#china covid-19
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WHO calls on China to be transparent in sharing data to determine Covid's origins
The WHO has criticised China for withholding data related to samples taken at a market in Wuhan in 2020 that could have provided vital information about the Covid-19 pandemic’s origins, calling on Beijing to be transparent and to share results of investigations it conducts. The Huanan market in central China’s Wuhan city was the epicentre of the pandemic. From its origin there, the SARS-CoV-2…
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#China#china covid latest news#china covid origin#china covid-19#china lab leak#coronavirus#covid origin data#Covid-19#Covid-19 origin#Covid-19 origin Wuhan#Covid-19 pandemic origin#Did Covid-19 originate in China#Huanan market Covid-19#world health organisation
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The World Health Organization (WHO) comments on the announcement of US President Donald Trump to withdraw from the world health institution — the 2nd time Trump has ordered the US pull out.
On 29 May 2020, Trump accused the WHO of helping the Chinese government cover up the early days of COVID-19 #pandemic in China.
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**Weird. He mentions the same date included in that Hunter Biden attempt at a preemptive pardon…
From BioClandestine, who broke the stories on the US using tax payer money to do “gain of function”/bioweapons research through US Contractors at high profile universities and foreign labs in China and Ukraine.
Both Russia and China have been warning for years that the US are engaged in bioweapon production, specifically in Ukraine.
Russia warned that the US/Big Pharma plan to create more “biological crises”.
Meanwhile, the US veto all proposals for UN investigations.
Russia, China, and the rest of the BRICS nations, have been adamant that there needs to be accountability for C19, and US biological malfeasance. Russia/China claim the virus was man-made and needs to be investigated, while the US still claim it was naturally occurring.
The only nation NOT interested in investigating who is responsible for C19, is the United States, and her allies/proxies.
That should tell you everything you need to know about who is responsible.
From 12/10/24
In a “global” body, who knew you could veto your own investigations?
#truth#common sense#un#united nations#china#ukraine#hunter biden#joe biden#the big guy#metabiota#gain of function#bioweaponry#anthony fauci#obama#government corruption#corruption#big pharma#covid 19#accountability#justice
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The US military ran a secret propaganda campaign to encourage people in developing countries to not accept life-saving aid from China, including China's new vaccine.
Reuters article -> https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-covid-propaganda/

"Reuters identified at least 300 accounts on X, formerly Twitter, that matched descriptions shared by former U.S. military officials familiar with the Philippines operation. Almost all were created in the summer of 2020 and centered on the slogan #Chinaangvirus – Tagalog for China is the virus."
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#destiel meme news#destiel meme#news#united states#us news#world news#china#us military#covid 19#covid#pandemic#tw antivax#philippines#ask#sinophobia#tw sinophobia
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Caught by the Tides (Jia Zhangke, 2024)
#Films watched in 2024#Caught by the Tides#jia zhangke#Zhangke#2024#Feng Liu Yi Dai#Zhang-ke#Jia Zhang ke#Zhao Tao#Tao Zhao#China#drama#love#mask#lights#covid 19
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Feeling good
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#covid#covid 19#pandemic#wuhan institute of virology#wuhan#cia#politics#us politics#international politics#china#american politics#usa politics#trunp#donald trump#president donald trump#president trump
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Russia and China slam the United States for blocking a Gaza ceasefire proposal at the United Nations.
#donald trump#joe biden#kamala harris#2024 elections#president biden#election 2024#next president#covid 19#election day#us elections#russia#china
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Reference archived on our website (Daily updates! More than 1,500 open-access covid studies!)
Summary Background Research on long COVID in China is limited, particularly in terms of large-sample epidemiological data and the effects of recent SARS-CoV-2 sub-variants. China provides an ideal study environment owing to its large infection base, high vaccine coverage, and stringent pre-pandemic measures.
Methods This retrospective study used an online questionnaire to investigate SARS-CoV-2 infection status and long COVID symptoms among 74,075 Chinese residents over one year. The relationships between baseline characteristics, vaccination status, pathogenic infection, and long COVID were analyzed using multinomial logistic regression, and propensity matching.
