#chimera ed au
the-catmans-offical-2 · 2 months
Another drawing produced by smth @f15hyw15hy said
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Idk what else to say with this
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somepsychopomp · 3 months
Kestrel Ed AU
Part 1 of my Kestrel chimera Edward AU. Basically, this all started with Hohenheim being a chimera himself as a result of a Xerxesian alchemical experiment conducted on him when he was still just a slave- but he's a healthy one that can pass as human w/ the ability to have children of his own. Thus, Edward being born with wings and a tail.
(You can see the extensive background for this AU here). This isn't like the first chapter of a story, more like the first snippet, taking place in some amorphous time when Ed and Al are on the road together.
I hope you enjoy!
(Word count: 2,225)
The last few towns they visited were all too small to consider safe. They were hardly the kinds of places to be found easily on any map, their populations never surpassing five-hundred. Perhaps such small towns would be relieving, meaning there were less eyes on them at all times. But it was harder to find a moment to themselves, as well.
One village, the last they visited, was like a miniature version of Resembool with only a few dozen permanent residents. Most of these towns did not have hotels, perhaps a hostel by the road or a kindly resident willing to put up the Fullmetal Alchemist as thanks for his assistance, but they both knew these were far too risky to keep in.
Not just because someone might start asking questions about Alphonse, the strange boy who towered over everyone else and never took off his armor, but because Brother had his own secrets as well. And between the two of them, they had been keeping Ed's for far longer.
So even though Ed tried to hide it, Alphonse knew they desperately needed to get to a town with a proper hotel equipped with private rooms. Ed was very good at hiding it, yes. He never squirmed under the eye of the public or even when there could feasibly be someone to see him do it. But Al knew.
It was in the way his brother kept his shoulders taut and spine straight as though he were on a perpetual military march, even though they were the only two walking down the unpaved road from their last village to its neighboring town of Walden. The village locals were kind enough to inform them that if they kept on this path, the very first thing they'd see was the Walden Hotel. And Al knew without question that the mental image of a hot shower and a room to themselves was the only thing keeping his brother together right now.
It only took a few hours to get there, thankfully. They traveled in complete and utter silence, another sign that Ed was desperate to finally shed his coat and bindings. Al didn't push him, but let his big brother do the talking at the hotel reception desk.
"We sadly only have one room available for tonight, Sir...and it only has one bed. Is-"
"That's fine, we'll take it," Ed said, taking back his State Alchemist watch as verification for his identity. Most respectable hotels would hesitate to rent to two unattended children without it.
As soon as their room door was shut behind them, Ed shook off his boots and headed straight for the bathroom. Al went about his usual duties of locking the door and closing all the curtains, as well as checking the sheets for bedbugs. Just in case.
All things considered, it was a nice room. Older and more rustic than the military dorms they've stayed in at East City, but Al found himself enjoying this more. The old red carpet, the scratched hardwood furniture and beaten wood floors, the small fireplace with an interior caked in ash.... it was all very homey to him.
Of course, these were only fleeting thoughts to occupy his time until the water shut off and Ed came staggering out on leadened feet. There was a towel tied around his waist as he used another to dry his hair. The very ends of his long tail feathers stuck out from under the hem of the towel, revealing some of their white coloration before terminating with their pitch black tips.
"You shouldn't let your feathers drag on the floor, Brother. You just cleaned them," Alphonse said.
"Yeah, yeah," Ed said, resting the towel around his shoulders as he stretched his arms over his head. Alphonse, from the time he was born, always loved to watch the way his big brother's wings moved with his body. Unrestrained and free as they were, Ed's wings lifted from their drooping, lax position dragging on the floor and raised with his arms. The room was large enough so that Ed could extend his wings as far as they would go, a full four-meter wingspan, as a soft trilling sound escaped his throat.
Ed dropped his arms and wings, water droplets falling from his hair and the ends of his very long flight feathers.
"Hey, Al. How's my back looking?" Ed asked, turning around.
Alphonse walked over to examine where his brother's wings, rust red in the center before dissolving into black at the edges, met the smooth plain of his back. Though his body was unable to sense hot or cold and many other things, Al memorized exactly how much pressure was required to examine his brother's wings without damaging the sensitive feathers or delicate musculature.
