasallir and sees his hands clamped firmly over his ears. Face paler than usual, as the sparkles drop down around him. And over at the Ravenclaw table, Dirthamen is covering his ears, too, and a few more students here and there look a bit pained.
...Maybe he should have thought this through better. Especially with the cheering adding to the light and din from the lion.
Vena figures that’s enough to make his point, anyway, and whispers the word to turn the lion back into a tiny paper cutout, which drifts harmlessly down towards the floor in the middle of the hall.
“You alright, Taz?” he asks. “Sorry, I didn’t mean-”
Before he can get any further than that, though, a hand drops onto his shoulder.
He looks up to find Professor Melarue looking back down at him. One perfectly manicured eyebrow raised, and only the faintest hint of amusement tugging at the corners of their mouth. Not a great sign - Vena’s accustomed to much more��amusement from them.
“That was quite a display,” they note. “Very spirited. Entirely in violation of several school conduct codes, but certainly sparkly.”
Vena nods.
“Detention?” he guesses.
“Detention,” Professor Melarue confirms. “...With me, after the match. Provided you can restrain your enthusiasm to something more within the bounds of school rules from here on out.”
He nods again, more relieved this time, and then the professor’s hand moves over to Tasallir’s shoulder. They usher him away, scooping up Dirthamen and the other more obviously bothered students as they go. Vena feels another pang of guilt, but it fades somewhat when he is nearly tackled by a familiar blur of red hair and quidditch gear.
“Vena! What were you thinking?! That was amazing!” Ana enthuses. “Why did you do that in the hall you’re supposed to use those things out on pitches, but it looked incredible! And your hair!”
Vena grins, and uses the advantage of his height and her proximity to pick her up a little and do a spin. Ana clutches his biceps and laughs, eyes bright, her own face painted with red and gold stripes.
“Do you like it?” he asks, waggling his eyebrows.
She reaches up, and threads some curious fingers into it.
“Soft...” she notes, before fluffing it around his shoulders, some. Her cheeks pink, much to his delight.
“Want a kiss for luck?” he offers, but Ana gets a gleam in her eye, and presses a finger to his lips.
“No,” she says, to his consternation. She’s smiling, though, and doesn’t seem to be turning him down, if the way she’s leaning into him is any indication. And then she taps his mouth, and winks. Oozing that kind of confidence she only seems to get when flying is on the table.
“I’m going to take that kiss for a reward, when we obliterate Slytherin!” she announces.
A few nearby Slytherin students throw toast at them. But Victory, who is close by, starts up another cheer; eager to stoke his team’s confidence. Vena’s lips tingle, and his heart skips a beat, and Ana pulls back after a moment with another laugh and a blush. Bashful again.
The lion might have been a bit much - especially without warning - but the hair, at least, was definitely a good idea.
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wolftraps · 7 years ago
@lycheejellytea replied to your post “yay casual sexism on my bday! just what i always wanted”
Ugh I’m so sorry.. I hope the rest of your birthday is as amazing as it should be. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Thank you :)
I don’t really have much hope for the rest of my work day, except maybe the hope that nothing else really comes up. But when I finally get home then I can have cherry beer and watch Thor: Ragnarok for the first time, so at least there’s that to look forward to.
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empresstress13 · 5 years ago
Ask Game
Tagged by: the wonderful @thevikingwoman , the fantastic @idrelle-miocovani , and the awesome @solverne-02
rules: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better.
name:  Tress
nickname: Tress, Empress, Squid, and others nicknames! 
zodiac sign:  Virgo/ Sheep
height:  5′4″
languages:  English, Conversational Japanese & French but my French accent is amazingly bad 
Nationality: American
favorite season: Autumn
favorite flower: I love flowers, but choosing a single favorite is difficult! I love sunflowers, wisteria, honeysuckle, irises, and lots more! 
favorite scent: I enjoy spiced scents, woodsy scents, fresh scents, some citrus. I enjoy some floral scents but it depends. 
favorite color: Blue, Purple, Dark Red
favorite animal: Dogs, Bats, Wolves, Deer, Magpies
favorite fictional character:  Lirael, Princess Leia, Merrill, Felassan 
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Yes, please and thank you! ;P  I love coffee and tea A LOT, and drink a lot of both 
average hours of sleep:  Recently it’s been really not good, about 5-6 hours per-night 
cat or dog person:  I love them both! I’m probably slightly more of a dog person, but I really love both! 
number of blankets you sleep with:  It depends on the season, but I always sleep with at least a sheet if it’s hot, but as it cools down between 1-3 blankets 
dream trip: World-trip with my friends!!! 
