#cheese cubes🧀
cheesemenace · 3 months
I have been using this app called "Choice of Games" and it is awesome. I have always wanted to play a game/read a book that is really focused on reader/player choices and this has a TON of stories/games to play- some are free, while most cost money, but it is really enjoyable. Just wanted to post about it in case anyone else is interested.
Right now I am reading/playing "Noblesse Oblige", which is free and allows you to choose your pronouns as well as choose the gender of potential love interest/friends. (you can be aro, ace or poly too! which is something I don't see a lot in games or in books much/at all).
Sorry for the small rant, I am just so excited about this. (Another one I just started is called "Creatures Such as We").
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foodshowxyz · 2 months
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Cheese-Stuffed Meatballs Recipe
• 500g ground beef 🥩
• 1 egg 🥚
• 50g breadcrumbs 🍞
• 50g grated Parmesan cheese 🧀
• 2 cloves garlic, minced 🧄
• 1 teaspoon salt 🧂
• 1 teaspoon black pepper 🌶️
• 100g mozzarella cheese, cut into small cubes 🧀
• 2 tablespoons olive oil 🫒
1. Prepare the Meat Mixture:
• In a large bowl, combine ground beef, egg, breadcrumbs, Parmesan cheese, minced garlic, salt, and black pepper. Mix well until all ingredients are evenly distributed.
2. Shape the Meatballs:
• Take a small amount of the meat mixture (about the size of a golf ball). Flatten it in your palm and place a cube of mozzarella cheese in the center. Fold the meat mixture around the cheese, ensuring it is completely sealed.
3. Cook the Meatballs:
• Heat olive oil in a large frying pan over medium heat. Add the meatballs and cook, turning occasionally, until they are browned on all sides and cooked through (about 10-15 minutes).
4. Serve:
• Transfer the cooked meatballs to a plate lined with paper towels to drain any excess oil. Serve hot with your favorite dipping sauce or over pasta.
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scotianostra · 8 months
1. You consider scattered showers with outbreaks of sunshine 🌞 as good weather.
2. The only sausage you like is square.
3. You were forced to do Scottish country dancing 🕺🏻
every year at secondary school.
4. You have a wide vocabulary of Scottish words such as numpty, aye, aye right, auldyin, baltic...
5. You destroyed your teeth when you were young using Buchanan's toffee, Wham bars, Penny Dainties, MB Bars, Cola Cubes etc
6. You have an enormous feeling of dread whenever Scotland play a 'numpty' team like the Faroe Islands.
7. You happily engage in a conversation about the weather with someone you've never met before.
8. Even if you normally hate the Proclaimers, Runrig, Caledonia , Deacon Blue and Big Country, you still love it when you're in a club abroad and they play something Scottish.
9. You used to watch Glen Michael's Cavalcade on a Sunday afternoon with his side kick Lamp Paladin.
10. You got Oor Wullie and The Broons annuals at Xmas.
11. You can tell where another Scot is from by their accent - "Awright, pal, gonnae gies a wee swatch oa yur Sun ? Cheers, magic pal." Or "Fit ya bin up tae ? Fair few quines in the nicht, eh ?", etc
12. You see cops and hear someone shout 'Errapolis'.
13. You have participated in or watched people having a 'square go'.
14. You know that when someone asks you what school you went to they only want to know if you are catholic or protestant.
15. You have eaten lots and lots of random Scottish food like mince 'n tatties, Tunnock's Caramel Logs, oat cakes, haggis, Cullen skink, Lees Macaroon Bars, etc.
16. A jakey has asked you for money.
17. You think nothing of waiting expectantly for your 1p change from a shop keeper.
18. You know the right response to 'Ye dancing ?' is 'Y'askin?' followed by 'Ahm askin' and finally 'Then ahm dancin'. 💃
19. Whenever you see sawdust it reminds you of pools of vomit as that's what the jannies used to chuck on it at school.
20. You lose all respect for a groom 🤵 who doesn't wear a kilt.
21. You don't do 🛒 shopping ... you 'go the messages'.
22. You're sitting on the train 🚂 or bus and a 😵 drunk man sits next to you telling you a joke - and asking 'Ahm no annoying ye ahm a?' and you respond 'Naw, not at a', yer fine. This is ma stoap, but'. 🛑
23. You can have an entire phone 📞 conversation using only the words 'awright', 'aye' and 'naw'.
24. You have experienced peer pressure to have an alcoholic drink 🍷 when out - regardless of the circumstances.
25. You know that ye cannae fling yer pieces 🍞 oot a 20 storey flat, and that seven hundred hungry weans'll testify tae that. Furthermore you're sure that if it's butter, 🧀 cheese or jeely, or if the breid is plain or pan, the odds against it reaching earth are 99 tae wan.
