#chicken or the egg right
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animentality Ā· 4 months ago
laughing at this convo I had the other day
so my friends and I play a soccer game called omega strikers, and my one buddy and I play a mean forward duo.
and we always joke around about blue lock, because you know, it's soccer.
but legitimately. as players.
my buddy plays a very precise character, who locks down areas and is always trying to anticipate what the enemy team is going to do next. he's a barrier character who relies on positioning.
meanwhile, my character is a brute force DPS, who moves in straight lines and has all abilities related to doing damage and hitting the ball very hard, and at strange, unpredictable angles. she excels at being in the right place at the right time, and quickly.
and legitimately... we play like a metavision x predator eye duo, because he's always aware of where opponents are, and thinking about what they're going to do. he plays like a midfielder, basically, always locking down the midfield, or making sure I can make a goal. he's very aware of what's going on at all times.
literally has Metavision.
meanwhile, I could not explain to you how I do what I do, AT ALL, because it's literally pure instinct for me.
I just know where I need to be, and I let muscle memory tell me where to run to. I am focused on the ball at all times, and sometimes I straight up just do not see what is happening anywhere else.
He's always enabling me to make shots or helping me kill or damage other players, and I don't usually notice, I just know it works, right, like, it's actually kind of funny, because he'll be like, I totally stopped the goalie from stopping you, and I'll be like oh did you? Cool. I just tried to score, and I did. So thanks.
But anyway, we were talking about this, and we came to the fucking hilarious realization.
that he is the Sae to my Shidou.
like fr.
I cannot explain how to play my character at ALL, because it all just comes to me from experience and instinct. I just rush around to where my heart wants me to go. I brute force goals in. I am constantly trying to score, even if it is not advantageous to do so. I miss as many shots as I take, because I'm just so aggressive, that I want to be in the penalty box as much as possible.
Plus, my character (the only character I willingly play, like ever, seriously, I never ever swap off her unless she gets banned), straight up demolishes people with a nuke, and has abilities that let me get wicked nasty angles on people that make it very hard to predict what I'm going to do... very Shidou coded, essentially.
Meanwhile, he's my Sae because his character has less abilities related to actually forcing the ball into goal, but he has impeccable set up ability. He's got the midfield on lockdown, and he's always thinking ahead of opponents. And he's my enabler.
and we're in love.
jk (or am I)
Anyway, we had a good laugh over this, because he knows I'm obsessed with Shidou... and the fucking irony is that even in a soccer game... I'm emulating this bitch, or rather, we share one soul, one nature, one heart.
call me predator eye kai.
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jkateel Ā· 2 months ago
whatā€™s a good supply of cheap protein that isnā€™t eggs
Top it with black salt, itā€™ll taste damn close to eggs
Key with tofu is it absorbs what you put in it. So squeeze the water out and start adding whatever spices you like. Use broth to rehydrate it. Let it soak in and then cook with it.
Freezing firm tofu twice (freeze, defrost, freeze, defrost) can give you a ā€œmeatyā€ texture. I use it to make fried tofu bites, and Iā€™ve had people not be able to tell its tofu.
just some ideas in a world that feels like itā€™s going mad
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devoted1989 Ā· 6 months ago
A key problem in modern egg production is the killing of male chicks. Shortly after hatching, they are sorted out and killed. They are perceived as uneconomical for the poultry industry.Ā 
Worldwide, 7 billion male chicks die every year for purely economic reasons. Because they are worthless to the egg industry: roosters do not lay eggs like their sisters, the laying hens. They are therefore considered an undesirable by-product. But they do not grow fast enough for meat fattening. The extremely high-bred broilers are the benchmark here.
- Four Paws
Image with kind permission from Vegan for the Animals.
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kedreeva Ā· 2 years ago
i love when people on facebook groups are like "fowl will kick bad eggs out of the nest" any time someone else says an egg escaped a nest. Like, no they do not know that. We have watched birds sit on rocks, and lightbulbs, and golf balls, and ball pit balls. The really broody ones will sit on sterile eggs until they die unless you break them of their brood. You can swap a broody's dud eggs for fertile ones and they don't care or notice. Stores literally sell wooden and ceramic eggs to trick them because they can't tell the difference. People make posts about bad eggs exploding under their hens. They have no psychic ability to see the interior of the eggs. their brains are like the size of a lima bean and when they're broody they're so hormone addled they aren't even using it. there's 1 thought in their entire body and it's "hatch eggy"
this is the face of a bird that knows nothing, but in particular has no idea if an egg is bad
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she would fight me for free if I touched that ball pit ball she trying to hatch. birds are stupid. if yours kicks an egg out just warm it back up and give it back
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makenna-made-this Ā· 1 year ago
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BAWKtober Day 16 - Frankenstein
Frank-HEN-stein by Mary (Egg)Shelley
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vegan-nom-noms Ā· 6 months ago
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Marry Me Crispy Tofu With Gnocchi
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thestudentfarmer Ā· 21 days ago
2 28 2025
Hello hello,
Been a bit busy round the homestead with the weather change, but being busy seems more common than not being busy lol
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The month olds hot moved outside, to make way for the new chicks inside
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Given everywheres been sold out consistently and that nature will do as nature does, we'll likely continue hatching out through the summer.
