yoyotomago · 3 years
Yoyo: I'M AT THE BUFFET AND THEY'RE ALL OUT OF COCKTAIL SHRIMP?! ALREADY?! They barely opened an hour ago!
Yoyo: What am I supposed to do, camp out at their door overnight if I want to have some scrumptious seafood?!
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coltonslim · 4 years
Colton: Howdy! You awake this time of night, Chlo? I'm reckless and not sleepy at all and I tried counting sheep and I just ended up naming them instead! Wanna help?
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brangwenboogie · 3 years
Bran: So I decided to try watching a new musical just for fun and I think I might've found the creepiest thing I've ever watched???
Bran: Have you ever seen Repo! The Genetic Opera?
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dawsondaviss · 3 years
text 💬 chloson
Dawson: This is a mass text to all my friends. Whoever gets this first, please find me and confiscate my phone immediately. I am far too high to have it. Even if you have to punch me in my face to get it. Otherwise, let the “High While Analyzing Disney Movies” texts begin.
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chuckybarrel · 3 years
who do you think would make a good match with your friends?
This is a toughie because most of my friends are taken or basically taken already! And for the most part, they’ve all made some pretty solid choices for themselves... but I guess it doesn’t hurt to recommend alternatives, or as they’re known in show biz, understudies! I’ll give them each three because I’m a good person like that.
@casperlockex and @racheladale are actually pretty cute BUT if that wasn’t going to happen for whatever reason, I could see him with someone like @hookedoncj, maybe! She’s a lot of fun and would have no trouble keeping up with his stuff, plus Casper would make kind of a hot pirate. Also, maybe @camisantorini? Whoever ends up with Casper needs lots of energy and lots of drive to have a freaking great time, and she’s good at that, I think. @margaritaflores is also pretty awesome and up for having fun and that’d be interesting. 
@jason-shocke has someone, I think, but if that doesn’t work out? I know she’s with someone but I like the idea of him and @louiselefou a lot. She’s a lover of the spooky and gooey and weird and I think they’d have a lot of fun being spooky together. @hamadatoto would also be a super dope option! She loves fireworks and having a great time and I think she’s got a great energy that would vibe great with Jason! @scooterpendragon is also a really cool person, really fun, and I can just picture him and Jason hitting it off under the right circumstances! 
@emery-gothel has a thing at the moment but if I had to pick someone else for her, I’d pick myself. I think I’d be a pretty great boyfriend and we’re already so close already, I can’t think of a single reason why I wouldn’t rock her world. @carterlabouff and @soldealva are also really nice guys and would at least treat her right even if they’d be boring and not as good at me, like, at all.
@codymilne and @dawsondaviss are so rock solid that I feel like if I even name anyone else, she’ll kill me but make it look like it was an accident on stage and get away with it scott free so I won’t say anyone but I think @brodylightfoot would be a cute boyfriend to come support all our shows and maybe he’d even play in the band.
@chloeandcrson deserves an epic showmance and @leanderambrosius is nothing if not dramatic... but nope, he’s not good enough for her either so maybe she can date @squirmysmee? Tech guys are important too and it’d be cute, she’d be like the spotlight of his life. If not him, I could see her with @zacbocuse. He’s a really good looking dude, leading man material really, and I could see her dragging him into the drama club and that making him a smilier man. Or she could be with @brodylightfoot who is clearly musical, adorable, and nice!
@rocketstrongbow is the only one of my friends as single as a Pringle but I think she should date @jonquilkoenig. She’d be a killer princess, they have journalism in common, and I just think it’d work out great. I also think @radteddy would be great for her, or @axel-ramirez. They’re both really kind, really good looking guys, and I think they’d both work well with her personality, so I dig it!
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honesty hour!
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ekatarinaromanov · 3 years
Top ten hottest people in Auradon and Why?
UMMMMM okay so at the top of my list, I’m going to have to put
Me, because I’m a self-confidence queen.
