#christian holiday
ducklooney · 9 months
I don't understand people who think Christmas is only for one day. Christmas as Christmas time is celebrated from December 25 to January 6 and you can congratulate those holidays on those days, and there is also New Year and both holidays are celebrated in both weeks. Similar to Easter, it lasts longer than Christmas time, but is generally celebrated over a week. Christmas is not only on December 25, but also celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ and is a Christian holiday, although that day also includes a pagan holiday dedicated to Sol Invictus.
This is just my opinion. If you agree with what I said, feel free to like and reblog this.
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magnetothemagnificent · 10 months
As we enter the Christian holiday season, just your friendly reminder that "non-Christian character discovers the magic of Christmas" is not a trope you should be writing for a holiday themed fic. Cut that shit out.
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gieoki · 4 months
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tumblr gets uncropped version. have my dess interpretation
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gratiae-mirabilia · 11 months
“[insert aspect of Christian holiday] has PAGAN ROOTS 😱”
yeah and St. Paul had killing-Christians-roots lol. we baptized him, we baptized your pagan traditions, we’ll baptize you too
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If Jews have to celebrate Christmas because "everyone does it" and "it's not even religious" or "it's just so commercialized to the point it's for everyone" then you need to celebrate Channukah. You need to sing all the prayers because "It's festive!" You need to light the menorah every night and buy it with your own money. You need to join a Channukah party with all your co-workers and friends because "It's really a holiday about family and getting together" and you need to explain 50 times why you're here if you're Christian. And at the party, we're all going to share the story of Channukah, and when you don't know it, we'll say "oh, but everyone knows it! Everyone celebrates Channukah!" Oh, does that sound a bit weird and frustrating? It's almost like stuff like this has been happening to Jewish people every year and you don't care.
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silverity · 6 months
i'm gonna make my painful contribution to The Discourse and say i do not see the harm in women reclaiming female centric spirituality.
i am not a religious person nor do i want to become one but spirituality is also about culture, community and celebration. i would much rather women celebrate nature, the female form, and "divine femininity" than patriarchal phallocentric religions. that "divine femininity" is used pejoratively has always tickled me considering we live in a world hooked on divine masculinity. the old matricentric religions are really the only form of female culture devoid of male-centric worship we can grasp at, since men have dominated our belief systems for thousands of years. and women learning about the old religions is the best way to unravel the myth of the male creator, and realise it is really women who are the closest thing to a "god" on Earth.
there's also an element here, which i think is deeply capitalist, patriarchal, and a little racist, of people considering the connection to & celebration of nature as somehow primitive. i think that the lifestyles most of us live now, with none of us knowing anything about the land around us is actually very infantile and regressive for humanity as a whole. the ways of life we consider "primitive" (primitive communism, matrilineal societies) are really what we need to find ways to return to post-capitalism. they were in tune to nature, sustainable, and much more communal & equal. how can nature be primitive or ascientific when science *is* in nature, and the practices of these old societies were early scientific discoveries & practices. as a Black person, my community is often trying to reclaim our lost practices. it makes sense to me that women would try to do so too.
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msterpicasso · 4 months
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ask-garymiller · 7 months
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Have a great Day of Love, dear acolytes.
Don't forget to express your adoration to your fellow brothers and sisters. And most importantly, to yourself.
As always, remember: Gary loves you.
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sag-dab-sar · 10 months
Dear pagans, polytheists, and witches:
It is okay to celebrate Christmas.
Its okay to celebrating it as a non-Christian.
But you HAVE to accept and admit that it is a culturally Christian holiday.
In many culturally Christian countries you have to be cognizant of how Christmas is elevated above other religion's holidays.
Stop claiming every aspect of it is something stolen from ancient societies: bringing in trees, decorating with lights, gift giving— or whatever else you attribute to the "paganness" of Christmas with no legitimate sources.
Christmas was not stolen from the ancients and you cannot "reclaim it" by spreading pseudo-historical bullshit.
Just admit you will celebrate a culturally Christian holiday— its okay to admit that and move on.
[Edit: see my reblog of this for some basic sources to begin with]
[Edit 2: More info]
[Edit 3: I wrote a post about why you should accept/admit it as Culturally Christian and now that its Dec 25 I'mma just shut off reblogs for this, if you celebrated Christmas I hope you enjoyed it.]
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anonymousdandelion · 2 years
Occurs to me that Christian cultural hegemony can be pretty well encapsulated by the fact that it is normal for people to say "Happy Chanukah to those who celebrate," and it is normal for many of those same people to say, "Merry Christmas, everyone!"
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meirmakesstuff · 10 months
Stolen from a friend's Facebook:
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Description: Photo of an endcap display at a supermarket, under a large sign that says "Happy HANUKKAH". From the bottom up, the contents of the shelves are as follows: one full shelf of Manischewitz latke mix; one full shelf of Manischewitz matzah ball mix; one shelf with a variety of Manischewitz chicken broths as well as packs of egg noodles; one full shelf of non-Manischewitz boxes of Chanukah candles; a shelf bearing packs of chocolate coins and "grain-free coconut s'mores cookies;" one shelf of chestnuts and honey; an entire shelf of Streit's unsalted matzahs.
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academic-vampire · 6 months
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𝙴𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 †
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hatosaur · 10 months
hey tlou folks
it's that time of year again:
there was like a whole area of the game abt it, don't be fuckin weird.
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bebemoon · 10 months
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holiday outfit: "selkie girl at a new year eve party to find the love of her life before she returns to the sea forever more" | requested by @angelblueprint
ulyana sergeenko embellished bodice corset and draped slit silk skirt ensemble in pale blue-grey, hc a/w 2o21
christian dior by john galliano diamond drape neck piece, hc a/w 1997
prada silver sequin satin heels, c. 199o's
masque milano "white whale" eau de parfum
{beauty} icy lashes and shimmery eyes @ john galliano rtw a/w 2oo9
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 9 months
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Beth Riesgraf and Christian Kane in the Leverage Season 3 gag reel.
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thelcsdaily · 9 months
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A Holiday Greeting
May the joy of the season envelop you and your loved ones with smiles and treasured memories as the holidays progress. I hope you have a joyous and festive Christmas.
Thank you for all your support this past year.
“It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you.”—Saint Teresa of Calcutta.
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