Findings Analysis of 68,200 valid responses revealed that the most frequent long COVID symptoms include fatigue (30.53%), memory decline (27.93%), decreased exercise ability (18.29%), and brain fog (16.87%). These symptoms were less prevalent among those infected only once: fatigue (24.85%), memory decline (18.11%), and decreased exercise ability (12.52%), etc. Women were more likely to experience long COVID, with symptoms varying by age group, except for sleep disorders and muscle/joint pain, which were more common in older individuals. Northern China exhibits a higher prevalence of long COVID, potentially linked to temperature gradients. Risk factors included underlying diseases, alcohol consumption, smoking, and the severity of acute infection (OR > 1, FDR < 0.05). Reinfection was associated with milder symptoms but led to a higher incidence and severity of long COVID (OR > 1, FDR < 0.05). Vaccination, particularly multiple boosters, significantly reduced long-term symptoms by 30%–70% (OR < 1, FDR < 0.05). COVID-19 participants also self-reported more bacterial, influenza and mycoplasma infections, and 8%–10% of patients felt SARS-CoV-2-induced chronic diseases.
Interpretation This survey provides valuable insights into long COVID situation among Chinese residents, with 10%–30% (including repeated infection) reporting symptoms. Monitoring at-risk individuals based on identified risk factors is essential for public health efforts.
Funding This study was funded by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2022M723344, 2023M743729), Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation (2023A1515110489), and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (INV-027420).
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「深入りするな。消されるぞ」と忠告され…アメリカ亡命中の研究者が決死の告発「新型コロナは『中国軍の生物兵器』として開発された」 かつては根拠薄弱な陰謀論とも言われていた「研究所流出説」。しかし、ここに来て米エネルギー省やFBIが、ウイルスは中国の研究所から流出した可能性が高いと指摘。重要人物がついに口を開いた。 隠蔽に躍起になる中国政府 世界で約7億人が感染し、約700万人が死亡したパンデミックはなぜ起きたのか―その秘密の扉がいま、静かに開かれようとしている。 「新型コロナウイルスは中国軍の生物兵器として開発され、意図的に武漢にあるウイルスの研究施設から漏洩されたものです。世界はその起���を知るスタートラインに立っています」 誰よりも早く「武漢起源説」を唱えて中国を追われ、現在、アメリカに亡命中の閻麗夢博士は、本誌の取材に対してこう断言する。 いま、アメリカで新型コロナの発生起源に大きな関心が集まっている。今年2月に米エネルギー省が、「武漢のウイルス研究所から流出した可能性が高い」とする報告書をまとめたことをはじめ、米連邦捜査局(FBI)のクリストファー・レイ長官も、2月28日放映のFOXニュースで「研究所の事故である可能性がもっとも高い」と述べるなど、次々と「研究所起源説」を支持する声が上がっているのだ。 その源流を作ったのが、イェン博士である。この4年間、決死の覚悟で「武漢研究所流出説」を訴え続けてきた博士は、世界保健機関(WHO)認定のウイルス研究の権威である香港大学公衆衛生学院の研究員だった。'19年12月、武漢で広がり始めた原因不明の感染症の調査を命じられた彼女は、感染拡大の隠蔽に躍起になる中国政府の姿を目の当たりにする。 「調査を始めた時、すでに武漢はパニックでした。調査を命じられた翌日、最前線で奮戦していた李文亮医師(後に感染して死亡)は、原因不明の肺炎が広がっているとSNSで警鐘を鳴らしたところ、中国政府に処分されました」 「深入りするな。消されるぞ」 イェン博士は、その後、香港大学の研究所の上司から「武漢の人々がラクーンドッグ(タヌキ)を食べるという情報を集めてほしい」という不可解な指示を受ける。 「同じコロナウイルスで肺炎を引き起こすSARSが'02~'03年に流行した時、まずハクビシンが宿主となって人間に感染したことを突き止めたのは香港大学でした。中国政府は新型コロナでも、中間宿主を動物とするストーリーを描き、それを権威ある香港大学に公表させたかったのでしょう」 しかし、いくら調べても武漢の市場にタヌキは売られておらず、武漢の住民がタヌキを食べるという情報もなかった。 一刻も早く感染拡大の危機を世界に公表しなければならないはずだが、政府や香港大学にその様子は見られない。'20年1月19日、イェン博士はやむなく、アメリカの中国語メディア『路徳社』で武漢の惨状を公表する。 「香港大学の上司から『深入りするな。消されるぞ』と警告されました。背後に中国当局の意向があることは明白でした。私は身の危険を感じ、4月28日にアメリカへ亡命しました」 亡命を果た��たイェン博士は、新型コロナの特徴と中国のプロパガンダ戦を告発する3つの��文、いわゆる「イェン・レポート」を、研究データのオンラインプラットフォーム「Zondo」に発表。'20年9月に公表された第1弾では、新型コロナが人為的に作製されたことを告発している。 「自然発生説によれば、新型コロナウイルスはセンザンコウやハクビシンなどの中間宿主内で変異し、人間への感染確率を高めるとされています。しかし、新型コロナウイルスには人間の細胞と結合しやすいスパイクタンパク質が含まれており、これは自然発生説の中間宿主に関する理論や実験結果と一致しません。そして、これらの部位には、人為的な改変の痕跡がはっきりとあります」 https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/09597c4d0121190fb0934cca43bca947770dca43
