#children relocation
Tips for Moving with Kids
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Moving to a new home is a significant milestone that can bring both excitement and anxiety, especially for families with children. Relocating with kids adds extra challenges, as they often need additional support and reassurance during this transition. Recognizing how moving impacts children and using effective strategies can help make the process smoother.
This article examines the emotional effects of moving on children, provides practical tips for families, and offers advice on making the transition as positive as possible for everyone involved. By addressing both the emotional and practical aspects of moving, families can transform this challenging experience into a chance for growth and new beginnings. Whether you’re moving across town or to a different state, our Fort Lauderdale moving company, Established Moving, is ready to assist you throughout the process, ensuring a smooth and stress-free relocation for your whole family. Click the link below to find out more.
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dp x dc idea 88
The GIW successfully invade the infinite realms. The Fenton parents were more then happy to provide weapons. Anything to deal with the awful body snatchers.
Danny was revealed, the GIW brought evidence of him being phantom to Jack and Maddie. They two vow vengeance for their dead son.
Danny barely managed to escape with his half-life and fled to the realm. Only for war to happen.
The GIW don’t even have to win battles. Just place anti-ecto bombs strategically in the realm. They can’t win actual battles.
Those in the realm keep disarming them. Some go off, only enough to damage little sections/haunts. If the realm goes the entire multiverse goes. The infinite realm connects every universe and afterlife.
With how unstable the realm becomes the universes are just getting way more natural portals.
Danny and Danielle get caught in an explosion. Just in time for a portal to open and drop them in dc. Without the ambient ecto from the realm the two are forced back into human form.
They run into Constantine. Total coincidence he definitely wasn’t investigating the influx of portals. Danny can feel that he had been in the realm before and is desperate to get back. He panics and info dumps on John.
Now as the two are drained. He can’t tell they are ecto-beings. The assumption the JLD come up with is the two are children from the attacking universe. Obviously they didn’t agree, as the two are adamant that they have to get back and stop dp before every dimension is destroyed.
Now the JL and JLD have to get back into the realm and help stop the destruction of every single dimension.
All while trying to keep the only two who know how to make a stable portal from jumping into every unstable portal that pops up. The portals are only staying for mere seconds and getting shorter each time but increasing in amount formed.
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autism0fadown · 4 months
This is a verified GFM by Sayruq, here
Please focus attention on Mahmoud and his family!!! He is trying to raise money so that they are able to relocate outside of gaza
Some of the money will also be used for medical treatments as his mother has respiratory infections and his father has high blood pressure
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Please read his family’s story and share/rb as much as possible!!
And if you can, donate!!! Every donation is appreciated
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baileys-writing-desk · 10 months
It’s Eldin’s turn to do something dumb. This may or may not involve setting trees on fire.
[Misfits of the 3 Dragons]
“Do you ever get the urge to just…set something on fire?”
Faron chuckles at Eldin’s comment. “All the time.”
“Good,” the Fire Dragon replies, scanning the forest for signs of Lanayru, and finding none. “Well, he’s not back yet, so what do you say?”
“Hm? I’m afraid I don’t follow…” Faron’s eyes go wide as she stares at Eldin’s fiery body. “Oh- you wanna burn Lanayru’s forest?? I don’t think that’s a good idea—“
“Oh no, not the whole thing. Just one tree! Don’t worry, I’m not that mean.”
The Water Dragon pauses in thought. “Well…I suppose we could get back at him for something, huh?”
“Yeah, maybe the way he goes into ‘overprotective dad’ mode around us? I know it’s because he cares, but sometimes it’s a bit much…”
“Well…that too. But I was thinkin’ of that time he was in my hall and got really mad at me. He used his lightning powers on that whole section of lake and all the fish died.”
Eldin gasps. “Woah, Lanayru!” He glances up at the sky instinctively to make sure the Thunder Dragon isn’t there. “I didn’t know he had that in him! Holy Hylia!”
“Yep. Every single fish. Gone.” Faron chuckles. “I suppose I had it coming, though. I made a few comments that pushed him over the edge. But like…that still wasn’t necessary.”
“So, uh…should my little arson crime be our revenge against his little fish mass-murder scheme?”
“Sure! We just gotta be quick about it. You light the tree on fire, watch it burn, I’ll put the fire out, and we’ll leave before Lanayru gets back. Then we can blame a robot.” Faron points to an LD-301 near them, who turns around and skitters away. It must have been listening in on their conversation.
“Faron, he won’t think a robot did it. He’ll know it was me. Just don’t tell him you were in on this.”