He felt the area around where Ed's back and wings met, checking for redness or swelling. There was nothing aside from the typical stiffness. However, he did notice that Ed had a number of small bent feathers scattered across his wings, a symptom of them being bound and kept under his coat for too long. Especially with all the trouble and fighting they get themselves into all the time.
Alphonse placed one hand on the left side of his brother's rib cage and the other hand over Ed's lesser coverts- the small feathers that covered the very top of his left wing and grew over the humerus bone, the one extending from his "shoulder" joint where the wing met his back.
"Press against my hand," Al said, though it didn't need to be said. Ed did as requested, straining his wing as hard as he could. As expected, Alphonse had to expend effort to keep his hand in place, but not much. This test was really to see if Ed had injured his wing or perhaps needed help stretching them out after keeping them bound for almost two weeks without rest. They did the same with Ed's right wing and found similar results. He was having difficulties keeping his wings up and taut. They visibly trembled even under Alphonse's admittedly gentle touch.
His brother was not weak, not in the slightest. But his poor wings never had the opportunity to fully develop their strength.
Since they had time before the hotel's food services shut down for the night, Alphonse made his brother sit down on the bed so he could tend to the damaged feathers. He was careful as he either straightened out any bent feathers, or plucked the ones that could not be saved. The small pile of damp, plucked feathers would have to be disposed of before they left.
It seemed like all Ed wanted to do was curl up under the covers, but Al made him get dressed in some proper clothes while he went to get something for his brother to eat.
(All of Ed's clothes were altered using alchemy to mirror the way their mother used to hand-make Ed's garments. The back of his shirts held horizontal slits so Ed could slip his wings through one at a time. Alternatively, if he was really tired or sore, he could simply transmute his shirts to have a vertical slit running down the back so it hung loose and open around him like a smock, before transmuting it once more to seal it back up, no effort on part of his wings required. Ed had to do less tailoring for his bottoms, just opting for high-waisted pants and tucking his tail in, running his long tail feathers down the pant leg containing his flesh limb, as Ed had no interest in his feathers getting caught in the joints of his automail.)
When Alphonse returned with a tray bearing a ham sandwich and a mug of hot tea, a nice and easy meal to eat, he found his big brother laying on the bed, on his side with his wings and tail in full view.
"Brother!" Al cried, making sure to lock the door behind him.
"What? You told me not to let them touch the floor."
At least he'd put some clothes on. Alphonse stifled a sigh as he set the tray on the table before the fireplace.
"Do you want the fireplace lit?" he asked.
"No, no, it's fine." Ed said, wandering over to the table to eat. He at least had the strength to tuck his wings against his back without needing to bind them.
Alphonse took up the chair next to Ed and watched him eat. Tonight wasn't the kind of night where he yearned for a piece of whatever meal Ed was having, but he still liked to watch his brother eat.
"You know...." Ed said, being the first to break the silence, "They're getting long and heavy again."
"They are long." Alphonse agreed. "You think it's time?"
His metal body masked his burning displeasure and remorse as Ed nodded.
When they were boys, when their lives were as simple as they could be, their mother was the one who fed and bathed them. She played with them while their father locked himself in his study. And on nights when it was storming out and no one would be wandering by, she'd shut the curtains and push the furniture in the living room aside so Ed could stretch his wings and beat them as much as he liked. She held his hands so that he wouldn't hurt himself in his meager attempts to lift off the ground.
But it was their father made certain Edward never learned to fly. Not really, not in the way Alphonse always suspected his brother was able to if only given the chance, with the ground far below him and open skies all around.
It was their father who always kept Ed's wings and even his tail clipped. They were for Edward's safety, he said. But Alphonse knew perfectly well how much Ed resented him for it.
Alphonse had his own objections at the time, but as the baby of the family, he was never listened to, either. Unfortunately, it was undeniable that the clippings made Ed's wings a little lighter and much easier to conceal.
Among the very few belongings they kept on their person throughout their travels, one of the things in Ed's old suitcase was a heavy pair of metal scissors.
Alphonse hated the way they fit in his hand, the way they were so well polished and kept sharp by necessity.
When imagining trimming done to any captive bird, one had to imagine the hands holding the bird in place as the blades sliced off the ends of their feathers. Contrary to belief, clipping a bird's wings didn't prevent them from flying at all. They could still glide short distances, or lift themselves off the ground if they fell. But Alphonse always imagined it had to be such a demoralizing experience, regardless.
