#cheesy tropes FTW
commenter2 · 26 days
"Absolute End" review (Murder Drones finale)
After almost 3 years since the first episode, we are sadly at the end of Murder Drones. SPOILERS!
I thought the finale would be longer, at least the same length as the previous episode.
Gravity is acting up and massive earthquakes are happening, which I bet the drones can handle BUT UZI GETTING AN A-, that is a sign that the world is ending.
Even at the end of the world, the Teacher Drone is just done with everything.
Is CYN pulling a Dead Space 3?
Again the Teacher is just done.
So how did Uzi get into space exactly? Last episode had her falling down to the hole in the church to the planet’s core, did gravity and the Absolute Solver program cause her to go straight through the planet and fly into space?
Smart thinking on the writers here having Uzi and her mom be able to control space rocks, as they such things do have metal in them.
New feature for screen faces, they can use it to communicate if there isn’t any sound.
How is Uzi’s mom finding all the space for her words? :3
A nice mother/daughter moment, also Uzi has a parental lock XD.
Of course Uzi’s mom still has her iPod XD
Who is that! Whoever that is, let’s just hope Uzi’s mom doesn’t survive planetary re-entry
N! Wait how was he able to get to a ship so fast?
PILOT N! Wait does he remember how to fly that thiAPPARENTLY HE IS STILL REMEMBERING!
Wait are Uzi and N about to ki-SAVED BY THE VILLAIN! Ehh I was kind of hoping for Uzi X Thad and N X V to become canon but this is fine too...for now but more on that later. At least Uzi is still herself, though I question anyone who wouldn’t want to hug N.
It is still funny that the bus is also sentient in this series.
V! And of course she was able to tame one of the raptors.
“character not interested in epic battle that is occurring” trope.
GET THAT BRATTY TEEN DRONE ROBO DINO! I never thought I would ever say that.
Khan T posing XD
Clever robo girl! Wait didn’t I already use that?
Uzi would have been so proud hearing V use her catchphrase, especially on J of all drones.
Uzi can make blast that can go through planets. Write that down Death Battle fans.
(Uzi and CYN fighting)
J; Want to get out of here?
V: Why?
CYN just caught Uzi attack like its nothing.
The world ending threat still loves a fool after all this time. Have I mentioned how great this show is?
Look at them protecting each other!
Crap CYN is going pissed off yandere on N!
Okay we got it, N X Uzi is canon.
While nice to see V showing love for N, it was kind of a coward move of her to try and work with CYN/Absolute Solver again at this point.
Heh, I guess CYN has parental controls too XD.
Doorman with the universal door remote FTW!
Okay that was a dumb move on Thad’s part. Guess he just assumed Uzi was nearby given he has seen her around the Disassembly Drones every time they met.
(Uzi and V smile at each other)
An old time iPod in the future can survive the reentry of a planet, yet iPhones can’t survive a small fall from one’s hand to the ground without cracking in half.
According to the subtitles the song playing is AJ Dispirito song called “BiteMe”. Is this where Uzi got her catchphrase? Seeing how her mom acts, I wouldn’t be surprised if she sang that song as a lullaby to baby Uzi. The song is really good.
Friendly fire on CYN’s part. Then again if they can regenerate, is it really that bad?
(Me seeing Uzi stabbing N with pickaxe)
Yami Yugi voice: It’s not him!
N has a valid point, nice to see him getting his heart ripped out and almost eaten by his yandere stalker didn’t mess up his lovable personality.
Cheap move with the puppy dog eyes CYN. Then again it is canon that all dogs are immortal, so N could have attacked her without fear of killing any digital dogs.
Now Uzi is just learning to tell apart holograms form the real thing! Admittedly that is a bit cheesy, but at least it led to that epic scene of her ripping out the CYN’s heart Mortal Kombat style.
Finally its OVE- what is that?
That fight scene must have been so expensive that they had to cut the color budget!
I’m getting flashbacks to the Death Battle episode “Starscream vs. Rainbow Dash”.
So is eating the "Solver heart" going to make Uzi the new Absolute Solver master? Horror is one of the themes of this series, and “monster still being alive” is the genres most known tropes. Guess we’ll find out in the next 5 minutes.
Kind of hard to read the text coming up on Uzi’s face near the end. I can see NULL, escaped_data=sent, escaped_data=str_replace [arry] and escaped_data=str_replace[global entites]. This sounds like it isn’t the end of CYN and her Absolute Solver control.
Who knew Thad was a skater! Also where did he get that skateboard? Still nice to see him being nice, even if its towards Lizzy.
Khan and Nori are going to meet. Okay THAT scene was hilarious, and that “kind of hot” line XD.
The Teacher survived, still not wanting to get involved in anything XD.
A robot raptor riding a sentient bus. Thank god the Jurassic Park movies are done as I feel like that franchise would try and do something dumb like that in their movies.
Uzi is very far from where she was a second ago. Again what is up with teleporting in this series?
So Uzi is the new absolute solver master. Luckily she doesn’t want to kill everything like CYN wanted. Then again it’s pretty much confirmed that all humans are dead so what else can she do, kill the worker drones?
Was that a Gaz Membrane reference in the “I’m not solved” pic. Also the pic file is labeled as “nothing”, which makes me wonder if the writers are again telling us that there won’t be any more episodes. Again more on that at the end.
The Heroes journey pic. Wait is that text a refence to when Game Theory did an episode where they used said Heroes’ Journey pic to theorize what was going to happen?
So are the others drones not going to find a way to cure N, V, and likely Uzi’s need to drink drone oil?
Doll is still dead. Odd to bring that clip up, but fitting with this show's humor.
N is pretty good at manga art. Also again nice seeing V being the one in love with N.
I wonder if there was going to be a difference between Uzi’s purple colored power and her yellow colored one. I guess we will never know.
During the credits we see: J is still alive and building a ship, likely to get back to JCJensonINSPAAAAACEE!!!!! HQ
N and Uzi hanging out with Khan and Nori (does Khan know it is her?) at door security. Is that really necessary now that nearly every serious baddie is dead?
A hint at the possibility of CYN still being alive. That or its Tessa’s ghost.
The Murder Drones are still killing drones for oil
A Murder Drones anime drawn in the same art style as Liam Vickers other works, like the underrated Cliffside pilot.
Lizzy being nice and holding a funeral for Doll. Thad your kindness is wasted on her.
V wearing N’s hat and playing chess against the raptor and the robo bug, which I totally forgot about. Looks like the raptor made peace with Lizzy too.
A callback to the 2nd episode with the robopede.
Hologram Uzi?
CYN IS THE TAIL! Personally I never did like the tail design, so it’s a good excuse to get rid of it now.
