#china covid-19
suchananewsblog · 2 years
WHO calls on China to be transparent in sharing data to determine Covid's origins
The WHO has criticised China for withholding data related to samples taken at a market in Wuhan in 2020 that could have provided vital information about the Covid-19 pandemic’s origins, calling on Beijing to be transparent and to share results of investigations it conducts. The Huanan market in central China’s Wuhan city was the epicentre of the pandemic. From its origin there, the SARS-CoV-2…
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kazifatagar · 2 years
Wuhan Markets Back In Business With CNY
Shoppers at Wuhan’s flower market clutched huge bouquets on Chinese New Year’s Eve, marking three years since the city’s lockdown due to a mysterious virus. While many purchase colorful flowers to celebrate the Spring Festival and the Year of the Rabbit, others mourn loved ones lost to COVID-19. Wuhan Markets Despite the Beijing government lifting its zero-COVID policy in December, a surge of…
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thenewsfactsnow · 2 years
India increases surveillance as more coronavirus news breaks in China
India increases surveillance as more coronavirus news breaks in China #CoronavirusNews #Covid19 #China #India #HealthWarning #HealthNews #Advisory #Covid19News
Coronavirus News: Covid is Not Over Yet – warns the Indian Health Minister. His statement came in response to the increasing number of Covid-19 cases in China, Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya stated that he had reviewed the country’s coronavirus situation with experts and officials, added that Covid-19 was still present, and instructed all relevant officials to remain vigilant and to step…
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reportwire · 2 years
Several Beijing districts shut schools as China COVID cases rise
Several Beijing districts shut schools as China COVID cases rise
Students in schools across several Beijing districts buckled down for online classes on Monday after officials called for residents in some of its hardest-hit areas to stay home, as COVID cases in China’s capital and nationally ticked higher. China is fighting numerous COVID-19 flare-ups, from Zhengzhou in central Henan province to Chongqing in the southwest and for Sunday reported 26,824 new…
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destielmemenews · 3 months
The US military ran a secret propaganda campaign to encourage people in developing countries to not accept life-saving aid from China, including China's new vaccine.
Reuters article -> https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-covid-propaganda/
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"Reuters identified at least 300 accounts on X, formerly Twitter, that matched descriptions shared by former U.S. military officials familiar with the Philippines operation. Almost all were created in the summer of 2020 and centered on the slogan #Chinaangvirus – Tagalog for China is the virus."
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justaboutsnapped · 2 years
Begging you guys to look at what's happening in China
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If you have a minute to spare, please consider reading and sharing this post.
[image ID: various photos about the #A4 revolution that is happening in China.
1st photo: a piece of white A4 paper with the following text on it: "Protests have been breaking out in many cities and university campuses across China thsi weekend in response to the highrise fire tragedy in Urumqi. Protesters called for end of zero-Covid policy and even an end to the Xi Jinping regime. The sheer number of particiipating cities and universities in this wave of protest have not been seen since 1989, after the June 4th Tiananmen Square Massacre where protesting students and citizens were murdered by the Chinese army. Freedom of expression and protest are luxuries in China. Even holding a piece of white paper in public can get you into trouble with the police. We call on Chinese nationals from every corner of the world to join in the #A4revolution and simply post a picture of an A4 blank paper on social media to speak the unspeakable and support the brave fellow Chinese citizens who are taking it to the streets in China." In the bottom right hand corner are the hashtags #白纸革命 and #A4 revolution.
2nd photo: protesters holding up pieces of white, blank A4 paper. The third photo is has protesters holding up paper on the left side, and a row of police standing guard right across from them. The fourth photo is of a piece of blank A4 paper
3rd photo: protesters holding up paper on the left side, and a row of police standing guard right across from them.
4th photo: a blank, white piece of A4 paper
end ID.]
I don't wanna guilt trip people and say things like "if you don't reblog this you don't care". but not a lot of people in the world know about what is happening in China right now so I'd really appreciate it if you'd share it with your family, friends, and peers.
The images above are reposted from the instagram account @citizensdailycn. If you speak Chinese and are not up to date regarding the situation please check them out at https://www.instagram.com/citizensdailycn/. They are also on twitter under the same username: https://twitter.com/CitizensDailyCN. If you speak English, you can check out their English counterpart, @whatsup_beijing: https://www.instagram.com/whatsup_beijing. Actual footage of the protests can be found on the Instagram account @northern_square: https://www.instagram.com/northern_square. If you want to distribute posters, here are some designs protestors have made: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vgjmsp8dgjnav93/AAD04p5ljQZ1hi9YSz4TAfmHa/%E6%9C%89hashtag%E6%B5%B7%E6%8A%A5?dl=0&subfolder_nav_tracking=1, https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vgjmsp8dgjnav93/AACsR7d5ICrG7hlYPErJSIuEa/%E6%97%A0hashtag%E6%B5%B7%E6%8A%A5?dl=0&subfolder_nav_tracking=1, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ql2CyIZfWy36nFRn0ahu83oCxh5zRXAj
This is the first time I've posted anything like this, and it is 2:49 AM in the morning so my post might not be perfect. If anyone has any resources or additions please feel free to add them in the reblogs! Also if you think the image IDs need improvement, or that I need more trigger/content warning tags please let me know by sending an ask or a message. Thank you.
