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nemesiseyes · 4 months ago
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featuring: @silencehq @melisezgin
Se existia uma lição que havia aprendido com os pais, é que não existiam finais felizes. E, como poderia ser diferente? Nêmesis, deusa da vingança, deixava claro que sua inevitabilidade era o fim de todos os mortais. Mesmo o que não começava com uma vingança, poderia terminar com uma. A natureza vil de todas as pessoas sempre as levaria ao limite entre a justiça e a retaliação e, qualquer alma, por mais boa que parecesse, pecaria. Seu pai concordava, afinal, a advocacia jamais conseguiu saciar o ódio, a vingança ancestral que borbulhava em suas veias, o desejo de punir com suas próprias mãos aqueles que considerava errados, como se fosse dele, mero mortal, a obrigação de sentenciar quem era ou não bom. Como se fosse bom. Ah, seus pais eram o deleite um do outro! Ela via nele a certeza de sua existência, e ele via nela a motivação para sua vida. E, o que ambos vinham em Tadeu, era a oportunidade. A reafirmação de um amor que se baseava em inflar seus egos e enaltecer às convicções obscuras que possuíam, vendo tudo pelas lentes escuras, o que, posteriormente, seria também uma maldição herdada. Nêmesis, a Inevitável, lhe mostrou da pior maneira que ninguém conseguia escapar dela. Muito menos seu próprio filho.
Com toda certeza deveria ter ficado mais aliviado com a perspectiva de que sairia daquele lugar infeliz, não é? Voltaria para a superfície, onde, por mais insano que fosse, também sabia que era esperado por pessoas queridas. Sophie, Maeve, Stevie, Love, Ronnie... Entre outras de suas amigas mais próximas, ou que estavam se tornando próximas, como Mary-Lou, Isabella e Candy. As vezes se perguntava como tinha feito amigos naquele lugar. O problema, claro, estava na parte da troca, que fora deixada clara pelas Fúrias insuportáveis. A questão ali é que ele não achava que tinham realmente uma escolha, afinal, Hades não aceitaria não como resposta mesmo se não quisessem trocar nada. Era uma intimação, e, pior ainda, estavam no território dele.
Por isso que, mesmo diante da aparente boa notícia, não conseguia se sentir completo, muito menos bem. Algo lá no fundo indicava que as coisas estavam erradas, uma sensação estranha, um sentimento que queimava no âmago de forma extremamente semelhante a forma como seus poderes se manifestavam antes de chegar aos seus olhos. Era um pressentimento vívido. Insuportável. Como um ímã que o puxava para um lugar onde ele precisava chegar. Onde ele inevitavelmente precisava estar.
Ali, no palácio de Hades, cercado de perigos e com uma cortesia velada de ameaça, existia alguma coisa perigosa, um último desafio antes da suposta paz os alcançar. E, sendo quem era, Tadeu precisava ir atrás disso, pois, lá no fundo da cabeça ainda escutava a voz Dela, repetindo como um mantra, que ele existia para isso. Com os óculos escuros ajeitados, a primeira coisa que notou foi a falta de Melis. Bem, ela ficava invisível, então em teoria isso não era novidade. A questão ali era o motivo da invisibilidade. Não desconfiou dela de primeira, preferindo direcionar a falta de fé ao anfitrião, pois ingrato como era e sem qualquer vergonha ou remorso disso, mordia a mão que o alimentava.
Contudo, ainda mais no fundo, ele sabia que também não estava certo disso. Por mais que quisesse confiar em Melis, não confiava. Sequer sabia a razão, apenas que, a mesma força dentro de si que era capaz de indicar o caminho, também apontava para ela. A justiça vingança de Nêmesis nunca falhava. E não falhou, quando, ao entrar naquela sala, usando da própria furtividade e, novamente com o amuleto da sorte ativado, ele viu inúmeros artefatos e a silhueta da filha de Hermes logo a frente. Basir não precisava de muito para entender a situação. ❛ Filha do deus dos ladrões, não é? ━━━━━ Quis rir, amargo. Ela podia ter escondido dele onde o frasco estava, mas Tadeu já tinha visto o que ela estava escondendo. Uma poção, toda branca. Uma parte sua simpatizava um pouco, afinal, Melis também não podia escapar de quem era filha, não é? Velhos hábitos nunca morrem.
De braços cruzados, se aproximou a passos lentos. "No fim, ninguém é inocente", foi o que pensou primeiro. Entretanto, o pensamento foi interrompido por um outro, mais novo, menos negativo. Todo mundo tem seu lado da história, e todo mundo tem o direito de se explicar antes de ser punido. Justiça não é igualdade para todos, especialmente não quando um deus é o outro lado da narrativa. Conflituoso entre confiar ou desconfiar de Melis, Tadeu ainda se sentia capaz de realizar um verdadeiro julgamento, e de qualquer modo, agora era um cúmplice daquela situação. Tinham muito o que esclarecer.
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mxvick · 9 days ago
                                 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓 .
                                     with @wolfrcge .
            *   /  o gesto era totalmente pretensioso. não era de maneira inocente que tinha procurado pela mão de nate enquanto caminhavam pelas atrações da vila natalina. mas tentava fazer parecer que sim. fingia estar distraído com as barraquinhas de comida, mesmo que de fato procurasse por algo doce para degustar. em si, um gesto sutil. seus dedos delicadamente segurando os dele sem chegar a propriamente entrelaçar os dedos ou só segurar a mão de vez. " o que acha que é seguro comer que não vai nos fazer vomitar na montanha russa mais tarde? " claro que iria nas atrações que ofereciam adrenalina. e arrastaria o outro consigo. " maçã do amor! " exclamou quando os grandes olhos escuros avistaram um de seus doces favoritos. " maçã é inofensivo, não é? mesmo com a casca doce... "
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wmu-cedes · 10 months ago
Lima Bean Meetup || Codcedes
WHO: Cody Tolentino @wmucody & Mercedes Jones @wmu-cedes
DATE: February 26
SUMMARY: Cody and Mercedes meet up for a chat at the Lima Bean. Pain ensues.
Mercedes had been a mess over the entirety of the weekend. She thought that things with Cody were going to even out eventually, especially after their last conversation. However, learning that he had gone to a family function with Frannie had cut Mercedes in a way she hadn't been expecting and it had all but ruined her weekend. However, she was determined to try and make their friendship work, even if it meant she would have to draw some firm lines in the sand. Despite her complex feelings with him, Mercedes had agreed to meet him at the Lima Bean for coffee. She waited just inside the doors for her friend, hands stuffed in the pockets of her soft wool cardigan, rocking slightly in her vans. When he stepped through the doors she felt her heart constrict slightly, but she schooled her features with a bright grin. "Hey boo."
Cody slowly trekked through the university courtyard. He thought the hangover from the weekend would have been long gone by now but it was sticking around with relentless condition. His black sunglasses balanced on the bridge of his nose, his beige jumper hood sitting on the brim of his black hat. If someone drew a visual representation of a hangover it would look exactly like him.
He finally reached the doors of the Lima Bean. Finally. The walk from his dorm seemed like it took forever. His eyes met Mercedes. Taking off his glasses, his heavy eyes offered a warm gaze. He knew had overstepped his own boundaries at the weekend, and was expecting a conversation to arise out of it.
"Hi, Cedes," Cody greeted. His voice raspy. "You been waiting long?"
Her stomach did a flip at the raspy greeting, knowing that it was no doubt the hangover that was still plaguing him that was causing his tone to change, as opposed to any sort of feelings on his side. "Nope, I've been here for like 5 seconds. I was gonna get us our drinks, but I didn't need you coming at me for paying when you said it would be your treat." She joked, stepping in the direction of the line.
"How you feeling?"