A very entertaining ending to a series that I wouldn’t mind getting a sequel series one day BUT has given me enough closure that I can be happy if it never does. Then again in this era of media you never know.
Sure it would have been nice if the show had been a few episodes longer, going over more things like dealing with other kinds of Disassembly Drones (something I was hoping to see since the very beginning) and more moments of unique character interactions like Uzi and Thad as well as N and V regaining their memories together.
Now that the series is over (again maybe for now) I wonder what Liam Vickers will work on next. PLEASE let him go back to work on his Cliffside series, as that has a lot of potential. After seeing how good he is at 3D animation, imagine what he can do with a 2Dish show like Cliffside! Seriously people go watch the Cliffside pilot when you can.
What were your thoughts on the Murder Drones finale?
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keldae · 4 years
Writer’s Month 2020: Day Five
Fate, or the Force, or whatever one wanted to call it, had its own ways of bringing souls together. And death was not the hindrance that one might have thought it was. Souls that were meant to be always found each other, through the ages, and the Force had its hand in everything, even after one fiery Jedi Master and the clever, sarcastic spy she loved had both passed on.
It had its hand decades later in the Jedi with bright green eyes being assigned to protect the handsome young Senator from a Mid-Rim world, whose snarky words and lack of impulse control over his tongue had gotten him on the wrong side of more than a few of his less scrupulous colleagues. That tongue of his got her into trouble too, for different reasons entirely -- but it was a trouble she couldn't complain much about, even after more than one stern lecture about attachments. Within three years, the Senator had learned tact and diplomacy in a way his studies had never taught him, and the Jedi had chosen to remain with him, as far more than a guard and an advisor.
A generation later, the Force drew the amber eyes of one dockhand in an Outer-Rim spaceport to the cute redhaired spacer who had just landed her ship in one of the docking bays he worked in. For all that she liked to flirt, the spacer couldn't convince herself that the dockhand was just a cute boy to charm, and found herself surprised when she asked him, despite her fierce sense of independence, if he would leave with her. And he surprised himself by accepting without a second thought, despite never having left his homeworld before. A lifetime spent charting starmaps and hyperspace lanes with her felt far more perfect than anything he could have dreamed of.
A century later, it was a princess whose green eyes kept coming back to the rogueish mercenary captain her father had hired to deal with his rivals. She couldn’t convince herself that it was just the scandalous appeal of clandestine trysts, of frantic kisses and of soft moans kept quiet as skirts were hiked up in dark corridors by deft, surprisingly-gentle fingers. Slipping away from the palace in the dead of night to go with the amber-eyed merc, perhaps the first to treat her as a person and not just a highborn bargaining chip of a lady, was far more preferable to being an item bartered away in a political marriage. She had no need for romance novels anymore, not when she had a love story that surpassed any she had ever read. 
And then it was the bounty hunter, trying to not be taken in by the amber eyes of her target, no matter how attractive he was. Except, he really didn't deserve to have this hit out on him, and the client was a jerk who had insulted her already… She tried to convince herself that it was only the credits he'd offered her that let him go freely… but that didn't explain why she'd felt compelled to protect him against the next hunters sent after him, to stay with him for years after abandoning her hunt. 
Decades later, this time he was the Jedi, sent to broker a peace between two warring star systems -- and it was hard to say if the process was helped or hindered by how his amber eyes kept going back to the militia captain with bright red hair. He wound up requesting a permanent transfer to the system -- to “keep the peace”, he told the Council, and if he neglected to mention that the captain was the only reason he stayed, well... that was a minor, trifling detail.
After that, it was an arranged marriage between the heirs of two relatively-minor houses on Alderaan. For all that she did not approve of being wed to a stranger, she felt herself being inexplicably drawn to her new husband’s amber eyes. They had never met before, but somehow, his kisses felt so warm and familiar, like she had always known him.
Millenia later, the Force whispered in the mind of the Stormtrooper tasked with executing one of the hated Rebels after her capture and interrogation. Even with his blaster to her forehead, and his finger on the trigger… he couldn't do it, not after staring into those bright green eyes filled with defiance, and bravery, and suppressed fear, and something else that he couldn't name. He fired the blaster past her ear and warned her to never come back; she disobeyed and crept back a couple of nights later to help him slip out of the base and defect from the Empire.
A wise woman, in the later years of the First Order, said that those who lived long enough saw the same eyes in different people. Not even she had lived long enough to know all the lives of the green-eyed Jedi and the spy with amber eyes. But if someone who had known them in their first lives had somehow lived until the fall of Darth Sidious, they would have seen Xaja Taerich and Theron Shan’s eyes, over and over again… and without fail, inevitably together in the end.
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padfootastic · 2 years
Favorite tropes for this ship.
friends to lovers is an obvious one. i’m a sucker for developing relationships and find the push & pull + pre-relationship tension to be much more interesting than when the characters get together. the pining, the longing, the desperation- god. it’s so yum. and j/s gives me so much of it. i’m not a fan of like,,,difficult? dynamics that are characteristic of, say enemies to lovers or getting back together so this works perfectly.
didn’t know they were together is another classic. the way i interpret this is that j & s do everything a couple does, with zero self awareness, bc that’s just how they are and everyone around them is just very, very tired of their Antics ykno?
sharing a bed always makes me go abdjdfbk!!! it’s such a top tier trope and for good reason too. the way ~hidden feelings
outsider pov is probably my number 1go to trope in any fandom, any ship. i can never get enough of it. i love it for romantic/platonic/gen dynamics and seriously, it’s the perfect vehicle to narrate a story in my opinion. it’s even better for prongsfoot bc they’re ripe for the most hilarious reactions from people since they’re such an insulated duo. everywhere but untouchable, really. i love seeing how close they are from others eyes & particularly, how different sirius acts when it comes to james vs everyone else.
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kalena-henden · 3 years
It’s time for a mid-year report on all the tv I’ve been watching since my last update in March. In a surprising turn, I was sucked into the kdrama vortex in March thanks to the first kdrama I’ve ever watched, Sisyphus the Myth. Then I needed more Cho Seung Woo content which then led to perusing Netflix to fill up my queue and watching more kdramas that were currently airing (Doom At Your Service being a fave). I love that kdramas have all the tropes and mashed-up genres and so far none have gone to the terrible grimdark place of no hope. I’ve finished 13 kdramas so far and counting. (*kdramas noted)
finished or caught up with:��
Sisyphus the Myth* - Loved it and I have a completely different take on the ending. Cho Seung Woo and Park Shin Hye kicked ass.
Debris - I enjoyed it, especially the two-part au episodes, but not heartbroken it was cancelled.
Stranger/Secret Forest* - My #1 kdrama so far! Murder mystery/political thriller ftw. Cho Seung Woo and Bae Doona are everything.