26. You know that going to a party 🥳 at a friend's house involves bringing your own drink.
27. Your holiday abroad is ruined if you hear there is a heatwave in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 while you're away.
28. Your national team goes 2-0 up again the Czechs in a qualifier in Prague and your mate says we'll end up losing 3-2 here and you think "Probably". ⚽️
29. You can properly pronounce McConnochie, Ecclefechan, Milngavie, and Auchtermuchty.
30. Your favourite pizza is deep fried and battered from the chippy.
31. You're used to 4 💨 ☔️ ☀️ ❄️ seasons in one day.
32. You can't pass a chip shop or kebab shop, without drooling, when your 🥴 drunk.
33. You can fall about 😵 drunk without spilling your drink.
34. You measure distance in minutes.
35. You can understand Rab C Nesbitt and know characters just like them in your own family.
36. You go to Saltcoats because you think it's like being at the ocean.
37. You can make a whole sentence out of just swear words.
38. You know what haggis is made with and still eat it.
39. Somebody you know used a football 🥅 schedule to plan their 💒 day date.
40. You've been at a 👰 🎩 wedding where the footie results were read out.
41. You aren't surprised to find curries, pizzas 🍕 kebabs, Irn Bru, nappies and fags all for sale in one shop.
42. Your seaside holiday home has Calor ⛽️ gas under it.
43. You know that Irn Bru is an infallible hangover 😵 cure.
44. You understand all the above and are going to send it to your pals.
45. and, finally, you are 100 per cent Scottish if you have ever used these terms - "How's it hingin'?", "clatty", "boggin", "cludgie", "dreich", "bampot", and "dubble nugget"..
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catindabag · 8 months
Some extra “facts” and interesting weird info about a certain self proclaimed tiger lady house cat in my TBOSAS on Crack!AU.
One of my great THG buddies was asking about Tigris Snow and her weird cheese addiction. So I just had to write some things down before I write my next short take.
Tigris Snow is extremely addicted to cheese. She’s a certified cheese addict and “cheese thief” since the day she and her little cousin (Coryo) lost their marbles after the war ended.🧀
No one knows why, but little Tigris Snow claimed that the “cheese fairies” came to her in a dream one day and saved her and her little cousin from death and starvation.
Don’t worry. Crazy Coryo Snow doesn’t mind that his poor cousin is addicted to cheese and believes in some “mythical” cheese fairies. He has his own addictions (cabbages) and problems (Highbottom & Dr. Gaul) to worry about.
In truth, Coryo’s “mythical” cabbage deities and lima bean elves commanded him to ignore the “calling of the cheese” in order to stay pretty for his sugar daddy (Sejanus).
At least both of them inherited their family’s rare ability to bargain with wild animals. They can even converse with “sacred” rabid raccoons, poisonous snakes, and wild squirrels without getting attacked.
Meanwhile, the Creeds can talk to sewer rats and fat chinchillas for some reason.
And the Ravinstills have a rare ability to command an army of Bichon Frisé puppies to do their dirty jobs for them.
Sadly, Tigris was recently fired by Fabricia Whatnot for secretly stealing and eating expensive cheese cubes and cheddar chicken sandwiches all day.
She said that her cheese fairies made her do it. A food sacrifice must be made before the “hour of the owl” in order to satisfy the ancient cheese deities of the “Golden Arches” (McDonald’s) who once ruled Panem (America) even before it existed.
Moreover, our sweet tiger was actually sewing and hiding little cheese cubes inside some of the dresses on accident purpose without Fabricia noticing. Her co-workers didn’t even know about the cheese cubes until some unfortunate lady complained about the smell.😔
That’s why our dear Tigris Snow is currently unemployed and living her best happy-go-lucky “house cat” life in Corso.
But crazy unemployed Nero Price is her worst nightmare. He’s a self proclaimed werewolf who howls at the moon all night.
She’s a poor skinny cat and Price is a crazy werewolf who runs around the city (like a wild dog) looking for rabid raccoons and Peacekeepers to fight. So it’s better for the tiger to stay home with the Grandma’am.
At least her little cousin (Coryo) buys her the best cheese tarts and sugar sticks after school (using his rich sugar daddy’s money of course).
So yeah. Tigris Snow is now the NEET (not in education, employment or training) Cat Queen in this weird universe.