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Volete Sapere come si fà a "Generare" una PANDEMIA?
Seguite questi 2 min. e 20 sec. di video, e poi lo Capirete, così come Capirete che su questo Pianeta ci sono dei "SICARI" che sotto mentite Spoglie si mostrano Pubblicamente come: Scienziati, Filantropi, Benefattori, Statisti e Ecologisti.
Tutti abbiamo visto in questi ultimi quasi 5 anni che in realtà, costoro siano dei Malfattori, Speculatori senza Scrupoli ne Anima!
For Yours Considerations.......
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#covid 19#covid vaccine#philippines#china#usa#uncle sam#twitter#facebook#disinformation#propaganda#conspiracy theories#vaccines#public health#pentagon#political cartoon
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#covid 19#china#usa#vaccine#pharmacy#pfizer#covid vaccine#Anthony Fauci#conspiracy#conspiracy theories#fake news#republicans#democrats#trump#biden#us government#cia#money#typography
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🦠🕵️ Розвідка ФРН знала, що пандемія COVID-19 сталася через витік у Китаї, але навіть ВООЗ не повідомили. Подробиці👇
#здоровʼя#ковід#коронавірус#китай#німеччина#розвідка#фрн#кнр#пандемія#вооз#germany#china#coronavirus#covid 19#pandemic#inteligencia artificial
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#social justice#current events#human rights#covid 19#covid#pandemic#coronavirus#political#political posting#politics#usa politics#us politics#united states politics#chinese politics#china#important#important to know#geopolitics#world politics#american politics#vaccine
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Also preserved on our archive
Just a quick question for the deniers out there: If the pandemic is over, why are the same strains spreading globally within weeks of one another?
By Wang Xiaoyu
The dominant COVID-19 variants in China have not shown significant changes in their pathogenicity, but novel strains are becoming increasingly immune-evasive, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention said on Thursday.
Globally, three subvariants of the JN.1 strain — KP.3.1.1, KP.3 and LB.1 — are the most prevalent. In China, major strains in circulation belong to families of XDV and JN.1, and the proportion of JN.1 infections is on the rise.
"We have not observed obvious changes in the pathogenicity of offshoots of XDV and JN.1," the China CDC said. "The majority of domestic infections with XDV and JN.1 are asymptomatic or only exhibit mild symptoms."
The China CDC added that emerging strains are evolving to become more capable of evading exiting immunity and the KP.3 strain is likely to become the dominant strain in the future.
"The prevalence of KP.3 in China is low, but its proportion is rising gradually, and the strain will likely circulate simultaneously with or compete with other major strains such as KP.2 and LB.1 in the future," it said.
#mask up#covid#pandemic#covid 19#wear a mask#public health#coronavirus#sars cov 2#still coviding#wear a respirator#china
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