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier - They did a great job with Bucky and Sam but why did all the women have to get shafted for that to happen.
Shadow and Bone - A fun, fast-paced season. Loved everyone but surprised how much I loved Helnik cause I’m not a big fan of them in the books.
Life* - My third Cho Seung Woo drama about a messy battle between a hospital and it’s new parent company. CSW x dogs ftw.
Cinderella and the Four Knights* - My first kdrama romcom. A little cheesy but I had a good time. Park So Dam from Parasite is a great heroine.
My Holo Love* - An interesting love triangle between a woman with face-blindness, an AI hologram, and the hologram’s creator. This is underrated.
Doom At Your Service* - This show is fantastic! My #3 kdrama. A woman with terminal cancer calls for doom and is surprised when Doom shows up on her doorstep. It’s got romance, comedy, drama, fantasy, symbolism, and philosophy. It also subverts several tropes--first love, love triangle, second lead syndrome--in interesting ways. I watched this live and was living for the metas and gifs. It has my favorite steamy kdrama kiss (in the rain no less)!
So I Married the Anti Fan* - An enemies to lovers very loosely based on Pride and Prejudice, where a reporter gets fired due to a misunderstanding with a kpop idol only to end up on a reality show together to save both their reputations. The first half was a bit cringey on how mean they were to each other but, once they overcame their differences, they had one of the most genuine and unshakeable relationships.
Tunnel* - A time-travel murder mystery that was well paced and interesting. The last five minutes didn’t make sense in their effort for a happy ending but I enjoyed the ride.
Vincenzo* - My #2 kdrama! A lawyer for the Italian mob returns to his home country of Korea. This is such a crazy ride! There’s over-the-top comedy but there’s also great fight scenes and murder. It’s got found family, action, revenge, romance, a gold heist, great villains, stylish fashions, and all the slo-mo your heart desires. lol In more ways than one, this is ‘art’. *wink*
Run On* - This romantic drama on a professional runner and his translator snuck up on me. Very relatable as it’s about people at personal and professional crossroads. 
Boys Over Flowers* - Okay, I completely get the hype over Lee Min Ho now. I LOVE the characters in this but it’s a 100% a soapy soap and I was so mad at everyone for constantly making terrible decisions. With the time jump at the halfway mark, the show slowed down the constant drama a bit which helped. I have a real love/hate with this one but I think it’s definitely worth watching.
The Heirs* - Don’t hate me but I enjoyed this show; it has all the tropes. I’m on Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye kick. (Though why was PSH’s character so mopey.) This show was also unintentionally funny for me because I’ve lived in LA for the past 16 years and their filming locations to actual geography was completely off. The “Malibu” pier where they go surfing is actually the Huntington Beach pier in Orange County. When they get chased from his Malibu home, the next scene is them running down Vine (near Capitol Records) which is an hour drive from Malibu; then after they run through Hollywood and Highland mall, they don’t go next door to the famous Grauman’s Chinese Theater; instead they go a theater in San Diego!!! is which a four-hour drive away. I was dying with laughter, I had to pause the show.
Never Have I Ever - This show continues to be awesome. Thoroughly enjoyed the disaster of Devi trying to date both boys. And I have picked an endgame: Team Ben. Though I’m cool with Devi dating Paxton in the meantime.
Her Private Life* - A museum curator falls for her new boss while she tries to hide her secret life as a kpop idol-obsessed fangirl. They do a great job respecting the fandom life but aren’t afraid to let us laugh with the characters and there are some steamy makeout scenes. Also, super pretty as it’s about ‘art’ and life.
currently watching: 
Outer Banks - A Goonies-like treasure hunt, rich vs. poor classicism, romance, and teen shenanigans. Binging in time for S2 later this week.
Crash Landing On You* - Yes, I have finally started the romcom kdrama everyone has been raving about. Enjoying so far.
The Witch’s Diner* - A drama about a witch who makes wishes come true for a price.
currently rewatching: Star Trek: Voyager; Never Have I Ever; Vincenzo*
on hold:  
Sen Çal Kapımı - I watched the first 11 episodes of this Turkish romcom and loved it but needed a break.
Lucifer - I got to that the Dan episode and couldn’t make it through. Does this season feel slow to anyone else?
Queen of the South - I started the final season but it got put on the back burner for now. At least, I know it’s a happy ending.
Legends of Tomorrow - I started watching the new season live but kdramas are still my jam.
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A Guide to Vampire Media That Isn't Twilight, by Someone Who Consumes a Lot of It
I'm NOT here to bash Twilight, just provide some other fun bloodsucker media for y'all to enjoy :) if you have any recs of your own, hit me with those bad bois!
Vampire Diaries- "a girl is torn between two vampires" is the plot for like 2 seasons but then it improves significantly. it's definitely very CW, but a lot of the vampire mythology is very very cool. and it doesnt hurt that the entire cast is ridiculously attractive. a great popcorn show! CW for blood and violence, parental death, and dub-con scenarios.
The Originals- a spinoff of TVD, but you don't really need to have seen TVD to watch this. It centers around the 4 original vampires (original as in like, the first vampires ever created) as they navigate vampire and other supernatural politics in New Orleans. Much less "teen angst" and much more "evil ancient vampires trying to be civil at dinner without murder" vibes. CW for blood and violence, and lots of spooky occult stuff taking place in graveyards.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer- literally my favorite TV show of all time. In addition to some killer vamps (team spike ftw!), there's weird demons, warlocks, werewolves- anything you can think of. it has great LGBTQ+ representation for its time, tackles social issues, and has a healthy dose of humor. CW for violence, supporting character deaths, vampire sex that destroys a building, and sexual assault.
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What We Do in the Shadows- I don't usually rec comedies, but this one is too good not to. Loosely based off of the movie, it follows a group of vampire roomates in Staten Island. It is hilariously funny, and mocks just about every vampire trope out there. CW for copious amounts of blood, vomit, some pretty crass sexual humor, and dead raccoons.
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True Blood- vampires in Louisiana, in a world where everyone knows vampires exist. it checks off all of my boxes for morally grey characters and weird supernatural happenings. it's an HBO show, so TW for blood/gore, violence, and soooo much sex and nudity.
Carmilla- technically a web series, not a TV show, but whatever. its lighthearted lesbian vampires, based off of the very old novella of the same name. great if you like vampires without the scare factor. and its free to watch on youtube!
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What We Do in the Shadows- the movie the TV show is based off of. vampire roommates in New Zealand. also very funny, but less graphic violence/sexual references. created by and starring Taika Waititi, of Thor: Ragnarok fame.
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The Lost Boys- awesomely cheesy 80's cult classic feat. Kiefer Sutherland with a bleach-blond mullet. it's fun and weird and has a cool aesthetic. it also has the same kind of vibe as the Goonies. TW for gore, and one icky scene with maggots.