Cody ruffled inside his pockets, sliding in his sunglasses while removing his wallet at the same time. "Yeah, you're right I woulda came for you," he teased back. "Big time". He removed the hood from his head. "Yeah, I've been better. Do I look fucked? Be honest?" He asked, tilting his head to look at her through glazed eyes.
A chuckle escaped her and she shook her head. "Big time - huge." She mocked.
Her brown eyes assessed him for a moment, takin in the colour of his skin and the hat that still sat atop his head. "You don't look fucked but you definitely look like you're recovering from a few drinks." Mercedes paused then and patted his arm gently. "The Fabrays go hard, huh?"
Cody laughed softly, nodding his head at Mercedes' answer. He was recovering alright, and the lack of sleep during the night didn't help. His body kept jumping every so often, a result of the sugary cocktails probably. "A little too hard. Drank me under the table".
Cody stepped forward in front of the barista, slightly bumping into Mercedes as they joked. "I'll have a small oat milk latte, with a large cup of iced water, please? And she'll have?" He paused, offering Mercedes the floor to order for herself.
Her brows rose at the idea of anyone drinking Cody under the table, it sounded like a fun time but also really bad for ones liver. Instead of focusing on that, her thoughts were jarred when her friend bumped into her and began to order. "I'll take a small caramel macchiato please and thank you." She ordered, nudging Cody lightly with her elbow as a sign of thanks.
He smiled gracefully towards the barista as Mercedes ordered, tapping his card at the card machine when prompted.
"So, what else did you do with your weekend? That wasn't accompanying Sam to find a sexy suit," Cody questioned, walking over to the waiting area. His slight jealousy was masked with a smile. Really, he had no right to be jealous. Especially when he had just spent a full weekend getting to know Frannie on a more serious level; however, the initial thought of Mercedes going to a ball and then suit shopping with some other guy did ruffle a few of his feathers more than he liked to admit.
She gave a passing glance to the barista who was already busy taking someone elses order before following Cody to the waiting area. "Other than helping Sam find a killer suit I literally did homework and worked. I have absolutely zero life lately and it's boring as hell." She replied with a sigh, idly playing with the ring on her thumb. She had also spent a good chunk of the weekend crying and sad, but Cody didn't need to know that just yet.
"Thanks again for the coffee, I owe you." As she said it, their order was placed on the counter and she thanked the barista before grabbing his coffee and iced water and handing it to him, and then grabbing hers. The cup was warm, and she held it close to her. "You wanna sit at a table or in some chairs?"
Cody shook his head. "You don't owe me anything, girl" he replied, a soft smile plastered on his face. "Thanks". He took his drinks from Mercedes after shoving his wallet back into his pocket, looking around Lima Bean to see what space looked cosiest.
"Chairs," He insisted, his need to get comfy slowly taking over his body. His hands held a small shake in them. He hadn't drank enough water in his recovery and it showed. Leading the way, Cody felt a little apprehensive. He knew a conversation was drawing in about his actions at the weekend, however he had small hope that it could be forgotten about without conversing. He picked out two chairs sitting idle in the corner. Slumping down on the chair, he first took a drink of the iced water. The first drop refreshed his mouth which held a level of roughness from the weekend.
Mercedes let out a small nod, "Chairs it is." She followed him slowly, watching as he made his way to choose his spot. He looked rough, and a small part of her felt bad for what she wanted to bring up, but if she didn't, Mercedes woudl feel worse. It was one thing for him to set boundaries, it was another for him to follow them, and if their friendship was going to survive whatever the hell was going on, they both needed to be strict about it.
She sunk down into the chair opposite him with a sigh and took a sip of her coffee, wincing at the heat of it. "If you need another one of those i'll go get you one, " she began, putting her coffee down on the table between them. "But uh, I won't lie I'm a little surprised you're here and wanted to hang out."
He placed the iced water cup on the table, keeping the warm coffee close to him before cradling it with two hands. The heat made every thing feel alright. It stopped the overwhelming urge of wanting to heave.
"Surprised? I get that we had some sort of a tiff at the weekend," Cody replied, a confused tone in this voice. His head cocked slightly, wanting to understand Mercedes more. "I wouldn't have thought it would meant we couldn't hang out?"
Her brow cocked and she shook her head slowly, "I meant because of the hangover, Cods." she replied, shifting a little in her seat. "I figured you probably went hard with Frannie, so I didn't think you'd wanna do this today." She paused then, smoothing down the fabric of her cardigan.
"Although I'd be lying if i didn't want to bring up that tiff" Guilt hammered through her, causing her stomach to begin to sour. "I'm not sure what's going on with you two, and quite frankly it's none of my damn business... But the texting like that has to stop."
His mouth fell open. "Oh," Cody said quietly. He repositioned himself, feeling slightly awkward at him landing himself in it. His body slid down the seat ever so slightly, his right leg balancing over his left. "Nah, I get you. It was my fault," Cody admitted. Their friendship just rekindled and it felt like he was the one to cause all the drama in the short period of time that they had re-entered each other's lives. "I never meant any harm by it at all".
"I know you didn't, you never do." She muttered the last part to herself as she crossed her arms over her chest in an attempt to self soothe. "It's just hard. One day we're having an intense hookup in your room, the next we're not talking, then we're friends... Then I find out you're at a family thing with another girl and you're flirting with me? It's confusing." She let out, biting down on her bottom lip as she resisted letting slip her true feelings.
Cody sat up as he listened to Mercedes, leaning his body forward to show his engagement within the conversation. His eyebrows furrowed. "I know it's hard, Cedes, like I feel it. It's taking a bit of time to adjust to". He examined her facial expression, unable to tell how exactly she was feeling. "I take full blame for the flirting when I was away with Frannie. In my defence, like, me and Frannie were flirting with other people still. I know it runs a lot depper with us, and I just overstepped the line again."
She eyed him warily. She had so many questions, so many things she wanted to just fling at him to see where they'd land and what he'd say. Although, given how aloof he usually was about his feelings, Mercedes doubted that she'd get the reaction she really desired. She nodded slowly and reached for her coffee, taking a health sip despite the sting. "This isn't my business but... Are you and Frannie gonna start dating? I only ask cause hanging out with her family for a weekend is kinda intense." There was a vulnerability to her voice that made her wince a little.
Cody mirrored Mercedes' movements, taking a small sip of his piping hot coffee, hovering it close to his body in hope it would start to regulate his own body's temperature into a normal cycle. He shook his head at the question, his left hand curling round his neck soothing it nervously. "I'm not actually too sure, Cedes. Dating isn't exactly my forte but I did enjoy the weekend with her". He chose his words carefully, aware of their past together and not wanting to cause any unnecessary pain.
Mercedes looked at him and let out a small breath, it wasn't a yes, but it wasn't exactly a no either. "I'm glad you did, babe." Her heart was hammering away in her chest and she felt stupid. Stupid for letting him get to her again after they stopped talking, and stupid for caring that he was even maybe attempting something more with someone else. "You gonna be coherent enough to go to your afternoon classes today?" When in doubt, she would deflect. It had worked for her most of her life.
He picked up in the change of tone, even if it was ever so subtle. Their previously strong friendship allowed Cody to pick up on all of Mercedes' idiosyncrasies. His psychology classes also gave him a foot forward in reading a situation; however, he didn't want to poke the bear. Especially when he was trying to get back in her good books. "Ah, I'm sure I'll be fine," Cody answered, a hopeful tone in his voice as it was raised an octave higher, learning back in his chair to provide neutral body language to the situation. He couldn't shake the tension in the air. There was something not right with Mercedes but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He watched Mercedes as he swallowed more of his coffee.
