#christian doyle
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haveyouseenthismovie-poll · 8 months ago
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vertigoartgore · 10 months ago
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The Babylon 5 cast flipping the bird (with their looks from Season 4). From the 1997's TV Guide cover story about B5.
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illustratus · 10 months ago
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The Last Chapter by James Doyle Penrose
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nerds-yearbook · 3 months ago
The series finale for babylon 5 aired on November 25, 1998. It had been filmed the previous season when they weren't sure if there was going to be a season 5. When season 5 was green lit, this episode was held back and a new season 4 finale was made. The episode took place 20 years after the events in the regular series and went from December 28, 2280 through January 20, 2281. It dealt with the decommissioning of the Babylon 5 station (creator J Michael Straczynski played the worker turning off the station) and the second death of John Sheridan. Before his body gave out, Sheridan met with friends and visited Babylon 5 before it was set to be destroyed. Mysteriously, Sheridan's body vanished from the starship he had taken his final journey on. ("Sleeping in Light", Babylon 5, TV Event)
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madcat-world · 9 months ago
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The Horror of the Heights (1 of 3) - Christian Bravery
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backinthebottle52 · 2 years ago
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motownfiction · 6 months ago
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Sadie waits outside the new Blockbuster in the cold. She’s been to a Blockbuster before – they all have – but this one feels different. This one is on the streets where they learned to drive, and that just seems more special. A full circle now that they’re all done with college.
She talked it over with Lucy, and they have a plan. As soon as the doors open, they’re going to rush inside and rent the three videos that mean the most to them. Lucy used to have a copy of The Outsiders, but when Elenore was a year old, she knocked it off a high shelf and pulled all the film out. Sadie was babysitting her at the time, and she thought Lucy would be pissed. But she wasn’t. When she and Will came home from Sarah’s birthday dinner, Lucy just laughed. She picked Elenore up and said, “Well, I always knew girls wanted to get inside that movie. Now I’ve got proof.”
Lucy, of course, is late today. Elenore had a doctor’s appointment right before close of business, and of course, the pediatrician was running behind. When Sadie answered the phone at home, and Lucy sounded panicked, Sadie thought for a moment that the doctor’s appointment hadn’t gone well, that there was something wrong with Elenore. Thank goodness there wasn’t. Lucy just felt terrible that she was behind again. She’s been running late to things for almost six years. Six years in April.
Sometimes, Sadie wonders what it would have been like if Lucy didn’t get pregnant in eleventh grade, or if she hadn’t gone through with it. Maybe those are awful things to think about, especially the latter, but it’s hard not to play with alternate timelines. What would have happened? Would Lucy make it to appointments on time? Would she be working on her master’s degree at Wayne State like she is today? Would she and Sadie be single-lady roommates in Detroit? Would they have gone somewhere else?
But it’s no use. She knows the answers to all of those questions. Without Elenore, they would have disintegrated. All of them. Lucy would have moved to Boston four and a half years ago. Will would have married someone nondescript, someone he accepted more than loved. Sam wouldn’t be thinking about opening a little store one day where people like Elenore could come in, discover new music, and change their lives. Sadie wouldn’t be married to Daniel. She might not be working on a master’s degree of her own. She and Lucy probably wouldn’t even be best friends. Just an obligatory Christmas card with polite but intangible promises to get together if they’re ever in the same area.
Better late than on the coast.
Sadie turns her head when she hears huffing and singing in the distance.
“Don’t sleep in the subway, darling! / Don’t stand in the pourin’ raaaaaiiin …” come on, Elenore, you like this song!”
“I don’t like it when I’m running!”
“We have to run! Come on! You try to be smart, then you … take it to heart!”
“Why are we running?”
“Because we have to see Sadie!”
She and Elenore spot each other from across the parking lot. At first, Elenore begins to dart across, but Lucy – faster than she ever remembers – scoops her up and makes her go slow.
“Ah-ah-ah!” Lucy says. “Do we run across parking lots? Ever? At all? Especially when it’s dark?”
“No, Mom.”
“Very good. You’re lucky it’s just me and not Daddy. He would have cried.”
“He always cries.”
“Yes, he does. Now, hold my hand, and we’ll walk to go see Sadie.”
They take the last few steps before approaching. Sadie knows she can’t control the smile on her face as she bends down to give Elenore a hug. Elenore, Elenore, Elenore. The girl who changed it all.
“Hi, Sadie,” Elenore says. “Did you know my dad always cries?”
Sadie laughs.
“Yes, I did.”
“I think it’s funny.”
Lucy squeezes Elenore’s shoulder and looks up at Sadie.
“I really am so sorry we’re late,” Lucy says. “Doctors should be on time.”