South Korean vampire drama with dark, aesthetically pleasing religious imagery. The mc returns from a mission trip with intense cravings for sex and blood and struggles to hold onto his humanity. super angsty and dramatic in the best ways. CW for copious blood and gore, spicy vampire sex, and sexual assault.
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
a surprisingly good movie! has a fun, steampunk feel to it, and a pre-MCU Anthony Mackie, which is an added bonus. vampires kill honest abe's mother when hes a child, so he grows up to be an axe-swinging vampire slayer AND the president. this is not a movie to be taken seriously, but it is an awesome popcorn movie! CW for parental death, blood/gore, slavery (it is set during the civil war), and children in danger.
Interview With the Vampire
it is about as gay as a movie can get without the main characters actually being gay. it's a long, drawn-out story about a vampire and his life from when he's turned in the early days of america, until the present. the vampire is played by brad pitt, and he shares lots of longing glances and homoerotic blood drinking scenes with tom cruise. it is visually spectacular, even if the story is a little long. CW for blood/gore, child death, and sexual content.
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Bram Stoker's Dracula
starring winona ryder and keanu reeves! it follows the book fairly closely, although it is a very 90s movie. it is WILD, but a classic and a lot of fun if you like vampires, or really any kind of supernatural shenanigans. CW for sexual content, and blood/violence.
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown
non-traditional vamp book, by holly black (the same one who wrote the cruel prince). vampires live in fancy quarantined cities called coldtowns, and the MC ends up in one inadvertently. its a more dystopian/sci-fi take on vampires, but it still has a lot of traditional vampire fun thrown in, too. plus the cover is just gorgeous. CW for sex and violence.
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The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires
probably one of the weirdest vampire books ive ever read, but in a good way. its about a group of housewives who start a true-crime bookclub, but begin to suspect that their new neighbor is a vampire. its a really good female empowerment story, and it also explores white saviorism. CW for sexual assault, racism, violence, and forced pregnancy.
Lost Souls
Poppy Z. Brite's books are like a punk-rock, gayer version of Anne Rice. lost souls has great queer rep, and is funny and weird and heartbreaking all at the same time. it's about the lives of vampires in New Orleans, but it's very unique and unlike any other vampire story out there. CW for blood/violence, sexual content, and sexual assault.
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Dark Lover
this book is the peak of smutty vampire romance novels. I usually read books like this just for fun, but its actually well-written and has a compelling story outside of the smut aspects. It's about a half-vampire woman who teams up with a vamp to kill the slayers that murdered his parents. just ignore the fact that the love interest is named Wrath. CW for tons of smut, and blood/violence.
The Beautiful
I would describe this as a classic vampire story- romance between a human and a vampire in victorian-era NOLA, complete with costume balls, mysterious murders, and a secret supernatural club. CW warning for mild sexual content, and violence. (It's YA, so there's nothing too graphic.)
Love in Vein
A collection of vampire short stories compiled by Poppy Z. Brite, but written by a variety of authors. there's some really different takes on the vampire myth, and it's interesting to see it played with in so many different ways. just an fyi- it gets weird af and pretty graphic. CW for body horror, blood/violence, sexual assault, and sexual content.
Bonus! Mini playlist
Bloodletting by Concrete Blonde
Black No. 1 by Type O Negative
Cure by Darling Violetta
Blood in the Cut by K. Flay
Holy Water by Bad Company
Decode by Paramore
Uninvited by Alanis Morissette
I Will Never Die by Delta Rae
Devil Inside by INXS
Death of Me by PVRIS
Hypnotic by Zella Day
Cold Blooded by the Pretty Reckless
Savior by St. Vincent
Psycho Killer by the Talking Heads
Transylvanian Concubine by Rasputina
Virgin State of Mind by Ks Choice
How Soon is Now? by the Smiths
Red Right Hand by Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds
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klug · 3 years
ok im gonna pester you about puyo. i dont know anything about puyo! give me some info on a few of your faves! and where i would start to check out puyo and see what its all about!! >:3c
oh my god THIS IS LIKE SOMETHING I'VE BEEN WORKING ON ON THE SIDE... because people do like..write beginner's guides on how to get into the series but the Language Barrier is kind of fucking insane. I've been into it for a long time and even I'm not sure about everything, mostly because a lot of extra materials, esp. older stuff, isn't...actually translated
The TL;DR version of the series' history is that it started as a Japanese dungeon-crawler called"Madou Monogatari" (or Sorcery Saga in English) for like personal computers developed by Compile. Not many of these games are patched into English, but there are a few! Which you can find here. They're actually really fun and super retro so I do recommend checking out the patched stuff. So...since this was successful, the developers made an action-puzzle spin-off, akin to Tetris, of this dungeon crawler which...ended up far, far, far, surpassing the original series' popularity. That was Puyo Puyo.
After some financial mishandlings on Compile's end, the property got bought by SEGA and this is probably where most people recognize it because of the unique art style:
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Anyway, it's a puzzle game franchise now with a pretty strong Japanese competitive scene (video is in Japanese but you can get an idea of the gameplay from this)
IMO...knowing where to start is...hard. I started with Puyo Fever, the fifth game in the series, when I was a kid because it was localized outside of Japan. I do recommend this if you want a feel for the series' humor? It's very short! Feels VERY much like a game you'd find in an arcade, right down to the cheesy voice acting.
That said, the actual "first game" in the series is, well, "Puyo Puyo" which was released in 1991. The current "competitive" meta is based on the sequel. And it's been largely unchanged since then.
I think the most beginner-friendly games are as follows:
- Puyo POP for GBA (has an English version)
- Puyo Puyo Fever (has an English version as mentioned above)
- Puyo Puyo Tetris 1 and 2* (these both have English versions and are multiplatform) *I recommend these with some caution, as the title implies these are crossovers between Puyo and Tetris and introduces a lot of characters exclusive to "Tetris" due to copyright. They're continuous with one another (and with the main series imo) but you can watch the story of Tetris 1 on YouTube and pick up Tetris 2 if the spirit moves you. These should all have ROMs available online, at least the first two.
I can't write too much in this post without getting EXTREMELYYYY long-winded and I've already failed at keeping this concise, but you can send me more questions about this LOL it's my favorite series considering that I (try) to help with translating the games with some amazing translators on this blog.
I'll close this off with my favorite characters:
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Strange Klug who is my poor little fucking meow meow who is everything to me and I feel bad for her all the time (she's a guy in canon but she is a trans girl in my heart). She's a demon who was sealed in that book to the left of her because of a sick prank someone played on her. She is usually stuck in there, but can be unsealed under the right circumstances (usually by Klug,who is coming up, because of course) She's my...favorite villain. Embarrassingly. Unfortunately her lore has been shelved since her debut in 2015, so any appearances she's made since then are fanservice :"D.
