kendallandersen · 4 years
Even though he and Hadley weren't part of the picnic basket auction, Kendall was still having a great time with their friends. Or, at least, he had been until Hadie decided to bid on a basket that was obviously Margo's. Even though he insisted that he didn't want the date, he just wanted to stop the other guy bidding on Margo who was allegedly a 'jerk' from winning, the damage had been done and Kendall felt a deep pang of sympathy for Addy as she and Hadie started fighting. Whatever carefully crafted and fun afternoon she had planned for them was certainly going to be soured by this whole thing... or it wouldn’t happen at all, he found out, as Addison came to him and Hadley to give them a good chunk of money along with a plea to do what it took to make sure that Hadie didn’t win her basket. 
Normally Kendall would jump at the opportunity to encourage communication between the couple while they were at odds, but Addy’s basket was coming up and she obviously still needed space, so the best thing Kendall could do as a friend was help. He was grateful that Hadley understood the importance of friendship and that she cared about making sure their friends were okay; it made him feel less guilty about bidding on Addy, and using his own money to start the bidding at that. She was in a hard enough spot with the way Hadie had been behaving, she didn’t need to lose money today on top of that, and aside from that, her basket was incredible and had more than earned it. 
It was a tense back and forth but especially with Addison’s money, it was no time at all before Hadie was out of the running and the auctioneer was announcing, “Sold! Addison Pendragon’s basket goes to Kendall Andersen!”
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oaklynnoaken · 4 years
When Oaklynn had made her basket for this year’s auction, she hadn’t known quite what to expect from the night, but she certainly hadn’t been prepared for multiple bidders on her basket. She’d been even less ready for the person who won to be Beau, one of her very favorite people in Auradon to talk to. As soon as the results were final, Oaklynn swung her basket over her arm and skipped off to find her date, all smiles as she approached him. “I thought you were buying me a toaster, not just buying me,” she laughed as she gave him a quick one armed hug, the thought that he might not be as excited about the result as she was never even crossing her mind. “Should we head off to find a spot before all the best ones are taken?”
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auradonstatehq · 4 years
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Hi everyone!
With Valentine’s Day coming up, we wanted to take this opportunity to host a different sort of RP event for you guys! If you’ve ever seen the Gilmore Girls episode A Tisket, A Tasket or the Hart of Dixie episode Sparks Fly, you’ll be familiar with the concept of a charity picnic auction, and this year, Auradon’s going to be hosting it’s very own.
The event (asuevent015) will officially take place in character on Saturday, February 13th, and characters will prepare anonymous picnic baskets to be sold off to the highest bidder! The prize isn’t just the contents of the basket, though -- whoever’s basket your character wins, they’ll get a chance to spend the day with that person, as well. This will be a fun chance to create new connections, or stir up drama between old ones. 
However, there’s a lot of preparation for such an event, so we’ll have a few deadlines leading up to the event for you to follow OOC.
February 5, 2020: This will be the last day to submit baskets made by your characters. Please submit them to our new events blog with either a brief summary of what your muse would have in their picnic basket, or with pictures of what’s in it if you prefer. These will be posted on February 6th for everyone to bid on at random.
Note: If you have a pre-planned plot, please make sure you submit that by February 5th, as well. For instance, if Mun A and Mun B have decided ahead of time that Clay Clayton will be buying Maddy Mim’s basket, when Mad Maddy’s basket is submitted, please make a note that this basket is already sold to Clay. We will keep who bought the basket a secret until all winners are announced at a later date.
February 10, 2020: All bids must be submitted. 
For instance, if Mun C decides that Derek Deppert likes the look of what’s in Basket 3, he’ll send a message to our new events blog that says ‘Derek bids on Basket 3.’ 
If there are no other bidders on this basket, then Derek will automatically win! However, if two or more people bid on the same basket, a randomizer will be used to determine who the winner is.
February 12, 2020: Basket winners will be posted on our new events blog ahead of the event on the 13th!
If you guys have any questions about the event, please let us know and we will be happy to clarify! Otherwise, we can’t wait to start seeing basket submissions come in to auradonstate-events very soon!
-Admins Fowler & Elle
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karmeninka · 4 years
Karmen’s betrothed had been so good at planning dates this year that when it came time for her to plan a date for them for the picnic basket auction, she of course had to go all out with a feast of her favorite foods, books to read to DJ as they sat on a nice blanket, and a beautiful tandem bike as the piece de resistance. The lovely basket she’d made wasn’t the most exciting part of the day, nor was the planning and execution of her outfit and makeup that she felt particularly attractive in; it was the fact that when it came time for the bidding, DJ’s first bid on her basket actually gave her some butterflies, which was a very good sign for the progress they’d been making.