He remembers how their father used to cut Ed's wings very short. He was the one who did all the holding and the cutting when they were little. Ed never had to trim his own wings, it would be full of terribly awkward angles for him if he tried, but Al knew his brother absolutely would do it himself if he had to.
Thankfully, he didn't have to. He was sitting still in a chair, waiting as Alphonse arrived with the scissors.
Al knelt down, taking his brother's trail of tail feathers in one hand, lamenting that he now had to perform what they once loathed their father doing, but knowing there was no better choice.
"Go on," Ed said, not looking back. It made Alphonse feel just a little better as he cut off the ends of Ed's tail feathers in one clean stroke, nearly halving them in length. Any farther and he risked letting blood.
At least with him, Ed always consented. And that did make things much easier for them both.
Next, Al trimmed the long primary flight feathers on his brother's left wing. He would've been fine leaving them there, but Ed continued to hold out his faintly trembling wing and demanded Al cut off the excess from the secondary flight feathers. So he did.
He made quick work of the right wing as well. The whole endeavor only took a few minutes, all things considered. In a rush job when they had to leave their accommodations sooner than expected for whatever reason, Alphonse could cut them all and be rid of the evidence in sixty seconds. But here, he took his time and refused to let himself forget the way his elder brother flinched ever, ever so slightly as Al clipped the longest flight feather on his right wing a tad too short. No blood beaded and dripped, but he could tell Ed felt something unpleasant.
He didn't say anything, of course. Never to Alphonse.
Together, they tidied up the fragments of feathers that accumulated on the floor, as well as the small pile from before, and wrapped them in paper before placing them in the fireplace.
Al watched as his brother took the box of matches from the mantle and lit one, the orange lit dancing at his fingertips.
With his feathers no longer able to brush against the floor, Ed tossed his match into the fireplace without a second thought.
Fun fact to lighten the mood- the average Lesser Kestrel wingspan is about twice the length of their body, and then some. Ed's wingspan at 4 meters/13 feet is just a little more than 2x his diminutive height at the start of the series lol.
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Some @highabovethecloudssomewhere AU sketches to warm up. Her AUs are really cool!! I promised I'd draw more so here lol
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harperd · 5 months
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Doggy Edward ;3 from militaryMuttsAU he's supposed to be a Persian mastiff/Sarabi :P runt ofc cos Persian mastiffs r pretty big normally X(
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jamiragondrawstuff · 1 year
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A drawing inspired by @mousewife-stash which prompted me to want to dust off my old Fullmetal Alchemist Chimera Al AU from over a decade and a half ago.
(specifically https://mousewife-stash.tumblr.com/post/720137085447733248/sad-frog-boy-hours) Then I was going to draw what happened next or at least make it black and white, but I lost interest.
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eldritch-edward · 2 years
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A Well Deserved Nap
Image Description: Edward Elric from the Eldritch!Edward AU sleeping on a bed in a red-themed room with a warm, rusty orange tint from the sunset. The atmosphere is very cozy. He's in comfy shorts and his coat is about halfway off. He's upper face is buried in the crook of his arm. Pooled near his side and resting on his chest is the shadow homunculus Sophie, whom I stole from one of the games because I didn’t want to make new characters. There are photos, sticky notes, a calendar, a notepad, a piece of journal paper, and a childish drawing in the background.
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chuckeroo777 · 1 month
Laios got Eaten AU Chapter 86-Finale
Chapters 1-52, Chapters 53-85
Welcome back! It's time to bring this to a close! Expect the chapter format to break down once we get into it!
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As always, a spoiler warning for pretty much all of Dungeon Meshi. Let's go!
Chapter 86:
The first bit is mostly the same, except since the pearlipede isn't a weapon, there is no seppuku scare.
Flamela, as usual, has no chill. While she knows Falin isn't to blame, everything is still majorly f***ed. She starts blabbing about what needs to be done now, filling in the hole, evacuating everyone, preparing a substitute lord...
A substitute lord. Falin grows very quiet, a vacant look in her eyes. Marcille knows it all too well. Falin is thinking hard about something.
After a long pause, Falin looks to Marcille. There is an almost frightening intensity in her gaze. An intensity Marcille has only seen once before.
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Falin declares that she knows how to stop the Demon for good. She must become lord of the dungeon.