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Klug, who is my blog's accursed namesake (as well as my own, sometimes) he's a student who loves dark magic and well...unsealed a demon because he thought it'd bring him power. He's stupid, screechy, does anything to inflate his ego, and is probably one of my favorite characters to think about in the franchise.He hasn't really been relevant for a while and is mostly a background, supporting character, but I still like him lol
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And then, not necessarily my favorite but she IS essentially the series mascot: Arle Nadja. She's a 16-year old mage who originated as a protagonist in Madou Monogatari. In those games she crawled through dungeons, fought monsters and devils, fought off Satan multiple times, and is generally just trying to chill with her BFF (bunny friend forever) Carbuncle and find something delicious to eat on their adventures.
She's probably one of my favorite fictional characters Just in General for just subverting a lot of RPG tropes like being a mage rather than a fighter, being a girl (this is a big one), and always managing to fight off her Baited Love Interests (also a big one. acearo Arle ftw) lol. She's toned down a LOT in her current iteration so she comes off as a bit bland, but she's still a fun straight man whenever she gets stuck with her friend group
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lucamagica · 4 years
I’m honestly a little baffled as to why WLW Beauyasha shippers aren’t also upset over the handling of Beau’s crush on Jester. I get that they’re probably excited that their ship is looking much more likely to happen, but...
Don’t you love Beau and care about her feelings? Do you really want Beau to just “turn off” her previously established deep feelings without actually resolving them so that she can be with someone else? Doesn’t the “transferable feelings” comment make Beauyasha feel a bit cheap and forced? Aren’t you, as WLW, uncomfortable with a straight woman having her lesbian character brush off her “incomparable” love for Jester as lust?
I love Beaujester, but I will happily enjoy watching Beau and Yasha form the first PC gay relationship in CR—IF it gets the same care and buildup as Beaujester. I want to see Beau drunkenly ramble off a list of things she loves about Yasha with a cheesy line like being her beacon, not struggle to come up with anything more than “there’s something there.”
I want to see Beau and Yasha together because they develop a deep relationship, not just to pair the lesbians. I would think people who actually prefer their relationship to Beaujester would want that too, but instead there’s this pointless ship war going on.
We should really be standing in solidarity of wanting to see well-handled lesbian romance, regardless of which characters end up together. Let’s focus our criticisms on how the cast treat these WLW relationships in comparison to their straight ones, instead of on each other being more invested in different romance tropes.
(Which, by the way, is not the same thing as attacking the cast. No one to my knowledge has actually harassed Marisha over this, and people are allowed to analyze and criticize within fandom spaces—that’s what they’re for.)
We’re used to fighting over table scraps for gay rep. Having another ship block yours usually means that a straight ship is blocking a gay one, so we’re used to being on the defensive. But that’s not what’s happening here. Beau is a lesbian, and no one can take that away. We all love our buff blue girls, so let’s support each other in that love, yeah?
((PS. bashter ftw))
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mcrmadness · 4 years
Oooo, how about two from each of them? Fanfic asks: J and P, film asks: 15 and 16, music asks: 20 and 26.
OMG thanks!!! :DDD
Ask games: Fanfic asks, Film asks and Music asks. (People you can still send me asks if you want, asks are fun to answer to!)
A little background before we get to the questions: I haven’t written too many, actually only 6 quite short ones (and one of them is a bit longer than usual) about Die Ärzte (Bela/Farin FTW) and all of these I have written between the years 2009 and 2012, so I was 18-21 which means they are not that good. And there’s lots of things I wouldn’t write anymore. I also have a WIP on my computer, I started it in 2012 but stopped writing altogether only to start writing again in the end 2018, it has bit over 28k words currently and tbh I have written 90% of that when I started writing again two years ago. I still have my old ones up on LiveJournal (ask for a link), but I haven’t published anything fron this later one as I’ve just been writing down all kinds of snippets whenever I have had an inspiration. I think those are also a lot better in quality than what I wrote before, the old ones are quite cringey.
J. What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
I guess we talk about those fics I have also finished, now. It’s actually hard to decide but I would say my favourite is either Why not even once? or The Boring Book Freak. I think the latter is actually The favourite.
The first one (was actually my second dä ff overall) is set to happen in 2003 and in that one Farin is leaving for another vacation somewhere and Bela wants to go with him, but Farin wants to travel alone and Bela is struggling with that, as well as with Farin finally leaving and having to somehow survive his time at home without Farin there. The writing itself is bit stupid and I feel that the end got bit too far but otherwise I like the idea.
The second one (came actually after the previous one) is set to happen in the early/mid 90s (my fave Bela/Farin era btw) and on that they just are at some random summer cottage. Now, fuck cottagecores and such, I wrote it because summer cottages are a thing in Finland and I wrote it when cottagecore was not even cool yet. Somehow I imagined that it would be very Farin-like to rent a cottage from the middle of nowhere, in a forest and then spend a weekend or so there with Bela. Who then is not entertained at all and is bored because Farin won’t put away his book and won’t give him any attention, so he tries everything to get Farin’s attention. I especially like the visual images this fanfic gives to me, I can see their hairs and outfits so well and those are also aesthetically very pleasing. (They look the same as in that Absolut Live interview from the 90s, I don’t control their looks with my fics usually, I just have an idea and then my brain creates how they look in that particular scene :D)
I have also written a short songfic around the lyrics of their song “Ich weiß nicht (ob es Liebe ist)” and it was fun to imagine that as Bela/Farin. That was fun to write.
This got a bit long so I put the rest under a cut:
P. What are your favorite tropes to write?
(Had to google what a trope is lol. I’m old-school and no longer know most of the terms unless they’re old terms.)
Angst - I put my own angst, sadness and angriness into my writing often. It’s when I feel like in real life I would need other people but I don’t know how to reach out or don’t just feel comfortable about opening up, I open up a file and start writing. This is also where we get to the next trope...
Hurt/Comfort - But not so that X hurts Y, but that Y feels hurt for other reasons and then X comforts them. I kinda got obsessed with this theme after being bullied at school so I was always hurt but never comforted, so I often go back to those feels and emotions with my text to look for that comfort (hug, nice words, whatever) I never got in real life.
Fluff - This is bit complicated because I like writing fluff but I also hate reading fluff I have written. Because it does not sound like me. And sometimes when I write, I feel like standing behind my own back and vomiting a little on the inside because of how cheesy and disgusting that is but still I can’t stop writing. And then I feel like a different person when I read them because I can’t believe it’s ME who wrote them. The same way when I watch movies and people kiss, I always look away. And I want to look away when I read my fanfiction. But I can’t, especially because I know I looked at that scene in my head when I wrote it.