“Okay,” she replies, “I won’t.”
“Now stay back. Stuff’s about to get lit up!”
Taking a deep breath, Eldin closes his eyes and summons the fire power Hylia had blessed him with. Heat rages throughout his body as the magic flames float up to his mouth, ready to be released.
Farewell, little tree.
As he opens his eyes, he brings his focus down to the tree closest to him. In one swift motion he exhales, and the red-hot flames shoot out through the air and collide with the green leaves on scrawny branches. A safe distance away, Faron watches with a look of amazement.
“Wow…well done, fire boy!”
Soon the flames engulf more branches, spreading across the entire surface of the tree. The satisfying crackle fills Eldin’s ears like a beautiful song, and he breathes in the smell of fire and smoke that fills the air. He hasn’t been able to do a stunt like this in quite some time, and it feels wonderful.
“Ah, what can I say, Faron?” he speaks eventually. “Guess I’m a master at my craft.”
The Water Dragon flies in slightly closer, and the two watch the tree burn with cheeky smiles on their faces. Almost all the branches have been completely incinerated, and the fire has begun to spread down to the trunk. Eldin figures they should stop once neighboring trees start catching flames; he isn’t quite in the mood to burn down the whole forest, after all.
“You don’t have any trees in your area, don’t you?” Faron asks.
“Pretty much no.”
“What a shame. The only dragon out of the three of us without their own woods.”
Eldin smirks. “Well, not like mine would last that long anyway.” He sighs with content as he keeps his eyes on the scaldering sight he created. “Fire dragons and trees? You can see how that ends up!”
“Yeah, makes sense. Probably why Hylia didn’t want a—“ Faron cuts off suddenly as the two dragons hear a deep singing voice from the sky. She gasps as her eyes go wide. “Oh shit! Lanayru’s here!!”
“Uh-oh.” Eldin doesn’t bother to look up, for he too knows exactly who that voice belongs to. “Quick! Put out the fire!”
Unfortunately it also takes Faron a good few seconds to activate her own power, and Eldin fidgets with his rings nervously. He can still hear Lanayru zipping around through the air…it won’t be long before he notices.
“Okay, I’m ready!” the Water Dragon exclaims, shooting her claws out with a grunt. Large streams of water gush from each palm, completely soaking the tree and sizzling out every inch of flame. Now Eldin can see the charred remains of what used to be a lovely tree, several branches having snapped and fallen from his power burning through.
The fire may be out, but he knows they won’t be able to leave without a trace. The Thunder Dragon is coming now…he seems to have noticed as he flies down directly toward them.
“Just what do you think you're doing????” he bellows, glaring harshly at Eldin. “Did you just—set a tree on fire??”
Eldin gulps. “Um…yeah.”
“ELDIN!! I’ve told you this! You can’t just commit arson anywhere!! I mean—you almost started a forest fire!!”
“…But I didn’t,” he points out. “Faron came to stop it.”
“Yeah, I saw her do that. Thank Hylia.” Lanayru sighs, rubbing his forehead with one claw. “…Just…ugh, Eldin. Why?? Why did you do that??”
“Because it’s fun!” The Fire Dragon smirks, which only makes his older companion frown. “Or perhaps I am simply angry at you.”
“Huh? Wh-what did I do?”
“Ah, don’t act all innocent, Lanayru. I know what you did. You killed all of Faron’s fish with your lightning! Little fish murderer!!”
Lanayru’s brow furrows as he pauses in thought. “…What? I don’t—oh, that?” He briefly throws his head back in laughter. “Why are we still bringing that up? It was like…ten years ago!”
Faron snickers, putting a hand to her mouth to hide her own giggles. You—meanie!
“Uh…Miss Faron, I think that would’ve been a good detail to add BEFORE I committed arson.”
“Ah, fire boy, it doesn’t matter,” she assures him. “You were gonna do it anyway!”
Pausing in thought, he shrugs his shoulders. “…Yeah, I was.”
A deep groan fills the air. Eldin glances at Lanayru, whose head is now buried in both claws. The old dragon seems completely spent, so tired at putting up with the two youngsters, and for a second Eldin twinges with regret. Perhaps he should have lit up Faron’s woods instead…
“Ugh,” Lanayru mumbles. “You two are just—aaahh! I love both of you to bits, but…” Slowly he lifts his head to glare at them. “You’re driving me insane!!”
“Sorry, Lanayru. It was a lot of fun, though.”