Everyone immediately freaks out. This is clearly an awful idea, and Falin is failing to elaborate.
Before they can get Falin to explain herself, the Demon makes itself known in it's giant form. The raw intensity of Falin's desire has it intrigued.
Falin doesn't say another word as the lion grabs the tower and swallows it whole, the rest of the party completely freaking out.
Chapter 87:
Chapter 88:
Once they arrive in the bone zone, Falin goes to approach the lion, but Marcille stops her. What exactly is she planning?
Falin takes a deep breath, before wavering, and then grabs Marcille in a tight embrace. Falin begs Marcille and the other's forgiveness for what she is about to do.
Falin kisses Marcille on the lips. Marcille is left stunned for a few seconds too long, and Falin runs off before she can stop her.
Realizing that Falin is about to sacrifice herself, everyone runs after her, but it is too late. Falin stands before the Demon, and states her desire.
"Make me the Lord of the Dungeon. However it has to happen, I desire the power to keep everyone safe from you. Forever."
They watch in horror as the Demon wraps its wings around her, and they both vanish from sight.
Chapter 89:
The demon's pocket dimension starts to shake. The bones begin to swirl and collapse. As the party is dragged under, they catch a brief glimpse of a massive figure rising from the bones. A familiar face, now sporting five hourglass eyes.
Marcille and the others fall into the water. They panic as they are helped up by Namari and the others. Falin did... something. And isn't coming back.
The original chapter structure breaks down completely here.
Nobody is given a chance to process this news, as the dungeon suddenly starts shifting again. Whole swaths are pulled back underground, and the hole in the ceiling begins to seal back up. The dungeon is reverting into it's previous form.
Many of the groups get separated in the panic, and people are dispersed across the dungeon.
Once things settle down a little, Marcille, Senshi, Chilchuck, and Izutsumi find themselves in the fifth level, back in the castle town, on the street were the red dragon fell.
Marcille breaks down into tears, the totality of what has happened finally sinking in. Senshi and Chilchuck have no idea what to say, but do their best to comfort her. Even Izutsumi reluctantly offers a hug.
After a little while, Chilchuck suggests that they should probably start heading for the surface. It shouldn't be too hard, since by sheer luck (or perhaps the dungeon's will), their bags and equipment ended up with them here.
As they awkwardly prepare to leave, they are interrupted by the sound of wings. The Laigon swoops down, and lands in front of them.
There is a moment of panic, but then they realize that the chimera isn't attacking. Laios is so happy to see his friends again, though, he is a little confused. His memories under Thistle's control are hazy, and his vocal cords are malformed, making it tricky for him to talk much.
Marcille and the others are overjoyed that Laios is alright, though the reunion is definitely bittersweet. Laios is devastated to learn that Falin sacrificed herself. But ultimately, they all need to keep going, to honor her memory.
They begin to make their way up the dungeon. Laios is excited to finally be able to assess his new body in his right mind. The dragon's soul is still there in full force, but it's controllable, just like when Laios was first revived. He only wishes his sister was here to see him finally fulfill his dream.
The dungeon is oddly calm, with the monsters keeping to themselves, and there being more fountains and food (Such as patches of Barometz and mandrakes) to be found.
As they progress, they run across more people. They meet up with Toshiro, Namari, Kabru, and Thistle on the third floor, and Laios is quick to apologize for his actions. Kabru immediately throws Thistle under the bus, pointing out that it's him who should be apologizing.
Thistle does not apologize.
After a few days travel, they make their way to the first floor. It is much bigger and more spacious than before. Everyone has met up here to discuss what happens next. Laios sits by the well to conserve his strength. He probably won't be able to leave the dungeon in his current form.
They meet up with Pattadol and get the scoop. It seems that not only has this dungeon calmed down, but dungeons across the world are calming down too. Where normally dungeons try to fan the desires of their inhabitants, the dungeons have all become oddly passive.
Marcille is about to willingly let herself be arrested by the canaries, when there is sudden another rumble. The big well at the center of the plaza begins to bubble, and a shocking figure emerges from the water.
It is Falin, in her full blown demon form.
She has eschewed the lion imagery, instead taking on the form of a terrifying yet elegant centipede woman. Her face is mostly the same, but with three additional eyes peeking out from her messy bangs, all five wide with infinity pupils. Her body is long and serpentine, with dozens of arms lining the sides. Layered golden robes complete the look. She is nearly 20 feet long, and that's only the portion sticking out of the fountain.