“It’s OK,” Sadie says. “I’d rather you take Elenore for her check-up than skip it. Gotta make sure our girl is as perfect as we think she is.”
Elenore beams.
“So, what movies are we getting?” she asks.
“Good question, babe,” Lucy says. “Mommy wants you to see The Red Shoes.”
“Which Sadie thinks is insane,” Sadie adds. “She’s five years old.”
“Almost six,” Lucy and Elenore say at the same time.
“My daughter is very advanced, Sadie. If I shelter her from great art, who does that help? More importantly, who does it hurt?”
“I think you’re talking double.”
“Little bit, yeah, but there’s a point wedged in there.”
Sadie laughs.
“Well, I want you to see The Care Bears Movie,” she says. “I think you’d like it.”
“I like Care Bears,” Elenore says. “Sure.”
“And then, we’re going to rent The Outsiders,” Lucy says. “Like we did before you were born. You might not like that one yet.”
Elenore mulls it over.
“Is that the one I pulled out all the tape?” she asks.
Lucy and Sadie look at each other and try to avoid erupting.
“Yes,” Lucy says delicately. “Yes, it is.”
“Yeah. I might not like that one yet.”
Sadie bites her lip to keep from more laughter. Yes, she can imagine a world where Lucy didn’t get pregnant in high school, and even a world where Lucy and Will had a baby a few years later. But that baby wouldn’t have been Elenore. Beautiful, brilliant, perfect little Elenore. They wouldn’t be standing out here, waiting for the Blockbuster doors to open, friends after all this time. Without Elenore, Lucy would be a memory. A stranger.
As the doors open, and the patrons filter inside, Lucy gives Sadie a strange look.
“Yeah?” Sadie asks.
“Nothing, I think,” Lucy says. “You just look … like you’re worried about something.”
Sadie shakes her head.
“Nope! I don’t see anything to worry about here.”
Lucy nods, but that strange look is still behind her eyes. Somehow, Sadie knows she’s thinking the same thing.
I’m so glad you’re really here.
I’m so glad you’re not a memory.
part of the september prompts on my new co-run blog, @analognostalgia -- day 2, "blockbuster"
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year ago
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Tales from the Darkside: The Movie will be released on 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray on November 7 via Scream Factory. The 1990 horror anthology is based on the TV series of the same name.
John Harrison (Dune) directs from a script by George A. Romero (Night of the Living Dead) and Michael McDowell (Beetlejuice), including adaptations of Stephen King and Arthur Conan Doyle. Debbie Harry, Christian Slater, David Johansen, William Hickey, James Remar, Rae Dawn Chong, and Matthew Lawrence star.
Special features are in progress and will be announced at a later date.
To keep from being eaten by a modern-day witch (Deborah Harry), a young paperboy weaves three twisted stories to distract her. In “Lot 249,” a vengeful college student (Steve Buscemi) resuscitates an evil mummy to teach unsuspecting student bodies (Julianne Moore, Christian Slater) a lesson in terror. Then, “Cat From Hell” is a furry black feline who cannot be killed… he may have nine lives, but those who cross his path are not so lucky. Finally, in “Lover’s Vow,” a stone gargoyle comes to life to commit murder.
Pre-order Tales from the Darkside: The Movie.
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that-glitter-chick · 2 years ago
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duranduratulsa · 1 year ago
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Horror Show...Tales From The Darkside: The Movie (1990) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #horror #TalesFromTheDarkside #TalesFromTheDarksideTheMovie #georgeromero #arthurconandoyle #stephenking #ripgeorgeromero #deborahharry #christianslater #JulianneMoore #stevebuscemi #williamhickey #ripwilliamhickey #MatthewLawrence #RaeDawnChong #jamesremar #RobertKlein #MichaelMassee #davidjohansen #MarkMargolis #RIPMarkMargolis #alicedrummond #ralphmarrero #vintage #vhs #90s #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsashorrorshow
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wingedballoonpeace · 10 months ago
What will it be like if Digimon Adventure 02 had a "Neverland" arc?
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If that was the case, we see a crossover with Digimon and Peter Pan. Plus, if Digimon paid tribute to classic literature, poetry, and drama, the arc would've featured original texts and dialogues from these great authors of all time.
William Shakespeare
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Hans Christian Andersen
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The Brothers Grimm
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Rudyard Kipling
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Victor Hugo
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Jules Verne
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Arthur Conan Doyle
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Edgar Allen Poe
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Robert Louis Stevenson
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Charles Dickens
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H.G. Wells
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A.A. Milne
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L. Frank Baum
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Lewis Carroll
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J.M. Barrie
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Imagine the astonishing adventures the DigiDestined and their friends will have if they encounter Peter Pan and travelled to Never Never Land. I figure it would've been amazing to introduce kids to the world of literature through the stories and characters created by these brilliant writers.