However, the Grandma’am doesn’t mind. She already has big plans with old Strabo Plinth to rule Panem from the shadows after Coryo marries into the Plinth family and their fortune.
And yes, our poor malnourish looking Cabbage Boy (Coryo) is actually the real breadwinner of the family.
Coryo marrying his long time sugar daddy boyfriend (Sejanus) was the best decision he and his family ever made.🥰
At least love-struck Sejanus Plinth was willing to pay for his poor sugar baby’s bills, rent, and groceries.
So after Coryo and Seji Pie got married and had their 24 (and more) babies, crazy cat auntie Tigris decided to finally settle down and became an official cheese merchant in Corso.
She (now) even has the time to talk to her mythical cheese fairy friends without being interrupted by evil Fabricia Whatnot.
She, along with Ma Plinth also like to spend old Strabo Plinth’s filthy money on the sweetest cheesecakes and weird looking clothing hangers every weekend.
Unfortunately, Ma Plinth is the only sane person who believes in Tigris Snow’s little cheese fairy friends.
Ma even joined Tigris Snow’s little secret organization called ✨The Cult of The Golden Arches✨. But to be fair, crazy Palmyra Monty and Festus Creed are the only other official members of her cult.
Too bad. Nobody could see those little cheese fairies except for Tigris and Coryo.
However, poor crazy Coryo likes to ignore his cousin’s mythical “beasts” because he claims that his cabbage deities and lima bean elves don’t want him to bow and worship some weird annoying creatures who divided the old world with their “Golden Arches” (McDonald’s).
Reject the cheese! Bow before the cabbage!
Yeah, I know. The poor Snow cousins are unashamedly crazy and delusional with their cheese fairies, ancient food deities, sacred animals, talking cabbages, and lima bean elves.😂
But don’t be sad. Our crazy cheese tiger is still into fashion and making clothes for her little cousin and his 24 (and more) gorgeous children with Sejanus.
But selling and eating cheese is her true passion and calling (in this life anyway).🧀
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La Squadra and how they manage to survive the summer because...you guessed it, they are too poor and Diavolo won't give them a break lol 🤣🤣
Risotto ✂️: steal all the fans in the lair
He's the boss so he has all the rights to gather the fans around him. Being so pale also is a curse for him cause he doesn't tan...he becomes la Pimpa's cousin ( la pimpa is a red and white dog from a children's book if you don't know)
No matter how much sunscreen he puts on, the sun will burn him either way...so he prefers to stay inside sorrounded by his lil army of windy electronic slaves.
No one dares to say anything to him, a mad risotto means ouchies for the others.
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Prosciutto 🍖: Circolo Arci lifestyle
This sicilian hottie ( benny stop simping for Gucci's sake!!) Has way too much class to let the summer's heat wave reduce him to an ameba!
So in all his years of experience he found the perfect place to hide during the warmest days: the local Circolo Arci's bar! He will go there around 13 pm and stay till 19:30, where he'll either watch tv or play cards with the senior citizens who also came to seek refuge from the heat wave.
Call him old, but at least he can enjoy the air conditioning system as much as he wants, even if that means loose at Briscola every single time.
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Formaggio 🧀: I'm not an alcoholic, i'm a sommelier
Formaggio, being the king of drinks, will make cold cocktails for everyone...but especially for himself.
Using Little Feet he'll also shrink so he can lay on the ice cubes and enjoy the freshness till he can, even swimming in a cold glass of Gin Lemon!! Illuso one time found him using a lemon slice as a floatie.
After a long, tiring, hot day there's nothing better than the cheese man famous Negroni Sbagliato; but watch out for the ice...he may have layed there commando previously, just ask for the ones in the freezer, just in case..
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Melone 🍈: decency? What's that?
You guessed it, this tuscan weirdo will literally walk around his apartment totally naked with the windows open; he won't absolutely care about the screams of the neighbours or that someone might call the police, IS TOO HOT TO BOTHER!!
If he lived closer to tuscany he would have escaped to Follonica a loooong time ago, but since he has to stay nearby ( and honestly he hates Napoli's beach ) for the missions he just cosplay as Adam inside his own house.
He has to put stickers notes on the fridge to remember to get dressed before gljng out tho, one time he forgot and his neighbour screamed so loud she cracked a window...
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Illuso 🔎: local swimming pool diva
Sun hat? Check! Versace swimsuit? Check! Will to ruin everybody elses fun time? C H E C K~
Illuso is the person you DON'T wanna have to deal with at your local swimming pool area: he is loud, snarky, will make children cry, be a karen to the staff...JUST CAUSE HE IS BORED!!