Before even figuring out what the hell is going on, Marcille and Laios rush forward and tearfully embrace Falin. Everyone else is understandably shocked and confused, but Falin begins to explain what happened.
When she became lord, she fused with the demon. As an nonliving creature, its will became subsumed by hers. She feared that its one true instinct, the desire to feed on desires, would overwhelm her, and she initially planned to sequester herself away from the world. However, she soon discovered a solution.
Yeah, turns out she could just consume her own desire to eat desires, allowing her to assume full control of her new infinite form without the demon's corrupting influence.
(Author's note: Initially, I was struggling to figure out the ending, since a Golbetty solution was the only one I could think of. But then I realized, why does that have to be a downer ending. If I want a happy ending, I can just... do it. Plus, if auto-cannibalism isn't a peak Dungeon Meshi solution, I don't know what is.)
Falin wants to keep her use of her infinite power at a minimum, but there are a few things she definitely wants to do. First, she makes sure everyone who was affected by Marcille's reign is healed up.
Next, with Laios' help to guide her hand, she modifies his chimera form so he can live comfortably on the surface. The wings have to go, and he is made considerably smaller, more resembling a draconic centaur.
She then begins the process of ejecting the golden country from the dungeon. Once Yaad is returned to his body, he ends up being made the leader of the restored nation. The orcs are of course allowed in, and it eventually becomes a prosperous nation.
After determining that he is only capable of very rudimentary magic without his book, The elves release Thistle into the kingdom's custody a few years later. Thistle never reunites with Delgal, but at least his people are happy. He proceeds to be the grumpy court mage.
Chilchuck moves to Kahka Brud and opens a shop. He eventually reunites with his wife with Marcille's help, and the two reconcile.
Senshi returns to living in the dungeon. It is now mostly just level 6 and 7, though Falin creates plenty of caves and spaces for biodiversity to proliferate. Senshi primarily lives in the new first floor, tending the golems. He is able to massively expand his operation, becoming Melini and Kahka Brud's primary provider of cabbage and root vegetables.
Falin proposes that with her new powers, she could seperate Izutsumi's components safely. But after giving it a good hard think over a few weeks, Izutsumi realizes... she doesn't actually want that. The only reason she ever wanted that was because people treated her as an unnatural freak. And after hanging out with people who respect her for what she is, she no longer wants to give up what makes her 'her'. She ends up living around Melini, mostly squatting with her friends and hunting monsters with Laios. She does end up finding the dark mage who created her, and gets him put away for life.
While Demon Falin is a kindhearted soul, there is one instance the canaries noticed where she was extremely uncooperative. When attempting to arrest Marcille for her dungeon lord shenanigans, Falin kept changing the subject, and getting progressively more annoyed. They ultimately decide to let her have Marcille, not wanting to piss off the young goddess.
Kabru ends up becoming the governor of the dungeon, keeping track of coming and goings, making sure everyone explores safely, and generally making sure things run smoothly. Mithrun ends up retiring from the canaries and decides to work with Kabru.
Toshiro returns to the east, but he periodically still comes back to visit Falin and his friends. After a few more years of dungeoneering, Namari ends up opening an armor and weapons store.
While his home is in the dungeon, Laios ends up working for Yaad and the kingdom, using his knowledge and chimera strength to hunt down dangerous monsters spotted around the kingdom.
Falin is restricted to the dungeon, but she doesn't mind as long as all her friends are able to visit. She ends up being revered as the new deity of Melini. While she mostly doesn't want to use her powers willy nilly, she is always happy to heal those who ask. Plus, she is present in all the remaining ancient dungeons, ensuring they all remain stable and safe for those wishing to explore them.
Marcille of course lives in the dungeon with Falin, and continues to study magic, particularly of the ancient variety. She makes all sorts of useful discoveries over the years, and comes to be rather famous, despite her criminal past. Eventually, Falin ends up making Marcille a chimera so that Falin, Marcille, and Laios can be together for a very long time. Plus, Marcille and Falin have all sorts of real freaky sex.
And they all lived happily ever after. The end.
Thanks to everyone who has enjoyed my silly little AU. I hope you enjoyed this crazy finale, even if it's 90% wish fulfillment on my part.
