#christmas bias
starlightkun · 5 months
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dick appointment type fits
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spittyfishy · 9 months
it's ok if you aren't taking them anymore but if u are...yumenaga for the christmas asks 👉👈
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I’ll never turn down an opportunity to draw the gals!! I love these two lol, Happy Holidays!
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kpop-locks · 1 year
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ the boyz ; phantasy ”♡ᵎ ꒱
part. 5
like/reblog | @exolyxions
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
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Here we are, the final round… I think it’s criminal that The Thomas Thorne Affair isn’t up there instead of Redding Weddy… but nonetheless, (for the final time) may the best episode win!!! :)
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blanc-ci · 2 years
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Festive Redza!?
Don’t mind if I do >:)
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Baby Bread
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Our Baby Bread, Yang JeongIn
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cfiesler · 2 years
Twas the weeks before Christmas And Santa was busy His list was so long It was making him dizzy
There are too many children List checking can’t scale If I do this by hand I will certainly fail!
But one of his elves Had a brilliant idea What if we automate Christmas this year!
There always are kids Who are naughty or nice Every year for millennia You’ve checked that list twice
Every child there’s been From Aaron to Zeta We can build an AI Because we have the data
Now, Santa is old Didn’t quite understand But he trusts his elves So he okayed the plan
First the elves cleaned the data They were very precise To determine the patterns In the naughty and nice
Gender and parents And address and race Grades and faves Really, every trace
Billions of children Made into numbers AI makes predictions While each child slumbers
The goal of the model (Just to be clear) Given these patterns Who’s naughty this year?
They held back a sample So that they could test And the model? Not bad. Ninety percent, at their best
So they brought it to Santa And said, never fear! Machine learning Will save Christmas this year
Santa pulled out his list For his own kind of test Hours later he went From impressed to distressed
We can’t use this, he said You must realize the stakes There also are patterns In errors this makes
Like take little Aaron Do you think it’s fair That in numbers he’s ‘like’ Naughty kids over there?
We’re also assuming Our own perfect past Have we made mistakes? We at least have to ask
Because look at this insight The data supplies us Some elves on these shelves Might have unconscious bias!
And you all made choices Which features to add Are you sure this was fair? And the elves looked quite sad
They had to admit They’d bought into the hype But those errors did matter And Santa was right
For now, Santa said I’ll go back to my list Some things need a human To ensure they’re not missed
I do think tech could help us You didn’t mean to abuse it But with any great power Be careful how you use it
So next Santa hired An AI ethics team We moved too fast, he said We don’t want to break things.
A few years ago someone asked me to explain AI bias to them like they were five, and so I thought of something five-year-olds care about: Santa. It also happens that the idea of using AI to predict who will land on the naughty or nice list also serves as a metaphor for biased recidivism algorithms used in the criminal justice system. (And I’ve also always thought that elf on the shelf is a good way to teach your kids about surveillance…)
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night, where you can dream of real people learning the same lesson that Santa did. :)
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yokoyas · 6 months
i need jeongyeon to release a solo so i don’t have to listen to christmas music
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julili · 2 years
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christmas is the day when true magic happens. don’t miss the chance to find your own miracle <3
merry christmas 💕
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nettra · 17 days
Japanese children, culturally accustomed to waiting for food, were able to hold out for a food reward, but not for a present. American schoolchildren, on the other hand, used to waiting to unwrap gifts under a Christmas tree or at a birthday party, were able to wait for a gift, but not food.
Carolyn Y. Johnson recounting Yuko Munakata’s findings. Munakata is a developmental psychologist at the University of California at Davis and conducted a variation on the Marshmallow Test that showed that children’s ability to wait for a treat wasn’t like a muscle that was strong or weak, but changed markedly depending on the context. (via Studies on children’s cognitive skills reveal biases in research, scientists say - The Washington Post)
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bizarrescribblez · 9 months
OMGGG GUYS . Late post cuz ofc it is but .. look what came in the mail today
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The way all these pics except the last one were taken at my Nana’s cuz i was too impatient to wait to open it 😭
Bonus funny pics cuz im way too excited about my knubbler button
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mental-mona · 9 months
Oh come on! Forget biased journalism, this is straight-up false. The area was called Judea when Jesus was born; the Romans didn't rename it "Palestine" until 200 years later. Palestinians didn't exist then. Period.
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kpop-locks · 1 year
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ the boyz ; phantasy ”♡ᵎ ꒱
part. 6
like/reblog | @exolyxions
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
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justlovinglonliness · 9 months
Merry Christmas, I know this time of year can be hard for some of us, and i just wanted to say you're not alone.
Here's a picture of my sleeping biases to give you warmth.
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mightyflamethrower · 10 months
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rosesradio · 2 years
okay byler friends just curious: if you had to name the infamous Cute Girl from s4ep1, what name do you think fits her?
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