And then @chloeandcrson because duh, she’s the bestie, and also she looks amazing literally all the time always. Whether it’s pjs for a sleepover, a pretty dress for a dance, or whatever wacky costumes she has to wear on stage, she’s the most beautiful girl ever.
I’ve made it embarrassingly clear that I think @berniewijanto is the finest guy in our grade so this is the last time I’m saying it because I don’t want him to think I’m a creepy stalker. If he even notices, anyway.
And I can’t mention Bernie without mentioning @bianca-ellis, who is so scary gorgeous that sometimes she makes my eyes hurt looking at her.
@dawsondaviss is probably the other hottest guy in our grade. I think he just looks like the pinnacle of masculinity at its finest.
And his girlfriend @codymilne is probably the only non-me and non-Chloe girl in the world beautiful enough to actually outshine Dawson sometimes.
@arabellad-arcy is beautiful on the inside and on the out. She’s so dang nice that sometimes I forget that she looks like an actual goddess until I see her in person again and then I freak out a little.
@gastonthejr and @gastonthethird can share this spot since they look the same, whoops. But can you blame me? They’re so manly.
I think we can all agree that @celia-facilier is so incredibly pretty. 
And finally, probably @coltonslim? He has big arms and he’s nice.
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honesty hour!
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hamadatoto · 4 years
how dateable the other freshmen are
Have you seen our freshmen class? We’re 1000/10 dateable to begin with but going by my type, like if I would date them personally rather than just kissing then: 
@ekatarinaromanov: Always! STEM girls are my kinda girls for sure! Plus she’s gorgeous so why wouldn’t I?
I haven’t really talked much to @arabellad-arcy @laceyjean , @louiselefou , or @lyssalumos so I can’t say if I would or not yet. Sorry!
@angelinatremaine is literally an angel. Stop, I would only be so lucky!
@viper-bubbles is cool peoples and I think she’s chill but I don’t know if we click date wise!
@brodylightfoot is adorable and again cool peoples plus he’s cool in Bernie’s book which is another plus so yes!
@squeaky-smee and @squirmysmee just aren’t loud enough for me but still good people!
@jason-shocke can roll with the best when it comes to my brand of chaos so for sure!
@celia-facilier see jason shocke.
@bianca-ellis again too quiet for me but still beautiful peoples!
@berniewijanto is my partner in crime and he’s handsome as hell! Of course I would date him!
@mylesmedusa is talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, wonderful, handsome...need I go on? I love this man! 10000000/10 would kiss and date again.
@scooterpendragon skates like nobody’s business and he’s a totally cutie, so yes!
@chloeandcrson fulfills my need to look at pretty gingers with freckles plus she’s sweet! Yes!
@codymilne and @dawsondaviss are a packaged pair and as such the answer is no.
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auradonstate-events · 4 years
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Auction Results: Baskets 21-30
Basket Number 21, submitted by @eveningstardubois, was won by @fredcilier.
Basket Number 22, submitted by @oaklynnoaken​, was won by @beauodie.
Basket Number 23, submitted by @chloeandcrson​, was won by @hookedoncj.
Basket Number 24, submitted by @racheladale​, was won by @emery-gothel.
Basket Number 25, submitted by @zacbocuse​, was won by @diamcndskylucy​.
Basket Number 26, submitted by @addisonpendragon​, was won by @kendallandersen​.
Basket Number 27, submitted by @aspenfrederickson​, was won by @kyohamada.
Basket Number 28, submitted by @margaritaflores​, was won by @soldealva.
Basket Number 29, submitted by @gunnarwestergaard, was won by @uma-delmar.
Basket Number 30, submitted by @reese-dubois, was won by @liamdvbois.
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squeaky-smee · 4 years
For Valentine's Day, I've decided to matchmake everyone in Auradon. I think you'd be really well-suited for: Chloe Anderson. You're welcome.
I like @chloeandcrson​ as a person. She’s very fun and outgoing. Although if I had to pick a valentine’s day match for myself, it wouldn’t be her. I thank you though, for the suggestion. I kind of have another girl I can’t really stop thinking about, I might’ve scared her off though so that probably won’t happen.