The tension between them was palpable. So much so that she could practically see it. She wanted to be frustrated, to question him, to take care of him because of his stupid hang over. She was torn, and Mercedes hated it. "If you're not, don't push yourself. You don't need to get worse." She replied, offering him a tight lipped smile. She had class in 45 minutes and while Mercedes wanted to sit and enjoy an actual conversation with Cody that wasn't filled with anxiety or angst, she couldn't. She glanced at the watch on her wrist and then to her coffee and let out a small sigh, beginning to rise. "Cody, im sorry I can't do this. Not right now. I need, hell I don't know what I need. I just know I can't do this - I have to go."
A look of confusion swept across his face as Mercedes began to stand up. "Cedes," he vocalised, standing up with her. "What do you mean you can't do this? Do you mean you can't be friends with me?" The question fell out his mouth, his defensiveness shining through in his tone. His hand reached out to comfort her, but he stopped himself in his tracks and dropped it back to his side, filling his pockets with his twitching fingers. He had a habit of flicking the nails on his hands with his thumbs, a way to keep him grounded. Especially in an agitating situation which he felt he had no control over. "Talk to me".
Mercedes was idly aware that there were other people around them, their gazes popping over due to the abrupt chance in body language. She sucked in a breath, willing the tears that threatened to prickle at her eyes back. "That's not what I meant, Cody." She breathed. Being friends with Cody, even if it was painful was something she couldn't give up. It hurt too much when they weren't talking for her to give him up completely. "I could never fully stop being friends with you, I need you in my life too much for that." She took another breath, ignoring the way her hands were shaking. "I just need some time to figure out where I'm at because your non platonic feelings for me might be gone but imma be straight up I'm struggling." A sudden wave of nausea hit her and she closed her eyes, for someone who wanted to go into acting she was really shit at hiding her emotions. "I just need to take some time to figure my shit out, I'm not saying this to guilt you, I'm not saying this to throw a wrench in anything that may or may not be happening for you and Frannie because I know where I stand with you. I just can't keep pushing shit down. So like give me a few days okay?"
Cody stood speechless while his face spoke a thousand words. Mercedes speech drew water to the brims of his eyelids. It killed him to see her like this, to know that he made her feel in a way that wasn't amazing. For the first time in his life he was left without anything to say. He wanted to tell her that he couldn't go a few days without speaking to her, but that was the most selfish thing he could do right now in Mercedes plead for space. He noticed the way Mercedes was shaking. It reminded him of the time he walked away. How he had shattered their reality all because he couldn't let his guard down. And here they were, in another situation. Even though Mercedes wasn't abandoning him fully, the unsettling fear of losing her suffocated the depths of his soul. "Yeah," he finally replied in a softness that he never thought was possible. "Anything you need".
She had prepared for him to walk away. For him to tell her she needed to not involve him in figuring herself out but he didn't. He didn't walk away this time. Her eyelids opened and despite the slight blur to her gaze she looked at him and smiled softly, blinking away hot tears. "Thank you babe, I'll message you in a few days okay?" It wasnt like she could put a time line on her thoughts but she could at least not leave him in limbo. The fact that he had reconciled told her that he at least valued her friendship. Despite knowing better, she reached forward and lightly squeezed his upper arm, and letting out a shaky breath. "Please take care of yourself." Her words were quick as she turned and headed out the door, feeling like her heart was in her stomach. She wouldn't be going to class today.
Cody forced the corners of his lips to curl. A fake smile was presented as he nodded his head. His eyes followed Mercedes as she exited the Lima Bean. A tear fell from his right eye but Cody wiped it away before it reached the middle of his cheek. He stood there. Lifeless. Thoughtless. After a few seconds he gulped hard as he sat back down in the chair, staring at where Mercedes had just been sitting across from him. He couldn't fight off the immense feeling of shame. Maybe he was wrong for rekindling with Mercedes? Has he only caused more harm? She was better off without him. The floods of harmful thoughts drowned out the sound of the crowded coffee shop. His eyes still focused on the other seat as the memories of their relationship projected throughout his head. They always walked a very thin line between platonic and romance, often dancing hand in hand over the blurriness. This time felt different though.
Mercedes said she only needed a few days; however, there was a daunting feeling within Cody that he had pushed her too far this time.
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colemonroe · 2 years ago
WHERE: Tonopah Medical Center; January 1, 2023- 3:15AM WITH: @shepdecker
Cole Monroe wasn’t delusional. He knew who he was– or, more accurately, he knew what he was. He was an outlaw– a criminal, and a killer. And he was alright with that. Cole had long since accepted his lot in life and rarely lingered on the thought of it for any longer than he had to. But as he stood in the doorway of his half-brother’s hospital room, he couldn’t help but feel it battering into him like a rogue wave. The scene in front of him was so wrong. Shepherd Decker was a good man. Though they may have stood on opposite sides of the law for as long as either of them could remember, that didn’t distract from the truth and Cole knew that. How was Shep the one confined to a bed, hooked up to all sorts of machines and drips, while he was walking around unscathed?
Swallowing hard, Cole leaned into the doorway, trying to appear casual in his stance, but the truth was that he needed the support to help keep his balance. There was so much he didn’t know about the man in front of him, about his own brother. But what Cole did know was what mattered most– Shepherd Decker was a man of virtue. He believed in something bigger than himself– that had been evident to Cole from the very beginning and he admired Shep for that. How could he not? There was one central, recurring fact that none of them could deny– Shep was the very best of them. Cole wasn’t so blinded by the reaper he wore on his back that he couldn’t see that. 
And he deserved better.
During his conversation with Sawyer, he’d made a vow– he’d find the responsible party and hold them accountable. It was what he knew, after all. If there was a wrong, Cole Monroe righted it. If blood needed to be spilled, he’d gladly wield the knife. It was just who he was. But for a half a heartbeat, as he stepped into Shepherd’s room, he wasn’t thinking about retribution. He was thinking about kindness, patience, and goodness– all qualities that Shepherd Decker possessed and exemplified in his daily life. All qualities Cole wished more people had– including himself. 
“Y’know, all my life I wanted an older brother,” Cole started, moving deeper into the hospital room. “Someone to look up to, someone to emulate– someone to pave the way,” he paused, eyeing the monitors on the wall and all the numbers within them that he couldn’t decode. He’d never understand what half of them meant, but they told him all he really needed to know– his brother was still alive, still fighting, which meant there was still time. Time for Shep to make things work with Madison, time to spend with his son…and time for Cole to learn from Shepherd’s noble example– because Cole would never stop trying to be better than he was, he’d never reach a point where he felt that there was nothing more for him to learn. And who better to learn from than a man who’d lived an extraordinary life surrounded by people who loved him and looked up to him?
“I don’t regret what I am,” he continued, scrubbing a hand across his mouth as he tore his eyes away from the monitors and finally dared himself to look directly at Shepherd. He looked so pale, so subdued compared to the image of unyielding strength Cole was used to. No doubt he’d lost so much blood from the incident, and his body was under so much strain from the trauma and yet here he was, still a force to be reckoned with because he’d survived. In spite of what the shooter had desired, Shep was still here. Blowing out a shaky breath, Cole shook his head, “But I can’t help but wonder who I woulda been if I’d grown up trippin’ over your heels, tryna follow in your footsteps.”
It wasn’t lost on Cole that he’d have been a great many things if he’d always had Shep there to guide him. “I woulda been a better man, I know that,” he murmured, nodding firmly because he felt it in the deepest parts of who he was. He’d have been better– more like Shepherd. But…Cole was who he was– there was no other way that he could be. The reaper was so ingrained into who he was, he couldn’t begin to imagine what his life would look like without it. “But this is what ya get outta your little brother,” he chuckled, despite the way warmth began to pool at the corners of his eyes as his hands reached up to grip the collar of the cut he was wearing, “the outlaw.”