Humour - I love humour so much and I like to include this to my writing. Normally I put the humour in my comics but some of that fits also in the regular texts too.
These are super tough but also fun - I have been trying to think of what to answer to these for days.
15. A film everyone loves but you hate?
The Avengers (-12). Sorry but not sorry. Well I don’t hate it but I don’t understand why everyone says it’s the best Marvel movie ever. It’s not. It’s full of clichés and stupid forced heteroromances and whatnot and the plot was just so, so predictive I don’t understand why it’s often talked about as some sort of cinematic master piece. I literally was able to tell everything that was gonna happen next when I watched it for the first time. Only cool things in that movie are Loki and Iron Man, whose character I already liked as I had seen the Iron Man movie and liked it. But I hated both Thor movies (the third one is awesome tho). 
I like Marvel and I have seen I guess most of the movies - before MCU all good Marvel movies to come out were The X-Men movies and Spider-Man movies, and because I saw so many terrible Marvel movies, I was avoiding the whole MCU and I got into these movies much later and still, after seeing them all, I say The Avengers is one of the worst ones. Thor and Thor 2 are pretty much even worse (and I haven’t even seen the Hulk movie because it looks terrible), mainly because I just can’t stand the fact they’re mainly just built around Thor and his love interest...
16. A film you love but everyone else hates?
Spider-Man 3 (or the whole trilogy with Tobey Maguire). I see we continue with Marvel here but seriously I don’t understand why everyone is always picking on Tobey’s version of Spider-Man? And people especially hate the third movie and how Venom was portrayed in it (I’m obsessed with Venom’s human teeth pls I want his teeth), when it’s actually the best one for me. The second one is bit boring because it was again all about whining and Mary-Jane... Anyway, the reason why I am so attached to these movies is that I saw the first Spider-Man movie from TV when I was a teenager and in junior high myself, and I was bullied and a bit of a nerd so I could relate to Peter Parker a lot, and it gave me just so much strength to see him become Spider-Man and to stand up against the bullies and other assholes.
I also saw the third movie in the movie theater and there was one scene during which I started hysterically laughing with my friend because of an expression Tobey made as he was sitting on a bed, I don’t know why but somehow I just totally lost it at that :D It still makes me laugh so much when I see it! And when the movie ended, I heard a The Killers song “Move Away” for the first time during the end credits and TK was one of my favorite bands at the time (and still is).
20. a song that empowers you
It gotta be Dead! by My Chemical Romance:
This album was what got me through all the shit that happened when I was 15+ and especially this song always made (and still makes) me feel so good. I often listened to my old mp3 player while walking to school and back home and every time this song came by, I just felt like nothing can harm and that life FINALLY was so great! It’s so energetic and still makes me feel that living is actually super awesome.
26. a song that taught you a lesson
Hmmm. I think I will answer to this with Dusche by Farin Urlaub.
That thumbnail is terrible but... And why did I choose this song? Well, I’m all for the sound what comes to music and I’d say at least 80% of all lyrics go way over my head. I just don’t have the skills for understanding poetry and also very poetic lyrics make me go crazy. I hate not knowing and when I have to assume, guess and interpret something. I don’t want to guess but I wanna know what someone has actually thought.
Dusche was the first song that had lyrics that for the first time ever actually spoke for me. I probably saw some video with English subtitles a fan had made and it just blew me away because holy shit, people are capable of writing lyrics even I can understand??? And that way I realized I can like lyrics but only if they make absolutely no sense (aka are funny or somewhat crazy, like Dusche) or when they are written in a story form or sung from the 1st person view or to “you” or in passive - but only if I can get behind the idea there.
After Dusche, Farin’s song Porzellan followed. And one of my absolute favourites is Karten. So, Farin is one of the only few people whose lyrics I have been able to understand. I still don’t hear lyrics and don’t understand a majority of the lyrics my fave bands write, and I have understood only a couple of Bela’s lyrics and I’m not sure if I’ve understood any of Rod’s lyrics. It’s not even about the language barrier anymore really, it’s just the topics or wordings I cannot comprehend.
Thank you again for the ask! This was very interesting to ponder and answer to :)
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top ten favorite fics of all time? can be any ship you want!
You beautiful angel from the heavens above! Thank you for this ask!! I am literally bursting at the seams with all the screaming I want to do for drarry! (Which if you have been frequenting your dash, would be spammed with the arts, courtesy yours truly- no need to thank me//making grabby hands at you//).
Ah! Umm! Ughh the difficult part of this ask is to choose among the spectacular stuff I have read//wails// So here is ten stuff which is close to my heart (changes constantly because I am a fickle-minded fangirl who is easily distracted by the New Shiny Thing and still rereads the Classics and the ‘Not so popular but Totally - guilty pleasure - fluffy works’).
This is a Long Post. For skipping this, please click “J”. Thanks!
Image Received by Trashness - SouMako 13k words 
Mobile phones are amazing and dangerous.They are communication devices, word processors, flashlights, calculators, gaming platforms, cameras…And capable of sending terrible photos to your crush, which end up being the perfect ice breaker(aka: Yes that is my naked ass on your phone. I am filled with shame and regret, but we somehow have a weird friendship out of it)
Entirely too funny and absurdly endearing work that has completely won me over! The friendship is hilarious and oh! Ace!Haru ftw!!
A Place to Call Home by Potatopierrot - AkaFuri 18k words
It was up to Kouki to show Seijuurou that imperfection was not a disability, that they were all only human.
An extremely underrated but utterly heartwarming work that deserves all the praise. This was one of the first works I read when I jumped onto the akafuri wagon and I still hold this very dearly in high praise. The dynamic of their relationship in this made me sit up and notice Akashi and Furihata very very differently than their usual fanon portrayals.
Denial is not just a river in Egypt by Ad_Astra - MakoRin 68k words
Rin comes to terms with something he never thought he wanted.
The classic case of Friends with Benefits to Something More - Which the author wanted to stop with the Friends with Benefits but ended up writing a whole 70k saga which incidentally became the MakoRin Bible. All of Astra’s works are hilariously charming and cheesy and sassy that you can never get enough of it!
Here are the Drarry works I picked out from the Best Ever and honestly, I am not doing any justice because there are just so many which are just too good, you can easily drown and I will take all the blame for it. Happily. 
All Our Secrets Laid Bare by @firethesound - 150k words
Over the six years Draco Malfoy has been an Auror, four of his partners have turned up dead. Harry Potter is assigned as his newest partner to investigate just what is going on.
If you need a work that just makes you wonder and enjoy and relish every single word written then this is the work for you! Also, pocketsies!!