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yoyotomago · 3 years
Yoyo: Guess who hasn't been able to stop listening to the songs from In the Heights since we left the theater? This guy! Blackout especially has been stuck in my head 😂 If all of your movie selections are that good, you might have to be my go-to movie recommender!
Yoyo: What've you been up to lately, pretty girl? 😄
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coltonslim · 3 years
Top five hottest people in auradon and why?
There are too many pretty people in Auradon, darn tooting! But if we’re going with ‘hottest’ and not just cutest or prettiest? I reckon I’d throw out names like @hokukawena, @laceyjean, @chloeandcrson, @claudine--frollo, and @angelinatremaine, just off the top of my head.
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honesty hour!
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dawsondaviss · 4 years
I don't really have a question, just stopped in to say Jessie > Bo Peep.
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ekatarinaromanov · 3 years
How many dates have you been on in your life? Which one was the most embarrassing and why?
I’ve only been on maybe three real dates, and that’s counting the disaster that was my Valentine’s Picnic with @zevonchanca -- which if you guessed it was my most embarrassing date, you’d be correct! There’s nothing more embarrassing than getting a beautiful basket ready for a super cute fun date only to have a jerk-hole of a pirate bet on it and ruin your evening. The only good part of that date was getting to share it with @chloeandcrson! It’s like we were the ones on the date, really, and my “date” and Chloe’s were. 
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yoyotomago · 3 years
Top Five hottest girls in auradon and why
I could definitely whip up a program that could determine the five most objectively “attractive” girls in Auradon by our current beauty standards but I get the feeling you want my personal opinion. And if you don’t, I’m offering it anyway, sorry not sorry. In no particular order because I do not feel like it’s very feminist of me to rank girls, here are five of the most good to look at girls that I know.
Not to sound like a creep about it, but @chloeandcrson is probably the prettiest person I’ve seen in real life. I can’t think of a single physical flaw that she has, and she’s also crazy nice and talented and witty and cool, and when she watches a musical, her eyes get all starry-eyed and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything hotter than that.
@lennoxcalhoun, because if I don’t say her, she’ll kill me. I refuse to call her “hot” until she admits that I’m hot too, but I will say that looking at her, I can tell why she has so much confidence. I think anyone that looks like her has a right to be the most confident person in existence. 
@gensid is super smart and interesting and has a brain that works in ways I’ve never seen a brain work before -- add that to the fact that on the outside, she’s pretty as heck, and yeah, it’s not a hard one to figure out.
@darling-paige is daring and fun and passionate and understanding, and all of that just makes her even finer. I also like that she knows how hot she is and doesn’t need me to say it, but I will.
It feels almost weird to say this about @hamadatoto because she’s like, almost my sister, but she’s not and I’m proud of the fact that my childhood bestie is good-looking. I like to think she and I had a glo-up around the same time and I think that makes us even cooler, if that was even possible.
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ekatarinaromanov · 3 years
Do you think Chloe has a better chance of getting married than you do?
I don’t see any reason @chloeandcrson and I don’t have an equal chance of getting married someday! I mean, like, yes, did she just go on a date? Sure, but it’s not like she’s engaged or anything sups crazy like that! She wouldn’t do that without telling her bestie, after all. And Chloe is every single kind of amazing ever, so I know for a fact that someone’s going to fall so in love with her and marry her someday, but I’m great too! Even if people don’t seem to notice me as much sometimes.
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ekatarinaromanov · 4 years
How do you feel about your basket auction date?
Okay, so, it really wasn’t what I expected. Like, at all. @zevonchanca must be handsome to some people but honestly, he’s kind of a jerk, and I feel like his jerk-ish-ness rubbed off on me because the only good part of the date was that my bestie @chloeandcrson was bought by his insane captain @hookedoncj and they were torturing us together. I guess misery loves company? And now me and my bestie know we can make it through anything but we deserved a way better time! We deserved people who actually wanted to date us instead of each other, for one thing.
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Ask my character “How do you feel about ______?”
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