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Till next time!
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orphetoon · 3 months
in your full meal au do the brothers ever experience/acquire any relevant conditions or injuries to the ones they have in canon?
im assuming this is asking if ed has his automail or if al ends up in his armor
ed is a bit tricky bc its implied that healing magic in dungeon meshi can restore lost limbs, at least in a dungeon. and since the brothers haven’t attempted to revive trisha in this au, ed probably would only lose his limbs in a dungeon-related accident, so they could be healed. might just say fuck it and give him magic prosthetics tho
and like. i Could make al into a living armor/chimera situation. but at what point does this stop being ‘fma characters in the dunmeshi world’ and just becomes ‘fma but its underground’
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platypus-love · 4 months
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Another chimera Ling AU drawing but this time the boys ain’t doing so well. Things happen a little different when Ling, Ed, and Envy are stuck inside Gluttony.
As always feel free to send me asks!
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Marauders Summer camp AU
Imagine a marauders AU where they all work at a Summer camp called camp phoenix. Camp owner is Albus dumbledore camp director is McGonagall and Pomfrey is the camp Medic. James works with the bowtruckles which are the 6-7 year old girls with Pandora. Gideon and Alice work with the Puffskeins which are the male 6-7 year olds. Marlene and Fabian work with the Nifflers (girls 8-12) while the Kneazles (boys 8-12) are looked after by Peter and Frank. Remus and Emmeline work with the thunderbirds (boys 13-15) and Marlene and Mary work with the kelpies (Girls 13-15). Sirius and Xenophilius work with the survival camp called the chimera group which is co-ed from 16-17.
The drama of working side by side for 2 ish months everyday while there is the rivalry between camp pheonix and camp of the knights of walburgis where Narcissa, Dorcas, Bellatrix, Barty, Regulus and Evan all work. Peter switching to the other camp halfway through the summer. late night romantic meetings between Alice and Narcissa. James pining over Regulus. All the campers shipping Remus and Sirius.
If you have any ideas please feel free to add on.
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the-catmans-offical-2 · 2 months
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Chimera Ed doodles that totally didn't take me like 3 days bc I was procrastinating
I really like the one with Havoc braiding Ed's hair (A scene drawing from the fic ch 4, which I did post I wanted to announce that when I finished this)
Biblically accurate design lmao
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somepsychopomp · 2 months
thinking abt chimera!roy hours
I have no real plot or plan behind this idea, I'm just really into the mental image of a giant black wolf with Roy's straight locks of hair and his voice and haunted empty eyes who gets one whiff of Ed's scent and hounds him down immediately...
Only to curl up into a protective ball w/ a comparatively tiny Fullmetal Alchemist tucked against his belly as though he's nothing more than a measly pup. Roy growls at anyone who gets too close, even baring and gnashing his teeth. And every time Ed tries to wriggle out of his Colonel's clutches, Roy carefully grabs him by the back of his red coat- instinctively never being too rough with his large teeth- and tucks Ed back into where it's "safe".
There are only two exceptions to Roy's aggression. One is Alphonse, who Roy will allow to touch himself and Ed (largely because Al smells like his brother), and Hawkeye. When she first approaches chimera Roy, he very gently takes her hand with his teeth and puts it on his front legs before laying his chin over her hand, effectively pinning her in place as well.
Once he has both Hawkeye and Ed under observation, he relaxes significantly and becomes much more docile.
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kattythingz · 3 months
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And what if I said I was absolutely delusional and already daydream about a sequel to my Hades au. What then.
Individual portrait + alternate vers. and au details under the cut
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Like Hades 2, the Emperor's House was sieged by the first homunculus, Father, shortly after the birth of Ling's little sister's (Zhen, OC & player character). Ed is one of the few that manage to escape to safety in the Crossroads, but not Ling. He wears several things from Ling because of that: Ling's crown as a choker (which Ling had pressed into Ed's hands in their last moment together), Ling's sword as a shrunken-down earring, and the dragon pattern from Ling's cloak on his robes.
The Crossroads are led by Olivier, and inhabited by others like Al, Havoc, Izumi, Greed, and, of course, Zhen.
Ed is eaten by guilt for having left Ling. Little Zhen is all Ed has left of his partner now—and she looks just like her brother sometimes; Ed can't be blamed when he accidentally goes from being Zhen's favorite playmate to her main guardian. He teaches her alchemy and fighting to simultaneously prepare her for the fight against Father, and just for her own good.