“Well, I’m glad that destruction of my property was fun to you, Eldin.” The sarcasm is evident in the Thunder Dragon’s voice. “Now I have a burnt tree in my woods. Oh joy. Exactly what I wanted, huh? A burnt tree.”
“Then just dig it up and plant a new one!”
“Wait- plant a new one?? Do you know who you’re talking to here? I can’t plant a tree to save my life! Why don’t you plant it instead, since you burned it?!”
Eldin smirks. “You think I can plant trees?? Think about where I live for a second, won’t ya?”
Lanayru sighs with frustration, and slowly the two dragons turn their gazes to Faron. The only one who knows how to plant a healthy tree.
“Fine,” the Water Dragon replies. “I’ll do it. But I think this is a good skill for you two to learn.”
“Sure,” says Lanayru. “You just have to teach us!”
“…Well, shit.”
Eldin bursts into laughter at Faron’s response. Clearly the last thing she wants to do is teach the others how to plant a tree.
“You know what?” she continues. “If it will help you buffoons learn something, maybe I will one day. Or I’ll have Link teach you instead.” Glancing at the charred spot of grass below them, she grins slightly. “Don’t worry, Lanayru, I’ll have this taken care of.”
“Hrrmph,” Lanayru mutters. “I think I need to go lie down. Eldin, you’re temporarily banned from this area without my supervision.”
“Ah, shucks.” Well…should’ve seen that coming. “…I guess I’ll just commit arson somewhere else, then!”
“Don’t you dare. I’ll be watching you.”
Eldin watches as Lanayru glides over the treetops toward his own clearing, much larger than this one. If he can’t set anything on fire now…well, he figures he’ll just have to get creative. With a sigh, he turns his focus to Faron, as she digs up the burnt tree with her claws and discards it onto the grass.
At least it was fun while it lasted.
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artsyaprilmr · 2 months
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they are looking 👁️👁️
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kids-worldfun · 3 months
Long Distance Moving with Young Children: Packing, Planning, and Patience
Moving to a new city or state can be a stressful situation. Moving with kids can compound the stress level, but it doesn’t have to be that way. If you follow the three Ps – planning, packing, and patience, you might discover moving doesn’t have to be bad at all. You’ll also teach your kids how to handle new situations with confidence, which will make you feel good. Planning: How to Help Kids…
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zevranunderstander · 7 months
we just played a session of our campaign which was like the first HUGE arc finale, and I can only summarise it by saying that nemja's evil ex survived being barbequed by the most powerful magic source in the world because we teleported him away with us, 3 characters got powers / memories back that they didn't have access to since the start of the campaign and nemja's kids (yeah he stole some kids) very likely died a really horrible and cruel and undeserving death and none of these things are on the top 10 of Insane Things That Happened This Session
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gonzocoded · 10 months
if you bring your loud child to the library please FOR THE LOVE OF GOD take them to the youth department!!!! PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU ON MY HANDS AND KNEES
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fractallogic · 1 year
just want to say that the salary range of one of the jobs I applied to today was $118-140K, which is such a laughably stupid and unfathomable amount of money that I just shut it out of my brain until I was pondering idly just now
my salary right now is $54K. my only-touch-this-money-for-research-costs stipend is another $15K (so yeah I have access to $69K per year, nice). i can't IMAGINE making basically my entire two year postdoc of pay... in a year.
like I know you get paid better out of academia but holy fuck it has NOT been sinking in
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monstriiss · 2 years
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i am known by a frog
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vivalasnether · 1 year
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In game shots of my new son.
Had some free time today, so did a solid ‘its not much, but it’s honest work’ chill out day on server. Very silly to be running around farming for hours with a baby zombie piglin strapped to your back.
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hazemsuhail · 1 month
Emergency: Help my family survive and start a new life
Hello everyone, I hope you take a minute to read our story.
I’m Hazem Shawish, trying to save my family from the war
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We’re a family of 8 members, me, my mother, and I have 4 brothers and two sisters. And their kids
Islam (30) years old ( @eslamsuhail )
Samer (29)
Hashem (31)
Mohammad (35)
Nisreen (37) ( @nisreensuhail )
Noor (36).
Amal (12)
Kenzy (17) ( @kenzish )
Zoheer (19)
TikTok video link
In the shadow of conflict, our family has faced unimaginable hardships. The passing of my father, a victim to the cruel grasp of hunger and inadequate healthcare, left a void in our lives, underscoring the fragility of our existence here. My brother, Samer, battles bipolar disorder, a condition exacerbated by the ongoing war and the severe shortage of essential medications. Without access to the necessary treatment, his life is at risk, and we live in constant fear for his well-being amidst the chaos that surrounds us. These personal tragedies have deepened the urgency of our situation.