The Standard You Walk Past by @bafflinghaze - 47k words
On returning to Hogwarts for their Eighth Year, Headmistress McGonagall decided to room Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter together. She may have hoped for a leading example of house unity; the other students fully expected insults and fights. But nothing happened.
That was, until Harry sleepwalked into Draco’s bed.
Such a beautiful work oh my god! Draco is so so caring here and he is cursed and he still helps Harry out, albiet unwillingly at first and its so poignant! Ahh!
Azoth by Zeitgeistic - 88k words
Now that Harry is back at Hogwarts with Hermione for eighth year, he realises that something’s missing from his life, and it either has to do with Ron, his boggart, Snape, or Malfoy. Furthermore, what, exactly, does it mean when one’s life is defined by the desire to simultaneously impress and annoy a portrait? Harry has no idea; he’s too busy trying not to be in love with Malfoy to care.
The author is the go to person for any, I repeat, any explanation regarding the working of magic. The work is marvelous and detailed and intriguing and! Portrait!Snape at his snarky best!!
Helix by Saras_Girl - 93k words
Seven months after the end of the war, Harry is feeling lost. Fortunately, he is about to be offered an unexpected and sparkling chance to find himself again.
Anything by Saras_Girl is a must read. Anything. There are simply no questions. She has the command over the imagery of words that is incomparable. If you are starting out with Harry Potter Fanworks in general, please give this a try. I will swear, on my life, its so worth it. 
Pocket Full of Starlight (Never Let it Fade Away) by @femmequixotic and @noeeon - 46k words
When Scorpius Malfoy and Jamie Potter meet at Quidditch camp, they take an instant dislike to each other. Then they discover their lives are more connected than they could possibly imagine.
Parent Trap AU!! And oh man! So stunningly written! I almost cried when Draco hugs James and during the scene in the Hotel. The writing is exceptionally beautiful and you should definitely read it!
In the Shadow of your Heart by @lqtraintracks - 52k words
And thus began the very strange circumstance of their fake dating in public and real fucking in absolute secret. It was, with no comparison, the weirdest relationship Draco had ever been in – which was to say, it wasn’t one.
Fake Pretend Relationship and……wait for it…..Friends With Benefits trope!! At the same time! It makes sense…..in a way. And So Damn Good. Holy shit I am crying at the beauty of this hilarious fic I love it so much!
In Evidence of Magical Theory by @bixgirl1 - 43k words
In which Harry and Draco can’t fight, and so they fall in love instead. When a hex meant for Draco accidentally catches Harry as well, the pair are forced to learn to understand each other in ways they previously might have thought impossible.
Magical Theories at their finest! A rec list should have atleast one Bonding fic in it and whats better than the best! This is so carefully constructed and beautifully written and I am so in awe of this fic! Ahhhh!
He was He and I was Bunny by bryoneybrynn - 37k words
The war is over and “eighth year” is about to begin at Hogwarts. But for Harry and Draco, nothing is quite the same. Harry’s looking for an escape, Draco’s looking for a friend. Does a little black bunny hold the answers for both of our boys?
Animagus as Bunny!Harry and Snarky Draco who rants to him about him…..all the time. Its funny and gorgeous and crazily wonderful and ahhh yes!!!!
All these are just tip of the ice berg, if you are willing, please check out the other works of these authors and believe me, they will sweep you off your feet. The HP fandom has some of the classiest, astoundingly magnificent works known to the Internet. Thank you JKR for making all of these wonderful writers fall for your writing and create these works for us to enjoy. 
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fledgesfancies · 4 years
Top Tropes
Aaaa apparently it’s been a week since I’ve had any kind of activity on here, apologies if anyone was missing me but I am so busy, still working on two fic challenges due at the end of November! And I had my flu jab, and it really knocked me sideways for 3 days (better that than actually getting the flu, if the strength of my immune response is anything to go by!)
Just to keep everyone amused, I thought I’d put together a list of my Top Ten tropes in fanfic/art. The sort of tags which instantly capture my attention and make me curious to read/see more! Most of my own writing tends to fall under one or more of these tropes, it goes without saying. If you feel like playing along, please tag me in your post so I can check out yours! 😘
1. Transformation/inhuman - one or both of the boys are (or are turned into) monsters, animals, dragons, angels, demons, ghosts, aliens, fae, elementals, cosmic entities, androids, spaceships, gender swap, de-aged - you name it, I don't care, I love it! Whether temporary, permanent or always-like-this. 
2. Collaring/slavery - rescue and hurt-comfort tropes ftw. Also collaring/claiming/ownership themes. There’s just something about putting one or both of the boys into a collar...
3.  Twincest/Selfcest - Sex with identical twins, clones, shapeshifters/doppelgangers, possessing angels or alternate selves from a different timeline or universe (bonus for age difference!) I am hugely greedy for this trope, especially when it concerns Dean and/or Jensen (or Alec, or Priestly...) and I can’t believe I forgot about it and had to ETA this whole list. 🤦‍♀️
4. Diminished capacity - Comatose, delusional, drugged, possessed, trapped in dreams/virtual reality, social/communication or mental health disorder, PTSD, Stockholm Syndrome, abnormal upbringing (OK isn’t that one just canon to SPN?), sensory impairment, brainwashed/programmed, enspelled; any scenario which renders one or both vulnerable and may raise questions of dub-con BUT must involve caring responsibility and not veer into non-con territory between the boys. It's a fine line to walk. Get it wrong and you trigger my biggest squick and condemnation! Underage NOT included (unless it’s de-aging, see above). 
5. Extra Inhuman Appendages - Wings - Either the boys have them, or they feature prominently in an adversary or inhuman friend/lover. (We all know angels have wings, but I’m talking about making them a focal point of the story.) It’s more about the wings than actual flight. Especially touching/preening them. Tails - A special mention should go here to Major (Colonel) John Sheppard in the SGA fandom, to whom I gave a tail. I also love Dean’s squirrel tail in @reshipkmn‘s art. Tentacles - not so much as a part of my boys, but used upon them 😏😋 It's also SPN canon that Dean has a tentacle fetish! Now that’s fan service. Horns - I eagerly await a young demon!Sam story in the SPNRB challenge posting next month, the artwork was to die for and he has wings, horns AND a tail! (Throw in little hoofies and that’s it, I’ll be a wreck! 🥰)
6. ABO - any combination, any trope, the only one I'm really not keen on (ironically) is mpreg. I avoided this entire trope (genre?) for years because of mpreg, but when I finally gave in, I fell hard for the entire concept. I’ve nothing against mpreg per se, I just don’t really want to read fic about being pregnant and having kids. Also my predilections are for Wincest, and that raises some difficult issues. Though there’s an exception to every rule, and The Killing Moon by Poisontaster would be mine!