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Onwards to the garden,
I uppoted these melons and some zuchinnis so they can get just a lil bit bigger before full transplant. Any extras I'm gonna try to sell this year for garden funds.
Very little growth on the tomato and pepper seeds, I had hoped I'd be lucky with the weather but I guess I'll have to wait on having either and hope the one si left to overwinter start producing soon.
Not much in the new strawberry bed. The peas are producing a decent snack amount now, so I'll need to figure a way to double the size of pea/bean areas.
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Did some dye work on some pants. They went from olive green, blue and khaki to as black as I could. Also hemmed them for summer wear.
I used rit dye and idye poly. Currently I would recommend both. Idye poly took a looong time to run clear before I could give them a run in the washer, they 100% covered the thread and buttons the rit dye did not.
Their not dark enough for the wearer yet, so I'm on the hunt for another dye to try. If anyone has suggestion the fabric is cotton and I believe a polyblend of some sort for the thread.
Also we got a composter, as we are pretty certain the city's recycling/green program hasn't been back to normal since the virus closures reopened, and ive seen both barrels picked up by the same truck more than once since. While we can't do much on that (except call up, complain/explain and take action), we decided it was time to learn composting to close and lesson our waste stream more if we can.
On the bonus side, when its done we'll have fresh dirt for our garden which is always a win šŸ†. The worst so far has been figuring out a good collection and take out system for the daily bits šŸ˜‚.
In the kitchen,
Ive been saving every citrus peel i can (using a veggie peeler to make strips) and drying them out. Some ive used for tea, some for dry seasoning flavor (super excellent btw, I cannot believe i ever enjoyed the dusty stuff in the cheapo bottle.) And fresh in sauces. I'm also saving seeds to give a try at sprouting them. Figure why not, it's good practice šŸŒ±
Alright, ive got to get my day started so I'm heading off.
šŸŒ± šŸ„• Happy Gardening šŸ„• šŸŒ±
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bizlybebo Ā· 24 days ago
i literally canā€™t look at stuff i drew even a month ago without cringing but still jrwi has done some genuinely crazy stuff to my art. like you can see it from the moment i started live-blogging riptide which is just really fucking bonkers i have never progressed so exponentially in anything else like that in my life . i just have a long record of progress Out There for my friends in my phone
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themotelchicks Ā· 21 days ago
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DB...my love my dear my sweet old lady.... you have not laid an egg in like two years why are you in the box
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hawnks Ā· 9 months ago
Oh my god is my type exclusively blonds??
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liebelesbe Ā· 1 year ago
Eierbrƶtchen :) @quezify
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[ID: A pixel drawing of a bread roll with eggs and salad on it.]
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devoted1989 Ā· 6 months ago
Every year the egg industry kills 7 billion male chicks because they canā€™t lay eggs.
Image with kind permission from Joan Chan.
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kedreeva Ā· 1 year ago
Do you eat peahen eggs? If yes, what do they taste like?
My wife raises geese and their eggs are huge, 3x the size of a henā€™s eggs, and are generally fluffier and delicately sweeter.
I do! They taste like an egg.
I'm not allowed to answer anything more, apparently
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awkwardnerdylesbian Ā· 4 months ago
Share pictures of your chickens
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not home yet but i have these of a month ago because my mom wanted to see the roosters
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avionvadion Ā· 4 months ago
How do you think Jack and Vil will take the whole Playful Land situation with El?
Oh, Jack will be right up there with Lilia and Leona in the sense that he will know the exact moment Eleanora stops breathing and her heart stops beating. Them wolfie ears are a blessing and a curse, lol. He gonna be horrified and even more so at the fact heā€™s frozen in place and canā€™t do anything except wait for the Hero Trio and Fellow to return. Itā€™s gonna bother him big time.
Vilā€¦ well, letā€™s just say this event experience carries over into how he treats Eleanora afterward and his reaction to her running away in Halloween Town. (Why was Vil so freaking funny in this Playful Land event oh my GODS I love him) And will also tie into the Pomefiore arc.
El gonna go from ā€œpotato whoā€™s paranoid from traumaā€ to ā€œpotato who knew what the hell she was talking about and has thusly been upgraded to clever little potato chip. And he says chip because she absolutely has a chip on her shoulder. Oh wait she is kinda paranoid from the trauma but sheā€™s still worth listening to. No he is NOT going to Overblot everything is fine there is definitely no pattern hahaā€¦. Oh shit maybe there is. NO. Absolutely not. Hmmmm.ā€
Itā€™s gonna be fun :3
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vegan-nom-noms Ā· 3 months ago
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Vegan Seitan Drumsticks With Crispy Skin
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