You'll see him coming looking like an italian Barbie malibu, and once he decides he wants your spot in the pool, he'll make everything in his power to make you leave...
Luckily summer only last 3 months...
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Ghiaccio 🧊: the lucky b*tch
His stand it's his blessing during the summer, White Album automatically regulates his body temperature so he is never too hot or too cold! The lucky b*stard smirks and walk around the lair not breaking a sweat!!
He will wear only a pair of light sweatpants, chug a beer and snicker " Why so bothered? Is not THAT hot ahahahah!!"
Either that or he'll go train early in the morning like gym bro he is, some say he'll even whistle while doing push ups.
Ghiaccio doesn't like summer, but he likes seeing people miserable soooo...it is what it is
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enchantedchocolatebars · 11 months
Hexside Squad's favorite cheeses? 🧀
Luz - Cheddar. 🧀
Amity - Mozzarella. 🧀
Willow - Cream Cheese (especially the chive and onion kind). 🧀
Gus - American Cheese. 🧀
Hunter - ALL CHEESE. 🧀 🧀 🧀 🧀 🧀
Vee - Cubed Cheese. 🧀
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montied · 6 months
hello, this is for the mutual guessing ask game!
hint: artist, 🏳️‍🌈, 🤦🐈🐈🧀🫖🧊🕛🎹🎻✏
sorry not sorry :}
okay artist and rainbow flag narrow it down precisely none. lmao.
facepalm? dont know. so far its giving moon vibes though.
two cats..... continuing with the moon theory i think...
cheese? i love cheese. not a clue i recognise though
ice cube????????
clock/midnight??? midnight. sorta sounds like moonlight. i guess???
piano, violin. again continuing with my moon theory
okay i'll bite the bullet. @moonlight19256, this you?
[btw this is from this game - if anyone else wants to do this, please do!!!!!!!]
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culturecalypsosblog · 2 years
Today’s Recipes Of Skyrim blog series is Stormcloak Camp Potato Chedder Soup & Garlic Bread
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This dish is a staple at every farmstead & crofters cottage across Skyrim. Simple but hearty it gives a bone deep warmth that better prepares anyone for the days labor ahead. Be they adventuring, tending a shop, or working the fields.
Stormcloak Camp Potato Cheddar Soup
Prep: 10 minutes
Cooking: 30 minutes
Makes: 4 servings
Pairs well with: Garlic Bread
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 small onion minced
2 tablespoons all purpose flour
2 cups chicken broth plus more as needed
1/2 cup of whole milk
3 or 4 medium russet potatoes peeled & cubed about 1 lb
1/2 shredded cheddar cheese
1 teaspoon Stormcloak seasoning (see below)
1/2 cup heavy cream
Cooked crumbled bacon for garnishing & you can put more directly into the soup (optional) 
1. Melt the butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add the onion & cook for several minutes, Until the onion is soft and fragrant. Sprinkle the flower in and stir to combine before continuing to cook for a few minutes more making a roux, until the flour is fully incorporated.
2. Add the chicken broth and milk, followed by the cubed potatoes. Turn up the heat so the mixture simmers, & cook until the potatoes are quite soft, about 15-20 minutes. Using an immersion blender or a potato masher, blend the soup until it is an even texture. Add the cheddar cheese and the stormcloak seasoning, (see below) And just enough of the cream to get the consistency you like. Ladle into serving dishes and top with the crumbled bacon if desired.
Tip: This recipe can be scaled up for more servings by simply adding 1 potato & increasing the amount of liquid & cheese
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Garlic Bread
Nothing pairs with a nice hearty soup quite like a slice or two of thick bread topped with butter, garlic & herbs. This easy & quick recipe makes enough for surprise guests or the whole family, and as an added bonus, garlic is good for your heath, stamina, & magicka.
Prep: 5 minutes
Cooking: 15 minutes
Makes: 8 servings
Pairs well with: Any soup or pasta dish
1 (16 ounce) loaf Italian bread
1/2 cup (1 stick) salted butter, softened
3 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped fine or dried ground
1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
1. Preheat the oven to 350° andd set out a large baking sheet. Slice the loaf of bread into pieces 1 inch thick. And place these on the baking sheet In a small bowl, combine the butter, garlic, & parsley. For a stronger flavor let the butter and garlic sit for a few hours before spreading.
2. Spread the mixture evenly onto each slice of bread then bake for about 10 minutes or until the butter has soaked into the bread.
3. Remove from the oven and turn on the broiler. Sprinkle the Parmesan cheese on top of each slice, then place under the broiler for a few minutes, until the cheese is melted & slightly golden. Serve right away.