Cole wasn’t a good man– not even close by his own estimation, but maybe that was the point. Maybe it was the outlaw that his brother needed right now. He could be that for Shep. Cole could be however twisted and sinister he needed to be in order to make this right. He could be ruthless, cold, and unforgiving– he’d lived well over half of his life perfecting what that meant. He’d never been afraid of being a monster, not if it meant protecting those he loved. And so for Shepherd…Cole could be anything he needed to be.  “I can’t promise ya that I’m ever gonna be someone you’ll be proud of,” Cole murmured as he drew to a stop at his brother’s bedside. Reaching down, he scooped one of Shepherd’s hands into his own as emotions he hadn’t expected to feel and tears he hadn’t expected to shed blurred his vision. “But I can promise ya one thing.” Pinching his eyes shut for a moment, Cole took a breath, composing himself. He did his best to shove down the brunt of what he was feeling– none of it would help Shepherd now. In its place, he let his anger take hold– he let that rage he was so used to feeling make a home in the deepest parts of himself and fuel him. Giving his brother’s hand a firm squeeze, Cole opened his eyes and glanced down at him, features twisting into a scowl, “I’m gonna find who did this and I’m gonna burn down every goddamn thing that they love.”
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xmythandmagicx · 1 year ago
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bandersonrps · 2 years ago
Almost is Never Enough [Part 2] | Self Para
TAGGING: Blaine Anderson and Eli, with mentions of Kurt Hummel.
LOCATION: Blaine’s apartment.
NOTES: A continuation of Part 1.
Only the sound of their breathing could be heard as silence descended between them, almost like a calm before the storm. Blaine could see the disbelief, anger, and hurt behind Eli’s eyes, staring down at him like he had just committed an unforgivable, traitorous act, which, he probably did, but it was now or never and he would much rather do this in person than over a call or a text. The silence between them seemed to last forever - so long that Blaine had begun to wonder if he should start first, but then a defeated sigh finally sounded across the room, and Eli’s expression was one of concede as he looked over at Blaine, shaking his head before saying, “So much for pretending to be missing just to fly all the way here to surprise you. For once, the joke’s on me, and it’s not very funny.” 
Blaine’s chest was so tight he could barely draw in a full breath. He didn’t know what to say to that. Eli’s words reminded him of two things - the fact that Eli actually flew all the way here for him despite not liking the hustle and bustle of the city life, and just the idea of Eli putting in extra effort to make Blaine happy all because of that one phone call that they had on that fateful day, right before Blaine entered the coffee shop. Eli had been trying his best for Blaine while Blaine had been shamelessly spending most of his free time with Kurt - singing, snuggling, and even sleeping on his bed.
“I’m so sorry.” Blaine murmured, his throat closing up on him as his feelings of guilt flared. He wished he didn’t have to hurt anybody. He wished there was a better way to do this. He had been trying so desperately to do things the right way, but ironically enough, people still wound up getting hurt because of his own, foolish actions, and he hated that. 
“I don’t want to hear that.”
“Okay.” Blaine answered quietly, watching as Eli slowly walked over to his couch, leaning against the back of it before turning his gaze to Blaine again. 
“I kinda saw this coming, actually.”
Upon hearing that, Blaine’s head shot up from where he was still standing, giving Eli an incredulous look. 
“You did?”
“But...ho- what do you mean?”
“You think you’re so good at hiding things, but you’re like, the easiest person to read.” 
Blaine’s mouth opened and closed several times as he tried to deny, to deflect, but he just couldn’t get the words out. Throughout the time that they were together, Blaine had never intentionally kept things from Eli or lied about them before. Sure, there were things he didn’t mention, things he swept under the rug for fear of being judged or worse, ignored, but he had never once considered that as him ‘hiding’ things on purpose. Was it not a normal thing to only want to show the best version of yourself in front of someone you cared about? 
“I don’t understand.”
“You like me, Blaine, but you don’t really love me.”
Blaine’s heart jolted painfully in his chest at the bluntness and trueness of it all, feeling, for the very first time, that Eli was really looking at him. He had bared his body to Eli before and they had had sex countless of times, but never had he felt so naked and transparent in front of him like he did now. 
“I was the one who chased after you, so of course you said yes. And when I asked you to be my boyfriend, you said yes again. First date, first kiss, first time, sex and more sex - yes, and yes, and yes. I think you spent more time being a yes-man than an actual boyfriend. ...And I know you think that loving someone means saying yes and making them happy, but Blaine, you can’t call that a relationship if only one of us is happy.” 
“But I am happy. I was happy.” Blaine insisted, feeling completely blindsided by the way this conversation was going. He was fully expecting Eli to be furious at him; to yell and throw things and maybe punch him in the face. He wanted him to be. He didn’t want this, whatever this was, because he wouldn’t be able to make his guilt go away with this. He should be heavily reprimanded and punished, like the way he exiled himself to Dalton after Sadie Hawkins. 
“Maybe you were, but not enough for you to stay in Ohio with me, apparently. You still came here without me, and hey, what do you know, that was the one and only time you had told me ‘no’, now that i think about it.”  
“I always thought that you were going to come over eventually.” Blaine countered, stubbornly. 
“You know I would never, and I think that a small part of you were okay with that. So what does that tell you?”
“I don’t-” 
“Let me just ask you this. If that someone you met had to move away and go somewhere else, would you still stay here?”
“No.” The answer slipped out of Blaine’s mouth before he even realized it and soon enough, a flush crept up his face as he blinked, looking like he had been caught red-handed. 
“And there’s your answer. Mine too, actually.”
After a long moment of silence, Blaine finally pressed his lips together and nodded, knowing that Eli was right and the more they tried to hash it out, the worse it could get. 
“I’m still sorry for hurting you.”
“Hey, I’m not going to lie and say this doesn’t hurt like hell, because it does. But...I still care about you, Blaine, so it’s okay that we don’t work out. It’s okay to go for what you want.”
“Thank you.” Blaine murmured, feeling tears stinging at his eyes as he moved forward to give Eli a grateful hug, pausing just for a moment to press one final kiss to his ex-boyfriend’s cheek before pulling away. 
“Can I still crash for the night, though? I kinda have nowhere else to go.”
“Yeah, sure. Of course.” Blaine said with a nod of his head. Kicking Eli out just seemed like such a heartless thing to do, especially when he was the reason why Eli was even here in the first place. 
“Your someone wouldn’t mind?”
“I...don’t think so. He’s really kind, so I’m sure he’ll understand.” Blaine answered, biting down on his lip to keep his smile from getting too wide. 
“Okay, nevermind. Forget I asked.”
"Right, sorry.” Still biting his lip to stop himself from grinning, Blaine walked towards the window and looked out, his stomach doing a little flip as he noticed that the lights over at Kurt’s place were on. He could go over there right now and let Kurt know that he and Eli were finally done, but that didn’t seem right nor appropriate given that he had just broken up. Perhaps he should wait for the next day to tell Kurt, Blaine thought to himself as he closed the curtains. 
Just one more day. 
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clawsandsnark · 4 months ago
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Daniel hadn't exactly struggled during the arm wrestle, but he'd met more resistance than he'd expected, more than he'd think any human could really offer. Which had him wondering; what was she. His father had told him about witches and vampires, but as far as he was aware he'd never actually met one before, maybe she was one of them. He doubted she'd simply say so if he asked.
He smiled at the woman 'Buffy' as he'd nicknamed her, but he didn't actually know her name yet, "Of course, I appreciate your discretion, Mason and Tyler would never have let me forget about it." he agreed, "How'd you get to be so strong? I've never met anyone that strong. Are you a vampire slayer?" he joked, deciding to couch his genuine questions in some humour.
