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Zac didn’t exactly ooze Auradon spirit, but one thing he never complained about participating in was the basket auction. Everyone knew he could fish and lobster and all amount of other gathering, but it wasn’t often he got a chance to actually cook. He was Chef Louis’s son, though, and he had plenty to offer on the basket fillings front, so he continued entering, year after year. And most years, one thing was constant: whenever he didn’t have a girlfriend, he was usually hoping the person who would buy him for the afternoon would be @diamcndskylucy.
This year, he’d finally gotten his wish. Sure, he’d sort of picked things he knew were her favorite to put into the basket, but no one needed to know it was intentional Lucy bait, least of all her. In fact, as he strode up to her wearing a shit-eating grin, the words coming out of his mouth were the exact opposite of admitting that he’d wanted to take her on this ‘date’ more than anything. “Wow, you’re kinda obsessed with me, huh Triton?” he asked, raising his basket up and wiggling it in her face. “What did you do, go read the list and find my number to make sure you got me all to yourself?”
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Lena looked at the lead lined case, nodding.
“Supergirl’s been exposed to kryptonite for a really long time, synthetic or not. I had started to work on this yellow sun emitter, a grenade of sorts, that would disperse concentrated sunlight in case Supergirl became weakened.” She cleared her throat awkwardly.
“I was going to give it to her as a present, in case she ever needed it..” Lena trailed off, reflecting on how messed up things actually became. After everything, she was just exhausted.
“I have a few more notes to pour over, if you don’t mind me using your office? I know you have to leave..”
Lena moved closer, cupping Lucy’s chin. “Whatever happens, just please be safe.” She pecked Lucy’s lips quickly, smiling slightly.
Asking for a Friend
Lena felt a bit like a test subject, having to undergo thorough security before even stepping foot into the main DEO building. However, she took it all in stride, knowing it would lead to good results. Throughout the entire process, her green eyes sought the eyes of her lover, having handed her the lead lined case to keep it safe. She hadn’t had the chance to tell Lucy what lay inside, but she trusted the soldier to keep it close.
“Am I done, sir?” Lena asked the agent with a slight inflection of exasperation in her tone. It was the fourth going on fifth time he had run his hands over her sides in an attempt to make sure she hadn’t hidden any weapon under her clothes. At this point she figured the man was just doing it just to do it, let alone most likely following the orders of his other boss, a certain red headed agent who most likely had it out for Lena.
With a grunt, the man had finally let go, and she proceeded to pass by the 2nd metal detector before reaching the end of the security check to grab her belt and coat. She turned to Lucy and smirked.
“Well, that was something.”
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Empty With You || Scorlucy
Tagging: Scorpius Malfoy, Lucy Weasley ( @lucyclaw), and Headmaster Xavier
When: June 10th, 2024
Where: Xavier’s office
What: Scorpius and Lucy face the Unforgivable Curses
Notes: Torture tw and written for AGH prompt 30
Scorpius was never one to admit when he was afraid, and as he made his way to the Headmaster office, he kept telling himself that it wasn’t going to be that bad. The whole time they were at Hogwarts, they were taught to fear these curses, yet here they were knowingly walking into a room to be tortured. He understood that they were supposed to learn to protect themselves, but he couldn’t help feel uncomfortable about the method.
He stood outside of the door, just staring at it. Although he kept repeating that he’d be alright, his hand still trembled. “This is stupid, Malfoy,” he berated himself out loud. “You’re being a bloody coward.” He clenched his jaw and tried to remember it was mind over matter. He was good in his classes. He was a strong wizard. He could do this.
Scorpius stepped to the side and slid down the wall, deciding that he couldn’t make himself open the door until Lucy was there. Part of him almost regretted asking her since he didn’t know how he would handle the torture. The last thing he wanted was to breakdown in front of her, but at the same time, she was one of the few people he trusted.
He dropped his head into his hands; running his hands through his hair and resting on the back of his neck. When he heard someone approach, he didn’t bother to look up, already feeling her presence.