Broadway shows seen: So I am not sure if this means how many shows I’ve seen literally on Broadway - which seems like an extremely specific question that would apply to lots of people - or if this means like . . . “Broadway Tours”?  I’ve only seen one show literally on Broadway; I saw “Once On This Island” when I visited NYC and it was fantastic. I’ve seen a number of “Broadway musicals” on tour: Waitress, Wicked, Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, Cats, Dear Evan Hanson, Avenue Q, Spamalot, The Lion King, Beauty & the Beast     I’ve also seen video recordings of the Broadway productions of: Into the Woods, Sweeny Todd, Rent, and Pippin 
favorite breakfast: . . . . This is difficult, but pancakes and home-fries would be high on the list.  
a random fact:  Most of the birthdays on the maternal side of my family are chronological month and then day ( for example my birthday is September 10th (9, 10), my mother is December 13th (12, 13), etc) 
Tagging: @palindromekomori  @zanidragon @scurvgirl  @ellstersmash @roguelioness @wardsarefunctioning @arfaise @minionripley @shiftyarchfey @winsbuck  @theladypirate @fibrochemist @playwithdinos @lavellanlove @lillotte17 @lycheejellytea @nordxz @dndapothecary-backup @buttsonthebeach @katalyna-rose
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first-flower-of-my-house · 7 years ago
⭐ thank you for always being so sweet
Thank you! You’re wicked sweet, too! I absolutely love your art and your writing, even though I need to get caught up on all of it
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captusmomentum · 7 years ago
1-5 for inan and A and B for you~
1.What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
hhhhhooooooooo not long actually like a half hour-ish tops. but the anxiety about getting up or asking for something to do or like, to do anything but sit there can trap them in that spot for an UNHOLY amount of times, like hours. Just sitting there stewing in anxiety over whether or not they should get up or nah.
2.How easy is it for your character to laugh?
answered~ =w=
3.How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
generally by going through a series of rituals and mediations and such to help keep them safe while dreaming since inan is a dreamer mage with bad luck and poor hobbies. the process of doing all of it has kinda created a pavlovian response in them so they konk out p easily after which is GREAT bc left to their own natural inclinations they’d just have a huge melt down very night bc they thought too much and too deep.
4.How easy is it to earn their trust?
it’s.......Mixed. overall they like, work-trust people generally but not friend-trust. getting them to actually trust someone can be difficult and take a WHILE since it also involves them allowing people in which is Rough. but then again they also INSTANTLY TRUSTED THE IRON BULL W/ THEIR LIFE THE SECOND HE TOLD THEM HE WAS A SPY SOOOOOOO.
5.How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
SUPER EASY. fucking wear a shirt and they’re convinced ur a murderer. they start off assuming everyone is a possessed templar kidnaping murdering assaulter and then scale back from that when they actually meet them. fear and anxiety are Fun.
A) Why are you excited about this character?
honestly bc i don’t let myself write this kind or at least, hold back bc it’s a bad setting for the type of character. 
there’s just a lot going on in inan which is fun to juggle, and i’ve always really liked character that struggle with duality which i’ve notice w/ 2 of my Top Faves namor and kylo ren and inan struggles w/ that a lot too. it’s the reason patience and action are drawn to them, they’re constantly caught between being paralyzed and going for it hardcore. which is a interesting challenge to write. 
i’m also excited to like actually let a character be fucking op, like i always feel bad no matter how well thought out and logical it is in canon i always feel bad when i make a character an expert or more which is just ????????? so it’s excited to finally say nah, fuck it, inan’s shredded and can kick most people’s asses easy they just don’t bc they’re noT AN ASSHOLE. like it’s fucking cathartic to just let myself write the shit i wanna, like a psychic medium in fucking dragon age. i wanna write a psychic medium and i will kick da in the dick until it just Accepts this.
B) What inspired you to create them?
answered =w=~
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scurvgirl · 8 years ago
2, 4, and 5 for Tonlen?
2. Early Riser or Night Owl?
Early riser, he likes to get a good start on the day and he usually needs time to get all of his medications and exercises done before doing anything.
4. Is your OC a blanket hog?
Yep! He gets cold and likes to cocoon himself. He doesn’t share the blankets very well, so what ends up happening is he goes to bed first, gets all cocooned and then Verike or whoever his partner is (he’ll probably have a different one in Elvhenan if I get around to writing it) goes up with their own blankets.
5. What does your OC wear to bed?
It depends. He likes really soft pajamas most of the time, but in Arlathan it gets hot, so he’ll often sleep shirtless. In Elvhenan, he wears the most ridiculous robes. It’s amazing he gets sleep with how loud his robes are.
Thanks for the ask!
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