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@clawsandsnark ♥ ( DAN ) liked for a starter
She might've embarrassed herself a little bit after resorting to using both arms to attempt to win their little arm wrestling contest down at the school carnival wrestling booth, yet Eva wasn't going to let that go so easily. "I beat you at that arm wrestle, fair and square!" She pointed out matter of factly, refusing to let any concern brush over her that Tyler's cousin was actually kinda stronger than her: than whatever kind of vampire she was. "I just didn't want to embarrass you in front of Tyler."
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luvdelirios · 6 months ago
oioi, meu bem! Poderia fzr um moodbooard da Jennie poderia ser clean com ela ruiva, se puder com h. Name e bio combinando com poesias, vibe praiana, animada, do Canadá e q ama gatos! Obg.
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𝗀𝖺𝗋𝗈𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗁𝖺 𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄, 𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗁𝖺 𝗆𝗈𝗋𝖺𝖽𝖺 '🏡🇨🇦 ࿔
𝙿𝙾𝙴𝚃𝙸𝚉𝙰𝙽𝙳✩ 𝗮𝗼 𝘀𝗼𝗺 𝗱𝗮𝘀 𝖮𝖭𝖣𝖠𝖲 🌊 𝗱𝗼 𝗺𝗮𝗿.
ᴠʟᴏɢ ᴅᴀʏ : 𝗉𝗈𝖾𝗌𝗂𝖺𝗌 𝖾 𝗆𝖾𝗎 𝙰𝙼𝙾𝚁 𝗉𝗈𝗋 𝗀𝖺𝗍𝗈𝗌 🐈🧶 ୭
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🪬 ⠴🖖🏻🥥 ᠅
𝗍𝗎 & 𝖾𝗎 🤲🏻 '
Volume. 004❔
Caso for utilizar, dê os devidos créditos para luvdelirios on ig. 🧸ྀི
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kit-bailecharme · 2 months ago
abaixo, uma lista de conexões para Kit Charming. As restrições estarão nos parágrafos, se não houver nenhum, é válida para qualquer personagem!
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⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀001 ⠀₊⊹ A NOSSA TURMA QUANDO JUNTA É NÓIS de alguma forma KIT, MUSE, MUSE e MUSE se tornaram o terror da vida noturna do Reino dos Perdidos. Saem, bebem, trocam ideias, trem grupo de fofoca mensagens no Scroll...
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀002 ⠀₊⊹ PULA BOI, PULA CAVALO: MUSE decidiu aprender andar à cavalo, mas mesmo não tendo talento, continua tentando. Ao notar a persistência, Kit decidiu ele mesmo ser o instrutor de MUSE.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀003 ⠀₊⊹ EU SOU CHARMEIRO, ANDO SOCIAL (canon, príncipe): MUSE é o príncipe mais próximo de Kit. Os dois se dão bem e fofocam sobre seus medos com as futuras responsabilidades, o casamento, herdeiros, etc.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀004 ⠀₊⊹ NOSSA HISTÓRIA VAI VIRAR CINEMA (perdidos, qualquer gênero): MUSE e Kit dividiram uma sessão de cinema e Kit ficou encantado com a sétima arte, agora virou hábito entre eles compartilhar sessões ou comentar filmes como bons Letterboxd humanos. Kit pergunta muito sobre como é visto o Cinema no mundo dos Perdidos e como as coisas são feitas.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀005 ⠀₊⊹ PROIBIDA PRA MIM, NO WAY! (fem): Em um dado momento, aconteceu um clima de azaração entre Kit e MUSE. Nada sério, mas ele se sente culpado e tenta (literalmente) se esconder dela pela cidade, mas sempre acabam se trombando por aí.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀006 ⠀₊⊹ QUERO TE ENCONTRAR (canons): no passado, Kit e MUSE fizeram uma grande amizade em uma viagem e trocam cartas desde então. Agora que os reinos estão no mesmo lugar, tem a oportunidade de se ver pessoalmente de vez em quando!
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀007 ⠀₊⊹ RAP DA PRINCESA (perdida, fem): MUSE sempre amou contos de fadas e seu sonho era ser princesa em um deles. Kit a ouviu falando sobre isso com alguém e decidiu lhe dar um Dia de Princesa do Netinho para que ela pudesse ter um dia de beleza, ganhar um vestido e até uma coroação real (de mentira, claro)!
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀008 ⠀₊⊹ FINGI NA HORA RIR: apesar de parecer sempre alegre, as inseguranças às vezes toma conta de Kit. MUSE flagrou o príncipe em um desses momentos, sentado na floresta conversando sozinho. Pode acontecer uma conversa recíproca, ou ambos se fecharem e Kit agir de forma estranha na frente de MUSE porque não gosta de vulnerabilidade.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀009 ⠀₊⊹ PAPO RETO: MUSE se irrita bastante com a maneira otimista que Kit tem de ver as coisas. Kit, por sua vez, tenta convencer MUSE a largar a carranca de vez em quando.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀010 ⠀₊⊹ A LENDA (perdidos): sem entender como funciona esse tal amor verdadeiro, MUSE perguntou à Kit como ele soube que estava apaixonado por Cinderella tão rápido e se a verdade é realmente como conta a história.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀011 ⠀₊⊹ LUA DE CRISTAL (perdidos): Kit gosta de observar estrelas, principalmente ao ar livre. Numa noite, MUSE começou a lhe falar sobre as tecnologias do mundo não mágico para estudar o espaço e acabaram criando uma amizade.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀012 ⠀₊⊹ Ê, SAUDADE (canons): MUSE vendeu um cavalo idoso para o Haras, pois o animal já estava velho demais para ser útil. O segredo é que MUSE tem muito apego ao cavalo e secretamente o visita sempre que pode, mas não quer que ninguém saiba e Kit mantém o segredo.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀013 ⠀₊⊹ A FÓRMULA DO AMOR: MUSE queria se declarar para alguém (de verdade ou brincadeira) e pediu ajuda logo ao Último Romântico! Kit arranjou um quarteto de música clássica, centenas de flores e até pássaros que cantam no ritmo da música. E aí? MUSE foi em frente com a declaração ou não?
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀014 ⠀₊⊹ MENINA VENENO (fem): MUSE é uma verdadeira perdição e não está nem aí para o casamento de ninguém! Desde que a conheceu, Kit está tendo mais dificuldades para ser fiel, mas segue tentando!
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀015 ⠀₊⊹ FUGIDINHA (masc): MUSE é o único (pelo menos até agora) que já fez Kit questionar sua sexualidade. Eles são amigos, mas uma vez bateu um sentimento de "e se...?" no príncipe, que não pensa mais sobre... Pelo menos não com frequência.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀016 ⠀₊⊹ ALMA SEBOSA (canons): o ódio entre MUSE e Kit é antigo e alimentado com frequência. Motivo a combinar, pode ser por algo que aconteceu, incompatibilidade nas personalidades, enfim... Mas se odeiam.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀017 ⠀₊⊹ VÍCIOS E VIRTUDES (perdidos): MUSE se chocou ao descobrir que o Príncipe da Cinderella tem uma personalidade própria, um passado, um estabelecimento e até hobbies! Inicialmente MUSE não o tratava muito bem por achá-lo sem sal e Kit acabava sendo um pouco rude de volta, mas estão melhorando.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀018 ⠀₊⊹ METAMORFOSE AMBULANTE (perdidos): Kit estava passeando à cavalo perto do amanhecer quando encontrou MUSE tendo problemas por conta de poderes/transformação. Mesmo sem saber muito como, o príncipe deu seu melhor para ajudar e levar MUSE de volta ao C.C.C.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀019 ⠀₊⊹ BEIJO MOLHADO (STRAWBERRY KISSES) (canons, fem): MUSE e Kit se conhecem desde bem jovens, pois suas famílias costumavam se visitar, antes mesmo de ele começar suas viagens. Para sanar a curiosidade, os dois trocaram seu primeiro beijinho, o que acabou virando piada entre eles hoje em dia.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀020 ⠀₊⊹ PINTURA ÍNTIMA: MUSE quer porque quer que Kit lhe desenhe como uma de suas garotas francesas, mesmo o príncipe já tendo explicado mil vezes que desenha paisagens, animais e objetos (até se aventuraria em um retrato desse tipo, mas só de sua esposa!). Ainda assim, MUSE segue insistindo, pois viu alguns desenhos do príncipe e gostou.
conexões recorrentes
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀🔭 ⠀₊⊹ A) pessoas que frequentam o Haras para visitar os cavalos, ter aulas de equitação ou cavalgar.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀🔭 ⠀₊⊹ B) clube super secreto de crochê e fofoca (com direito a grupo no Scroll)
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corvodiaval · 6 months ago
mande R com o seu personagem escolhido + número da prompt abaixo para um starter com Robert. (seu personagem que vai falar a frase. mande reverse se quer que o robert fale).