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yumyumpod · 1 year ago
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Our latest episode is out now and it's an emotional one. Listen Here
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ljones41 · 2 years ago
Top Five Favorite Episodes of "BABYLON 5" (Season Three: "Point of No Return")
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Below is a list of my top five (5) favorite episodes from Season Three (1995-1996) of "BABYLON 5". Created by J. Michael Straczynski, the series starred Bruce Boxleitner, Claudia Christian, Jerry Doyle and Mira Furlan:
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1. (3.10) "Severed Dreams" - In this outstanding episode, President Clark of Earth Alliance tries to seize control of Babylon 5 by force, forcing station commander Captain John J. Sheridan and the command crew to take arms against their own government and initiating the Earth Civil War. The episode won the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation in 1997.
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2. (3.15) "Interludes and Examinations" - Captain Sheridan struggles to gather a force against the Shadows, when the Shadow War begins in earnest. Ambassador Londo Mollari looks forward to a reunion with a past lover, and Dr. Franklin falls further into his stims addiction.
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3. (3.09) "Point of No Return" - When President Clark declares martial law throughout Earth Alliance, the command crew tries to stop Nightwatch from taking control of the station. Meanwhile, Ambassador Londo Mollari receives a prophecy from Emperor Turhan's widow when she visits the station.
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4. (3.16-3.17) "War Without End" - This is a two-part episode in which the station's former commander, Jeffrey Sinclair, returns to participate in a mission vital to the future survival of Babylon 5 - traveling back in time to steal Babylon 4 and send it to the past.
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5. (3.05) "Voices of Authority" - Commander Susan Ivanova and Ranger Marcus Cole search for more of the First Ones with the help of Draal, while Sheridan comes under the scrutiny of the Nightwatch and Babylon 5's new "political officer".
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taviokapudding · 2 years ago
I saw this post a couple weeks ago & I thought about it
True center is Sherlock Holmes and James Moriarty
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i spent months on this diagram can someone please tell me if this makes sense
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backinthebottle52 · 2 years ago
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motownfiction · 1 year ago
what you really believe
After hanging up a long phone call with Sadie, Lucy feels remarkably like a child. At least she knows she feels immature. Nothing would be worse than going around thinking she’s right to feel this way – all tied up and jealous like a kid on the playground. But that’s where the conversation puts her. Right back on the playground. At least back then, she and Sadie lived in the same place. At least back then, they could always choose each other, and it didn’t even take a lot of work.
It’s probably a good thing Steph Armstrong is hanging around Sadie and Daniel again. Things can’t have been easy for Steph since Sam died. They were supposed to be together. Everybody knew that, especially the two of them, but Sam was afraid of his own feelings. Lucy could have related to that in a world where Will wasn’t so … Will. The man is an emotion with legs. Of course Steph should hang around Sadie and Daniel and the kids. She needs something.
When they were kids, Lucy related more to Steph than she ever would have admitted. Not that they seemed very much alike on the outside, even past their very different hair colors. Steph didn’t care much about getting straight A’s, and Lucy couldn’t draw anything to save her life, even as an adult. But they both grew up without siblings, and now, seeing how much Elenore and Emma love each other, Lucy wonders how much she must have missed. And it must have been harder on Steph. She didn’t have the same friends to come home to.
Lucy wonders how much of that was her fault.
It makes perfect sense that Sadie would want to hang out with Steph now. Sadie has the biggest heart of anyone in the world. It’s shocking it took her this long to welcome her back into the home, into their world. Steph never did anything to be cast out, except move away for college in 1985. But no one was angry with her for that. Even Sam wasn’t really angry with her for that.
It makes perfect sense that things are carving themselves out anew.
But when Lucy thinks about it … weekends where Steph hangs out with Sadie and Daniel and the kids, random dinners on Wednesday nights, trips to the movies, to the street fair Lucy and Sadie used to love every single August … when she thinks about Sadie allowing Steph to take her place, she could just die.
She brings it up to Will while they cook dinner that night. Will doesn’t look concerned. He just strains the spaghetti into the sink and coolly asks, “Is that what you really believe?”
Lucy looks at the pictures on her refrigerator. They span decades. But one she’s never lost is a picture of her and Sadie on their trip to the zoo at the end of tenth grade, shortly before the whole world changed, shortly before there was an Elenore in everyone’s minds, shortly before today began to take shape. They’re smiling – really smiling, like the camera was no object. Lucy doesn’t even remember who took the picture. It just seems like it was always supposed to be.
She does not answer Will’s question.
It doesn’t require a response.
(part of @nosebleedclub january challenge -- day 27!)
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