He doesn't want to replace Zhen's real family. Everyone in the Crossroads calls her Zhenzhen (sans Olivier), but Ed does his best to put a miniscule distance between them by calling her "Xiao Zhen" instead. She calls him "Big Brother" in turn, even when she's well matured into an adolescent godling.
Ed continues to be a reassuring presence and voice of reason to you (Zhen) as the "game" unfolds. You give him the first nectar you get your hands on, and Ed is warmly surprised and nostalgic at the gift. He says you're really just like your brother with that gesture.
(You don't find out Ed is Ling's partner until a certain point in gameplay.)
Halfway through your relationship bar with Ed, he asks with some uncertainty why you keep expressing such fealty to him. You answer that, truthfully, he's always been something of a father figure to you.
To your shock, Ed tells you firmly that he can't accept that sentiment.
(He can't replace Zhen's family he can't replace Ling. It wasn't supposed to get this far, he should've had Ling back by now and he should've been the one helping raise Zhen, gods—)
You are undeterred by Ed's rejection. You continue to gift him nectar, and he continues to accept as your mentor, your friend, your big brother, anything but as your parent.
Sometime during this conflict, you run into a chimera girl, cursed by the gods for her father's sins; Nina Tucker. You're both the same age, but, unlike you, Nina has no one out here. You fulfill a minor prophecy to get her back to the Crossroads where she will have someone to foster her there. You know Ed will love her.
Nina softens something in Ed. He takes her in instantly and trains her in alchemy just as he did you, and you joke to Nina that she's now your sister for that.
It's a long time (full relationship bar) before you accept that Ed isn't ready to hear "Dad" from you, especially after you do meet Ling and the rest of your family. "Big Brother" and "Xiao Zhen" have always been sacred to the two of you, in any sense. You don't need literal titles between each other.
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elliott-forgott · 1 year
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Some wingfic chimera!Ed au art that I’ve made in the depths of my madness.
If you are interested in the madness:
The idea is kind of that Ed gets kidnapped into a Military Chimera program while he’s still in the hospital after the 5th lab, because they were struggling to figure out how to transmute human-birds that would live and function, and they knew he’d studied Tucker’s work. Believing they’re going to hurt Al—who’s nowhere near this place and has no idea where his brother is—he figures it out. They make him the first test because they can’t exactly let him go. It’s successful, but after he’s transmuted with the birds, he gets amnesia and mentally regresses to cope with being a human chimera. He gets trained as an actual soldier now, an aerial sniper, but after a few months of missions he catches sight of his brother in east city and remembers everything— now he’s going to tear the military apart with the help of his friend, Wolfie, who has a strangely familiar voice, a wolf head, and a wicked skill with throwing knives.
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Just so y'all know, if I see any pròship, incést, or fucking pedophilic shipping, art, whatever; I will block whoever I see posting/reposting that shit.
Fucking, im gonna state this now bc im back in my FMA/B hyperfixation so FUCKING ANYOM3 WHO SHIPS ROYED, ANY MINOR (Ed, Al, Ling, Mei, Winry, etc.) X ADULTS (Roy, Scar, Riza, Havoc, Izumi, etc.), ANY MINOR CHARACTER X HOMUNCULIS (Greed, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Pride, Wrath, Wrath 03, Sloth 03), ED OR AL X HOMUNCULIS (THEYRE RELATED PRETTY SURE), ELRIC-CEST, OR WHATEVER DNI, GET FUCKING LOST!!
Im gonna fucking rage istg.
Any art I make of Ed and Roy are to ONLY be taken into a Father-Son relationship context. Nothing more, nothing weird. Same with Al and Roy, Ed ans Riza, Al and Riza, etc.
Anyway, aside from that rant, I'll be posting the Ed Chimera! AU comic im working on soon. I've got three pages done and i'd like to know if I should make this interactive or what. Up to whoever, idm if its interactive or not. (Id probs have more to go with for interactive, and by interactive I mean asks.)
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eldritch-edward · 2 years
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The above is just so that we're clear.
(He can go between Fine Fluff and Full Fluff at will, the same way Heinkel and the other human chimeras can switch forms. He cannot, however, get rid of the tail.)
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