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001 ❛ sometimes i think you must hate me. ❜
002 ❛ when was the last time you actually got some rest? ❜
003 ❛ you look like you've got something to say. ❜
004 ❛ well, how do i look? ❜
005 ❛ you’re welcome to stay, if you want. ❜
006 ❛ what happened here? where is all that smoke coming from?  ❜
007 ❛ don’t take this the wrong way,  but you don’t quite look well.❜ (reverse)
008 ❛ is that blood? is it yours? ❜
mande D com o seu personagem escolhido + número da prompt abaixo para um starter com Diaval (seu personagem que vai falar a frase. mande reverse se quer que o diaval fale).
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009 ❛ don't pretend you give a shit about me. ❜
010 ❛ i wouldn't find the need to tell you 'i told you so' if you weren't so allergic to admitting i'm right. ❜ (reverse)
011 ❛ please tell me I don’t look as bad as I feel. ❜
012 ❛ what are you thinking about? ❜
013 ❛ do you think i’m a good person? ❜
014 ❛ what else do you want me to say? ❜
015 ❛ why does everything always have to be so complicated?  ❜
016 ❛ are you sure you’re alright? ❜
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sadbeautifultragyk · 3 months ago
escolha abaixo do readmore o número do prompt para um starter. caso queira considerar para uma conexão, também pode!
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ykvan basilio de la riva tem 25 anos, é do conto encanto e será o ladrão 1 (romântico) que engana dolores madrigal. enquanto a mun dele não faz o mínimo por esse desquerido, vamos de starter pra ir pegando o jeito!
[ PROMPT 001 - SWITCHED ] : ambos dividem uma garrafa de bebida tal que ykvan ganhou de alguém (roubou!) e pouco depois sentem uma coisa ruim na barriga. no dia seguinte, estão com os corpos trocados - temporariamente.
[ PROMPT 002 - WEDDING DAY ] : ykvan não sabe usar muito bem o scroll ainda, portanto acaba se confundindo e abrindo um portal para ~algum local~. chegando lá, fica confuso. não era nada do que estava esperando! ele cai no meio de um casamento e é muse que o ajuda a se situar. (não delimitei onde poderia ser o local, pois dependendo do muse pode ser qualquer reino. ex: casamento em maldonia, os noivos serão dois sapos amigos distantes de tiana e naveen. casamento em neverland, os noivos serão um menino perdido e uma fada. e por aí vai...)
[ PROMPT 003 - WHERE DO I GO? ] : ykvan confunde-se com as direções de onde é o C.C.C. e acaba se enfiando (sem convite) na casa de muse por engano. como ainda não se acostumou com a situação, apenas acha que o lugar é um tipo de museu dedicado a algum dos contos. (apenas para canons)
(esse prompt tem 1/3 pessoas para jogar!) [ PROMPT 004 - ONE DAY IN YOUR LIFE ] : muse e ykvan são perdidos que estão conhecendo juntos reinos e lugares diferentes para se situar e entender na pele como tudo funciona.
[ PROMPT 005 - IT'S A SECRET ] : muse se aproveita do fato de que ykvan é novo ali e não entende nada, e o usa para encobrir algo secreto ou uma relação secreta para fingir para alguém.
[ PROMPT 006 - SLEEPY ] : ykvan acaba dormindo em estabelecimento X e encontra muse após o fechamento do mesmo (pode ter ficado propositalmente escondido ou dormiu também). acabam por começar a se divertir lá dentro, além de cultivar intimidade.
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switchhummel · 1 year ago
The hours couldn't go faster that Sunday morning before they were taken back to the academy, and very much like zombies, everyone moved around in silence, walking slowly as each one headed to their rooms, or the room of the one who will be taking care of them. He pushed the door of his room open and sighed, probably breathing properly for the first time in days.
He didn't know how long it went before he heard the three knocks on the door, and he let out a long exhale, quickly going to open it, and there he was, not surprisingly looking almost as bad as Kurt did. His whole body screamed to run and hold onto him, and never let go, but just as he was starting to move, and also Diego did, he stepped back and put his hands in front of him.
"No- Don't... I'm dirty. I stink. Don't touch me."
Diego knew he didn't look well, he had shadows under his eyes and he hadn't sleep properly since this event had started. He picked up his bicicle and went to campus as soon as he was informed they had return and he could visit Kurt.
He almost jumped from the bicicle when he made it to the gates and he begged Chuck, the guard to let him in. "He will need you" he big male had told him and Diego almost ran to Kurt's headquarters.
He knocked the door three times and waited, almost crying in frustration.
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bandersonrps · 2 years ago
Almost is Never Enough [Part 1] | Self Para
TAGGING: Blaine Anderson and Eli, with mentions of Kurt Hummel.
LOCATION: Blaine’s apartment. 
NOTES: Blaine comes home to a surprise. 
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Slight noncon.
Blaine was lost in his own thoughts as he opened his mailbox, picking up his letters and bills and going through them one by one. He bit his lip, his brow creasing with worry when he couldn’t find a single one that was mailed by Eli. Sure, the idea that Eli would actually mail him a letter in this modern world sounded absolutely absurd, but Blaine was grasping at straws and trying anything he could to hear from Eli at this point, and he honestly couldn’t care less in what form - be it a text, a call, a letter, a handwritten note, or even a call-in on the radio; he just wanted to get in touch with him so he could actually talk to him about ending their relationship. Flying back to Ohio was an option he was considering, but it was one that Blaine would rather not take unless he really, really had to. His classes aside, the thought of not seeing Kurt for even a day made him feel a little unsettled and uncomfortable, which, could be him being needy and dramatic again, but ever since they met, all Blaine wanted to do was to spend every minute of every day with Kurt. He felt like they had already wasted enough time just by missing each other back in high school, and he now had a lot of catching up to do. Still, he would be lying if he said he hadn’t been genuinely concerned about Eli and his disappearance. He was in love with Eli once, or so he thought, but it was still an irreversible fact that Eli used to be the center of Blaine’s world, during a time when they were both so happy and still in love with each other. 
His decision to move to New York was the beginning of an end and it changed them forever. 
Letting out a sigh, Blaine closed his mailbox and opened up his messenger bag, adjusting some of his stuff inside before putting those letters in. He made a mental note to clear his bills later as he walked up the stairs, the corner of his mouth twitching upward as memories from that night resurfaced in his mind - how he had walked up almost the same flights of stairs to reach Kurt’s apartment and the way they had snuggled together on the bed and accidentally fell asleep just like that. The morning after had been slightly awkward and all kinds of embarrassing, but it felt nice, more than nice actually, waking up next to Kurt, and he couldn’t wait to do it again.