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[ A B O U T / T I M E ] Megan & Lucy
As Lucy began tugging her top off, Megan felt like she needed to pinch herself. Was her close friend really starting to undress in front of her? Yup. She totally was. This was happening, and Megan was totally okay with that. A grin spread across her lips as she watched the brunette, the girl biting down on her bottom lip. "For real Luce..", she said as she gestured to the girl before her. "Totally digging this you." A smile played on her lips as she reached out and tugged up the black sheer top that she wore, pulling it up and over her head before letting it fall to the floor of her living room. Megan was sure that this hang out was going to be filled with awkward silence or yelling..yet here they were so close to doing something they could never take back. Hell they had already gone past the 'just friends' line already.
Stepping forward Megan closed the space between them as she reached up and cupped Lucy's cheek. The girl brought their lips together in another heated kiss, not wanting to let this one end. Bringing her tongue out, she gently ran it along Lucy's bottom lip as she silently begged the girl for entrance. Sure this wasn't the first time she had been with another girl but this was different. This was Lucy. Megan dropped her hands down, her fingers gently playing with the waistband of the brunette's jeans. Although it disappointed her, she slowly broke the kiss before peppering kisses along the other girls neck. "You're sure about this?..", she asked softly just wanting confirmation before they went any further.
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Tumnus and Lucy || Tipsy
When Tumnus and Lucy finally reached the hallway off of which the feasting hall branched, they were already very late. He was still not quite sure how it had happened. At some point that afternoon, he'd walked up to Lucy's room to ask her which of his scarves looked more 'feastly' and then suddenly Rinassa was knocking on the door, asking where Lucy was. By that point he was saying the sun had already set and that Easlmus was off dancing without him.
Tumnus thought through the afternoon in his mind and giggled. It probably had something to do with the wine they had been drinking. He was pretty sure they had both had more than they intended to. Probably. Definitely for Tumnus, anyway. Oh, he was going to have to avoid Peter.
But, running (or almost running, whatever was considered running in Lucy's feast attire) arm in arm, through the almost deserted castle, with his best friend had been about the best fun he'd had in months. So, as much as he was going to be avoiding Peter for the entirety of the feast, he couldn't quite bring himself to regret it.
With one last conspiratorial look at Lucy, during which he had to suppress another laugh, he realised something. Stopping completely, before they came in view of the door, he said, "Wait, do you want to be announced, or do you think we should sneak you in?"
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Coercion || Lucy and Kyle
Kyle was sitting carefully on the edge of his bunk, fingers tapping inceasantly against the smooth white leather of a baseball. He tossed it into the air, putting spins on it so it blurred as if unfocused. It came back to earth and he caught it only to toss it back up. He wasn't entirely sure where he'd found the ball in question- there were a great many things littering the floor of the Hermes cabin- but doing something with his hands always helped him think. There was much to think about- mainly his ex-girlfriend, ex-lover Lucy Conrad.
Lucy. Kyle swore under his breath. Lucy. It wasn't like she was the first girl he'd slept with, or the first whom he'd bedded multiple times, but she was the first who he'd ever felt... something.. for. Emotions like these were still new to Kyle. New and confusing. He didn't understand why he felt these things, or how to handle them, and he just wanted them to stop. But they didn't listen to him. So he was stuck with them. It wasn't too bad when he was with her. When she felt the same way about him. That faded, however. She left him, but the his feelings didn't go away.
She had to love him back. Kyle paused, the baseball falling to the floor. Love. A cold sweat broke on his forehead and he swallowed hard. Had to love him back, as scary as the word was. She would do it if he had to make her.
An idea blossomed in his mind and he grinned cruelly. Yes. That would work. Kyle got up and strode across the "U" of the cabins layout toward the Aphrodite cabin. He knocked on the door and peeped his head in. "Hello? Lucy? Can I talk to you?"
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Happy Halloween || Lucy and Morgan
Morgan was just slipping the deep purple, feathered mask over her head when there was a knock on her bedroom door, and her mother's voice to "hurry up, or she'd be late". Giving her mother a reassurance that she would be on time, Morgan did one last check to be sure her heels were tightly strapped on, turned around, and headed out her bedroom door and down the stairs, only to be whisked off into the chilly night and away to the pier.