7. Car fic - Specific to the Supernatural fandom, but it’s been my OTF for 15 years now, so. Sex in/with the Impala, Baby POV, Baby turns human, boys' consciousness trapped in Baby... I love Baby! Never. Hurt. Her. >:( (I also love AU stories where Baby is, by necessity, not a car but some other appropriate mode of transport - such as a horse or a spaceship! Maybe don't have sex with Baby as a horse, I'm just saying...)
8. Murder husbands - dark alternates, whether demon/boy king of Hell, serial killers, crime lords or monsters. Can be as dark and depraved as you like, but the boys MUST love and look after one another.
9. Sex pollen/fuck or die/forced mating - scenarios which are forced dub or non-con but not (eventually) unwelcome and help to establish an ongoing relationship. Cheesy but delicious. Especially useful in a pairing where there are more reasons than most to avoid getting together (incest).
10. Bondage and domination - I LOVE these elements of bdsm and this trope would be higher on the list except that I really don’t care for discipline or S&M, except at its mildest. And it is very hard to find fic which doesn’t incorporate them all - or is written so well, with compassion and real understanding (insight), that it doesn’t trigger my innate don’t make my boys hurt each other reflex. All of this applies to consensual bdsm, by the way - if it’s *specified* non-con (with an adversary, or one boy turned dark) then everything can be unleashed! 😈 I’m good with any amount of survivable whump they’re not supposed to enjoy!
That is... quite a list. I realise I may be a bit of an odd duck, but I’m quite harmless and a very nice person, I assure you! 😘
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throwmethatcello · 7 years
well, sorry now you gotta tell me your favorite animes! (i'm the same anon from before, the one who asked about tv shows, not the mean one lol)
Yassss, you my friend are asking all the right questions. Here are my faves in order of how many times I’ve rewatched the shit out of each one, plus a little comment because i love them so much and hope you all watch them. 1) Nodame Cantabile: Basically a very well written a romcom about musicians. Good content, hella cute relationship progress, realistic topics and character development. Watched it like 4 times, 10/10 would watch again, especially the last season. Lots of classical music it’s a huge plus and also Chiaki is FINE. 
2) Fullmetal alchemist: Brotherhood: WHAT THE SHIT. This anime is too good. A complex story, lots of good characters, politics, female representation ftw, and do you know how rare it is to see an anime that properly adresses racial issues as an important element of the plot?? Fuck man this show is so good and made me ugly cry 12 times, also ROY FREAKING MUSTANG THE FLAME GODDAMN ALCHEMIST AM I RIGHT.3) Death Note: Dude. It’s a classic for a reason. Entertaining af. The second part after *huge spoiler of the show* happens is a little meh but still. 
4) Steins;Gate: Yassss. Physics, Time travel, parallel universes, crazy ass protagonist with an A+ development, LOVE. All my fave tropes are here. And the story is actually interesting and well telled. El psy congroo bitch.5) Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun: Fucking hilarious. Seriously it’s comedy gold, especially if you’re are remotely familiar with manga culture and basic japanese stuff. I personally prefer the manga which is a masterpiece but the anime is also pretty good. 6) Slam Dunk: It’s from the 90s so it might seem a little outdated but NO. A bunch of hot ripped dudes playing basketball, an amazing art work and the comedy is on point. The anime never finished tho and that sucks, but the manga did and it’s 10 times better, seriously the art style is ridiculously good.7) Attack on Titan: Surprise! But seriously tho, it’s such a good concept and I love how you never know where the plot is gonna take you. Also, captain Levi of the Survey corps can punch me in the face and i would be grateful. 8) Sket Dance: Idk i just love it??? It’s such a random anime and very few people know about it but i think it’s so fucking funny. At first it seems like the classic episodic comedy with no continuity but it slowly goes developing subplots and they’re so interesting and dramatic!! This anime really knows how to go from buttmonkey humor to real drama with such mastery, like one minute you’re laughing your ass off and the next you’re crying like a bitch and I respect a show that can do that to me. Also the manga is GREAT and unlike the anime, it has an ending and it will leave you sobbing in your bed hugging the pillows. 
9) Black Lagoon: Lmao this anime is so fucked up and so over the top it actually works. It’s basically a huge 90′s action pastiche with guns, gangsters, mafia, guns, drug dealers, a shit ton of guns and yakuza. Some lines are so cheesy and 90ish but they somehow work?? how they do it?? And there’s Balalaika OMG BALALAIKA she’s too cool to punch me but she would 100% step on me and it’d be amazing. 10) The melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: Love it, so random, so silly yet so clever, so basic yet so complex. Kyon’s narration makes everything hilarious and yeah, i love the whole god/time traveler/alien/esp shit. Also, in a quite unpopular opinion, i really loved season 2??? Like everyone was so pissed about the episodes being the same but I really got it and enjoyed each and everyone of them, like ???EDIT- OMG I totally forgot Yuri on fucking ice wth is wrong with meYuri!!! on Ice: Brilliant. Pure. Amazing. Talented. Showstopping (Insert Lady Gaga gif) GAY. This anime is so cute and so realistic, with such real adulthood topics and issues. Also when the animation was bad it was pretty bad lol, but when it was good it was HEAVENLY OMG. Anyways this anime would probably be in 3rd or 4rth place if I hadn’t forgot about it for  a moment like a goddamn fool.
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kingdomoftyto · 6 years
Had a lot of free time sitting around today and finished reading this mushy-as-hell Klance fic https://archiveofourown.org/series/520912 The first part is great as a cheesy standalone (accidentally-dating trope ftw), but the longer main fic is full of delicious pining and angst, and fairly riveting mission stuff, too Keith is such an awkward gay MESS but I love him
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Chapters: 16/16 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Neighbors, wifi stealing, internet thievery, Gay Male Character, Bisexual Male Character, Sharing a Bed, Strangers to Lovers, Cuddling & Snuggling, Sex Toys, Dildos, Anal Sex, Rimming, Public Nudity, Nudism, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Sam Ships It, Winged Castiel, Office AU, Mind Reading, Psychic Abilities, Psychic Castiel, Enemies to Lovers, Kinda, Gratuitous Smut, Dean Loves Pie, Dom/sub Undertones, Kinda? Begging counts right?, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, for them anyway, Frottage, Two Person Love Triangle, Hand Jobs, Case Fic, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Making Out, Clueless Sam, Bisexual Dean, no prep is a thing, trust me i'm a doctor, not really but i've had the butt sex, power bottoms ftw, always use lube kids, no lube may be a thing but shouldn't be, and no lube only applies in mutual trust and mutual consent situations, and only when the bottom bottoms frequently, fuck it read the overlay Series: Part 2 of CheesyTropes Summary:
Cheesy Trope Request from Readers.
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