Blaine was humming a song under his breath when he arrived at his door, but to his surprise, the door was standing ajar and he could see a slit of light coming from within. The color drained out of his face as he automatically jumped to the conclusion that he was being robbed, or worse, he had already been robbed and there was nothing left inside. A feeling of panic seized him straight away and before he knew it, he was already rushing inside, feeling an urgent need to confirm things with his own eyes. Everything was how they were placed when he had left his place in the morning, however, confusing him even further, and it wasn’t until he saw the outline of someone familiar, standing right against the window - the same window that Blaine had stood beside not too long ago when Kurt had asked him to look outside, that he was able to put the pieces together. With his perfect vision, Blaine knew almost immediately who it was, but that didn’t explain what was going on or why Eli was standing right here, inside his apartment, looking at Blaine’s dumbfounded face with amusement. 
“Hey, babe.”
“Wh-” Blaine gaped at his boyfriend as he attempted to process what was happening in his head, trying his hardest not to get overwhelmed by the multitude of different emotions that just hit him out of nowhere. First of all, he was relieved. Relieved that Eli was fine, seeing as how he could still plant a surprise on Blaine like this. He was also worried, nervous, and if he was being completely honest, he was rather happy to see him as well. Eli was his boyfriend, or rather, his soon-to-be ex, and what he once felt for him - what he was still feeling for him, no matter how minuscule, wasn’t something he could just cut off cleanly and be done with right away. They had tons of good and bad times together, and once upon a time, Blaine had wanted nothing else but for Eli to move in together so they could live out their happily ever after. He used to adore this man, and him being here, finally, almost made Blaine feel like as if nothing had changed between them, except it did. 
“I guess I should start by asking how did you get in?” Blaine finally asked, breaking the silence. 
“You weren’t answering the door when I came over, so I had no choice but to sit outside the floor and wait for you to come home. Then, this old lady, which, I’m assuming is your landlord, she saw me and asked me a bunch of stuff. Who am I, why am I here... Anyhow, I told her we’re a couple and I flew 500 miles out here just to surprise you. Showed her some of our pictures, made her go ‘aww’ a few times. Honestly, she opened the door herself. I said nothing the whole time. Easy, right?” 
“Right.” Blaine nodded absentmindedly; of course Mrs. Moreno would open the door for Eli. Blaine had been so miserable when he first moved in without Eli that it almost made her want to stay with him just to make sure he wouldn’t do anything stupid in her apartment. 
“What’s the matter? I thought you’d be all over me the second you walk through that door.”  
Blaine raised an eyebrow at the comment, although deep down he knew it was somewhat true. If he hadn’t met Kurt and fell for him; if he hadn’t changed his mind about Eli, he would have already crossed the room in a heartbeat and kissed him as hard as he possibly could. 
“I’m still a little shocked that you’re actually here, I guess.” He said, swallowing hard and running a hand through his hair that was already starting to break free from its gel prison. After he had done removing his bag and placing it on the couch, he walked towards Eli, ready to just come straight out and tell him about Kurt, when his world suddenly blurred and there was a roaring in his ears as Eli all but grabbed his arm and pulled him closer, pushing Blaine up against the window and connected their lips together, his hands running lightly up Blaine’s thigh as he kissed him with pure need. Stunned, Blaine remained paralyzed for a good while before the gears in his brain finally kicked in and turned, his hands coming up to try to push Eli away, but to no avail. Blaine’s blood ran cold when he realized that Eli was too far gone in the moment and wasn’t going to stop, especially not with the way he was now trailing kisses down Blaine’s jaw and throat to suck at his neck. “S-Stop!” He finally shouted when he felt Eli undoing his pants, using the muscles and strength he had earned through boxing to push Eli off of him.
“...I wasn’t...I didn’t mean... I’m sorry, Blaine. Are you okay?” 
Blaine breathed heavily, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to calm himself down. He knew now, without a doubt, that he and Eli were over. When Eli was kissing and touching him, all he could think about was Kurt, and how hurt and disappointed Kurt would be if he were to find out about this. He felt wrong, so wrong when Eli’s lips touched his, like he was betraying Kurt by allowing someone else to get so close to him. 
“Please, just stop.” He took a shaky breath and pleaded, wanting nothing more than to go to Kurt right now and hold his hands and beg him to rewrite everything that had just happened. 
“I didn’t even realize...I was thinking with my dick.”
Blaine had to force out a laugh at that, appreciating the honesty more than anything else, but that still didn’t stop him from saying his next words, and thus bringing his relationship with Eli to an end. 
“I met someone.” 
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durancodes · 10 months ago
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Skin 004: Wicked Hearts
No disponible — Skin avanzada
Hay cosas que van dentro del paquete de skin avanzada que no fueron utilizados en esta skin, jeje. Agradezco a la administración de @love-is-wicked que me hayan dado total libertad a la hora de hacer el diseño y la paciencia a la hora de responder las miles de preguntas que les hacía jajaja
A pesar de todos los contratiempos (?) Debo decir que estoy muy a gusto con el trabajo que hice para este foro. Fue en cierto tiempo record, pero se logró.
Sólo quiero mencionar que yo sólo hice la skin. Se me encargó este trabajo y lo hice, así que, pediré que no me metan en el problema.
El gráfico de la portada es el único que se le proporcionó al foro de mi parte. El resto de imágenes fueron editadas por ellos mismos.
Agradezco a cada uno de los tutoriales de astucias entregados tanto por @necromancercoding como asistencia de foroactivo, @mrd-design y Monomer.
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ofsmalldeath · 24 days ago
#⠀⠀⠀──────⠀⠀⠀𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒ㅤ⠀› ㅤ⠀abaixo do read more estão todas as conexões que eu gostaria de desenvolver com a nysah. todas podem ser ocupadas por qualquer gênero e não vejo problema em adaptá-las tanto para khajols quanto changelings <3
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˛ㅤ⠀ 𓆇 ㅤ𓀿 ㅤ⠀001. ⠀ ⠀ 𓂃 ⠀amigos desde a infância, nysah, muse e muse sabem tudo um sobre o outro e são quase filhos adotivos das respectivas famílias, de tão próximos. são as únicas pessoas em quem nysah confia para contar sobre seus presságios e são os únicos que estiveram com ela até em seus surtos.
˛ㅤ⠀ 𓆇 ㅤ𓀿 ㅤ⠀002. ⠀ ⠀ 𓂃 ⠀a família de muse é muito próxima das darklyn e, por isso, ele e nysah cresceram indo um à casa do outro, mesmo que fosse em eventos mais oficiais do que familiares.
˛ㅤ⠀ 𓆇 ㅤ𓀿 ㅤ⠀003. ⠀ ⠀ 𓂃 ⠀conheceram-se em hexwood e, desde então, não se desgrudam. sentiram uma conexão forte, a sensação que um entende muito bem o outro, se ajudavam a estudar, passavam por todas as aulas juntos e se enfiaram em confusão juntos também.
˛ㅤ⠀ 𓆇 ㅤ𓀿 ㅤ⠀004. ⠀ ⠀ 𓂃 ⠀ambos são professores em hexwood e passam todos os intervalos entre aulas juntos, reclamando dos alunos e se dando dicas sobre a melhor forma de lecionar. inclusive, muse é a pessoa que mais consegue prever os presságios de nysah e se faz presente sempre que necessário.
˛ㅤ⠀ 𓆇 ㅤ𓀿 ㅤ⠀005. ⠀ ⠀ 𓂃 ⠀ nysah teve um presságio sobre a morte de muse alguns meses atrás e, sem conseguir saber quanto tempo tem entre um presságio e o acontecimento, decidiu se fazer mais presente na vida dele. não tem coragem de contar sobre o presságio, mas muse sente que tem alguma coisa estranha.