Walking around the party for ten minutes, and Morgan still hadn't spotted anyone she knew from her faction, whether they be current members or transfers to another faction. That could be-and probably was -due to the fact that nearly everyone was in some sort of costume. She saw ghosts, both glamorous and simple, werewolves, vampires, and any other vintage Halloween monster you could imagine. Then she saw things that were clearly new. There was someone to her left dressed up like a Dauntless member- but whether that was someone in costume or a real Dauntless member refusing to dress up, she couldn't tell. Morgan kept walking until she reached a long table full of different treats, candy and cakes and all sorts of other things that most people didn't have on a regular basis. She could identify every single thing, having read her mother's "Giant Encyclopedia of Sweets" book when she had been determined to be a chef when she was young- that was before realizing that Erudite didn't really have that job option. Morgan grabbed a small chocolate cake and a glass of cider, and stepped away from the table. She found an area that was less populated by rowdy party-goers and began to nibble on her cake, her mind wandering.
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Scorlucy || World of Pure Imagination
Tagging: Scorpius Malfoy and Lucy Weasley ( @lucyclaw)
When: April 11, 2024
Where: Room of Requirement
What: Date night
Once he was done with his classes and prefect duties, Scorpius pulled out his cell phone and told Lucy to meet him outside of the Ravenclaw Common Room. He wasn’t the best when it came to coming up with date nights, but he figured he should at least try. It was hard to be super creative sometimes when he wasn’t allowed to leave the school grounds, but try he must.
He made sure he looked nice after his long day and smiled at his reflection, offering it a wink. Then he headed towards the tower and stood outside of the common room entrance. While he waited, he made small talk with one of the pictures until they disappeared and left him alone once again.
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Easter Celebration || Scorlucy
Tagging: Scorpius Malfoy & Lucy Weasley ( @lucyclaw)
When: March 27th, 2024 (Easter Sunday)
Where: The Burrow
What: Scorp has been invited for Easter Sunday at the Wotters
“Where you going, Scorp?” a little voice called from the doorway behind him. He glanced in the mirror over his shoulder at his little cousin and smiled as he finished straightening his tie. He hated wearing ties, they made him feel so uncomfortable and he had to wear them every day at school. Finally, he turned around and motioned for Ryan to come over. “I have to go out for a bit, but when I get back we’ll do something, okay?” He hadn’t expected to bond with his cousins while he was there, but something about Ryan made him love her right off the bat.
Ryan sighed and hugged him, telling him to come back soon before running out of the room. Scorp grabbed his coat and made his way to the fireplace. He pulled out his cell, sending Lucy a quick message so he wouldn’t appear in the middle of a family discussion or something. Once he hit send, he grabbed a handful of floo powder and said: "The Burrow,” before throwing the powder down. One second he was engulfed in green flames, and the next he was doing his best to make sure he didn’t lose his balance upon landing.
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Lena observed each location thoroughly, taking the liberty of moving the map around and assessing the tablet. She had read and re-read all of the notes she had access to in regards to Lex’s old research and what her mother could be planning.
She bit her lip, and pointed to one location in particular, out by the other side of National City by the water.
“Lillian no doubt has kryptonite emitters laid out in the facility. You may have gotten rid of Cadmus’ main kryptonite supply, but I saw notes of synthetic kryptonite emitters that Lex had created that mocked the effects of Kryptonite. Those emitters need a steady water source to power it, and a flat piece of land to bury the lines of wires since the wires need a form of insulation. This facility is most likely surrounded by the emitters all buried under the ground. My suggestion would be to dig up one of its core reactors and overheat it to the extent of combustion, but that’s dangerous and would leave you with minutes to infiltrate, let alone the security you have to bypass.” Lena spoke, carefully and slowly. Something didn’t sit quite right about the location, but she knew this was the facility to go with.
“This is the best bet.”
Asking for a Friend
Lena felt a bit like a test subject, having to undergo thorough security before even stepping foot into the main DEO building. However, she took it all in stride, knowing it would lead to good results. Throughout the entire process, her green eyes sought the eyes of her lover, having handed her the lead lined case to keep it safe. She hadn’t had the chance to tell Lucy what lay inside, but she trusted the soldier to keep it close.
“Am I done, sir?” Lena asked the agent with a slight inflection of exasperation in her tone. It was the fourth going on fifth time he had run his hands over her sides in an attempt to make sure she hadn’t hidden any weapon under her clothes. At this point she figured the man was just doing it just to do it, let alone most likely following the orders of his other boss, a certain red headed agent who most likely had it out for Lena.
With a grunt, the man had finally let go, and she proceeded to pass by the 2nd metal detector before reaching the end of the security check to grab her belt and coat. She turned to Lucy and smirked.
“Well, that was something.”
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