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shinjihi · 10 months
「深入りするな。消されるぞ」と忠告され…アメリカ亡命中の研究者が決死の告発「新型コロナは『中国軍の生物兵器』として開発された」 かつては根拠薄弱な陰謀論とも言われていた「研究所流出説」。しかし、ここに来て米エネルギー省やFBIが、ウイルスは中国の研究所から流出した可能性が高いと指摘。重要人物がついに口を開いた。 隠蔽に躍起になる中国政府 世界で約7億人が感染し、約700万人が死亡したパンデミックはなぜ起きたのか―その秘密の扉がいま、静かに開かれようとしている。  「新型コロナウイルスは中国軍の生物兵器���して開発され、意図的に武漢にあるウイルスの研究施設から漏洩されたものです。世界はその起源を知るスタートラインに立っています」  誰よりも早く「武漢起源説」を唱えて中国を追われ、現在、アメリカに亡命中の閻麗夢博士は、本誌の取材に対してこう断言する。  いま、アメリカで新型コロナの発生起源に大きな関心が集まっている。今年2月に米エネルギー省が、「武漢のウイルス研究所から流出した可能性が高い」とする報告書をまとめたことをはじめ、米連邦捜査局(FBI)のクリストファー・レイ長官も��2月28日放映のFOXニュースで「研究所の事故である可能性がもっとも高い」と述べるなど、次々と「研究所起源説」を支持する声が上がっているのだ。  その源流を作ったのが、イェン博士である。この4年間、決死の覚悟で「武漢研究所流出説」を訴え続けてきた博士は、世界保健機関(WHO)認定のウイルス研究の権威である香港大学公衆衛生学院の研究員だった。'19年12月、武漢で広がり始めた原因不明の感染症の調査を命じられた彼女は、感染拡大の隠蔽に躍起になる中国政府の姿を目の当たりにする。  「調査を始めた時、すでに武漢はパニックでした。調査を命じられた翌日、最前線で奮戦していた李文亮医師(後に感染して死亡)は、原因不明の肺炎が広がっているとSNSで警鐘を鳴らしたところ、中国政府に処分されました」 「深入りするな。消されるぞ」 イェン博士は、その後、香港大学の研究所の上司から「武漢の人々がラクーンドッグ(タヌキ)を食べるという情報を集めてほしい」という不可解な指示を受ける。  「同じコロナウイルスで肺炎を引き起こすSARSが'02~'03年に流行した時、まずハクビシンが宿主となって人間に感染したことを突き止めたのは香港大学でした。中国政府は新型コロナでも、中間宿主を動物とするストーリーを描き、それを権威ある香港大学に公表させたかったのでしょう」  しかし、いくら調べても武漢の市場にタヌキは売られておらず、武漢の住民がタヌキを食べるという情報もなかった。  一刻も早く感染拡大の危機を世界に公表しなければならないはずだが、政府や香港大学にその様子は見られない。'20年1月19日、イェン博士はやむなく、アメリカの中国語メディア『路徳社』で武漢の惨状を公表する。  「香港大学の上司から『深入りするな。消されるぞ』と警告されました。背後に中国当局の意向があることは明白でした。私は身の危険を感じ、4月28日にアメリカへ亡命しました」  亡命を果たしたイェン博士は、新型コロナの特徴と中国のプロパガンダ戦を告発する3つの論文、いわゆる「イェン・レポート」を、研究データのオンラインプラットフォーム「Zondo」に発表。'20年9月に公表された第1弾では、新型コロナが人為的に作製されたことを告発している。  「自然発生説によれば、新型コロナウイルスはセンザンコウやハクビシンなどの中間宿主内で変異し、人間への感染確率を高めるとされています。しかし、新型コロナウイルスには人間の細胞と結合しやすいスパイクタンパク質が含まれており、これは自然発生説の中間宿主に関する理論や実験結果と一致しません。そして、これらの部位には、人為的な改変の痕跡がはっきりとあります」 https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/09597c4d0121190fb0934cca43bca947770dca43
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rednblacksalamander · 3 months
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donotdestroy · 4 months
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revenge-of-the-shit · 3 months
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This is so fucking evil
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troythecatfish · 3 months
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warsofasoiaf · 10 months
When you say China covered up the origins of Covid are you referring to the lab leak theory?
No, I am referring to China's obfuscation of the disease itself during the initial outbreak (confirmed via document leaks), its hindering of any supranational investgiation into its origins, its publicly-documented pressure on the WHO to follow its official party line, and its promotion of conspiracy theories that it was a targeted bioweapon developed in the US (a theory it promotes without evidence). While there is not enough evidence that can identify COVID of a zoonotic shift versus a lab leak, there is plenty of evidence that China was ground zero for the initial outbreak.
Thanks for the question, Speedy.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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el-pintor · 2 years
Old Xian confirmed there is something for Christmas planned! But... Old Xian, but first of all, you need to get well sonn. You can fight Covid (I hope you're vaccinated)!
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hale-nathan · 2 months
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Trump Weird News - Trump Solutions
Thank You @martiancount1877 for China Pic.
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theology101 · 5 months
Something that I like to keep in the back of my head is that America is gonna have a HUGE population drop. And like, soon.
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My mentor worked a lot in public health law and his wife worked for the CDC, so they both keep their fingers on the pulse of world health news. And right now, a new strain of Avian Flu had been making jumps cross species and across statelines - found in pigs and cows in Ohio, Michigan and New York.
If Avian flu becomes Humanized, and even a SMALL outbreak starts, millions of Americans will die.
COVID was 1-2% fatalities
Avian Flus average around 50.
COVID was directly transmissible, Avian Flu can survive after secondary and tertiary contact.
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didanawisgi · 2 months
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