mtvied · 6 months
Hi can you please make a guide on Blair Waldorf please
blair waldorf: a guide
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romanticize studying and prioritize intelligence; blair is literally the definition of hot and educated.
confidence and self-stability is key; realize you are the only you there will ever be!
realize you cannot control other people, you can only control you.
“you can’t make people love you, but you can make them fear you.”
don’t be afraid to be determined, passionate, and GO HARD for what you want and don’t give it up for anyone.
“if you really want something, you don’t stop for anyone or anything until you get it.”
set standards for all relationships. you deserve to be surrounded by your kind of people and have what you want.
“the most important thing in a relationship is trust. after sex. and hygiene. and earning potentials.”
don’t be afraid to be a little selfish sometimes. if your goals require you to keep to yourself, study all the time, move, whatever it may be, do it and realize there will always be people that try to keep you where you are and stop your growth, but keep your eyes on the prize and don’t let it happen!
“whoever said that money doesn’t buy happiness didn’t know where to shop.”
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old money style!
headbands that match the accents in your outfit
heels, low or high. your choice!
collared tops, especially in fall and winter
black or white tights
plaid! like long plaid coats and plaid skirts
button-up tops
classy floral prints in summer and spring
bows! both in your hair and around your collar
hair is usually in loose curls
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things to do to feel like blair
shop! especially for accessories like bags and shoes
watch an audrey hepburn movie
have a spa day! eat some chocolate and take a bubble bath
take time to make yourself feel pretty and put together
read a magazine
read classic literature
drink tea from your prettiest mug
have a sleepover!
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mtvied · 10 months
Setangkai Bunga dan Sepucuk Rindu
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Tanggal dua puluh satu, hari ini.
Terlewat satu hari untuk merayakan bersatunya afeksi dalam diri. Tapi sungguh, jikalau tak terlewat pun, rasanya aku masih ingin berlari dan menghamburkan diri dalam peluk serta rayuanmu. Sengaja terlambat ’tuk kumpulkan beberapa hal yang mengingatkanmu pada eksistensi dirimu. Mungkin satu, dua ataupun seribu.
Kata orang, setangkai bunga merupakan pembawa pesan yang handal. Entah itu pesan duka maupun sepotong cinta, atau mungkin cerita-cerita perihal manusia yang lebih kompleks; yang disajikan dalam setangkai bunga yang sederhana. Berbalut tulusnya angin dalam rengkuhan sang mentari, sang bunga dipetik ’tuk tunaikan tugas perdananya. Kamu bisa lihat bahwa ia sedang menggoyangkan badannya perlahan, seolah sedang menari dan merayakaan liberasi.
Satu tangkai yang kamu pilih kala itu, berhasil sampaikan pesannya padaku. Sebuah pesan yang mungkin orang lain tak akan mengerti jika didengar oleh orang yang salah.
Sebuah pesan tentang setangkai bunga dan sepucuk rindu.
Menyatu, mengalir bersama doa-doa serta harap yang tak hentinya aku rapalkan dan berharap untuk kamu aminkan. Perihal doa-doa rahasia yang hanya dapat didengar oleh langit yang kesepian malam ini.
Dalam tiap kelopak yang ada di bunga ini, sepucuk rindu milikmu bersambut dengan sebuah harap sederhana,
... bahwa kamu dan aku tak hanya bertahan seminggu.
Sebuah harap ’tuk rayakan puluhan bulan serta tahun bersamamu. Sekali lagi, selamat merayakan hari jadi yang pertama bersamaku, sayang. Semoga, sepucuk rindu yang kamu kirimkan segera bertumbuh besar hingga mengalahkan alam semesta.
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mtvied · 11 months
Perihal Gerimis dan Rindu yang Mengiris.
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Tersihir aku oleh mantra-mantra sederhana yang dibawa oleh rintik gerimis nan syahdu. Kala netra tak luput ’tuk memandang tiap tetesannya dari balik jendela hunian yang kutinggali, aku yakin pasti ada kamu yang senantiasa menunggu ’tuk bertemu kembali. Kubilang apa, semua hal pasti akan terjadi. Begitupun kamu dan aku yang senantiasa menanti, bak tandusnya tanah yang kerontang kala menunggu sang hujan datang.
Tumpahkan saja seluruh tangis pilu dan haru biru, biar gemericik air yang tutupi semua itu. Siapa yang dapat mengadu jika sang mahadahsyat sedang tertawa menggelegar tanpa ragu? Teriakkan saja semua rindu dan keinginan ’tuk bertemu. Siapa tahu angin yang menderu dapat membawa jawaban baik untukku?
Perihal gerimis dan tentang semua rindu yang mengiris, aku rasa rindu sedang berdansa dengan romansa di dalam pikiran kita berdua, bicara semua bait-bait cinta dengan sentuhan yang sederhana.
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mtvied · 11 months
... 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘵.
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I set my eyes on the edge over the horizon, still processing what happened today and the thousands of opportunities that might happen by tomorrow. Remembering every stupid detail that now keep flowing, filled my head, and squeezed my brain until I don't know what was real and what was not.
I let my eyes wander around as they starring at people aimlessly, from the top of their heads then go downwards as if they're some frivolous and strange variants they never met before. After all, they're all still the same human that we met everyday, aren't they?
A cup of coffee—or if I would mention it correctly according to the given menu, caramel latte, that now sit in front of me already turned cold. My fingers slowly turned red as I let my both hands being exposed directly to the chilly weather in the end of August on this southern hemisphere. For those whom I loved the most, I let the quill waltzing over those papers again and again without hesitation. Penning letter after letters until it turned into a long paragraph to express my deepest thoughts. Similar with my stupid decision that I took as per today which produce regrets and tons of 'what ifs' that lingers in my head.
The feeling of disappointment and dissatisfaction is still chasing one and another in this competition, wishing they could be a winner in the who-could-put-heavier-weight-over-my-shoulders championship. Suddenly, I regret it all. Almost all of the decisions that I made before today. All of those achievements that I got suddenly become nothing. Nothing.
People might says that we may live in life that people always dreamed about. So now let me ask you a question, who wants to live in the life of a failure? A rhetorical question that I presume, everyone will simply already know the answer.
The feeling of familiar emptiness possesses me after I embrace myself to take a little peek on the screen. Another rejection after rejection. Another hard pill to swallow. Another reality to live within. Another hell I should walk in. Another nightmare as the answer to my sincere prayer.
For those who close their eyes after the sunset, I penned this heartfelt message just to let you know that the envious starts to consume my soul. Make it as their 5 stars Michelin dinner that served with a sparkly glass filled with my tears. I don't even know who will be the champion. All I know is now I'm starring into the oblivion.
— L, Everleigh.
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