Stormcloak seasoning
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2 tsp dried dill
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 tsp mustard powder
2 tsp fennel seeds
Grind all ingredients together with mortar and pestle and store in an airtight container.
I hope you enjoy this blog more to follow shortly,
Culture Calypso’s Blog 🗻🥣🧀🥔🥖
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xxthat-rat-boixx · 7 months
-sincerely, the Cheese Wizard 🪄🧀
Love me some good cheese. Cubed Colby jack is my fav
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alexd365 · 1 year
¡Hello everyone, this is a my favorite recipe! 🌿🧑🏻‍🍳🍝
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¿How to make pasta?
You will need to:
• 3 (three) tomatoes 🍅
• Half an onion 🧅
• Half a cup of olive oil 🫒
• 2 "CONSOMATE®" Cubes 🍅🐤
• 4 pieces bay leaf. 🌿
• 1 teaspoon ground dried oregano 🌿
• 1 Package Spaghetti Pasta (200 g) 🍝
• 1/4 cup fresh basil basil leaves, disinfected and chopped 🌿
• 100 grams grated Parmesan cheese 🧀
Let's cook! 🧑🏻‍🍳✨
1. For the sauce, blend the tomatoes with the onion, garlic, olive oil, tomato puree and "CONSOMATE®" Tomato Concentrate with Chicken. Heat over medium heat until it boils slightly, add the bay leaves and oregano, cook for 3 more minutes. 🔍
Presentation 🫰🏻
2. Mix the previously cooked and drained pasta with the sauce, serve and decorate with the basil leaves and Parmesan cheese. ¡And ready!
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cheesemenace · 2 months
sorry for being so inactive i got addicted to more mobile games 🙏🙏🙏
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foodshowxyz · 2 months
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Cheese-Stuffed Balls Recipe 🧀
250 g mozzarella cheese, cut into cubes 🧀
100 g grated Parmesan cheese 🧀
200 g breadcrumbs 🍞
50 g sesame seeds 🌾
2 large eggs 🥚
100 g all-purpose flour 🌾
100 g diced bacon (optional) 🥓
Salt and pepper to taste 🧂
Olive oil spray 🛢️
Prepare the Filling:
Cut the mozzarella cheese into small cubes.
In a bowl, mix the grated Parmesan cheese with the mozzarella cubes.
Coating Preparation:
In one bowl, place the flour.
In a second bowl, beat the eggs.
In a third bowl, mix the breadcrumbs and sesame seeds.
Take a small handful of the cheese mixture and form it into a ball around a cube of mozzarella.
If using bacon, add a small amount of diced bacon inside the cheese ball.
Roll each cheese ball in the flour, then dip it into the beaten eggs, and finally roll it in the breadcrumb-sesame mixture until well-coated.
Preheat your oven to 200°C (390°F).
Place the coated cheese balls on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Lightly spray the cheese balls with olive oil to help them crisp up.
Bake in the preheated oven for about 15-20 minutes, or until golden brown and crispy.
Serve hot and enjoy the gooey, melty cheese goodness! 😋
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littlbowbub · 2 years
I'm curious what the queen of Sims recipes likes in real life 😚
🍫 I think I’m leaning more towards cheese 🙀 I prefer chocolate cake or biscuit to choccie on its own.. but if you put a cube of cheese and a piece of chocolate on a plate I think I’d turn into a little mouse 🐭🧀
🍪 I want to be all whimsical but I fear I may be a simple digestive biscuit.. but I’m going to give myself more credit and say a Viennese swirl because it looks like a cake but is a biscuit and pretty much sums me up with not knowing what im supposed to be half the time 🤣
🥤I’ve never had Starbucks 😱 but I have had a McDonald’s caramel frappe which was quite nice. Am I missing out??
I don’t know about queen 😅 but thank you ❤️
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windy-apple · 1 year
Why didn’t I buy that little container of snack cheese cubes at the store earlier? It was the good stuff, too. What was I thinking? 🧀
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recipeshub24 · 2 days
Pillsbury Biscuit Garlic Butter Cheese Bombs Pillsbury Biscuit Garlic Butter Cheese Bombs 🧄🧀🥖 Ingredients: 1 can (16.3 oz) Pillsbury refrigerated biscuits 8 oz mozzarella cheese (cut into ... 🍕🍟🥪 𝙑𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙠 𝙩𝙤 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙁𝙐𝙇𝙇 𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙥𝙚 🥙🥡🍖
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worm--teeth · 1 month
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642 tiny things to draw: a cube of swiss cheese
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