Then another bid came, almost comically high, and her basket was officially sold to someone else. And not just anyone else, but to Mister Carter La Bouff, the pen pal she’d been trying not to have feelings for so long now. She hated that her heart could simultaneously be disappointed not to get to spend the day with the fiancé she was genuinely feeling things for while also beating a mile a minute at the very idea of Carter. Adding to her confusion, DJ chose then to text and apologize for not bringing the admittedly inordinate amount of money that the La Bouffs brought to such events and to assure her that she should go and have a good time, that he’d buy another basket for charity and the two of them would still get their special Valentine’s Day tomorrow. DJ really was something special.
And he was right too, someone else had outbid him fair and square, and charity was what this event was about, and they would have their date tomorrow, and it was armed with all of those excuses that Karmen found her way to Carter, trying to calm herself enough to greet him. “Hello, Mister Carter! Fancy meeting you here. It’s really very nice to see you.” And it was. Despite being confusing, it was undeniably nice too.
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zacbocuse · 4 years
Zac didn’t exactly ooze Auradon spirit, but one thing he never complained about participating in was the basket auction. Everyone knew he could fish and lobster and all amount of other gathering, but it wasn’t often he got a chance to actually cook. He was Chef Louis’s son, though, and he had plenty to offer on the basket fillings front, so he continued entering, year after year. And most years, one thing was constant: whenever he didn’t have a girlfriend, he was usually hoping the person who would buy him for the afternoon would be @diamcndskylucy​.
This year, he’d finally gotten his wish. Sure, he’d sort of picked things he knew were her favorite to put into the basket, but no one needed to know it was intentional Lucy bait, least of all her. In fact, as he strode up to her wearing a shit-eating grin, the words coming out of his mouth were the exact opposite of admitting that he’d wanted to take her on this ‘date’ more than anything. “Wow, you’re kinda obsessed with me, huh Triton?” he asked, raising his basket up and wiggling it in her face. “What did you do, go read the list and find my number to make sure you got me all to yourself?”
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kiarataji · 4 years
Kiara always made a habit of participating in Auradon’s basket auction, whether as a bidder or a basket maker. And while her father might advise against buying or selling her time to a stranger in this way, Kiara thought it was a great cause -- the fact that her overprotective dad didn’t approve of her involvement was just a perk. This year, though, it was about more than just doing the charitable thing. This year, Kiara could actually use a distraction.
It had been weeks since she and @vitani-okoro​ had returned to real life after playing pretend at being a couple to rile up her dad, and yet, the farther away they got from it, the more Kiara seemed to think about it. That was stupid, though; Vitani was her friend, it wasn’t like they were dating for real. Neither one of them had ever really done any relationship that was super serious, and as far as she could tell, V wasn’t looking to start now. She probably wasn’t even thinking about it anymore, how nice it had been being fake girlfriends, so Kiara hoped that whoever bought he today was hot enough to make sure she stopped dwelling on it too.
She watched eagerly as people bid on her basket, one of the first ones to go up for sale -- and then, her stomach did a flip when she heard the winner announced. Vitani. Okay, so maybe this wouldn’t help accomplish the distraction thing, but Kiara didn’t have it in her to be disappointed about spending a semi-romantic day with her friend. “Wow, couldn’t get enough of me at Christmas, huh?” she teased as she walked over to the other girl, bumping her hip against hers playfully. “You coulda just hung out with me whenever you wanted, you didn’t have to pay all that money to get all of this.”
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aspenfrederickson · 4 years
Aspen hadn’t been on a date since her breakup with Beau, and auctioning herself off via picnic basket had seemed like a good way to put herself back out there. She couldn’t dwell on what a terrible girlfriend she had been forever, and she certainly couldn’t pine after childhood friends who didn’t see her that way until she died, either, so she was excited to spoil someone new for a day and see where things could go.
Only... when she heard who had won her basket, it wasn’t someone new at all. It was @kyohamada, and Aspen wished her twin was there to keep her from hyperventilating. Sure, she hung out with him often enough, sometimes even alone... but Aspen had been dreaming about going on a date with him since she’d been a little girl, for so long that she didn’t even remember a time when that wasn’t something she’d wanted. Still screaming internally, and with legs that felt like Jell-O, Aspen willed herself to move towards him, using the few seconds walk to try and think of something charming and grown-up to say.
Instead, she found herself tripping over her feet, just barely catching herself before she toppled into Kyo completely. “Oops? Hi,” Aspen said sheepishly, glad she hadn’t dropped the basket and ruined this before it even started. “Good news, I didn’t injure myself! But even if I did, at least there’s a first aid kit,” she reminded him, holding his basket prize out towards him with a warm smile. 