My brother Samer
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Every day is a struggle for survival, and each night is filled with prayers for a brighter tomorrow. Yet, amidst the darkness, we hold onto hope, seeking solace in the belief that one day, the clouds of war will dissipate, and we will find the peace and stability we so desperately crave. Until then, we endure, clinging to the threads of our resilience, and nurturing dreams of a safer, healthier future for us all.
Our home, once a sanctuary of love and warmth, was destroyed, displacing us into a life of uncertainty and fear. The laughter of my children and my sister's daughters, once the music of our home, is now silenced by the echoes of conflict. They deserve a future where education and happiness are not just dreams but realities.
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Our entire neighborhood In Gaza Before and after
we had a supermarket that helped as to live and earn money, but it was bombed and we have nothing now, pic of our supermarket
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But our challenges are not just physical; they are emotional and psychological. The loss of my father and the imminent threat to my brother's life weigh heavily on us. My mother, who has endured so much, faces the unimaginable fear of losing another child. For her, for my brother, for my children, and for the future of our family, we seek a new beginning.
We dream of a place far from the sounds of war we want to be safe with my family we dream to move to Egypt to save ourselves
This journey is more than a physical relocation; it is a quest for dignity, for normalcy, for the very essence of what makes life worth living. We seek to restore what conflict has stripped from us: our home, our health, and our hope.
We turn to you, not just as donors, but as fellow humans who understand the power of compassion and community. Your support, in any form, is a beacon of hope in our darkest times. It represents solidarity and a shared belief in the sanctity of life and the right to a safe and peaceful existence.
Our dream is simple yet seems a world away:
to escape to Egypt .
for children to pursue education and a life unshaded by conflict, and for us to honor my father's memory in a land of peace.
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However, this dream bears a significant cost, one that is beyond our reach. For each of us to make this journey, to cross borders towards a life of safety and dignity, we estimate the need for at least $5,000 per person. This sum covers the complex tapestry of legal, travel, and initial resettlement expenses.
All of our important links are here
Thank you for hearing our story, for your empathy, and for considering standing with us as we embark on this journey to a new life.🇵🇸🍉❤️‍🩹🙏
With heartfelt gratitude,
Hazem Shawish
vetted by :
@dlxxv-vetted-donations (vetted)
@gazavetters , my number verified on the list is (#75)
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thinkstraightbegay · 12 days
Hello, my dear friend 🌟
I am Mahmoud Jihad from Gaza, currently living in a flimsy tent after my home and university were completely destroyed, along with my PC and my city. I was studying Information Technology while caring for my sick father and siblings, but now all my hopes seem shattered. 😢
As we face this devastating crisis, I am raising funds to help my family escape from Gaza and to continue my studies abroad 🎓. Every day is a struggle, and your support can make a significant difference in our lives ❤️.
My GoFundMe campaign has been verified by @beesandwatermelons ✅ #190.
Please consider sharing, liking, commenting, or donating, even a small amount 🙏.
Your help could be the turning point that saves my family and helps us survive in this harsh and relentless war 😔.
GoFundMe link: https://gofund.me/463cbf01
Thank you from the bottom of my heart! 🌹
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neverrmoree · 4 months
Please send support, make videos, get the word out there! If we can help people make millions by spending money on their concerts. $2 or 2 minutes goes a long way in this life!
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anti-mf · 5 months
Want to clone myself and apologize to me for putting myself in places that led me to make choices that goes against my wishes due to being in terrible and unseen circumstances with bad company
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saintjosie · 4 months
jess and i are raising money to help rajaa and her family get out of gaza! tell me in the tags, what is your favorite vegetable that you are NOT washing with soap?
im so incredibly proud of the queer community’s ability to step up and organize. i have had so much hope and faith renewed in the power of community and solidarity through this.
i am exhausted but also i am not ready to be done.
jess and i are now targeting a new goal. raja’s sister saja has already crossed the border into egypt but almost the entirety of the rest of raja and saja’s family are still trapped in gaza. there are 9 adults and 12 children including a pregnant mother and a elder diabetic man who need medical attention as soon as possible. the goal they are hoping to reach is €112,000 for everyone to cross safely.
this is so much larger than our previous goal and we are already exhausted and terrified that nothing we do will be enough. but i have renewed faith in my community and i sure as hell am going to keep trying.
if you are able to donate or boost, every little bit helps.
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