˛ㅤ⠀ 𓆇 ㅤ𓀿 ㅤ⠀006. ⠀ ⠀ 𓂃 ⠀teve um presságio sobre a morte de um ente querido de muse, mas só contou semanas depois de já ter acontecido. por isso, muse a culpa pela morte e desconta o luto em nysah que, mesmo assim, tenta ser gentil e se sente culpada.
˛ㅤ⠀ 𓆇 ㅤ𓀿 ㅤ⠀007. ⠀ ⠀ 𓂃 ⠀assim como nysah, muse é muito devoto de seu deus hospedeiro.. os dois oram muito e costumam passar muito tempo juntos por causa disso, conhecem os segredos mais profundos um do outro.
˛ㅤ⠀ 𓆇 ㅤ𓀿 ㅤ⠀008. ⠀ ⠀ 𓂃 ⠀muse surtou completamente. está no pior momento da sua vida e, por isso, precisa de um pouco de colo e carinho, que encontra com nysah. se não fosse por ela, provavelmente já teria enlouquecido.
˛ㅤ⠀ 𓆇 ㅤ𓀿 ㅤ⠀009. ⠀ ⠀ 𓂃 ⠀amor e lealdade são as palavras que ditam o relacionamento de muse e nysah. dedicam-se um ao outro em níveis astronômicos e estão prontos para morrer pelo outro se for necessário.
˛ㅤ⠀ 𓆇 ㅤ𓀿 ㅤ⠀010. ⠀ ⠀ 𓂃 ⠀a doçura e calma de nysah eram exatamente o que muse precisava num momento difícil. embora tudo estivesse desmoronando, nysah parecia inabalável e isso foi o suficiente para que muse quisesse tê-la por perto o tempo todo, esperando ter um pouco dessa calma também.
˛ㅤ⠀ 𓆇 ㅤ𓀿 ㅤ⠀011. ⠀ ⠀ 𓂃 ⠀dá pra ver de longe que muse tem uma paixonite por nysah, mas parece que a mulher é completamente cega à possibilidade de terem um relacionamento amoroso. o considera um amigo, é muito carinhosa com ele e pode até alimentar essa paixão, mas ele não tem coragem de falar nada e ela não percebe.
˛ㅤ⠀ 𓆇 ㅤ𓀿 ㅤ⠀012. ⠀ ⠀ 𓂃 ⠀namoraram por muitos anos e todos achavam que a relação ia virar um casamento, mas a relação foi se desgastando conforme os surtos violentos de nysah em meio aos presságios se agravaram. hoje em dia nysah é uma pessoa diferente e, por isso, até pensa em reconquistar muse, mas ele não dá abertura.
˛ㅤ⠀ 𓆇 ㅤ𓀿 ㅤ⠀013. ⠀ ⠀ 𓂃 ⠀puramente sexual, nysah e muse nem se gostam muito, não são do tipo que gostam de conversar sobre coisas profundas, mas são ótimos em flertar e ficam com certa frequência.
˛ㅤ⠀ 𓆇 ㅤ𓀿 ㅤ⠀014. ⠀ ⠀ 𓂃 ⠀uma vida como a de muse é algo que nysah só ouviu falar. é muito curiosa sobre a vida pregressa alheia e, por isso, sempre o convida para fazer alguma coisa e conversar. (apenas para changelings)
˛ㅤ⠀ 𓆇 ㅤ𓀿 ㅤ⠀015. ⠀ ⠀ 𓂃 ⠀muse não consegue acreditar que nysah seja tão calma assim e tornou sua missão pessoal tentar incomodá-la, o que não está dando certo. é mais irritante que o normal com nysah e, mesmo assim, é tratado com carinho por ela.
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ehogaston · 3 months ago
𝑾𝑨𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑫 𝑪𝑶𝑵𝑵𝑬𝑪𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵𝑺: algumas das conexões abaixo estão separadas entre canons e perdidos, mas apenas as conexões românticas têm distinção de gênero pois gaston é heterossexual. todas estão abertas à adaptações. PS1: algumas conexões podem ser preenchidas por mais de um personagem.
001. Ninguém entende como nem o porquê mas MUSE consegue lidar com Gaston até em seus dias mais insuportáveis (todos), e foi essa habilidade em lidar com o homem que fez uma amizade surgir. — @gctinhc
002. MUSE e Gaston costumavam se odiar mas a realidade é que eles têm alguns traços de personalidade em comum, por esse motivo essa relação de ódio acabou se transformando numa amizade inesperada de morde e assopra.
003. Por incrível que pareça MUSE consegue despertar em Gaston seu lado atencioso e cuidadoso. Mesmo que ele não admita com palavras está sempre se preocupando em ver elu bem. Talvez seja a única pessoa com quem ele se importa de verdade além dele mesmo. (apenas canons) — @janepcrter
004. Interesse é a única coisa que os une. Numa relação cheia de desconfianças, um atura o outro só porque eles têm algum objetivo em comum. — @mzgicmirror
005. Gaston e MUSE possuem hobbies em comum e por esse motivo acabaram se tornando amigos.
006. MUSE e Gaston são parceiros de farra e de bebida. Estão sempre bebendo juntos ou festejando em algum lugar. — @hoisthecolors
007. Superando todas as expectativas e o ódio de Gaston pelos perdidos, MUSE é alguém com quem ele simpatizou e agora eles se suportam e até se divertem juntos. (apenas perdidos) — @svfiawitch
008. Gaston odeia MUSE simplesmente por invejar suas habilidades ou não entender como elu consegue ser tão bem quisto. (apenas canons) — @hvrcules
009. O ódio entre eles é mútuo pois um despreza a forma do outro de ser.
010. Gaston e MUSE tem uma relação de competitividade devido a uma grande disputa de ego. — @rainhalouca
011. MUSE até tentou aturar Gaston mas não tem paciência pra sua personalidade egocêntrica e controladora. — @agnikaii
012. Costumavam ser amigos até que em alguma situação Gaston priorizou a si mesmo ao invés da amizade, fazendo com que um ressentimento surgisse. — @damselnstress
013. Apesar de terem sido grandes amigos no passado, foi MUSE a pessoa responsável por quebrar a confiança de Gaston e ajudá-lo a se tornar tão individualista. (apenas canons)
014. MUSE é um perdido e isso é mais do que suficiente pra ter o desprezo de Gaston, pelo menos o sentimento é recíproco. (apenas perdidos) — @garotodapintura @hiloren
015. MUSE e Gaston vivem em constante conflito desde que se conheceram, porém com o tempo essa antipatia acabou se misturando com uma estranha atração que faz com que suas discussões sempre acabem em beijos, mesmo que declarem ódio um pelo outro. — @dcrkblue
016. Gaston sempre tenta impressionar MUSE em busca de uma chance. Ela, por sua vez, usa isso ao seu favor, manipulando ele para seus próprios fins. — @pepamadrigcl
017. Era pra ser uma relação superficial mas MUSE acabou se apaixonando por Gaston. É claro que isso não terminou bem já que o homem não queria um relacionamento sério na época. (apenas canons)
018. Apesar de sua obsessão por Belle, MUSE foi o grande amor de Gaston. Podem ter tido um relacionamento ou não, mas a verdade é que ele não a superou por completo. (apenas canons)
019. Gaston nunca vai admitir mas ele morre de medo de ficar sozinho para sempre, MUSE compartilha do mesmo sentimento e por isso eles mantém uma relação de conveniência.
020. Existe uma atração mútua entre eles mas Gaston prefere morrer a admitir isso, desde que odeia os perdidos e tudo relacionado a eles. (apenas perdidos) — @investigctor @unicorn-supernova
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