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auradonstatehq · 4 years
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And that’s a wrap on basket submissions!
It’s officially February 6th in the eastern time zone, and you know what that means - auction bidding can now begin! From today through Monday, February 8th, we are accepting bids for your first choice baskets! Please send your muse’s name and the name of the one basket they’d like to purchase most to @auradonstate-events as soon as possible.
We will post a list of how many bids each basket has on the morning of February 9th, and at that point we will give you guys instructions for sending up backup choices! Until then, if you have any questions, please let us know, and happy bidding!
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auradonstatehq · 4 years
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Hey everyone! Just a quick reminder that you only have 2 more days to submit your picnic baskets for the February 13th date auction to the @auradonstate-events blog if you plan to participate in asuevent015. After February 5th, your muses will no longer be able to officially enter. 
Starting on February 6th, we will move to the bidding phase of the event! More information will be posted about the bidding process at that time. 
Please let us know if you have any questions, and we look forward to seeing any last minute submissions you guys have for us. 
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auradonstate-events · 4 years
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Basket Number 1
A colorful basket filled with savory treats.
Basket Number 1 is already sold !!
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auradonstatehq · 4 years
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Hi everyone!
It’s officially February 13th, which means our basket auction is officially upon us! Although the event probably takes place around mid-day in Auradon, from this point forward you can have your characters acknowledge all basket-related things on the dash in character!
This means your muses now know who made baskets, what’s inside of baskets, who bought baskets... and most importantly, it means you’re free to start posting auction-related threads.
As always, let us know if you have any questions, and have fun finally getting to play out asuevent015!
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auradonstate-events · 4 years
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Auction Results: Baskets 31-40
Basket Number 31, submitted by @irene-nattura, was won by @heath-lemon.
Basket Number 32, submitted by @chad--charming, was won by @gigiphilip.
Basket Number 33, submitted by @sofia-flores, was won by @carlos--devil.
Basket Number 34, submitted by @karalee-weselton, was won by @victoriacaine.
Basket Number 35, submitted by @ripley-triton, was won by an NPC.
Basket Number 36, submitted by @avery-thatch, was won by @bianca-ellis.
Basket Number 37, submitted by @jason-shocke, was won by @kiontaji.
Basket Number 38, submitted by @lefouxdeux, was won by @jeremypotts.
Basket Number 39, submitted by @evie--grimhilde, was won by @darlingvirginias.
Basket Number 40, submitted by @heiress-magissa, was won by an NPC.
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auradonstate-events · 4 years
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Auction Results: Baskets 11-20
Basket Number 11, submitted by @harperofsherwood, was won by @hannaharendelle.
Basket Number 12, submitted by @portiaratigan, was won by @hookedonharriet.
Basket Number 13, submitted by @melodytritonx, was won by an NPC.
Basket Number 14, submitted by @nadiadecordoba, was won by @anthonytremaines.
Basket Number 15, submitted by @caramellavonschweetz, was won by @aliciatriton.
Basket Number 16, submitted by @mayariverax, was won by @lunadealva.
Basket Number 17, submitted by @louiselefou, was won by @squeaky-smee.
Basket Number 18, submitted by @cassieadale, was won by @charliefagin.
Basket Number 19, submitted by @chastityfrollo, was won by @icemasterbents.
Basket Number 20, submitted by @pucksherman, was won by @maisy-macguffin.
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auradonstate-events · 4 years
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Basket Number 67
A meticulously packed picnic basket with a large blue bow tied around it. Inside of the basket are plenty of healthy but delicious snacks, stacked neatly in tiny tupperware containers. There’s also a cake with blue glittery ombre icing, as well as a large picnic blanket, and a parasol to guard picnickers from the sun. There are also two blue-checkered clipboards, as well as two bubble wands, to add a little fun and whimsy.
Basket Number 67 is open for bidding !!
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auradonstate-events · 4 years
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Basket Number 39
Two mugs to drink from reading ‘Be-you-tiful’. 3 different kinds of tea leaves: golden chai, lemon chamomile, and orange spice. A jar of honey and a honey dipper. A few sugar cubes. 6 disposable tea bag filters. A small travel candle and matches. And lastly, bouquet of flowers for the recipient.
Basket Number 39 is open for bidding !!
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auradonstate-events · 4 years
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Basket Number 34
6 macaroons of various colors, dark chocolate and milk chocolate wrapped in saran wrapping tied off with a purple ribbon, a bottle of Bollinger Champagne, a special bar of CYRANO Savons Gemme Soap and a bath bomb, 2 pink rose buds for decorating the basket
Basket Number 34 is open for bidding !!
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